

Open Office - [discuss] imiportant

Open Office - [discuss] imiportant

[discuss] imiportant

Posted: 06 Nov 2007 08:57 AM PST

Paul wrote (6-11-2007 19:36)

The person who reported, didn't read right.
Ircfast offers a download that is virus/spyware checked. That is the
service they ask money for. Alternatively, you can choose to skip the
virus/spyware rport and download free. That is what I just read on their
site, where lots of other software is offered in the same way - never
seen it before.


Cor Nouws
Arnhem - Netherlands - marketing contact

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[discuss] problems to save-downloading version 2.3

Posted: 03 Nov 2007 11:25 PM PDT

joel glasser wrote:

You can download a split version (in 10MB chunks) of from


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[discuss] integration of linguistic software with Open Office

Posted: 03 Nov 2007 11:25 PM PDT

Hi Robert,

if the translation software wanted to replicate the text structure for
the translated text it must use the API we currently have and so can
start right away. In fact I have already seen two different extensions
for translating text in OOo.

If the translation software wanted to translate "just the text" without
preserving the test structure it could use our new APIs for simplified
text access we will add together with the proof reading API.


Robert Funnell wrote:

Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] University Project Questions

Posted: 30 Oct 2007 01:22 AM PDT

I'll not replay to your answers, because they are too "technical", and I
think we need a more politcal approach to all questions, our time is
putting out. We need one vision of things and one common purpose, not
only - and not above all - a corporation purpose or project. In every
situation, we could get common purposes and common means to get them, but
it's not enough; we need also to respect each other and to refuse every kind
of fraud and violence. Least but not last, we need to discuss together -
not to be tested by far.

Thank you very much

Franco Carletti

----- Original Message -----
From: <com>
To: <com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:12 AM
Subject: [discuss] University Project Questions


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[discuss] problem I found that needs a fix

Posted: 28 Oct 2007 01:14 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

2007/10/28, David Bradley <com>: 

I don't know, but I almost never use those buttons. I always use
Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I for that. However, if something doesn't work like
expected it should be fixed.

It could be a real 


[discuss] Missing OO desktop manager

Posted: 22 Oct 2007 03:47 PM PDT

On Friday 26 October 2007 10:19, william oakes wrote: 


Sorry, tried your suggestion, however, it didn't give me the quickstart icon
on the desktop.

Thanks, anyway.

Regards, Bill...

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MacWord 2004 and 2008 side by side Microsoft Office for Mac

MacWord 2004 and 2008 side by side Microsoft Office for Mac

MacWord 2004 and 2008 side by side

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 10:56 AM PST

In article <caR9absDaxw>, com

Just don't elect to delete Office 2004 when given the option by the
Office 2008 installer.

2008 upgrade, moving macros

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 10:28 AM PST

In article <caR9absDaxw>, "Robbert Keegel" <>

Well, it's a disaster for my cross-platform VBA solutions, too, but it's

You *can* create new macros via AppleScript - *that* support was
improved quite a bit.

Trial Version expired: To Buy online

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 12:21 AM PST

Basically, you can't turn the Test Drive into a full version. You will need
to buy a proper full version instead, then run the Remove Office tool (in
Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Additional Tools/Remove Office). After
that, you're free to install the full version. I would recommend buying
Office 2008 Home & Student, as its relatively low price tag will allow you
to install Office on up to three Macs in your household. Additionally, if
you install Office 2008, the Test Drive should be removed automatically.

On 21/01/08 22:18, in article caR9absDaxw, "Larry C "
<> wrote:

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Major issues with Word 2008 student teacher edition for Mac

Posted: 20 Jan 2008 01:52 PM PST

In article <com>,
"Chuck McLaughlin"<com> wrote:

Since the behaviors you list are pretty anomalous, I wouldn't hold my
breath for a fix unless we can narrow down the problem a bit.

First, what OS version are you running? What hardware (e.g., PPC/Intel,
speed, RAM)?

Are you using a remote home folder? Are your files on a network location
or local?

Perhaps most importantly, does this same behavior happen if you create a
new OSX user?

For 1, what is a "big" ppt file? For 2 and 3, does this happen with new
files as well as old?

Serial problem - Two computers on same network

Posted: 20 Jan 2008 12:46 PM PST


It did work!!!. Thank you very much!!.


upgrade from office 2004 to 2008

Posted: 20 Jan 2008 10:48 AM PST

In article <>,
"Mr. Strat" <> wrote:

Uncheck the "Open after computer logon" checkbox in My Day preferences.

Live window resizing

Posted: 20 Jan 2008 10:13 AM PST

In article <caR9absDaxw>,
com wrote:

With millions of lines of code that originated over 25 years ago,
*nothing* is "trivially easy" in XL. Powerpoint *may* be a bit easier,
but it's still unlikely to be simple.

In any case, make your suggestion in Help/Send Feedback on ... in XL and
PPT. Make sure you include a description of how it will help you do what
you need to do in XL and PPT to help the developers understand and
prioritize the business case for including the feature.

Palm Treo Sync

Posted: 20 Jan 2008 08:58 AM PST

In article <>,
JE McGimpsey <org> wrote:

That's really great for Apple. Unfortunately, in terms of real-world
usability, it's panning out to be a freaking *nightmare* for users,
because it simply dosn't work as well as it should.

According to test done by others in these news groups, Sync Services is
unable to synchronize multiple phone number fields, email address
fields, and so on, ostensibly because it considers them duplicates. In
fact, it fails to synchronize a lot of the data that Entourage Handheld
Sync Conduit synchronized with ease, including categories. You may
consider that to be "just fine", but some of us consider it to be a step

Note: Please send all responses to the relevant news group. If you
must contact me through e-mail, let me know when you send email to
this address so that your email doesn't get eaten by my SPAM filter.


All the templates are in French, I want English, Help Please.

Posted: 19 Jan 2008 09:54 PM PST

Glad to help.

com wrote: 

Posting in HTML?

Posted: 19 Jan 2008 07:23 PM PST

In article <phx.gbl>,
William Smith <> wrote:

Bolting on a web interface to news groups in such a haphazard manner
suggests netiquette couldn't be further from their minds. That's a real

Note: Please send all responses to the relevant news group. If you
must contact me through e-mail, let me know when you send email to
this address so that your email doesn't get eaten by my SPAM filter.


cannot register office mac 2008 product id invalid

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 04:26 PM PST

Same for me. Invalid Product ID # . Microsoft suggests you go to help menu and click on About for the Product ID. Tried that and it does not appear to exist either. Awesome MS!

Office 2008 is verbose

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 02:38 PM PST

In article
com wrote:

The logs entries show some sort of problem with graphic images ("invalid
data" doesn't tell *me* much, at least) in Word and XL.

Without knowing what image calls are causing the problem, it's
impossible for anyone to say what's "right".

I can't reproduce your results - I worked for over an hour this morning
with a Word document containing multiple images without getting a single
error message.

Is your assumption valid for your machine?

Do you continue to get these errors at that rate? Are you doing anything
in particular when they occur?

Do you get these errors from Word and XL while working on different

Since it's not happening universally, it won't be an issue for everyone.

However, you should use Help/Send Feedback to report it to MacBU.

Office 2008 starts very slow

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 01:36 PM PST

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply. I tried that but unfortunately it didn't do the trick. The startup is still around 5 minutes for both Word and Entourage. Do you have any other suggestions?


Microsoft Word 2008

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 05:58 AM PST

My next suggestions are as follows:
1. Check the permissions on ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/User
Templates/Normal.dotm. Ensure you have write access to the file and the
2. Try moving or deleting the above file
3. Try moving or deleting (if it exists) ~/Documents/Microsoft User
4. Try moving or deleting ~/Library/Preferences com.Microsoft.Word.plist

Let me know if any of these remedy the problem.



On 1/20/08 10:35 AM, in article caR9absDaxw, "" <>

Curt Laird
Software Development Engineer in Test
Microsoft MacBU - Word (remove ³ONLINE² for all replies)

This posting is provided ³AS IS² with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Office 2008 won't launch!!! :-(

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 12:30 AM PST

No, no go after repairing fonts with font doctor and just having a dozen activated. :-(

Microsoft CRM - Post Callout not firing

Microsoft CRM - Post Callout not firing

Post Callout not firing

Posted: 07 Apr 2004 01:01 PM PDT

That's basically what I was trying to do to create this. Its almost exactly
like the example now, with the exception of the main class's GUID, but in
trying the one from the example, it still doesn't seem to be getting called.

One thing I did notice (bear with me if this sounds dumb, I'm relativly new to
windows based dev).
I'm moving the resulting DLL to the CRM server after compiling it on my
workstation. I'm not sure if I have the process there right. Basically just
copying the DLL to the server, putting it in the temp dir, then pointing the
COM+ application to it as a component. It doesn't seem to be failing on that
(all methods and such show up correctly), but I did notice that if I click on
the Component's properties in the component services, the CLSID is correct, but
the "DLL" field immediately above the CLSID shows as "mscoree.dll", not the DLL
which I created and copied. Is that expected behavior?

Dylan (On my personal news account now)

Matt Parks <com> wrote: 

SQL logs

Posted: 07 Apr 2004 10:44 AM PDT


The log file is an integral part of the DB from SQL's perspective. I'm
surprised you were able to do that, unless you had the SQL service stopped. I
hope you have a DB backup because I don't know if you will be able to recover
this any other way. You will need help from someone with good SQL Admin skills
to try to resolve this one.

But look at the bright side, this isn't a CRM problem. ;-)

Matt Parks

On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 11:48:23 -0700, "Gary" <> wrote:

oh boy...........this thing is in a catch-22,...I think I need to detach the
these DBs (MSCRM & METABASE), but I can't because the replication is on, and
I can't disable publishing because its having problems with those DBs!

any help?


"Gary" <> wrote in message

Hotfix 228512(Outlook)

Posted: 07 Apr 2004 06:16 AM PDT

hmmm,....spent exactly 15 seconds on google:

Knowledge Base Article on the hotfix:;en-us;228512

And the direct download:


"Coby" <> wrote in message

Looking for Customzed CRM Solutions

Posted: 07 Apr 2004 06:03 AM PDT

We do have a web portal for Microsoft CRM. Its called ManagePoint
( ManagePoint integrates with MS-CRM. It enables the
users to enter support requests, leads, orders etc. Its fully customizable
and can be hosted remotely.

I can provide more details if needed.


Farooq Ahmed
System Architect
Online Technologies Corp.
(734) 213-2020 Ext 22

"Aleem Quadri" <com> wrote in message

Performance of CRM

Posted: 07 Apr 2004 03:11 AM PDT

Typically, the delay is associated with the initial startup of services and
first time caching of the pages.

I'm not sure why the VPC images don't do a better job of saving the state
information. I'm guessing that it looks at the current cached info and decides
that it's not a current enough version and errs on the side of caution and
refreshes it. Either that, or it senses the timestamp discrepency from the
server being "saved" and restarted and flushes the cache to be safe.

As you say, not a big deal as a few clicks before the actual demo is all you
need to get it back up and running.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 16:45:00 +0100, "Tone" <>

What is that initial delay? I see that on VPC demo, either on IE client or
Outlook - doesnt even make any diff if I saved the state on VPC image either
it still does it first time the demo is used. Not an issue really for demo,
but just wondered.

Server not found.....

Posted: 07 Apr 2004 12:55 AM PDT

I have tried all that, I'm not totally lost :) This is the
strange thing. I type the same name in the IE and
everything rocks, for the SFO client in the setup it does
not work, neither does the IP no. The same applies for the
Workflow wizard. I'm little bit pissed off but do not want
to go for total resetup of the shit.

server. I.e. if you can 
sure you type 
wrote in message 

IE settings ?

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 07:44 PM PDT

make sure ALL your popup blockers / internet toolbars are not


"Jim Matthews" <net> wrote in message

Cannot connect to CRM or anything

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 07:31 PM PDT

Hey John,

The only thing I can think of that has changed in the
setup, is that I took the user I used to install CRM out
of the domain admin's group. I do remember seeing
something in this newsgroup about having to re-register
the CRM Security Service and am thinking this may apply,
although I can't find the thread on the newsgroup.

I have added the user back into Domain admins .. and when
running the security service debug console it displays

-2147467259 (0x80004005) Description: Unspecified error

-2147024894 (0x80070002) Description: The system cannot
find the file specified

Running in Debug
231 (0x000000E7) Description: All pipe instances are busy

..... and then freezes.

Another error mesage I get that I think might also apply
is that the Deletion service shows event logs saying it
cannot connect to Metabase. I ran this service in the
debug console mode and it completes successfully but says
it could not clean up the Accounts; Activity tables.????

mode. This may tell 
the command prompt 
watch for any 

Create an opportunity from a lead

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 03:18 PM PDT

Because a Lead may turn out to be assocaited with an existing record in your
database. This way, you have the choice instead of the system creating
duplicate Accounts or Contacts.

Matt Parks

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 17:20:28 -0700, "Agnes Mullen"
<> wrote:

Yes, check the boxes for each. The process is thoroughly
non-intuitive (why would we spend all that time entering
data only to have to enter it again?) but that appears to
be the way to retain your data.


create an account 

Time (zones) in MS CRM

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 01:27 PM PDT

Check your Personal Option. Have you already setup this? Try to click
Tools -> Options.
FYI, Ms.CRM is not fully related with Windows setting.


"Gill Walker" <> wrote in message

Menu Items

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 01:19 PM PDT

Any idea where i could find this?

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in message news:<#phx.gbl>... 

Workflow Rules - emails

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 04:18 AM PDT

Yeah I understand your pain there. The issue is if you goto an email
template it doesnt allow you to send to an internal user.

I suppose *you could* add the internal users as contacts maybe? and then do
an email template to said contact? I havent tried it.

We send generic emails out, and then move the item into the view of the
person who recieved the notice. That way when they goto review the account
or opp it will be in their my view.

Problems with the User with MS CRM 1.2

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 01:50 AM PDT


The post you are referring to was prior to the release of v1.2 of MSCRM. v1.2
supports all the 2003 level products (Windows Server, Exchange, Office).

I am running my own demo in a Virtual PC image that has everything (all 2003
level) installed on one "server" and it works fine. This isn't technically
supported though as there can be some issues with an "all-in-one" install if you
aren't using SBS.

Sorry to say, but I'm out of ideas other than the ones I covered already.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 09:48:03 +0200, "Atleti de Madrid"
<es> wrote:

Matt (and even John O'Donnell if he sees this post)...

For ev'rybody's info: Can someone tell us over which technologies is MS CRM 1.2
I have just see a posting dated 2003-08-06 that says that "Well CRM is not
supported on 2003 but i would check the registry settings on the crm server to
see where crm thinks the exchange server is".

Would you please tell us which can be the MS CRM 1.2 instalation layout
+ Operating Systems and versions
+ Databases supported and versions
+ Exchanges servers (or eMail server programs) supported and versions
+ and so on...

Many thanks in advance.

Maintenace Mode - Microsoft Exchange

Maintenace Mode - Microsoft Exchange

Maintenace Mode

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 01:53 PM PST

Dear Brian,

Thank you for posting here.

Do you mean Exchange Server Maintenance Mode? If so, I am afraid you need
to configure the Exchange Server in Maintenance Mode by the steps in the
article below.

260332 XADM: Disabling Monitoring of an Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003

I am afraid it is not possible to configure Exchange Server in Maintenance
Mode by command line. And since programming is out of our support boundary,
it is better for you to post in the newsgroup below.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding this. If there is
anything unclear, feel free to let me know. Thanks and have a nice day!

Thanks & Regards,

Lee Li
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! -

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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| From: "Brian Fortson" <com>
| Sender: "Brian Fortson" <com>
| Subject: Maintenace Mode
| Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 13:53:08 -0800
| Lines: 7
| Message-ID: <099a01c4c9cb$297fec50$gbl>
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| X-Tomcat-NG:
| Does anyone know if there is a way to put a computer
| in "Maintenance Mode" via a script or command line
| utility. Or is the only method to do this via the
| Operator Console GUI?
| Thanks
| Brian Fortson

Server good enough?

Posted: 12 Nov 2004 06:58 PM PST

instauratio wrote: 
As a consultant I would spend a half a day to a day working on a server
that is a year out of warranty. A simple system board failure would put
you into one of three categories. 1). Scrambling to buy a new server
which maybe should have been done to begin with 2). Searching ebay for a
similar server to rob the system board or 3). Paying Compaq/HP an insane
amount of money for one. However, if it were my business, and my time
resources were greater than my financial resources, I would take the chance.


Posted: 12 Nov 2004 02:25 PM PST

Just got it working! your a star many thanks again.
"PES" <pestewart*NOSPAM*> wrote in message

Missing Exchange Advanced tab from ADUC

Posted: 12 Nov 2004 08:18 AM PST

Mark Arnold [MVP] wrote:

Ooops <g>
My bad. Never needed to use the View menu on any MMC snap-in if that was any sort of excuse :-(



Exchange 2003 database full, but mailboxes small??

Posted: 12 Nov 2004 06:23 AM PST

ESEUTIL /d still leaves me with a 16.9GB database! And the mailboxes total
to under 500MB!

Can anyone pleeeease suggest something?


"Kremlar" <com> wrote in message

Multiple Exchange 2003 (Standard) servers

Posted: 11 Nov 2004 10:48 AM PST

They are in the same domain, using same DNS.

First I had with all mailboxes. Then I installed in the same site.
Created a testmailbox in and sended a mail to one of the
mailboxes in Success deliver. When I reply it get stuck on's queue called
/Joakim Hellström
X-ellent Software

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Adding multiple attachements when sent

Posted: 11 Nov 2004 07:28 AM PST

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message
The user is using outlook 2002 and the pic was a jpeg. As far as the
recieving system, I don't understand your question, it was just a memo being
sent with a pic in it for people to read. 
The image is the only thing that I know that this is happening to, is the
only thing that I have been told about. I believe this is happening
sporadically to recieving domains, It happend to our parrent company domain,
and I sent it to a hotmail, yahoo and gmail account to test it and it did
not happen to the hotmail or yahoo, but it did the gmail in one instant so I
sent it again and it didn't the second tim. 

Migration EX5.5 -> EX2k3; cleaning first site

Posted: 11 Nov 2004 06:04 AM PST


one question. What is better:

Replicating Public Folders with the excange 5.5 administrator and after
replication is finished to delete the old home server - or to use PFMigrate?

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Not Receiving internet e-mail on our new SBS2003

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 12:55 PM PST

IT is fixed Thanks to all
After SP1 to Exchange

"Javier Gomez [SBS MVP]" <> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Drafts Folder has been deleted

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 11:18 AM PST

"Marc Meltzer" <postalias> wrote in message

Try opening a CMD prompt, navigating to the Program Files folder that
contains Outlook.exe, and start Outlook from the CMD line with the
/resetfolders switch like this:

Outlook.exe /resetfolders

It should recreate the Drafts folder. The folder may have been by some
other program other than Outlook. The folder itself has no special property
to stop it being moved, but Outlook performs its own check to stop it being
moved accidentally.



Outlook Web Access for PDA and WAP:

SMTP to single Mailbox

Posted: 04 Nov 2004 01:04 AM PST

Oops, Sorry, I meant Google!!


"Francis Griffin" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - HYPERLINKS & Auto Text

Microsoft Word - HYPERLINKS & Auto Text


Posted: 25 Jun 2013 07:51 AM PDT

My WORD 2003 has suddenly changed the way it displays a reference to a hyperlink or the insertion of auto text.  If I type in my document shows {HYPERLINK ""} rather than simply highlighting and underscoring  If I create a footer and insert via auto text the filename, rather than showing the actual filename I've created it simply shows "filename" .  Rather than inserting created by my name, it shows created by AUTHOR.  All my saved documents in WORD are changed too.  How can I revert to the original format style please?

Can anyone tell me the color set for Technic theme so I can add it to Word 2013

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 05:24 PM PDT

Hello, I am trying to do a project that requests the Technic theme but it is not in Word 2013.  Does anyone have the color set so I can manually create a Technic theme?  Thanks!


Insert a picture outside margins WORD 2010

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 04:57 PM PDT

I want to insert an icon on the top right corner of the first page in the empty space that is considered outside of the margins.

How would I go about doing this? Thanks!

Why does spell check want to make words plural incorrectly and also the opposite?

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 01:26 PM PDT

Word spell/grammar checker wants to change words that are obviously singular to plural, and words obviously plural to singular. I have looked extensively and can't find a way to change this.

I can't save changes to my MSOffice Word Norm.dotx file

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:45 AM PDT

Everytime I use my MS Word it insists on saving changes to my Norm.dotx file even though I have made no changes.  When I accept it says it cannot save changes because the file or location is either write protected etc.  How can I stop this and still use the norm template please?
I am using Windows 8 and Office 2010

Word 2010 merge rules

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:27 AM PDT

I inadvertently applied a skip record if word 2010 merge rule.  I want to remove it and i can't see it.

Everytime I try and use word it keeps telling me that word is not working I just downloaded it and I need it to work

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:24 AM PDT

I just installed Microsoft word and everytime I try and use it I keep getting word not working looking for a solution, I need this to work, what is the problem.


Posted: 20 Jun 2013 07:20 AM PDT


I have Office 2013 installed on my laptop.  When I get a file that is attached to an email.  I download it and try to open it.  I get the error that says that the file could not to be open and to try opening it with the text recovery converter.  I try to open and repair the file and no soap.

What are my options?  I need to fix this as soon as possible.




Posted: 20 Jun 2013 06:55 AM PDT

I am using Microsoft word 2007 where I do not have the Vancouver referencing style in the manage sources under references. How can add up a few more referencing styles in manage sources. Anyone in the know?

Malawi, Africa


[Moved from feedback]

Is it possible to Rotate an OLE object in MS word. Need Help

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 04:04 AM PDT

I have to link an excel to a word. then I have to rotate the OLE. In my case the rotate options are disabled for the OLE object. Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Mail merge

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 01:45 AM PDT

I'm trying to mail merge labels into Word 2007 from a programme called Sage CRM. I'm having problems with the code in Word however which means that when a person is missing a title, there is a space in front of their name. My attempts at using the IF function to supress it have either failed completely or removed the space but changed something else. It's a minor niggle but one that is really, really annoying me so any help would be appreciated. The code I was last using was:


{ MERGEFIELD pers_salutation }{ IF pers_salutation = "" "" " "\* MERGEFORMAT }{ MERGEFIELD pers_firstname} { MERGEFIELD pers_lastname }

i am unable to sign into windows i keep getting an error has occured cannot setup office 365

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 09:39 PM PDT

i just bought office 365 university for my asus vivo tablet, however after being verify i am unable to sign into windows i keep getting an error has occured cannot setup office 365 this time try later.... what can i do i am also unable to submit my problem to them

Small Business Server - Forums Linux

Small Business Server - Forums Linux

Small Business Server

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 06:43 AM PDT

On 14 Sep 2004 06:43:38 -0700, Tavish Muldoon
<com> wrote: 

Every Linux distro has most of these features.


If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? (Think about it)

su login: takes long time

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 10:48 PM PDT

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 05:48:52 GMT, Kelli
<com> wrote: 
What is in root's .login, .profile or other startup scripts?
Does your system use NIS, LDAP, or just /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow?
Are there any NFS mounts?

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? (Think about it)

AMD's Athlon64 or Intel's P4?

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 05:50 PM PDT

<com> wrote in message

While AMD-64 is really nifty, especially for server class applications, it's
not really accessible yet to most game software. So the clock speed winds up
dominating a lot of that performance. For this year at least, consider using
Xeon's on a dual-CPU capable board and add the second CPU later if you need

Hyperthreading on CPU's is useful for some applications, but also still

Linux 2.4.18; can't `chmod 777 /floppy`

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 11:55 AM PDT

In article <acm>, Alan Mackenzie wrote: 

man mount

Not the greatest idea, but whatever. When you mount something, there,
the something is going to modify those permissions.

It's the default. See that mount man page, and look at the 'mode' option.
This would go into the /etc/fstab. You might also be interested in the
'user', "uid", and 'gid' options, but maybe not.

Is the floppy using a Unix style filesystem that understands those
permissions and ownership?

Seems so. Did you think to look at - this one
does turn up pretty frequent ;-)

Old guy

Hard Drive Setup

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 11:41 AM PDT

Are you using ext2 filesystems?

If you are, the resize2fs (see "man resize2fs") can be used in
conjunction with fdisk to modify a disk partition and its filesystem
information. Be aware that a mistake can pretty much hose everything.

To grow a partition, first use fdisk to change the ending address of the
partition to a higher value, then use resize2fs to make the filesystem
information conform.

To shrink a partition, first use resize2fs to change the filesystem
information to the desired smaller size, then use fdisk to change the
ending address of the partition to the corresponding lower value.

This method is limited in that only the *end* of the partition can be
changed. The start of the partition has to remain fixed.

Is there a way to set an environment variable (for the parent shell) through a bash script???

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 10:14 AM PDT

Andreas Janssen said the following, on 09/13/04 13:47: 

It is not possible for any process to set the environment of its parent.

I think you mean to run:

.. ./

At least, that's what works in bash.

This works because the initial '.' tells the (current) shell to read and
execute the lines in './' as input to the current shell process.

(BTW, it is a perfectly natural habit to call things 'test', but it's
really not a good idea -- man test.)

Rich Gibbs

which port/version to load

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 05:19 AM PDT

GSteven wrote: 

I would use a Debian distribution with the minimum of packages you
can install. It can do the job you want it to do without any problem,
and you can use it as a firewall also with some more work. It's an old
machine, but it can serve as a server for some services also.


Jose Maria Lopez Hernandez
Director Tecnico de bgSEC
bgSEC Seguridad y Consultoria de Sistemas Informaticos

The only people for me are the mad ones -- the ones who are mad to live,
mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time,
the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn
like fabulous yellow Roman candles.
-- Jack Kerouac, "On the Road"

Moving Partitions - hitch

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 04:33 AM PDT

Doug Laidlaw wrote: 
know how to 

You have separate /usr & /usr/local partitions?
So in the root partition, create the mount point [directory] /usr.
Mount the user partition onto /usr.
Create [once only] the directory /usr/local - it will actually be /local
in the /usr partition.
Mount the /usr/local partition onto the /usr/local mount point.
That's the recipe!

If you *ever* want to mount /usr/local without mounting /usr, then
you'll need mount point /usr/local in root.

Merci........Yvan I did not want to repeat other people's mistakes.
So I made new mistakes of my own.
Boy did I invent some good ones!

LVM partition

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 04:06 AM PDT

Patrick Guio <> wrote: 

Yes, that is my opinion.

To be exact, I am not sure if it is still recommended to have /boot on a
separate partition at the beginning of the hard disk or if that has
become obsolete with new hardware or boot loaders.

Maybe somebody else knows more about this.

If not, a single partition with an ext3 file system for / would be

Laurenz Albe

su premission problem

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 07:36 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup, Nico Kadel-Garcia
on Mon, 13 Sep 2004 08:46:15 -0400

I'm not sure if sshd is started by default, though.

#191, net
It's still legal to go .sigless.