

In which country is this site registered? - Microsoft Office forums

In which country is this site registered? - Microsoft Office forums

In which country is this site registered?

Posted: 11 Jul 2004 03:29 PM PDT

C'mon! *Surely* one of the 50 that spam-meister posted to *had* to be the
right one. <vbg>


How to make a good newsgroup post:
"Mercury" <net> wrote: 

Automatic E-Mail reply when away from office

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 05:54 PM PDT

Hi, Parisher. See

"Parisher" wrote:

What's a Product ID?

Posted: 05 Jul 2004 05:19 AM PDT


Well the problem is that on install I get an error message
(2349) telling me to contact Support and the install

Sort of a catch 22 as I can't install to get the product
ID, but I can't get support without it.

Hmmm. Any ideas, anyone?

Many thanks.

ID generated for 

Slow downs

Posted: 04 Jul 2004 05:02 PM PDT

No chris, the problem is not my hardware. Like I said, with all the software
I install on my computer, including graphics intensive games, everything
works just fine, until I install office xp. The problem is with office and I
want to know why it has that effect and how to fix it.


"Chris Schatte" <com> wrote in message
drivers for it. If none, try to install new/different mfg hardware. 
but I 

Read Process Memory error when loading Office XP

Posted: 04 Jul 2004 08:54 AM PDT

From a quick search of the internet, it seems the culprit might be a bad cd
rom drive, or a faulty CD. Do you have the latest drivers for your CDRom?


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Mark Andrews" <com> wrote in message

Business Contact Manager won't start

Posted: 04 Jul 2004 03:13 AM PDT


Thanks very much for your input - it's much appreciated,
even if I still have the problem!

I will post on the Outlook BCM group as you suggest (if I
can find it - it doesn't seem to show up in the newsgroup

Thanks again.


how to install office xp

Posted: 03 Jul 2004 12:52 PM PDT

Did you specifically pay for Microsoft Office? If not then you won't be
able to activate it. In the UK I am aware that PCWORLD is installing MS
Office 2003 on all machines but thease are not activated and can't be
activated unless you buy a retail version or upgrade version of the
product from them. I don't know how and why they do it but it gives
more headaches to us providing private consultancy to cusomers. wrote:

uninstalling internet explorer 97 and intalling internet explorer

Posted: 03 Jul 2004 11:53 AM PDT

PMFJI this fascinating discussion, but if you look in the ValuPack, it does
have IE version 3.x.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, default asked:

| Miss Perspicacia Tick wrote:
| Hey, FW! I have Office 97 here and I can tell you categorically that
| it does NOT contain any version of IE or OE. Suggest you get your
| facts right before putting fingers to keyboard. I'm actually
| surprised your left hand ever ventures above your waist!
| You have not checked your entire set of CDs. This is very common
| with women suffering from menopause. Age does get the better of
| life! So the facts have gotten right and fingers to keyboard were in
| the right place pressing th right boobs. As to left hand, no it does
| not ventures above waist. It has been blown apart during the first
| gulf war.
| Have you thought of getting a medical advice for your menopause. HRT
| may be a solution, temporary though it may be.
| Miss Perspicacia Tick wrote:
|| default wrote:
||| Hey Miss Prick,
||| You may not know this but there was a time when Microsoft used to
||| bundle IE with almost all products including Office 97. In fact
||| rumour was that there were more CDs containing IE than actual PCs in
||| the whole world. CDs were given away with magazines and also
||| bundled
||| with all MS products.
||| Although Puzzled said "Internet Explorer 97" he/she must have
||| actually meant IE4 bundled with Office 97. We should not pick on
||| silly things when we are dealing with people in dire straight
||| looking
||| for solutions. Use of common sense in interpreting questions would
||| avoid unnecessary confrontation.
|| Hey, FW! I have Office 97 here and I can tell you categorically that
|| it does NOT contain any version of IE or OE. Suggest you get your
|| facts right before putting fingers to keyboard. I'm actually
|| surprised your left hand ever ventures above your waist!

Office 2003 custom install

Posted: 02 Jul 2004 09:23 AM PDT

You are correct that this feature does prevent the
installation of Access. However, when you select CHANGE
from Add/Rem Progs AND before the user can select
different options to change within the Office install,
another screen pops up. This is a screen that lists all
the apps (including Infopath etc.) and the user can just
select any app and it gets installed. Anyway, thanks for

Installation States step, rather than choosing "Not
Available" for Access, choose "Not Available, Hidden,
Locked". I believe this will prevent users from adding it
through Add/Remove.

euro sign

Posted: 01 Jul 2004 07:55 AM PDT

Thank you,

it looks as if we have to change within the printer settings "printer fonts"
to "soft fonts" to make it work.


Need fit MSOfc97 in tight space

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 10:15 PM PDT

BTW, a side-issue is that when I try to install (dual boot via
modified msdos.sys) Office97 on the Win98 side, it deletes Office 4.3
on the Win3 side

It does ask somewhere, but I slipped once.. once burnt, twice
shy.. any tips from those with more experience..

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