

Completely uninstall office 2002 and 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

Completely uninstall office 2002 and 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

Completely uninstall office 2002 and 2003

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 01:05 PM PDT

I'm trying to find a program or a process to completely uninstall office 2002 and 2003. When you uninstall office, it leaves behind a bunch of objects in the registry, and in your settings. I know that office 2000 had a program (earaser2k) that would remove most of the leftover objects from the programs, and I was wondering if there was a similar program for office 2002 and 2003, or if there is a list of registry objects that I need to remove. Thanx!

failur to load office 2000

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 06:49 AM PDT

I should have added, do you really need to install 'all Office2K'?

"DL" <com> wrote in message

speech to text set up on trial Word software

Posted: 13 Jun 2004 02:43 PM PDT

Yes name the company so anyone who reads these posts can benefit.
We have been extremely pleased with Dell"s online support for our notebooks.
It might be eaiser to start an email support issue with "H". This way you have documentation and a support # to backup you up.
Might take just a tad bit longer, and you may get better results.

Chris Schatte

"Its_Meshelle" wrote:

Unable to Access Cliparts on Disk

Posted: 13 Jun 2004 01:55 PM PDT

Does the Small Business package include Publisher? The PUB60COR folder is
part of Microsoft Publisher. If it wasn't installed using the setup
program, its clips will not show up.

On the clip art task pane, there are two dropdown boxes, "Search for" and
"Search in". Are all of the checkboxes in each dropdown checked?


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"pandscarr" <com> wrote in message

wingdng2 error on setup

Posted: 13 Jun 2004 07:46 AM PDT

And also note that Office 2000 CDs are no longer carried by Microsoft so the
only way is to find an online seller or an auction.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, Miss Perspicacia
Tick asked:

| com wrote:
|| When I attempt to install office 2000 it hangs with an
|| error 1305 error reading from file.
|| c:\windows\fonts\WINGDNG2.tif. Verify it is there and
|| you can access it. I verified it's there and it still
|| hangs.
|| Can anyone help me please?
|| Thnks
|| bill
| 1) The file is 'WINGDNG2.TTF', not TIF (the latter is a graphics
| format).
| 2) The CD is dirty or damaged. Try cleaning it. Follow the
| instructions that can be found in the following articles
| "Error reading from file" error when you try to install Applications
| under Windows 2000 or Windows XP
| The below pertains to Office 2003, but the information is still valid
| for 2000.
| "Error 1305: Error reading from file" Error Message when you attempt
| to install Office 2003
| How to Replace Lost, Broken or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware
| Please be aware that, if Office 2000 came with your system then
| Microsoft will not be able to assist as they do not, cannot and,
| indeed, will not support OEM supplied software. All support,
| including replacement keys and media, is the responsibility of the
| OEM (be that the dealer or the manufacturer).

Office 03 slipstream patches help

Posted: 13 Jun 2004 06:14 AM PDT

Brian Roberson <> wrote: 

Are you using the larger, full patches that are made for patching the admin install points? There are the binary (diff) patches that require the source media (or a LIS cache on the client), and then there are the full patch files that do not require the source. The full patch is what you need. These can be used to patch an admin install point created by running setup /a OR they can be used to patch a client PC that does not have the source media or LIS. Do not run the patches from CD (or other read-only media).

GMAN Slater

certificate of authenticity for office97 small business

Posted: 12 Jun 2004 06:06 AM PDT

I think it is hilarious that some idiot posts on this
newsgroup wanting to instal a pirate copy of word on their
computer but they don't provide a means for all the
pirates out there to tell them how to do it by not
providing a valid email address

Disc 2 wont Install Cant read MSBP.EXE

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 07:10 PM PDT

I will try to contact MS. It was bought aftermarket not
part of an OEM install. Couldn't copy disc to hard
drive. got a redundancy cyclic error

it to your hard drive and installing from there. 
available. You should contact your original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) if you got it pre-installed with your
Microsoft Software or Hardware: 

Partitions for two versions of Word

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 05:26 PM PDT

If you wish to avoid the "now installing" prompt each time you switch
versions of Word, installing on a second OS partition or in a Virtual PC
session makes sense. Personally, I would use a VPC session.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching and finding no answer:
DL <com> asked:
| The usual instruction is to install earliest version first, run
| update on this, ammend any shortcuts to eg Word97 Then install later
| version, ensure this is to a seperate folder.
| You have to take care when opening a file from Explorer to ensure it
| opens in req. version.
| I'v never come across advice to install to seperate partitions
| .
| "meliss" <> wrote in message
| news:1b82901c45013$f68e2d10$gbl...
|| I was instructed to create separate "OS partitions" to
|| avoid the "now installing" routine when I use different
|| versions of Word on one computer. Does this mean the OS
|| has to be on both partitions? Or can I just create a
|| normal partition to contain one version of Word. BTW --
|| I'm talking about 97 and 2003
|| Thank you for previous help!! and thanks for this!
|| Meliss

requirements for office 2003

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 02:40 PM PDT

ruth wrote: 

So, if I understand you correctly, you appear to think that Windows *98* was
released *after* Windows *2000*?! Maths obviously isn't your strong suit.
How can Windows 98 (released in, erm, 1998) have been released /after/
Windows 2000 (released in, erm, 2000)?!

Not a lot of thought went into that post, obviously...

network/ server version of Office?

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 01:51 PM PDT

I am not a Microsoft representative. The MVP is a designation I earned for
past contributions to news groups, both here and in Outlook groups.

As for a network friendly version of Office, it is a local program, not
suited for networking. You can perform an administrative installation and
install locally from that point or you can use Terminal Services.

Please explain what you mean by a "network friendly version" then - do you
mean where the application is installed on the network and people can open
applications without having the program installed locally? That would be
terminal services. If you mean something else, please explain. I am not
being argumentative, just curious as to what you mean by your statement.

For future reference (and perhaps this one currently) you can contact
Microsoft about product features you would like to see in future versions -
com and put Office in the subject line. Microsoft does
read these mails and has a database they keep to track the most often
requested features. That is how Calendar Coloring finally rose to the top
for Outlook.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, asked:

| My statement was "I would have expected a more network
| friendly version from Microsoft". Using TS is NOT what I
| would call network friendly. I wish they had a MORE
| network friendly version. But if you, as a MS
| representative, want to take it as an arguementative
| statement and not a legitimate customer observation (I am
| sure many others would like to see a TRUE network version
| too), then so be it.
|| -----Original Message-----
|| There is a network friendly Office - use Terminal services to run
|| Office.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
|| the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|| After searching and finding no answer,
|| asked:
||| I would have expected a more network friendly version from
||| Microsoft. Thanks for the information.
|||| -----Original Message-----
|||| No, there is only one version of Office. The license varies by
|||| what you purchase. Only Enterprise or Select licensed versions of
|||| Office can be run from a Terminal Server. There is no other
|||| option except Terminal Server or local machine installation.
|||| --
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due
|||| to the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|||| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|||| After searching and finding no answer,
|||| asked:
||||| Is there a version that does not require logging on to
||||| Terminal Server? We have TS and use it for our remote
||||| office connection, but would prefer Office to work
||||| directly off the server/ network rather than TS if
||||| possible.
||||| Thanks!
|||||| -----Original Message-----
|||||| Yes, you can use an enterprise license copy on a Windows Terminal
|||||| Server to let users access Office.
|||||| --
|||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due
|||||| to the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|||||| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|||||| After searching and finding no answer, Mysti
|||||| asked:
||||||| Is there a server version of Office? Ideally, we would
||||||| like to install Office once on our server and just have
||||||| user licenses to access it. It would be convienent for
||||||| updates, etc. Is this possible?
|||||| .
|||| .
|| .

Office Pro won't uninstall/ remove

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 01:48 PM PDT


following link and try to uninstall through that utility. 
confers no rights. 

Windows 2000 server with SP4 and Office 2000

Posted: 10 Jun 2004 08:54 AM PDT

Did I already suggest a new mail profile? Renaming MAPI32.dll to .old and
then run fixmapi.exe?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, John M asked:

| I've used another office disk with same issue
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
| <org> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
|| Bad disk?
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
|| the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|| After searching and finding no answer, John M
|| asked:
||| this is a new install, and I've formatted reinstalled windows a few
||| times now with same error
||| there is no exchange, no antivirus, nothing, just windows default
||| install
||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
||| <org> wrote in message
||| news:phx.gbl...
|||| Try creating a new profile.
|||| Random thought here - is this installation of Office/Outlook on the
|||| same server as Exchange? If yes, that is the error you will get
|||| and it is unsupported.
|||| --
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due
|||| to the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|||| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|||| After searching and finding no answer, John M
|||| asked:
||||| I've installed Windows 2000 server with SP4, and then Install
||||| Office 2000 SR1 standard, I do a custom install and keep default
||||| path, change install options to run all from my computer. The
||||| install works fine, when I start Outlook I choose the corporate
||||| install. It then installs some more files. I configure the
||||| Outlook profile to
||||| use my exchange server then Outlook errors with :
||||| The mapi spooler could not be started. Close and then restart all
||||| mail-enabled applications
||||| MAPI 1.0 (000004C7)
||||| Like I said, this is a default brand new install of windows 2000
||||| with SP4 not a upgrade to SP4 installed with it.
||||| Then Office 2000 standard install comes with SR1
||||| There are no other applications installed, no virus scan, nothing,
||||| just windows. Also I installed with out term services.
||||| I've tried to run the SP3 update to office, and that fails with an
||||| error about some tmp files in c:\config.msi\
||||| What's the deal here
||||| thanks
||||| John

Exchange 5.5 email problem - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 5.5 email problem - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 5.5 email problem

Posted: 16 Jul 2004 02:09 PM PDT

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Yes, this was under a WinNT domain and and I am testing AD
The Exchange server on the WinNT box has worked with the 3 domains for 4
years just fine.
Now in the AD environment, the 2 other domains work fine, but the one with
the same domain as the internal AD domain does not.


Yes and has been working until the test.

Does it 

That I don't know. I am not up to speed on MX records. Can you point me in
the right direction.

emails being redirected and binding messages

Posted: 16 Jul 2004 01:53 PM PDT

Whenever I try to email clients on the Xchng 2k server from a public email engine, the mail automatically gets redirected to our ISP, which forces it to our address that the ISP gave to us for our DSL connection. Example: If I email from hotmail to soandso@<>, it goes to ****@<>.

Also, whenever I try to enter the ip addresses of the dns servers that are forwarding to our domain in the "configure external DNS servers for this virtual server" properties box I get a "Binding is not unique" message and it won't accept the changes. Even after I changed the DNS entries in the NIC.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Thank you for your assistance.

Suspicious Attachments

Posted: 16 Jul 2004 09:43 AM PDT

This will require a 3rd party Exchange AV solution which you really should
have anyways.
Trend Scanmail and Sybari Antigen are the top picks.

Martin Blackstone
MVP - Exchange
<com> wrote in message

RPC / HTTP prompt for password

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 02:41 PM PDT

Tom <> wrote:

It's not Windows Authentication (note the capitals please) that's
going on, ergo, no.

Mark Arnold MCSA MCSE+M MVP, org
FAQ: &

Shutdown takes long time, the longest living bug in Exchange :-)

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 09:34 AM PDT

The problem is in NT4.0, NT4.0 SP1, NT4.0 SP2, NT4.0 SP3, NT4.0 SP4, NT4.0 SP5, NT4.0 SP6, Win 2000, Win 2000 SP1, Win 2000 SP2, Win 2000 SP3, Win 2000 SP4, Microsoft Windows 2003, and if we are lucky we will have it in Microsoft Windows 2003 SP1 and Microsoft Windows 2003 Release 2 :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

These OS's + Microsoft Exchange 5.5 (1996 or 97 if I am not wrong), Exchange 5.5 SP1, SP2, SP.., Microsoft Exchange Server 2000, 2000 SP1, 2000 Sp..., Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, and 2003 SP1

And if we are very luck we may have it in Microsoft Windows / Exchange Server Longhorn :-)

It happened with the domain controller, it happens with the active directory, and it will happen with the future "whatever its name" user management system, this bug will live for ever, otherwise how can you know if exchange is instaled ;-)

I know it is not a big deal, until the power cuts, the UPS goes off, tries to shutdown the server, and then .... :-) , I know, the power goes off once or twice a year (if there is a storm or heavy rain), and for you it is not a big deal, it is normal to lose a server once a year, nice :-) "otherwise how can you know it is a Microsoft product :-)"

How many times you must shutdown your server? On every damn security update!

By the way, I know there are a lot of workarounds, like running a script or changing the registry, but isn't time to fix that bug?

Thank You

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" <> wrote in message news:%phx.gbl... 

ETRN from Exchange 2000 to Windows 2003 internal POP3 Service

Posted: 15 Jul 2004 04:55 AM PDT

Heinz wrote: 

POP doesn't send mail. It's a protocol for receiving mail. What is the
mdeamon server doing for you?

Moving from SBS2003 exchange to Exchange 2003 stand. or ernterp..

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 05:41 PM PDT

Bjarni wrote: 

You shouldn't need Exmerge - if you set up Exchange in the same org you
should be able to move mailboxes. You can't get rid of Exchange on the SBS
box that I know of.... 

Really best to post in an SBS group, I think. 

BADMAIL directory

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 02:47 PM PDT

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 21:56:46 -0400, Mark Fugatt [MVP] wrote:

Though Exchange 2003 SP1 disables the BadMail collecting by default

RPC over HTTP configuration

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 12:44 PM PDT

You will make the registry changes on the GC. However, if you have installed Exchange 2003 SP1, then you will not have to make that registry changed at all.
Matthew Tisdel
South Carolina

"Tom" wrote:

Exchange Ports

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 11:23 AM PDT

yeah youre are right, clients are trying to connect via MS Outlook, it works if i don't block the ports but it doesn't if i do, by the way i haven't letp NNTP pass trough i'm gonna let it go, do you know if i should let LDAP port pass trough?

"Mark Fugatt [MVP]" wrote:

Junction Points Dilema

Posted: 08 Jul 2004 08:42 AM PDT

I am, to put it mildly, very confused.
When I check the related folders, no junction points are shown.
If I generate a junction point it shows up in the directory listing as a
JUNCTION rather than a DIR.
The unwanted view on the desktop and in the SCRIPTS folder only show up as a
DIR yet they are all views of the same location. Even the active directory
on the sister server shows the same content.
What is the difference between these special folders and other junction
If LINKD or JUNCTION say there are no linked folders yet a change in any of
the images of the folders shows up in all, therefore they are one and the
same, what tools do I need to break this imaging.


"Tim Hines [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
Settings\Administrator\Desktop\\SYSVOL\sysvol\#myd omain#. 
Settings\Administrator\Desktop\\SYSVOL\sysvol\#myd omain#. 
com\scripts\Winnt\SYSVOL\sysvol\\scr ipts\Winnt\SYSVOL\sysvol 

Microsoft Word - AppVIsuSubsystems32.dll is missing

Microsoft Word - AppVIsuSubsystems32.dll is missing

AppVIsuSubsystems32.dll is missing

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 01:05 PM PST

Running Windows 7 Home Premium. Installed Office 2013 without problems and have been using Word and Excel for last few days without problem. Today when I tried to start Word I got the above error message. I tried a quick repair and after an hour it just hung. I restarted the machine and tried a online repair which ran for about 30 seconds until it got to step 2 of 4 and then reported it had failed and was unable to continue. Finally I have tried to uninstall and that has also failed telling me to wait until the current programme had uninstalled or changed. This happens after a further reboot. I am now stuck unable to run, install, repair or change the Office suite. None of the applications work. Help!?

Form Field Format Disappearing.

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 12:29 PM PST

 When I create a Office 2010 Word Doc and use form fields, I will assign specific formats to each field (Dates, numbers with a comma, etc. I will lock the document and enter into fields and they work. I created the docs using self-made templates. When I save the doc. The fields lose their formatting. I am running Windows 7 and Office 2010

Thanks for your reply, microsoft office 2010

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 10:50 AM PST

Microsoft Community.



Hi Again.


My cv is in microsoft office 2010. I understand that its a "trial period then you will have to buy the software". I have no problems with my other downloads its just my cv. New documents word and New exel note books are the two that i would like to continue using. Is their any other way i could download my cv and not buy the software for that amount of money, in other words will they do another trial period so i can send my cv to an employer.




Omar Stewart

What is a product key???

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 05:44 AM PST

Community Microsoft.



Hi Again.



What is a product key. I need to open Word 2010 to look at my cv. And how do i get one. Didn't need a product key when i purchased my computer from the retail shop. Or is their something wrong???




Omar Stewart

Office Home & Student 2010/ Windows 8

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 04:29 AM PST

A Document I compiled is no longer any use nor required.  How can I permanently remove this from Word?

Images changed position from Word 2007 to 2003

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 08:50 PM PST

I made a document in Word 2007 at work (2003 compatibility mode), save as 2003. 
At home I have Word 2003, and the grouped image / Text box of that document changed vertical position after opening. That group was placed in a table cell at work. It went out of the cell at home. This document was protected using "Filling in forms".
Why is that? 
How can this be avoided? 
Would somebody else who would open that document in 2010 - 2013 have a different outcome?

Format Issues with MS Word

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 05:11 PM PST



I am unable to format MS word in the print layout. In other words, most of my old word documents are fine and the page break exists, however, for any new document that I am using I am unable to separate the pages.


For instance, all the pages are joined together so there is no separation of pg.1  and pg.2. even if I hit the enter button. I am only able to view a clear line between the pages, but no page break which would separate each page. I would have liked to send an attachement, but I am unable to do so from this window. Can anyone please help?




How to apply a change in formatting to multiple documents that are attached to the same document template?

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 03:18 PM PST

I have several documents that are based on (and attached to) one and the same document template. Nearly all formatting is done by using styles.
I now need to change the formatting to, say one, style. I think that this must be possible by changing the setting of that style in the document template (and only there), and have the new format applied to all my documents that are attached to that document template. Surely, I would not need to open up each and every document and do something?

Note: In each and every document, I have (under the tab Developer) attached its document template and also activated 'Automatically update document styles'. Do I *also* need to select 'New documents based on this template' for each style in the document template?
What is the exact semantics of each of the four combinations of 'New documents based on this template' (selected/not selected) in the document template; and the 'Automatically update document styles' (active/not active). The two settings seem to be effectively saying the same thing but from the perspective of the document template and from the perspective of the document respectively.


Building Blocks

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 07:21 AM PST

How can I show only the building blocks that I created in the Building Blocks Organizer? I dont want to show the default building blocks.  Thanks.

want to know how to fill in blanks spaces in ccrossword

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 06:25 PM PST

I created a crossword puzzle template in Word now i need to know how to fill blank spaces completely with black

Readability Stats not displaying consistently in Word 2007

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 12:07 PM PST

When using Word 2007, the readability fails to work sometimes.  The paragraphs have appropriate punctuation and the check box is checked but still, it doesn't work until later.  When it does decide to turn itself on, I can go back and check text I was unsuccessful in checking earlier - without making a single change to the text.  This happens when I open a document.  Once it's working, it doesn't stop working until I close the document and reopen it.  This is very frustrating as there is no rhyme or reason to it.

Transferring Word documents to templates

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 12:00 PM PST

I have created many forms with different content but the same header/footer - but did NOT create them from a single template (i.e. with the same header/footers). Now if I want to change the header/footers of these forms (i.e. a logo, address, etc) I have to change each form seperately. Is it possible to to transfer them all to a single template, or do I have to re-make them all one-by-one with a new standard template? 



Word mail merge: how to choose a record delimiter.

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 11:38 AM PST

I am doing a mail merge I do often; same text, same fields, same Excel document (although the data in Excel is different each time). Today Word will not accept the use of that document. Message says: Data fields must be separated from each other by a character called a field delimiter. Similarly, data fields must be separated by a record delimiter. Use the list below to select the appropriate delimiter.

When I choose a comma for the delimiter and say OK, It tells me the record has too many data field. If I continue, it destroys the Word doc.

So I tried setting up the same Word directory, chose the same Excel file, and was told that Word is unable to open the data source.

So I'm stuck. Can anyone help?

MS Word Dependant ComboBox Isnt Clearing Correctly

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 06:38 AM PST

Hello, I am using MS Word 2007 and I have a page that I added a few dependant comboboxes on. Everything is working correctly as in when it works it brings up the correct list.



The problem is its not clearing my FormFields("Product") when I click in the FormFields("Machine") and if it does clear the product it still populats the list from my prior choice.




If I selected LN 3 prior to selecting LN 1 from my FormFields("Machine") combobox then it will give me what was selected the last time for the FormFields("Product")





When it should give me...






Here is the VBA im uusing to populate the text for my Product combo box.


Sub PopulateProduct()
 Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("Machine").Result
 Case "LN 1"
 With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Product").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "B1XWEL"
 End With
 Case "LN 2"
 With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Product").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "B1 OS"
.Add "B1W"
.Add "B1XW"
.Add "B1XWEL"
.Add "B4 1"""
.Add "B4 1/2"""
.Add "B4 3/8"""
.Add "B4 5/8"""
.Add "B4 NB 1"""
.Add "B4 NB 1/2"""
.Add "B4 NB 3/8"""
.Add "B4 NB 5/8"""
 End With
 Case "LN 3"
 With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Product").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "B2"
.Add "B2 OS"
 End With
 Case "LN 4"
 With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Product").DropDown.ListEntries
 End With
 Case "LN 5"
 With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Product").DropDown.ListEntries
 End With
 Case "LN 6"
 With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Product").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "SLOC N"
.Add "SLOC OS"
.Add "SLOC T/O"
 End With
 Case "LN 7"
 With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Product").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "B1 SPLAY 25'"
.Add "FLEX TAPE 2-1/16"""
.Add "FLEX TAPE 4"
 End With
 End Select
 End Sub


Error Message - "This version of Microsoft Application Virtualization is incompatible with this version of Microsoft Office Click-to-Run. For more information, contact your system administrator".

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 06:06 AM PST


I have been using Microsoft Word Starter 2010 with Windows 7 Home Premium for a couple of years. Today (Feb 12th) I tried to open my Word and Excel documents and I received the message "This version of Microsoft Application Virtualization is incompatible with this version of Microsoft Office Click-to-Run. For more information, contact your system administrator". I can't understand why I can't access my documents today when I have had no problems over the last couple of years. Can anyone offer any advice please?

installing Fedora, major snag... - Forums Linux

installing Fedora, major snag... - Forums Linux

installing Fedora, major snag...

Posted: 24 Apr 2004 01:05 PM PDT

David wrote: 

Check your CD's for errors, or your CD drive for problems. That's why I
prefer to do network installs whenever possible: I hate having problems with
CD-R's and really old or beat up CD drives.

And be prepared to restart your installation from scratch.

By the way, which Fedora are you working with? Fedora Core 1 or one of the
test releases?

mini distribution for Java

Posted: 24 Apr 2004 07:22 AM PDT

Mattias Honrendgard wrote:

Lol: advice for 'minimal linux distribution' results in a distro that
requires 1 GB. Ouch.

Try debian in minimal install instead. That requires quite a bit less
space and should not have problems with JRE.

Remove the obvious part (including the dot) for my email address. for examples of ipf and pf.

Looking for P4 motherboard with onboard scsi

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 10:03 PM PDT

Louis Garcia wrote: 
There need not be.

For example, on my SuperMicro X5DP8-G2 motherboard, there is a 2-channel
Ultra/320 SCSI controller chip, Adaptec AIC-7902. It is wired right into
one of the PCI-X busses. If you buy an Adaptec® SCSI Card 39320D, I
believe you will get the same chip. y=ASC-39320D-R&cat=%2fTechnology%2fSCSI%2fUltra320+SCSI

The main difference will be not in terms of speed, but you will get an
external connector for one of the channels which the SuperMicro
motherboard I have lacks. No great loss, since I have 4 hard drives
plugged into the A channel and an Exabyte VXA-2 tape drive plugged into
the B channel. I do not know of any external peripherals that interface
to Ultra/320 SCSI interfaces.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 21:35:00 up 1 day, 22:17, 5 users, load average: 4.18, 4.17, 4.21

Mandrake 10 update hosed cdrom

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 07:26 PM PDT

sjet <ca> writes:

]I cannit add nor delete software packages since cdrom runs without doing anything.

"cdrom runs without doing anything"-- what does that line mean?

umount /mnt/cdrom
mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660
(assuming your cdrom is the first device on the second ide bus)

moving a user account from one linux box to another

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 08:29 AM PDT

David wrote:

Thanks, it's working now. Just ensured that 'fbloggs' took the same user &
group ids as 'fred' and did a
cp -p -r /mnt/old-disk/fredsfiles /newlocation
This preserved all the user/group/other read/write/execute flags for all
files and directories and ensured perfect transition from old user 'fred'
to new user 'fbloggs'.

"He who play in / as root and typeth 'rm -fr *' will kill tree immediately.
Don't try this at home kids!"
Debian Linux: Open, free and maintainable. The Linux for real
programmers ;-)

Problems for triple boot

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 06:39 AM PDT

Douglas Mayne wrote: 

And post your /boot/grub/grub.conf file, and try mounting your Win98 FAT32
partition from the Linux OS just to make sure it's accessible.

Linux slow boot up and no internet connection

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 05:40 AM PDT

I had a similar problem with Redhat.
Seem to remember it was a sendmail problem.
Problem was fixed by adding an entry into my /etc/hosts file I think

# /etc/hosts localhost loopback phrankndonna

This might fix it (the phrankndonna line)

Also, like the previous poster said, maybe look to stop sendmail starting
during boot.

Let us know if you fix it.

<Phrank> wrote in message news:com... 

Installing via BOOTP/TFTP

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 05:00 AM PDT

Hash: SHA1
NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message

In comp.os.linux.setup com.invalid suggested: 

Of course, albeit you need the pxeliunx/syslinux package
( and I don't think it'll work with a
M$ box at all. You might need a Linux server. Don't know about
Fedora, with RH you get the proper PXE install kernel on the
media, albeit one can tag his own ones.

Good luck

Michael Heiming (GPG-Key ID: 0xEDD27B94)

Remove +SIGNS and www. if you expect an answer, sorry for
inconvenience, but I get tons of spam.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

iD8DBQFAi4Y3AkPEju3Se5QRAuzbAJ0Zf4S2ONsd+b8HHa+z9k KRqPsTswCgv98d

Xandros - any cautions?

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 09:44 AM PDT

Ken Knecht wrote:

my experience: installed Desktop and Business to
five different machines (3-year old dell laptop
and a current dell laptop, 3 desktops) and had
no issues during install.

* havent had any bootup or runtime issues.
* on two boxes, i've got 2.6.4 with kde 3.2 running.
* on the newer laptop, used at the office, it
automagically detected the Windows network and
i effortlessly accessed the domain
* i installed office 2000 using Crossover Office
(included) - that was more of a test, since i
prefer to use VMWARE.

<< >>
Help! I'm trapped in a PDP 11/70!

How to turn off ide-scsi-emulation (not quite straightforward..)

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 03:05 AM PDT

> > SCSI-emulation is used "for some unknown reason" for a regular 
This is not a problem. Motherboard ide controllers are used for nothing but
the cd-rom in question.
Ok, I'm not gonna compile any custom kernels (it can't be necessary, since I
already have a similar computer which by default doesn't use
scsi-emulation), so disabling it must be done with kernel parameters at boot
time. What parameter forces kernel absolutely not to use scsi-emulation?


flash drive will not mount

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 06:35 PM PDT


sometimes i have the same problem with my usb storage device. try to
restart the hotplug service and maybe that helps.


Sonoman wrote:

stop kde to install new version

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 08:22 AM PDT

Someone claiming to be Andy Fraser wrote:


Fedora Core 1, Kernel 2.4.22-1.2179.nptl, KDE 3.2.2, Xfree86 4.3.0
21:35:01 up 2 days, 2:42, 1 user, load average: 0.69, 0.42, 0.25
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts

Strange SQUID behaviour

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 06:33 AM PDT


Thanks for the thought - however, it also happens immediately after a reboot
when there is over 140M of swapspace and the filesystem is less than 10%
full either of data or inodes. Also, I can't see why it has suddenly got
worse from what was a (good) static state.


HTTP install of Debian

Posted: 19 Apr 2004 10:03 PM PDT

On 22 Apr 2004 09:43:35 -0700
net (esher2292) wrote:
If you want to make your own debian http-server, just mirror a
debian site and add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list


gentoo and kernel modules question

Posted: 17 Apr 2004 02:35 PM PDT

> > For instance the sound. I have a Audio Adapter 

Thanks for the reply.
I have it enabled in the kernel, but every sound gives me a screeching noise.
When knoppix boots it uses that module also and it works fine...
Guillaume Dargaud
Synonym /nm./: a word you use when you can't pronounce or spell the other one.

Microsoft Word - I have MS Word 2003 and when I click to save a document to desktop, it is not on my desktop.

Microsoft Word - I have MS Word 2003 and when I click to save a document to desktop, it is not on my desktop.

I have MS Word 2003 and when I click to save a document to desktop, it is not on my desktop.

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 10:08 AM PST

When I first found out my document was not on my desktop, I saved it in a specific folder and it is there, but when I tried to click and drag from where I had it saved, it said there already was a document with that name. Where are these documents going?  I have checked and checked, and they are definitely not on my desktop.  I eventually found them in the Recent Items tab.

how eliminate paragraph symbols from Word doc 2010

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 05:51 AM PST

my word doc has unwanted paragraph symbols at end of every paragraph
how eliminate them?

Outline View Left Hand side bar

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 02:38 AM PST

Using Word 2007.

When I use Draft or Outline view, there is a narrow side bar on the left hand side. This shows Normal, Heading1 Heading 2 etc depending upon the levels chosen. A fine black line separates this "pane" from the main Outline view, where I see the Plus and Minus symbols and the indented structure of my document text. I can mouse over this black line and drag it wider or narrow.


I find this little side pane vey useful, but my colleagues do not see it when they use Outline view.


I have no idea how I switched this on, and none of the help guides I've found online mention it.


Can anyone tell me how to switch this on?


thanks, KK

Office 2007 is not working properly..

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 06:25 PM PST

I had a virus that deleted some files from various systems.  I have to reinstall drivers for audio and other things and I've realized it did something to my 2007 Office program as well.  People can't open files because they say they're corrupt and when I go to open a new file weird music characters show up on the margins and I can't get rid of them.  I've had the viruses removed but yeah it deleted files.  I ran the office diagnostics tool but it didn't fix the issue.

what query language does a {DATABASE} field code use for text files?

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 08:20 AM PST

what query language does a {DATABASE} field code use for text files?

I have a word document that I am trying to add a {DATABASE} field code to and I am trying to modify the SELECT clause to include a modified field.  The field I have includes the full name "John Smith" and I am needing to cut out the first name and only include the last name "Smith".  I know how to do this in SQL, but it seems that the syntax is not exactly the same.  For example, I can't even get it to add an alias to the full name field.  Does anyone know what the proper syntax is that the {DATABASE} field code uses for a text file?

This is my current {DATABASE} field code.  NOTE: I am not allowed to modify the .csv file, as I know that would have been a much easier solution.


 {DATABASE  \d "C:\\Users\\khatcher\\Desktop\\Evil Datatel Folder\\ALTR_rschnurr.csv" \c "" \s "SELECT NAME FROM C:\\Users\\khatcher\\Desktop\\Evil Datatel Folder\\ALTR_rschnurr.csv WHERE ((ID ={MERGEFIELD ID} ))" }

EDIT: the error it gives me when I add something like an alias to the NAME field is "Word is unable to open the data source"

Is there a multicolored rainbow effect in Microsoft Word Art?

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 07:12 AM PST

I am trying to insert a rainbow effect (multicolored) for a name in a document using Word Art. I can manipulate shapes, styles, effects, etc., but cannot make the letters of the name each a different color. Can you advise?
Thank you!

[Moved from feedback]

why is Segoe Script not available

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 06:12 AM PST

hello, I was wondering why my Word Document doesn't include Segoe Script in my word document I am using a book called Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory by, Shelly Vermant.  I am guessing this book is for people who just got 2010 or something so I am guessing it should come with it but is not. any ideas on why this is happening and ways to fix it thank you!

Can I put the Character Map icon on the Quick Access toolbar?

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 02:46 AM PST

Is it possible to install the Character Map facility on my Quick Access Toolbar?

Is there a way to link the content of combo boxes without using VB?

Posted: 12 Feb 2013 12:42 AM PST

I want to have a dropdown menu in the header of a document from which I can select one of a number of options. I then want that value to appear in a box in the footer of that and each consecutive page. I feel like there should be an easy way to do this without needing to write a macro, but haven't found one. Not sure how I would do so with a macro either, so any solution would be helpful. Thanks!

MS Word Forms - IF ... THEN...

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 07:42 AM PST

I have created a Form in Word 2003 and have managed to create a combo-list drop box with a list of required groups.  However I would like to the form to populate another field with a specific names one a selection has been made.  I assume a 'IF...THEN..." statement would be best, but am stuck trying to work out the process.  The list exceeds the 25 choice limit, thus the comb-list drop box created in VBA.


The initial part of my VBA is as follows (changed for necessity):


Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()    

           ActiveDocument.FormFields("ColourGroups").Result = Me.ComboBox1.Text

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdclose_Click()    

           Unload Me

End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()    

          ComboBox1.ColumnCount = 1       

             'Load data into ComboBox       

             ComboBox1.List() = Array(" ", "Blue", "Red", "Yellow", "Brown", "Green")

End Sub


So what I want to appear on my Form, for instance, is that if I seleect Blue the name John appears on the form adjacent to it, Red will display George, Yellow will display Sarah, Brown will display Fred, and Green will display Paul.


Any suggestions?



can i have 2 programs ,say microsoft nd abiword which is a replacment of microsoft word on my laptop?

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 11:22 AM PST

I bought this laptop with abiword program on it.i could not open my files after I saved them.getting frustrated I decided to get Microsoft word.i still could not open it.i just saw a manual of the abiword and have to download the software to probably open it .can this cause any changes or affect my Microsoft program which I have bought with hard earned

Watermark Positioning

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 10:23 AM PST

I am trying to insert a company picture logo into a document using Word 2010.  I have succeeded in doing that but I need to move it and don't know how to do that.  It is currently in the center of the page and I need it a little below center.  How do I move a watermark?

setting page number alignment for a BOOK

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 10:09 AM PST

how do I set the page numbers for a book, so that the number is on the outside margin of each page (i.e. left margin for the left side page and right margin for the right side page)