

Save Project schedule as pdf? Microsoft Project

Save Project schedule as pdf? Microsoft Project

Save Project schedule as pdf?

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 02:26 PM PDT

Try printing to PDF writer. You will need PDF writer on your machine

"kmathis" wrote:

resources viewing reassigned tasks in PWA

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 09:45 AM PDT

Andy --

Ask the former resource to select the task on his/her timesheet in PWA and
to click the Hide button. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
Denver, Colorado
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Andy" <> wrote in message

Load an Enterprise project custom text field

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 09:39 AM PDT

Is it possible to store the data in the database with code? Can I write a
VBA macro to load the SQL-Server database table? Which table might hold the
enterprise project text 4 field? or how can I identify the right table?
Which objects load this field? (I dread typing all these names.)

Thanks for your help.

"Dale Howard [MVP]" wrote:

Viewing multiple projects in one report (Project 2000 OR 2003)

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 06:41 AM PDT

I suggest you start by creating a consolidated master of the 6
individual projects. First, open a new blank project. Then go to
Insert/Project. In the window that appears, select all 6 individual
projects and hit "Insert". The default setting will create a dynamically
linked master. That is, changes made to the individual files will be
reflected in the master and, for the most part, changes made to the
master will be reflected in the individual subprojects.

Once the master is created, you can create virtually any type of report
you want - some by customizing the view parameters, some using the
built-in Reports feature and some using VBA.

Hope this helps.

Project MVP

Is it possible..

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 06:35 AM PDT

Thank you so very much for your response. I really appreciate it.
Thanks again

"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

Double booking the same person

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 04:25 AM PDT

That's a tough one and points up the difficulty of using Project for
scheduling things that really aren't projects or project tasks at all.
Projects have discrete beginning and ending points and a limited set of
deliverables and each task within them also have discrete beginnings and
endings. They begin when work is first performed and end when the
deliverable is completed. Your specing and testing tasks really are on-going
line-of-business activities and violate those fundamental definitions of a
project task - for example, there is no single deliverable whose creation
will cause speccing to cease for all time. The deliverables for on-going
activities regenerate themselves - a new one pops up as soon as the current
one is completed - and continue marching on one after the other in
perpetuity. The work creating them doesn't have a beginning or end but
continues on forever at the rate the deliverables materialize.

One way to do it, sort of, is to create a task "spec" and a task "test" both
with 1 year durations. There are 20 work days in a month, on average.
Assign Bill to "spec" at 5/20 or 25% and to "test" at 10/20 or 50%. He can
sort out for himself which days he does what. That leaves 25% of his work
month for other things. The monkey wrench in the works comes up when you
try to actually schedule the 5 day task with a deadline to occur on specific
dates in that framework. What should happen? Are we only concerned with
averages, as long as we get it done by the deadline, or should work on
speccing and testing stop while he does this new task? If so, what happens
to the man-hours we would have devoted to speccing and testing? And what do
you mean by "5-day task" in the first place - is that 5 days of full time
work, 80 man-hours, 5 days at 25% effort, 10 man-hours, or just what?

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Rob List" <Rob> wrote in message

Importing timesheet data into Project.

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 02:43 AM PDT

Hi Noel,

Yes VBA is definitely a good lead.
Have a look in microsoft.public.project.vba, read Jack D.'s post of today
Re: Analyse timescale data in Excel
It has a link to his site shere tehre is a code that links timescale data in
Project into Excel.
It could give you some ideas of how to tackle - I hope VB or VBA aren't that
foreign to you?

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project MVP
+32 495 300 620
"Noel" <> wrote in message

Milestone list

Posted: 27 Oct 2004 11:53 PM PDT

Thank you for the tip, but I can see I need to be more specific.

I want to do a milestone list for ALL projects in the server. As project
manager, I want an overview of milestones in the different projects.

I have tried the Assignment Views, but I cannot manage to make the
milestones come up because they are not assigned to any ressource.

"Rod Gill" wrote:

How do I move a column

Posted: 27 Oct 2004 05:23 PM PDT

Hi Bobs,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

You might like to see FAQ Item: 11. Hidden Column.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP
bobs wrote: 

How do I get total percentage of cost for work completed?

Posted: 26 Oct 2004 01:43 PM PDT

Glad I could be of help ...

"Noel" <> wrote in message