

Understanding overallocation and peak units Microsoft Project

Understanding overallocation and peak units Microsoft Project

Understanding overallocation and peak units

Posted: 10 Oct 2005 02:26 PM PDT

You're welcome, Justin :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

WhyIsEverythingSoConfusing wrote: 

WBS Codes

Posted: 10 Oct 2005 11:46 AM PDT

In article <com>,
"Bob Vardell" <> wrote:

You're welcome.

Having a drop down with choices is the next step in using spare fields.
Let's assume you are using Text1, Text2 and Text3 to store the three
part of the code. Go to Tools/Customize/Fields and set each text field
up with a Value List. More details on customizing fields is available in
the Help file.

With regard to creating csv files for import into AS/400. I'm not
familiar with AS/400 but as long as it can read csv, it shouldn't be to
difficult to automate the transfer. As it turns out I am working with a
client right now to create two csv data files for import by another
application. The user will have two options. One option is to export the
required Project data to Excel where it can then be viewed, massaged if
necessary, and finally saved as a csv. The second option is to create
the csv file directly from Project. All this is being done with a VBA
macro. However, if the csv format can be set up with a customized view
in Project, (i.e. get the required Project fields in the right
sequence), It is even easier. Then all you will need is to do a Save As
and chose csv as the format. I've never tried that approach so I don't
know if there are any issues to watch out for but it might work for you
if you do not have VBA experience.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Analyze toolbar

Posted: 10 Oct 2005 09:27 AM PDT

Looks like I fixed this.

I enabled the Com add-in menu item and refreshed it (by undoing the tick and
then checking the box). The tool bar is now visible.

I suspect this was to do with policies on the Terminal Server...


"Simon Dullingham" <net> wrote in message

Project Compare Toolbar not working

Posted: 10 Oct 2005 09:03 AM PDT

try this:

I used this to fix the ysis toolbar. The approach should be the same for
any missing toolbar

I suspect your com add-in is incorrect and is for a different version of
Project. COM errors should also be report to Event log. Get the event number
and go to


"shooter 200" <com> wrote in message

Compatibility between Project 2000 and 2003

Posted: 10 Oct 2005 08:09 AM PDT

Hi Jim,

You are very welcome and thanks for the feedback.
"Jim Jones" <> wrote in message

PWA isnt working in Outlook

Posted: 10 Oct 2005 12:50 AM PDT

"Rolly Perreaux" wrote:

Same problem.

Simple PM software?

Posted: 08 Oct 2005 03:22 AM PDT

Hi Scott,

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the articles before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Scott Kelley wrote: 

Displaying timephase data for custom fields

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 02:56 PM PDT

In article <phx.gbl>,
"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote:

Without getting into another long discussion on philosophy, Jumpin's
question was, "How can you display timephase data for custom fields?" He
(or she) didn't ask if it was easy, practical, realistic, or with any
other qualifier. I think you will have to agree I answered the question
and I think you will also have to agree that I indicated in my first
responses that to do so was NOT easy or convenient (i.e. requires VBA
and special algorithms).

Are we to assume in our replies that the user is limited in their scope
of thinking or in what they are willing to do? I hope not. Years ago the
Project "experts" at my company said you couldn't do accounting month
data with Project. Then I wrote a macro to do it. In my view, Microsoft
provides VBA with its applications so the user can extend the
functionality to meet their needs - whatever those needs might be -
practical or impractical.

If a poster is "put off" by a response that is complex or difficult to
implement, that's fine, accepting or rejecting our advice is their
prerogative. Unless the difficult method is the only way to get there I
always try to offer several options from simple to advanced. Some may be
crazy, zany, or out in left field, but it gives the user a choice. I
believe most people like choices - perhaps I'm wrong - I accept that. In
the current case of Junpin's original post, he/she in fact asked about
the level of difficulty with a VBA solution so I didn't get the feeling
that I was out of line or leading them down a rosy path. However, what I
did get a little torqued about is that Jumpin posted the same question
again after you, me, Jan had already provided a thread of


Time to Market for projects that are put on hold

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 12:45 PM PDT

Hi James,

If you have already started working on the project and recorded tracking
data (actual work, actual duration, actual start etc.) you could use the
"Reschedule Uncompleted Work" command in Project to split the in-progress
tasks, leaving the completed work data as completed, and move any incomplete
work to the new start date. Make sure you have supplied all tracking data
for tasks in progress and then choose Tools>Tracking> Update Project, and
enter the new date in the dialog box next to the option "Reschedule
uncompleted work to start after".

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"JJHayesIII" <> wrote in message

Using built in Functions

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 11:42 AM PDT

Thanks. We seem to get a lot of questions about them so I figured I should
write a definitive answer (or at least try to)

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"JulieS" <passport6847 at maine dot rr dot com> wrote in message

Calendars and resource issues

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 10:54 AM PDT

mikejw wrote: 


Duration field calculates 1.92 days for 2 days, how do you fix?

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 10:31 AM PDT

1) Why not try it and see? You could always make a copy and use that to
try out ideas. If you have already assigned a 24 hour resource to the task,
Project should then recognize the change to one 12 hour shift and double the
Duration. You thus will need to assign the other shift to the task, whence
the Duration will halve to the original.

2) Yes. Provided you don't assign a single resource, like the project
manager, using that calendar.

3) Hopefully :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

snetzky wrote: 

Inserting Project 2003 data into MS Word

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 08:44 AM PDT

In article <com>,
"Duane" <> wrote:

No, not specifically for exporting Project data to Word. However, I can
suggest a couple of links that might be very useful.

You don't mention if you have VBA experience or not but even if you do,
you might want to take a look at the link on our MVP website for Project
VBA. Go to:
At the bottom of the page you will find a link for, "Project 98 Visual
Basic Environment Training Materials". Even though it says it is for
Project 98, it is equally applicable to all current versions of Project.
As I recall, the training modules help explain the Project object
structure and there is also a section on how to interface with other

A second link to to fellow MVP, Jack Dahlgren's website at:
Jack has several examples of useful VBA code. In particular the macro on
exporting Project data to Excel (Export hierarchy to Excel) might be of

Good luck. If you have further questions, feel free to post in our
related newsgroup: microsoft.public.project.developer

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Help: Project Guru needed

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 08:00 AM PDT

Ok, that's clarify a few things ... :)
Thanks for the help folks, much appreciated.

"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> a écrit dans le
message de news: %phx.gbl... 

Putting costs against milestones

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 07:29 AM PDT

Hi P,

Another option in addition to Mike's suggestion is to create the material
resource and enter the cost for the material resource in the "Cost/Use"
field. Assign the material resource at zero units (to avoid increasing the
duration). This will carry the cost for the material resource to the task
based upon the cost per use.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

"P" <> wrote in message

Calculations not making sense

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 05:52 AM PDT

So how do I set a project schedule that reflects that work will be done
in 2 12 hour shifts? Set up a 2 shift schedule taking the breaks of
the two individual 12 hour shifts into account?

For example, my shifts run:

Day Shift

Night Shift
12A - 6A

so then should my "24 hour" schedule be entered as
12P -11:30P
12 A to 11:30 A

6A - 11:30 A
12P - 6P
6P-11:30 P
12 A - 6 A

Or is there another option I'm not thinking about?

thanks for all of your help by the way. Resource leveling is the one
thing that I've never been able to make work in Project. Getting this
figured out will be a definite breakthrough.


Project Crashes- Anyone else?

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 04:19 AM PDT

Hi Jason,
You are welcome and thanks for the feedback.
"Jason Bailey" <> wrote in message

Problem with resource usage durations

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 01:33 AM PDT


When you say "global pool" do you mean you are using Project Server or do
you simply ean your projects are connected to a resource pool without using
Mind you I know nearly nothing about server, but if is a "norml" pool I'm
convinced we'll crack this one.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"WSH" <> schreef in bericht
day" - 
resources on 

Subprojects indenting

Posted: 06 Oct 2005 08:54 PM PDT

Closing the (-) did it. Thanks.

"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote in message

Microsoft Project Report Question ...

Posted: 06 Oct 2005 04:05 PM PDT

"John" <com> wrote in message 

The filtered view is working properly, and I can print right from the
filtered view to see all incompleted tasks before a date, showing underneath
the summary where they live, but the print out is hugh and shows the gant
chart .. I would like to print the results of my filter using reports ...

When I take what I have filtered, and I want to use view/reports ... I can't
find a way to sort the incompleted tasks under their summary headings ... I
can only see a list of all incomplete tasks, or, sorted by month. I am
wanting to print from the report view cause I can get all the information
printed alot smaller ..

How do I use reports to print my filtered view, showing tasks under their
summary headings. I hope my terminnology is somewhat close to explaining
this right. :)

Thank you again for your help.