

Excel Help Forum - Excel Charting & Pivots: Multiple Criteria to Display on a Chart

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Multiple Criteria to Display on a Chart
Hello I currently want to display multiple people's stats on a single chart. Although, I would like it so that when i were to click on a single name it showed just that person's stats, but when selecting multiple names it would show their individuals stats on the same chart. I can therefore...

Excel Help Forum - Excel Programming / VBA / Macros: Worksheet change event suddenly not working

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Worksheet change event suddenly not working
Hi there I am stumped. I had this code that was working fine up to last night when I tried to change parts of it to make if more effecient. However I couldn't make that part work, so changed the code back the what it was originally (recopied from an earlier version I'd saved) but now it will...

Excel Help Forum - Excel General: Navigate between sheets without Page Down

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Navigate between sheets without Page Down
I'm running Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 on my Macbook Air and every resource I've searched mentions the Control+PAGEUP/DOWN keyboard shortcut to navigate between sheets. As there is no Page Up/Down keys on the Air's keyboard, I was wondering if there was any way to change the keyboard shortcuts in...

Excel IT Pro Discussions Forum: Conditional formatting using named cell in Excel 2010

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Conditional formatting using named cell in Excel 2010


I want to use a named cell in my Conditional Formatting rule. Let's call it "red_target".

I want to be able to tell the rule, "If cell value is greater than red_target, turn red."

When I type "=red_target" or "red_target" in the Value: field, it thinks I literally mean the string "red_target."

When I use the picker to navigate to that specific cell, it doesn't fill in the name. It uses the R1C1 absolute reference.

Any ideas on using named cells in Conditional Formatting rules?


Excel Help Forum - Excel Programming / VBA / Macros: Define range of formula in VBA based in first blank cell

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Define range of formula in VBA based in first blank cell
Hello everybody, I'm not an expert in VBA, and I need help for the following problem: I have a column with a lot of values that must be summed. The number of filled rows for this column will vary. There is a blank row on the top of the column. So far I have this: Code:

Excel Help Forum - Excel General: If value is missing in any column, then cannot perform operation

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If value is missing in any column, then cannot perform operation
Hi, i need some help in figuring out this formula: in cell H3 i have: =SI(D3="","",D3-(E3+G3+C3)) but i want to see if there is missing value in C3 and/or D3 then the formula will output "Missing Value" instead of perfroming the operation. I have attached the excell sheet. Please help ,...

Office IT Pro General Discussions Forum: Sharing your calendar with specific people

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Sharing your calendar with specific people

the client would like to share his calender with his secretary and also be able to hide certain meeting from her.

CAn you please she me how to do this in step by step form please(step1,step 2,step 3, etc.)