

Excel IT Pro Discussions Forum: Excel 2010 - complicated formulas

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Excel 2010 - complicated formulas


I have a spreadsheet I'm just about happy with, but I need to tweak a formula slightly and I need a bit of help with it. In the cells in column F, the user either types in the Book Band number or if the child has reached above level 30 they are now a Free Reader and they typre Feee Reader into a cell in column F. A Free Reader has the reading age of someone 11y, 6m+.

In column G the formula works out how far ahead, behind or whether they are on target. Here is the formula:

=IF(TRIM(E2)=TRIM(G2),"On target",IF(INT(M2)<>0,INT(M2) & "y, ","") & ROUND(MOD(M2,1)*12,0) & "m" & IF(K2>L2, " behind"," ahead"))

I would like to adjust that formula to show the text in column H of "Way ahead" if a child is a Free Reader (11y, 6m+).

I'd really appreciate your help.


Viv Haig