

minimal package installation for secure redhat system - Forums Linux

minimal package installation for secure redhat system - Forums Linux

minimal package installation for secure redhat system

Posted: 23 Jul 2004 12:22 PM PDT

"Dan P" <com> wrote in message 

The RedHat "minimal" install is a bit overcrowded. Who in the hell needs
ISDN utilities these days?

Look into the "kickstart" software with RedHat, and how to reset the
packages included in the basic installation. Some of the dependencies are
excessive. To install emacs, you need XFree86-libs and in some cases Chinese
font handlers, for example.

Binaries deployment is not easy on Linux ?

Posted: 23 Jul 2004 07:46 AM PDT

"Jean-David Beyer" <com> wrote in message 

Huh. That seems possible but surprising, considering that tar has been
vastly preferred for at least 15 years, in my experience. Mind you, GNU tar
added a whole constellation of extremely useful features, which is why I
keep wanting to shoot in the head modern UNIX authors who insist on using
non-GNU versionf of that tool.

Not that I think you're fibbing, but are you sure?

Boot loader

Posted: 22 Jul 2004 08:35 AM PDT

Franck D wrote:

RH should be able to make you a boot floppy.
I don't remember with RH, but sometimes these boot
floppies come as an image and you can make that
independently on a different machine.
You might also be able to install a new one
from LiveCDs like knoppix.

This is another example of M$ crap products destroying personal
property that needs to be reported to better business
bureau, EU and DOJ anti-monopoly commissions
as causing real and material hardships
to members of the general public despite rulings
from them to not do this ever again.
If a virus did this, you would set the police
on the virus writer.
Why not set the police on
the product vendors and directors of M$
for releasing products with such features despite
anti-monopoly rulings?

Fedora Installation weird problem !!

Posted: 22 Jul 2004 04:04 AM PDT

Thu, 22 Jul 2004 20:04:46 +0900 tarihinde, lokman dedi ki:



I would also try a stable end-user distro (e.g. Mandrake 10.0 or SuSE 9.1)
to see the difference.

Abdullah | aramazan@ |
Ramazanoglu | myrealbox |
________________| D-O-T_cöm |

new to linux - questions

Posted: 21 Jul 2004 10:57 PM PDT

Thu, 22 Jul 2004 01:57:31 -0400 tarihinde, David Besack dedi ki:

Please install "mandrake-doc-en" package and read the Starter's Guide
(Access path: K -> More Apps -> Docs -> Mandrake Docs)
This will cover all of your questions. To install any package on the CDs,
go K -> System -> Config -> Config your computer (root pass required) :
Select Package Mgr.

Mandrake comes with a configuration app "drakconf" (K -> System -> Config
-> Config your computer) that covers most aspects of system management. It
also works in text mode on console (e.g. Ctrl-Al-F1) so if you mess up
with your VGA settings and X doesn't start anymore, you can repair X from
console (login as root and enter drakconf). It provides an abstraction
layer between user and real Linux configuration tools, but centralizes and
streamlines system administration for a new user. If you want to really
learn Linux then refrain from drakconf. If you just want to use Linux in
the most convenient way possible, then by all means use drakconf. But
please don't forget: Drakconf is peculiar to Mandrake, just like yast is
peculiar to SuSE. If you use those distro-tailored control centers you
won't be able to use other distros equally well. You would be married to
Mandrake, in a sense.


Don't download tgz files. Download rpm ones. And try to find an rpm that
is either built for or said to be compatible with Mandrake 10.0. Just
because a package is in rpm format, it doesn't guarantee that it will
install on Mandrake 10.0. Its requirements (dependencies) must also be met
by the system it is to be installed on. Even if the packages requirements
are compatible with Mandrake 10.0, then there is another pitfall when you
install non-Mandrake rpm on Mandrake: The default menu hierarchy on
Mandrake is different than that of standard KDE. So possibly your new app
won't show up as an icon in the K menu. Though there are ways to overcome
this (e.g. go to drakconf menu editor and add it manually). When you
install from CDs, the 4 installation CDs are automatically added to your
local package repository. (Package Manager -> Media Manager) You can do
either of these two with the external packages you dowloaded: 1. Just
click on them to install. 2. Create a separate repository media and
include all your extra rpms in it. Then it becomes your "5th CD". It
doesn't matter whether they're really on a CD or in a directory. This is
the recommended way.

One more recommendation: Please try not to mix system administration
tools. I.e. don't create a new user via webmin, while editing K menu via
kmenuedit, and setting language options via drakconf. Until you are
confident enough, stick to one method as far as it works, and try other
means only when your primary method either doesn't provide a way for the
task at hand, or it can't do it successfully. OTOH, as I've said before,
if you really want to learn Linux, please stay away from those easy
control panels. It would be somewhat painful but much more rewarding

Abdullah | aramazan@ |
Ramazanoglu | myrealbox |
________________| D-O-T_cöm |

where glib-2.4.4 is installed..?

Posted: 21 Jul 2004 08:59 PM PDT

Nice_linux_Guy wrote: 

You must install the "glib-devel" package to _compile_ programs that use
glib. The "glib" package contains just the runtime files.

rpm -ql glib

Markku Kolkka

Need a motherboard monitor

Posted: 21 Jul 2004 05:16 PM PDT

Larry Gagnon wrote: 
It definately is not.
It takes a while to configure it and I am still not sure mine is right. It
does make reports like this:

Thu Jul 22 15:30:00 EDT 2004
VCore 1: +1.44 V (min = +1.34 V, max = +1.47 V)
VCore 2: +3.31 V (min = +3.13 V, max = +3.45 V)
+3.3V: +3.24 V (min = +3.20 V, max = +3.45 V)
+5V: +4.99 V (min = +4.84 V, max = +5.24 V)
+12V: +11.89 V (min = +11.48 V, max = +12.58 V)
-12V: -11.83 V (min = -13.11 V, max = -11.41 V)
V5SB: +5.43 V (min = +4.84 V, max = +5.24 V)
VBat: +3.24 V (min = +2.40 V, max = +3.60 V)
CPU0 fan: 8653 RPM (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
CPU1 fan: 5818 RPM (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
System: +49C (limit = +45C, hysteresis = +42C) sensor = thermistor
CPU0: +51.0C (limit = +65C, hysteresis = +60C) sensor = thermistor
CPU1: +50.0C (limit = +65C, hysteresis = +60C) sensor = thermistor
vid: +1.400 V
alarms: Chassis intrusion detection ALARM
Sound alarm enabled

which is a bit disappointing since 6 of my fans have tachometers in them
and the BIOS can report all 6, but the lm_sensors and sensors program
report only 2. I do not know how to get it to report on the other 4.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
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