

problem with USB external ISDN device - Forums Linux

problem with USB external ISDN device - Forums Linux

problem with USB external ISDN device

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 01:01 PM PDT

"Larry I Smith" <net> wrote : 

I already tried this one, but I'll try it again.
In that directions assume I use YaST, which rarely can
be true, because I use RedHat 9.

HP Pavilion ze4427WM notebook PC, HP ZE4x00 series will it run Linux ?

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 07:36 AM PDT

> I am funning Fedora FC1 on a HP ZE4400 laptop. The only problem I had was 

Great, that is a good indication, hopefully the 4427 is the same base
hardware as the 4400, just a different variation.

I am waiting to hear back from HP also so I can ask them if the base
hardware is the same.

There are some going cheep for what they are so I thought it would make a
good Linux development machine.

Many thanks for the reply.



It works using NTLDR. But now how to boot from CD?

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 03:24 AM PDT

Lenard <0.0.1> wrote in message news:<0.0.1>... 


I tried the steps on my machine, it works! What I did after boot into
rescue mode was:

# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# cd /mnt/floppy
# dd if=/dev/hda2 bs=512 count=1 of=linux_bs.bin
# cd /
# umount /dev/fd0

Copied the file linux_bs.bin into C: and boot from NTLDR, it works the

I'm going to install FC and apply the steps to my friend's notebook,
probably over the weekend. Shouldn't be any problem, although his
floppy is USB, but he's got FAT32 partition, so it should be mountable
from Linux to copy the file across.

Thanks again for all the help.

Ethan J.

ps: Why use NTLDR and not Grub? We're trying out Fedora, leaving the
MBR untouched makes it easier to revert the system back to XP-only
original state. Just delete all Linux partitions. Of course, in my
other machine, I'm using RH9 with Grub -- it's a better boot loader,

Newbie: SuSE SCSI Boot

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 11:36 PM PDT

On 4/7/04 9:21 AM, in article,
"" <> wrote:

Ok, I followed you as far as here. How do I add the module name? All I can
find is a box to type a module name into, but it only seems to accept one
module at a time, and I need two (one for SCSI and one for ReiserFS). Is
there a trick to this?


Package Managers

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 09:54 PM PDT

On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 21:05:05 +0100, Roger Leigh <${roger} > wrote: 

Yet they are included in the standard install of Debian, which I run.
Except when things don't work right, then APT sends you to dpkg in a
big hurry...

Yet once again, they are part of Debian's standard install. So they
obviously disagree with you.

I USE APT, friend. That works until something goes wrong. Which they do,
and with some regularity. That's why all those other manpages/utilities
are available. The folks at know what they are doing.

Until something goes wrong.....

Why do you seem to think that these programs always work perfectly?

They don't.

And when they go wrong, it is a BITCH.

But if you compile from source, then it is relatively easy to track down
the problem, because you are dealing with an application directly, not
some package manager designed to be "user-friendly" that obscures all
of what's actually going on behind the scenes.

Like the GUI. I don't use them either. For the same reasons.


Suspending access to particular users ?

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 04:42 PM PDT

In article <com>, Timo Saarto
<fi> writes 

Thanks. That might be useful in other contexts, but passwd -l -u is
just the thing.

Scripts written and tested !

Cheers, J/.
John Beardmore

Application time different from system time, redhat linux

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 03:26 PM PDT

"Larry I Smith" <net> wrote in message

It is configurable for vsftpd.

Larry, a lot of folks are only running a *local* FTP server, and consider
the ease of browsiing the files and their modification or creation times
without doing conversions in their heads to be more important than
maintaining an international standard. I had users screaming at me when I
set up an external server for GMT display, although we were collaborating
with folks overseas.

help with S3 Trio64V2/DX with RH8.0

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 02:28 PM PDT

"Nico Kadel-Garcia" <net> wrote in message news:<com>... 

Thanks for your reply.
I've started linux in runlevel 3 and everything works OK. It's only
when I try to start X it crash. Linux state that no "no devices

How to rerun Xconfiguration tool? I think it uses xf86config. Is it
only to edit the file or can you start some cind of configuration tool
in textmode?

Thanks for your replies!

Open Office: Function of icons on toolbar etc.

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 01:32 PM PDT

Maurice Batey wrote:

.... those are called 'tips' - this is easily
found using the help system in OOorg. look
under 'general'., 'help agent'
<< >>
He who slings mud generally loses ground.
-- Adlai Stevenson

cannt login linux rh9 server

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 11:53 AM PDT

No light on caps-lock or scroll-lock, but I not try jet ctl-alt-F1

On 6 Apr 2004 02:19:59 -0700, com (Mattias
Honrendgard) wrote:

Linux OS only dual boot

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 07:38 AM PDT

Hash: SHA1
NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message

imotgm <com> wrote: 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
Seems to be the downside about it.

AFAIR it was no one else then mjt himself who pointed out that
it can be fixed with just putting "not-dash-escaped" in

However, one can header-sign posts, which does even look better,
if your newsreader supports that, mine (tin) does through an
external perl script, but it doesn't still work for me...

Michael Heiming (GPG-Key ID: 0xEDD27B94)

Remove +SIGNS and www. if you expect an answer, sorry for
inconvenience, but I get tons of spam.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

iD8DBQFAc5mgAkPEju3Se5QRAqMBAJ9JGvpspo+8+W5dPWb1LF sE8SLSegCdHeu3

gnome can't mount a floppy.

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 12:12 AM PDT

On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 12:05:22 +1000, Ron House <> wrote:

I kinda figured. Either that or he was using KDE. Whatever, it
should have worked.

Like I said, I think it's a link issue. In various configurations
and distros I've variously had to make links to get my mouse, modem,
floppy, cdrom, and/or sound card working. I always am running
extremely standard PC hardware, and I've tried all the big
distributions. No one ever seems to mention this essential detail of
making links! Drives me nuts. And, as far as I can tell, there is
no way to look at /dev and figure out which of those devices is
actually active, and which is just a stub sitting there in case its
needed. So you either need to know exactly what to do, or keep
trying stuff until it works. Very annoying.

Sorry, I guess that's my rant for the day. :) I agree with you, your
friend shouldn't have been forced to have trouble doing something so
basic. There appears to be some conflict between flexibility and
convenience, and so far Linux leans toward flexibility.

- Laurel * * *

Help: USB Disk on Key not working-Mandrake 10

Posted: 05 Apr 2004 12:02 AM PDT

Michael Badt wrote:
Try (as root) "modprobe usb-storage" and edit your fstab line to "noauto"
instead the "defaults". Otherwise your boot may hang when you have not
inserted the stick.
Longhorn error#4711: TCPA / NGSCB VIOLATION: Microsoft optical mouse
detected penguin patterns on mousepad. Partition scan in progress
*to*remove*offending*incompatible*products.**React ivate*your*MS*software.
Linux 2.6.4-1.tmb.2mdk*[LinuxCounter#295241]

Help: Can't get shorewall to work in Mandrake 10

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 11:59 PM PDT

Thnaks Chris !
Indeed iptables was not installed initially.
Installing it solved the problem



On Mon, 05 Apr 2004 11:01:51 +0200, Christoph Scheurer wrote:


Unable to boot from Linux

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 11:02 PM PDT (aravind) wrote in message news:<>... 

What do you see on your screen? Is the partition marked as bootable?
Does Linux boot from your boot floppy? Any reason you are using an
ancient version of Red Hat?

newbie TinyLinux install--problem imaging anything

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 09:27 PM PDT

Discovered from Slackware. Problem solved. Thanks.

com (Linux A. Wannabe) wrote in message news:<>... 

Help with SUSE 9.0 Network Connection?

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 07:16 AM PDT

On Sun, 04 Apr 2004 07:16:16 -0700, David Hill wrote:

Did you enter the information in /etc/resolve.conf?

From mine;


domain # or whatever they go by locally
nameserver # whichever of the quad numbers is theirs
nameserver # second nameserver if they have more than one
nameserver # third nameserver


Looks good to me. But then I've been up for 36 hrs. ;)

If unsure of which number is their name server, call them and ask for the
quad addresses. They should have more than one.

Hope this helps.
