

VNC Configuration in Suse Linux 9.2 - No logon prompt - Forums Linux

VNC Configuration in Suse Linux 9.2 - No logon prompt - Forums Linux

VNC Configuration in Suse Linux 9.2 - No logon prompt

Posted: 23 Sep 2005 01:43 PM PDT

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

Cheers. Found xstartup. Does anyone have an example of a working file or
where I would be looking for where to specift the display manager?

Switching to Linux, now what to buy?

Posted: 23 Sep 2005 07:07 AM PDT

Michael Heiming <> writes:

Or 14 (base 8)

Which FS for RAID5 array?

Posted: 22 Sep 2005 08:58 AM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup Rick Moen <com>: 

Nice write-up, personally tossed reiserfs ages ago, data loss/fs
loss was included with reiserfs, never used any other fs on Linux
that sucked that deeply.;( Simply don't trust it an inch, even if
version 4 might be more reliable, which shouldn't be that
difficult. ;-)

JFS, at least the versions coming with RHEL 3 hasn't proven to be
stable on large arrays (2 TB). The only Linux fs I had zero
problems, on a large amount of systems are *ext2/3* and *xfs*.

Would be great to have something like AdvFS (Tru64) on Linux, it
has a bunch of features you won't find on any Linux fs, with OS
version >4.0 F haven't seen the worst that can happen "AdvFS
domain panic" any more...

Sure many might disagree with me, but they should ask themselves,
on how many systems did they make there experience?

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 19: floating point processor overflow

Can I change gtk's open location file completion behavior?

Posted: 21 Sep 2005 02:37 PM PDT

On 2005-09-22, Bill Marcum <com> wrote: 

No such thing exists. The whole reason for my question is that
there is no location bar showing in the newer GTK dialog. (Note,
I'm not talking about the web browser's URL bar, but about the
file dialog that lets you pick a file to upload when the HTML
page has a <INPUT TYPE="FILE"...> tag on it. In past versions
of Firefox, Firefox had a built-in file dialog for that, but now
it uses GTK's generic file-open dialog, which wouldn't bother me
if GTK's dialog box hadn't broken the ability to type a directory
path manually.

I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing here.