

Microsoft CRM - Those who created a Standalone box - did it contain Crystal Developer?

Microsoft CRM - Those who created a Standalone box - did it contain Crystal Developer?

Those who created a Standalone box - did it contain Crystal Developer?

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 02:45 PM PDT


I responded to your first post on this topic earlier today. The wanswer is
still the same: Installing the Crystl desinger on the CRM server can
potentially break the CRM Reporting configuration. You could always try running
a client session with Virtual PC to do the report mods though.

Matt Parks

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 17:45:36 -0400, "music_gator" <com>


I see many of you through the posts have created standalone CRM boxes for
demoing, etc that included AD, Exchange, CRM and the DB. I have done the
same and although slow at times, it certainly does work just using a Windows
2000 Server on a laptop. My question is, I know want to add Crystal Reports
and the Crystal Enhancement in order to create and modify a couple reports.
The manual says you should not install Crystal Reports and the enhancement
on the same box as your CRM server but we all know that some things are
written as 'recommendations' and some are written as 'you really better

Anybody try this?

Thanks in advance - Gary

Question regarding CRM & SBS

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 12:35 PM PDT

Just for clarifification, creating a user account instead
will solve this problem, right?
security rights and so 
all to be localsystem. 
you are using and 

IE Closes

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 12:19 PM PDT

Yes. I'm sure we have all encountered this issue by now. I
found that on one box I had to adjust the Internet Options
under the Tools menu to get it to work though. I'm not
sure exactly what I did but try to think logically about
the types of access this web application requires.


works fine. If I 
which I do, and then 

MS CRM and 3rd Party Integration

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 12:07 PM PDT


Thanks for the clarification Matt! :)

But you think i can use the "callouts" and dont use MSMQ?
I heard within callouts, i can create an integration using this. on Post
event, i can call the "callout" that calls the 3rd party application to do
additional validation like updating a certain field.

When i use callout on POST-event, does it go and send a msg to MSMQ? Can i
eliminate the MSMQ process, and do what i have to do to call my 3rd party
application from hte POST event callout?

CRM to CRM transfer using DTS and DMF

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 11:31 AM PDT

Okay I have gotten past importing the data into the cdf database. Now I am attempting to do a test and I am getting the following error which I cannot figure out. I don't know what parent cannot be empty. The Parent ID is there and not null

4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- Processing entity: CustomerAddres
4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- Entering Correlat
4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- Starting migration phas
4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- Test Batch Count = 1
4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- Creating objec
4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- [ERROR] Failed to migrate object: <description>Required field missing.</description><details>CCustomerAddress::CheckParent Access: parent cannot be empty</details><file>d:\crm\build\3297\src\platform\inclu de\om\CRM\CustomerAddress.inl</file><line>324</line
4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- <customeraddress><addressnumber>1</addressnumber><city>Atlanta </city><country>USA</country><line1>3 Main Street SE</line1><objecttypecode>2</objecttypecode><postalcode>30082-3651</postalcode><stateorprovince>GA</stateorprovince></customeraddress
4/6/2004 - 6:40:44 PM -- Recording migration statu

Any suggestions on how to get by this error



Hide tab or sections

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 04:37 AM PDT

actually you can, but its unsupported,..........I did something similar and
the code was horrible (but worked), and after 1.2, it got erased (didn't
want it anymore).


"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:OQbW$phx.gbl... 

strange bug -> data not stored in SQL Server but it is in MSCRM app!!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 10:04 PM PDT

Thanks Gary,

will do that, however, it happens to the same with boolean fields and you
cannot choose null as the default values as null!

yes, anyone know the workaround for boolean?



"Gary" <> wrote in message

Extremely Large DB Files

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 07:44 PM PDT


It is odd that the log on the Metabase DB should be so large. It is common to
see this on the actual CRM DB though.

You can recover the space though fairly easily. Easiest way to shrink the log
is as follows::

- Go into Enterprise Manager
- Pull up the properties on the Metabase DB
- Change recovery mode to Simple
- Close property page
- Shink the log file
- Right click DB name
- All tasks
- Shrink database
- Click on Files
- Selec the log file from the drop down
- Choose the "Shrink file to" option
- Pull up the DB propoerties again
- Set recovery mode back to Full

This should give you back some space on your hard drive.

Once you've done this, make sure to perform FULL backups of the database. Then,
you need to ensure that you are performing log backups on a regular basis. This
will prevent the log from growing out of control like this.

If this is purely a demo/dev environment, you could keep the recovery mode at
Simple, which will truncate the log after every transaction.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 18:44:23 -0800, "IntraRELY" <com> wrote:

Check out the files sizes for an MSCRM deployment I have with only about
5,000 records(all types). The METABASE needs the tran log backup, however,
the MSCRMDistribution is huge. Why is it so big and how can I reduce the

_MSCRM.MDF - 41.00 MB
_METABASE_log.LDF - 3.86 GB
_MSCRMDistribution_data.MDF - 2.49 GB



GoldMine Link Docs

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 02:05 PM PDT

Well, the code is not available. It will require someone
with knowledge of .Net, Borland(Goldmine's backend) and MS

install crm1.2 and everythin on one machine

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 01:27 PM PDT

Installing the Crystal client on the CRM Server is not supported. It will
potentially break the Crystal configuraion on the server.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 16:29:53 -0400, "music_gator" <com>


Did you install the Crystal client on the same box? I also have a demo
machine set up and all seems to be working. The next step I'd like to do is
install Crystal and be able to modify reports. The doc says you should not
install Crystal Reports Designer on the same box as the CRM server but
wondering if it really should not be done.

Thanks in advance

"Gill Walker" <> wrote in message

Auto-Fill Call Activity phone number

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 12:07 PM PDT

I figured it out. For those who are curious, I'm using
the InternetExplorer object and this code will autofill
the Phone Number if you put it in the
InternetExplorer_DocumentComplete section.

InternetExplorer.Document.All("location").Value =

This method should work for every field in every CRM form.

- Owen


Posted: 05 Apr 2004 09:21 AM PDT

That won't work since it queries AD for the org units and everything. Since all the OUs with the groups and accounts for CRM were deleted CRM wouldn't work. I am attempting to use DMF now to reimport the data to a new install of CRM.

CRM - Exchange router install

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 08:03 AM PDT


You can install on the default website. The isntall will create a new directory
for the CRM router under that. If you have SSL enabled, you will then need to
disable encryption for that directory.

This will not interfere with the OWA functionality in anyway.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 08:42:16 -0700, "Scott" <>

Did you install into the default website in IIS or did
you create an New Website before adjusting security

SQL Server Name error

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 07:47 AM PDT

It could be related. One downside to the tight integration between CRM and the
other components is that is is extremely sensitive if things are not installed
"cleanly". It's odd though that the web app is working fine and it's the DMF
install that's failing.

One thing you might try is to go into Deployment Manager and then into Server
Manager. Right click on the CRM server and select to modify the SQL
registration (not sure the exact name, but it's obvious). Use this the reset
the linkage to the SQL server. It might clear something up that go bypassed

Other than that, I don't know what else to recommend except starting over
(including re-installing SQL).

Matt Parks

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 16:44:49 -0500, "Brian Mahloch" <com>

Web app appears to be functioning the fine, no errors reported. Nothing
shows up in the event viewer other than "Installation of Data Migration
Framework Failed". That when I ran the /L* switch using MSIEXEC and found

"Setup cannot proceeed because it failed to get the SQL server name"

Error. I am completely stumped at this point. The only thing I can think
of is before I installed CRM the sql server's name was changed.

I ran the sp_dropserver and sp_addserver procedures to reflect the name
change but wasn't aware until after installation the old server name still
existed, along with the new.

I ran the dropserver proc again and now its gone. Don't know if that would
have an impact?

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Getting the incident id

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 03:05 AM PDT


Thanks for your replies.

I too want to use only the SDK methods, since it is a
better choice from a security point of view.

But as you suggested i cannot use the CRMIncident class
and the Retrieve method because, it takes the incident id
as an argument. My basic requirement is to get the
incident id based on the ticket number.

Is there any other feature in the SDK?

it is more efficient 
directly against the 
the SDK methods, you are 
that is built into the app 
logically deleted records). 
at the IncidentBase 
joins a lot of other 
need if you just want to 
<com> wrote: 

Changing Organization name

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 01:26 AM PDT

I would be careful trying to make a change like this. While you might be able
to do it, it is equally likely that you will screw up the install. Even worse,
you may not discover the problem until sometime down the road.

If you haven't put much data into the app, I'd recommend uninstalling, removing
the DB's & AD structure and then starting from scratch. At least then you know
it will be OK from the start.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 02:55:51 -0700, "Richard D"
<> wrote:

Aaah yes and I have entered the same name with the
exception of a CAPS error on one letter,

i.e. microsoft instead of Microsoft.

Hence this is what I am looking to change to cosmetically
suffice. I assume this okay to do then as the license is
the same and doesn;t recognise the difference ... but I
guess what I am asking is where is the location in the
database in which I can change this and it will flow
through the application? And what about AD and the
database names?

Rick D.

organisation name as it appears when you receive your
licence key, this is because the license key is tied
directly to your organisation name. 
than what it specifies, the application will not install
successfully, and cannot be change after installation. 

window.parent.location.reload() fails.

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 11:55 PM PDT

Shouldn't the URL for the Outlook client be in format:
198C-4A66-9986-FBB48C2AC1F4%7D ?

At least in our environment (v1.2) it is like that.
Both server and client use exactly the same code, the
only difference is in the config files.

isv.config => http://server/
OutlookClient => http://localhost:2525/

The webpage that I 
icon in the Nav 
the launch icon) 
appears inside the Account 
clicking ok, the 
so that the original 
be seen. I do it 
application.But when I run the 
above code fails. The 
window with code ? 
in the MSCRM 
types ? Please help me if 
account window. 
calling web 
clicks ok to post. It 
my web page to be 
remove my webpage and 
launched from. 
calls MY web app pages. 
the client which 
file:/// prefix in 
fail on this window ? 
with my question. 

Migrating from pilot to new CRM

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 11:53 PM PDT

But there is embedded security information in some of the binary fields that
wouldn't have been updated properly. Using the DMF would have updated these
fields to be in synch with the new installation. I'm not saying it can't be
done, only that it takes a lof of effort to get everything working properly.
Using the DMF eliminates the need for that effort.

It's not surprising that newly created records appear properly, as they were
created using the app and thus would have had the security info set properly.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 16:44:14 -0700, "Chris" <>


Used the DMF to populate the new CRM database .. and only
had a few customisations to the Sales portion of CRM.

Looking at the Migration framework .. it's not as if it
gives you anything specific and fantastic over just
shoving the data in there yourself using SQL. You still
have to use Bulk Inserts and DTS, and hence I just went
through most of my tables and mapped old -- new GUIDS for
Territory id, SystemuserId and BusinessUnitID (and

All migrated across with no errors and hence the fresh
install included with new AD objects now works fine.

Although it is only this Admin user that is affected. And
from what I can tell. All freshly created objects appear
under the Creator Ownner and now the Admin user aswell.

more to the CRM security 
you use the Data 
your own process using 


Posted: 04 Apr 2004 03:12 AM PDT

I guess, in theory, you could modify most of the forms and other elements in an
unsupported way to have new translations. I don't know if I would want to
undertake that effort though. There have been a few posts recently about
modifying the underlying resources to cange the text on some of the "stock" tabs
that you may be able to expand upon.

Of course, the problems you're gonna face are not the navigational items, but
the error messages. I can only imagine that some of these are raised from the
other layers of the architecture.

Can you do it? Probably. Is it going to be alot of efffort? Definately. Will
it be worth that effort? Personally, I would say no.

There are a lot of things that can go wrong with this product. Once you've done
these changes, you can pretty much guarantee support will tell you you're on
your own since you won't be able to guarantee you didn't break something by
doing this.

Matt Parks

On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 09:56:34 +0200, Rafa³ <> wrote:

Polish, why?
Do I really need 100% of code or just the code responsible for interface
would be enough? If there is such code splitted from the rest.

Fire Workflow rule when a picklist value is changed?

Posted: 03 Apr 2004 02:06 AM PST

WF Rules CAN be fired when a record is saved, if that is
OK... You have to create a manual wf rule, make it
recursive, and call it from the Create of a record.

RUN "Manually". However it is my understanding that, with
the current Product (CRM 1.2) these rules can not be
instigated on the changing of a value in a custom created
OnChange event javascript associated with my custom Pick
to call my Workflow Rule 

CRM Version 2.0

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 11:58 PM PST

MBS released a product roadmap several months ago that had the December/January
dates in it for v2.0. But I just found an updated version of the roadmap (dated
3/19/04) and the target date has quietly changed to Q2, 2005.

Of course, the roadmap boldly indicates that it is for planning purposes only
and there is no real commitment yet to these dates or features.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 05 Apr 2004 20:58:42 -0700, Benjamin Zachary <com.spam>

We are looking at a CRM deployment of 26,000 seats. Talked to some of the
higher ups, who said it wasnt possible due to hardware restrictions unless
we broke it down into departments of about 500. When I asked about
'synching' up to a master db for reporting etc, they said not planned until
v2.0 sometime next year (2005). Who knows if MBS will be better then MS at
predicting dates and timelines but MS hardly ever makes a set mark due to
the complexity of the software.

Crystal ePortfolio Lite

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 06:38 PM PST

So how have others distributed reports to people that
DON'T have the Developer version of CRM? Can this be
done with runtimes? 
of Crystal, they won't 
CRM via tha CRM API's 
then asses that to CRM For 
the other issues, but I 

Multiple email addresses to one queue

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 03:03 PM PST

That's what I was afraid of. I can think of 2 ways to possibly address this.

1) Use an external mail routing to route the emails to the aliases to an
external mail server and then back in to the "real" address. There was a post
over the week that talked about using this approach for internal emails.

2) Setup a queue for each of the inbound emails. Then, have a process that
kicks off on a periodic basis and, using the SDK, re-assigns items from the
alias queues to the "real" queue.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 09:03:44 -0700, <> wrote:


First thank you for the quick response.

Secondly yes we did try setting up an alias in exchange
but it doesn't seem to work. Don't know if this is
because the CRM is grabbing the email before the alias
routing or not, but this is a pretty critical issue for
our end users to be able to have multiple addresses point
at 1 queue.

Dave Lievense
sure it will work 
comming in via the SMTP 
bypass this or not. 

Can you link products to leads

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 02:51 PM PST

Thanks to Gill and Matt for the information,


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Errors when emailing

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 01:01 PM PST

Have you installed the Exchange connector on your box? This error is given
when it is not installed/running.


"Bsayre" <> wrote in message
error has occured, for more information contact your system administrator".
I'm running Win 2003k server, CRM server, exchange 2003, and sql 2000 all on
the same box. I can send mail fine from outlook. Anyone have any

Microsoft Word - Can't add Outline level Format with 'Find and Replace'

Microsoft Word - Can't add Outline level Format with 'Find and Replace'

Can't add Outline level Format with 'Find and Replace'

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 08:06 AM PDT

I use Microsoft Word 2010. I'd like to use 'Find and Replace' (opened with 'Control h') to add an outline level format to a word, but I can't.

Here is what I do:

(1) In Word 2010, I enter 'Microsoft' followed by a newline character.

(2) I open the 'Find and Replace' pop-up window with 'Control h'.

(3) In the 'Find what' field, I enter 'Microsoft^p'.

(4) In the 'Replace with' field, I enter 'MicrosoftZZ^p'. I add ZZ because I know for sure when the Replace is executed. I also select 'Level 1' in 'Format->Paragraph->Outline level' for this field.

(5) After the replacement, I highlight 'MicrosoftZZ' , right-click and select 'Paragraph', and it still shows 'Body Text' in the 'Outline level' field.

I can change the outline level of texts manually, but I'd like to do it with "Find and Replace" as I need to do it a lot.

background installation ran into problem again on WORD as well

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 04:59 AM PDT

I am finding this problem while I try to save documents... Kindly guide urgently..

MSOSYNC.EXE hanging - Windows Terminal Services, Citrix XenApp 6.5

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 11:59 PM PDT



First a little about our environment:


Windows 2008 R2 with XenApp 6.5

Published IE10 and Office 2013 thru Citrix

Office 365 with mail and SharePoint


When we access SharePoint through Word the Microsoft Upload Center (MSOSYNC.EXE*32) kicks in. That is expected for handling caching. We have applied two GPO's for handling caching. 


Open documents from Office Document Cache first - Disabled (Go online at first attempt)

Delete files from Office Document Cache - Enabled (Delete cache when closing application. (This works))


After we close Word (only one application running), we are logged of the terminal server as expected. However, the MSOSYNC.EXE*32 will still be running for approx. 25 minutes before this process is closed and a complete log off is finished.


Why are MSOSYNC.EXE*32 hanging? We did not edit any documents, just opened and closed... Therefore, the sync should not have to upload anything to the SharePoint site.

How do I totally disable the Word 2007 program from Pro Office 2007?

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 07:21 PM PDT

I am tired of Word 2007 deciding that it cannot close, or all of a sudden refusing to copy and paste, or popping up error messages telling me it has a problem, but nothing fixes it despite weeks of trying. 

I've downloaded an alternative that works just fine. 

My question is, how do I totally disable Word 2007 so that it stops interfering with me using my computer please?

Proofing language

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 06:12 PM PDT

I am using Word 2010 that was purchased in Australia. I live in Australia, and want to use English (Australia) as the default language. I have set the default as this more times than I can count and it continues to revert to French. How do I change it back to the correct language, and please don't insult me by telling me to choose Review, Language, Set Proofing Language.

Thanks, in continuing frustration.....


Posted: 16 Jun 2013 11:43 AM PDT

Let me rephrase the question...I click on Library/Documents, and my stored work files come up, but under Name it always lists the oldest year first, when what I want is the newest year. I always have to click on Name to reverse the order. Wish I could change the default of Name to newest first or get it to remember the order I want and save it. Same problem after I open a file, I always have to click on Name to reverse the default order. More clicking than I ever had to do in Windows XP!


Every time I open a document, name items default to oldest year first and I have to click to change to newest year first every time. How can I change default to newest year first?


Thanks for any help!

Section number format

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 08:02 AM PDT

I am working on a 130,000+ word document; have been for several months.  I used the style in the Word 2010 ribbon to organize the document (i.e., 1, 1.1., 1.1.1, etc.).  

Last Friday, when I opened the document there was a black box instead of two numbers separated by a decimal point (ex. 1.1) in front of the level 2 headings.  Levels 1, 3, etc. were fine.

I stupidly tried to fix it.  Now the level 2 heading looks like level 3 in both the document and the ribbon at the top of the page.  (I clicked base style on and could not Undo.)

Worse, any new level 2 headings I create looks like the level 3 so I cannot even re-type all the headings.  I have no idea what I did originally.  

What do I do now?

Please be explicit in your advice.  I am an old limnologist (64) and not computer intuitive or literate.  I can however follow instruction.

(All my ideas are so labor intensive I shudder.)



macro to select a specific text at a time in the entire document

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 05:44 AM PDT


I need a macro to select a specific text at a time in the entire document, which makes easy to me to do a common formatting to the specific text in the entire document at once.

Thanks ,
Siva. U

upgraded from XP to 8 pro . When I print enything from word I first get a document

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 10:41 AM PDT

the question is as upgraded from XP to 8 pro . When I print anything from word I first get a document which says    Filename   DOCUMENT 3 Then on next line  Template    C:\USERS\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\TEMPLATES\NORMAL.DOTM  Then says I am the author and gives the correct date     How do I stop this

GoTo Bookmark in a Word Document using Excel VBA

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 06:39 AM PDT

I originally posted this question on the Excel Forum,, but it may now be more appropriate here.


I have a CommandButton (one of many) on a UserForm, and wish to use this as a Help facility.


My non-working code is:


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strTopic As String
strTopic = "Topic1009"
Call OpenHelpDocument(strTopic)
End Sub


Private Sub OpenHelpDocument(strTopic)
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "C:\My Documents\HelpFile.doc"
Dim objWord As Object
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open (strPath)

MsgBox strTopic ' For the purpose of Testing
objWord.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=strTopic
End Sub


The Word document contains the neccessary bookmarks.

The doument opens ok, yet the code says the bookmark does not exist.


As a further enhancement, I would like to open the HelpFile as read-only.


Thanks in anticipation. 

Open Office - [discuss] Change OpenOffice look and feel like MS 2003.

Open Office - [discuss] Change OpenOffice look and feel like MS 2003.

[discuss] Change OpenOffice look and feel like MS 2003.

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 01:13 PM PDT

Hi mirfan,

mirfan wrote:

If I see it right the main difference between OOo and MSO2003 in this
regard is the order of entries in menu and toolbars, right?

So aligning OOo's menu structure and toolbar content to MSO2003 as close
as possible should bring you a big step further. Fortunately this can be
done without coding, you just need to rewrite some XML files that store
the configuration of menu and toolbars. In case you are interested in
doing this please follow up on the mailing


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] Compatibility with Microsoft Office 2007

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 12:24 AM PDT

Unfortunately the new MS formats are just as closed as the old formats
so there is not really hope of third party implementations. Licensing
gotchas actually make the possibility smaller.

Best policy is to reject them. If you are getting them through your
mail, then you can set your mail filter to block them from your view and
autorespond with a rejection notice including instructions in how to
save in a better format.


Joshua Money wrote: 

To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
For additional commands, e-mail: org

[discuss] About Currency Mistake in Open Office Calc

Posted: 19 Aug 2007 06:53 AM PDT

Hash: SHA1

On 08/17/2007 10:58 AM, x wrote:

OOo contains locale data for:
* Turkish (Turkey);
* Kurdish (Turkey);

The currency options reflect this difference.

The currency option you selected was for Kurdish (Turkey).

One of the fundamental human rights, as laid out by the United Nations,
is the right to read, write, and communicate in one's native language.

Turkey has had a long history of denying basic human rights to Kurds, of
which this is but one example. There is no rational for OOo to follow
Turkey's bad example.

That might happen when Kurdistan is granted independence by Turkey.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[discuss] Why is it free? Explanation leads to expansion?

Posted: 16 Aug 2007 02:57 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Your reply told me something I didn't know, I used Star back in the 80's ( I think it is the same thing).

I was happy to upload open office as I knew Google were using Linux, and have been delighed and impressed with the professionalism of Open Office and the discuss group.

If you upload something you can just as easily uninstall it later.

I teach computing, and use OF for myself and reccomend it to my students.

For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.

[discuss] Auto spellcheck

Posted: 16 Aug 2007 02:57 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

-------- Original Message --------
From: Ed McKie <>
Date: Thu 16 Aug 2007 01:44:11 PM EST

The OOo ( spell check function has to accommodate many
languages and requires a little configuration to ensure it works
correctly for your language/dialect.

If you want the Australian dictionary download the options from this

For other English variations or languages dictionaries see:

For a tutorial on spell checking and language configuration see:

BTW The best address to get OOo support is org

Hope this helps.


This is a mailing list which exists to support users of
All answers are given by other users who volunteer their time.
If you are not subscribed to this mailing list you may not see all the
replies to your query. Please reply to org only.
You should also be aware that all details of messages posted to this
list are publicly available to anyone with an Internet connection
For mailing list info see:
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Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



[discuss] Formatting Request

Posted: 14 Aug 2007 05:10 PM PDT

Shaver, Jon wrote: 

There is a configurable slot which formats with two decimals and
thousands separator. If that's what you need, it's pre-configured on the
Shift-Ctrl-1 keyboard shortcut, or you can add it to the toolbar using
Tools/Customize, adding "Number Format: Decimal" from category "Format".


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[discuss] Notes / comments

Posted: 14 Aug 2007 01:24 PM PDT

On 2007.08.21. 10:28, Mathias Bauer wrote: 

first implementation probably still will be lacking a bit (no easy
printing, no notes on textblocks, no change information displayed this
way), but - congrats on getting this finally started and thanks both for
the work already done and in advance for one that will follow :)

i'm checking out the wiki periodically, so keep on throwing out
interesting bits of information there - and once this hits dev
snapshots, i will make sure to test things out.

damn. i should have thought of clicking on 'watch' before. doing that now =)

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[discuss] Writer Update

Posted: 12 Aug 2007 04:15 PM PDT

I dont need this stuff

----- Original Message -----
From: "DAVID HOLE" <>
To: <org>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 6:42 PM
Subject: [discuss] Writer Update


In Writer I went to "Help>Check for Updates". The dialog box message read
"A new update is available. Click 'OK' to open the website, where you can
start the download".

Clicking "OK" takes me to, which does not seem to
offer the update. Perhaps I'm overlooking something.

It seems obvious that "SOLUTIONS", "CONTRIBUTE", and "FEEDBACK" sections
wouldn't link to an update. The "SERVICES" section seemed possible, but when
I followed the link in that section, I still didn't find anything that looks
like an update to writer.


I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.
It has removed 2186 spam emails to date.
Paying users do not have this message in their emails.
Get the free SPAMfighter here:

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[discuss] Excuse me for shouting "Defaultisme"

Posted: 11 Aug 2007 05:07 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Let's see...while it was a rambling email, the OP DID have a valid
suggestion. And for the valid suggestion, the only response he gets is
the far-from-civil response from christine jones.

Given that I've already changed the defaults on MY installation, I
cannot confirm what the original defaults were, as Chris was unable to
do, but if the spreadsheet defaults to having autocorrect on, that
seems to me to be a bad idea, as well. Autocorrect is not nearly
fine-grained enough to distinguish between badly spelled words and
variable or data-range names, for instance, and something like that
can really mess up a spreadsheet user. So, while having autocorrect on
for Writer might be a good idea, it's a BAD idea for Calc.

I'm picky enough to mess with autocorrect as one of the first things I
do after installing, but I dare say that most casual office suite
users don't even know autocorrect exists until it's bit them in the
rear a few times. Modifying the installation scripts so that users are
given the option of choosing whether to turn autocorrect on would, at
least, make them aware at the start of its existence, and ensure that,
if it IS turned on, it is by the user's choice, rather than as a default.=

christine jones wrote: 

<bandwidth sacrifice>

"Books and ideas are the most effective weapons against intolerance
and ignorance." -- Lyndon Baines Johnson, February 11, 1964

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



[discuss] Helloo

Posted: 11 Aug 2007 05:06 PM PDT

On Sun, Aug 12, 2007 01:05:42 AM +0100, Paul Campbell
(com) wrote:

No, but maybe a couple of suggestions won't hurt:

1) you did a "reply-all", both to the list and to that "Mr, Pete"
address. Remember not to do it next time you inform a list to
ignore spam. Placing the spammer's reply-to address in CC only
guaranteed that you will either get a bounce, or bother its
rightful owner, or confirm to "Mr, Pete" that yours is a valid
address which can and should be spammed thousands times more

2) When you send "don't bother" informational messages, please do not
retransmit the whole original spam. Doing so may mess up other
people's antispam filters.

The one book on software and digital technologies that no parent
can ignore:

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[discuss] UK e-petitions for ODF

Posted: 11 Aug 2007 10:22 AM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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On 8/11/07, Alexandro Colorado <com> wrote: 

UK residents can sign too (I guess nationality does not matter as long as
you pay your taxes here ;-) )




[discuss] Possible error in xhtml export (over H1 - H6 generation,

Posted: 10 Aug 2007 04:02 AM PDT

Thank you Bernd!

I just file the issue:


Bernd Eilers ha scritto: 

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[discuss] Possible error in xhtml export (over H1 - H6 generation, i.e. H7)

Posted: 10 Aug 2007 03:10 AM PDT

2007/8/14, Carlo Strata <it>: 

I agree with you Carlo, the question is: is there a H7 bug in xhtml conversion.
Problem is that tll now, nobody has confirmed (or not) your findings.
Even if nobody verifies your finding, you can file a bug...

[Bernd: Java is installed 1.0.5_07, no custom install, but a Mac
version 2.3 m221]
using dutch OOo 2.3 m221 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and dutch OOo 2.2 RC 4 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
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[discuss] I HATE DEFAULTISME !!!!!

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 02:08 PM PDT

Guy Voets wrote: 

It's just a child who has overheard some big, bad words and thinks that it's
grown up. Ignore it completely and it'll go away.

Peter HB

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[discuss] Changing the "Default Language" of the Spell Checker

Posted: 07 Aug 2007 11:21 AM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

-------- Original Message --------
From: jonathon <com>
To: org, com
CC: net
Date: Wed 08 Aug 2007 06:38:42 EST

In addition to Jonathon's answer. You can add required dictionaries from
the "File -> Wizards -> Install new dictionaries..." menu option.

Alternatively see:

For a tutorial on spell checking and language configuration see:

Hope this helps.


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Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



[discuss] Good Ideas.

Posted: 07 Aug 2007 11:19 AM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

On 8/8/07, Guy Voets <com> wrote: 

That's interesting. I suppose the way that the MAC handles it is probably
the correct way - you should be able to have different font sizes in a
single cell (even after merge).

However, the issue raised by the OP is still not replicatable... Anyone with
a vista machine to test?


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Try Torpark; a small portable, open-source, built on Firefox browser that
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[discuss] Fwd:[there's a trouble from openoffice for linux version 2.0 (staroffice files)]

Posted: 02 Aug 2007 11:59 AM PDT

"control panel"
"installation program"

I would wager that you two are not exactly linux experts.
If it is the file manager then the wrong values have been recorded in
the mime database, and what caused this depends on various factors,
which OOo did he install first, which one (if not both) were provided
by his distro etc?

For the OP, in order to change the file associations through the
nautilus (GNOME), one has to change the default program in the "Open
with" tab of the properties dialog of any of the relevent files. If in
KDE, then it's one of the applets in the K Control Centre. (and
possibly one of the tools in the file manager as well, not sure)

Chris Monahan

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[discuss] Online Classroom Whiteboard Applications

Posted: 30 Jul 2007 01:39 PM PDT

Hi, Russ,

I've been doing distance learning projects on and off since 1995. 1994
if you count a monstrously large (at the time) web tutorial. Time is
ripe for a project to identify and evaluate the open source technologies
useful for distance education. Perhaps funding can be sought for next
year and work spread over a few colleges or universities?

I've used many of those commercial tools mentioned and it escapes me
that there is so much focus on monolithic "solutions", often replacing a
cheaper, easier to use, easier to maintain, more flexible and more
powerful set of tools.

Following a modular plan will give much more flexibility and

Specific programs are not as important to Voice chat as are the school's
choice of protocols. Choose an open protocol (e.g. SIP) and you get a
choice of applications and platforms. Choose a closed protocol and your
S.O.L. unless your vendor wants to help you.

To start with WengoPhone, ekiga, kphone, YATE, Gizmo might give ideas
about what to look for and where to search further.

Same with text chat. Pidgin (formerly GAIM) is one of the best. Again
the protocols are more important than the specific programs. However,
most VOIP clients also include text-based chat.

For whiteboards I've considered using just a plain old remote desktop
connection. See KDE's krdc and krfb for one example, but there are
others that work together. These seem to allow many-to-one connections
and read-only connections. Again, its the protocol that's important, in
this case rfb or vnc.


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[discuss] wish it worked better on Mac

Posted: 29 Jul 2007 04:56 AM PDT

Thanks. I will try this, it looks promising.=20

James Carruthers
Director of Development
BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre Foundation
4500 Oak Street, Room 1U64
Vancouver, B.C. V6H 3N1

-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Voets [mailto:com]=20
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 1:54 AM
To: org; Carruthers, James
Subject: Re: [discuss] wish it worked better on Mac

2007/7/29, Benjamin Huot <com>: 

Hello James

On my Intel iMac with OSX 10.4.10 I always use the Apple-C -V and -X
shortcuts. Same on my PPC Powerbook. I don't remember doing anything
special to achieve this... So both ctrl- and cmd- shortcuts work!

As for Calc, the mousewheel indeed scrolls very fast, so that you tend
to lose track. I hope this will be dealt with. Meanwhile, you can
always use the scroll bar on the right hand side. (I also dislike that
the arrows on the scrollbars are on opposite sides insteda of together
as on Mac - these are issues that are linked to a multi-platform
program that looks too much at one platform, i.e. Windows).

I wouldn't advise to switch to NeoOffice. It has few advantages over
OOo's main development. In fact it mostly copies OOo, and is always at
least one release behind as a consequence. NO isn_not_ the Aqua
version of OOo, but a fork, a side-track whose team doesn't contribute
anything to OOo's development (so called because of a different

OOo's Mac porting team is testing the Aqua version of
right now. A stable of _the real stuff_ will probably be available
somewhere later this year. Look out for it!

using dutch OOo 2.2 RC 4 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and dutch OOo 2.2 RC 4 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
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Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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[discuss] I have an idea to help OO Writer "Go Hollywood"

Posted: 29 Jul 2007 04:54 AM PDT

Carl Garrett wrote:

And each production insists on their own different
formatting. [I'm pretty sure that the quality of TV would be
improved a thousand times if they all used the same
formatting specifications, and didn't spend time measuring
whether the line spacing was 1/8 inch or 5/32 inch high.]

Lost in the bowels of the OOo website is a project to do
just that. I've forgotten what it is called, but the
original theory was that it would produce templates for the
"major" studios, and then fine tune them for the specific
productions. I've forgotten how the screenplay template fits
in with that project.

These are the guys that will fire you because the document
used midnight blue ink for the lead actor, rather than dark
blue ink. God help you if the document is printed on canary
yellow paper, instead of manilla.[That the footer contains a
date and time stamp is not enough information to tell the
understudy that they are using the wrong document.]



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[discuss] Internet Slide Shows

Posted: 25 Jul 2007 12:08 PM PDT


As Alexandro mentioned, OOo can export presentations to Flash. I'd look
into that route as one option.

Another option is to use a viewer for the OpenDocument Format files
created by OpenOffice. The OpenDocument Fellowship has created one such
tool which will work with your presentations:

Remember with, your files are not locked into a single
application, but are available to many others. OpenDocument Format has,
with one notable exception, wide industry support and works in over 50
applications and handful of toolkits.


Keith wrote: 

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[discuss] Proposal for a New Art Project

Posted: 24 Jul 2007 03:28 AM PDT


thanks, that sounds good! Having a leadership definitely is one of the
most important things, so - apart from the discussion if it makes sense
to establish an own Art project at the moment because lack of
contributors - we definitely need at least two people, I guess. Feel
free to search for them. ;-)

I will answer to the other concerns in the respective thread later this


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SMTP current sessions - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP current sessions - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP current sessions

Posted: 01 Oct 2004 08:03 AM PDT

Timkcollier wrote: 

In where? In your outbound queues?
Did you check the authenticated relay link?
What version of Exchange?

If they're just in your 'connections' it isn't a relay issue - someone is
trying to send mail to you. Could be a spammer, might not be. It isn't a
relay issue then, tho.

Remote storage of attachments

Posted: 01 Oct 2004 04:47 AM PDT

Ah - ok!

Thanks Mark

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Multi Domain Exch Svr

Posted: 01 Oct 2004 04:17 AM PDT

So in ADUC for the parent domain I can create a mailbox for a user on the
child domain exchange? - just clarifying.


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Storage Options for Exchange 2003

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 03:07 PM PDT

Daitauha <> wrote:

Define "sensible". How much storage do you need? Do you want to share
it with other servers?

Dell, EMC, HP, and others make external storage devices, but whether
they're "sensible" depends on your needs, budget, and expectations.

Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
MS Exchange FAQ at

How exchange server 2003 sent & receive external email?

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 09:23 AM PDT

Works out of the box assuming that you have set up the correct recipient
update policy and not disabled anything.

"fong01" <> wrote in message

[MAPILAB ANN.] Native POP3 Connector v2 for Exchange/SBS

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 03:09 AM PDT

"Frank Hellmann" <com> wrote in

You are wrong! Powerusers don't even think of using a POP connector! Don't
forget, Exchange is a Server, not a client :-)
Exchange Solutions - Bernd Kruczek - Stuttgart - IT-Administrator, coming soon!
Microsoft Exchange Server Tech Center

Ports for OWA

Posted: 29 Sep 2004 02:37 PM PDT

Sorry PES, you're right

"PES" <NO*SPAMpestewartREMOVE*netSPAM*SUCKS> wrote in message 

How can I turn off Validation

Posted: 29 Sep 2004 12:57 PM PDT

He said that when spammers try sending mail to my server that they can check
to see if an email address is valid on that server, if they get a response
that the email address they are attempting is valid then they will start to
send the mail. Basically a check to see if the address exists on that server.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Upgrade std 2000 to 2003 ent

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 02:45 PM PDT

Thanks, I'll get started!

"Daniel Dooley [MSFT]" wrote:

eval copies of exchange server 5.5

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 02:35 PM PDT

Exchange 2000. 
confers no rights. 
alias is for newsgroup 

Public Folder Messages

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 11:44 AM PDT

S. Pliskin wrote: 

You're welcome!

Unable to see mailboxes after restore.

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 08:00 AM PDT

It sounds like you are talking about exchange 5.5. Is your database
locations set correctly?

"Tim L." <> wrote in message


Posted: 27 Sep 2004 07:46 AM PDT

Thanks Guy.
steps below: 
Protocols --> SMTP 
tab, in SEND A 
use to store 
articles about this 

Microsoft Word - wrl001

Microsoft Word - wrl001


Posted: 16 Jun 2013 12:53 PM PDT

I am using office 2010, and I have found a problem of Word file saving . Every time when I click "save", the file can be saved normally at the first time. But when I click it at the second time, I found it has popped up a window and asked me whether or not save as the name of WRL001. tmp. and after clicking cancel saving, the whole file has been changed its name into WRL001. How can I avoid this problem? I just want to make it normal, which means every time I click Save, and do not change my file's name and do not pop up the window.

Thank you!



Posted: 16 Jun 2013 11:37 AM PDT

Every time I open a WORD document in Windows 8, the default is 'simple markup' a feature I do not use or want, which requires me to click on 'no markup' every time. I want to change default to 'no markup' but even Geek Squad could not find a solution. Help!

column page numbers

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 02:55 PM PDT

how do I get page numbers on a two column document whre each column shoudl be a page

Copy from internet paste to doc problem with xxxxi's

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 09:22 AM PDT

Word 2007. While copying a small letter i followed by parenthesis and s and pasting to a blank document, it the small i often becomes a capital I. Keri's becomes KerI's and such. It's been happening to me probably from the first, but each time I saw the doc, I just assumed that was what the original read. Now upon further investigation I realize that isn't the case. I don't see anyone else mentioning this.

Is there something with Kaspersky that causes Word & Powerpoint doc to hang in protected view without ever opening?

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 07:20 AM PDT

since installing Kaspersky I've had problems with opening some Word docs including Ppt docs. Initially thought my Office software was corrupt so i reloaded software and even upgraded to Office 2013,  no luck. When trying to open some Word doc, they just hang in Protected view without ever opening. Help please!

Word does not open a file (xml ilegal caracter)

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 06:30 AM PDT


I made one file in Microsoft Word 2007. Then I took the file, putted in a micro-sd card and edited in an android tablet. To edit the document in the android tablet I used Olive Office Premium. I wrote some new words in the document and pasted some images in the document. After this I took the micro-sd card and inserted again in my computer. I tried to open the document, in the document, with Microsoft Word, and appeared the message that the file cannot be open due to xml ilegal caracter. I tried already "Open and Repair" and it did not work. I tried to open the document with Open Office and it does not work. I can open the document with the WordPad, but it doesn't open the complete document. It opens only 4 pages. The document has much more pages.

How can I solve my problem? In there any solution?

The document contains images.


I downloaded office 365 for word 2010,, i cant find it how do i find word documents for 2010

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 07:10 PM PDT

I am in a class wich uses microsoft word or actually to learn microsoft word 2010 ,, My laptop didnt come with microsoft word included so I bought office 365 wich was supposed to have word 2010,, i canyt seem to get it anywhere I also had microsoft word 2013 on my start menu and after i shut down it disappeared ,, what can I do to find 2010,,