

-bash: /usr/local/bin/relaxer: Permission denied - Forums Linux

-bash: /usr/local/bin/relaxer: Permission denied - Forums Linux

-bash: /usr/local/bin/relaxer: Permission denied

Posted: 19 Feb 2006 07:38 AM PST

com did eloquently scribble: 
^ ^ ^

Yes, it's a script that launches a java routine
but it won't run from the command line unless you TELL it to.
if you want it to run just with "relaxer", you need to make it executable.
The clue is in the fact that it's... not... executable

Otherwise you have to run it from a shell.
sh /usr/local/lib/relaxer/relaxer
| |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
| |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
| in |good to you so far... |
| Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|

New mother board. (Was:Cannot format disc to install FC4)

Posted: 18 Feb 2006 05:37 PM PST

On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 17:24:05 +0000, Dave Stratford wrote:


Here's a URL to a spec sheet, and price, for the nForce MB.

I don't know what you use your computer for, so it's hard to make
recommendations that truly apply to you. From my perspective, I don't like
boards with integrated graphics, and I like a lot of expansion slots, so I
personally wouldn't buy this board. On the other hand, it's cheap,
(speaking of price) you can add a better graphics card, later, if you feel
the need, (it has the slots) so you're not risking much. If you don't need
fancy 3d graphics, and don't plan to do major upgrades in the near future,
it just might be your cup of tea. It will, for sure, work with Linux.
NForce chipsets do demand high quality memory, so make sure you have that
in your budget.

I'm assuming that you are planning to have this shop do the installation,
rather than do it yourself. If you're comfortable with these people, and
know that they stand behind their work, and the MB fits your needs, go for

You also state that you know very little about the hardware side of
things. When I bought my first PC, I had to ask which button to push, to
turn it on. Within six months I'd built two. They are no more than a bunch
of plug in parts, like electronic tinker toys. you might want to consider
making this a do it yourself project, just to learn more about the
hardware. It's truly not difficult. The instructions come with the MB, and
the only tool you need is a philips head screw driver. Just a thought. ;-)

"Lost? Lost? I've never been lost... Been a tad confused for a
month or two, but never lost."

Repartition Windows disk.

Posted: 18 Feb 2006 11:36 AM PST

com wrote:
..PCLinux Live CD can be installed and has that option when you load the Live
version. It will also repartition your disk so you can keep Windows.

LVM crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2006 04:08 AM PST

On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 21:07:01 +0100, Jon Martin Solaas wrote:

Good luck Jon, a knotty problem indeed. LVM is wonderful for its dynamic
configuration capability but definitely introduces an additional layer of
abstraction into your system.

Look in /etc/lvm for the configuration settings if you're able to access
that, and preserve/back them up before performing the
import function.

Keep us posted on your progress and hoped for success.


Windows virus affects linux?

Posted: 17 Feb 2006 10:41 PM PST

Michael Heiming wrote: 
Hopefully to clarify the situation -- I'll gladly do the honors, since
it's one of my most favorite words;

"Since Doze is such a F***ken DUMP!! ....."

Regards ;-)

uograde kernel

Posted: 17 Feb 2006 02:31 PM PST

In comp.os.linux.setup Harsha <com>: 

You find all information needed in:
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes (Comes with kernel source
tar ball).

However as others pointed already out it might be easier for you
to update/reinstall your complete system with a recent version.

CentOS 4 might be interesting if you look into something with
long patch availability. Or use RHEL 4, CentOS is a clone. You
can certainly do an upgrade install of RHEL 3 -> 4, dunno if this
works with RH 9, but it might, since RHEL 3 is based on RH 9
(iirc). Check if there's an easy upgrade path
possible for you.

Good luck

Please, please try below URL(s) before answering, most people
aren't using a browser here to read/write, this is usenet.

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 284: Electrons on a bender

suse intall help

Posted: 17 Feb 2006 11:24 AM PST

On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 03:48:47 -0800, Osama Alvi wrote:

Now comes the "canned" speech about what's wrong with GG posting. It's
offered as a learning tool, to help you get more, and better help, without
upsetting old grouches, like me, in the process. Read it in that spirit.
If you detect a note of anger, or frustration, it's not with you, but
rather with GG, for their crappy implementation of their interface. ;-)

OK, let's start with the basics: Do you know what Usenet is? Do you know
what a News Group is? How about a news server? Click on this link for the

Google unfortunately decided not to use the standards of quoting on
Usenet. A quick fix can be read on the following page:

If you want to get better help and learn more, please read on.

I sympathize with your problems, and am more than willing to help you
solve them. To do so you should follow the correct quoting principles
and good Netiquette explained in this FAQ available at;

While you are at it, read the whole document and the links provided in
it as well. Lots of good things there.

Due to the bad quoting habits and the amount of drivel coming from
postings done via Google Groups, numerous people have resorted in
kill filing (not reading or responding to) all postings done with Google.
This means fewer knowledgeable people that are able, or willing, to help
you. Proper quoting, and good netiquette, will keep more from doing the

It's not your fault you got sucked into GG's bad habits. It will be your
fault, if you don't act to remedy the situation. Remember this: it's in
your best interest to keep these knowledgeable people happy, by following
a few simple rules. If you don't, you will be the only loser.

To get the best possible result from your postings, it is better to use a
newsreader or Usenet client. Linux has many dedicated news readers, as
well as browsers with built in news readers.

If you're running SUSE Linux, look on your menu, under Internet -->
News, and you'll see which news readers you have installed. If you're
running something else, look for a good newsreader. Don't use an email

Find a Usenet server that you can post to. Your ISP probably has one.
There are also free ones out there, that Google will help you locate.
Type in "Usenet free servers". better yet, use this:

The one your provider has is most likely the better, faster and easier
choice. Set up the news reader of your choice, download the groups
list, type linux in the search box, then subscribe to alt.os.linux. and
alt.os.linux.<your distro> as well as any others that interest you;
comp.os.linux.<whatever> may also prove helpful.

When I see correct quoting from you, instead of what Google has been
forcing you to do, I'll be right there to greet you, and help get you
going. Until then:

I am out of here.

"Lost? Lost? I've never been lost... Been a tad confused for a
month or two, but never lost."

patch installations

Posted: 16 Feb 2006 09:18 PM PST

In article <>,
chinzi <com> wrote:

Why is one needed?

Then you won't get a very good grade.

Yes, learn to use the shift key.


Help: During Debian installion APT fails to get sources

Posted: 16 Feb 2006 03:04 AM PST

A. Because it's very unnatural to read text that way
Q .Why don't we like top posting ?
A. Karnak says 625
Q. Ed McMahon asks what's 25 * 25

you "may" need to do one or more of thr following;

apt-get install x-window-server-core
apt-get install kdm
apt-get install xdm
apt-get install kde (if you would like to use KDE)
apt-get install kde-core (if you would like to use KDE)
apt-get update (as Bill noted)
apt-get upgrade

(aptitude will list items and their dependencies, and give you a
description of each -- open it and go to [ Tasks | End User | Desktop
Environment ] - but perhaps 1st, expand Security Updates and install

Michael Badt wrote: