

Difficulties upgrading 2004 to 2008 - who can I talk to? Microsoft Office for Mac

Difficulties upgrading 2004 to 2008 - who can I talk to? Microsoft Office for Mac

Difficulties upgrading 2004 to 2008 - who can I talk to?

Posted: 14 Dec 2007 04:47 PM PST

Mr. Strat wrote: 

No, he doesn't have it yet. He's talking about the rebate offer--you
process the paperwork and they send you Office 2008 when it's out.

What's left?

Posted: 14 Dec 2007 06:09 AM PST


If that were true, what makes you think that MS wouldn't harvest that
killing? MS rarely leaves money on the table.

Where exactly would this "killing" come from?...

New users who woud go Mac rather than Windows or Windows users who would
switch to Mac?

Either way MS gets the proverbial egg roll so why should they compete with

But your premise is flawed in the first place - kinda the old 'chicken &
egg' routine - there isn't sufficient "Mac market' in which to make the
imagined "killing" - If there were, MS would be there... Bill Gates didn't
accumulate $59 Billion in *personal* wealth by making [many] bad business
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Entourage Address Book(s)

Posted: 13 Dec 2007 09:52 AM PST

> That shouldn't be the case. I have contacts in both address books and they 

No duplicates. The categories are simply not applied if they're in the
"On My Computer" address book.

All messages are in my Exchange account (where else would they be?).

Yes, but that's awkward to have to do every single time I add a new



Change Serial Number Office 2004?

Posted: 12 Dec 2007 09:57 AM PST

In article <>,
JE McGimpsey <org> wrote: 

Thanks much.

Promotion: Upgrade Mac 2008?!

Posted: 12 Dec 2007 05:32 AM PST

You can't change the deal you get, but the original promotion is still
in effect.
Here's the link:

Be sure to Download Coupon to read the small print and ensure you have
the necessary materials.

com wrote: 

Entourage Notifications not appearing

Posted: 08 Dec 2007 09:33 PM PST


Good tips - - Thanks!

/ D.K.Gorrell /

Window position on the monitor

Posted: 08 Dec 2007 11:54 AM PST


Using visual basic macros (and probably with AppleScript) in Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint you can set the window position.

In Entourage you may be able to use AppleScript. Here's a snippet from the
Entourage AppleScript dictionary:

window n : every window
contained by application.
class (type, r/o) : the type of window
bounds (rectangle) : the boundary rectangle for the window

The "bounds" property is the first one I would check out, or look for a
"border" property.


Quoting from "com" <com>, in
on [DATE:

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Arabic text in Word

Posted: 08 Dec 2007 10:32 AM PST

CyberTaz <> wrote:

And the same question has also been posted both in and in and answered
there both times.....
(with the same answer) :-\


--- Mac:MS MVP --- -
MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP ne travaillent pas pour MS
Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam" pour m'écrire

newbie magazine

Posted: 07 Dec 2007 06:39 AM PST

On Dec 7, 12:41 pm, "CyberTaz" <typegeneraltaz1ATcomcastdotnet> wrote: 


Inputting address on entourage

Posted: 06 Dec 2007 01:58 PM PST

..>> I'm wanting to input my contacts onto the address book in entourage. My 

This is an issue that has caused me some degree of consternation, as well.
There is real value in maintaining separate contacts (both in Entourage and
Address Book, if you sync them) for people that you likely email to
regularly. That makes the auto-fill much more useful. When you need to print
addresses you either have to manually edit one of the contacts or maintain a
separate "coupled" entry

Licenses and serial numbers

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 02:13 PM PST

in article phx.gbl, CyberTaz at
gtz1@comcastdotnet wrote on 5/12/07 22:46:

Thanks for that. I did the Russian roulette thing and I've been lucky! I've
just had to reinstall Office, following upgrade to Leopard (I know I could
have just migrated the apps across from my old Mac, but my old Mac's still
going to be using Office (for my son), so I reckoned I'd have to re-install
to get the product keys sorted.)

I'll file your tips away for future reference, as I'm still not sure which
product keys are on which of my other two Macs!


Attachments Corrupted?

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 11:27 AM PST

Although I'm not sure about the current situation I am sure that reinstaling
Office isn't the way to handle it... rarely is that the appropriate approach
for correcting issues on a Mac.

It would help if you supplied the exact wording of the message you receive,
but for starters it doesn't necessarily mean that a virus is involved.
Secondly, Entourage - AFAIK - doesn't scan for viruses in the documents you
attach, so I suspect that message is being triggered by something else... do
you have Norton or some other virus software installed?

One thing you might try is to remove the Normal template from your MUD (if
you need reference to finding it see this link:

Make sure no Office apps are running at the time, then launch Word - it will
create a new Normal when you do. Then make a new file & see if it attaches
without incident. If so, it indicates that your original Normal was corrupt
in some way & you can then dispose of it.

If you ahven't been in the habit of doing so when updating OS X & most
other software it might also be a good idea to run Disk Utility - Repair
Disk Permissions. Should that not correct the problem - or if it recurs -
post back with the details requested above.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
Office:Mac MVP

"Hennapanda" <> wrote in message

Office 2004 file ownership

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 09:17 AM PST

Glad it's straightened out, but as "odd" as the behavior may seem I'd stay
with Parallels - depending on how you need to work. If your Win activity is
exclusively Win, your Mac activity is strictly Mac & never the twain shall
meet, Boot Camp may be a viable solution for you.

However, I need to be able to swap back & forth between Mac Word & PC Word
to Mac XL, To Mac InDesign to PC Photoshop, etc. so having to restart every
time I need to swap OS is just not practical or acceptable - I'd rather have
a Mac & a PC sitting side-by-side:-)

On a related note, have you looked at VMWare Fusion? It may be worth
considering, but either of the 3 will have pros & cons.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 12/8/07 2:20 PM, in article, "aRKay"
<net> wrote:

Entourage question re "deleted items" folder

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 06:15 PM PST

On Dec 4, 10:12 pm, Diane Ross <>

Diane, that fixed it! Thanks so much for your help!!


Transfer Office files on a PC to a new Mac

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 03:34 PM PST

Side Note for the archives:

Many people think that MacOffice comes with Publisher or Access or
whatever programs came with WinOffice the last time they bought it. It
sounds like you know this, but MacOffice consists only of Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Entourage (similar to Outlook). And Messenger.

Publisher, Access, Visio, OneNote, FrontPage and probably other programs
I can't recall right now, do not exist for the Mac, although there are
programs that will let you do the same things, and in some cases, can
import the MS files. Or the MS programs could be run in
Parallels/Windows on the Mac.

Bob Y wrote: 

Excel 2004 Pallet's?

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 02:31 PM PST

Hi Brian,

Windows versions of Office don't have an equivalent to the formatting

However, you can create your own dockable toolbars (which you can also do in
Windows Office).

To create a dockable toolbar that has any combination of commands you desire
use View > Toolbars > Customize Toolbars/Menus...

In the dialog box click the NEW button to create a new, empty toolbar. It
will be very small and you might not even notice it on the screen, but it's
there if you look around. Turn it on and off by checking and unchecking its
name in the toolbar list and you might find it easier that way.

Next, click on the COMMANDS tab of the dialog box. Drag any commands you
like to your new toolbar (or any other toolbar or menu for that matter).

You can lots of your own toolbars so that if you want various sets of
commands together you can have that.

Click the OK button when you are done and you now have your own set of

You can even attach customized toolbars to individual workbooks. Just go
back into that dialog box and click the Attach button to attach a copy of
any of your customized toolbars to any given workbook. When you give that
workbook to someone else they will see your customized toolbar when they
open the workbook.


Quoting from "com" <com>, in article, on [DATE:

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

"Automator Actions"?

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 06:54 AM PST

For what it's worth, in Office X & 2004, the license agreement for the
one-license version has allowed users to install the software on up to one
laptop computer _and_ one desktop computer. It simply does not allow the
software to be used on both machines at the same time. I am not familiar
with the Office 2008 license agreement, so I don't know if this practice
will continue; perhaps someone else can comment.

With the Home & Student Edition, because you get additional licenses, you
can use the software on both machines at the same time.

On 12/4/07 8:54 AM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Mickey Stevens (Microsoft MVP for Office:mac)
Office & Mac Resources: <>

Leopard Upgrade -> File Format Not Valid -> every file iscorrupted??? = I am up the creek

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 03:55 PM PST

Did you try to FORCE it to open? That is, dragging the file ( + option) onto
Excel in the dock?

Word and Excell Do Not Show Print Preview

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 12:11 PM PST

In article
joec <com> wrote:

Try changing the printer resolution. There have been reports on the
Apple Discussion boards and on the Gutenprint forums regarding issues
similar to this. Most often, lowering the printer resolution will solve
the issue.

Most of the cases I have seen involve Brother printers and Epson
printers using the Gutenprint drivers. The Gutenprint site has an FAQ
on this <>


Matt Broughton
Only relatives are absolute.

Problem after updating Microsoft Office on my Mac

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 07:40 PM PST

Sorry, no. That's the Product ID, and although it is generated from the
CD Key, there is no way to extract the CD key from the program, that I
know of. But some people store their license numbers in their computer.

I also have no idea where to find pirated software.

If you will be back in reach of your Office CD within a month, I guess
you could use the Test Drive until then, although it's a tool of the
devil that you will need to remove before reinstalling Office.

Alternatively, the free NeoOffice might get you through until you get
back to your CD.

You should also be able to contact MS and replace your CD. wrote: 

Office 2004/2008 for Mac - plans to include in MSDN subscriptionlist?

Posted: 01 Dec 2007 08:05 AM PST

In article <C378BECC.C3CC%name>,
John McGhie <name> wrote:

With one, teensy tiny exception: Office!

The licensing page summarizes (with much more verbiage in the actual

So an MSDN Premium subscriber CAN use Office 2007 for anything,
including production, in perpetuity!

It would be nice if Office 2008 were offered under the same terms...

Hmmm... that doesn't appear anywhere in the MSDN EULA...


Cannot close help window in Office apps

Posted: 30 Nov 2007 10:54 AM PST

In article <#phx.gbl>,
Daiya Mitchell <org.INVALID> wrote:

Possibly, though it's still better, IMO, to reset its position.

The really ugly part is that the only way to activate the Help window is
to click somewhere in it - when it opens, the workbook window remains
active. So one HAS to pick up the mouse to dismiss the Help window, no
matter what.


Posted: 30 Nov 2007 04:01 AM PST

You don't have to "do" anything. The licence you have can be used an
unlimited number of times on the same machine.


On 30/11/07 9:31 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

Entourage Errors

Posted: 29 Nov 2007 10:36 AM PST

On 11/30/07 8:43 AM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

In the Office 2004 folder --> Office folder --> Check the version for
Microsoft Component Plugin

Does it say 11.3.9? If not what version?
Diane, Microsoft Mac MVP (MVPs are not Microsoft Employees)
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Microsoft Word - How to mark headings with numbers?

Microsoft Word - How to mark headings with numbers?

How to mark headings with numbers?

Posted: 27 May 2013 11:23 AM PDT

I am writing an essay.
Let's say that I am writing about Microsoft's organisation, with the following headings for my outline:

Microsoft                (Heading level 1)
Office                        (level 2)
Word                             (3)
Excel                              (3)
OneNote                        (3)
Mail-services            (2)
Hotmail for web              (3)
Hotmail for android

Now, I would like to mark all the headlines with numbers, in this way:

1. Microsoft
1.1. Office
1.1.1. Word
1.1.2. Excel
1.1.3. OneNote
1.2. Mail-services
1.2.1. Hotmail for web
1.2.2. Hotmail for android

Is there any way that I can put Word to do this numbering automatically for me?
Or must I go to each headline and write in "1.1.", "1.3.2", etc.?
(The only thing I've found, is how to number the headlines "1", "2", "3" etc., but I'd like a more advanced function than that)

Thanks a lot for your answer!

Is this calculation easy to make into a table...

Posted: 27 May 2013 09:54 AM PDT

I have to tidy this up so it is all aligned nicely but not sure if it can be done without keying everything in again or if it can be done by a table...


New numbers                 xxxxxx

Last numbers              xxxxx





First 200 kWh x 10.29p        =  £xx.xx

Next 2253 kWh x 9.567=  £xxx.xx                                           _____


                                      =  £xxx.xx                                                    _____


Is it easy to start keying it in from scratch into a 2 column table? 

I was writing on Word 2003 and suddenly I was moved to a new blank page. I thought I could scroll back up up but couldn't and seem to have loast my work. How can I access it?

Posted: 26 May 2013 11:34 PM PDT

 I was writing on Word 2003 and suddenly I was moved to a new page. I thought would be able to scroll back up to what I had written but couldn't. How can I recoved what i wrote?

Space between paragraphs no longer shows

Posted: 26 May 2013 07:32 PM PDT

Ever since I changed to Word 2010, I am having problems with spacing.  Even though a space shows between paragraphs, when I copy/paste there is no space in between paragraphs. I used Show/Hide to check my documents and there is no character showing the space.  I have to manually hit enter twice in order to get the space in between paragraphs to show.  I've tried changing styles and playing with the paragraph settings, but nothing helps.  It wouldn't be a big deal, but when I have to copy/paste assignments for school, my paragraphs are completely squashed together because of this.  

Hopefully I explained this well enough for someone to help.  

My NORMAL shows up in the Navigation Bar. That means every word I type in shows. Is there a way to disable this?

Posted: 26 May 2013 05:29 PM PDT

Somehow I must have inadvertently hit something that now displays NORMAL in my navigation pane. That is, every word I type in as NORMAL is reflected in the navigation pane.How do I disable this function 

Does anyone know how I can stop the noise coming from a second hand gaming PC tower that I'm running Microsoft Office on?

Posted: 26 May 2013 11:59 AM PDT

I am running Windows XP Pro with 2.00 GB and 1.96 GB available. Unfortunately, my hard drive is once again continually making noise if my PC is on. When I was first given the tower it was dusty and dirty. I cleaned it with a compressed-gas duster according to instructions I found online. The noise vanished. Now it's back – not as bad – but cleaning it again did little good. I have two pieces of software on this machine that I've never used before. One is an AiBooster and the other is a PC Probe ll. Both indicate that Chassis2 has 0 rpm or CPU (but despite the warning on the PC Probe about this I am not sure whether I even have two chassis or what one is). The Fan Control section of the AiBooster says the CPU and Chassis of my fan is set to 'silent' but it doesn't make any difference as far as reducing noise goes  if I set these to  'optimal' or 'performance'.

Find locations in a document to insert a page break

Posted: 26 May 2013 04:11 AM PDT

Would anyone be able to help me with this,


I have some software that produces reports where it prints out in a "continuous" manner with no separation between the different incidents,   each incident is marked by a number followed by a date as shown in the attached.  Would anyone be able to help me with a vba routine that will identify the start point for each incident and introduce a page break to ensure each incident starts on a fresh page.  The first line starts with a no and a date and this is where I would like to insert page breaks.     Couldn't attach a sample file.

2100015682 30/01/2010 Time 0025 Vehicles 1 Casualties 1 Serious

Junction Detail: T & Stag Jct Give way or controlled C 70

Crossing Control Facilities None within 50m Road surface Snow

Darkness: no street lighting Snowing with high winds

Special Conditions at Site: None Carriageway Hazards: None

Place accident reported: At scene DfT Special Projects:

2100017494 02/02/2010 Time 1220 Vehicles 1 Casualties 1 Serious

Junction Detail: Not within 20m of junction

Crossing Control Facilities None within 50m Road surface Wet/Damp

Daylight: no street lighting Snowing without high winds

Special Conditions at Site: Road surface defective Carriageway Hazards: None

Place accident reported: At scene DfT Special Projects:


Thanks for any help you can give on this.



Word 13 and unwanted display calibration change

Posted: 25 May 2013 06:16 PM PDT

I have a new computer with Windows 8 desktop non-touch screen operating system and have purchased Office Home & Student 2013.  On clicking to open Word document the display automatically recalibrates to 640x480 from the native resolution of 1366x768.
Resetting the display is necessary each time. 
This does not happen with Excel, One Pad or Power Point - only Word. 
I've checked and re-checked all settings and cannot find reason or solution.  Help, please. 

Word 2007 Form Question

Posted: 24 May 2013 12:57 PM PDT

Hi there everyone, I am currently trying to create a Form, I have done a bit of research about it, but I still have the following question:


Is there any field in word that will allow the user of the form to add pictures and text on the same field? and on top of that change the color of the text or change the size? Im not sure if this is possible so any advice or links are greatly appreciated.


Have a good weeekend.


Can someone pls help me figure out how to delete the last page of my Word document?

Posted: 21 May 2013 06:24 PM PDT

Here is a link to the document:!120&authkey=!AGFPSF9vmnsl300

Many thanks in advance!

To do list Microsoft Project

To do list Microsoft Project

To do list

Posted: 20 Jul 2004 12:03 PM PDT

You're welcome, Vinny :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

<> wrote in message

Securing a Project File

Posted: 20 Jul 2004 07:06 AM PDT

What you want to do can't be managed by Project directly. Recommend:

1. when you "publish" the schedule for communication purposes, write a
document and elaborate on the plan, include screen shots (via camera
icon), paste in tables, etc. Don't count on users having to have Project.

2. ok to release the project file, as you do now ... but consider
putting protection on the file system to stop the ability for people to
write back to the original file. Use permissions on the computer for
file server. You retain all read/write permissions, but others who you
don't want to write only have "read" permissions.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Michael wrote: 

FAQs for Project 2003

Posted: 20 Jul 2004 06:40 AM PDT

Hi Sheila,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

"Sheila" <> wrote in message

Anyone have code to return to row and column where macro started?

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 08:42 PM PDT

Solution: (Using MSP 2000) This code gets you back to where you started when you ran the macro.

Sub BackToStartingRow()
tRow = ActiveCell.Task.ID 'Gets current row
'insert whatever code you want to run
SelectEnd 'Moves to bottom
SelectBeginning 'Moves to top
SelectRow (tRow - 1) 'For some reason, -1 puts you back at starting row
End Sub

Hope this helps someone.

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Consolidated Master Project using MS Project 2000

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 02:05 PM PDT

Oh. You are apparently using Server. As Jan said, didn't know that
Project Server existed with Project 2000. Even with a contemporary
version of Project Professional and Project Server, I believe it is
covered in the documentation that using the concept of master and
subprojects is not recommended for lots of reasons. This has been
covered in previous postings on this newsgroup, and you should look in
the documentation about it.

Search this NG in Google for this: meta=group%3Dmicrosoft.public.project.*

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Paulo Calvário wrote: 

similar to the other line of dots...

Posted: 19 Jul 2004 10:09 AM PDT

Hi Doug,

Nothing in my versions. For some reason the drop-down method generates a 0%
assignment .

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"DougSain" <> wrote in message
resource from the "Resource Names" drop down in a Task View. 
everything works fine (even if you assign just one Resource). 

Intelligent message filtering - Microsoft Exchange

Intelligent message filtering - Microsoft Exchange

Intelligent message filtering

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 10:41 PM PDT

excellent. thanks guys
"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message


Posted: 13 Sep 2004 09:19 AM PDT


Thanks for your posting here.

I noticed this post was duplicated with another thread. I have replied in
the original session. If you need further help, please post back in the
original one. For your convenience, i have pasted my reply as follows.

Thanks and have a nice day!

Thanks & Regards
Alan Sun
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! -
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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Thank you for your posting here.

According to the information in the post, I understand that the internal
message delivery is slow. If I have misunderstood, just post back to let me

Based on my research, I suggest you first perform the following steps:

Step 1: Reset DS2MB
WARNING: If you edit the metabase incorrectly, you can cause serious
problems that may require you to reinstall any product that uses the
metabase. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that result if you
incorrectly edit the metabase can be solved. Edit the metabase at your own

NOTE: Always back up the metabase before you edit it.

1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then
click Services.
2. Right-click "Microsoft Exchange System Attendant", and then click Stop.
3. Click Yes to stop the other services.
4. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then
click "MetaEdit 2.2". For additional information about how to install
MetaEdit, click the article number below o view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:

HOW TO: Download, Install, and Remove the IIS MetaEdit 2.2 Utility;en-us;232068

5. Locate the following subkey in the metabase:

6. On the File menu, click "Export text file", and then click Yes.
7. Type a name for the file, click Save, and then click Yes in the
confirmation dialog box.
8. Click OK.
9. Right-click the LM\DS2MB subkey, click Delete, and then click Yes to
confirm the deletion.
10. Quit MetaEdit.
11. Restart IIS Admin Service and related Exchange services.

Step 2: Add a new Recipient Policy
1. In Exchange System Manager, expand the Recipients object, then expand
the Recipient Policies object.
2. In the right-hand pane, right-click the Default Policy, and then click
Properties. Click the E-Mail Addresses tab.
3. Click Add to add a new SMTP address.
4. In the SMTP Address Properties dialog box, in the Address field, enter
"@<expecteddomain>.com" (without the quotation marks) where
@<expecteddomain>.com is the domain that then sender is attempting to send
to. Click Apply, and then click OK.
5. In the Default Policy Properties dialog box, click the E-Mail Address
tab, and then click to select the check box next to the SMTP address that
you just created.

6. Click Apply. Click OK when you receive the following notification:

The e-mail Addresses of type(s) [smtp] have been modified. Do you want to
update all corresponding recipient e-mail addresses to match these new
address(es)?NOTES: If you would like to make the new SMTP address the
default reply-to address for all users in your Exchange 2000 organization,
click the new address, click "Set as Primary", click Apply, and then click

If the issue continues, please collect the following information:

1. In which SMTP queue do the messages stuck? In the System Manager, there
are several queues under the SMTP Virtual Server container. Please verify
this so that we can perform further research.

More info, refer to this article:
823489.KB.EN-US How to Use Queue Viewer to Troubleshoot Mail Flow Issues;EN-US;823489

2. To track how the messages between internal users go, we can enable the
Message Tracking feature on the server. For more information, please refer
to the article below.

246856 XADM: How to Enable Message Tracking in Exchange 2000 Server

Please send a test message between two Exchange mailboxes and let me know
the sender, recipient and subject of this message. The tracking logs are
written to the location "C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\<ServerName>.log\". When
the message is received by the destination mailbox, please send me the
latest log file in it at: com

3. Please use the Telnet tool to perform a test according to the
instructions in the following Knowledge Base article:
153119 XFOR: Telnet to Port 25 of IMC to Test IMC Communication

Hope this helps. If anything is unclear or need further help, just post
back to let me know. Thanks and have a nice day!

Thanks & Regards
Alan Sun
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! -
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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Any Idea

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 06:12 AM PDT;[ln];LifeSrvr

Daniel Dooley M.C.S.E.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for newsgroup

purposes only.

"Ramon A. Alicea Jr." <com> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 standard to enterprise:howTo

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 05:47 AM PDT

Anyone have any confirmation to this?
Chris Thunell

"Neil Hobson [MVP]" <> wrote in message

mail recovery

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 02:21 PM PDT

I dropped a post under your Mailbox Restore subject.

<> wrote in message

Mailbox Restore

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 12:22 PM PDT

The first thing you may want to do is have them click on the Deleted Items
folder and select Tools...Recover Deleted Items. If you don't see the
Deleted Items folder, select View...Folder List.

If they deleted them today or yesterday, then they should still be
recoverable (provided it was just an empty and not a shift-delete).

Otherwise, it is off to restoring.

<> wrote in message


Posted: 12 Sep 2004 12:09 AM PDT

Thankx man problem solved 

Exchange 2003 on Win 2003 as a Domain Controller

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 07:10 AM PDT

I would consider a "problem" to be something that breaks my network or
requires hours of reconfiguration beyond the normal steps.

For instance, recreating the Exchange Server from scratch would be a
problem. Removing Certificate Server upgrading to a DC and reinstalling
Certificate Server would not be a problem.

"Andy David - Exchange MVP" <com> wrote in
message news:com... 

Exchange 2003 SMTP QUIT - HELP Please

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 06:06 AM PDT

Absolutely NOT, with firewall OFF is the same thing.
AND Firewall cannot send QUIT to remote SMTP Servers ..

Still waiting..

"Rich Matheisen [MVP]" <com.NOSPAM.COM> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - why is spell check for MS word is not working?

Microsoft Word - why is spell check for MS word is not working?

why is spell check for MS word is not working?

Posted: 25 May 2013 10:29 PM PDT

The spell check on MS office Word has always worked with F7 or by clicking the check icon on the tool bar. but it suddenly quit working.

Set up labels as Documents in Word

Posted: 25 May 2013 04:15 PM PDT

I have Avery lables set up as documents in Word so I can just change relevant information.  I usually only print 1 label at a time.  How can I do this in 2013 without using the label setup in Mail Merge.  This doesn't seem to allow much formatting.  Also it seems to print at the top of the label sheet only.

Printer not responding

Posted: 25 May 2013 10:18 AM PDT

I am using a Dell Inspiron laptop, Office Starter 2010, Word Starter 2010.  For the first few months I had no problems printing.  All of a sudden the Printer will not respond...nothing.  I have made so many changes trying to make it work that I need to start over .  Where do I find proper setup for printer?

Problem with normal template

Posted: 24 May 2013 04:57 AM PDT

Despite changing every copy of I can find on my PC to use Arial@12 with NoSpacing, every time I start Word2010 it defaults to Calibri@11 with NormalSpacing. How do I get a template to work whenever I start Word2010?

Microsoft Word 2010 Template Help

Posted: 23 May 2013 06:21 PM PDT

I've created a template for a process document and need to enable users to enter process steps in a numbered outline format. How can I do that?

Microsoft Office free trial

Posted: 20 May 2013 05:12 AM PDT

Is there a link where I can download a free trail version of microsoft office for students?  Every link I follow seems to want a credit card number.  Is there not a site that use to let you down load for a month or so and then it automatically deleted itself from your computer?  Any help will be appreciated.

Removing office 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

Removing office 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

Removing office 2003

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 07:35 AM PDT

Hi & thanks guys,
I haven't tried using the tool for the windows installer.
However i have tried uninstalling/reinstalling office. I
guess I may need to explain in detail exactly what is
happening and what I'm trying to accomplish. I have a
user that is having issues with outlook. Sometimes when
he tries to access it, it tries to log him in safe mode or
it freezes up on him. He has to end the process by
ending 'outlook.exe' in the task manager. Then he has to
start it in 'work offline' mode and hit F9 to synch and
connect it. Sometimes when he closes it, and comes back
the next day to use it, he has the same problems. Have you
ever seen this before?

Thanks again for your assistance..

utility. It only 
does not remove any 
Setup does a good 

Small Business Customer

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 10:27 PM PDT

Time to get back on your Prozac Garfy or is it Goofy. Oh well never mind,
once you on your meds I am sure you will calm down.

"garfield-n-odie" <> wrote in message