

my e mail account don't work 'arf sharp and office97w'ont run - Microsoft Office forums

my e mail account don't work 'arf sharp and office97w'ont run - Microsoft Office forums

my e mail account don't work 'arf sharp and office97w'ont run

Posted: 07 Aug 2004 09:03 PM PDT

See here or OE help
or ask in an OE news group

"" <> wrote in
message news:20c101c47cfc$a2ca3460$gbl... 

Office Update aborts while searching for available updates

Posted: 07 Aug 2004 11:09 AM PDT

Piotr and Michael--

You can get the downoads from here. I'm not sure but I think this issue is
going to be fixed with MSI 3.0 available in Windows XP SP2 when it RTMs to
the web around and about August 25 via Windows Update. Meanwhile, you can
access the updates directly and easily from here:

Downloads for Office 2003: gin=ES790020041033


Chad Harris
__________________________________________________ ______
"piotr" <> wrote in message

Exactly the same problem. I have office 2003 installed over XP. Goes up to
40% and the same message. Any suggestions?

Office 2003 SP1 MUI avaible ?

Posted: 06 Aug 2004 12:19 PM PDT

The MUI SP1 updates should be publicly available this month.

Sloan Crayton

"udo" <de> wrote in message

The "From" line in e-mail

Posted: 05 Aug 2004 02:55 PM PDT

You'll need to change it in the properties for the email account that you're
sending with.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

"brian" <net> wrote in message

Multiple VLK's and a single installation point?

Posted: 05 Aug 2004 02:52 PM PDT

That mostly makes sense to me. However, I don't think that I fully

If we maintain paper records for each computer, and say purchase 200
licenses under one VLK, and purchase another 50 under another VLK, Must I
create two installations, one for the 200 licenses, and one for the 50? Or
can I maintain a single installation, with a single VLK, and install it on
all 250 machines?


"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

Updating OffXP on the server

Posted: 05 Aug 2004 06:39 AM PDT

Hahaha, no i specified the variables

msiexec /a X:\Office XP Pro\Pro.msi /p C:\kb832671\i forget the name.msp

I'm not looking at it now so I don't remember the msp file, but thats' the

Now I'm doing this on win2k, but that shouldn't matter right? I mean the
msiexec command works the same on 2000 or XP...the only thing i can think
and i'll try changing it, the name i used for the folder office is installed
to, I'll rename it to something in 8.3 format..


"Roady [MVP]" <_SPAM_net> wrote in
message news:%23Q6Hu7$phx.gbl... 

2003 Pro Upgrade

Posted: 04 Aug 2004 12:24 PM PDT

> "Charles Weaver" <> wrote in 

1) You cannot upgrade products of the same version line - it is not

2) Why do you need the key? You don't have to install the qualifying
product, merely insert it when prompted.

My great-grandfather was born and raised in Elgin - did he eventually
lose his marbles?

Office 2003 SP1 Update gets HotFix error

Posted: 04 Aug 2004 05:49 AM PDT

Typically this step addresses that problem, too (they have the same cause).
See the KB article at;en-us;304498 for other
potential causes of Office Update detection failures.

Sloan Crayton

"StuE" <> wrote in message

can't reinstall office xp pro after deleting from windows xp syste

Posted: 02 Aug 2004 04:39 PM PDT

Hello Danna,

The log file information stated you tried installing Office XP SP-2.
Instead you need to install SP-1 first for Office XP. But, you mentioned
that you have deleted the Office installation files already. At this
point, you may try this. Please note that the method involves editing the
registry; so make sure to back up the registry.

1) Back-up your registry 322755 HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the
Registry in Windows 2000

2. Strart registry editor and delete the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Prod ucts\9040820900063D11C8EF0

3. Delete this key and all of its subkeys:

4. Under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Installer\Folde
rs, delete the key with the information: 9040820900063D11C8EF00054038389C

5. Delete the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Uninstall\{9028

6. After a reboot, try to install Office XP; then run office update using
the link:

Please try the suggestions and let me know the status.


xwindows help - Forums Linux

xwindows help - Forums Linux

xwindows help

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 10:09 PM PDT

"DanB" <net> wrote in

ATI has good video drivers for linux. Go to and then download the
linux drivers and install them. I get this error too with my nvidia card when
I update the kernel and forget to reinstall the video drivers for it. You
have to install the 3D video drivers for your card and when you update the
kernel, reinstall them as they are kernel version dependant. It is not a big
deal and is a quick and painless process.

My email address is invalid, thanks to
all of these rotten spambots.
Email me by assembling this address:
tinykitty "ay tea" ohmster "dee oh tea" com

Create a new Enterprise Project Microsoft Project

Create a new Enterprise Project Microsoft Project

Create a new Enterprise Project

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 10:40 PM PDT

Hi Dave,

This sounds like a developer-type question to me. Try posting on the
developer newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs,
companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at this
web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

davegrr wrote: 

Gantt Bar Sizes

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 03:00 PM PDT

Hi Brian,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Bar Styles give the option of 6 shapes, 10 patterns and 16 colours gives 960
combinations, and there aren't any more :(

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Brian wrote: 

Project duration and dates

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 01:05 PM PDT

It sounds like you're confusing hours of work with hours of duration.

The duration is the amount of (working) time between when the task begins
and when it ends. If we work a normal default work schedule of an 8 hour
workday (that's how Project knows what minutes out of the day count as
working time) a task that starts Monday at 8am and is finished Friday at 5pm
is 40 hours of duration by definition, period, end of story, and it CAN'T be
anything else. So if you say a task has a *duration* of 24 hours and starts
Mon at 8, it simply must end Wednesday at 5, there is no other option. You
cannot say a task starts Mon at 8, ends Fri at 5, and has 20 hours duration
UNLESS the workday itself is defined at 4 hours per day.

Work is the number of man-hours the resource is actually doing something
during that duration time period. The ratio of the two is the resource
allocation percentage of the resource assignment. If I say I have a task
budgeted for 20 hours, I'm usually thinking of man-hours of work. I could
do that work over a 20, 40, 60, 217, or whatever hour duration. (I can't do
it over LESS than 20 hours duration unless I get someone else to work with
me because I can't be two places at once.) If I do 20 hours of work over a
20 hour duration I'm working 100%. If I do it over a 60 hour duration I'm
working at 33% allocation, and so forth.

Fixed dates are a major issue because all too often those dates have been
determined without any regard to whether they are realistic or do-able. The
notion behind ALL project scheduling software, not just MS Project, is that
you are using the tool to develop a model of the project in order to
determine what dates things should be scheduled for so as to meet the
overall business objectives. When you start the process you know that you'll
be able to start as of a certain date (or can assume one), perhaps you know
you need to finish by a particular deadline, and you know what you need to
get accomplished and who's available to do it. But you *don't* have a clue
what dates all the tasks should be scheduled for - figuring all that detail
out is why you're using the software in the first place. Even specifying
start and finish dates when you enter tasks into the Gantt chart table
doesn't really give you truly fixed dates. Entering a start date gives a
Start No Earlier Then constraint while entering a finish date gives a Finish
No Earlier Than constraint. There can only be one constraint so which you
get will be determined by whether you specify the start of the finish date
first - the last one entered will govern. But that's not to say the tasks
won't get moved LATER in the plan if a predecessor link or resource
unavailability or conflict drives them later.

Here's a possible solution, workable if you're very careful. Set the
default task type to fixed units and enter your tasks. You should never,
ever, input start and finish dates except for those few tasks where a
constraint is actually required by the nature of the task itself but if you
really have no choice in the matter, when you set those dates the duration
they represent will be calculated. I'd actually do it in the order finish
date then start date because a SNET constraint makes more sense than a FNET
constraint if you have to have one at all. The duration between those two
dates is fixed and that's not something you can control, period. Now enter
your resources in the resource list. Back to the Gantt chart. Split the
screen (Window Split) and use the Task Form in the bottom window to assign
your resources. For each task in turn, first switch the task type to fixed
duration, click ok, then in the resources section enter the resource name,
leave the percentage blank, and enter the number of hours budgeted for that
task. When you click ok, the resource(s) will be assigned at whatever
percentage produces the budgeted hours of work over the duration represented
by the start and end dates you've specified. If any resource gets allocated
at over 100% you've now got a political problem to solve because it means
that the boss who gave you those fixed dates is requiring people to do more
work in a workday than is humanly possible to do and something has got to
give or the project is virtually guaranteed to fail.

Hope this helps, let us know how it goes...

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Lisa" <> wrote in message
can't figure out how to allot resources so that neither the amount of hours
at which I've sent the duration nor the dates move.

How difficult is Project Server to Implement?

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 12:27 PM PDT

I agree. The tool is just part of the problem. Defining and getting
agreement on a standard process and training the users is quite an effort in
a large group.


"Rob Schneider" <> wrote in message

How are percentages calculated?

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 12:12 PM PDT

The best thing to do is look in Help, and ask the question "how is
percent complete computed" and you'll see the article "Percentage and
number fields" and there you can see how these fields are computed.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


JeremyE wrote: 

Linking tasks into master project

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 12:07 PM PDT

Hi Robin,

If you expand the sub-project files within the master, you can link tasks in
the normal way: eg select the 2 tasks an click the Link tool.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Robin wrote: 

build customized application for MS Project

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 06:40 AM PDT

You could also keep it simpler by using, if available in the company,
Outlook's Task Request process. Customers ask a request of the manager
who in turn delegates it out.

Project would be great if the tasks are true projects ... but if "just"
tasks, you might find the overhead/complexity is too much.

There are also some very nice open source products available for free
that do this sort of thing. Check out Source Forge et. al.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


aj wrote: 

Link Summary or not?

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 06:39 AM PDT

You might want to look for an article by Robert Cooper about Stage-Gate
processes (phases and gates) particularly the stuff he wrote about "Fuzzy"

some thoughts on lifecycles and phases....
This probably won't answer your question regarding linking of phase summary
task (though I recommend against it)
Turns out most companies have lifecycles with phases and gates - however
many gates are "90% there" (from an old Arnold Palmer quote about trees and

Think about it, perhaps you have a deliverable of a specific tool made by an
outside vendor. That tool is complicated and will take 6 months to produce.
According to your lifecycle, that tool is not due until phase 3 - which is
typically 2 months long and should happen 4 months from now. Do you wait
until phase 3 to start work on the tool? Hell no! - you start thinking and
acting on that deliverable ASAP....

SO here a phase 3 deliverable is actually being worked on during phase 1 and
phase 2....

__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"maarkr" <> wrote in message

Can't remove program

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 08:47 PM PDT

Have some kind of corruption on primary HD as could not
reinstall, remove or change features when attempting to
reload Project, reinstalled MS project to different HD and
was able then to remove program. Thanks for your reponse.

Steve Brown 
Sounds like 
that the uninstaller 
Whenever I 

Printing in Microsoft Project 2002

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 05:26 PM PDT

Hi Catherine,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series of Microsoft Project lessons in
the TechTrax ezine, particularly Lesson 8 - Printing Reports and Views, at
this site: (Perhaps you'd care to rate it before
leaving the site, :) Thanks.)

If that doesn't help, I would suspect corruption and you could try the
suggestions in FAQ Item: 43. File Bloat? - Might be Corruption.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Catherine wrote: 

Website Project Plan

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 04:22 PM PDT

FYI, a project plan is a collection of documents. MS Project can be used for
the WBS, schedule, resource plans, effort and duration estimates (and other
documents) which are all PART OF the project plan.

You'll also need things like roles and responsibilities, project success
criteria, project justification, project charter ...

If I were to do a Web sit project plan these would be the hyperlinks I'd

Project Charter
One page scope document
Activity Effort estimates
Activity duration estimates
Resouce requirments/resource plans
Team members and roles
Risks and risk response plans
Communication plan (built on the list of key stakeholders)
Network logic diagram
performance measurement baseline (for earned value)

By building this web site, you will know more about your project than you
ever thought possible...

__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"Ann" <com> wrote in message 


Posted: 14 Jul 2004 03:35 PM PDT

Start with the critical path(s). Do what you can to shorten it. Then when
the new critical path(s) emerge, shorten them and so on and so on...

Look at your plan and figure out what can be done in parallel but be aware
of the risks as you "parallelize" work

"We can start coding even though the design is not done however we risk
rework once the design is finished" are you willing to take that risk? What
is the risk/reward trade-off? (is the risk worth the reward?)

Best of luck...


__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"student" <> wrote in message

Printing only Working Days

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 11:47 AM PDT

Thanks Steve,

I figured this was the case, but I just wanted an expert
opinion on the matter. thanks for the assistance, and
keep up the great work.


cancelled because you 

Assignments not appearing in Project Server Task Timesheet

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 11:42 AM PDT

Diane --

Do you see errors in the application log on the server?

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Diane Skoll" <edu> wrote in message

Open Office - [discuss] Problem Found !

Open Office - [discuss] Problem Found !

[discuss] Problem Found !

Posted: 12 Apr 2007 04:42 PM PDT

A suggestion as to what "Acess is denied" is most likely to mean, you
see that would be -better- not just -adequate-


Chris Monahan

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[discuss] Configuration Sets

Posted: 12 Apr 2007 01:34 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


sorry, but i always thought that such a choice is big non-sense.

That is, offering an interface choice like MSO-like or OOo-Classic and
other configurations sure makes quite a bit of sense. But asking the
user if he's a power user, noob or avarage or whatever doesn't. Offering
functionality-wise scaled UI setups is a good thing though.

More particularly, such an option would have the benefit of enabling not
only scaled configurations, but specialized setups for certain tasks or


Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

iD8DBQBGHsjyEOp8fsnyxsQRAqNyAKCT8dKIOO6dxD1j4qW7RB Mb5TFtbQCfckkx


[discuss] Opentype and Graphite font technologies support

Posted: 11 Apr 2007 10:34 AM PDT

Hmm ... could have sworn I'd put that link in:

On Wed, 2007-11-04 at 10:39 -0700, Bruce Byfield wrote: 
Bruce Byfield 604-421-7177
Burnaby, BC, Canada

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Multiple Font Issues Microsoft Office for Mac

Multiple Font Issues Microsoft Office for Mac

Multiple Font Issues

Posted: 16 Nov 2007 08:59 AM PST

Reinstalling Office is almost never the answer....

I'd post on an Apple group to see what the equivalent of trashing all
font caches is now--e.g., this page makes it clear safe boot in Leopard
behaves differently, but there should be a substitute:

Uh, here's a Terminal based suggestion:

Try at your own risk.

turnermarketing wrote: 

Leopard Upgrade triggered Office "test drive"

Posted: 15 Nov 2007 04:10 PM PST

On Nov 15, 4:35 pm, Diane Ross <>

I followed the instructions in the Leopard booklet, pp 4-5. Inserted
disk, selected destination, clicked install. Machine restarted. I
will follow your recommendation and report back.
Many thanks,

New sneap peak for Entourage

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 07:31 PM PST

On 17/11/07 3:37 AM, in article, "Kurt"
<com> wrote:

Sounds like you too are waiting to see whether Microsoft has applied an
ounce of common sense to Test Drive 2008. The problems caused by Test Drive
2004 have been horrific. Not the way to have a warm and fuzzy initial
customer experience...


updating license

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 12:04 AM PST

On Nov 14, 6:21 am, John McGhie <name> wrote: 

The program I bought is enough for 5 computers. It worked fine on my
old computer while two other people were using theirs on the same
network. For some reason now though, when I transferred all the
applications to my new computer and delted Office from my old
computer, my husband and I can't both run Office when we're on the
home network.

Microsoft Word - color in track changes

Microsoft Word - color in track changes

color in track changes

Posted: 09 May 2013 01:06 PM PDT

I am making edits using 2013 Word in a document created in Word 2010 with several authors and editors.
In TrackChanges, I cannot display my edits in color without "show full markup", which brings up all the previous authors' edits. In "simple markup" my edits show only black. I have tried changing all the colors in the "advanced options" box, which is maddeningly hidden. 
I suspect this is a glitch between old and new Word users. 
I was reduced to highlighting my changes.

"in line with text" picture, fails in word 2010

Posted: 09 May 2013 11:07 AM PDT

I am using Word 2010. I have copied a picture from another document and pasted it in the one I am working on (or I have tried inserting a png, or a jpg in my current document). I can only see the bottom of the picture. The rest of it seems to be slipped up under the text above it. I have added a bottom shadow to the object, and now that's all I can see, but at least I know where the object is now.

If I click on the picture, I can see the outline of the object, again, behind the text above where I have pasted/inserted the picture. When I click on the picture, I see round handles in the corners and a square handle in the middle of each side.

When I check the Picture > Format > Position, nothing is highlighted. I click on "in line with text" and the dialog closes, but the method doesn't seem to do anything.

When I check the Picture > Format > Wrap Text box, it is already set to "in line with text". If I change it to anything else, the image appears. But I would prefer to use the "in line" setting.

When the picture is selected, the options for bring forward and send backward are gray.

How do I get my picture to use the "in line with text" setting?

Tabbing changes when restarting numbered list

Posted: 09 May 2013 04:52 AM PDT

I have set-up a style with a numbered list.
The default tab sizes are way too big for what I need, so I changed them.
Now if I restart the numbering for a new list, it messes up the tabbing, but only for the restarted number, all the subsequent numbers remain the same. If I click the style again to apply the correct formatting it switches the number back to the next number from the previous sequence. The issue is on the line wrap is tabbed more than on other entries. It took ages to get all the tabs and indents to do what I want, very frustrating but doable, until this little quirk!

My style has:
Paragraph: Left 0.5cm Hanging 0.75 cm
Tabs 1.25cm

Looking in the style description there is also:
Left aligned at 0.5 cm
Indent at 1.5 cm
It looks like these are the issue, but I can't see where I can edit these additional values for left align and indent?
I think changing the indent from 1.5 to 1.25 would solve the problem, but where is that value hiding?

Word 2007 - macro to insert an image and specify its size, position and text wrapping

Posted: 08 May 2013 10:09 PM PDT

Hi there,

I've been looking for a way to create a macro that allows the user the following:

- open the "Insert Picture" browser to let them select an image
- insert the image with the following attributes:
    - Text wrapping: in front of text
    - Picture size: width = 21.1cm, height = 8.5cm, Lock Aspect ratio = false
    - Position: Horizontal = Absolute Position 0 cm to the right of Page, Vertical = Absolute Position 6.5 cm below Page
I have a feeling that it shouldn't be too difficult but my Visual Basic knowledge doesn't go far beyond the macro recorder which doesn't allow me to record any of the steps/settings above.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Posted: 08 May 2013 05:57 PM PDT

I need to write in English and Spanish. With Word 2003 I could change languages using Tools. How do I do it in Office 365?


Posted: 08 May 2013 03:00 PM PDT

iI have a list of over 100 names in a word document in the exact same format.   I am trying to copy them into a word table and one group of names will go in correctly and then the next will only show the last name and not the " , First name"

merge multiple documents into one master document

Posted: 08 May 2013 02:31 PM PDT

I'm having trouble finding info about this; everything I've seen is either three years old and doesn't pertain to Word 2007 or says it can't be done. 

I want to know if it's possible to have a document (Letter A) that, when I merge it with a list of names, also pulls text from another document (Letter B). The problem is that I want to be able to edit Letter B and have Letter A just magically know I edited B without having to open Letter A and update the field. 

Here's a simplified example (my final document will include more inserted files but if I can figure out one, I know I can get the rest to work):

I have 30 different letters that I merge with an Excel file and send to clients. They're all signed by the same person. That person quits and I have to update every letter (Letter A) with the new person's name. Is it possible to use InsertText or something similar to insert Letter B (which would contain the signature)? And if I edit Letter B in the future, will Letter A know it?



Why is the spacing before a paragraph on a new page affected by the spacing after the last paragraph on the previous page?

Posted: 08 May 2013 09:51 AM PDT

Why is the spacing before a paragraph on a new page affected  by the spacing after the last paragraph on the previous page?

I have my style "Heading1" set to have a page break before it, and I also have it set to have 78pt spacing before it. When I alter the style of the last paragraph on the previous page, e.g. from "Text" (set to have 12pt spacing after paragraph) to Table (set to have 0pt spacing after paragraph) the spacing before the Heading1 paragraph changes! Has anyone noticed this? Can I stop it happening?
[Edited to correct product version]

Table cell bullet spacing

Posted: 08 May 2013 02:34 AM PDT

In MS Word, how do I adjust spacing between bullets and text in all cells within a table? Even though I highlight the entire table before sliding the marker in the overhead ruler to adjust spacing, when I move from one cell to the next, I have to reset the spacing.

Unable to enter data in word form fields longer than 255

Posted: 07 May 2013 10:24 AM PDT

I am attempting to use a legacy text form and am trying to programmatically add data from a database query to the form field.  I'm only having issues with fields where the resulting text string is longer than 255 characters.   Can I get around this at all?



Barb Reinhardt

Bookmarking within a document - Creating an active Table of Contents

Posted: 06 May 2013 01:52 AM PDT

I am almost finished with building my book for Amazon Kindle. An active Table of Contents is required to be able to link directly to the beginning of a chapter. I have Word Starter 2010, which does not have the TOC feature. In the "Building Your Book for Kindle" guidelines, it mentions that manual bookmarking would have to be done for people using Macs. I'm thinking that maybe that's what I'll have to do since I have no TOC feature in Word Starter, unless there is a way to hyperlink within the document. How do I create an active TOC in Word Starter 2010? I'm using a Windows 7- 64 bit laptop computer. 


Thank you in advance,

Jacquelyn Roberts

Microsoft Word - what happens to picture type when I copy it to clipboard

Microsoft Word - what happens to picture type when I copy it to clipboard

what happens to picture type when I copy it to clipboard

Posted: 08 May 2013 08:15 AM PDT

I use word 2007, I have read that when you can't insert a picture into word 2007 because of unsupported file type, you can copy the picture and paste it in word. Is that right? and if it is right, what happens? is the picture file type converted to some type supported in word 2007?

Change text alignment of style depending on number of lines.

Posted: 08 May 2013 03:50 AM PDT

How can I set the allignment of text in a style depending on the number of lines in a paragraph? i.e If I have a paragraph that is only one line I want it centred, if I have a paragraph of multiple lines I want it left alligned.

where can I buy office 2103?

Posted: 07 May 2013 01:56 PM PDT

We have a new computer but the free software was available only 30 days.  And now we need the software.

Add Hyperlink to Text in a column

Posted: 07 May 2013 10:34 AM PDT

I have 72 page document with multiple columns.
One of the columns is a six digit number that I need to make a hyperlink, but I need the text to remain the same.

I tried to make a find and replace in the style of hyperlink using the following syntax
Find: <03[0-9]{4}>
Options Use Wildcard

Replace With^&

The replace turns the colum into the full URL.
I am guessing I need to do a macro or something so the visible text doesn't change and it only adds a hyperlink to the word.

What is the best way to go about doing this?

Unable to create a new folder by clicking on the "NEW FOLDER" BUTTON

Posted: 07 May 2013 10:16 AM PDT

When seeking to save a new file in a new folder, my software will not allow this to happen.   Clicking on "Save As" opens the window to save a file, but when I click on "New Folder" or right click in area where current folders are listed nothing appears to allow me to create and name a new folder.  Any ideas?   i have run repair on the program through the program uninstall feature in Control Panel, but that did not resolve the issue.

I have .jpg logo image and would like to insert it on to a Word document, how do I do this

Posted: 07 May 2013 07:25 AM PDT

I have a logo which is in a .jpeg file format, how do I move or insert this on to my Word document.   Also if the image is on the Word document how do I move it around so that it fits a proper location on the document.

Thank you

Why would automatic footnote numbers jump from 1 to 3?

Posted: 07 May 2013 07:11 AM PDT

I am using both Word 2007 and Word 2010. I am having footnotes entered irregularly on both versions.

I can not find any reason for this.

I am using Windows 7.

Borders in cells (again)

Posted: 06 May 2013 10:44 PM PDT

I know that borders in cells is a major bone of contention, but hopefully someone will have a solve for this. 

I am trying to create a postcard.  I am using the paper "1/4 letter", landscape, so my four postcards are 5.5" wide by 4.25 tall.  I used the Labels function to create the 2x2 table.  Now, I want borders on all four postcards.  Not terribly wide ones, but decorative.  But no matter what I select, the bottom row of cells is bumped to the next page.  

I know this has something to do with margins, but I can't figure out if it's PAGE margins or CELL margins.  Or maybe cell spacing?  Or it just can't be done?  

Any help appreciated. 

Another Footnote Issue

Posted: 03 May 2013 08:49 AM PDT

If footnotes appear as footnote ref and three spaces, how do I programmatically delete the third space?