

Slack building from source CD - Forums Linux

Slack building from source CD - Forums Linux

Slack building from source CD

Posted: 26 Sep 2004 07:07 PM PDT

Aiehce wrote:

Could something have happened to the user's default shell? For example, a
shell set to /bin/false will act just as you describe.


What am I doing wrong?

Posted: 26 Sep 2004 02:22 PM PDT

Phil Deane wrote:

Kosmo, pay attention to this one!

Could be a corrupt CD -- there are a lot of them about these days. Try a
CD about 3 years old.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~

Problems Booting into Linux with Grub

Posted: 26 Sep 2004 12:40 PM PDT

On 09/27/04 01:10, Bob Moore wrote: 

Which disro?
Was it working fine, before you upgraded?
What are the contents of your /boot/grub/grub.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst?

Dr Balwinder Singh Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709
CLLO (Chief Linux Learning Officer) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Anu's Linux@HOME Distros: Knoppix, Fedora, FreeBSD
More: Visit:

i need a good perl tutorial

Posted: 25 Sep 2004 05:22 PM PDT

sze wrote:

The standard text in English is "Learning Perl" by Schwartz and
Phoenix, published by O'Reilly, now in its 3rd edition.


Uh-oh, hard drive migration snafu

Posted: 25 Sep 2004 02:10 PM PDT

Anonymous Sender wrote: 

When you started copying whole partitions with dd, you were copying them
byte for byte including the filesystem metadata. IOW, your filesystems
on the new disk are now the same size as the ones on the old disk. Your
larger partitions won't have access to the extra space. Moreover, since
you state that you mounted the new partitions, I presume you had already
created filesystems on them, which were overwritten with the smaller
filesystems from the older drives. Then when you shutdown with the
power button, things were probably in a wildly inconsistent state. Who
knows what happened with the partitions on /dev/hdb.


See the "Hard Disk Upgrade HOWTO" at

install networking question

Posted: 24 Sep 2004 09:15 PM PDT

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 17:19:35 -0700, Dcrusoe wrote:

Thank you!
The fact that the W98 boxes cannot ping the XP box may be significant.
It could be the XP box is running a software firewall to ignore incoming
pings. I am not running XP, so I can't really advise you about how to
disable it.

To try to debug this problem, you could connect your linux box to the
Netgear switch (unplug a W98 box temporarily) and see if you can ping the
W98 boxes from there. If you can ping the other boxes, then that
probably means there is something that is not configured correctly on
the Netgear router (or some other problem with that segment)- but you
would be isolating the problem somewhat.

Also, when you have restarted your linux box when connected to the
network switch run these commands:

# route -n
# ifconfig

And post the model numbers of the Netgear devices.

Dallas: What are my chances?

Shockwave plugin for linux ?

Posted: 24 Sep 2004 05:43 PM PDT

lm9user wrote: 

No. I don't think so (except basic flash). With that said....
crossover works quite well in this regard.

make command on Suse 9.1

Posted: 24 Sep 2004 03:24 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1
NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message

In comp.os.linux.setup A. Naim <com> suggested: 

Thx for the flowers, you could have known it by typing 'pin make'
or alike, dunno if that comes with the shrink wrapped version you
run, never wasted my time with those versions and I don't run
suse on my primary desktop(s) anymore since ages.

Go for the professional version if you like suse or install
another distro, you don't need to buy it, you can simply copy it
from a friend. Sure you can't use the mail/phone? installation
support, but all patches are available to you through online
update. Perfectly legal. On the other hand you get some printed
docs which might be useful in the beginning and suse, like other
distro pay some Linux developer, you'd support with buying.



The amount of regular poster able to answer most questions is
quite limited. Read for a while and you'll sooner or later
mention that Peter is one of them, willing to share his deep
knowledge with us. One might not like his posting stile, but
usually you can learn lots from his posts.

Michael Heiming (GPG-Key ID: 0xEDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


mplayer plugin problem

Posted: 24 Sep 2004 01:28 AM PDT

hi again
i paste/copied the to the plugin directory and the
mplayerplug-in.xpt to the components directory both in the /usr/local/mozilla
directory after i did the rpm --nodeps -ivh mplayerplug-in-2.66-rhel3.i386.rpm
command and then use the locate mplayerplug-in to find them they were in the
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and in the /usr/lib/mozilla/components/ directories
did all as root .

now the mozilla sees the mplayerplug-in 2.66 :
video/quicktime Quicktime mov Yes
video/x-quicktime Quicktime mov Yes
image/x-quicktime Quicktime mov Yes
video/quicktime Quicktime mp4 Yes
video/quicktime Quicktime - Session Description Protocol sdp
application/x-quicktimeplayer Quicktime mov Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin Windows Media asf,asx Yes
video/x-msvideo AVI avi Yes
video/msvideo AVI avi Yes
application/x-mplayer2 WMV wmv Yes
video/x-ms-wm MSNBCPlayer asf Yes
video/x-ms-asf Windows Media asf,asx Yes
video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media wmv Yes
video/x-ms-wmp Windows Media wmp Yes
video/x-ms-wvx Windows Media wvx Yes
audio/x-ms-wax Windows Media wax Yes
audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media wma Yes
application/x-drm-v2 Windows Media asx Yes
audio/wav Microsoft wave file wav Yes
audio/x-wav Microsoft wave file wav Yes
video/mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
audio/mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
video/x-mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
video/x-mpeg2 MPEG2 mpv2,mp2ve Yes
audio/mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
audio/x-mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
audio/mpeg2 MPEG audio mp2 Yes
audio/x-mpeg2 MPEG audio mp2 Yes
audio/mpeg3 MPEG audio mp3 Yes
audio/x-mpeg3 MPEG audio mp3 Yes
audio/mp3 MPEG audio mp3 Yes
video/mp4 MPEG 4 Video mp4 Yes
video/fli FLI animation fli,flc Yes
video/x-fli FLI animation fli,flc Yes
video/ VivoActive viv,vivo Yes

but it still not working , after several attempts i get this
mess in the mozilla window

Toolkit mismatch mozilla (GTK1) , plug-in (GTK2)

what should i do

Microsoft Word - Is there a reference table somewhere, showing Word Options in "User" Language, and their matching VBasic syntax?

Microsoft Word - Is there a reference table somewhere, showing Word Options in "User" Language, and their matching VBasic syntax?

Is there a reference table somewhere, showing Word Options in "User" Language, and their matching VBasic syntax?

Posted: 14 Jul 2013 08:29 AM PDT

 Is there a reference  table, somewhere, that shows...


Column A                                      Column B

All Word Options Settings,           All Word Options Settings,

in User Language                          in VBasic Language help me, and other macro author wannabes, who need to learn how to use these?




I was working in Microsoft Word 2010 and three pages of text disappeared. I had saved periodically. Where might it be?

Posted: 14 Jul 2013 06:08 AM PDT

I was typing a document and I was on the third page.  I was almost done when I looked up and the entire document was gone.  I had saved periodically so I believe it can be retrieved somewhere.  When I open the document, there is no text, but the computer is telling me that the size of it is still 14 KB.  Suggestions?

Zoom syncs even when synchronous scrolling off

Posted: 13 Jul 2013 04:52 PM PDT

At times I need to view one part of a document while working on another part. It's simple enough to select View | New Window and then View | Side by Side, then click on Synchronous Scrolling to turn it off. So far, so good. Then, I reduce the zoom size of the part I'm referencing and magnify the zoom size of the window I'm editing. That's where Word 365 has an issue. Even though I've turned synchronous scrolling off, both windows zoom simultaneously.


I have not yet been able to have the windows zoom independently. How does one go about this?


Change default margins in Word 2007

Posted: 13 Jul 2013 04:18 PM PDT

The default margins for everything in Word 2007 seems to be 1" X 1" X 1" X1".  I use margins of .75" X .75" X .75" X .75" for everything.  I don't care how many times I have set them using custom margins  when I start a new document the custom margins has been reset to the same default measurements.  Is there any way at all to change that default setting or to make the custom margins setting retain the settings I use. 

I have Windows 7 Home Premium and this problem just started a couple of weeks ago.  I've tried running a repair cycle - that didn't work.  I reinstalled Office - that didn't work either.  I shouldn't have to reset my margins for every document I open since that's supposed to be what the "Last Custom Setting" under Margins is for.  But now I have to reset all four sides every time I start a new document.

I hope someone can help me with this.  It at all possible I would prefer to be able to set the default margins to the ones I use.

Final--Final--FINAL: How to Insert Page Numbers on Word 2010

Posted: 13 Jul 2013 05:10 AM PDT

I have wasted more hours and blood pressure on this subject than a rational human should ever have wasted. If I had not paid for Office 2010 specifically for Word, and if I did not have documents in need of easy pagination, I'd have spent my time in other ways. I finally settled for the (non) answer of opening documents in .DOC mode and saving them as .DOCX.


I now need to paginate another document, using both roman numerals and page numbers. I thought I would post this question a final time, because the insult of "fields" and other arcana, when pagination used to be as easy as clicking Insert and Page Number, is too much. If there has been any fix that would allow a user of normal intelligence and twenty years' Word experience to insert a page number in a document and not have to spend more than an hour [sic] getting the page number to mirror on verso and recto, I would like to hear it here.


Thank you.

How do I make a "cent" symbol?

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 12:46 PM PDT

How do I make a "cent" symbol?


Posted: 12 Jul 2013 09:20 AM PDT

I use bullets and the multilevel list function often. All of a sudden it is not working. I assume I mistakenly changed a setting somewhere.

Help Please!

Office 2010 Formatting changes not being displayed

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 08:36 AM PDT

I have a user that is having an issue across all Office 2010 (32 bit) applications. Whenever he tries to make any updates to his formatting in any excel/word document, the changes are not displayed on screen (font color change or adding/removing borders to tables). 

When I make a couple formatting changes and print the file, the print does not contain the formatting changes. But if he saves and emails the file to anyone else, the changes appear correctly on another system. 

I have already tried to repair and re-install Office, delete user profile but the issue persists. Is there anything else specific I should be trying?


When I openHow do i set/rest the default font and point size for Office 2007

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 10:34 AM PDT

when I open Microsoft office word 2007 it opens with calibrl size10 I want it to open eith Times New roman point size 12


Posted: 08 Jul 2013 09:09 PM PDT


Microsoft Works - preprinted invitations

Microsoft Works - preprinted invitations

preprinted invitations

Posted: 20 Mar 2005 10:39 AM PST

The invitations are folded. Opened they are 5.25" by about 7.5"

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

Spreadsheet Problem for Works

Posted: 20 Mar 2005 07:49 AM PST

Thank you but I am looking for a way to do it without any formula changes
after the initial setup. I just want to insert a new row or rows and the
total will adjust itself.
Example with 5 item running average,


average of 1-10
average of 6-10

Now I add item 11


average of 1-11
average of 7-11

What I need is a way to dynamically change the range using a formula.

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

Help Required

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 06:19 AM PST

Hi Andy,


Install WORD word processor separately, then Activate it.

1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.
2. Select Works Suite 2005 from the Currently installed programs list.

You may then select to "CHANGE or REMOVE" the installation.

Choose CHANGE.

Proceed to install WORD and the WORD in Works Add-In.

To re/install the Word in Works Suite Add-in:

1. Place the Works Suite Disc 1 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
3. Right-click the CD-ROM drive icon, and then click Explore.
4. In the left pane, double-click the WordAdd folder.
5. In the right pane, double click Setup.exe.
6. Follow the instructions on the screen to reinstall the Word in Works
Suite Add-in.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Macca" <> wrote in message
| Yes it's the works suite version I have.
| Andy
| "Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:
| > Hi Macca,
| >
| > Works 8 does not include the Word word processor.
| >
| > However, the Suite versions of Works do.
| >
| >
| > HTH,
| > --
| > Kevin James.
| > Tua'r Goleuni
| > Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
| > Works KB Links:
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > "Macca" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| > | have just purchased works 8 and have just installed it but it won't
| > | Word. It gives no reason just tells me it has no been installed but
| > | everything else has. Any ideas why this is happeneing?
| >
| >
| >

Works ver.6 Calendar

Posted: 17 Mar 2005 12:59 AM PST

Thanks Ken,

"Ken" wrote:

Works 2004 at Home - Excel at Work

Posted: 16 Mar 2005 10:53 AM PST

1-2-3 refers to the old Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

"MrCordes" <> wrote in
message news:Od$phx.gbl...
|I saw the WKS file format options in Excel, but wasn't sure
what the (1-2-3)
| meant. I'll tell him to try the WKS's if he runs in to
problems, and know
| that CSV is always a safe last resort. But it sounds like
you think there
| shouldn't be a problem in the first place, I'll wait to
see if he has any
| before I get him worried. Thanks!
| "Jim Macklin" <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm> wrote
in message
| news:phx.gbl...
| > Excel can open or save as various wks file formats. You
| > always use CSV format.
| >
| > WORKS and Excel should be able to open and save files,
| > you need to open the program first and use the file/open
| > menu to select and open the file.
| >
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| > "MrCordes" <com> wrote in message
| > news:phx.gbl...
| > | My brother just ordered a copy of Works Suite 2004.
| > ocasionaly uses
| > | Excel at work for very basic spreadsheets.
| > |
| > | Does anyone know if the spreadsheet portion Works 7.0
| > allows him to easily
| > | save his spreadsheets in a format that Excel will be
| > to open (without
| > | having to install any converters in Excel - company
| > security policy doesn't
| > | allow it)?
| > |
| > | On the same note, should Works 7.0 be able to open a
| > simple Excel 2003
| > | document that is saved with default settings? If not,
| > there a converter
| > | for Works 7 that he can download, or a special format
| > should save with in
| > | Excel?
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

Resetting Standard Letter Format

Posted: 16 Mar 2005 10:25 AM PST

Glad to help. BTW, the F1 key will open a context sensitive
help. If you're doing something and need help, just press

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

"DAVDOR" <> wrote in message
| Thanx, it worked. Sorry for all these dumb questions from
a former Mac user
| "Jim Macklin" wrote:
| > Create a letter with page setup for margins, fonts, etc
| > the way you want it. You can have just dummy entries
| > (perhaps instructions) to over-write. When it looks the
| > you want it, use the Save As command and select template
| > the file type.
| >
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| > "DAVDOR" <> wrote in
| >
| > | Is there a way I can reset the standard format, font
| > page set up for all
| > | letters. Each time I generate a new letter I must
reset it
| > to what I want. I
| > | want a spacing and font of my choosing that will be my
| > Works standard. I find
| > | no instructions for this.
| >
| >
| >


Posted: 15 Mar 2005 06:11 AM PST

I would not agree with the previous response.
(pasting into Database first ?)

Just try pasting the document direct to MSWord

Then navigate to Tools / Sort

you will have the option to sort via paragraphs or list.

Sort, then paste back to MSWorks.


"Toffeehead" <> wrote in message
| I am writing to ask how I go about sorting items in order, ( alphabetical ),
| for example in a document.

OT: Small town...Big Name

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 10:02 PM PST

And I thought
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapima ungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu
was long. Place name in New Zealand at 84 letters which means ''place where
Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed
mountains, known as land-eater, played his flute to his loved one'.

This name is usually shortened to Taumata.


"Paul" <> wrote in message


Posted: 14 Mar 2005 07:11 PM PST

...from a message in 2000

an explanation.

Works manuals etc here at ( select TechHelp)
or directly ;

List of Works Books (10).*41/152/153/hc/3.html?tag=st.hp*.hc.ont.hc

On-Line Assistance for Works*41/152/153/hc/8.html?tag=st.hp*.hc.filte...

Here's assistance on How To do most things in Works, strongly biased
towards the Works Processor and Works Spreadsheet.

There are also tutorials available for downloading.

Kevin James
Tua'r Goleuni
Millennium MVP - MS Works

Column to keep running total

Posted: 13 Mar 2005 10:25 AM PST

Put your "Total" cell further down the page
allowing say 20-30 blank rows
Fill the total column down as advised

When you add an entry it will auto fill.

| > Hi Jeffc,
| > In cell B2, adjacent to A2= -50, enter the formula = B1+A2
| > Copy this formula / fill down for the B column, so that
| > B3 = B2 + A3
| > B4 = B3 + A4 etc..
| Thanks Kevin. But if I have to do that every time I add an entry in column
| A, what's the point? It's easier to just do the addition myself.


Posted: 12 Mar 2005 04:25 PM PST

Thanks Kevin,
I'll print out your response and work through it.

I have been using Excel 97, but because of the problem
exchanging data between works and excel, thought I would try
to stay in works.

The formula works fine in excel (with a few nomenclature changes)

When pasting data from DB to SS in works
there is no option to paste as "Text" as in excel.

The only option one has is "paste as values" exactly what I do <not> want :(

Thanks for your extended reply

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...
| Hi Rodney,
| I'll try and capture the essence, but don't quote me. :-)
| VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP operate best with (ascendingly)
| ordered lists.
| Your formula (algorithm) operates in the following manner:
| VLOOKUP value of AB503 in list, range P2 : P300
| IF the first value in the list is greater than value of AB503
| THEN result = 0 (irrespective of other values in list)
| OTHERWISE result = value of 'successful' lookup
| ( successful does not necessitate a matched value for AB503 )
| Particularly,
| 1. If the first value in the list is greater than AB503 then ERR results
| (irrespespective of further values in colum P )
| This gives ISERR(lookup) is true
| and from IF(ISERR(lookup) is true,0,...)
| we get 0 in the result cell.
| 2. IF AB503 value is in (asc.) ordered list THEN result = (offset value)
| 3. IF AB503 value is not in (asc.) ordered list AND a/all values
| in the list are less than the value of AB503 THEN result = offset
| value of number less than AND closest to the value of AB503
| (i.e. always the last value in the list).
| Further, and why I said "operate best with (ascendingly) ordered list" ;-)
| 4. IF the list is unordered, AND the value of AB503 is not in the list
| AND the first value is not greater than AB503 then the result is the
| offset value for the first of the two adjacent numbers whose values
| "intersect" the lookup value ( i.e. always the lower number ).
| 5. IF the list is unordered, AND the value of AB503 is in the list
| AND the first value is not greater than AB503 BUT two values before
| the AB503 value "intersect" the value of AB503, then the result is the
| offset value for the lower number).
| 6. IF the list is unordered, AND the value of AB503 is in the list
| AND all column P values preceding the matching value are less than
| AB503, (whether ordered or not) then the result is the offset value for
| the matched number AB503 ).
| Perhaps, suspect that No.4 above applies in your case.
| HTH,
| --
| Kevin James.
| Tua'r Goleuni
| Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
| Works KB Links:
| "Rodney" <> wrote in message
| news:u$phx.gbl...
| |
| | I have this formula in a cell
| |
| | =IF(ISERR(VLOOKUP(AB503,$P$2:$R$300,1)),0,(VLOOKUP (AB503,$P$2:$R$300,1)))
| |
| | In the lookup range (column P) , 15 does not appear.
| | I put 15 in the cell AB503 yet the result cell reads 1 and not zero
| | in fact <all> the cell read 1
| |
| | why is this happening pleae?
| |
| |
| |
| |

Open Office - [discuss] CPanel extract tool

Open Office - [discuss] CPanel extract tool

[discuss] CPanel extract tool

Posted: 27 Mar 2008 08:06 PM PDT

Barbara, you have subscribed to a mailing list. To unsubscribe send an
email to the address at the bottom of this email. You must send the
email from the address you subscribed with. When you send it the server
will send an email requesting confirmation that you wish to unsubscribe.
Follow the instructions in the confirmation email (i believe all you
need to do is reply to it). Then no more emails from this mailing list.

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:48:14 +1100
Barbara E Pye wrote:


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

- Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
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[discuss] Our New Look

Posted: 27 Mar 2008 05:00 AM PDT


On Wed, 2008-03-26 at 23:42 -0400, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote: 
May I suggest you send the above message to the org
mailing list as well. They were unaware that the new site was ready.
All of the comments so far have been complimentary. They were also
unaware that the new home page was tied to the release of 2.4. 
Regards Bill

To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
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[discuss] [moderated] Impress can not play WindowMedia Player

Posted: 26 Mar 2008 09:50 AM PDT

On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 09:33 +0700, Lam Bui Bao wrote: 

Use a hyperlink to the file eg on my system I go to insert in the
impress menu then hyperlink and put /home/ian/videos/<filename> in the
URL box (could link like this eg to YouTube or a web based video
source). This will call up the file called <filename> in my video folder
on my computer and as long as it is associate with an application it
will automatically launch that application to run the video. So you can
run any video in any format not just the ones supported by MS.

When I click the link on the slide it calls up Totem video player and
plays the video. On a windows system it should call up Windows media
player for a WMV file so you have the full functions of your player.
Close it at the end and move to the next slide. I can't really see the
point in going through a load of coding effort to try and guess
Microsoft's video formats which they can and do change at a whim when
you can just use the player that comes with Windows and indeed other
players for other formats - eg mplayer for flash video etc.

New QCA Accredited IT Qualifications

You have received this email from the following company: The Learning
Machine Limited, Reg Office, 36 Ashby Road, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79
8AQ. Reg No: 05560797, Registered in England and Wales.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
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[discuss] data importing features on calc

Posted: 26 Mar 2008 09:49 AM PDT

e-mail from Frank Stecher from Hamburg 20097 DE:


what's about Insert Sheet from File ? Give it a try.


That solved my problems, it automatically imported the .txt file into
the spreadsheet without having to first select .csv format.

Thanks Frank!

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Adams []=20
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:04 AM
To: org
Cc: Koid, Jian
Subject: Re: [discuss] data importing features on calc

But if you are importing it as a .csv you can rename it from .txt to
..csv without drama?

Aren't .txt files containing .csv data non standard? (I know .csv is a
type of text data, but calling a car a Ford narrows things down a bit).
This rattles the poor programs paramaters a tad.

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:44:35 -0400
Koid, Jian wrote:


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

- Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
For additional commands, e-mail: org

[discuss] New Website

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 01:11 AM PDT

this continues to make me worry about the policy of allowing
unsubscribed addresses to post.

A gentleman posted offering the free services of his professional web
development shop, asking who to contact.

Two subscribers hit Reply and answered, but he won't see it.

Hate to revive a dead horse just to beat it one more time, but WHY allow
unsubscribed posts (IMO, should not be allowed, persons who do not wish
to receive list emails can use the forums!) if the headers are not set
up to reply to the author of the post-being-replied-to as well as to the

Should it really be up to Discuss listmates to reveal full headers on
all incoming posts to which they wish to reply, scan through dozens of
header lines looking to see if there is a "Delivered-To: moderator for
org" line, and manually copy the OP's email address
into a cc field?

Even if list admins don't think that is too much to ask, folks just
don't know or don't always remember to do this. It leaves the OP feeling
like there is no community support. Very bad for PR and for expansion of
the user and developer communities.


To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
For additional commands, e-mail: org

[discuss] e-mail

Posted: 23 Mar 2008 09:34 PM PDT

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:22:12 net wrote:

As you've emailed this to a user mailing list, no-one here is going to be able
to help you.

Downloading OpenOffice from, does not require an ID and/or
password - I would recommend that you get in touch with the people running
the site you downloaded from.

Klaas Visser
Sydney, Australia

Always and never, are two words you
should always remember never to use

To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
For additional commands, e-mail: org

[discuss] Advertising Strategy

Posted: 23 Mar 2008 09:34 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1

Hi, Kim.

Kim Gerback. If you did not send the original email, then
please disregard this message. Your email address was
apparently used to spoof this email to a email list run by
a free alternative to Microsoft Office (Open Office) which
does more that Microsoft Office, and is completely FREE.
On the other hand, If you did actually send this misguided,
uneducated message, please read this email as well as any
other emails that are replies to this email. Hopefully,
you'll learn of the errors contained in your statements.

Disclaimer: I'm just a user of ooo (OpenOffice), and thus
cannot be held legally responsible as a representative for
the ooo team or the product. I am merely a happy user of
ooo for almost six years. I will never re-install MS Office,
nor pay Bill Gates for another application, if there is
any way around it.

~ (Hey, ooo guys. Doesn't "Kim" sound like a MS plant, or
~ an MS plant sending email from an SBCGlobal (Yahoo) home
~ email address, or an SBCGlobal account paid for by MS?
~ Anyway...)

I'm sure that you've heard the answer over and over from
many different ooo-discuss readers, both on-list and

| make it compatible with Microsoft Word.
If you've actually tried ooo, then you know that ooo *IS*
compatible with MS Word in multiple ways. I supports three
versions of MS Word, as well as compatible file formats.

| I found out that I can't use Open Office documents to
| send them to friends and teachers who have Microsoft
| Word because the file ends up as "corrupted" and cannot
| be opened with Microsoft Word.
If you save your ooo document as RTF (Rich Text File), then
any of your WinDoze Werd email recipients can read your
document perfectly in many different word-processors,
including WordPad... which has been distributed with
WinDoze for almost 10 years or more. Yes, even M$ Werd
can read an RTF perfectly.

| Doesn't do me any good, so I bought Microsoft Office.
Fine. You have made your choice to give Bill Gates and
M$ more money before you even posted to the list.
You may become another non-thinking "clone" willing to
pay big $$$ for substandard piece of software.

(Group: That was the statement that clinched it for me.
~ This post is just hate mail from an M$ employee, who
~ has been tasked with posting a message on the ooo lists,
~ trying to dissuade ooo users from using ooo, incidentally
~ the ooo project is now approved by IBM. I wonder if that
~ means that ooo is going to be under the IBM-Lotus budget.
~ ;) Hmmm, yet another reason for M$ to start fraudulently
~ attacking ooo in any way they can. :) )

Kim Gerback, or whoever you are -
Why didn't you just post this using your or
your or your email account?
Were you afraid that we wouldn't see through your fraudulent

Group: I will forward any "postmaster" responses from
~, for all on-list to see.

Peace, All.

Barry Smith
- - sent from Thunderbird, a FREE email program that supports
email better than M$ OE or M$ Outlook ever could.

PS: Yes, I use email encryption (see my key ID mentioned below).
~ I prefer that direct communication between email users
~ be protected through non-government-regulated tools.
~ I'm not anti-government, nor anti-establishment.
~ I'm just "Open" and honest.

Kim Garback wrote:
| Hi, wonderful minds of Open Office.
| Here's an idea about how to market for Open Office: make it compatible
| Microsoft Word. I wasn't happy to begin with because Open Office doesn't
| have all of the options Microsoft Word offers for its documents. Then I
| found out that I can't use Open Office documents to send them to
friends and
| teachers who have Microsoft Word because the file ends up as
"corrupted" and
| cannot be opened with Microsoft Word. Doesn't do me any good, so I bought
| Microsoft Office.
| Just thought I'd let ya know: your product sucks.
| Kim

- --

Barry Smith (2008-01-21 2048 no expire)
<bnsmith001 [at] gmail [dot] com>
Public Key ID : 0xBA649960
Key fingerprint : BAF9 A3F3 DF31 5038 1D72 442C 80E9 FF84 BA64 9960
If you can't find my key, tell me what keyserver to upload it to.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by Symantec Antivirus Corporate edition
Version: / Scan Engine
Virus Database: 100321d Release Date: 2008/03/21 rev. 4

Peace and Love!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[discuss] Suggestion for WordPerfect Compatible option

Posted: 22 Mar 2008 10:31 PM PDT

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 3:18 AM, David wrote:

Creating a template would be trivial, if one either:
* has the specifications;
* has a working version of the program;

I have no idea if the version of WordPerfect I have, will run on my
current system. (It came with either Mandrake 1.0, or Corel's Linux
Desktop. I use Ubuntu Christian Edition.)

OOo menus can be customized to reflect the layout of WordPerfect.
Some, but not all of the keystroke combinations can also be remapped
to that which was used by WordPerfect.

[Personally, I'd rather remap to the WordStar Command set. But that
requires rewriting the OOo code.]

The major feature that WordPerfect users want, that OOo does not
direclty offer is Reveal Codes;

In OOo Reveal codes add zero functionality. None the less, there is
a macro that will provide something similar to Reveal codes in Write,
and a second macro does that for Calc.



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[discuss] OpenOffice Verson of Outlook?

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 05:57 PM PDT

Bob Foxworth wrote: 

There are two alternatives that I would suggest: Thunderbird and
Evolution ( Both are free
quality mail clients. If you're a little more fond of Outlook Evolution
might be a better fit.

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[discuss] ternary diagrams

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 02:37 PM PDT

Hi Tomas,

OOo chart does not offer ternary diagrams so far, but feel invited to
submit a feature request for that:

Then maybe this issue get some votes if other users are also interested
in this feature.

Kind regards,

Tomas Lanczos wrote: 

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[discuss] OpenOffice Software

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 01:32 PM PDT

jonathon wrote: 

I just went half mad with frustration, unable for several days to update
a website that I manage, because, as I eventually discovered, the
damfool Microsoft firewall, which I had turned off, had turned itself on
again, without even notifying me, let alone asking my permission.

Sometimes I wish IBM still made mini-mainframes, so I could just cut
over everything to z/OS.

John W. Kennedy
"Sweet, was Christ crucified to create this chat?"
-- Charles Williams. "Judgement at Chelmsford"

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[discuss] OpenOffice for Mobile phones ?

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 01:25 PM PDT

On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 19:05:08 -0600, jonathon <com>

well my EEEPC has 512 of RAM and runs OOo 2.3 really excellent no slowdown.

Actually the problem is not that, but the UNO API and refactoring. The
problem is that is monolitic and that usually double the resource
(Symbian/WinMobile AND UNO).

However it is possible to have a ODF editor done with the Symbian toolkit
and just have one framework to edit the ODF. As a matter of fact there is
a viewer of ODF in mobile phones which was shown in Barcelona called
SEPT-Mobile Office.

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of ES

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[discuss] Simple Typo

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 01:24 PM PDT


This is a grammar trap I have had to look up several times in my life to
get the correct usage of Latin origin words. My main reference is
"Fowler's Modern English Usage". He has several entries under "plurals",
"latin plurals", etc.

It seems to boil down to this:

The English language uses words of Latin origin in three ways.

* Words that have been taken/borrowed from Latin; either directly
or through french; but have become fully integrated into the
English language as English words.
* Words that have a technical meaning; defined by scientists,
mathematicians and other technical writers or speakers. This is
a holdover from the days when Latin was the 'lingua franca' of
early science. Because of this early international scientific
usage and fixed definition they are still considered Latin
words, not absorbed English words.
* And of course, Latin words that are used in Latin phrases and
quotations by Lawyers and Philosophers. They are Latin words
because their original Latin meaning is intended within the

Examples of pluralization:

English words, even if the origin was Latin but are now used in common
English, are made plural by adding an 's' -- as would be expected. E.g.
"I have several different formulas I use to pick up girls". Or,"The
formulas used are just basic rules of thumb".

Technical words (math, physics, chemistry etc) are not English, they are
a "lingua franca" of science and don't change in their very specific
"This is a formula: A=Pi r ^2"
"These are formulae: A=Pi r ^2, and, a^2=b^2+c^2"

Of course, If you are using Latin phrases or quotations, they should be
pluralized using proper Latin grammar.

On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 01:31 -0400, SBernheart wrote: 

In the case mentioned above, OOo should use formulae because it is
making reference to using precise mathematical symbols.

Regards Bill

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[discuss] Theme support for OpenOffice.

Posted: 11 Mar 2008 01:16 AM PDT

Well actually there is a mild theme support which is that most of the
icons are png and stored under zip files. This files are also stored under

This has all the iconset stored in zip packages. It wont be that hard to
get a new theme load up (or maybe it does) but would be better to have a
zip with the new theme.

Now I know this might not be all that you wanted and you are looking for
toolkit support. However the toolkit wasn't built for theme in mind and
the actual color scheme would need to be either engineer or activate. This
is easier to ask once we get an actual iconset to work with.

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:22:54 -0600, Marseille Hunter
<com> wrote:

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of ES

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[discuss] Why not LGPL _and_ LGPL 3.0 ?

Posted: 07 Mar 2008 11:33 AM PST

The only difference is to avoid the introduction of DRM technology into
OOo under chapter 3? Are you doing such a thing?

On Fri, 07 Mar 2008 13:31:30 -0600, theUser BL <com>

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of ES

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[discuss] New License and Contributor Agreement

Posted: 07 Mar 2008 12:56 AM PST

To Louis Saurez-Potts: Have they even given consideration to people who
have many documents in the older format? Will there be consideration for
some kind of conversion of those documents? :-(

Louis Suarez-Potts wrote: 

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Identification of software key for Office 2004 install Microsoft Office for Mac

Identification of software key for Office 2004 install Microsoft Office for Mac

Identification of software key for Office 2004 install

Posted: 03 Feb 2008 05:43 PM PST

Hi Bob:

Yes, sort-of. If you look in the Application menu for the About item and
display that, it will display the Product ID to you.

If you find two machines on which all but the last five digits match, the
same key was used on those two machines.

It won't tell you "which" key was used, just that the "same" key was used.


On 4/02/08 11:13 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

VB Editor - Command key stuck?

Posted: 03 Feb 2008 04:25 PM PST

Sorry, I should've said - yep, I've checked both of those. Thanks for the suggestion - I'll try it tonight.

Illegal handling of Greek Characters in Speller (Office 2008)

Posted: 03 Feb 2008 10:45 AM PST

Thanks for the try.

I am sure that this is a bug in these two apps. It is correct that the
language is applied to the whole doc but this is not the problem.
Try the following. Write a few greek words in an excel sheet (i hope
you can) like the ones in the list (ðÜëé, ððð Ýíáò). Calling the
speller, the words containing greek letter pi (ð) presented with only
the pi letter in the spell dialog. All other characters are missing.
The word with three pi (ððð) appears correctly. This means that excel
passes only pi from greek chars to the speller. If the greek word
contains two nonconsecutive pi then the speller presents the first as
unknown word and then the second as a different unknown word
considering the characters between the two pi as space chars. If
instead of greek chars you put english chars between two
nonconsecutive pi then the whole word is correctly passed to speller
and handled normally.
In Entourage not even the pi is passed to speller. Greek chars
considered as empty space.

On 4 Öåâ, 13:05, John McGhie <name> wrote: 

Appleworks conversion

Posted: 03 Feb 2008 09:00 AM PST

PS to my own (which I actually tried to cancel):

While there are free scripts out there, this question has a lot of
different variations and issues that you could run into that would take
a lot of time to work around, so it's probably worth just biting the
bullet and paying for MacLinkPlus (that Michel linked), which is a more
extensive program that should already have taken all these issues into

Daiya Mitchell wrote: 

Good web version of these forums

Posted: 02 Feb 2008 04:27 PM PST

Problems? What problems? I am not seeing any problems in Entourage?? :-)

On 4/02/08 8:14 AM, in article, "Diane Ross"
<> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

office 2004 on leopard

Posted: 02 Feb 2008 01:59 PM PST

I think the serial number should actually be on the back of the original
DVD case, not the booklet, if that helps. Labeled CD Key, an orange or
yellow sticker.

com wrote: 

Anyone else missing Microsoft Expression Media?

Posted: 02 Feb 2008 01:09 PM PST

In article <caR9absDaxw>, com

You're right - I was misremembering.

I don't know how the fulfillment will work, but I would call the
too-free number on the form.

Missing letters

Posted: 02 Feb 2008 01:06 PM PST

On 2/2/08 1:06 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Have you restarted your computer and run Repair Permissions?

Using Repair Permissions after installing MS Office or any application that
uses an installer is often advised. To use Repair Permissions:
1. Open Disk Utility in your Applications/Utility folder.
2. Click on the First Aid tab and select Repair Permissions
3. Click on the icon for your boot volume.
4. Click the repair permissions button.

Don't run from CD. Updates contain a newer versions of the application's
Diane, Microsoft Mac MVP (MVPs are not Microsoft Employees)
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Upgrading Office version from 10.1.4

Posted: 01 Feb 2008 08:30 PM PST

On 2/2/08 5:04 AM, in article,
"CyberTaz" <> wrote:

Save yourself some time and use this page

I¹ve started a page with links that are either hard to find or missing.


Diane, Microsoft Mac MVP (MVPs are not Microsoft Employees)
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Making Word recognise a font as a symbol font

Posted: 01 Feb 2008 05:29 PM PST

Did you test the Character Palette approach? Because in my quick tests,
symbols inserted that way did not change when I changed fonts in Word.

com wrote: 

Open Docs in Office Hangs System

Posted: 01 Feb 2008 12:36 PM PST

Thanks so much, Matt!

Alas, to the best of my knowledge we haven't added any funky utilities that I'm aware of; I'll have to check when I'm back in the office. And I know we aren't running any virus-check utilities—though we probably should start thinking about it again at this point.

Ah, well! Perhaps someone has added something without my knowing! I'll have to check the processes and see if there's anything odd running.

Again, thanks for your help!

Word shuts down

Posted: 01 Feb 2008 11:28 AM PST

You should be able to just go to Word's Help menu & select Check for
Updates. What you need will be determined, downloaded & applied.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 2/2/08 3:10 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote: