

Uninstall Office XP Professional "completely" - Microsoft Office forums

Uninstall Office XP Professional "completely" - Microsoft Office forums

Uninstall Office XP Professional "completely"

Posted: 15 Apr 2004 03:59 PM PDT

This is a technical forum...not a soapbox for ranting fools. Since think you
are so smart, since you think you know everything, figure it out for

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

Upgrading to office 2003/ full version vs, upgrade?

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 12:50 PM PDT

"Cerridwen" <com> wrote in message

Whether or not the Office XP upgrade from Office 2000 SB is an OEM version
it is still is a legal version of the software,
with all the available updates to it on the Office website. The question is
still if I bought a full version would it install over the the Office XP SB
version, or upgrade it?
I do assume though even if I buy the upgrade to SB 2003, that where my
version is a legal copy or not that it would upgrade with no problems? I
have never had problems before upgrading from OEM versions whether it is
microsoft or another program.

As to the cost for a full version compared to the upgrade. I have had no
problems so far with items I have bought off ebay. It is possible to get a
full version at a cost less then the upgrade version, depending on whom is
watching what at any giving time. In the same instance I have seen programs
on ebay that were bought at higher prices then if bought in Staples or
another store.



Word 200/Windows 2000 hangs opening/saving to mapped drive on 2000 Server

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 06:48 AM PDT

No. Norton Corporate AV and Trend Micro AV and Tapeware. I'm not aware that
these have any problems.

Windows 2000 with SP4, Office 2000 with SP3.

"Ian Baird [MS]" <> wrote in message

Can't Remove or Re-Install Office 2003! KB Article 828380 No Help!

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 11:14 AM PDT

Solution provided by the awesome Mike Bernstein:

I had a similar problem and cured it by using the Windows Installer Cleanup
program. See KB article 290301 on:;en-us;290301

After using that I had to re-install Office 2003 but it installed over the
top and did not loose any settings.

Mike Bernstein

"Byrdman" <com> wrote in message

switch off that Clipboard

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 09:32 AM PDT

Thanks, it's clear now.

Printscreen Copied to Outlook Help PLS

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 06:06 AM PDT

Thank you for the reply
Understand on the recommendation, we go thru the same in our business
We'll test first, etc..

Does Office 95 Professional work properly on Windows 98? MS-Access 95 in particular.

Posted: 08 Apr 2004 11:48 AM PDT

Thanks, i'll try that..

On Fri, 9 Apr 2004 15:37:52 +0100, "DL" <com> wrote: