

How do I view my Gantt chart in WORK rather DURATION? Microsoft Project

How do I view my Gantt chart in WORK rather DURATION? Microsoft Project

How do I view my Gantt chart in WORK rather DURATION?

Posted: 18 Oct 2004 05:05 AM PDT

Hi GaffaUK,

You cannot actually view a Gantt Chart for "work", because the Gantt Chart
shows the Start/Finish dates for the task, and not the work content. You can,
however, insert column called "work". Moreover, If you care to go to the Task
Usage, or Resource Usage views, you can then see how the work is profiled on
a daily, weekly, monthly basis.

I have a concern, though, that you might be incorrectly interpreting the
Units. They are not an "efficiency" rating. It is their "level-of-effort" on
the task, thus normally shown in hours. If the resource is going to take 5
days (full-time) to execute a task, then it's still 5days x 8 hrs/day = 40
hrs.....and the "units" should reflect the true content of the work and their
true level-of-effort (1.0 or 100%). The fact that it should take only 4 days
x 8 hrs/day = 32 hrs is an irrelevance....although this could be shown in the
baseline. If your interpretation is: "There is four days of full-time work,
but spread over five days", then that's fine....your level-of-effort (units)
is correctly showing 0.8 (80%). This means, however, that the resource is
only working on your task for 80% of his time, and is nothing to do with


James. G

"GaffaUK" wrote:

Bug Tracking with Project Pro 2003

Posted: 17 Oct 2004 07:20 PM PDT

"Sam-I-Am" <com> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

You might want to take a look at Visual Intercept at: This company produces a line of defect and issue
tracking tools that includes integration to the latest version of



VB error: "Error accessing file. Network connection may be lost."

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 01:38 PM PDT

I don't think so, since we all log in using our Windows authentication
logins. I found it happens with someone else, too, so our MS guys have
put in a ticket with Microsoft.

If I find out what's wrong, I'll post the answer here.


"Steve House [MVP]" <> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

How do I change the Gantt Chart Report Begin Date?

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 11:29 AM PDT

Hi dillehunt ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

You might have accidentally created a spurious task. Try Project/Sort/Sort
by... and select for ID Descending, then check the last task ID (highest ID
number) is your last task.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Discrepancy with work hours

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 10:09 AM PDT


I tried one thing. I created a new identical task and delete the 'bad' one,
and all seems fine now. I also noticed this across many other tasks in my
plan. One thing I did was cut and paste this task many times. Something
must have been corrupted. I will manually replace each bad task to correct
the problem.

By the way, the calendar options appear to be fine. I have worked on over
20 project plans with the same settings, so that wasn’t the issue.

Thanks for your help.


"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

Integrating an Access Query into Project

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 06:27 AM PDT

I am looking for a report showing the time lines of each project to help in
scheduling and conflicts. It also will help in budgeting. There are no
resources involved. We manage construction projects. If there is something
else to do this let me know. I couldn't do it using a graph.

"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

View tracking information

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 06:03 AM PDT

Hi Paul,

The only way I found when a customer asked me was to put 1 (and you could
even put the monetary unit as Hr) in the resoruces' unit cost

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Paul Seaman" <Paul> schreef in bericht

Import Project Standard 2003 tasks and deadlines to Outlook 2003

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 05:23 PM PDT

I know it refers to Project but trust me, it's an installation package and
the files for Outlook are part of it. When you download and expand the
archive you'll find the files and instructions in the folder you create to
hold the expanded files.

Here's the URL for the download page for the Workgroup Message Handler
if you look at the bottom of the page you'll see the system requirements and
the email programs it's compatible with, including Outlook, are listed.

It's a two step process starting with Project and that's why what you're
seeing is refering only to Project. You have to first activate Project's
ability to send messages to email systems. Then on the receiving side you
have to configure Outlook so it can understand the messages Project sends to
it. In a formal PM scenario you'd configure Project and then email as
attachments the email client configuration programs to your resources for
them to run on their own machines. Then to get your tasks from a Project
file into your own Outlook, you assign yourself as a resource in Project and
mail your task assignments to yourself. When Outlook receives it in email,
you accept the assignment and it enters them into the to-do list. Of
course, if you're using Project in a full-fledged Project management role
you'd also be mailing the rest of your resource team their task assignments
from Project as well.

It's well to be nervous about editing the registry but those direction come
straight from the MS horse's mouth and as long as you follow them to the
letter and double check against typos you'll be ok.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"buzzlifeyear" <> wrote in message

Compare Project Versions - Run-time error '13': Type mismatch

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 01:41 PM PDT


Thank you for your input, I took a look at the fields that were being
compared and could not find anything obvious. Probably the most interesting
test was when I removed all fields with the exception of the ID and Task Name
fields I still recieved the error.

I have two files that are derived from the project files that gave me the
error. The new have three tasks, the error occurs while processing the
Version 2 file on the second task. I can e-mail these files and I would
aprreciate any help you can provide.



"John" wrote:

Max File Size in Proj Pro / Server

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 01:19 PM PDT

Open Project, Go to help menu, select reference then project specifications.
I expect that they are identical.

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"JH" <> wrote in message

Project PWA Project Center views

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 11:53 AM PDT

Thanks Gary.
I assume the new thread at microsoft.puublic.projectserver (?) is at the
same discussion group site that you replied to, correct?
Will open thread there and supply requested info.

"Gary L. Chefetz (MVP)" wrote:

How do I split a microsoft project task that takes x hours over .

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 08:27 AM PDT

Sorry, Levi, that referred to the TechTrax article - at the end.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Levi Page wrote: 

Is there a good Lag time report I can run?

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 08:09 AM PDT

See my other message to you. I think you're confusing lag time and slack
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"lamby74" <> wrote in message

Specifying Time of Day Task is due

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 05:57 AM PDT

There is sometimes confusion about what milestones are. They are NOT dates
themselves but they do occur on at some specific date and time. The
milestone itself is the event that takes place - a contract has been signed,
a final report has been completed, a critical part has been delivered, a
project phase has been completed, etc - that has some special signifigance
in the project. It occurs whenever it occurs and even though there may be a
target or desired date, just like any other event the milestone event itself
might take place early, on-time, or late. In other words, you have TWO
dates associated with your milestone event - the date when it WILL occur and
the date by which it SHOULD occur. (I should point out that milestones
don't necessarily have a due date - remember the milestone is an event and
even though it's important to monitor for project tracking purposes we might
not actually care when it happens.) In engineering you could say that the
milestone marks a state change - in erecting a building before the milestone
"foundation ready" the construction of the foundation is in process. The
milestone marks the point where the foundation is complete and we can move
on to the next phase. The change of state is "foundation incomplete" ->
"foundation ready."

In your example the milestone is the receipt of the material. You need it
by Oct 15th so that is its deadline. But the delivery might come in a week
before, on the 15th, or there might be a trucker's strike and your material
might not get there until November. The date shown in the Gantt chart is
the estimated date based on links leading to it, including lag times, until
it has occured and then the actual date on which it did occur. By entering
a deadline on the Task Information sheet, Advanced tab, for the milestone
you can put a green arrowhead marker on the Gantt chart to indicate what the
"drop dead" date of the milestone is and to see whther you're making the
required schedule or not.

Moving the milestone will not move the deadline nor should it. If we had to
have parts received by 15th October last year does that mean in a similar
project next year we'll need the same delivery date? Not very likely.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Fo Mo Co" <> wrote in message

Gap in the schedule

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 05:03 AM PDT

Hi Aniki

have you levelled at an "hour by hour" setting .. (from my experience)
project won't "correct" your second problem if you only levelled at a "day
by day" setting.

As to the first problem i have really no idea, is the "clear levelling
values before levelling" check box checked?

Let us know how you go.


"aniki" <> wrote in message

Report problems

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 04:56 AM PDT

Hi Jonathan ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Please see FAQ Item: 16. Project Viewer.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Jonathan wrote: 

change font color of tasks or color of bars from VBA

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 03:17 AM PDT

I have some sample code for turning all the bars green at my website. look for the all green macro.
There are methods for changing font color too (see John's message).
The one thing that can't be done is to change the cell background color.

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"Werner Koch" <at> wrote in message

How do I set up an MS Project where resources are working on the .

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 05:23 PM PDT

How about setting it up as a summary task describing the whole activity with
the three instances as subtasks indented underneath it. The subtasks would
not be linked to each other. Each resource is assigned to their specific
subtask. While usually people advise not to link summay tasks, in this case
I think there is an exception and any links coming TO the set of tasks or
From it would go through the Summary task, not the subtasks. The duration
of the summary will be from whenver the earliest starting subtask begins to
where the latest finishing subtask ends, thus automatically setting the end
of the group to whichever subtask finishes last.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Alan Eisenberg" <Alan> wrote in message

Progress Bar Not Showing

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 02:43 PM PDT

You're welcome, Shep:-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

shep wrote: 

One Gantt Bar showing 3 different data

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 10:56 AM PDT

You use the term "baselined date" in the singular and I'm not aware of such
a data point. There's baselined start date, baseline finish date, etc but
there's no such as a "baselined date" unless you are referring to the date
on which the baseline itself was created or saved. Likewise the current
date already is shown on the Gantt chart as a vertical dotted line going
from top to bottom of the chart at todays date in the timescale. It's not
an attribute of any particular task. Can you be more specific about what
you're trying to do here?
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"June" <> wrote in message

Calendar Goes to 1987

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 10:23 AM PDT

Thanks Mike,
I love those Microsoft "features", too. Guess I'll just have to muddle
through. I'll be sure to check out the Project MVP site though!
Thanks again,

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Project 2000 calendars driving me mad! Help pls.

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 08:51 AM PDT

Hi Pete,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

You might like to see FAQ Item: 5. Default Working Hours

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP
Pete Bennett wrote: 

How do I force a resource to work on a task until it's done?

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 08:07 AM PDT

One thing that might help is to see if you can break the task down into
smaller units that can then be parcelled out to your two resources
individually. The general rule in a WBS is to try for a 1-task/1-resource
correspondence, resource in this context being either an individual or a
team that must work together as a unit, like a painter and his assistant,
both of whom must be present for the job to proceed. Another rule of thumb
that can help is the 8/80 Rule - if the tasks are smaller than about 8
man-hours you're trying to excessively micromanage the resources and if
they're longer than about 80 man-hours you are likely to be looking at what
is really a grouping of a number of different activities rather than a
single discrete activity. 1200 man-hours (30 man-weeks) is well over that
threshold. If you can separate out the individual components you may be
able to split the work in such a way that the overall group is done in the
shorted possible time even with the second resource joining late.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Bill Zvonar" <com> wrote in message

Blocking out Holidays and row adjustment questions

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 07:15 AM PDT

But you never said exactly what you problem with row height adjustment
was. Are you trying to increase the row height or are you trying to
decrease the row height? I already gave you some ideas of why you may
not be able to decrease row height, but not being able to increase row
height is another issue.


Actuals in PWA vs. actuals in MS Project Pro

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 02:05 AM PDT

LimorS --

After updating the project plan with actuals, you need to click
Collaborate - Publish - All Information to "push" the latest schedule
changes to PWA. Many people miss this step, unfortunately, because the
publishing process is not automatic. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"LimorS" <> wrote in message