

Microsoft Word - Restricted formatting

Microsoft Word - Restricted formatting

Restricted formatting

Posted: 11 Mar 2013 04:41 PM PDT

I need to unlock restrictions on a formated file.  Microsoft help said to go to home, select styles, then select manage styles. The problem is that on office 2010 for home there is no option"manage styles:" So what do I do now?

MSW 2010 Override capital letter at start of new line after paragraph

Posted: 11 Mar 2013 11:14 AM PDT

I write poetry. I want to end a line by hitting the "enter" key, and begin the next line WITHOUT a capital letter.  How can I override the automatic capital letter at the start of the new line?  There should be a simple setting for this, rather than having to hit shift, enter each time I want to begin a new line in lower case.


[Moved from feedback]

Using image alt text for TOC

Posted: 11 Mar 2013 10:30 AM PDT

I have a lengthy document that has a couple of figures in it.  The figures are very large and take up the entire pages that they are on. I would like to use the alternate text associated with the images to create a Table of Figures in the TOC.  Is this possible or do I have to place text on the page somewhere that will be used instead?

How do I recover an overwritten quick-key?

Posted: 11 Mar 2013 08:47 AM PDT

I made the mistake of assigning ctl-F to a macro I wrote. This action replaces the Find quick-key and I can't get it back. I've tried deleting the macro I wrote but the quick-key is still do I recover the quick-key? Where does the script for quick-keys reside? Must I reload Word?

Default document

Posted: 11 Mar 2013 04:46 AM PDT

When I open/create a new document in Word is does so with 1.15 line spacing and with it adding a space after each paragraph.  So I have to change line spacing to 1.0 and click on Remove Space after each paragraph.  But I haven't found a way to make this permanent when ever I open a fresh new Word document?  I have tried making these changes and saving as either DEFAULT.DOTX or STDDOC.DOTX in hopefully the right folder in Microsoft Office.  No luck.  Even looking in the book 'Step by Step Office professional 2010' haven't found how to do this. (Might have not spotted it via the Index!)  Any help on how I can open a new document with the settings I want?  Font is easy you can make that the default through Font setting.  But turning off the paragraph and the line spacing etc...  Seem a might tricky!  

Page numbering in office through different page orientations

Posted: 11 Mar 2013 01:17 AM PDT

Word appears to have dropped the page numbering halfway through a report i'm developing. After a small section goes through landscape orientation and returns to portrait, word has decided to start renumbering the pages from 1. Can anybody tell me why and how to stop this? Many thanks

How can I get Excel to work in Office 365 HP?

Posted: 11 Mar 2013 12:04 AM PDT

I found that the disabling of add ons worked well with Word and Outlook, but not with Excel.  There were no add-ons active and yet it worked ok in safe mode. As soon as I tried to run it other than in safe mode it simply crashed.  Where do I go to from here?  Publisher, Powerpoint, One Note & Access worked straight off after installation.  Word and Outlook still seem to be working ok.  So what about Excel?

how do I print a color picture in word

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 12:38 PM PDT

I copied a recipe with a color picture in Word but when I printed it, it's always in black and white.  I tried Settings but don't see anything about Color. Any help would be appreciated.

Can check boxes Generate text when clicked?

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 06:44 AM PST

I building a home inspection Doc that has boiler plate Questions & Answers. Is there a way to use check box to fill in all the text?


1. Is there a panel mounter surge protector?  Yes/ No
2. Is the main electrical panel labeled?            Yes/ No

If No is checked (1.) then in the summary do the Doc I would like to have some boiler plate appears such as:

1.  Under then main electrical service it was observed that there was no whole home surge protection device on the main electrical panel. This is not a code requirement but it is advisable for homeowners to install this type of protection. As home appliance are built with more electronic controls  there is a greater risk of lose by power surges. 

If YES is checked (2.) then in the summary do the Doc I would like to have some boiler plate appears such as:

2. Panel was found to be labeled.  Even though a panel is labeled it is advisable to test your circuits before assuming the label is correct.