

Microsoft Works - Can't open older Word doc files in Works?

Microsoft Works - Can't open older Word doc files in Works?

Can't open older Word doc files in Works?

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 10:06 AM PDT

The DOC files I'm having trouble with were written in wordpad 1981-2000.
The version of works I have now is 8.5.
Am using Wordpad 6 to open the DOC files.
I don't know what version of works was on the other hard drive.

Thanks for responding.

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

Works 4.5a Existing Documents..

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 08:46 AM PDT

Rod wrote: 

Thanks for the clarification. You just made your own Quick Launch folder
that contains the files you need repeat access to. I have about 10 -15
files like that. Interesting solution.


History of Calendar entries

Posted: 22 Oct 2007 07:47 AM PDT

Hi Dave - Many thanks for your prompt reply. However this has not worked. All
the Find Now button shows me is data that is already in my calendar.

I even tried searching on words for events before the data entries â€" such as
my son’s wedding in June, but get nothing!

It appears that there is a rolling 3 calendar month cut off for all data in
my calendar. The last entry today is Monday 23 July. However I cannot find
any ‘settings’ or ‘options’ facilities that set this timescale.

Any further suggestions from you, or anyone else, would be very much

I have already checked out the Help facility and the Microsoft site did not
even find any responses for my searches on calendar data history.

"DaveLovesTrains" wrote:

Where can I find activation code for works 8.5?

Posted: 21 Oct 2007 11:51 AM PDT

Hi Guido and thanks for your reply. The person on whose behalf I am
checking now tells me he means Microsoft WORD which is a trial version, and
will only have a code when bought!!! Thanks again.


"Guido Ostkamp" wrote:

PDF Writer

Posted: 21 Oct 2007 11:26 AM PDT

I use CutePDF

Works fine.

You can also use File /Save As/ file type RTF and most word
processors can open, edit or print.

"Angie" <> wrote in message
| Tiny PDF might be what you have in mind. You can find it
| Angie
| "Donald Sessler" wrote:
| > My old PC I encountered situations where when I sent a
Works print file, the
| > recipient not having Works could not print it. I then
found a free program
| > which created a PDF file from my Works Word Processor
but the name escapes
| > me. Anyone doing that sort of Works Word Processor
conversion to PDF thing.
| > Thanks so much for any help.
| >
| >
| >
| >

How to stop Works converting formats and use correct names

Posted: 20 Oct 2007 10:39 AM PDT

Re: My question is there anyway to get Works to function like WordPad or
where editing RTF files?

Not that I know of, lets see if someone else has a suggestion.


"Waterloo Games" <> wrote in message

| Ken,
| I am aware on how to open and save files. I have an application which
| automatically runs an editor with the contents of RTF file being edited.
| After the file is edited it store the result onto a database. The file
| be RTF format.
| In WordPad the sequence is:
| My Application executes: WORDPAD C:\Dir1\Dir2\Template.rtf
| User then edits the text
| User clicks save and thens exits WORDPAD.
| On EXIT the the file C:\Dir1\Dir2\Template.rtf is copied to the database
| In Word the sequence is exactly the same except the application executes
| WINWORD C:\Dir1\Dir2\Template.rtf
| In Works 8 I execute the command:
| WKsWP C:\Dir1\Dir2\Template.rtf
| The User Edits the text
| The User Clicks Save
| Works displays a warning box.
| User Clicks OK
| Save As Dialog appears
| User selects RTF type
| Clicks Save ... Opps the file is saved as My Documents\Templare.wps.rtf
| The User does not know that the file should be save in C:\Dir1\Dir2 as
| is never displayed.
| My question is there anyway to get Works to function like WordPad or Word
| where editing RTF files?
| "Ken" wrote:
| > I have Works version 6.0.
| >
| > To open a <any name>.rtf file with my Works I Open Works Word Processor,
| > choose File, On it', menu choose Open, in the Open dialog window select
| > Files then browse to where the <any name>.rtf file is, select it then
| > Open.
| >
| > Edit as desired, then choose Save.
| >
| > This displays a warning the file will be saved in Works format (.wps),
| > OK.
| >
| > This opens the Save As dialog window at the directory location where the
| > file was opened and the File Name is displayed as <any name>.wps
| >
| > Click the down arrow for Save as type.
| >
| > Choose Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
| >
| > The displayed File Name is changed to <any name>.rtf, click Save.
| >
| > This displays a warning the file already exist, do you want to replace
| > Click Yes.
| >
| > Ken
| >
| >
| >

New Computer User

Posted: 19 Oct 2007 03:29 PM PDT

Hi Jim Macklin,

Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate the information. I will get Excel.

"Jim Macklin" wrote:

works 8 cd needed

Posted: 19 Oct 2007 02:59 PM PDT

On Oct 19, 4:59 pm, laurie <> wrote: 

You can get Microsoft Works 8.5 - OEM version for $9.99 plus Shipping
$4.99 from
Go to their web site and search for Item#:N82E16837102081.
Otherwise you'll spend more time and money trying to get hp/compaq to
own up to their responsibility.
I am not affiliated with - I just constantly "window-shop"
for bargains and that's the lowest I've seen it.


Problems running installed Programs

Posted: 19 Oct 2007 02:25 PM PDT

Hi Greg, great to read the problem is resolved, thanks for letting me know.


Thanks Ken, That fixed the problem

| "Ken" wrote:
| > Hi Greg,
| >
| > What I would do is use the cleanup utilities, clean boot, then
| >
| > Example of how to do this can be found at...
| >
| >
| > Ken
| >
| > "greg058" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| >
| > | I am using Windows XP SP-2. I installed my copy of Microsoft Works
| > | The installation said it was successful, however, the only programs
| > will
| > | run are the Task Launcher and the calander. When I try to run any of
| > | other programs I receive an error that the entry point can not be
| > I
| > | tried re-installing but that did not help.
| > | --
| > | Greg
| >
| >

Changing Print Size of Templates

Posted: 19 Oct 2007 02:10 PM PDT

Hi Judy,

A friend of mine sent me a copy of a Recipe 3x5 Card database for Works.

I will attach a copy of it in my next post.

Let me know if you can see my next post with it's attachment, some email
readers block attachments, if you are reading these post using Outlook
Express via Microsoft News Server the post and it's attachment will be


"Judy" <> wrote in message
| I have a multiple recipes typed using the 4x6 template. Does anyone know
| a way to print these templaes on a 3x5 index card? I am using MS Works
| with XP Home.
| Using the File>page set up>size,source,orientation does not help, nor does
| "resizing" various elements in the form design. The latter printout
| only the title and headings but without the "ingredient" fields.
| Suggestions will be appreciated.
| --
| Judy

How can I get works? (free)

Posted: 19 Oct 2007 09:26 AM PDT

Works8.5 should have been installed by the computer manufacturer, if that
was offered with the PC. The license that you probably see on the side of
the box is the one for the Operating System, not Works.

1. You may need to check the OS recovery/restore CD and see if there the
Works Install files are on there instead of a separate CD. That's what
Packard Bell did with the PC that I bought in 1998, the MSWorks4.0 files
were installed when I reinstalled Win98 on the PC, using the restore CD.

2. If there is a restore image for your OS and programs, on your hard drive,
the files might be there, but that may result in you restoring the PC.

3. You might want to check under:
Control Panel> Add/Remove Applications> Window Components> See if there is
listing to in MSWorks8.5 from there.

Have A Good Day

Add MS to your News Reader: news://
(RRR News) <message rule>
<<Previous Text Snipped to Save Bandwidth When Appropriate>>

"Jim Macklin" <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm> wrote in message
If the dealer did not include it, you don't have it.

But you can get a full featured office suite free from

"jananne" <> wrote in
|I have just got a new PC, and a licence but no disk for
Microsoft Works 8.5.
| I cannot locate works any where on my PC, and have looked
in search and
| blocked programmes and everywhere I can think of. i have
been searching for
| any free downloads as do not want to pay for something i
should have. have
| asked where I got Pc from but so far no reply.
I don't really
| mind which version i get as long as I can do basic tasks.
Any ideas? Many
| thanks.
| Janet

Individual Label Microsoft Works 8

Posted: 18 Oct 2007 01:25 PM PDT

You are welcome Wally.

I find Label a very powerful tool, also just because it is called Label does
not mean it cannot be used for other purposes, especially with it's ability
to allow one to customize.


"Wally2007" <> wrote in message
| TERRIFIC Ken Thanks A Bunch. I guess I missunderstood the word
| multiple. I'm all set thanks again.
| --
| Wally2007 Almost THERE
| "Ken" wrote:
| >
| > The multiple-entry labels option creates a label document that gives you
| > ability to type information in each label.
| >
| > Mail merge inserts names and addresses from the Address Book or another
| > source (in mail merge, a file that contains fields such as names,
| > and other information that are merged into a document), making it easy
| > create a label for everyone on a mailing list.
| >
| > Ken
| >
| > "Wally2007" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| >
| > | I am attempting to make just a single label using Avery 8160 labels.
| > | options that are shown from what I can see are for multiple labels or
| > having
| > | to use mail merge. Will someone please explain. I have been using MS
| > Works
| > | for a while now and I seem to like it. I just had tooooo many
| > with
| > | Word suite 2003.
| > | --
| > | Wally2007 Almost THERE
| >
| >

opening files from cd

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 02:38 PM PDT

Hi John,

Open your Microsoft Works Word Processor program, choose File, on it's menu
choose Open, navigate to the file you want to open.

If this opens your file then there is probably a file association problem as
to why Adobe Reader opens automatically.


"John" <> wrote in message

| The Adobe Reader opens automatically. How can I read the files from the
| using MS Works Word Processor program? I don't have Word installed on my
| computer.
| "Rich/rerat" wrote:
| > John,
| > You should be using MS Word or MS Works Word Processor program to read
| > files, not Adobe Reader (*.PDF files).
| >
| > --
| > Have A Good Day
| > Rich/rerat
| >
| > Add MS to your News Reader: news://
| > (RRR News) <message rule>
| > <<Previous Text Snipped to Save Bandwidth When Appropriate>>
| >
| > "John" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| > my os is windows xp home edition. I have backed up works files to cd.
| > adobe reader 8 program will not open the works(wps) files. Is there
| > program that will read works files from a cd?
| >
| >
| >

Works 6.0 Database lock

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 01:24 PM PDT

Do you have anyidea how to turn on this feature? I've searched thru the
database and on the web, no luck.


"DaveLovesTrains" wrote:

Microsoft Works Font Cache stopped working

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 11:34 AM PDT

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

I get this exact same message and cant find help anywhere.
Opening a new or saved Word file gets me the same error message.
Tried deleting printer drivers and reloaded font cache in case it was
corrupted as some suggested but no luck.
Someone must know whats going on.
Please help....

PS. Also get the same message when opening notepad.

Cheers big ears.

File size in Works 4.5

Posted: 14 Oct 2007 02:07 AM PDT

"Don Strachan" <> wrote in message

I doubt that very much.
Sounds to me like a corrupted database.
Do you have an earlier backup you can go to?

I have 3000 records and 156 fields
I just copied and pasted into a word processor
that resulted in 910 pages.

Try that with 3000 records and see what you get.

I dont think you have enough space for data
in a database to run out of ram.

If this is so, then you have two options,
split 1 database into two/3/4/etc
or go for a relational database
but expect a deep learning curve.

After Upgrading to Office 2003

Posted: 12 Oct 2007 10:43 AM PDT

Hello Kevin,

Thank you for your sound advice. I have my original Works package and will
retain it as you suggest - just in case. :-)


"Kevin James" wrote: