

Microsoft Word - How can I resume writing/editing on a saved 2013 word document? The cursor is not responding.

Microsoft Word - How can I resume writing/editing on a saved 2013 word document? The cursor is not responding.

How can I resume writing/editing on a saved 2013 word document? The cursor is not responding.

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 02:57 PM PDT

I am unable to edit a previous new 2013 document I was working on. The cursor is not responding when I click to start typing.

Need to get rid of "reserved by" password on a file in Word 2010

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 02:36 PM PDT

I've been looking all over the web trying to find an answer to this, but none of the solutions have worked yet. Maybe I'm just not asking the right question.

I have a file that gives me the message "'File Name' is reserved by Person's Name" and it requires a password if you want to open it.

All of the information I've seen after searching the web says that you simply need to turn off the password or change permissions to "Unrestricted Access," however, this document has no password encryption and the access is already unrestricted.

Does anyone have any idea of where this "reserved by" password is and how to get rid of it?

Footnotes and section break

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 02:22 PM PDT

In my thesis, I included section breaks at the beginning of each chapter so footnotes start at 1 each time. However, I want to change the layout of one single page to landscape in one chapter but keep the footnotes continuous - but with footnote 1 at the beginning of the chapter, not with the beginning of the document. Anyone knows how can I fix this? Is there any way to change the layout of a page without introducing a section break? 

Advanced Conditional Mail Merging

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 02:20 PM PDT

I am creating a master one-size-fits-all gift acknowledgement letter template to use in conjunction with Conga Mail Merge in Salesforce. My source data for the mail merge has dates formatted as MM/DD/YY and donation amounts formatted with two decimal places. The source data also includes a "total gifts" and a "total gifts last year" field. I have two questions:

1) I want to reformat the date and $ amount in the mail merge conditions. I want the date to be Month D, YYYY and the $ amount to only include cents if there is any. Is this possible? Because I am not completing the mail merge in Word, I can't just reformat the source data and use the "via DDE" to bring it over.

2) Can I do calculations in the merge fields? That is, can I say something like... { IF {MERGEFIELD Total_Gifts} > {{MERGEFIELD Amount} + {MERGEFIELD Total_Gifts_Last_Year}} "back" ""}

Remove "Book fold" Page Setup and Additional Pages Word 2010

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 01:58 PM PDT

I recently did a booklet with 132 pages. When the book fold setup was printing incorrectly (now realising due to all books having even page numbers on left hand side, not right), I changed the page setup back to 'normal' (obviously choosing "whole document"), but document still shows book fold connections on print preview and still prints as a booklet. When I go back in to page setup, it has not saved my changes.


Also, due to book fold setup, Word has inserted extra blank pages that I cannot remove as they do not show up unless I view in 'Print Preview'.


I have tried and tested 'clear formatting' and everything else I can think of, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Macros aren't being saved

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 11:45 AM PDT


Any  time I create a macro, they work on the new files, again, until I close Word. Upon reopening the program, I get the error message "the macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your macro security settings". I've changed the settings to accept all macros.

It would be great if someone could help me via screensharing.

how can i get to my files on 365 after trail period over

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 11:18 AM PDT

is there anyway I can still get to my work on 365 office after the trail period has ened

word is waiting for another application to complete ole

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 11:04 AM PDT

I'm getting this message when trying to insert a pdf document into Word.  This is Office 2007 and Windows 7.  We had Adobe Reader X so we unchecked the start in protected mode and still getting this error.  So we upgraded to Reader XI and still getting the same error.  I am able to do this on another PC with Office 2007 and Reader XI.  When that error came up we tried to end the acrord32 process, but then received this error:
The program used to create this object is Package. That program is not installed on your computer
Anyone know of any solutions?

Custom size; manual feed (MS Word 2010)

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 10:57 AM PDT

Just had a new computer installed, and am having difficulty with previously created Word documents (on a shared drive).  I have several docs that are set up as custom sizes (greeting card envelopes) for manual feed.  The current one I am working on is 7.1" W and 5" H, and those dimensions are in the Word document page setup. This same document has printed perfectly for years, however now when I feed manually the text doesn't line up.  It's as if the printer is not recognizing that the document is centered inside the manual feed printer guides. 


When I open the same document on a different computer, it prints fine.  Any suggestions?

Can I install Word 2007 with Office 2010 installed?

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 10:38 AM PDT

Hi all,


I installed the entire Office 2010 program a few years ago. As a technical writer, I find Word 2010 to be riddled with bugs compared to Word 2007. The MS fans call them "design changes." I call them a royal pain in the butt.


I would like to revert to Word 2007. Do I need to uninstall Word 2010, and then install Word 2007? Will that work? Many thanks.



Hide reviewer names in Word 2013

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 10:15 AM PDT

I'm not trying to anonymize or anything, it's just that with names showing before every single edit it's too busy and not easy to see what the actual changes are.  I can't believe there's not a simple "hide or show" option for review names.

Word Documents won't open.

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 10:13 AM PDT

My computer has worked beautifully for a year.  This morning Word will not allow me to open my documents.  It says, "This document does not contain headings.  To create navigation tabs, create headings in your document."  I don't want to do that.  My existing documents were perfect just like they were and I want them back just like they were.  I need help.

How do I restore my desktop icon?

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 10:02 AM PDT

Last night I used PC Fine Tune "Broken Shortcut Cleaner". This product: Finds and Removes all Invalid or Broken Shortcuts.  After I ran the cleaner, I found many programs missing entirely.


In addition, I did not see the Word icon on my desktop. I went into my documents and found all my Word documents still in place there. I was able to open them successfully without a problem.


But now I have no way of directly opening Word without first opening up a pre-existing documents. How do I restore my desktop icon?


Please help.



Inserting a drop down list

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 09:11 AM PDT

I am currently creating a risk analysis document and I am trying to figure a way where a user can select one of three choices (high, moderate, low) in one cell of a table and then in another cell it will reflect a line of text tied to that. In trying to develop a solution I researched and found a way to do it through use of the developer tab and and drop down list properties (note this ties it all into one cell instead of two which I originally wanted but this is fine) .  It works with one exception, it only allows a limited amount of text characters in the text description that goes with the high, moderate, low ratings which will not work for my situation. So two questions. 1 if this is the process how can I expand the amount of text I can use and two is there a better way to do this. Thanks for any and all help in advance.

Word 2013 Multilevel List Numbering

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 07:57 AM PDT

When working with Multilevel List Numbering, why does the Numbering button appear active instead of the Multilevel List button?

Word 2013 Track Change

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 07:53 AM PDT

I don't want to track Formatting. I deselect the checkbox but it comes back after save and close. How do I set the default to NOT track Formatting?


Posted: 06 Aug 2013 07:50 AM PDT

How do I hide some of my program in Microsoft Office Word 2007 with password, so that everyone that gets to my pc will not see all my program. I want to lock some of my programs with password. Help me

re: SkyDrive app with Office 2007 and iPad

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 07:31 AM PDT

Hi All,


I have just discovered 'SkyDrive', but not yet having downloaded or used it yet, would like to know whether anyone here knows if it is capable of letting me upload a word document (.doc, .docx, .rtf) or a plain text/notepad document to the SkyDrive folder without it moving the text all over the shop and making it look like a real mess.


I believe this app is supposedly compatible with Windows Vista/MS Office as well as iPad/iPhone etc.


What I WANT to do is upload my (MS Word Document) CV to SkyDrive - 'on the web'? - from my Win Vista PC (in whatever format is the most compatible), then download it to my iPad, so that this document can then be saved on my iPad and sent as an attachment in an e-mail (using the native apple e-mail app) for job applications.


Is this possible using SkyDrive?


I have already wasted far too much time without success trying to make this happen with Documents Unlimited, and would like some advice from people here as to whether or not they have had success at trying to do this sort of thing and what apps they used.


IF this is possible, then no editing will be needed as my CV is currently saved in multiple formats (including plain text that has no 'fancy detailing' like tabs or underlining anyway).


I am happy to send it using either .doc or .docx formats for my CV, as both leave this document looking neat, tidy and very readable.


I don't like plain text or rtf versions as they look messed up and hard to read.


I have tried more than several times to open, view and edit my CV (using all four above file formats) on my iPad from within "Documents Unlimited", after e-mailing it to myself from my Win Vista Desktop, so that I could then e-mail this CV in job applications from my iPad.


Unfortunately no matter what file format I choose, to save, open or view or edit, this document, this "Documents Unlimited" iPad app cannot keep from messing up the text, so as to turn it into a horrible mess. 


Even if i re-write my CV from scratch, within the Documents Unlimited iPad app, and don't use ANY tabs, or bullet points but just BOLD for headings (plus increase font size of headings by two size points) and then save this 'new' document in Documents Unlimited, and e-mail it back to myself (from my iPad), then open this 'new' document, either on my iPad or in Office on my windows vista pc (just to check what a recipient using Windows and Office would receive), the text is messed up again!


Any/all advice is much appreciated,  :)


Thanks in advance,





save files in this format

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 07:08 AM PDT


In the word 2010 , I need to set the save files in this format to "word 97-2003 Document (*.doc).
but whenever i set this i gets reverted back to word document *.docx format .
attached screen shot for the reference.
can you please help me on this.


How do I mail merge percentages from excel?

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 06:17 AM PDT

I have Microsoft Office 2010 and during a mail merge I am unable to transfer percentages. I've tried multiple things. With the dynamic data exchange, it deletes my percentage fields and when I try to re add them they are no longer on the list. When trying to change the code through SHIFT-F9 and adding \# 00.00 the percent is displayed as .03% instead of 3%. When I change the code from {={MERGEFIELD "Data"}*100\#0%} I get an error. 

Date auto switchs as you open "saved" word documents

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 04:17 AM PDT

I wrote a series of letters using the auto switch for the date, however now years later I want to review the letters and the date switches automatically. Is there a way to not lose the original date? 

My office 2013 doesn´t start anymore

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 02:52 AM PDT

I tried to open a word document and got the reply that office cannot start. The recommendation was to go to the program folder and open it manually - but I cannot find the right file to do so. I also tried excel - nothing works. I hope somebody can help me..


change macro from SaveAs docx to docm

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 01:13 AM PDT

Hi, I have the following two macros - work well but saves files as docx

what changes do I have to make to save the files as docm?


Sub FileSaveAs()
Dim oCC As ContentControl
Dim strFilename As String
For Each oCC In ActiveDocument.ContentControls
    If oCC.Title = "Filename" Then
        If oCC.ShowingPlaceholderText = True Then
            MsgBox "ðà ìøùåí ùí"
        ElseIf InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "\") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "/") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, ":") > 0 _
        Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "*") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "?") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, """") > 0 _
        Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "|") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "<") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, ">") > 0 Then
   MsgBox "úååéí ìà çå÷ééí áùãä ùí ÷åáõ. /:\*|?""""<>"
            With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
                .Name = oCC.Range.Text
            End With
        End If
    Exit For
    End If
Next oCC
End Sub

Sub FileSave()
Dim oCC As ContentControl
Dim strFilename As String
    If ActiveDocument.Path = vbNullString Then
        For Each oCC In ActiveDocument.ContentControls
            If oCC.Title = "Filename" Then
                If oCC.ShowingPlaceholderText = True Then
                    MsgBox "ðà ìøùåí ùí"
        ElseIf InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "\") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "/") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, ":") > 0 _
        Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "*") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "?") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, """") > 0 _
        Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "|") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, "<") > 0 Or InStr(oCC.Range.Text, ">") > 0 Then
   MsgBox "úååéí ìà çå÷ééí áùãä ùí ÷åáõ. /:\*|?""""<>"

                    With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
                        .Name = oCC.Range.Text
                    End With
                End If
                Exit For
            End If
        Next oCC
    End If
End Sub




How to preview Heading level 4 in the Automatic Table of Content?

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 01:03 AM PDT

I have a problem with showing heading 4 in the automatic table of contents, TOC only shows heading levels up to level 3, how to preview heading 4?

Incorrect word wrap in column

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 06:40 PM PDT

I am having a similar problem but not a comment.  I have a Word 2010 document with a column break about half way into the first page.  After the column break I have two columns setup.  The problem I am having is on the first line of the second page, in the right-hand column, the text does not wrap when I reach the right margin.  I can still type but the text is not visible and neither is the cursor.  The text momentarily "flashes" while typing but other than that I can not see it.  After I hit enter to insert a CR/LF, the cursor show back up again on line 2.  If I go back up to the visible part of line 1 anywhere on that line and hit enter the invisible text moves down a line and becomes visible.


This only happens after the column break not on a page without a column break.  The error is not consistent and I can not tie it to a specific event or keystroke sequence.  The only work around I have found is to leave the first line on the page blank and start my text on line 2.


Microsoft phone support thinks this might be a bug.

Word 2013 download and installation

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 05:26 PM PDT

I have been trying to download and install Word 2013 which I purchased on line from amazon.  I received a 25 digit product support ID.  When I click on the install tab, the next page that comes up states that" this page cannot be displayed"  I tried to refresh the page and reset the connection as suggested but to no avail.  I've been trying this off and on over the last two days.  My operating system is windows 8 PRO.  Your help is much appreciated.  Mike

Alphabetizing without 'The'

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 04:41 PM PDT

I alphabetized a table in word, that contains some names as data that beings with 'The'. Is there anyway to ignore the 'The' at the beginning of these entries and sort by the next word after the 'the'?

Example of how my table is:

Random A
Random B
Random E
The Random C
The Random D

Example of what I want:

Random A
Random B
The Random C
The Random D
Random E

headers stability issue

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 04:17 PM PDT

I have written a book containing several chapters.  I have inserted headers reflecting the chapter titles.  The chapters are divided by section breaks and the headers are unlinked to other sections.  I enter everything which appears to go as it should,  and the document looks fine, but as soon as I switch out of the header/footer toolbar, every header becomes the last chapter heading!  This is driving me crazy.  Anyone have a fix?

Deleted Mailboxes and Diskspace - Microsoft Exchange

Deleted Mailboxes and Diskspace - Microsoft Exchange

Deleted Mailboxes and Diskspace

Posted: 06 Feb 2005 07:33 AM PST

Thank you both. I have Exchange 5.5 and I sort of inherited all these
My Exchange Server had retension set to 30 days. I changed that to 0 days
and recovered 1 gig, but I think I recovered 1 gig because I used the Clean
Mailbox utility. Once I change the retension days I waited for an event ID
of 1221 but did not see one. When does exchange do Online defrags? I should
see more space to gain once the Online Defrag is done,right? And I will
definately start putting a mailbox limit!

Thank you very much.


"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Hosting multiple domains

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 10:53 AM PST

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 10:53:04 -0800, Matt Clepper
<> wrote:

First off I'll say it's a bad idea. Why? Well, most ISP's will offer
this for free so whoever is providing services for domain B will
provide a "fallback" MX record that the world will use in the event
that it can't reach the actual MX record for the domain B mail server.

So, how?
On the domain A server go into Exchange system manager and create a
Recipient Policy for domain B. Don't have it apply to anything by
filtering the recipients out.
Create an RG and an SMTP connector for this address space that tells
it where (smarthost) to deliver the mail.

Syncing GAl and Free/Busy over 3 orgs

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 08:03 AM PST

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 03:50:31 +0000, Al Mulnick wrote
(in article <eIymB8$phx.gbl>):

Me to. ANyone else have any thoughts on this approach?


Ian Robinson, Belfast, UK - <>
Soapbox - <>

Sycronizing calendars

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 05:29 AM PST

Thinking of other possibilities: If you create an appt in a pf, there
is also a choice to copy to the personal calendar under the Actions

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 12:38:53 -0500, Andy David - Exchange MVP
<com> wrote:

identifying forwarded messages

Posted: 04 Feb 2005 10:59 AM PST

Let me just say this is a government facility, and government
facilities can have some very strange requirements at times. I suppose
I'll just open a ticket with Microsoft then, to see if they can assist
me further. Thanks for the feedback.

Increasing Storage for Exchange 2003 datastores

Posted: 04 Feb 2005 07:27 AM PST

Thank you for the quick response and the detail. I was prepared to do some
more research / legwork. Can't beat a step by step response with blazing

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Can I block 1 e-mail address ?

Posted: 04 Feb 2005 03:45 AM PST

The English nodes Al mentioned are:

(ESM) -> Global Settings -> Message Delivery
Open Properties and click the Sender Filtering tab.
There you can add the address you want to block.

- Genevieve
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Please do not send e-mail directly to this alias. This alias is for
newsgroup purposes only.

"al" <com> wrote in message

Why am I not receiving external email?

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 09:27 PM PST

Joseph Mouhanna wrote: 

Replied in another group. Please don't multipost - if you need to post to
multiple groups, it's best to crosspost instead, by posting a single message
to a handful of relevant groups (separate the NG names with commas) so that
everyone can follow the thread. This makes it easier for everyone, including

NDR within 30 seconds of sending an email

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 01:47 PM PST

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:
Can you send mail to another mailbox on that domain?

Can other users on your Exchange server send to this user or other users on
the domain?

Are you entering the SMTP address exactly/precisely in the TO field, or
using autocomplete/etc?
Entering exactly/precisely in the TO field.

I don't know if this helps but someone that looked at the NDR says the
Header is missing.

Do you have any other ideas?

Funny thing happens when trying to exmerge to move mailbox , ....

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 09:27 AM PST

I'm not sure what you mean by "ALIAS".
Can you explain what exactly this is?

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

MTA auto stop

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 05:33 PM PST


I have using exchange 5.5 with sp4 on window nt4.0 sp6a

My exchang's always stop , around once on two day
It display Dr watson with below message

Anapplication error has occurred and an application error log is being
Exception : access violation (0x0000005), Address:0x77e16c39

I hav check mircosoft website, it have some info on it,
but without any solution on how to fix

anyone can give me some help

Best Regards,


Messages not going to a particular domain

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 08:33 AM PST

Must be DNS since I am unfamiliar with "smart host".
Also, the OS is Windows2000 on that server.

"" wrote:

Telnet to Exchange 2003 server

Posted: 31 Jan 2005 12:38 PM PST

Thanks Mark for your help,
The funny thing is I can ping, trace, and Terminal service to the server.
We are on the same subnet. I can telnet to the Exchange server from the
domain controller using port 25. If I start the telnet service, I can even
telnet to the server itself not using port 25. Just can't telnet to port 25
on the Exchange server.


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Synchronising 2 Calendars

Posted: 31 Jan 2005 04:23 AM PST

Tracey wrote: 

Not possible, at least not natively. Use the public calendar for, say,
company holidays/vacations, etc....and show users how to share their own

Office 2003 Error 1911 wisptis.exe - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 Error 1911 wisptis.exe - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 Error 1911 wisptis.exe

Posted: 06 Dec 2004 12:33 PM PST

Problem persists if CD is copied to hd. I assume it's no big deal since
pressing the 'ignore' button when the error message comes up does not appear
to interrupt the repair proces. Nevertheless, I just wondered what causes
this error. (I've seen the discussions on the alleged redundancy of
Thanks anyhow - Richard

"Roady [MVP]" wrote:

I would like to download Microsoft office in full

Posted: 05 Dec 2004 09:45 PM PST

"E.JAY" <> wrote in message

I think the only download sites available would be WAREZ sites, or the MS
Developer Network.

The WAREZ sites would probably prove to be detrimental to your PCs health
and the Developer Network requires that you employ several developers and a
$2500 application fee, last time I checked.

Office 2003 Upgrade New Install Yields 1608

Posted: 05 Dec 2004 08:21 AM PST

Thanks for the reply, but I had already read the article. None are the
causes are true in my case and the resolution is nothing more a very very
long description of putting in a CD. That much I already knew.
What I really need is information on what the installer is looking for,
because I have provided what I believe (and Microsofts documentation states)
should be necessary and installer still generates the 1608 error.
Does anyone in Microsoft have any clue what generates a 1608 error besides
"Setup could not locate a version...". I already know Setup could not locate
a version.., but a version was provided, so we need to get a more detailed
explanation as to what causes this problem.
Any help that can be provided would be appreciated.

"garfield-n-odie" wrote:

How do I uninstall previous version of Outlook?

Posted: 04 Dec 2004 07:51 PM PST

Go to Control Panel>Add Remove Programs, and click on Office 2000, and then
click change (not remove) You can then follow the steps to remove a single
app (that is, Outlook). As posted in reply here, you must use the same
version of Word as Outlook if you use Word as an email editor.

Just a thought, you might try to install Office 2003 SBA complete in a
separate installation (choose custom installation and then install to a new
folder) and give the whole suite a try. For me it's much quicker, more
safe, and has a better "look and feel". Of course you may not agree but as
long as you have it why not try it! You would of course still have to
follow the rule of having only one version of Outlook installed, so you
would still have to uninstall OL 2000.


"hafsusa" <> wrote in message

Office 97 Pro installation problem on Windows XP Pro (with SP2)

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 09:01 PM PST

Hi, John. If you get a "Htmlmarq.ocx was unable to register itself in the
system registry" error message when you try to install Office 97, you can
avoid this error by performing a custom installation in which you deselect
Web Page Authoring
(HTML) in the Office 97 setup options.

"Kodesh John" wrote:

Cannot open office 2000 Pro docs once I install Office 2003 Pro

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 11:19 AM PST

With Word closed, search your hard drive for the OFFICEAV.DLL file. Include
hidden and system files and folders in your search. When you find it, note
the folder where the file is located. Click on Start | Run. In the "Open"
dialog box, type the following command (including quotes):

Regsvr32 -U "C:\<path>\OfficeAV.dll"

Replace <path> with the directory path for your OfficeAV.dll file. Click on
OK. You only have to run this command once (not every time you restart your
computer). You should get the message: "DllUnregisterServer in
C:\<path>\OfficeAV.dll succeeded." Your Office 2000 files should open
properly now.

"Jav BTB" wrote:

Office MST file hell

Posted: 02 Dec 2004 09:00 PM PST

It works, no idea what i was typing in wrong yesterday but thanks alot.

"Roady [MVP]" <_SPAM_net> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Deploying office 2003 after deploying MSOCACHE

Posted: 02 Dec 2004 10:49 AM PST

3010, means that the install needs a reboot to complete, these are all MSI
error codes which can be found on the MS website


"postalias" wrote:

Clip-ORganizer error

Posted: 02 Dec 2004 09:25 AM PST

Try updating your MDAC as described in "Clip2002: Error Message:
'Error in the .dll...' or 'Clip Organizer Cannot Complete the
Operation...'". The newest MDAC is version 2.8.

Hartmut Berghoff wrote: 

Entourage 2004 (Mac)-Can't stop messages going to "Sent Items" fol

Posted: 02 Dec 2004 08:27 AM PST

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Thanks, Bob. I didn't know about the newsgroups. In fact, there is a
solution there.

To save others the trouble of searching:

use Tools -> Schedules to create a new schedule item. The item is to move
things from "Sent " to "Deleted". As part of the schedule, you can also say
to move only items older than x days or move them every time you Quit or
Start entourage.

Thanks for the pointer!


Office 2003 Deploy-Makes no sense or by design??

Posted: 01 Dec 2004 07:47 PM PST

Hi Fletch,

This one is a long one, sorry :)

You do not need that long setup command line.
If you place your mst file in the same dir of the msi file (Which is the
recomended way), simply change the setup.ini/setuppro.ini file. The file
resides in ..\FILES\SETUP

In there locate the [MST] section and change the name of the mst file name
to match yours.

Simply running setup.exe without anything else will do.
It automatically calls setup.ini to read the install instructions.

You may have problems then, that are related to relative paths of the
install files so here is what i usually do:

It goes without saying that this will work only with Enterprise/Volume
license media and CDkey...

Server Side:
On a file server you normally use, that might be already mapped to users,
make sure this is your directory structure (example):
D:\Apps\Office\Office2003\ <- in here lies the admin point.
Both MSI and MST should be in it. This structure is needed mainly
for security reason.

D:\Apps should be shared, and then mapped as a drive, say P:
so users will see this:

Using a mapped drive is better in this case, as any MSI install records the
original location from where is was installed and then looks for that
location in cases where a reinstall is requested or it needs install source
to fix itself.
Thus if at a later point the original file server that hosted the admin
point is not available, all you need to do is to copy the entire admin point
to another server and simply map the same drive letter to the new server.

If the installation isnt done from a mapped drive, then the user will have
to direct to the new install point (that might be an issue) or youll need a
script to add/change the source location in the registry for each station.

With correct planning you can even overcome this one, In the MST file you
can add install locations, so you can add P:\Office\Office2003 and also
\\Server\Apps\Office\Office2003 thus giving Office better resiliency in
finding the paths and you can even enhance that by creating 2 admin points on
2 servers, and add both locations in the MST file, as long as you remember
the paths should be the ones the end user will see from his station. This is
usually the scenario with big companies that have dispersed file servers and
want the minimize bandwidth consumption by directing users to the closest
file server (using Windows DFS also helps in this case).

In your MST file, make sure you added the NOUSERNAME=True property.

You can also use this property on the command line, so youll not have to
create 2 identical MST files, one for Ghosting an Image and one for normal
use (If you have stations you only want Office 2003 installed on their
existing OS).

More info:

Last thing, edit the setup.ini to include full paths, both uder the MSI
and the MST sections. Use the drive letter for this.

Pre-Ghosted station side:
Make sure the Drive P: is mapped

Run setup.exe -> P:\Office\Office2003\Setup.exe
You can also add the NOUSERNAME property as discussed above.
(use the newer version of enterprise setup.exe)

Do NOT open any Office application after setup finishes.

Run sysprep, with your custom sysprep.inf, and immediatly after it restarts,
use a GHOST floppy (with or without network) you created to take a GHOST of
the station.
I would recommend you use the Ghost enterprise product (7.5+) as it holds
much more then simple GHOST.

Print this (it is long...), read and then execute.

Safe deployment !

Arie H.

"Fletch" wrote:

reactivate office

Posted: 01 Dec 2004 12:13 PM PST

Fabri wrote: 

You could not find the work around...? So you couldn't see the "activate by
phone" option directly underneath the "activate by internet" then?! You must
be blind - or stupid.
Facon - the artificial bacon bits you get in Pizza Hut for sprinkling
on salads.

Microsoft Word - trouble with word 2013

Microsoft Word - trouble with word 2013

trouble with word 2013

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:02 PM PDT

I find that whenever I use the word programme the  cursor keep jumping to another line and stops the flow of my word processing.

Is it the problem with Microsoft? 

Can any one has an answer?

Office 365 University states it is for non-commercial use. Does this apply across the board to businesses as well as individuals?

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 02:35 PM PDT

Businesses usually have a legal department that scans over license agreements and informs the company which products they can legally use. A consumer does not have this luxury and could in fact face legal repercussions for overlooking and violating a license agreement. So, does the non-commercial agreement refer to businesses wishing to cut corners or are individuals restricted from creating sellable works with certain software packages as well? 

Excel and Word "streaming required features" when clicked but do not open.

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 02:16 PM PDT

I get messages when I go into Excel and or Word that state the app is "streaming required features" however they stream forever and the application does not open. Any thoughts?

Word Mail Merge Question: Conditional Carriage Return

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 01:27 PM PDT

I am using a mail merge to create "certification cards" for our staff. Sometimes during the mail merge, the data for each certification contains more than one word. (ie. CPR AND FIRST AID TRAINING). Many times they are near the end of a line, and so the record gets cut in half. Half of the text for the certification is on one line, the rest on the other line. Is there a way I can tell word to perform a carriage return ONLY if the text is going to get cut in half? I would like each "certification" to be fully contained on one line (with other records following, only using a carriage return if it will not fit all on one line).


For example, a certification card for employee A. Smith has 4 different courses completed:

On the certification card, after the mail merge i get this:

But want THIS:

I would like a carriage return in FRONT of CPR AND FIRST AID only if its going to split. Does anyone know how to go about this?

Lost my microsoft office 2010...

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 01:22 PM PDT

Like others, I have lost my office programs after my system updated... can't I just restore my PC back to before the update? If not and I have to reinstall, will i have lost access to my documents?

Loading 365 on my Laptop

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 10:33 AM PDT

I already have an account and I have purchased 365 with 5 installs I only have it on my desktop. I want to install now on my Lap top. How do I do this I have tried looking around on my account can't figure it out help please.

Space getting removed from doc created in word 2013 and when opening in word 2007

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 09:59 AM PDT

when i was getting word document created in word 2013 printed at print show having word 2007, much of the text didn't had space between words? why??

When openings word documents through Intranet with 2013 we encounter a Stop Working error.

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 09:30 AM PDT

We can get word to open documents through "open with" over our intranet, but will not open when you do a direct open.  We have tried many settings changes to no avail. If you have any suggestions please let me know.  It is only occuring on one machine.  We have done a repair and a reinstall with no help.

Pasted text will not allow me to format specific lines.

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 09:17 AM PDT

I have pasted text into a word document, and when I go to center justify a portion of that text, the entire section of pasted text follows the formatting, even the parts that are not highlighted.

Why does my cursor continually show an animated circle while I'm in Word?

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 09:11 AM PDT

When I launch Word, I am presented with a round cursor that continually turns, giving me the impression that the system is processing something.  This animated cursor does not stop turning so long as I'm in the Word application.

how to reset the normal.dotx file to a new blank document

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 08:38 AM PDT

When I start up Word, I have a document filled with texts that I'm not familiar with, nor interested in.  What I want is a blank document for me to start something new.  How do I set my Word program to give me a blank document upon start-up, instead of a document filled with texts that I did not create?

How do I download a doc.x file into word or pdf

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 08:02 AM PDT

I recently posted a question asking how can I convert a doc.x file into word or pdf.   My computer supports Windows 8 and Microsoft office 2013. I have found that by using an older computer, not mine I can open the document using Microsoft office 2007.  Need preferably to use my computer, so again any ideas, how to use windows 8 and Microsoft office 2013. 


[Moved from feedback]

Problem with my home office ms word

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 08:01 AM PDT

I have problem open word on my system each time I open it always comes up that there is a problem with the setting that I will be notify of the solution and it close down.

Footnote superscript in text

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 06:38 AM PDT

Whenever I insert a footnote I need to manually make the number in the text appear as superscript. How can I do this automatically?

How not to embed fonts

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 04:51 AM PDT


I am trying to create a PDF with Microsoft Word 2013 that does NOT embed fonts. I went to File-Options-Save and found the box for "Embed fonts in this file." It was unchecked, but when I created my PDF, then went to the properties, and it still said Embedded Subset after the fonts listed. All I can find out online is how to embed, nothing about how not to. 


DOB's in Forms Word 2010

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 04:50 AM PDT

I'm learninmg to use Forms in Word 2010.  When entering a Date of Birth, if I use the date picker content control it starts in August 2013.  For someone like me my date of birth was way before that and it would be cumbersome to have to scroll all the way back to 1959.  There must be a better way to do this?  Hope yopu can help, thanks.


mark entry

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 04:05 AM PDT

What is "Mark entry

My Table of Figures and Tables won't update with some captions

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:56 AM PDT

I am trying to update the Table of Figures and Tables but for some reason certain captions wont appear in the list?

I have set them up using the 'Insert Caption' function. They are not in text boxes, and have the same SEQ codes. I feel like I've tried everything and nothing has worked.

I just wonder whether the file is corrupt? 

2013 Word will not open

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 02:45 AM PDT

I cannot open word but oyhrt programs like powerpoint will open. I think I have a compatibility problem. Can anyone help? I have followed all fix it recommendations.

The grammar check in my Word 2013 seems to think that "what does it means" is not a grammar mistake. Is there a way to solve this?

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 02:27 AM PDT

The grammar check in my Word 2013 (Win7) seems to think that "what does it means" is not a grammar mistake. 
Is there a way to solve this?

'How to popup an error message' if tried to edit a protected word document?

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:09 AM PDT



I have protected a word document. If someone tries to edit this document, i would like to popup an error message. Kindly let me knwo how can I do this.




Line Shift When Printing

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 08:31 PM PDT

I created a Word 2010 document with 0.5 in margins, Times New Roman font, 12 point at single space, printing front to back with the same layout (not different odd/even pages). When I print, the lines on the opposite sides of the page are shifted, then do not align.


When I hold the page up to the light, I can see that each line is shifted slightly above the other, getting more out of alignment as the eye moves down the page.


However, when I turn on gridlines, with a two page view, they line up perfectly. This has been the same on more than one printer, so I doubt it is the printer. I would be so grateful for some help! Thanks in advance -

Microsoft office 2003 and 2007 german language proofing tool to spell check

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 06:46 PM PDT


I do application support for some Microsoft products which includes Microsoft Office 2003. Until I encountered a request which includes an installation of German proofing tool to enable spell checker in Word. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any answers on the web that really enabled the spelling check. Is there really a way (a free way) to enable spell check in 2003 and 2007 for free? because in 2010 they said the there are no way to this for now. Thanks I hope someone can answer my question.

need PDF converter. From Word to PDF

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 04:57 PM PDT

I have Microsoft Works 2007 Version 9. I have many written documents as well as spread sheets that I need to attach to emails. Some of the people cannot open these documents but could if they were PDF.  One of them has a MAC


I need a reliable method, preferably a free one, that would convert both the documents and spreadsheets to PDF from Word.


I would appreciate any suggestions as to how I could do this safely.



Unable to open Word documents from my desktop

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 03:24 PM PDT

I have an issue with MS Word.
I can run Word and use the search to find and open desktop saved folders.
I can't double click on the desktop folders to automatically start word and see the document.
Word documents attached to emails need to be saved first before I can open them as I can't open direct from outlook.
I'm running windows 7 and office 2010.

Please help if possible.

microsoft word has stopped working

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 10:20 AM PDT

 hello I purchased a Acer Windows 8 computer from the retail store Future Shop. With it came Microsoft Office 365 and it was working very well then it started to say "Microsoft Word Has Stopped Working". I figured the trial was over and decided to purchase Microsoft University today. I installed it and I still get the same problem.


I have tried winword /safe launch which works. How can I get Microsoft Office to work properly?


please help me,


loyal Microsoft customer.