

Microsoft Word - Random changes to word functions

Microsoft Word - Random changes to word functions

Random changes to word functions

Posted: 07 Feb 2015 08:54 AM PST


half way through a university assignment this week, trying to type a capital 'P', I pressed shift and 'p' and the media player popped up (alarmingly quick for this slow old laptop). Next I notice whilst trying to write my address at the top of a letter, I dropped an indentation on the ruler bar, but the 'Tab' button also no longer works any more.

Does anyone have any idea as to why this would change without me choosing any changes? 

I'm not sure if it's related but also every time I put a memory stick into the USB port it tries syncing my media player too (suggests media player issues again, but wouldn't explain the tab key not working any more). I imagine I'll find more as I continue.

As a side note, an I.T. guy at work suggested I un-check everything in Control panel > Make the key board easier to use: He thought I may have hit some 'hot keys' ad turned something on??

Any help would be appreciated - thank you

Photos don't print

Posted: 07 Feb 2015 07:08 AM PST

I have Word 2010.  I can move a photo into a document and see it on the screen.  When I print the document the photos don't show up, just a blank space where they should be.  I have Show Picture Placeholders turned off.  What do I need to do to print the photo in my document?

Ms Office Proof reading problem

Posted: 07 Feb 2015 06:24 AM PST


I have a problem while typing in  MS WORD, the problem is about spelling and grammar checking. whenever i open new document file and try to type Ms Office/Ms word shows me,"This document contains text in German (Austria)", while there is nothing like German language, but one thing i should say that there were three files of Ms word that i downloaded from Austrian University website and they contain German (Austria) language.  I was facing problem of missing proofreading tool so i uninstall MS OFFICE 2007 and installed MS OFFICE PROFESSIONAL PLUS 2013 to get rid of that problem. but i am facing again the same issue. please find the attached sreenshot and please help me. Thanks


Posted: 07 Feb 2015 05:38 AM PST

Dear Microsoft Word experts,

I've seen this sort of Microsoft word document where if you chose an option from a drop down menu, the rest of the word document would fill up with information that was preset.  The project I'm working on is that I'd like to create a drop down menu with three options (Request, Letter, and Form) where depending on which option you chose, each has it's own distinct content.  For example, if you select "Request," the page would load with the predetermined text boxes for name, date, department, etc.  If you select "Letter," there would be different presets such as a from line, subject line, etc.  Please let me know if you can assist me with tips regarding this matter.  Thank you.

"Do you also want to save changes to the document template?" Pop Up on Every Save

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 11:19 PM PST

I am getting this in seemingly random documents. This has happened to a custom template I created many months ago called "" (.dotx?) and also in "", the default template.

The only thing I've been able to find online is that if you have a malicious addin it could be doing something. Problem is, I haven't installed any add-ins. And I've just now tested by disabling all default add-ins (even though the 4 that were active didn't look suspicious).

Some documents it gives me the prompt, other times it doesn't. It's just really ugly. As a temporary solution I've made this AutoHotKey code:

#IfWinActive, ahk_class OpusApp
WinWait,,Do you also want to save changes to the document template?, 5
If !ErrorLevel
ControlClick, Button2,,Do you also want to save changes to the document template?

It's terrible that I had to use a third party application like that. I hope there is a better solution.

Despite saying No to saving the template, I keep getting prompted. If I wanted to save the Template, I'd manually save a template. And from other research online it seems this pop-up is impossible to disable. Everyone frets that you'd get accidental changes - why is it not an option to deny making changes to templates unless you explicitly wanted to create a template?

Does anyone have any idea what other possibilities there are to add-ins doing this? Is there actually something I thought would not change a template, like selecting a bullet (because using *+Tab and -+Tab together in the same document just leads to problems...) that is being registered as a template change? Clearing a style from pasted text maybe?

Word 2013

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 07:29 PM PST

 I can right-click a document in Word to send as an attachment to an Outlook email.  In the past I could double click on that attachment before sending the message and it would open so I could double-check what I was sending.  Lately, when I double-click or right-click the only option I get is Remove  I know it will open after it is sent to the recipient, but why can't I open it beforehand like I used to be able to?

Footers don't line up

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 07:09 PM PST

I have different footers for odd and even pages (Word 2010). This works fine except for one thing: the odd-page footer is about a quarter of an inch higher than the even-page footer. I've scoured layout and margin options, and all they show is the same settings for distances from bottom of page. If I physically adjust the margin on one page, the opposite page shifts so the offset remains. Any thoughts?

Word, Excel won't stay open on the ipad!

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 06:21 PM PST

Bought my first Apple product Ipad an a keyboard thinking I could use it in place of a laptop for simple Word, Excel, etc while traveling. The apps worked OK for a couple of months (although they sure aren't replacements for the real software.....) but now they have become nonfunctional. They open but as soon as I click on them they vanish. When I attempt to open an email attachment using the apps the same thing happens. A quick flash, then nothing. The attachments are not being saved either. What should I do? (For a supposedly easy to use device this has sure been a pain!)

Will Word 2016 have the option to save documents as the Word 97-2003 file format like Word 2013 does?

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 04:32 PM PST

This is talking about if Word 2016 will have the option to save documents as the Word 97-2003 format like Word 2013 does or not. :)

Font size in equations - WORD 2010

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 03:59 PM PST

When I write an equation with a "fraction"  (i.e. ET/R) in Professional mode, the font size is commonly reduced compared with the rest of the equation.  How can I avoid this - or how can I specify the Font size in different parts of an equation?  It must be possible because I'm working on a document in which I've entered two very similar equations, in one of which the font size is reduced and in the other it is not!   If I highlight a part of the equation and right click and choose "Font" I can change the size, but the change affects the entire equation, not just the part I highlighted.

Any help would be warmly appreciated.

PDFs go to Microsoft Office 2010 Picture Manager?

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 03:42 PM PST

OK I've had this problem for a while now, and its really interfering with my schoolwork. Every time I save a PDF file, it will only open in the Microsoft Office thing and all it shows is their icon. Ive tried right-clicking the file and then clicking "Open with" and then selecting Microsoft Word, but that doesn't help at all.  After i do that, it will show me a small window saying i have to choose the encoding that makes my document readable, then it provides a list of languages and such and it has three options for text encoding: Windows(Default)    MS-DOS     and  Other Encoding.  I choose Windows (Default) and it always sends me to my file but instead everything is in code and includes like 50 extra pages of code. I'm sorry if this was long or if you don't understand what I'm saying at all. It's really important that i get this fixed quickly, thanks. 

Can you help me find the Celestial theme in Word 2013?

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 02:20 PM PST

I can not find the Celestial Theme in Word 2013 I don't have many themes at all really. Would appreciate the help, thanks!

Microsoft Word - Endless interrogation about tracked changes

Microsoft Word - Endless interrogation about tracked changes

Endless interrogation about tracked changes

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 02:29 PM PST

It seems that I'm forever being asked if I want to save or print a document with tracked changes.  This means I'm endlessly looking up how to turn it off.  What a complete distraction and utter waste of time.

In a locked down environment, is there *any* way to _permanently_ turn this feature off?

P.S. I'm not looking for the security explanation for this feature.  I'm looking for a way to ensure that it stays off and never -- ever -- returns.

Can you help me find the Celestial Theme in World 2013?

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 02:20 PM PST

I can not find the Celestial Theme in Word 2013 I don't have many themes at all really. Would appreciate the help, thanks!

Word Forms with macro calculations won't work when form sent over email

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 01:51 PM PST


I created a form that has calculations in macros.  The calculations could not be done using the calculate fields in the forms as they had dependencies and were too complex.  The form works brilliantly as long as I don't send it to someone over email.  The form is a pricing tool for customers to use.  Any ideas on how I could get this to work?

When users try to "save-as" they only get a box, cannot select a path or drive in which to save.

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 12:36 PM PST

This issue may only be in our environment, however I figured I would ask. 

This impacts XEN desktop users who are using terminals.

When users try to "save-as" they only get a box, cannot select a path or drive in which to save. 

Normally when you "save-as" you see a box with drives and paths, which let you select where to save the document.

Users see a box like this:


page breaks

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 11:32 AM PST

How do I remove the line (page break) in a word document so it's continuous

I tried selecting all, and selecting continuous. It does not work

I have word 2010



how do I insert a photo into a protected form

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 10:06 AM PST

I want to create a form for an Animal Rescue Program - we need a photo of the dog - I can create the rest of the form - but the people who will be filling out the form know dogs ----  not computers  ---- this must be easy!!!!  

HELP - Please  ASAP

View One Page at 100% in Word 2010 by default

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 09:29 AM PST

Where I work I have one user who when she opens word it opens by default at 100% with 2 blank pages on her screen. I did change the setting (View - Zoom - Zoom- 100%- page Width) so she can see it in 100% one page, but when she goes out of the document and into a new one or opens the one she was just in, it be default goes back to the first settings. A few of her documents are shared documents and when I open them on my PC it opens correctly. My question is how can I change these setting so when every she opens a document it opens 100% and with one page. Like I mentioned before I also have 2010 on my PC and everything opens correctly for me. So it has to be a setting I need to change on her profile on this PC. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

included page header in TOC

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 09:14 AM PST

In the Custom TOC Options, it appears that I can include the page Header as a line in the TOC. I have three sections in the document, each with a different Header (same Footer on all 3). I want those Headers to divide my TOC, the way they divide my document. I made them #1, then Headings 1-3 as #2-4, but the Headers are not appearing in my TOC. Is there something else I need to do?

Why won't my Word document track changes?

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 09:00 AM PST

I am trying to track changes in a Word document, with Track Changes on and with All Markup and Show Markup on, but my changes are not showing up in the document. I am working in Word 2013. It is a document that I received from someone else, and I do not know what version of Word they were using. It has a docx extension.

Connecting Correct Contact Cards to Word Comments

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 08:28 AM PST

When I am using Word 2013, I see my picture and name up in the upper right corner of my window, so Word has identified me correctly. However, when I comment on a document, the name shown is incorrect and the picture image is the generic "silhouette". If I right-click and "Open Contact Card" it is blank. How do I link these comments to my correct contact card?

This is a minor issue, of course, but the fact that I can't find a solution is really annoying me. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance.


Microsoft Word:Mac2011 issue

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 08:20 AM PST

I am having a problem opening Word files (97-2003 format) on a MacBook running Yosemite whereby it hangs the program and also hangs Finder - It appears to be a compatibility issue but I could be wrong.

Every time I attempt to open a .doc file Word freezes however if I use my Windows 7 system to open the .doc file and just re-save (no changes to content) to the default .docx extension then I can access that file with Word 2011. This issue does not affect Excel/Powerpoint as those programs can open the earlier version (97-2003) without a problem.

Is there a fix for this or a place where I can report it? I tried going to a suggested link ( but couldn't find a way to report this issue.


Indexing a Series of Documents

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 08:03 AM PST

I am preparing an index of documents. It's similar to a table of contents but lists documents that are separate from the index itself and includes an alphabetical reference for each entry (Document A, Document B, etc). So, for example:

  Document Pages
A Application Form 1-5
B Letter   of Reference 6-8
C Confirmation   of Receipt 9-10

I want to know whether or not there is a way of setting up the table so that the alphabetical references (column 1) and the page number ranges (column 2) will automatically adjust. At the moment, if I have the above index and I want to include another document between, for example, Documents A and B: then I will have to manually change the alphabetical references and the page numbers of the all the documents after it.

Does anyone know a way of setting a table up in Microsoft Word so that it does this for me? Sorry if the answer's obvious: I can see how to make a table of contents for a Word Document and I can see how to make an ordinary index for a Word Document. But I cannot wee a way of doing this.

Thanks in advance.

Microsoft Office 365 won't open .doc files from windows explorer.

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 07:17 AM PST

I have Office 365 installed on my pc. When I double click on a .doc file in windows explorer I get a box asking me if I want to continue using word or office XML handler to open the file. (See attached screenshot). Whatever I do nothing happens. Word does not open. If I open Word first and navigate to the file, I can open it without problems.

Any ideas what I can do? I checked and this happens with any .doc file, not just one.


Posted: 06 Feb 2015 06:10 AM PST

Why is new text typed anywhere in my saved document showing up as red + underline?  Vs. Normal default (black)

Hide default text in form field in Word 2010

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 05:53 AM PST

I'm trying to create a Word Template with fields with custom text and I'm trying to set it up so that the default text disappears when the document is printed.
Currently the default text inside the form field is printed also, the text however disappears when something is entered into the field.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Endnotes with First-Page Header Issue

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 05:53 AM PST

We recently updated to 365 from 2007. The problem below was not an issue in 2007, but we have not yet been able to reproduce the endnote/header structure as we did in 2007. Here is what's up:

We are working with the text of a book. There are nearly 70 sections in the file. Virtually every section has endnote references which (as in 2007) should compile in one particular section at the end. We do not place the endnotes at the end of the document, rather they are at the end of a selected section (using the "Suppress Endnotes" feature).

It is important that no header be on the first page of the endnotes. However, in 365/2013, we are unable to get the endnotes to start on the first page of a section, where we would be able to delete the header for the first page (using the "Different First Page" feature) but not the remaining pages of the section (the endnotes). Rather, the endnotes persistently begin on either the odd or even page, and the first page is blank. This is so regardless of if we select "End of Section" or "End of Document."

Again, this was not an issue in 2007, and the solution is easily reproduced in 2007. Any ideas how to make it happen in 2013, or did a bug develop in the upgrade?

Many, many thanks for the tips.

save word page in .jpg format

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 04:24 AM PST

Is it possible to save a Word page in .jpg format or some other picture format so as to include it in a slide show with other ,jpg pictures.

thanks *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Change default page colour in Word 2013

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 02:38 AM PST

I'm trying to help a friend out by changing the default page colour of Word 2013 as they find it easier to read text when its on a shade of blue background.

The posts I've read say to change the Normal.dotm file to have the page colour set to the desired colour and to save. This should then make any new documents based on the default template the desired colour. For some reason, I cannot get this to work. Any other change I make such as font, font size, paragraph changes ... these all save correctly, and work correctly. The page colour change doesn't stick.

As a workaround, I thought of creating a macro to change the page colour when the document opens. So I created the macro, tested, then added to Normal.dotm template. As a debug, I added a messagebox to check the macro started when a document was created or opened. The messagebox appeared, but the page colour wouldn't change. I changed the macro to use hardcoded RGB values instead of the theme colour. Again, this didn't work.

It appears that the macro can only change the page colour once the page colour has been changed via the Design tab then the page colour menu. Once the page colour has been changed through this usual route, the macro then works.

Any suggestions on how to set the default page colour to a shade of blue, or why the macro wont change the page colour until its changed through the tab menu?

Accounting package using Word Templates for invoicing - doesn't work properly with 2013 but does with 2007 and 2010

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 01:35 AM PST

we have TAS Accounts (latest version) and it uses Word templates to create invoices.  They work fine wth Lasers/Inkjets but we print to an OKI Matrix printer running 3 part stationery, and get print corruption when using Word 2013.  

We bought new computers last year with Office 2013 and when we found the problem with the invoicing spoke with TAS who said they have only tested with Office 2010 so wouldn't help with our corruptions, and OKI couldn't help apart form making sure we had the latest drivers.  So we bought 3 Copies of Office 2010 of which only 2 worked as the 3rd turned out to be a fake.

The 2 Office 2010 PCs can print invoices but if we print from the Office 2013 PC it screws up the shared template and we are back to square one.

We would be happy (??) to buy a copy of Word 2010 (or 2007) to get this sorted out but can't afford to risk buying a fake again.

TAS Accounts can't/won't help so we have to find our own solution - please don;t suggest going to Laser/Inkjet Invoices as this is not an option right now.

Any suggestions ????



How do I save a Word document as a PDF such that custom properties metadata is carried over?

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 12:42 AM PST

I have Word files with custom properties to hold metadata such as Doc No., Doc. No. Prefix, Rev. No., etc. When I save the document as a PDF (using Word's built in Save As command) the custom metadata doesn't seem to get carried over into the PDF file. How do I force that to happen? Is it just a case of tweaking some settings or do I need to change to using a "print to PDF file" type convertor that operates under the guise of being a printer driver?

I am using Word 2010 under Windows 7.

Unspecified Error Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 2, Column: 72200

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 11:22 PM PST

Dear document savers,

Can you please help me with directing me to a answer to recover a word .docx document that has become corrupted. 

The document has taken me many weeks and is part of a formal professional review. I have unfortunately only one copy of the document and if I cannot recover it I will have to start from beginning.

I am sure there is  way and hope someone in the MS community can help,


6 Digit Code to receive Remote Assistance for Office

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 08:31 PM PST

How do I get a 6 digit Code? Microsoft has only sent me 7 digit Codes. I was online with a tech and could not complete the remote assistance (after an hour of our time).

AutoExec macro not working due to existing prompts on startup?

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 08:19 PM PST

I'm editing a template for a client.

I've made a form that fills in certain parts of the documents, this form gets called by a module with a macro called "AutoExec".

But the macro won't execute automatically because there is already something built in the document to autoExecute.

When the template is opened (new) several prompts come up (like MSG boxes with fields).

I want to remove these prompts but they aren't inside the VBA window launched by alt f11.

Any ideas?

Microsoft Word 2007 TOC Questions

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 06:46 PM PST

I have recently finished my research report and was planning to create a TOC. I have marked my titles and sub titles with Headings 1 and 2 and 3. After i have marked all of my titles and sub titles, when i created the TOC, it was missing out on alot of title and sub titles. I tried updating the table however it does not work. 

For example:

1.4 Rationale
2.2 Review
Chapter3: Methodology

Its missing out a lot of headings and sub headings.


Posted: 05 Feb 2015 06:02 PM PST

Using Windows 8.1 and running Word 2010. When opening an attachment the document is displayed in Hieroglyphics. How do I convert to normal English?

Saving a word file with PDF hyperlinks as ONE document

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 05:47 PM PST

After creating a document with hyperlinks how do I save the document such that the PDF files save with the word file? 

I am well aware of how to add a PDF to my word document as a hyperlink or even as an object, that is not the issue. 
Currently, if I save a word document with a hyperlink to a PDF and send it to another computer the hyperlinks no longer work. This is obviously because they PDF files are not on the receiving computer. So, is there a way that I can save the PDFs within the word file and send it as one big document?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Option button to add rows to a table

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 05:44 PM PST

I have a form wherein there's a table.  The powers that be want a box to pop up, after text entry in the last cell of the first row, that asks the user to enter the number of rows they want added to the table and then however many rows they choose appear at the end of the table (the user clicks on a button with the corresponding number next to it).  The question is, "How many extra rows do you need?" and the choices are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 15 or 20.  From what I've read, an option button is what I'm after but I've never used them before so step by step instructions would be wonderful (Word "help" leaves a lot to be desired!).

Help, my line spacing keeps changing in my text box when I save my document in Word

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 03:57 PM PST

Hello.  I created a trifold brochure in Word 2007 and on one panel I have a text box where I entered some information.  I have single spacing that lists several events.  After I hit save and close the document, every single time I go back in, the line spacing changes to 1.5" spacing!  It is fine when I hit save and close, it's just when I go back in it has changed.  And I cannot figure out why!  The only way to set the spacing without it changing is to save as a PDF, but I need to send it to my customer in Word format so they can edit it (and they are not that good with Word).  Does anyone know what the problem might be?  Thank you in advance

PS - please don't ask why I did this in word, the customer wanted that

Runaway deletion problem

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 03:57 PM PST

At least once a day as I am editing/tracking changes in documents in Word, the "cursor" suddenly takes off on its own and quickly crosses out/deletes the text, rapidly tracking  down the lines of copy. The only way I have been able to stop this is by shutting down the computer; nothing else I try has produced a response. What is going on?

Need help getting a template working.

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 07:34 AM PST

Hello. I am trying to create kind of a template in word. I have a fairly big exam comming up and would like to create a table with 3 columns and 3 rows.

In this table i am writing something that will be headlines for the things going on in the table. This means that the table and the headlines actually should be grouped together or something like that. The table will be a complete page and the only thing needed on the page.

When I then would like to fill out the blank spaces with my assignment, and the first page is full, i would like word to start the next page with the table, and headlines again, so that I can begin filling out the blank spaces again.

So far the only thing happening are that when i finish a page, word simpley continues the table on the next page instead of starting the page with the complete table.

Tower of Babel - Forums Linux

Tower of Babel - Forums Linux

Tower of Babel

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 02:09 PM PDT

The Natural Philosopher wrote:

This reply suggests too much that Sid is just an insane snob and
actually skills, which he doesn't. In fact, this is why he makes these
rants (because he has no skills and doesn't understand the subject, so
thus he thinks bashing a GUI makes him sound like a smart recluse...
plus he's a brat and wants attention).

JBoss 1.5, Eclipse 3.1.1 setup on RHEL4 ES

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 03:50 AM PDT

Thanks a lot for the helpful hints. However, I have already disabled
the built-in gcj at the time of OS install, so typing in 'java -
version' correctly shows the Sun install.

On Aug 20, 5:05 pm, Nico Kadel-Garcia <com> wrote: 

speaking of rsync

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 11:39 PM PDT

On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 02:39:56 -0400, Matt Giwer wrote:

I assume you mean "erase files in the destination
(backup) directory that no longer exist in the source
directory" (and replace files that have been superseded).

I do this on a regular basis to backup my root (hdb5) and /home
directories (using a LiveCD) onto an external drive.

mkdir /old /new
mount -t auto /dev/hdb5 /old
mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /new
time rsync -avx --delete --progress /old/ /new
umount /old /new

N.B. "/old/" implies "the contents of the directory /old".
(Replace "nomail.afraid" by "bcs" to reply by email)

No mouse cursor, 8 diff. Linux distros, 6 diff. mice (ps2 & USB)

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 04:07 PM PDT

On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 22:13:27 -0400
"Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <invalid> wrote:

Ah, yes. Thanks, Beau, and sorry, boo. (that was fun to say!) I plead
a small window made me do it.

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
"The Barsoom Project"

Use logrotate to flush old backup snapshots?

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 11:23 AM PDT

You apparently do not want any help.

Nico Kadel-Garcia <com> writes:

xsane problem

Posted: 18 Aug 2009 01:32 PM PDT

philo wrote: 

Tried another USB scanner and it worked

go figure LOL

how to configure static route on RHEL 3 AS

Posted: 18 Aug 2009 12:14 PM PDT

go to root mode
route add -net <network ip>/<subnet mask> gw <gateway ip address>

to verify the route give command "route"

Fedora: Only one CD?

Posted: 18 Aug 2009 08:00 AM PDT

Nick K wrote: 

What "it" is "it?"
FC3, F11, or something else?

What "there" is "there?"

Fedora hasn't ever been a single CD.
RHL 6.2 was the last RH version that fit on a single CD.

Microsoft Word - How do I change endnote numbering to numbers?

Microsoft Word - How do I change endnote numbering to numbers?

How do I change endnote numbering to numbers?

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 02:44 PM PST

I have recently started using endnotes for a large document.  I expected the end notes and the references to them would be numbers (1, 2, 3,...), but instead they are Latin letters (i, ii, iii, etc.).

I tried to change the endnote reference style, but it had no option for changing the numbering scheme.

I tried to play around with list numbering, but nothing seemed to apply to endnotes.

Am I stuck with Latin numbering for endnotes, or is there a way around this that I haven't thought of yet?

Thanks in advance.

space after colon

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 02:14 PM PST

I have set my "spaces after sentence" to 2.  Now how do I set the "spaces after colon or semi-colon"?

Linking Excel Objects to a Word document

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 12:05 PM PST

I'm trying to link information from an Excel sheet into some admission forms and the fields are not updating themselves automatically.  I've gone into the Advanced Options and made sure the 'Update automatic links at open' is checked.  When I change the info in Excel, the Word document doesn't update to reflect the new information, even when I save the Excel file.

When I hover over 'Update automatic links at open' I get a little message that says "This option is not available for the view your current document is in."  I've tried changing the document view but that doesn't do anything either.  Is there something I'm missing?  What do I need to do to make this work?

2013 word printing

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 10:06 AM PST

I typed a document in Word that I sent out to a class I am teaching.  I added notes for my use to the document, saved it using a different name.  When I try to print the newly saved document, it only prints the added comments, not the original text.  I tried saving it as a PDF and printing, but same results.  I read other comments on this problem, but do not understand the references to "bubble", etc.  I not not a highly skilled user of Word.  Any ideas for someone like me?

Hide/Unhide Header/Footer

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 09:49 AM PST


In our agency, we have created templates that contain the different letterheads that we use. On a couple of our PCs, when those templates are opened, the header/footer section is hidden.  How do you show/hide Headers and Footers?

I haven't found an option to do that.



Is it possible to reset the merge record to starting record with Word mail merge?

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 09:44 AM PST

I have a 4 up postcard template that I want to personalize on one side and print the mailing address on the reverse.

Currently, it merges the first 4 cards (side 1) with the excel worksheet but when it gets to the reverse side it continues with record #5.

I need a way to revert to record #1 - more correctly to the first record selected from the data list - for side 2.

Turning off "Show pixels for HTML features"

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 09:01 AM PST

When setting paragraph spacings and table parameters I want to used points (for text spacing) or cm for column widths etc.  These all appear as px.  When I turn off "Show pixels for HTML features" I get the units I want.

However next time I open the document for editing pixels are enabled again.  How do I get Word to remember the setting?

RE : Configuring Office 2007 Message

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 08:30 AM PST

Hi folks,

I recently purchased OFFICE 2007 of which is working fine on my Win7.

But every time I try to open a doc. on my Win8.1, I get the following screen, and I have to wait 2/3 x mins each time for a doc. (or blank doc.) to open :-

I saw a discussion on this topic but it was later versions of OFFICE.

(I originally posted this question in my earlier 'Power Point' thread, but was advised to move the topic to here).

Thanks in advance,

Paul David Seaman

Word crashing several times a day

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 08:18 AM PST

Several times a day MS Word 2010 crashes.

Naam van toepassing met fout: WINWORD.EXE, versie: 14.0.7140.5000, tijdstempel: 0x5462a654
Naam van module met fout: ntdll.dll, versie: 6.1.7601.18247, tijdstempel: 0x521ea8e7
Uitzonderingscode: 0xc0000374
Foutoffset: 0x000ce753
Id van proces met fout: 0x19ec
Starttijd van toepassing met fout: 0x01d03c766a814865
Pad naar toepassing met fout: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE
Pad naar module met fout: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
Rapport-id: a8c58f13-a869-11e4-bdd7-001fc67c941b

What causes this application error and what can you do to solve it?

Which template is the attached template when there are multiple templates with the same name on the computer?

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 06:51 AM PST

Although Word 2013 is shown as the base, this applies to Word 2003, 2007, 2010 as well.

I had thought that the attached template would always be the template used to create the document unless that template was not available or someone changed the attached template. I was mistaken.

I recently had the opportunity/excuse to test what happens if there are multiple templates with the same name. I was surprised by the results.

If a template with the same name is in the folder containing the document, that becomes the attached template.

If a template with the same name is in the User Templates folder and there is none in the document folder, that template becomes the attached template.

If a template with the same name is in the Workgroup Templates folder and there is none in the document's folder nor in the user templates folder, that template becomes the attached template.

The Custom Office Templates folder is not searched.

If a template exists on one of those three locations and you try to attach a template of the same name that is located elsewhere or lower in the hierarchy, Word will not do it. If you create a document based on a template with the same name as one in one of those locations, the document will be attached to the original template when you create it, but when you reopen it, it will attach to the template in the preferred location.

Templates of the same name stored in sub folders of the User Templates or Workgroup Templates folder do not have this attribute.

I have memorialized these findings in my Templates page.

Which template is attached if there are multiple templates with the same name

The testing was done using Word 2003-2013 on a laptop running Windows 8.1. If anyone wishes to test on a different operating system to see if they get different results I welcome it.

Anyone experiencing problems with the attached template should also review Shauna Kelly's page:

What happens when I send my document to someone else? Will Word mess up my formatting?

why my office word is not opening?

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 04:10 AM PST

My desktop allinone with window 8.1 is loaded with office 7, But ms word is not opening. Pl. help.



Page up/down shortcuts in Word 2013 / Win 8.1

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 02:56 AM PST

Good Afternoon everyone, 

I hope you can help me with the problem I'm experiencing. 

on windows 8.1 and Word 2013 you can use the CTRL+Page Down / Page UP to scroll through the document by quickly alternating between pages. you can also use CTRL+Home to go back to the start of the document. 

however when I use CTRL+F to search for the keyword and then clear the keyword from search box and close the search menu upon pressing CTRL+Page UP word takes me to the next keyword instead of scrolling to the next page. so CTRL+Page UP / Page Down is used as Find Previous / Find Next command instead of fulfilling page scrolling actions. 

I have cleared the keyword from search and from advanced search but it's still looking for that keyword when i press CTRL+Page Up/ Page Down.

could you assist please?

Edit format CITATIONS in word 2013

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 01:37 AM PST

Hi everyone!

I am working with word and trying to edit the format from my citation but don't know how to do it. 

I am using format IEEE, which means that my citations look like: [1] [2] [3] etc I found out how to manage to get two citations together in brackets: [1,2].

The PROBLEM is that if I have such case: [1, 2, 3, 4], I would like to get look like this [1-4] but I dont know how to do it...  or even if gets more complicated like this: [1, 6, 7, 8], to get something like this: [1, 6-8]. 

Does anyone know how I can do it? prob I have to do it directly from the code right? " CITATION AJe13 \l 1031 " but I don't know either how this code works...

Thank you very much for your help! :-)

Word 2010 custom document properties - how can I see them outside Word and do they copy across when saved as PDF and ultimately uploaded to SharePoint?

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 01:04 AM PST

I want to add some custom metadata to Word documents which will go on to be saved as PDFs and ultimately uploaded to a SharePoint 365 / Online library (where I want to be able to read the custom metadata fields and display them).

I've worked out that I can add custom document properties to a document when it's open in Word 2010 by doing Developer > Document Panel, then choosing Advanced Properties from the Document Properties drop-down control to open the Properties dialog, then choosing the Custom tab and adding custom properties. Alternatively I can do File > Info, then use the Properties drop-down control just below the file preview image in the right-hand panel to get to the same dialog box and do the same thing.

I've added properties such as

Doc. No.

Doc. No. Prefix

Tech. Authority

Rev. No.


So far, so good.

However will these custom properties be retained when I save the document as a PDF using the File > Save As command? I can't easily tell because Windows 7 File Explorer doesn't seem to show custom file properties in the panel along the bottom when I click on a the resulting PDF file. In fact Windows 7 File Explorer doesn't seem to show the custom file properties of the original Word 2010 file either.

I know it's entering into Windows 7 territory rather than just Word 2010 territory, but is there a way to view the custom properties I assigned to Word 2010 docx file when I've not got the file open i.e. either by some extension to Windows 7 File Explorer or some other simple to use utility? Ideally I'd want to be able to check the custom properties also stayed with the PDF version of the file too.

Word and Excel 2013 (Office 365) unexpectedly closing

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 12:11 AM PST

Good morning

In the last week I've had instances of both Word and Excel closing down without my asking it to and without it asking me if I want to save my work.  When I reopen the programmes the "recover documents" panel doesn't start.  In the case of Word, the file was coming up blank (there had been a page of text) and no previous versions were available.  In the case of Excel, again, "recover documents" didn't come up but there were previous versions.  The odd thing here was that I have auto save set to 1 minute but it hadn't autosaved for about 15 mins before it closed down.

I vaguely wondered whether Dragon Naturally Speaking (ver 12.5) might be causing a problem - although on neither occasion was the programme running - so I've since disabled the add on in Word and Excel.

I've also done a complete virus scan but there's no sign of anything there.

I'd  be grateful for any suggestions as I'm using these programmes for work and I can't afford to lose work in this way.

Many thanks


Citations in Word - Edit format

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 12:05 AM PST

Hi everyone!

I am working with word and trying to edit the format from my citation but don't know how to do it. 

I am using format IEEE, which means that my citations look like: [1] [2] [3] etc I found out how to manage to get two citations together in brackets: [1,2].

The PROBLEM is that if I have such case: [1, 2, 3, 4], I would like to get look like this [1-4] but I dont know how to do it...  or even if gets more complicated like this: [1, 6, 7, 8], to get something like this: [1, 6-8]. 

Does anyone know how I can do it? prob I have to do it directly from the code right? " CITATION AJe13 \l 1031 " but I don't know either how this code works...

Thank you very much for your help! :-)

Non Commercial Use, Non Responsive, Unlicensed Product HELP

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 11:37 PM PST

The title of this question is what I get after a minute of opening up an Word document. I've tried reinstalling Word (through my university), but instead got an error code -2147023834-11. 

I haven't tried other products, since I only need Word. I have/ had Microsoft 2013 but since it was through my university, I checked Microsoft 365 University below. I just want to be able to study... please help out this poor soul.

Thank you in advance to all who reply.

Who to use wrap text in Microsoft word 365

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 10:38 PM PST

Who to use wrap text in Microsoft word 365. I have try used it shows no accessible to be use I don't want a picture I want wrap text.

Thank you,

Casto T. Pizarro

OneDrive + Word 2013 = Unable to Open Docs Based Upon Templates

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 09:29 PM PST

I am running Word 2013 on two different systems.  The first is Windows 7 Pro fully updated via Windows Update.  The second is Windows 8.1 Pro fully updated via Windows Update.  My Office installation is fully updated on both systems.

My document templates are stored on OneDrive in a directory named "Templates".  Word 2013 is configured on both computers to look at the OneDrive directory for templates.

Recently, when I attempt to open documents based upon templates stored in OneDrive, Word 2013 will freeze at the banner screen trying to open the source template (e.g. "sometemplate.dotx"). The location of the document to be edited makes no difference.

On both systems I can open Word 2013 in safe mode and edit the document.  On the Windows 7 system I am able to exit the OneDrive application and, voilà, Word 2013 functions normally.  On the Windows 8 system I can terminate the OneDrive Sync Engine process and, voilà, Word 2013 functions normally.

I have seen a number of different posts discussing similar, but not identical, issues when working with Word 2013 and OneDrive.  Can anyone offer any insight on this?  Killing OneDrive while editing documents renders OneDrive's utility virtually nil.

Thanks for your help.

Word 2010 template given to a 2007 user problems

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 09:29 PM PST

I am using Word 2010 and have created a template and have used the template to create many documents for a client.  He needs to print extra copies of these files and will later modify the documents.  When he opens the files some of the headings which are part of a multilevel list have tab characters in them and are indented incorrectly.  I have tried highlighting the paragraph and pressing <Ctrl><Q>, but that does nothing for this document.

I create a multilevel list and saved it with the template and everything works fine on my computer.  Also some paragraphs in the multilevel list do not have any numbering with them. I gave him a copy of my template, but that did not help with the original files.  I can use his computer to create a new document based on the template and copy the contents of the original file into the new template and everything looks great, headings are properly indented and numbering for paragraphs are working.  To do this to every document will be time consuming as there are bookmarks and reference fields that need to be entered from scratch.  Any help will be appreciated.

Office .doc formats

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 08:31 PM PST

How do I save Word documents in .doc format instead of .docx? 

Create a drop down list in Office 2013 and export content to clipboard.

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 06:44 PM PST

I would like to create a document template in Microsoft Word that contains some info along with 2-3 separate drop down lists. After the user selects their choices from the drop down list, I would like them to be able copy all of the information to their clipboard (so they could paste it into another program in a text format)

So my question is:

Will it be possible for users to copy the info listed in the template along with their specific choices in the drop-down menu?

Can this be achieved in Word 2013?

Thanks in advance,