

Exchange 2007 SPF - sender ID - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2007 SPF - sender ID - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2007 SPF - sender ID

Posted: 18 Sep 2008 06:43 AM PDT

If Exchange is not the first host to process the email, you need to
configure the internal IP list at:

Organization Configuration | Hub Transport | Global Settings | Transport
Settings <properties> | Message Delivery

Here you put the IPs of any hosts handling emails before Exchange.

Alexander Zammit
WinDeveloper Software
IMF Tune - Enable the Exchange 2003 IMF/Exchange 2007 Content Filter to
unleash its full power.

"Miha" <si> wrote in message

Cannot uninstall ESM 2003

Posted: 17 Sep 2008 09:47 AM PDT

Have you tried running setup.exe from the Exchange 2003 CD?
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"Paul Saleh" <> wrote in message

Outlook calendar appointments Issue

Posted: 17 Sep 2008 09:35 AM PDT

Hello Ian,

Thanks for your post and Lanwench's input.

Besides, please try to delete the ost file from c:\doents and
settings\user\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook. When you
open Outlook next time, it will try to sync with Exchange Server and then
generate a new ost file there.

Note: It may take long time to sync with Exchange Server if you have a lot
of email.

Meanwhile, you may also create a new Outlook profile for user B and C to
test again.

How to create a new e-mail profile in Outlook 2007 and in Outlook 2003

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Robbin Meng(MSFT)

Mail Redelivered

Posted: 16 Sep 2008 12:35 PM PDT

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

I do not have a file level AV currently installed.

Cannot see Resource Schedule (sometimes)

Posted: 16 Sep 2008 07:30 AM PDT

On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:30:07 -0400, "Andrew" <com> wrote:

Logging on with the Outlook client generated it.
Or , you could have simply sent a test meeting to the room.


Exchange 2k7 SMTP relay

Posted: 16 Sep 2008 07:07 AM PDT

Are you saying you can't find the place or are you saying that you
have found the place but there aren't any connectors there?
If it's the latter you can just create the connector although I'd be
interested to know why there aren't two connectors there.

Did you have problems, failures or anything when you installed the

Exchange 2007 Version

Posted: 16 Sep 2008 06:17 AM PDT

Thanks Wayne, I should have looked a little closer!

"Wayne Hollomby" wrote:

Changing Exchange 2007 message size doesn't work

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 12:57 PM PDT

Strange, it started working during the night :-) Maybe Exchange needs some
time to get it :-)
"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

Memory usage

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 08:51 AM PDT

Have a look at this


"Adam Pfeifer" <> wrote in message

Strange "The e-mail account does not exist at the organization thismessage was sent to..."

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 06:42 AM PDT

Or is someone's account configured with Jane Doe's as a delegate or
alternate recipient?
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

Best Place to register a domain (ISP Independent)

Posted: 14 Sep 2008 06:04 AM PDT

create_share <> wrote: 

You're most welcome.

Mailbox Search

Posted: 12 Sep 2008 01:30 PM PDT

I'm looking for a solution for Exchange Server 2003. The feature would be
used to emails based on subject headers and specific keywords if possible.

"Bharat Suneja [MSFT]" wrote:

Exchange RAID Setup

Posted: 12 Sep 2008 11:56 AM PDT

But it might be good enough. It's hard to say without knowing how many
users the server will host and what kind of hardware will be used.
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"John Fullbright" <fjohn@donotspamnetappdotcom> wrote in message

Export Mailbox to PST

Posted: 12 Sep 2008 07:23 AM PDT

Like I said, don't do that.
If you have Exchange 2007, use the Export-Mailbox command.

"Jasper Recto" <com> wrote in message

adding redundancy to Exchange

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 05:17 PM PDT

Thanks, Ed. You summed it up really well. I'm going with the cold backup that
I'll fire up when needed and will have a backup that won't be more that 4
hours old (incremental shadow copies done 4X a day).

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange service accounts run under the "Local System" account by default?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 03:20 PM PDT

Thank you for the advice.

OWA Access (Exchange 2007)

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 01:40 PM PDT

John F. makes a good point, are using host headers?

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2008
Microsoft Certified Partner

"Ashpoint" <> wrote in message

Maintaining a disaster standby

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 01:08 PM PDT

Glad to help.

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2008
Microsoft Certified Partner

"mrecomm101" <> wrote in message

When you install Exchange 2003, how come it installs Microsoft Search?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 11:26 AM PDT

Ha! Don't believe the hype.

"Spin" <com> wrote in message 

Incoming messages problem

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 09:16 AM PDT

Thanks for the reply ED. It turns out that the spam filtering software was
configured to Spool automatically if the mail server blinked. Problem with
this was that it wasn't configured to Unspool when the mail server came back
up. So last weekend everyone stopped getting mail and they didn't notice
until Wednesday - pretty funny if you think about it. : ) Thanks again.

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Problem accessing an Exchange Server instance

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 07:08 AM PDT

You could clone a domain controller and build an off-network of your
production AD and install Exchange using the /DisasterRecovery switch, then
restore the database. You can copy the messages in question using Outlook
to a PST and transport that to the production network.
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

<de> wrote in message 

Unable to relay when using Exchange 2007 as SMTP server

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 03:36 AM PDT

Go to the Exchange Management Console> Go to Server Configuation> Select Hub
Transprort. Create a New Recieve Connector. Create a new connector, Make
sure the remote IP range you add contains the IP of the server that host your
internal application. Go to the properties of the connector you created and
go to the Authenication tab. Select Externally Secured. This should do the
trick. :-)

Juan B. Giusti [MCTS]

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Disable pop and imap accounts for all users

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 03:10 AM PDT

oh, 2 bits.

much more elegant.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Edge Transport Queing mail

Posted: 10 Sep 2008 05:20 PM PDT

Yeah, I've looked at that, as you can see from my original post, the
Test-EdgeSynchronization works OK.

The only thing I can figure, is that when it first went down, my guy through
it was a certificate problem, so he generated a new certificate. Which I
think is what caused this descrepancy.

I'm back up and running by restoring the edge Transport server from the
previous day, but I've got 150 e-mails in the queue of the "broken" transport
server that look to be something other than spam (weird, I know).

So I need to try to bring it online today, to at least get those mail
messages off of it. My plan is to empty all the queues, shutdown the restored
copy, bring up the broken one, and try to re-subscribe using these steps:

I've searched through much of KBs and Technet... my biggest fear at this
point is that everything is working, and by trying to get these messages I
may break what I ahve working...

"Wayne Hollomby" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Image displays as a box after pasting it from a web page

Microsoft Word - Image displays as a box after pasting it from a web page

Image displays as a box after pasting it from a web page

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 02:34 PM PST

Split from this thread.

I copied a web page text and image into MS Word 2013.

Text is displayed but the image is just a box.

MS Word 2013 options are set as:

"Picture placeholders" is NOT checked,

 "Show drawings and text boxes on screen" is checked

What else could be causing the issue?

HTM/HTML Size Change after Word Document Save As using Different Computers

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 12:24 PM PST

I maintain a web site and use MS Word to create the HTM/HTML files. I've always used a desktop to first create the word documents and the web pages appeared correctly. After beginning to use my Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro (3200 x 1800 Display), the images on the web pages from saving the exact same Word document as a web page using the Yoga are much larger than those saved on my Dell desktop. Does anyone know any settings that can be changed to avoid this problem?

how do i use MOVE when using TRACK CHANGES in WORD

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 11:25 AM PST

When i move one sentence from page 1 to page 2 under TRACK CHANGES, instead of showing "moved", it showed "deleted" and "inserted". How do I let it show "moved"??

Merge field in Excel is displayed as 12:00:00 A.M.

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 10:54 AM PST

My data source in Excel has 3 different cells, all of which contain mixed data (i.e. if, date, concatenate functions in combination with text).  The setting for all 3 fields are exactly the same, and the cells display the information correctly within Excel.  However, when I merge the info to Word, the info contained in the first cell merges over correctly, but the 2nd and 3rd cells display "12:00:00 A.M" even though they are not blank cells.  How can I fix this?  Again, all 3 cells have mixed data (if, date, concatenate functions in combination with text).  TIA.

Mail Merge need to Round Up not to nearest

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 09:40 AM PST

Is it possible to make any number that is not whole round UP to the next value. Using the switch\#0 only rounds it to the nearest number.

For example {196/12\#0} is giving me 16 and I need it to show 17

Full Page Graphic and Uncooperative Text Wrapping

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 09:40 AM PST

Hi All,

I'm putting together a document that has full page graphic sections. I'm trying to set it up so it'll be like this:

Page 1
This page has text for the whole page, and when it gets to the end it breaks-

Page 2
[All one big graphic e.g. just a big rectangle, and there is no text on the page at all]

Page 3
-and then the last sentence from page 1 continues here, and text continues normally.

PROBLEM IS, Word 2007 appears to demand that every page has a least one line of text. For example, if I set up a small text box on a page with text wrapping, the text starts above it the box, breaks, and continues after; if you make the box bigger, more and more text will leave the page, until there is only one line of text on the page, and it will -never- go away, even if it means overlapping your unoverlappable graphic.

Any help solving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.

How to make Drop Cap Point Size Consistent

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 08:42 AM PST

In implementing drop cap in Word 2010, I've found that a "W" is at a point size of 41.5 while a "B" (and all other letters) is at a point size of 33.5.   I specified the drop caps to be 2 lines.  The body font size is 11-points.  The font I'm using is Plantagenet Cherokee.  I have line spacing at Multiple 1.05 lines.

Because the "W" is at a greater point size, it is ignoring the 2 lines specified and is actually 3 lines.

How do I fix?



Windows 8.1 crash?

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 07:17 AM PST


i'm not sure if this is a windows problem or a microsoft word problem. sometimes any microsoft programs i'm running (e.g word, powerpoint) exit and the task bar at the bottom of my screen goes and i'm left with a blank screen with the colour i chose as my theme colour. if i open my task manager and view programs  running, chrome, spotify e.t.c are still running. any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance,


P.S i scanned my computer it's not a virus

Edit: i scanned my computer it's not a virus re scan has shown i had malware, i think this might fix it but please keep suggesting any fixes just in case :)

Word 2010 printing the address twice side by side on the envelope

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 06:26 AM PST

Problem is new.  After I type a letter and select the envelope option the envelope has the address twice side by side on the envelope.

Save As Error Message 'There are no more files'

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 05:48 AM PST

I am trying to save a Word 2010 document but keep getting a Save As Error Message 'There are no more files'.

I have troubleshooted online and the only thing I came accross to do was to go into Word save options and make sure and set 'Save files in this format: Word Document (*,docx). However, I am still getting the same Save As error message.

I have tried other Microsoft applications and the same message appears when saving excel and other applications

Thank you for any help

How to copy from WORD (2013) without the formatting

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 05:43 AM PST


I need to copy FROM Word (2013) to another application  (Reference Manager).  This application has NO "Paste text only" option and "Ctrl/Shift V" does not work.  The trouble is that when I do a simple "Paste" or "Ctrl/V", the clipboard delivers not only the text but additional characters related to the formating.  

Here is an example:  The WORD document contains the string "123".  If I make a copy and paste it into my application, here is what I get:


This happens only if copying from WORD, but not from PowerPoint or Excel.

How do I make "Copy" to only copy the text, not the formatting ?

Windows 7 Microsoft Office Starter 2010 Click to Run

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 05:36 AM PST

Can anyone help me with my problem?

I purchased my computer from Dell with Windows pre-installed. I then started experiencing problems with Word and Excel and can't access them because of Click to Run configuration failure. I have looked on several forums and visited Microsoft Support and have tried to uninstall Click-to-Run/Office through the Control Panel. This doesn't work and keeps coming up with error messages saying to try again. I have also tried to uninstall by going through Accessories to Installer. Again it doesn't work. I also tried doing a repair on Click-to-Run which seems to work but it didnt have any effect on the problem at hand.

I have tried all of the FixIt options I have come across and tried to reinstall using the Product Key which doesn't work (I have checked and re-checked it a dozen times).

I have the original Operating System disk that came with the computer and I did do a full back up and then re-installed but this hasn't helped.

My last attempt was to try to again uninstall Click-to-Run and then try to switch to an MSI Based Office edition. Nothing seems to work.

Basically I can't access Word of Excel at all.

There is a disk drive called Microsoft Office Click-to-Run 2010 (Protected) (Q:) which seems to be empty/won't let me do anything with it but from what I've read on the forums I should just ignore this.

I am a complete techno-phobe and have tried to follow the various step by step instructions posted on the forums but none of the instructions tell me what I should do when the "fixes" don't work. I really do need an "idiot's guide". Is anyone able to help please?



Microsoft Word 2007 crashes

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 01:48 AM PST


Iam using microsoft office 2007 on windows 8.1. Every thing was going on perfectly but yesterday my WORD started crashing. When ever i try to open it it says "there was a problem while sending command o the program". I have used fix it many times and what happens that RESOLVING PROBLEM keep on going on and on and on and never ends. 

note: Other apps of office 2007 are working perfectly except word 2007

Kindly please solute this issue as soon as possibe

[Moderator note: Changed title from "Microsoft word 2007"]

Insert/Imbed Youtube video (or any video) into Word 2010 Starter

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 10:55 PM PST

I am trying to insert a Youtube video into Word 2010 Starter. I don't have Powerpoint. Is there a simple way to do this?

How do make word 2013 print go directly to the print properties dialog box

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 10:40 PM PST

In Word 2007, when I would hit the PRINTER icon in the toolbar, it would take me directly to the printer's Print Properties. Now in Word 2013 (365), when I click on the PRINTER icon (or go through FILE/PRINT), it brings up a whole new page, and then I also have to click on the Print Properties, which now makes an extra step. Is there a way to bring the printer dialog box up directly into the printer's print properties dialog box? 

How do I find out what version update of Word 2013 and Outlook 2013 (Office 365)

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 09:46 PM PST

How do I find out what version update of Word 2013 and Outlook 2013 (Office 365) since there is no longer a help menu and no longer the "Resource Option" in "Options" section of these 2 programs?

printer HP Deskjet 1320

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 02:21 PM PST

printing only blank pages from a Word Doc, but did print a test page when instructed to do so by HP Solutions.  Printed from 2 other sources today, but only blank pages when trying a created Word Doc.

1 hour later:  HP 1320 will print Excel docs, but none of my Word Docs; tried some, other than the one that I had previously tried to print.

Microsoft Word - Tabs in Word 2013

Microsoft Word - Tabs in Word 2013

Tabs in Word 2013

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 02:58 PM PST

I want to set tabs to have a leader with periods.  I went to Page Layout > Paragraph > Tabs and selected leader #2, then OK.  However, when I use a tab the leader does not appear.  What am I missing?

Why are my text align icons dimmed and not working?

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 02:47 PM PST

Why are my text align icons dimmed and not working? The only thing I can remember changing is disabling the NaturallySpeaking 12.5 voice recognition add-on. I enabled the add-on again, but I still have the same dimmed problem.

HP ENVY 17T  i7 4710 processor)     12 ram and four -

(Product #: 2R69AV)

Windows 8.1  64-bit

  1. 3C14 Cycle AV – HP Data Pass 250 MB of free WiFi anywhere   free with 4G lite - the minute you open the box and register automatically register or HP Data Pass
  2. GT 740M Graphics
  3. 12GB DDR3L System Memory (2 Dimm)
  4. 1TB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
  5. 4th generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ Quad Core Processor
  6. Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
  7. 3.0 USB ports
  8. 4-cell 48WHr Lithium-ion Battery 
  9. Intel 802.11AC WLAN and Bluetooth(R) [1x1] 
  10. HP TrueVision HD Webcam with Dual Digital Microphone 
  11. 17.3-inch diagonal Full Touchscreen 
  12. HD WLED-backlit Display (1920x1080)
  13. Backlit Keyboard with Fingerprint Reader
  14. Win 8.1 64
  15. SuperMulti DVD burner 
  16. HP delivers the Envy 17 with a 2 year limited manufacturer's warranty.

Unable to print PDF documents from Word

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 02:35 PM PST

Split from this thread.

When I try to print documents word always wants to reconfigure. Is there anyway to shut off feature so I can just print documents in pdf form as is. Never had this problem before Microsoft 2013.

Randomization of question numbers

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 01:21 PM PST


i have made a question paper for my students and i want to randomize the question numbers but i don't know how to do it.

for example there are ten questions in the paper and i want to change their serial numbers randomly. i want to do this because  i want every student get a paper with different serial numbers of questions. anybody can tel ? i'll be thankful

How do I show the identification of a bookmark when setting up a form?

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 11:37 AM PST

I have created a form with three text boxes (Fname, Lname, Address).  Everything works.

However then I look at the form before the text box is used to fill in the bookmarks,
all I see is the three brackets representing where the information is to be.

Is there any way to show which bracket belongs to which text box without going through a

mouse and menu calisthenic workout?

Word app for iPad - having problem opening it

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 11:01 AM PST

I am having a similar problem with my Word app on my iPad which no loner opens.  I tap it an it blinks open but closes immediately.  I'd like to try the Reset, but am fearful that all my documents on that app will be deleted. And stupidly I did not back them up anywhere else.  Will they be saved in the on-line Word app?

Create fillable data collection form linked to a database that auto completes in header & footer section across multiple pages in Word 2010

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 09:19 AM PST


I have been tasked with creating the fill-able form as described up above. It's for a machine shop. My boss has asked me to create a opening dialog box with 10

fields: 1.Part# - linked to database

          2.Rev# -  linked to database

          3.Metal - Drop down list

          4.Machine Drop down list

          5.Part Name - linked to database

          6.Date picker

          7.Date picker

          8.Programmer - Drop list

          9. Milled by - Drop list

        10.Ext    - Drop list

When the worker has completed the form they will click a button on the page and it will autofill a total of 10 forms created in word. The first page (Header and footer) with all info & pages 2 -10 will just be the footer with items 8,10,1,2,. 

Thank you all in advance 

My Specs

Win 7 Enterprise sp1

Microsoft Office  2010

SQL Server 2008R2

Visual Studio 2012


Posted: 20 Feb 2015 07:24 AM PST

I'm using word 2007. Today I couldn't open my docx file. I got this message in the detail: the name in the end tag of element must match the element type in the start tag. Location: Part:/word/document.xml, line:2, column: 95345. Can somebody help me? thanks.

Blogging error for upload URL

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 06:45 AM PST

Hi guys,

I'm trying to post my word document to my blogger account. I have used my googlemail email address but on picture options i need to register an upload URL. I have a Flickr account so what do i type in there? and also my source URL?

Thanks guys

Diplay all fields in bibliography?

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 06:06 AM PST

When I chose to give information about the source "Report" not all fields are displayed in the bibliography? I have noticed that the fields with red star (red asterisk) in front of are the only ones to be displayed, how do I display all?

I'm attaching two pictures to make the problem more clear.

(The Word interface is in Swedish if anyone wonders)

Thanks in advance for any help,


word 2013 not openining .ppt files

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 02:37 AM PST

tried opening ppt files from lieracy programme just got page full of code. tried troubleshoot compatability & changed settings to run on xp service pack 3. now just getting message saying Word has run into a problem which prevents it from running correctly & it needs to close. Do you want it repaired. click on yes give it a few minutes then tried to open again but get same results. Just goes straight to open these files cannot change to another programme to see if that will work

how to deal with irregular line distances in mixed english-chinese text

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 02:19 AM PST

I am using 8 point Arial English text and Chinese traditional with 8 point Mingliu font and simplified text with 8 point Songti font in one document. Lines with both English and Chinese have a slightly larger line distance than lines with only English, giving the whole document a very irregular structure. Does anybody know how to get these different fonts to use the same line distance?

Restricting PrintDate to specific pages only ...

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 11:02 PM PST

Hi all,

I have a very large document, broken up into sections, containing a footer with a Last printed on: [PrintDate] Quick Parts field.

So far so good, except that each section is treated as a single document to the extent that when I print it I want the date to change the date only in the section I have printed.

I've tried everything I can think of. I can't find any switches that will do the job, I've tried removing "Link to previous" in each section's footer. All to no avail.

I'm sure there's an answer out there, just can't find it without your help!

Grateful thanks in advance.

Sharon R.

limit on text property length in microsoft word 2010

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 10:14 PM PST


Is there a limit on custom text proprety length in microsoft word 2010 

Create a custom property of type "Text"

File -> Info -> properties -> advanced properties -> custom -> (create a custom property of type "Text")

I have observed that it takes maximum of 255 characters. 

Is there a way to increase this limit from 255 to some higher number.

Thank You,


Adding rows to a table, with calculations

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 09:31 PM PST

I have a locked form with a table with seven columns in it.  I need to be able to add rows to the table as needed.  To do this I used Graham Mayor's "Alternative method of adding a row to a protected table" macro from and it works beautifully.

BUT .........

I now need to calculate column B multiplied by column C and the answer sits in column D as well as column C multiplied by column E and the answer to that sits in column F and this is to continue for every row that is added.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

capital A loses its horizontal line

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 08:21 PM PST

Suddenly capital A loses its horizontal  line in Times Roman in font 12 and several other even sizes (but not all and not odd sizes and not other fonts). It works in OpenOffice (Libre) and Notepad but not in Word, Excel (both version 2000) or Edit Pad Lite. Can someone figure out why?

How do I merge data from one file into another (not insert text)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 05:56 PM PST

Let's say I have created a letterhead and need to insert it in many merge documents.  The partner list is on the letterhead, but it is constantly changing.  I'd like the partner list to be a separate document and am looking for a command to insert the partner list into all the merge documents I create.  That way, when the partner list changes, I only have to edit ONE document and the future merges will reflect the updated partner list.  I looked in the Field menu, where I suspect there is a command to insert a text file or other Word document, but it's not obvious to me where this is, so perhaps someone can enlighten me.


Word 13: Series of astrisks caused a dotted line to appear.

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 04:47 PM PST

I was working on my latest novel and I use ************ to denote a passing or changing of time in a paragraph. When I reinstalled Office 13, I'd forgotten to turn off the conversion.

So now I have a series of dashes across the entire width of my page and cannot get rid of them.

I tried using the ctrl+Q, but lost me formatting and didn't remove the  dashes. So I closed and didn't save to maintain the formatting (17 chapters in I don't want to have to reformat the book)

So does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of these dashes that run the width of the page?


Microsoft Word - Word not working

Microsoft Word - Word not working

Word not working

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 03:13 PM PST

I am not sure what i have done, but i am no longer able to open a word document either new of existing unless on the internet. There is now a blue and yellow shield on four of my icons on my desk top. Please help me. 

How to CONFIRM I want a Word doc deleted

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 02:57 PM PST

When I rename a Word doc I sometimes accidentally hit "delete" instead of "rename."

In my old Word program it would ask me if I was sure I wanted to delete  the document...but not this one, it just DELETES IT! So I have to go into the recycle bin to restore.

Is there any way to set it up so it lets me confirm I really want it deleted before automatically trashing it?


2013 Word will NOT print envelopes correctly!

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 02:29 PM PST

 Hi, I am just at my wits end!

Word 2013 will not print my envelopes as they show in Word 2013.  I set up the envelope to print the delivery address.  No need for a return address.  The envelope looks great on the screen, when you print preview - it looks great as well.  Sometimes, you will hit print button and nothing happens.  If you hit the quick print button, the envelope will print, but prints the delivery address at the top of the envelope.  NOT where the return address goes, but randomly about 2 inches in from the left and literally right at the top of the envelope.

PLEASE HELP!  I have a Lexmark 543dn printer.  The printer works in every other way and used to work FINE when I had windows explorer, but since WORD 2013 has been installed, it WILL NOT PRINT!  HELP!!!!  


Word doc's not readable

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 12:53 PM PST

Why do all of my documents open with just a bunch of symbols and isn't readable?

Word 2010 Page of Pages

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 12:51 PM PST

Hi all. There are many instructions on how to start new pages using sections, however, I am unable to find any info regarding modifying the "Pages" part or the {NumPages}.

For example, lets say we have a document with 90 pages (including title and TOC). Now, there's 1 page for title and 7 pages for TOC making 8 non-body pages.

Ok so it's easy enough to have the TOC page numbers in roman numerals and the first page of the rest of the body of text starting at 1. One Section BTW.

However, when one gets to the end of the document, it reads Page 82 of 90, which really doesnt make any sense and throws off anyone reading it when you get to the end of the document, you think you've lost eight pages!! Other than adding it manually, what I want is {NumPages}/Pages, or whatever it takes, to display the number of pages for that last page as Page 82 of 82 NOT Page 82 of 90.

Just a bit more intuitive I'd think.

Anyone know if this is possible or is it another one of those Microsoft GOTCHAs?


Macros and Tables in Word

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 12:50 PM PST

I am trying to update an old technical manual in Word 2013.  Each page contains a table with three boxes (2 columns, 2 rows, 2nd row merged).  I am trying to utilize a macro to automatically set new column and row sizes.  I have been messing around with Macros and have attempted simply deleting the bottom row (merged) and then running a specified column width macro but there must be a way to combine them and only cycle through once.  Or even better, to NOT have to delete the 2nd row (and lose the data that is in the merged cell).   

the macro is; 

Sub SetColumnWidths2()      Dim t As Table      For Each t In ActiveDocument.Tables          t.Columns(1).Width = InchesToPoints(5.31)          t.Columns(2).Width = InchesToPoints(1.5)          Next t  End Sub

there is a .ppt image in each of the tables that I would like to resize as well but that may be too much to ask for... 

Thank you in advance programmer gurus, and please let me know if my request does not make any sense!


Possible to change the Default value for "Add Space After Paragraph" Option?

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 11:36 AM PST

Hello All,

Microsoft Office Version: Office Professional 2010 --> Word

OS: Windows 7 Professional

I was wondering if there was a way to change the Default "12pt" spacing that gets used for the Add Space After Paragraph option, to a different value other then the default?

I don't want X pt spacing after EVERY paragraph, which is why I'm trying to change the default 12 pt to another value. Otherwise, I could just click the Set as Default button in the Line Spacing Options, but that would cause there to be that number of spacing after EVERY paragraph.

So basically I want to change the default 12pt Add spacing after paragraph value to let's say 6pt. So whenever I would click the Add Space After Paragraph option it would insert 6pt instead of the default 12pt...

Does that make sense?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be grealty appreciated!

Thanks in Advance,


The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents_detail: the file is corrupt and cannot be opened

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 11:16 AM PST

This morning I tried to opened one of my word files, and it cannot be opened. I got this message: "The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents." When I clicked the detail this is what I found: "the file is corrupt and cannot be opened." Can somebody help me? Thanks

Exclamation point will not print

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 09:24 AM PST

When I use an exclamation point in Word, it does not print on any printer.  I have tried printing from other programs and it will print, but not from Microsoft word.  The exclamation point shows up in the print preview. It also shows up in Acrobat when I save it as a PDF.

This is quite frustrating.

No longer have option to paste

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 09:07 AM PST

When I go to Office Word, 2013, Windows 8.1, the option to paste is shaded and cannot paste.  In the past I was given different paste options to choose and they are no longer available. When I have searched in "word help",  nothing can be found.

Lost word document

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 07:54 AM PST

I was working on a school project using word app on ipad air. But one morning something bad happened. When i open the app to work on the same project, i couldnt get the file i worked on for about a week. i looked on oneDrive and it was not there eithere not even in the trash bin.

Is there any way to find or retrive the file? Please help 


Word 2010 changes default printer to PDF after saving a docx as a PDF

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 07:02 AM PST

After preparing a Word 2010 document and saving it as a .docx file, I then save it again as a PDF, using the drop down "Save As File" menu in Word. Thereafter, every time I try to print a document from the Web, up comes PDF instead of my default HP printer, and I have to manually change back to my printer.  I have checked to be sure it was still set at the default printer, and it is.  How can I correct this? Thanks for your help.

Word 2013 keeps embedding fonts not used in the document

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 05:35 AM PST

Hi all,

I am fighting with big file size.

I have MS Word 2013 document saved in docx format.

I use three custom fonts, so I want to save them in the docx file as well.

The file size with embedded fonts is about 5MB. Filesize without embedded fonts is about 300kB.

I looked into the docx file and realised, that there are fonts that I do not use in my document, or in any of the document styles, like:

- Times New Roman

- Symbol

- Wingdngs

- Cambria (2MB!!)

Does anyone have idea how to get rid of them?

Thank you


Sporadic Issue when saving as pdf in Word 2010

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 03:37 AM PST

I'm currently absolutely baffled by an issue I have when trying to Save As PDF in Word 2010.

When I go through the Save As dialog, and change my filetype to pdf and click save, sometimes I get the message 'The file is in use by another application or user'.  I say sometimes, because sometimes I don't get this message and the file saves as expected.  This can be hit and miss on the same file from the same location if tried multiple times through that save dialog.

I'm thinking it's probably a timing issue with a temporary file, but I really don't know why it's happening or how to prevent it from happening, and it is not happening on multiple instances of Word 2010 installed around our company.

Has anyone experienced this issue before, and if so, do you know of a fix as I'm completely stumped.

Kind regards,


Sizing Objects

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 09:43 PM PST

I can't seem to find the tools for making several drawing objects the same width/height. I've used it for years in Access and assume it is the same in Word, but I can't find it. Does it exist?



Picture Truncated in Word Table

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 07:49 PM PST

I have below Word 2013 table that has shapes inserted and aligned as "in line with text." Alignment is set to center (horizontal and vertical).  Everything looks perfect on my machine (WIN 8.1 / Office 2013). 

Here is what my version looks like.

When I paste the table into the body of an Outlook email, the recipients see below truncation of the top of the object:s.  But, my version continues to render correctly, even after being pasted into the email body.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Multiple Legacy Text Boxes on same line - stop movement

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 05:54 PM PST

I have a form with 3 boxes in Word and I used legacy text boxes for peers to enter in data.

When someone starts typing a name (for example) in text box 1, text box 2 and 3 (on the same line as text box 1) all shift to the right and mess up the formatting.

How do I stop this?  Do I need to create columns?  Oh boy...



Add bookmark switches to Table of Contents for a document with several sections

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 04:17 PM PST

I would like to add bookmark switches to Table of Contents for a document with several sections.  That is, each the document has bookmarks named S1, S2 and S3.  In the footer of each section the page numbering follows the total pages for all sections.  That is,

The footer of section 1 has the code:

Page { Page } of { = { PAGEREF S1 } + { PAGEREF S2 } + { PAGEREF S3 } }

The footer of section 2 has the code:

Page { = {Page} + { PAGEREF S1 }  } of { = { PAGEREF S1 } + { PAGEREF S2 } + { PAGEREF S3 } }

The footer of section 3 has the code:

Page { = {Page} + { PAGEREF S1 }  +  { PAGEREF S2 }  } of { = { PAGEREF S1 } + { PAGEREF S2 } + { PAGEREF S3 } }

Each section shows the total number of pages in the document (the sum of the three sections) and the individual page number of that page within the sections.  That is, each section has 2 pages so the footers show:

1 of 6

2 of 6

3 of 6

4 of 6

5 of 6

6 of 6.

The Table of contents, however, does not obey this method.  That is, the items on the first page of section 3 are listed as page 1 in the TOC and not page 5.

I have tried { TOC \b S3 \o "1-3" } but that did not work.

Please tell me how to set the field codes so that this would work.