

Microsoft Word - "Word/Outlook could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable."

Microsoft Word - "Word/Outlook could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable."

"Word/Outlook could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable."

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:51 PM PDT


We are having an issue with just one PC at a client of ours.  The PC is on Windows 7 Pro x64 on a domain running Windows Server 2008 R2.  We have been troubleshooting this for a few weeks to no avail.  We have performed all the steps listed at both here and here (all registry values seem to be correct).  This is 1 of 26 PC's that are on the domain, all with folder redirection turned on to the server. 

There are a few things we have done to fix it, but the issue resurfaces within a day or two.  Renaming/deleting the normal.dotm or browsing to the %appdata% and %userprofile% seems to temporarily fix the issue.  However, we need to figure out a permanent fix for this.  Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Also, this happens with both Word and outlook.

Error: "No table of contents entries found" working with TOC and Heading styles

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:35 PM PDT

I have a rather large document (665 pages) that is done in an outline view with 10 subdocuments inserted into it. When I go to insert a TOC based on Heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3), I get the error message...

No table of contents entries found.

...even though I can go through the entire outline and locate my dozens upon dozens of heading styles.

What is WRONG!!! It's driving me nuts. Could there be some sort of control character in my document that is making things not work?

landscape printing

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:11 PM PDT

I'm printing a document which has a mixture of portrait and landscape sections. The landscape sections are printed in landscape BUT should be rotated 180 degrees. I cannot find where this property is set.

It should be noted:

This document has printed correctly in the past.

The same problem appears to occur with all my word documents (which have landscape) but eg pdf files are printed correctly

creating a document with special design integrated

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:03 PM PDT

I am preparing a large document that will have different parts and will use titles, sections, table of contents, etc.

I need to incorporate a graphic that behaves like a header or footer, but is located in the right and left margin of the document. It will act as index separators would in a printed document. My text is destined to be published as a pdf.

I wish to avoid having to add a sidebar text box page by page and would like the document to create the odd page/even page design by itself.
Is there a feature in the program that can help me do this?

Your help would be very much appreciated!

Thank you for your time and attention.

How to recover a saved/unsaved document

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 12:49 PM PDT

Let me first explain my situation because I have already looked up so many great advice but none has worked for me. I opened a document and revised that same document. I click saved so that I could send it as an attachment but my computer was acting slow an I closed out of the word document to sen it later. When I got back, my computer was running and wouldn't get out of sleep mode so I shut it down and restarted it. Once I opened Microsoft word (2010 by the way) it showed that it automatically saved the document. Problem was, when I opened that document it was the original I got from the email without any changes. I searched and searched for the one I made changes but couldn't find it. I thought maybe I didn't save it but I don't think that could be true because if I didn't save it there would be a window that pops up to ask me if I want to save or not. I don't know whether the document I saved or not, and I don't want to restart it. I really really don't and I have to find it one way or another so please !!!!! Help me!!!

How do I permanently "Show" Default Paragraph Font style in the Styles pane in Word 2007?

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 11:21 AM PDT

When I set the Default Paragraph Font style to "Show" (using the Manage Styles dialog box Recommend tab), as soon as I close Word 2007 and open it again, the Default Paragraph Font style is set back to "Hide" and no longer visible in the Styles pane. I am using a custom template that is based on Normal.dotm.

Dictionary not working?

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 10:36 AM PDT

I've tried a couple different dictionaries and nothing has worked. Every time I get this error:

Everything I've tried has done nothing and it seems that not many people are experiencing this issue.

How can you create "undeletable" breaks?

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 09:07 AM PDT

I am attempting to create breaks (Next Page, Continuous, etc.) that cannot be deleted. Quick explanation--I assemble reports from material culled by dozens of authors and contributors. The trouble is all these users, when modifying material, often inadvertently delete these important breaks. I am seeking to make "Protected" page breaks that cannot be deleted. Basically, I seek to "idiot proof" my documents as much as possible. Please advise if there is a solution with thanks!

Formatting a mail merge field

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 08:58 AM PDT

Hi all,

I have to do a large mail merge that will be used in a financial report, it is all done except one thing.  I cannot for the life of me get one of my mail merged field to line up with the rest of my mail merged fields.  I've created a MS Word and accompanying Excel sample file with the problem field, if you need that, I just don't know how to attach it to this.  

Pete (First time poster)

How can I make WORD 2010 my default WORD when I also have OFFICE 2007 installed?

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 08:51 AM PDT

I have OFFICE 2007 and 2010.  I want to use WORD 2010, but after a Microsoft auto-update about a month ago, WORD 2007 comes up whenever I click on a WORD document.  That's a minor issue but the major problem is that the Microsoft Office Small Business 2007 configuration processor leaps into action (every time) and it takes forever to complete.

I have let the configuration process run to completion several  times but the next time WORD 2007 comes up, so does the lengthy Configuration Process.
Is there a way to do away with the configuration process, once and for all?

I have looked at making WORD 2010 the default for Word programs, but I'm only offered WORD 2007 as the choice.  
Is there a way to add WORD 2010 to the selection?

I have looked at uninstalling WORD 2007, but it seems all of OFFICE 2007 needs to be uninstalled.  
Is there a way to uninstall a single application of OFFICE 2007?

How to bold the year in a date?

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 08:21 AM PDT


Hi everyone,

In Excel-2007 the date in column C format is: 10/31/2014

Upon merging the field into Word-2007 I want year to be bold: 10/31/2014

I don't know where (in Excel or Word) and how to make changes to obtain the result in MS Word. Can anyone help me? Thanks

My toolbar and menu / ribbon are missing

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 07:59 AM PDT

Whenever I open Word 2013, the toolbar and ribbon are missing.  What key do I press to get it back?

Blog Template Not Working Properly...

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 07:41 AM PDT

I can't get the blog template in Word 2013 to behave itself.

I just have two services that I need to post to, SharePoint, and WordPress.

It used to prompt me as to which service to post to, when I hit the publish button. But now it just posts without asking. I need to be able to choose which service during the publishing process.

I have tried to set one as the default etc. but those settings do not stick.

Is there a way to reset the blog template the same way I would with say Or how should I fix this issue?



Check box for sign off

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 07:05 AM PDT

I am looking to create a document that users will have a check box to sign off on the document.

Once checked, it cannot be changed.


I see the Insert > Signature line


But might be too confusing for users.

When signing you get a choice of some office marketplace thing or ok.

ok is good.

but I think the whole process would be confusing for non technical people.



Is there a way to create a check box version of this?



Mail merge with different length letters

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 06:29 AM PDT

Doing a large mail merge of letters. Depending on the number of products someone has, the letter can stretch out to two pages. Trying to figure out how when it's printing I can make sure the letters that do have multiple pages, the 2nd page prints on blank paper not letterhead. This might be a print question or is there a way to sort the single pages from the multiple? We don't really know what will end up being 2 pages until we complete the merge and we are talking thousands of letters.

How can I add my company to the list of label vendors in MS Office Word?

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 06:04 AM PDT

My company produces labels. What procedure(s) do I need to follow, who do I need to contact within MS to get my range of products listed in Word with the other 35 label vendors?

Problem converting DOCS to PDF & Adobe does not recognize Outlook as default e-mail program

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:58 AM PDT

I seem to have a problem converting docs to PDF and also I can Adobe does not recognise Outlook as the defualt mailing system.  Help PLease  


Moved from feedback

Orignal title: Micorsoft Office 2013

footer text alignment

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:13 AM PDT

Can someone please help me top justify text in a footer? When I assigned page number to the left most section of a standard 3 section footer, the text jumped to the top. That is good! However I can't get any of the other text to do the same. All paragraph info is identical. I'm at a loss. Thank you, Keith



A convoluted work around, I deleted the all the spaces before BTI which brought the page number down to the level of the BTI and shoved the BTI next to the 4. Then I added a tab and moved it to center the segment again. Then in the footer edit mode, design tab, position, footer from bottom, raised all three segments back to the top. What a zoo. I hope someone has a straight forward approach.

Setting the default table style/design

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:09 AM PDT

Im working on a total of seven word-templates. The templates all look more or less the same. For these templates Im trying to change the standard table design. This wasn't a problem on six of the templates, but for some reason the 7th is just refusing to work. (They all have a rather odd design of the tables where the table border needs to be align with the margin - instead of the text.)

For this I have created a tablestyle and rightclicked it in the Design-tab and set it as default. Colours and fonts works but for some reason it gets stuck on 1 cm intendent instead of 1,25. (If I click the style again after the table is inserted it looks ok.) I have a feeling this might have to do somehow with the general indentent of all text at 1 cm but I can't figure out how to solve it.


If anyone have the time to help me it would be dearly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance!

Prevent users from editing cover page elemets in Word 2010

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 03:37 AM PDT


I'd like to find out if it's possible to protect cover page elements? They must not be able to move from their positions or be deleted or scaled in any way. I'm not talking about locking anchors or something like that.

For example one can protect header and footer elements with section breaks and putting a password on the doc.

The people who need to add the cover page, set up lengthy academic texts and these docs need to have a cover page with the text book name and artwork on the cover.

I've checked out the other cover page templates included in Word 2010, but those elements are all 'unlocked' if it makes sense.

Thanks in advance!

Table Rows to excel columns

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 02:10 AM PDT

Dear All,

I have a specific requirement which is really irritating to do manually. So need all the help out there..It can be weird also to some..

I have a Word file with lot of tables in it. Each cell within the cell has 5 rows.. I want these rows to come under the 5 columns in excel.

I am looking for a VBA/Macro code which can automate this.. I have 60 pages full of such tables so manually doing it is very hard..Please help!

Can't connect to word

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:56 AM PDT

When connecting to microsoft word it says it has encountered a problem and shuts down the other microsoft applications work. Went into control panel and did a repair and restart but still getting the same message

Lock Text Locations.

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 12:42 AM PDT

 I essentially need to make it, that i can lock text pictures everything in its current location.
So that when more text is entered it doesn't push any other text around.
Due to the nature of the document adding tables or textboxes etc is not an option.

It is a large amount of text with sizeable gaps.

Such as the gap between this line and my last, just to make what i need a little clearer, i need to be able to type into that gap without moving this writing that i'm typing in this line here.
Thanks guys.

formatting issues when pasting a document from the web

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 11:53 PM PDT

i am having a major issue when it comes to pasting a document from the web, I copied a story that I wanted to paste into Microsoft word to put on my kindle fire, however when I pasted it, it shows it like this


once upon at time there were

three bears a mama bear

a papa bear, and a baby bear


this is the format that it shown on the website (oh and this is not the story that I pasted this is just an example) and I want it in regular format (left aligned all the way to the 1" margins 1.5 inch spacing) I have tried everything and the only way I can see to fix it is to move lines one by one and this is an 8 page story,


can you please help me

Creating an advanced Word Form

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 09:25 PM PDT

i would like to create a form in word   for example when a user selects box 1  then the only subsequent questions that show up on the remaining portion of the form is questions pertaining to box 1   if they select box 2 then the questions that show up will be questions they need to answer for box 2   in other words i don t want them to see the questions for box 2 if box 1 was selected   is this possible 

Word 2013

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 08:47 PM PDT

I saved a document to word 2013, but the next time I tried to open it, something popped up saying that I didn't have authorization to open the file. Is there any way I can fix it? Or do I have to start all over with my document?

Microsoft Malfunction?? Help!

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 08:30 PM PDT

Microsoft Word and Excel 2013 have malfunctioned, it seems. Outlook and Powerpoint are working fine. When I try to open a new document, a window pops up that says "[Insert program here] has stopped working." I have tried uninstalling and re-installing Office, but to no avail. I have looked up possible solutions, and found that maybe changing the Normal.dotm might help?? I am not all that familiar with how things like that work, and couldn't figure out how to change it. Any advice would be helpful, since I use Word on a daily basis! 
Thanks :)

Word highlighting colors

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 08:28 PM PDT

When creating a document using Word on my MacBook Pro, is there a way to lighten the highlighting colors?  They are too dark.

Highlight colors in a Word document

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 08:18 PM PDT

When creating a document using Word, is there a way to lighten the highlight colors?

Microsoft Office 2013 not working on Windows 8 computer.

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 08:14 PM PDT

I just installed Microsoft Office 2013 to my new Windows 8 computer.  When I try to open Word, Excel, etc. nothing happens.

Pleading paper and space between footer

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 04:34 PM PDT

I am using 24 line paper and sometimes the text jumps from line 22 or 23 to the next page, leaving blank lines above the footer, and I want to remove the page break and blank lines. Any help apreciated.

MS Word 2010 Table of Contents

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 04:19 PM PDT

Hi MS Community,

Could you please advise on how to remove the levels of a table of contents, that's already been created, in word?

Thanks in advance.

Duplicating label in different format on second label

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 03:45 PM PDT

Depending on the user input, we need to print a label formated for a manila folder, an accompanying hanging file, or both.  If the user wants to print the label in both formats, the same data is printed on two labels in different formats.  Otherwise, all labels use one format or the other.  This leads to several questions:


FIRST, we assume the user input (one of three possible responses) can be saved as a variable using the ASK merge statement, correct?


SECOND, we assume we can choose which format to use, if the user only needs a single format, by using an IF statement and testing the content of the input variable using a REF statment, correct?


THIRD, how do we print two labels in different formats before moving to the next record?  We can presumably use a few IF statements to create both labels, but how do we get the merge to move from the first label to the second label in order to print the same information in a different format, but before the next record?  In other words, is there a merge code to move the cursor to a new label (table cell) before printing the label a second time?


Part of the problem here is that, depending on the user input, single labels are printed one time, but two labels may be printed another time.  Can we accommodate this need with a single merge?

Word 2013 Changes Fonts From Documents Created on Other Computer

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 03:09 PM PDT

I'm running Word 2011 on a Macbook Pro retina. My boss is running Office 2013 and Office 2003 on a PC with Windows 7. I created a word document on my Mac, and saved it in the Skydrive folder like I always do for files that we need to share. I've got him logged into that skydrive account, so that he can access and edit those files on his computer. 

This has never happened before, so I'm trying to figure out how to fix it. I've taken some screen shots of the issue, so that you'll see what I mean. 

EDIT: I have the font (Helvetica Neue Ultralight) on both computers, and it does work on both computers. It's why I'm so confused as to why the PC is replacing the fonts with that hideous, chunky thing.