

Microsoft Word - EQ Field Code Equation Brackets

Microsoft Word - EQ Field Code Equation Brackets

EQ Field Code Equation Brackets

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 11:26 AM PDT

I am trying to produce square brackets using { EQ \bc\[(something) } with no success. I'm guessing I have a syntax mistake. I can achieve self-resizing parenthesis using, for example { EQ \b(something) }, but square brackets [ ] and braces { } are also useful.

I am avoiding the older and newer equation editors as they have not been ideal for all fonts, printer drivers, and Word settings. Most information about the EQ field code has disappeared.

Can text boxes be set to NOT print?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 10:55 AM PDT

We would like to use some form of a text box for providing instructions to users on filling out a document.  In turn, we do not want the instruction boxes to print, yet also allow other text boxes, if any, to print as expected.  Is there any way to prevent specific individual text boxes from printing?

In Excel, text boxes have a setting that allows the user to toggle printing of an object ON or OFF.  In Word is there a similar setting or property that we can toggle ON or OFF?  Or perhaps some other method of displaying overlaid instructions that do not print?

Word 2013 citations are going out of page.

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 10:07 AM PDT


I am writing my dissertation and I am using the IEEE referencing style. But I stumbled on top of a problem once my references became 10+. The numbers in brackets were split on two lines, and if I widen the space for them to be able to fit on a single line, the references themselves go out of the page, and I cannot change the size of the table. Here are screenshots of the two problems.

Any ideas how to fix this?

First instances of a list will not retain applied style.

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 09:55 AM PDT

Happy Friday Word gurus!

My latest Word wonkiness will be best described using the images and descriptions of steps and outcomes below.


i. = List Paragraph Style

ii.,iii.,iv., and v. = List Paragraph 2 Style



Applied List Paragraph 2 Style to the highlighted content to get the left indentation to behave as the subsequent entries in the list; it cooperates, but continues numbering from the list (comprised of List Paragraph 2 Styles) preceding it. 


Selected Restart at i from the menu displayed after right-clicking; the selected content reverted back from the desired List Paragraph 2 Style, to List Paragraph Style. Selecting Set Numbering Value (to i) resulted in the same outcome.

Note: Automatically Update is not ticked in either of the two styles' Modify Style dialog box.

Should all styles that have associated numbering (Headings, List, List Bullet, List Paragraph, List Number, etc.) be set up in the same multilevel list dialog box? That is, should Headings and other numbered styles be mixed within the nine levels available in the same multilevel list? I've been diligent about using that (dreadful) dialog box for Headings, but not so much for other numbered styles.  I'm not sure why this would cause the content to not retain an applied style upon renumbering, but this is Word...

As always, I appreciate any light any of you can shed on this issue. 

Recovering old files

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 09:36 AM PDT

Today I've been writing in a Word 2007 document, and saving regularly as I go, plus the file is supposed to auto backup every ten minutes.

However having just come back to it the document has opened as it was two days ago. This seems very bizarre.

Any ideas? It seems to have deleted two days work. I've checked the back up folder, no version is saved suggesting it hasn't been auto backing up.

Why are files opened in office 365 apps(e.g, Word, Excel, Powerpoint) from any other iOS app show up as read only?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 08:45 AM PDT

Hi There

I'm trying to open a .docx file from within my iOS app into iOS word app on my iPhone. The file opens fine, however it only shows as read only. I believe I don't have a file permissions problem. Does Microsoft has any restrictions on doing so.

p.s.  I've signed up for a free Microsoft developer account using my work email.

Tracked Changes Doesn't Recognize Same User

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 08:41 AM PDT

I'm totally stumped on a tracked changes issue - 

My user uses tracked changes regularly, and he's found that since upgrading to Office 2013 (from 2003, I believe) he is unable to delete his insertions with tracked changes without it applying the strike-through on top of the insertion (underline). Previously, if he had tracked changes on and then inserted text, and then deleted it, it would simply delete the insertion (rather than applying the strike-through). Here are a couple notes:

- He's always logged in as himself on the same computer, so it's not trying to see him as a new user. 

- It DOESN'T happen with things he had inserted that same day. While testing in his documents with tracked changes on, I could insert text and then delete it without that deletion being tracked (the insertion will just delete, not display as a strike-through). However, if he tries to delete an insertion that he had previously added (usually before his last log-out) then it does apply the strike-through. 

This is driving him nuts. Does anyone have any tips?

Thank you!


Typing at the end of a paragraph / sentence and allowing more letters instead of going to the next line.

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 08:33 AM PDT

Prior to Word 2013 I was almost always able to keep typing a few extra letters or even another word at the end of a paragraph or sentence without it going to the next line.  The extra letters were allowed to fit on the line. Now, when I get to the end of a paragraph it immediately goes to the next line instead of allowing sometimes many extra letters or even words before doing so. It's now inflexible and doesn't allow this.

Whether it is set to justify or not it still does this. I am hoping someone knows what I am talking about and can help. I'm guessing there is something you can turn on or off to allow for paragraphs to accept / fit more letters in the sentence instead of not being flexible and allowing more letters. I prepare 8 word documents on average per day every day. PLEASE help or I will suffer from early heart disease with the angst this causes. Thanks!!

Turn Off Live Layout in Word 2013

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 07:56 AM PDT

Every time I am working with screenshots (pictures, etc) in Word 2013 the live layout icon appears.  Whether I want a layout option or not, the window opens.  It's annoying as all get out.  The only solution I have heard is to use Microsoft Office 2010, which is not my idea of a solution.

Here are my questions:

Does anyone know how to turn off or disable this feature?  

Is there a registry key you can change to deactivate it?

Thank you.

Section breaks create extra pages

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 07:23 AM PDT

I'm having huge problems with section breaks. In trying to keep page setup, the gutter specifically, on the right side of the first part of a document, I used section breaks to continue the style. Two things happen:

- continuous section breaks get randomly transformed to Section Brake (Odd Page)

- I get an extra, hidden page to the document, which shows up in printing and when saving as PDF

The latter part is especially problematic since I need to turn in my work as PDF first, and print it later. It also divides the table of contents, which is an issue for obvious reasons.

I looked over a lot of proposed solutions. So far, I tried making all the brakes continuous, but that produced the same results, and I've tried marking them and formatting them as hidden text in Draft view. None of this worked. Is there any way to get rid of those pages?

Formats getting loosed in MS Word 2010 on file reopen

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 06:57 AM PDT



We have a peace of text formatted in italic; on file reopen italic format is loosed. Word version is 2010.

"Automatically Update Document Style" is already unchecked. And the formatting is available if we use WordPad to edit.




I can't sign into my msword of office 365

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 05:14 AM PDT

I have been very unhappy with constant requests of activating my account almost every time I open msword to use. If I don't have the internet connection, I am not able to activate and sign in my account, which means I can't use my office program. What the heck?! Did you make this product only for use with internet connectivity? You didn't explicate this point. If I had known it, I would never had bought this pain in the **** product. 

The only reason I haven't contacted you till now is because I am too busy. But I have to write this question because this **** product doesn't let me sign in that I can't do my work. See the attachments and fix this problem. Holy annoying! 

Would you please let me know any other option? If office 365 continues to ask its users to activate their accounts every time, I don't think I can use it because I need office program when I'm not connected to the internet too. I don't want to have the same situation like today any more. My work deadline is fast approaching but for more than an hour, I have been dealing with this problem. Unbelievable. Did I buy some illegal software from an unknown company? NO! I bought this from Microsoft, **** big name company. What a shame! 

Pending/deleted document on ipad

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 04:37 AM PDT

i tried to save my document on word but when I went back to open it it still says pending to one drive but will not open on word or one drive and says possibly deleted. Can I retrive this document?

different margins for odd and even pages in word

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 12:44 AM PDT

i need different page margins for my ms thesis. I don't want the paper to be printed on both sides since its a thesis report. the requirements are as follows.
the left margin should be 35mm for odd page numbers and 25mm for even page numbers. the right margin should be 35mm for even page numbers and 25mm for odd page numbers.
any help would be appreciated.

The “Pop-Up” Icons That Appear for Functions in WORD 2010.

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 12:19 AM PDT

Dear Whomever:

May someone intelligent be willing and able to explain for me if there is a way in which to turn off the grandly annoying and totally unnecessary "notification Icons" that appear when using WORD 2010?  For example, "Copy" upon the "Paste" of some dialogue/article.  Or the ever popular "flash" ("lightning bolt?") when using the "Tab" function.

Anything constructive will be greatly appreciated.

View Formating in word

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 10:07 PM PDT

Whenever I open word, it opens just fine, however, no matter the type of document, (blank or template), I cannot see the margin on the top nor can I see where the header would be. I have to go into "View" then switch to "Multiple Pages" and back to 100% in order to be able to see my entire document. It is not a zoom issue as it is opening at 100%. Is there a way to make it so I can always see that top inch or so??

Need Help To solve Microsoft Word 2013 Thesaurus function

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 09:17 PM PDT

Hi there, I am using Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013, I am unable to use my Thesaurus function, which means when I type a word in the search box it does not appear anything, And the very bottom of the drop down box it is blank. What can I do?

Section Break

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 08:52 PM PDT

Hi Community,

Having a problem with section break. Trying to add a section break to a page I am on but it applies the break to the previous page. I've applied section breaks before and it's worked smoothly until now.

Appreciate a solution.

Thanks in advance.

Table formatting automation that affects only specific aspects of formatting (not via a macro)?

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 03:33 PM PDT


One of the things I haven't been able to figure out in MS Word, period (never mind which version, too - in _all_ versions of MS Word I've ever used) is to apply a table format that with one push of a button I can get the table to do something like alternate the colouring in rows without affecting anything else.

The table styles are admittedly pretty neat but they rarely cover what one needs as they affect too many aspects of the table's formatting.  Unlike Excel, I haven't found something besides a macro that will _just_ give me automatic alternate row colouring!

Is there a way to do this easily without using a macro?  Every single attempt I've tried over the years to change table styles have failed abysmally as there doesn't seem to be a way to affect just one single attribute, etc., at a time.

No, the table's placement, its borders, the font, font sizing, etc., etc., etc., everything seems to get touched depending on the table style we're talking about.  But it doesn't help to build from scratch, either, as there are always unwanted changes/edits that I've never been able to track down where they come from.  There havent been any good videos to cover this yet, either.

Is there a way to create some sort of automation in Word 2010 that works like table styles to make a global automatic change(s) to a table but affecting only _one_ or more specific aspects of a table's formatting without affecting too many?

Thank you!

Microsoft Word - VBA/Macro for Find Highlighted Words in Current Selection - Please help

Microsoft Word - VBA/Macro for Find Highlighted Words in Current Selection - Please help

VBA/Macro for Find Highlighted Words in Current Selection - Please help

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 01:45 PM PDT


I am trying to create a macro in Word 2007 which enables me to, select a paragraph and using ctrl+f select all the highlighted words in the paragraph.

Usually I would highlight a paragraph,  then press ctrl+f, click on the more options button, select 'highlight' via the format button, and then the click 'find in current selection' button.

I have spend ages trying to create a macro for this, but have had a no luck – although I am a complete novice.

The best I've managed to do is the following VBA code; however this doesn't highlight  al highlighted parts in my current selection, it just uses goes through the whole document, and when I run the macro it just goes onto the next highlighted word.

Sub CurrentSelectionSelectHighlighted()


' CurrentSelectionSelectHighlighted Macro




    Selection.Find.Highlight = True

    With Selection.Find

        .Text = ""

        .Replacement.Text = ""

        .Forward = True

        .Wrap = wdFindAsk

        .Format = True

        .MatchCase = False

        .MatchWholeWord = False

        .MatchDiacritics = False

        .MatchControl = False

        .MatchWildcards = False

        .MatchSoundsLike = False

        .MatchAllWordForms = False

    End With


End Sub

Could someone please help me. I would really appreciate it. I am a university student and I've got exams around the corner and this macro (if possible) would save me a lot of time.

Thank you

selecting for copy paste gone haywire

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 12:37 PM PDT

For some reason when I double click to select a word or click and select a larger number of words it's not working any more as it used to. Sometimes a double click selects a word, sometimes a sentence, sometimes the whole paragraph and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to how to get back to unselection. Nothing useful on Google, I have speeded my click speed up to no avail. It's driving me nuts! Can anyone help?

Tool to Mass Migrate Documents onto a new Company Template

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 12:22 PM PDT

I have around 1500 documents that I would like to extract the text bodies and place on a entirely new document that has new headers and footers. Is there a way to mass migrate this? Is there a software tool to do that?

Macro to convert 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 in text in Microsoft Word

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 11:24 AM PDT

I just saw a question that Doug responded in 2012 and try to implement it. but it does not work for me, I had hopes for it.

Link Archivo Link Documento

Here's the question I'm refering to:

I'm doing a mass conversion of text documents in RTF format available from one company to another company design. During this process I want to keep intigrate the manually written and enumerations files that are in the document are not likely to affect that is the same format, which is in the example and / or attached file is maintained.

currently being used this macro but does not fully comply with the need that is required.

As Paragraph Dim lp
For Each lp In ActiveDocument.ListParagraphs
Next lp

Enumerations can come as follows:

Example 1:
Example 2.

Example 3.
1 TAB Requirement
TAB 1.1 Requirement
TAB 1.2 Requirement
1.2.1 TAB Subrequirement
TAB (a) TAB Subsubrequirement
TAB (b) TAB Subsubrequirement
TAB (i) TAB Subrequirement
TAB (ii) TAB Subrequirement
TAB (A) TAB Subrequirement
TAB (B) TAB Subrequirement
TAB (1) TAB Subrequirement
TAB (2) TAB Subrequirement

Pressing "enter" causes chaos and confusion

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 10:55 AM PDT

I have a completed document I am trying to edit. On page one I have a large paragraph that I would like to split into two, smaller paragraphs. So I put the cursor where I'd like to begin a new paragraph, I press "enter," and instead of starting a new paragraph, all the subsequent text moves to the second page, creating a large empty space on the bottom half of page 1.


How can I fix this?

I experienced speed/performance issues with a Word document in Office 365 - is there a solution?

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 09:49 AM PDT

I have started working with longer, more complex Word documents using Office 365 and am starting to experience significant speed/performance issues. I have these documents stored in OneDrive then open them in Word online. When I go to edit the document, I am asked whether I want to open the document there in Word Online or use the full functionality of Word. I choose the latter option since I prefer having all the features of Word available when I edit. But for whatever reason, when I do that the screen keeps freezing up on me.

This is a 50+ page Word document and I have recently installed some images. But should working with a Word document like that be a problem? I ended up downloading the Word document to the hard drive on my Surface Pro 2 where the speed and functionality were restored immediately, so I know it has something to do with editing the document online.

One solution is to download the document, work offline and then upload it again to OneDrive. But what is the point of Office 365 if it can't handle the editing function in Word without slowing down?

Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated.


Glitch in Word

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 09:44 AM PDT

Sometimes when adding to, or editing, a Word document, I get a message that "Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error".  What causes that, and what can I do about it?

Thank you.

how to find previous version of saved file in word 2013

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 09:39 AM PDT

I saved a file by mistake and I want to get the previous saved version, but when I went to Manage Versions it said that there is no previous version of the file.  I know I saved the file a few times before this time but there is no record of this in word 2013.  Please help.



Posted: 16 Apr 2015 08:16 AM PDT

I would like to print labels in Word 2010.  Can someone please explain:  1.  How do I set it up for a particular sized label?

                                                                                                                   2.   Then how do I actually print the labels?

Please don't laugh!  I'm 75 years old and never did this before. 

Print : MS Word to MS OneNote-one page to one page

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 08:14 AM PDT

Hi all,

i have 100 pages word file.

i want to print it by OneNote.


all hundred pages print in onenote under one page.

I want there should be 100 pages print separate in OneNote too,

how can achieve this.

Ravi Vare

Removing gap in Word 2010 document

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 08:08 AM PDT

I am having problems with a large gap between paragraphs in a Word document, that I cannot remove.

I have posted similar questions before, but the remedies I have tried have not worked - I have tried shrinking paragraph markers down to 1pt and the as far as i can tell the issue does not lie in having "Before" and "After" values set too high under the Page Layout>Paragraph tab.

Yet the problem persists, and there has to be a reason.

Can anyone shed any light on this, please?

Start Inking Office 2013(professional version)

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 06:19 AM PDT

I have installed MS Office 2013. Start Inking is disable and it is not working. I can not use pen set. Can you please tell me why it is not working and what I have to do?

(Ctrl-A followed by F9) is not working for me in Word 2013 when protecting the document

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 04:48 AM PDT

Hi there, I can use many documents in that are already created and protected using the Ctrl-A followed by F9 updates. Everything populates correctly, When I am creating a new document in Word 2013, the Ctrl+A works when the document is not protected, but as soon as I activate the protection it does not do anything. When I right click in each field though, I can update the field with no problems.

In the document where this function works when protected, it does not allow me to Ctrl+A when it is unprotected. I receive a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications alert: "The Unprotected method or property is not available because the document is already unprotected"

Any suggestions?

Problem to have a consistent headline structure

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 03:50 AM PDT


I have a problem with the headline structure.

It works OK up to three levels but then it loses the consistent structure, pls. see below:


And with level four it turs up with



I want a consistent structure and it should have been etc. 

And also the table of content reflect this inconsistency



How to fix?


BR Roffe

Normal.dotm......... yet another newbie with a normal problem!

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 02:47 AM PDT

I am going nuts on this and I have researched but can's resolve.

So.... one day last week, for no apparent reason, any new word document I started had no margins and a tiny text box in which the cursor stayed. I have always used the ms pre-supplied normal template for 99% of all docs throughout my relationship from Word 98 and now to 2013 acquired through Office 365.

I can see the Normal.dotm template under C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates which when clicked generates a document with the following


Font: (Default) +Body, Left, Line spacing:  Multiple 1.08 li, Space After:  6 pt, Widow/Orphan control, Position: Horizontal: Left, Relative to: Column, Vertical:  0 cm, Relative to: Paragraph, No wrapping, Style: Quick Style

but the cursor is in a text box as shown

However, if I open Word and start a new document, I get one based on a normal style as follows:

Font: (Default) +Body (Calibri), Left
    Line spacing:  Multiple 1.08 li, Space
    After:  6 pt, Widow/Orphan control, Position:
    Horizontal: Left
    Relative to: Column
    Vertical:  0 cm
    Relative to: Paragraph, No wrapping, Style: Show in the Styles gallery

but (and I have no idea whether this is significant) all the descriptions above are paginated as shown above AND the cursor is now in a text box right at the very top of the page.

If I try to change, my changes are rejected as the normal.dotm is read-only. Why can't I have my old life please?

Simple instructions please as I am not a techie.

Many thanks


Office 2013 showing distorted text boxes when opened in protected view

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 01:39 AM PDT


I've created a document in Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013. On the first page of the document I have an image and there are few editable text boxes on that image. 

The problem is that the document is working fine but when I email it to somebody via Outlook and they open it in the same version of Word, the document opens in the Protected view and all the text boxes positions change, they become distorted and text written in those text boxes isn't shown properly. As soon, as "Enable editing" is clicked, the document looks fine. But in protected view all the text boxes are distorted.

Please let me know if there is any solution for this.


Word 2013 set the hourglass to display during the running of code

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 12:13 AM PDT

I did find I could 

Dim MyHourglass as wdCursorType

and then I found the variables for wdCursorType: wdCursorWait (hourglass) and wdCursorNormal to resume at the end of the code,

but I just can't figure out how and where to place the commands in my code. 

I can turn off the screenupdating and hide the userform but I would like to display an hourglass as well.

Can anyone assist please?

Dim MyHourglass As WdCursorType
    MyHourglass = wdCursorWait
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Many thanks in advance.

Copy Grammar Check Comments, Word 2013

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 09:02 PM PDT

Is there a way to copy the Grammar Check comments?  I been unsuccessful.  I want to use the past the comments as I correct student papers online.

Save and Send

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 06:23 PM PDT

Ok, yet another Noobish question... Is there anyway that I can change the default save and send settings so that I do not have to click "current page" every time?

While not very economical, the office I have just started working for keeps their contracts in multi-page word documents. For instance... There is an "A Contracts" file and it contains every contract for companies starting with (you guessed it!) the letter A. That is nearly 500 pages and each page is a different contract!

I do not yet feel secure enough in my job to correct this method of storing their contracts, so I must not only print "current page" all the time... but when I want to send a pdf of a contract, I have to remember to convert "current page" as well...

If I could convince them to purchase a Remote print manager so I could send everything I print to a pdf converter and the printer at the same time... I would.

So, I am hoping that there might be a way to set "Current Page" as the default print method and/or the default Save and Send method.

Thanks in advance for putting up with this fiasco.

How do I Customize Office 365 Word

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 03:55 PM PDT

I just bought a Lenovo 3, which came with Office 365, but I can't get Word to function as easily as my work's 2013 version of Word. For example, when I want to add a row into a table, there use to be a + sign insert row tool…can't find it in Office 365. Does anyone know where I can go to customize Word to include this feature?  JPD

Microsoft Word - Part: /word/ document.xml, line:2, column: 0

Microsoft Word - Part: /word/ document.xml, line:2, column: 0

Part: /word/ document.xml, line:2, column: 0

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 02:46 PM PDT

Please help this message keeps appearing every time I try to open my document. Part:/ word/document.xml, line:2, column:0

I tried to figure out how to fix it myself but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated! I really need this document asap!!



Possible to use conditional formatting in a table with merge fields in Microsoft Word 2010?

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 02:35 PM PDT

Hello all,

I am wondering if it is possible to conditionally format merge fields in a table in Microsoft Word 2010. I am creating a Word template for use with Conga Composer within Salesforce. The merge fields will pull data from Salesforce. Basically there is one field called "Status" which has 3 possible values- Approved, Pending, or Denied. I want Approved to be green, pending to be yellow, and denied to be red.

I tried using this thread as a guide but it references numbers and mine would need to reference text values. I couldn't get it to work modeling it after this: 

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Copy/Paste from IE10 (and other browsers) to Word 2013 doesn't capture proper background color.

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 02:05 PM PDT

Hello, I'm having an issue with Word 2013 as it related to copy/paste. When I had the previous version (Word 2010) I was able to make a selection in IE10 and paste it over into Word 2010 perfectly.  After the upgrade the background color isn't properly captured. I've tested this over several machines and the problem persists across all of them. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Why does the bibliography tool in the references tab abbreviate and scramble my sources

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 01:09 PM PDT


I'm trying to create a bibliography. When I do so, a source that looks like this in the sources pop up 

[1] X. Li, Y. J. Kim, and N. Y. Park, "A Low PAPR WLED Communication System Using SC-FDMA Techniques," in 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2011.

is displayed as this in the bibliography section

[1] Y. J. K. a. N. Y. P. X. Li, "A Low PAPR WLED Communication System Using SC-FDMA Techniques," in 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2011.

How can I make the authors' names display correctly in the bibliography section?

I am using the IEEE style for the citations.

Thank you,

Jeff White

Feature request: allow local and network folders to be added to Office 2013 Backstage View page

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 11:07 AM PDT

I believe this has been asked numerous times before, but I will add to the chorus:

PLEASE modify the Office 2013 applications to easily let users add/remove local and network folders from the BackStage View page.

For example, here is a BackStage View page:

PLEASE make it so we can add/remove local and network folders from this page.

For example:

This feature would be VERY, VERY, EXTREMELY HELPFUL for Office 2013 users in my company!

Automatically copy as plain text in Word

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 10:38 AM PDT


I am taking a JavaScript class and my teacher often has assignments that require copying code out of Word and pasting into a code editor such as JSFiddle. However, the code seems to gain some invisible illegal characters when pasting directly from Word that makes the code fail to run. A workaround I have been using is to paste the text into Notepad and then copy it again, and then pasting it again into JSFiddle. This works, but I was wondering if there is a way to set Word to automatically copy all text as plain text. Is this possible?


How to update the Microsoft tools license in ASUS X200CA laptop as it not working anymore for free

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 10:28 AM PDT

Hello Everyone,

Lately I have not been able to use any of the Microsoft Product on my laptop.

I updated the laptop to Windows 8.1 , I am getting error each time if I try to edit the document.

What is the solution for this? Do I need to buy the product and renew it each and month.

There are no ways of using it for free?

Thanks and Regards,

Shriraam B

Equations Tab is Not working

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 09:10 AM PDT


I purchased office 365 personal edition, i am unable to access the equation tab, can u help with my problem. I need is very immediately . 

MS Word document commands goes up the document or changes document format up the document when the document "all" is not selected.

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 08:45 AM PDT

MS word document commands goes up the document not the point where the command is started.

Example:  Highlight a single line and change text font color to blue.  All the text going above that

command changes to blue.  I have to undo that step then the line that was previously selected

change to blue text.  Then continue sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.

Example:  I indent a set of lines after selection (highlight) with mouse.  All the lines of the document

indent when the whole document was not selected.

Comments:  I'm not sure if I mistakenly have embedded a command somewhere on the document.

I tend to cut/past section and formats from other documents rather starting from scratch.

I thought from the very beginning of document type of applications a command does not go

up a document but format changes only occur at the point of where the format change is

started and end where the format change is ended.  It never goes up the document unless

the whole document is selected for the format change.

Question, what is happening and how do I turn it off? 


How can I insert the recipient file name into a merge document in Word?

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 08:14 AM PDT

I've created a merge document and I want to add the recipient file name (my excel data) to the merge document.  

Normal style automatically changes spacing settings after style pane options change

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 08:02 AM PDT

Weird issue encountered in tweaking the style for my document.

In the "Sytles" pane, after I click on the "Options" command, and switch on showing paragraph level formatting as styles, the Normal style is automatically set to have 89.9pt of space after a paragraph. I have to reset the Normal style to cancel the pargraph space.

I am using Word 2010 64bit student edition (professional plus for non-commercial purposes). Originally the product was installed in Simplified Chinese, I have downloaded English and French language packs. UI elements are displayed in English, screen tips in French, editing language kept using Simplified Chinese.

Any idea on why the Normal style is automatically changed after Style Pane Option switch?

Microsoft Office apps stop working when closed in Windows 8.1

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:33 AM PDT

This issue has already been solved but the solution found in is given but it doesn't actually say how to do it. I need to change my NVIDIA driver NVWGF2UM.DLL to NVWGF2UM.old and if anyone could give me a step by step walkthrough on how to do this that would be great.

AutoCorrect dialog set specific template to look in

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 02:08 AM PDT

Hi Experts

Several of my colleagues are still using the legacy AutoCorrect dialog to insert Auto Text Entries/QuickParts in Word 2013. Back in Word 2007 it was possible to set which template to look into once and for all. In Word 2013 it seems that the settings gets back to default when starting Word.

Any ideas on how to set the template to look in instead of "All active templates"?

How do I change the default number format that appears on the table of contents?

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 01:56 AM PDT

I seem to be stuck there. I want to change the roman numerals to the 123 format. My page numbers are correct (already on the 123 format) but the actual table of contents still show the 123 format even when updated. Please help.

microsoft word file cant delete,move,rename, nor open

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 07:12 PM PDT

Hi i have a microsoft word file that i cant delete,rename,move or found in cmd but appears in my documents its a file that has a very long name that the ".docx" doesnt appear anymore i tried to rename it but i cant nor see it properties  please help 

PDF documents opening in Word

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 06:47 PM PDT


I am having an issue with PDF documents opening in Word. I know this is a so called "feature" however I find it incredibly irritating. When I receive a PDF document in an email or online, it pops up with a screen saying "word will now convert your PDF into an editable word document. This may take a while." at the bottom of the message there is no "no" button, just OK, cancel or help. When opening reports or certificates everything is formatted incorrectly and in the wrong place. My question is:

Is there a way to change the default setting so that PDF documents open in a PDF viewer (Adobe reader for example)? Im sure there is a fantastic hidden benefit in having it in Word, however I am more than happy to stick with PDF documents opening as PDF files.

Thankyou in advance :)

Autocorrect (specifically formatted) keeps getting lost Word 2013

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 06:42 PM PDT

Word 2013 I've used autocorrect for a while now successfully. Never an issue. 

Suddenly one day all of my autocorrect entries that I customized (only formatted ones) suddenly DISAPPEARED! Not sure if this is pertinent but I was away from my computer for 2 weeks. 

Please note I've been working on the same computer, same version of word, no changes made in how i save documents, I'm flabbergasted and frustrated. PLEASE HELP me recover them! 

Can't Edit DocX Files in Word for iPad

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 06:21 PM PDT

I'm trying to open  DocX files saved to my Dropbox. Word on my iPad opens them but tells me "To edit a copy of this file, covert it to the latest format" and there is a Convert and Edit button. If I try to type anyway, I get a popup message that that says "This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked." 

I don't want to make a copy of the files - I want to edit the originals and have it saved back to my Dropbox folder. Any insights or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Find one thing and Replace another

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 06:10 PM PDT

So I want to find white spaces in a text, but only in a certain environment. I have a list of Arabic words and their English translations next to them. What I want is to be able to replace the spaces in between the Arabic words with a Tab, but keep the spaces that are in between two English words as spaces.

I thought of using wildcards and typing the following in the Find box: [ا-ي][ ][a-z]

But if I replace that with a Tab character, or any character, it gets rid of the Arabic and English letters as well.

Is there a way to find those spaces, and only replace the space, and not the surrounding characters?

Here is a sample of the word list if you need it:

التّاريخ History

هَلَّق Now

مَبروك Congratulations!

اللّٰه يبارِك فيك Response to Congratulations

And the range of Arabic letters can be defined as [ا-ي]

Thanks very much!

Finally getting XE's out of the text

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 03:56 PM PDT

I have long been annoyed that Word puts XE's inline with the text, with the result that displaying them vs. not displaying them results in drastic changes of the pages and line wraps. Also, if you create an index or TOC with Show enabled, the  index and TOC will be wrong. Further, going from seeing a problem in the index itself to the guilty XE is not easy.

The Basic Idea

But I finally found a good way to dissociate them from the text, such that display/not display has no effect on page layout or wrapping. The secret is to insert a rectangular Shape on each page where one or more XE fields are to go. Put the XE's inside the rectangle and, if you wish, size it to fit. The index will accurately show which page the Shape and its XE's are on. The Shapes do not affect page layout or pagination. If the page is modified so that the Shape moves to the next page (etc.), the index will correctly indicate that. Shapes can be hidden or made visible, so they should be hidden before printing.

Limitations of this method:

1. Multi-page index entries do not work with this method, so they must be handled the ordinary way. Since there will be relatively few of them, they can usually be placed not to change the pagination. They can be put anywhere in the document, and if necessary, given a very small point size.

2. So far as I know there is no way to hide the Shapes for the whole document in one step. For a long document, hiding them all would be inconvenient. One way to handle this problem is to hide each Shape as it is created with its XE's in place: normally no Shapes or XE's are to be displayed with this method. The only reason to display them is if examining the index itself shows a problem. Then just Go To that page, do Show All in the Selection Pane, and fix the problem.

How to block "Apps" from appearing in "Insert" ribbon for all users with install package

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 03:17 PM PDT

We are deploying Office 2013 out to our company users via an Altiris package. We would like to remove the "Apps" section from the "Insert" ribbon and to block all users from installing or apps in their installation of Word. Does anyone know how we can do this?

It seems that after the install, we could go in and hide those icons from the ribbon, but users could still be able to add them back in. We don't want anyone using these apps.

Thanks so much,

Daniel Borson

Business Analyst

Eugene Water & Electric Board

Microsoft Word Deleting or Changing Contents of Document When Entering Print Preview

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 03:10 PM PDT

Using Word 2013 on Windows 8. 

When I enter print preview from my document entire paragraphs are removed. 

The following text is what is replaced.

Beamforming is one method of signal processing that is very useful in sonar applications. Beamforming is often likened to a spatial filter with the ability to alter the incoming signal based on the direction of interest [30,31,32]. Beams are formed by combing the received data from a number of transducers in order to get a clearer picture of what the received signal looks like. 
Beamforming algorithms are categorized as either fixed or adaptive [33]. These terms refer to the how the signals from the various transducers are combined. In both approaches each transducer is given a weight that represents how much the signal from that transducer contributes to the overall signal.
 In fixed beamforming the weights are set prior to any processing and are independent of any received data. These weights will be based primarily on the geometry of the array and the steering vector. 
In adaptive beamforming the weights are dependent on the received data. There a numerous procedures for determining these weights such as sample matrix inversion (SMI) or the least mean square (LMS) algorithm [33,34]. These methods are all an attempt to adapt to the environment with the aim of reducing noise and therefore make the received signal clearer. Like in a fixed beamformer the weights of an adaptive beamforming technique will have a contribution from the array geometry.
Beamforming can be done in either the time domain or the frequency domain using similar techniques. The choice of domain will limit the number of applicable beamforming techniques available. 

This entire informative section ends up being replaced by nonsense which appears to be the first word from each paragraph (Beamforming , Beamforming , In , In , Beamforming) . 

I have Word 2010 installed also so I checked the preview in it and while it isn't exactly what was expected it at least doesn't replace the text.  Is there anything that could cause this?

I tried copying the text over to notepad to get rid of any formatting and copying it back into the document without avail.

Using open and repair also does not seem to make an appreciable difference.