

Office Updater 2008 Stops working Microsoft Office for Mac

Office Updater 2008 Stops working Microsoft Office for Mac

Office Updater 2008 Stops working

Posted: 10 Aug 2008 08:04 AM PDT

wegierski wrote:

Have you recently updated your Mac OS X 10.5 system with the latest
security update from Apple (released on July 31)?

If so, this security update breaks all Microsoft Office 2008 updaters
from notifying you that you need to quit all Office applications.

To work around this, download the updater from Microsoft's web site
<>, log out of your Mac OS X
account and log in again with the Shift key held down. This will prevent
all startup items and Office daemons from running.

Run the updater and then restart your computer.

Diane is working on a blog post to explain more about this. Be sure to
check the blog link below and keep an eye for her post.

Hope this helps!



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Posted: 10 Aug 2008 06:37 AM PDT

It sounds like you are selecting only the labels without selecting the data
to be plotted. The size of pie slices, columns, etc. is determined by the
values being plotted, not by manual adjustment.

See the Help of whatever program you're using on the topic: Create a Chart

For future reference: Whenever you post it's a good idea to indicate not
only what program the problem pertains to but also what specific version of
that program. Charting, for example, can be done in Word & PowerPoint as
well as Excel. Also, in either of the three Charts can be created using the
Insert> Chart command or by way of Insert> Object> Microsoft Graph Chart
which results in a different process. Your message includes none of that

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 8/10/08 9:37 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Icon Size

Posted: 09 Aug 2008 11:07 AM PDT

"com" wrote:

Using keyboard shortcuts is one of the biggest time savers, but many users
just never use them. I'm not sure what the block is on this feature.

Tip: Start with a few shortcuts at a time to learn. Make a cheat sheet so
the shortcuts are easily seen. After a while, these will be second nature
and you can add a new set.

A third party product that helps is Keycue. The neat thing is it lets you
see your Entourage script shortcuts YOU ADDED in addition to the ones added
by the Entourage application. Works in all Mac applications. ($19.95)

KeyCue - find, remember, and learn menu shortcuts


Project Gallery setting save recent files option

Posted: 09 Aug 2008 09:04 AM PDT

Thanks for the wisdom. I appreciate it.
Ironically what I'm trying to hide is a list of my myriad passwords.


Email alert

Posted: 08 Aug 2008 01:05 PM PDT

"com" wrote:

Did you upgrade? This was fixed in the first update. You should be at


Problem wth removing/reinstalling Office 2004

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:31 PM PDT

Check this page for the updates to Office 2004. The 11.3.5 updater contains
the fix for the Identity upgrade issue. You can try just upgrading to this.

The AUOffice2004111EN sounds like an early upgrade that is probably no
longer available. It could also be for the AutoUpdate application and not

BTW, why did your use "Remove Office" in the first place? I'm suspecting
that you have underlying system problems that could have resulted in Office
problems. The Combo will often fix these, but if the problems are wide
spread it takes an "Archive & Install." A lot of people are scared of doing
an "Archive & Install" but it really is not hard and the last time I did it
I only had to re-install my Microsoft keyboard software.

"Archive and Install" moves existing system files to a folder named Previous
System and then installs Mac OS X again.

Just be sure to check Preserve Users and Network Settings when you select
Archive & Install.

Archive and Install

1) Insert the Mac OS X Install Disc and double-click the Install Mac OS X

2) Follow the onscreen instructions. In the pane where you select the
destination disk, select your current Mac OS X disk (in most cases, it will
be the only one available).

3) Click Options. If you want to save your existing files, users, and
network settings, select ³Archive and Install,² and then select ³Preserve
Users and Network Settings.² If you want to erase everything on your
computer and reinstall Mac OS X, select ³Erase and Install.² You can¹t
recover erased data.

4) Click Continue.

5) Click Customize to select which parts of Mac OS X you¹d like to install,
or click Install to perform a basic installation (recommended).

Once the install has finished, your system will be at whatever level the
disk you have is. So if your Install DVD/CD disk is 10.5.0, that's what
version of OS will be on your Mac. You will need to download the appropriate
Combo Updater from Apple's site to restore the system to a higher version.
After you run the combo, allow Software Update to download and install any
additional updates.


"rockmom5" wrote:

help searches

Posted: 06 Aug 2008 05:58 PM PDT

I believe most of the issues you're encountering are because you're using
Publishing Layout View. It's more oriented toward Desktop Publishing / Page
Layout work, not for the typical document construction you're accustomed to.
If you work in Print Layout or Draft View I think you'll be far more at

There's not much about adding a page because adding pages isn't something
you do in Word's conventional views. Publishing Layout is a new, radically
different feature of the program in the 2008 version. If you're in
Publishing Layout, New Page is the first command in the Insert menu, but
you're working in a totally different type of document structure.

As for the Help, there's no doubt it needs improvement. They are working to
do so, but it's a monumental task. If you're interested in learning more
about using Publishing Layout search Help for: publishing.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 8/7/08 11:50 AM, in article caR9absDaxw, "" <>

Office 2008 Files: Read Only, POSIX, ACLs Frustration!

Posted: 06 Aug 2008 04:17 PM PDT

Unfortunately, we haven't made any progress on this problem. The RTFD files
open and save without a problem. I am pretty confident at this point that it
is not a permissions problem with the server, as the permissions behave
correctly in every other application with every other type of file. As stated
earlier, they even behave if I open these supposedly "read only" files with
Open Office or Text Editor. Basically, every program that I try can open the
files correctly, except for Office 2008 programs.

We are now looking to get away from Leopard server and instead use our
Windows 2003 file server. For whatever the reason, Leopard Server is just not
playing nice with Office 2008. We do not run a complicated network and yet
have had nothing but problems with Leopard Server since we've installed it a
month ago. It's my opinion that the product, while it may work for some,
simply isn't ready for prime time (yet).

I'm going to also setup a linux based test server, enable SMB, and see if I
have similar problems with these Office 2008 files. That should give me a
hint if it's the SMB protocol itself, or if it's something that Apple has
done to the SMB implementation that doesn't play well with Office 2008.

Thanks again for your ideas!

Transfer contacts

Posted: 06 Aug 2008 03:43 PM PDT

"Michael Radie" wrote:

There are several options:

Entourage can import a .csv file. Just select the option in Outlook to
export as .csv or text file. In Entourage select the Import --> Contacts
from a text file --> tab delimited file and navigate to the .csv file.

Outlook2Mac...$10 <>

Use Paul Berkowitz's Export-Import Scripts (shareware). These are useful
even after you import your data. Download here



MAJOR PROBLEM: Entourage 2008 Reminders DOES NOT REFRESH every dayunless I log out and log in again!

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 11:10 PM PDT

Subnorry wrote:

I usually log out daily anyway so I would never see this problem myself.

You mention that you must log out and log in to get the Office Reminders
working. Have you verified that you don't simply need to restart
Entourage? I'm not saying that's an acceptable solution but it's a step
worth testing while troubleshooting.

Also, in Entourage try turning Office Reminders off and on again under
the Entourage menu. Does that have any effect?



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Left justifying numbers.

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 10:00 AM PDT

On 8/6/08 3:03 PM, in article,
"CyberTaz" <> wrote:
Sure. To convert the numbers back to text, in a new column, type the formula
=A1&" ". Fill this down for as long as you need. Then copy the data from
the new column, and paste-special-values back into the original cells. Now
all the numbers will be text. You could alternatively use the formula:
="'"&a1 to prefix all the numbers with an apostrophe, forcing the value to
be text. The apostrophe will not show in the cell.

Bob Greenblatt [MVP], Macintosh

Translate Word Perfect Files

Posted: 04 Aug 2008 08:18 PM PDT

Thank you both. I had never heard of AbiWord before. It did the trick. I will use the other PC filters on my work computer.

Word & Entourage crashing when Print is selected

Posted: 30 Jul 2008 01:07 PM PDT

To be helpful I found the solution (other people have solved similar problems
in other ways) -- but go to folder:
/Library/Printers/PPD Plugins
and trash the HP plugins in this folder and restart Word and printing to HP
printers should be fine.

"eyeless" wrote:


Saving to NFS shares reverts permissions to umask

Posted: 30 Jul 2008 06:19 AM PDT

Hi Bill, thanks for your reply.

I can confirm that this does not necessarily occur with other applications. For example, I tested with a .rtf file created and saved in TextEdit. I had another user create the file and save it to an NFS share (and set full read-write for everyone 777 permissions). I opened the file in TextEdit, made a change, and saved it. Checked permissions afterward: although *ownership* of the file changed from the other user to me, the mode of 777 was preserved, which would be the desired behavior for Office.

Those are the lines along which I was thinking: Office apps are not changing permissions per se on existing files (which, as you say, I don't think they would know anything about or be able to affect), but rather are creating new files and replacing existing files with these new files. I'd also love it if someone with knowledge of the Save process had any input to provide.

Thanks again,


Microsoft CRM - Easy way to copy fields?

Microsoft CRM - Easy way to copy fields?

Easy way to copy fields?

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 08:49 PM PDT

I know I can do this manually, I was inquiring if there
was a way to automate the process since each one takes a
decent amount of time. If not this would be a handy
feature to have in 2.0 and just have you "promote & link"
a field from say Leads to Contacts. This way you don't
have to worry about typos and instead of Create Lead Data
+ Create Contact Data + Link Them, you could
just "Promote" the fields you want copied and linked.
Because this doesn't just apply to contacts and Leads,
but I may have to do the same for opportunities and/or
Accounts, which will take forever!

- Ari
then create mappings 
schema manager. 
always I recommend you 
production box as you 

web services!

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 05:58 AM PDT

oops copy paste don't work so good
this is the link i meant:

"Silverwing" <> wrote in message

Add User Under CRM Failure

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 10:29 PM PDT


I used our company as the OU and didn't install the same database. Our license is under our company. I didn't set anything up for Cycle Works config since this is a real installation.

"Salim" wrote:

User Tracking

Posted: 25 Jun 2004 10:53 AM PDT

I would really like to see a feature in crm which tracks everything a user
does. Perhaps a single entry in a table that says something like

on 06/12/04 user John O'Donnell [23923nj32498024] saved account record
[1212112] etc
ie a logging feature where you could choose the level of details you wanted.
If we have more post callout events in version 2 it may be possible to write
a tool to track this soft of info. It would be great when a user reports an
issue if we could see what they were doing. I find the errors CRM posts to
the event logs less than useful as they tend to be just exception errors
from the .net framework

"Mark Uy" <> wrote in message

Exchanger Server Installation

Posted: 25 Jun 2004 08:38 AM PDT

See inline:

thanks again for your help

"Peter Lynch" <com> wrote in message
domain? -- Yes, in one domain -- 
Server -- 
Command line window "Registration Binding" -- 
could not initialize -- 

Tax Schedule Set Ups

Posted: 25 Jun 2004 07:54 AM PDT

I was thinking of GST, PST that type of thing. Do you know
if there are plans to add this feature to the product? I
know if I were a CRM user that is a feature I would expect
to be included. Would a consultant be able to add a
special field to the forms that could do this calculation
and add it to the total?
support for taxes at 

Users of a BU cannot close workflow activities

Posted: 25 Jun 2004 01:29 AM PDT

Thanks Mark....

What do you mean "license keys"? If you mean role privileges, it is not the
case, I have tried everything...
Where can I edit the ASP.NET user of the CRM server?

Best Regards,

"Mark Uy" <> wrote in message

Timezone and format

Posted: 25 Jun 2004 12:19 AM PDT

Thanks for your reply.

When i was changing the due time associated with an
activity i observed that the modifiedon value is same as
the GMT while the scheduledstart is different though I had
given the due time to be same as the current time.

Below are what is shown in the application and in the

In Application : Due : 06/25/2004 4:00 PM

Database :


For the above eg., the scheduledstart should be very close
to the modifiedon since i modified around 3:50 PM.

(the Z at the end 
enabling an user to 
user settings 

New To CRM

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 02:33 PM PDT

I found the c360 document 'Sales for Outlook Explained'
very helpful.

Good luck!
environment you mainly 
Outlook" (aka SFO) 
these will be 
is a Offline button, 
instance (installed during 
changes, and when 
and your data will 
need to have had 
tools for Outlook, 
to do just about 
profiles. You just have one 
the machine via the 
tools in 

Workflow Manager not working

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 01:49 PM PDT

Thank you very much. That was it. I was logged onto the
server as the administrator and not me as a user (who is
a domain admin, but also has a CRM license).
Additionally, I had to add CRM as a trusted site.

Thanks again.
- Bill 

Admin training

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 10:25 AM PDT

You can buy a training kit from Microsoft or have you admins attend either a
class or use an e-course.

<> wrote in message

Link Attachments

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 08:46 AM PDT

Thank you Mark!

Removing / Disabling export to excel button

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 02:51 AM PDT

See my reply to the same question posted on 21st June 2004

Column titles in views

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 06:35 PM PDT

You can access a number of display attributes (such as
column heading), formatting (decimal points) , min/max
values and whether the field is required by customizing
the related form and adding the new field to the form.
The form is the anchor so to speak of the above
attributes. It seems strange that this information is not
included when you define the field in the deployment
manager given that it seems to fall into the category of
meta data. Incidently I found that you cannot add a
schema field to a view without first adding it to the

Activity modified date

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 01:01 PM PDT

How would I go about doing this?
such as account etc 
you could not have a 
the same view. You 
achieve this 
in message 

Remote Deployment

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 11:48 AM PDT

Matt is correct and you also need a DC that is a global catalog server at
your remote site as CRM will use if heavily.

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message
manner and 

Best free and premium hosting, domain and website services

Microsoft Word - Word Documents Won't Delete

Microsoft Word - Word Documents Won't Delete

Word Documents Won't Delete

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 02:40 PM PDT

Wow. All of a sudden, when I try to delete documents (send to the recycle bin), it won't work. The circle (showing something is happening) shows up for a bit and then disappears and nothing happens. I have approx. 100 documents to delete. Tech support wanted $99 to even look (not necessarily fix).

How can I buy an ad-free version of Office 2013?

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 01:51 PM PDT

Just got a refund for the Office 2013 software I purchased & downloaded Saturday.  As most of you know, Microsoft is now advertising products within the "new" Word templates. I find it appalling- this isn't ad-supported software.  I paid $220 to own the software and install it on my desktop. My time and attention are too valuable-  I don't want to pay to be sold something when I use Office; i.e. birthday cards and docstoc legal documents.  If I want to purchase something, I'll do a web search on my own. The Microsoft store refunded my money because even the high-level tech support people could not figure out how to remove the default ads.  I love Word and I'll happily pay for it if it is ad-free.  Anybody know how to get a version of Office without the built-in ads?  Do I need to find an earlier release?


Posted: 07 Oct 2013 01:47 PM PDT




Do not want underline to be bold!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 01:46 PM PDT

1.  Every time I make underlined text bold in Word 2002, it also makes the underline itself bold.  How can I stop this??!

2.  I typed some spaces before and after some text so when I selected and underlined it, it would appear the text was filled in a "blank."  But the one that was at the end of a line would make the underline stop right after the text and would ignore the spaces.   Help please.  Thanks!  

Microsoft word 365 crashes when equations is used

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 01:21 PM PDT

When ever I open the equations feature microsoft word crashes. I've tried to remove add ons and i've tried to repair the program but nothing has helped. What can I do, is this a bug with Microsoft?

I have a multi level list going in a document that I am updating for work. The level for the particular section I am working on goes like this:

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 01:00 PM PDT

I have a multi level list going in a document that I am updating for work. The level for the particular section that is giving me problems is:


1.1 blabla

1.2 blabla

    2.1.1 blablabla


Why is it skipping to 2.1.1 instead of going to 1.2.1? Please help! I cannot figure this out! I have "custom" heading lists set up and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it is jumping.

Why do I have condensed fonts in some of my WORD 2010 document?

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 01:00 PM PDT

I am having a problem getting a document formatted into a single style. Every 10 pages or so I will have a paragraph or whole page that looks condensed, and I cannot figure out how to change it to the regular font size and spacing. here is an example of what I am seeing in the document: 1)the top paragraphs are condensed, 2) the bottom paragraph is normal. 1)- A double operation to be completed in thirty minutes; thirty minutes needed to bring the reinforcements from the German military base seventeen miles beyond the southern ridge; reinforcements the plan allowed to arrive too late but to bury their dead in a deserted ravine, guerillas already withdrawn to the hills. And the audacious plan had worked. The German guard patrol had been pushed back inside the airfield area and here they were joined by full battalion strength, men quickly roused from sleep, blood racing through bodies restless with long and boring camp fatigues, men anxious to press on, to follow up the retreating shadows in the night. 2) Three hundred yards, four, five; the guerilla retreat now lighted bright as day, sheet flame preceding crunching explosions throwing burning gasoline high above the plateau; a frightening wild tower of leaping red and white; harsh bright light reflected back below again by bulging black clouds of smoke hurrying high above the blazing **** unleashed below. A thrusting roar of fire now punctuated by short round and irregular bursts of grenades lobbed into leather cockpits of planes splintered and wrenched apart; mute metal tilted, now overturned, wheels alive spinning madly unable to escape the hungry fire rendering all to useless scrap. Both condensed and normal paragraphs are Palatino 11pt and I am using WORD 2010, Windows 7 64 bit. Can anyone explain why this is happening or perhaps explain how I can format the entire 120 page document the same way and resolve the condensed bits? I have tried select all, but that doesn't change things. Thanks very much for any help! Ps. Are there any web based businesses where I can send the document to have it fixed, so the font size, etc will be the same through-out the entire document?


Posted: 07 Oct 2013 12:54 PM PDT

When the user opens the template I have saved I want the document to be
opened at the Print Layout and not in Draft View.  Is there a way to do this?

How can I delete Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 12:46 PM PDT

Hey all,

Unfortunately, installing Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (on Windows 7) had some nasty results for me. When I opened a document that contained hyperlinks and citations which I managed with Reference Manager, it appeared that these were broken. Instead of seeing a citation, example: (1), I see a whole lot of text describing the citation (author type and that kind of stuff). My reference list, which is automatically updated, is also gone.

Searching the internet for this specific problem, I hardly find any useful and/or relevant information. 

I now want to delete this update, but I ran into different problems there. First, the update doesn't show in Control Panel - Installed updates, but it is there in Windows Update! Why is that? 

Second, there is a tool out there which deletes Service Pack 1 or higher for Microsoft Office 2010, but I cannot get it to work.

I cannot locate my log file, so I cannot remove the update.

If anyone recognizes this problem, please let me know because I just want a working Microsoft Word again with working citations. It was very useful and I had no problems at all.

If not, could someone please help me out deleting this damn Service Pack?


printing problem/macro problem

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 11:54 AM PDT

My Microsoft Office 2007 now says 'enable macros' when trying to print documents, and won't print unless enables I guess. what do I do?

<Moved from Feedback. Office app(s) applicable to not specified so thread placed in Word forum> 

office 365 university spell check

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 11:49 AM PDT


Which languages are included in the Office 365 university edition?

Default Font for Envelopes

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 11:31 AM PDT

In choosing a default font for printing envelopes, my choice is never saved; I have to change the font every time I want to print an envelope - which is often!

windows 8 has deleted microsoft word and i cant get it back without my product key wich i dont know

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 11:16 AM PDT

please help all my work has been deleted

Word 2013 opening additional document shows blank window without opening

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 10:08 AM PDT

We run Windows 7, 64 bit with all current Microsoft updates in place. 

On a system we had Outlook 2013 open and composing a message and 3 word documents open. 

Trying to open another document resulted in a small window with a red cross in the top right corner. 

Only after closing all other word documents and finally the email message the last document would come to live and appear on the screen as expected. 

- what is happening here?
- how can you avoid this?

Thank you

I also downloaded Office Professional, like Publisher, but Word keeps giving message :

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 09:27 AM PDT

On 9-28 I also downloaded Office Professional, like Publisher, but Word keeps giving message :
Microsoft word has stopped working.
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
Finally reinstalled Word 2007 so could print a program needed for church.
Seems to me there should be a simple and quick fix to program. MS isn't doing it's job.
Have already tried Control Panel - Change. Both long and short versions with no success.

Snipping tool image in word does not appear in print preview and does not print

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 09:01 AM PDT

Windows Vista Home Premium
Word 2007


This has just started to happen.

  • Pasted a snipping tool image into a word document straight from snipping tool
  • Image appears in word with a dotted line at the bottom of the image
  • Saved file
  • Reopened
  • Viewed in Print Preview and image does not appear
  • Does not print

How do I solve this problem so I can print the whole document including the image

Thanks for your help

how to type poem with line breaks after words in line

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 08:44 AM PDT

How does type a poem such as an e.e. cummings's poem that has word breaks or even syllable breaks within a line. I do not want to return to the left margin when starting to type in the line and I do not want to use spaces or tabs from the margins.


He had told him-
                         self "I am dy-
                                            ing; I am dy-

This example uses spaces, which are tedious and create issues in publications.


Issue between 365 word and 2010 style settings compatibility

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 07:45 AM PDT

I am a college student taking an online Business English class. I am having compatibility issues. I use Office 365 Word and my teacher is using Office 2010 Word. I set the Style settings to the specified requirements single spaced 0,0. After my teacher has opened the documents the line spacing is off. This is a problem we are graded on spacing and structure. I have set; re-set;and set the same settings and they will not remain the same. Each paper has the same problem. I used compatibility mode and still has not helped.

MS Word 2010: Changing Notes Styles Based on Bulleted List

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 07:35 AM PDT



I imported Notes | Cautions | Warnings styles from a 2003 template to a 2010 Word Template.


The Notes | Cautions | Warnings styles are based on a Bulleted/Nunbered List style, however, when I click the Define New Number format button and change the font and/or point size, I cannot save these changes. Why not? How do I change the point size and Font in a Note | Caution | Warning based on a Numbered list?







word document throws message "some of the regions you can edit overlap, and it is not possible to show them at the same time" during opening in word 2013

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 07:32 AM PDT

Created a word document and protected the document, with parts of the document available for editing and closed the document. If the same document is opened in word 2013 throws a messages "some of the regions you can edit overlap, and it is not possible to show them at the same time.User the 'Find next region i can edit' button to show each region individually" during opening of the document. Only way is to click OK in dialog and then word displays 3 options select "edit document" under View to get back to normal view.

Is there a way to disable this message?? 


Posted: 07 Oct 2013 07:23 AM PDT

I submitted an article to a journal and although they accepted the article they requested that the photos be converted from Jpeg to Tiff with alteast 300 dpi. I tried an online converter but then the image I receive on my screen is just green. Does that mean it has been converted or is this defective? What can I do to rectify it?

Cannot embed Word 2007 document in an email

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 07:02 AM PDT

When using Word 2003 I could create a document then click FILE and SEND TO with the option to send the document embedded in an email (not an Attachment). In Word 2007 I do not have this option, the only options available are to send my document as an attachment. Is there a way to stop the document being sent as an attachment.

Template - Difficulties Ahead... Numbering, Cutting & Pasting

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 06:57 AM PDT

Hi all,

I have a question on templates using word 2010 that I have created: -


Document Style Numbering

Q1: I have created new styles in the template, these styles will not cross reference as Headings? also when exporting information to software packages outside of word they are not recognised? Does anybody have a solution for this? as otherwise will have to revert to using the Heading 1 -Heading 9 in Word and restructure to the formatting I created for the styes CM 1 - CM2


which now leads to problem 2


I done a test run on this and took my template, created a new template, rematched Heading 1 Heading 9 to be relective of CM 1 to CM 9. Deleted the styles that I had created and now the Heading 1 - Heading 9, the numbering does not work?


Cutting & Pasting


When cutting & pasting from other documents users are experiencing difficulties with the template (obv... the template opens as a new document), also I have had complaints about using graphics, i.e. the pictures jumping all over the place, has anybody experience this, and I have done something wrong when I created the template.


I really want to resolve early issues going forward and get this right,


Any help would be very much appreciated!!!


Posted: 07 Oct 2013 04:47 AM PDT


Word Find/Search Results Don't Fit Properly in Navigation Bar

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 04:36 AM PDT

I'm not sure when this changed or if I did something, but now in Word 2013 when I search (Ctrl-F) the Results that appear in the Navigation pane on the left are 1.5 lines long, which means I often can't see enough to read the result. I think this used to be 2 or 3 full lines.


Is there a place where I can adjust how much text is displayed for Navigation Results when using Find/Search?


How many rows of text do others see for each of the Results?




Word 2010 Table Formatting using VBA macros

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 04:17 AM PDT

Dear All,

There are around 50 tables in my word document and I want to change the height and width of every cell in the document.

I was able to get a macro which would select the entire tables but when I am changing the height its only getting applied to that specific table.

I tried googling a lot and couldn't get any information.

So could someone help me with a macro code which I could use? Height 1.5" and Width is 2.3"

Protected text streams

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 04:09 AM PDT

I've been editing a document and found it impossible to hyphenate a paragraph where it looks good.  The hyphenation seems to treat several words as one.  I don't know how, but evidently the author must have set some fomatting feature on the text.  It is not revealed using Show/Hide.  I guess my question is how can a writer do this and how can it be disabled?

Word 2010 default save as location not being used when opening attachment from emails

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 02:51 AM PDT

Using Word 2010 and Windows 7 x64 whenever a Word document is opened from either and email or the internet the "save as" location used is not the default network location I have set in Word 2010, It always opens up the documents library.

I have spent ages searching for a solution but have not seen this reported anywhere.

I'd be grateful for any help or advice you can offer.

Thanks in advance.


ASCII code problems in Word 2007

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 11:46 PM PDT


Everytime i try to type a ASCII Code in Word 2007 for example ALT + 136, the character doesn't show, but when i press the Spacebar the character shows. Any solutions to this problem?


Word won't open

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 08:38 PM PDT

I have  just finished (3) documents that I needed to upload, but I keep getting a window that says: Something went wrong and Word is unable to open, what to do.  My documents are graded project for online classes and I need to get them submitted.  Please Help!!!!




Setting style for Accent tool in Word (Windows, Office 365)

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 05:53 PM PDT

With regret, let me start by saying that inserting accented letters into a Word document on Windows is much harder than it should be.  I have to use a lot of foreign words.  When there is a touchscreen available, I usually find myself resorting to the on-screen keyboard, and holding down the letter to get the pop-up menu (quickly giving you eēéêèë, for example).  The key-combination method on the Mac isn't perfect, but it's much better than Windows can offer with a physical keyboard.  Given that most people don't often need to type words like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" or "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," I think you should reprogram the hardware keys to work like the virtual ones. 

My question, however, relates to the Accents tool in Word, which is almost passable, except that the letters always appear in Cambria Math italics rather than the style set for the paragraph.  Is there a way to set a default font and style for the tool?  It's useful for more than writing formulas.

Thank you for any assistance.

Microsoft will not open

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 03:56 PM PDT

I keep getting "Office is busy"  For several days it has given me the following sign:

"We're sorry, WINWORD.EXE can't be used right now because Office is busy.  We're either updating or helping you add or remove some programs.  You can try using WINWORD.EXE again after were done.  It shouldn't take long."

I can't use it or figure out what is wrong.  Please help.  

Student 2013 Word/Office will not open. Please help, freaking out!!

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 03:26 PM PDT

I have windows 8, very new computer, and I have my senior research project due and have so much to do!! Every time I try to open Microsoft word on my computer or a word document from my jump-drive it says: Something went wrong. We couldn't start your program, please try starting it again. If it wont start, try repairing Office from "Programs and Features" in the Control Panel. I cant find the control panel. Please help.

Exchange on DC? In small network - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange on DC? In small network - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange on DC? In small network

Posted: 24 Jun 2005 03:55 AM PDT

Hi MArtin

I will - thanks a lot



"Martin Blackstone - MVP" wrote:

how do I join exchange 2003 to an existing 2000/2003 organization?

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 11:12 AM PDT

This might be Active Directory replication related problem. Make sure your
DCs are all replicating properly. If the E2K3 setup program reports that
the Exchange server installed, then it had to have gone somewhere. :-)

You can also "focus" Exchange System Manager by manually creating a console
(run MMC.EXE, add the Exchange System console, then tell it which domain
controller specifically you want it to read the Exchange configuration
Jim McBee

"butter" <> wrote in message

Performance suddenly drop

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 09:09 AM PDT

I restart the server most of the time. It will happen after 1-2 hour.
STORE.EXE used the memory around 200MB and sometimes 100% utilitize


"Jim McBee (MVP)" <> wrote in message

Exchange System Manager

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 08:27 AM PDT

Thanks! But it was useless.

"Youngblood" wrote:

Client Side rules or server side rules?

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 07:13 AM PDT

In news:%23H9vp1$phx.gbl,
Catbert <> typed: 

Use a shared mailbox for each of these addresses, rather than public
folders. Grant the users/groups Send As rights, and check out for UniSent and rules will be necessary

Exchange Monitoring Tools

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 02:19 PM PDT


Exmon is a good tool that can be used to collect information on a server.
GFI allows monitoring at a service level. However, neither of these, at
least to my knowledge, can be used to accomplish what I am looking for. I'm
hoping to find something that can send a mail through the system so that the
integrity of the entire process can be tracked.

Kind Regards,

Colin M. McGroarty, MCSE, MCP+I, NT-CIP
2004 Microsoft MVP, Windows Server - General

"Paco" <> wrote in message
GFI mail essentials is a good tool, exmon too

"Colin M. McGroarty" wrote:

One or Multiple Mailbox Stores

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 11:41 AM PDT


Thanks for the input, it sounds as if I'll be sticking with my current

Kind Regards,

Colin M. McGroarty, MCSE, MCP+I, NT-CIP
2004 Microsoft MVP, Windows Server - General

"Ben Winzenz [Exchange MVP]" <ben_winzenz@NOSPAMdotmessageonedotcom> wrote
in message news:phx.gbl...
Mark's right here, although you actually can back up separate mailbox stores
simultaneously with different jobs. Once all databases within a storage
group have been backed up, the logs will then be flushed. You won't see
performance "advantages" from having multiple mailbox stores, at least not
IMHO. The biggest reason would be as you say, to isolate corruption and
then if your backup window/restore window is tight. I would contend that
most causes of corruption (hardware issues) won't necessarily be such that
it is limited to just one mailbox store, but it's a valid argument.

Ben Winzenz
Exchange MVP

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

AD Replication via a Script

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 11:14 AM PDT

Thanks for the input. I had already set the replication to 15 minutes. I
have been using the AD Sites and Services to manually force replication but
just wanted to give our Help Desk an easier way. Thanks for your input.


"BCE" <net> wrote in message
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Unable to send emails

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 05:26 AM PDT

you can go here, and enter a domain you are having
issues with at top right (titled DNS Lookup) and pick 'MX' from the drop
down and hit 'Lookup'. It should show you the full name related to the MX
record and then below it should give you the IP address for that name.
Telnet to that IP on port 25 (at command prompt: telnet <enter>, then open
IPaddress 25 <enter>) and see if you get a response. If not, you don't have
connectivity to that domain. If so, you can try the commands as explained in
the link Mark sent you for SMTP

"Ely Spiegel" <Ely> wrote in message

all I 
not know 

Retreiving data issues

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 03:46 AM PDT

You do need to actually select which folders you're going to cache
(i.e. have in the OST file) it doesn't actually select them all by

server security and mailbox access

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 03:01 AM PDT

nope just checked domain admins is member of administrators

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Message traffic

Posted: 21 Jun 2005 12:52 PM PDT

Thanks I'll take a look.


"djogon" <com> wrote in message 

building an exchange server

Posted: 21 Jun 2005 09:05 AM PDT

Good information, George. Thank you for your time and advice.

"George" wrote:

Attachment blocking

Posted: 21 Jun 2005 04:56 AM PDT

"djogon" <com> wrote in message 

We're using Trend Scanmail to do the attachment blocking, which takes care
of the anti-virus. We also have an appliance in the perimeter network which
handles anti-virus and anti-spam.

exchange 5.5. 289 and 1290 errors

Posted: 20 Jun 2005 12:04 PM PDT

Well, there aren't any 37 errors being logged on the server. In addition,
the x.400 connectors are all scheduled for "always", not "never".

Any other ideas?

end of line,


"seth" <net> wrote in message