

Files created by Word2002 can not be opend by Word2007 - Microsoft Office forums

Files created by Word2002 can not be opend by Word2007 - Microsoft Office forums

Files created by Word2002 can not be opend by Word2007

Posted: 15 Nov 2006 08:39 AM PST

What if you just select Open? Does it open then in Word 2007?
What about if you open Word 2007, then click the Office button, Open and
open your file that way?

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

"churin" <postalias> wrote in message

Lost CD-Key, But have original CD-Rom

Posted: 14 Nov 2006 06:36 PM PST

If you read the End User License Agreement that comes with your
OEM copy of Office, you will find that the license only allows
you to install the software on computer that the software
originally came with, and you are not allowed to install the
software on any other computer. Assuming you want the CD key to
install the software on a new computer, then you need to purchase
a new copy of Office for your new computer.

gheavens wrote:

Office 2007 installation fails :(

Posted: 14 Nov 2006 03:33 PM PST

Good note to self. I run Office 2007 beta on a machine I don't mind dumping when the beta is over and using a ghosted image to get back up to running clean.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, StuddyMX asked:

| Thanks for the advice Milly :)
| I have now got Office 2007 installed :) This involved following your
| and Peter Schmid's advice ( by
| deleting registry settings as well uninstalling; All Expression
| Betas, Visual Studio Extenstions CTP, Windows Live Local Addin for
| Outlook, etc, etc - finally it installed!
| Cheers
| Note to self: In future, I will only run Office betas on a VPC!!
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| Uninstall ALL beta software, including Expresssion Web Designer.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, StuddyMX asked:
||| Hi,
||| I have uninstalled Office 2007 beta 2, and now trying to install
||| Office 2007 pro plus with no avail...
||| During installation, it fails without giving a specific error
||| message. I have a couple of betas from the MS Expression family
||| installed on the same PC, could this be reason for office 2007 to
||| fail to install?
||| Cheers,
||| StuddyMX

Office beta to Office 2007 RTM

Posted: 14 Nov 2006 07:53 AM PST

Found it. Thanks!!

"Patrick Schmid [MVP]" wrote:


Posted: 14 Nov 2006 01:27 AM PST

On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 06:02:57 -0800, Bob Buckland ?:-\) wrote:

Hi, thanks for fast response, Bob :)

I want to change Excel and Acces temp files. Excel make files witch
strange names. I can do that witch Word, but no Excel and Acces.

Best regards

Deploy Office with product key enable

Posted: 13 Nov 2006 11:20 PM PST

Hi Bob,

Finally I've solved the key issue, thanks for your golden suggestion!

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Downloading Office 2007 Beta2

Posted: 13 Nov 2006 07:07 PM PST

Office 2007 is available only to VLK, MSDN and TechNet members. You can wait until the end of the month or early next month when Trial editions will be available.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, rapandru asked:

| Thanks a lot, Milly !
| I 've been had ! Anyway thats some small change down the drain!
| Was foolish of me to think that MS would send me a mail with the URL
| of the download site & instructions, etc !!
| Waited too long, you're right ! And a lesson learnt!
| Any leads from here??? You got any alternatives ? Should I pay the
| full price to download OFFICE 2007 now?
| Your suggestions are welcome!
| Thanks again!
| =========================
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| The beta ended a few weeks ago and the beta download was removed.
|| If you paid for it before the beta ended, why did you wait until now
|| to attempt to download it? At any rate, the downloads are gone,
|| Office 2007 has been released to VLK customers, MSDN and TechNet.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, rapandru asked:
||| I have not got the download instructions for the Office 2007 Beta2 !
||| I had paid the nominal fee and got the Transaction No. also, but no
||| advice on how to - or - where to download this software !!
||| Anybody can help ??
||| Thanks !!

Problem with Product Keys for 2007

Posted: 13 Nov 2006 06:31 AM PST

We're still waiting for the VLK to appear on our Gold Partner Volume
Keys page. With the testing we're going to do we'll blow the
10-install limit within a day, so we're not even starting it until the
VLK appears!


On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 18:03:41 +0000, "Patrick Schmid [MVP]"
<> wrote:

SQL Server - repost

Posted: 13 Nov 2006 03:56 AM PST

I see, thanks


Office 2007 RTM wont install

Posted: 13 Nov 2006 02:54 AM PST

Extracted the ISO with WinRAR then run setup.exe and all worked fine, thanks
for the suggestion.

"Patrick Schmid [MVP]" wrote:

Office 2007 - MSDN users - Volume keys?

Posted: 13 Nov 2006 02:51 AM PST

> Certainly the downloads yesterday evening were slower than normal, so 
I am sure.
If I knew, I'd tell you :)

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

Global IME

Posted: 12 Nov 2006 07:00 PM PST

Hi Marissa,

As Garfield... pointed out Windows XP has included support for several previously separate IMEs. As you purchased an Office 2003
retail product after 25Oct06 you may want to check this page for obtaining a low cost/no cost upgrade to the matching 2007 Office
product when it's available in stores early next year.

<<"Marissa" <> wrote in message news:com...
Hi. I just bought a new computer yesterday and it didn't come with Microsoft
Office so I bought it separately and installed it today (Office Professional
2003). I tried to download the Global IME Japanese for it but when I try to
install it it comes up with a message saying that "This requires Office XP".
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. >>

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Installing Office 2003 Professional on new computer

Posted: 12 Nov 2006 06:07 PM PST



JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"LVTravel" <com> wrote in message 

UNable to Repair Word 11.0

Posted: 12 Nov 2006 10:00 AM PST

Wow, i can't tell you how happy I am that this worked, and allowed me to
re-install Office 2003 and get going again .. the only odd thing I see now is
the Prompt says that it's running the installer each time i double click a
..doc file.. that i can live with since it's onl;y displayed for 2 seconds
each time.

Regards, JimS

"Beth Melton" wrote:

Cannot find file after installation

Posted: 12 Nov 2006 09:13 AM PST

Thanks for that. That site looks promising.

I have managed to find what files are on the CD and none of them are the
required one. I am being asked for and I have, and

I have managed to find the MSOCache folder on the C: drive, and it seems to
contain SKU112.xml (but not .cab). This appears to be a note form of an
executable file.

I will try some of the options decribe in the website.

Will come back to let you know how I get on.

Thanks for the tips.


"JoAnn Paules [MVP]" wrote:

cannot reinstall office 2003, wont recognize my product key

Posted: 11 Nov 2006 09:43 PM PST

You need to uninstall the trial version and then install the pro version.
The product numbers will not work with other editions.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"tbhouston" <> wrote in message

2007 setup/ Remove '03 first?

Posted: 11 Nov 2006 01:35 PM PST

On the same page where you have the option to "download now' is the option for "get product keys."

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, com asked:

| I'm an MSDN subscriber and was able to download the RTM Office 2007
| pro
| from the website, but have not seen a product key posted there. Does
| anyone know the ETA for this?
| Patrick Schmid [MVP] wrote:
|| I don't know who that is. I literally just posted it on my site
|| after I got the OK from Microsoft to do so.
|| Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
|| --------------
|| ***
|| Office 2007 RTM Issues:
|| Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
|| ***
|| Customize Office 2007:
|| OneNote 2007:
|| ***
|| Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:
|| "Milhouse Van Houten" <com> wrote in message
|| news:phx.gbl:
||| I used some of that today when I went into Full Metal Jacket mode
||| with the beast that is B2TR, though I didn't find it on your site.
||| Who is Brennero?
||| "Patrick Schmid [MVP]" <> wrote in message
||| news:phx.gbl...
|||| I just got an OK to posting them:
|||| Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
|||| --------------
|||| ***
|||| Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
|||| ***
|||| Customize Office 2007:
|||| OneNote 2007:
|||| ***
|||| Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:
|||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
|||| <org> wrote in message
|||| news:e$phx.gbl:
||||| You may find that the RTM Office 2007 still will not install. If
||||| you have problems, post here and Patrick has some great
||||| instructions for getting rid of the beta bits. They are
||||| availabel right now by mail only. They involve some serious
||||| registry editing and .msi removal techniques and are not for the
||||| faint of heart.
||||| --
||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
||||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
||||| without reading.
||||| After furious head scratching, Jeff asked:
|||||| Beth,
|||||| From your; or Millies post in this thread; I went
|||||| there;grabbed that utility; and it did show some B2TR stuff
|||||| still lingering about. So I just highlighted the office stuff
|||||| and said remove. Seems to have worked; nothing else crashed!!
|||||| And since I heard Office 2007 just got released on Technet this
|||||| afternoon, gonna wait to try it; servers are probably really
|||||| busy. Just became a subscriber; so I'm waiting my turn.
|||||| That utility got stuff the uninstall missed.
|||||| Jeff
|||||| "Beth Melton" <org> wrote in message
|||||| news:phx.gbl...
||||||| I know the Windows Cleanup Utility was used for similar issues
||||||| when trying to get B2TR installed and folks were successful
||||||| using it which is why I'm wondering if there are new issues
||||||| with it for uninstalling B2TR.
||||||| Anyway, I'm hoping if Patrick has something he'll be along to
||||||| post it - he's usually good about letting us know when he has
||||||| something on his blog. :-) (I've yet to master the ability to
||||||| quickly search a blog to find what I'm looking for - even with
||||||| Google and the Google toolbar to help me. <grin>)
||||||| Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests
||||||| for assistance by email can not be acknowledged.
||||||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
||||||| Beth Melton
||||||| Microsoft Office MVP
||||||| TechTrax eZine:
||||||| MVP FAQ site:
||||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
||||||| <org> wrote in message
||||||| news:phx.gbl...
||||||| Have you checked Patrick Schmid's blogs for this error? I seem
||||||| to recall that he posted some good info on this.
||||||| --
||||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||||||| All unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be
||||||| deleted without reading.
||||||| After furious head scratching, Beth Melton asked:
|||||||| Anyway, I suspect it's due to B2TR getting delivered as a
|||||||| patch and the Windows Installer would only remove B2 and the
|||||||| B2TR references would remain. I'll have to ask around to make
|||||||| sure for future reference, though.

Office 2007 Final setup issue

Posted: 11 Nov 2006 02:05 AM PST

Hi David,

You were absoutely right : I've just installed it succesful on my laptop. It
seems my desktop computer needs a bit of Windows refresh ... waiting for
Vista to re-install it !

Thanks a lot for your suggestion ;)

All the best for each of you with the new 2007 suites.

Frederic Lhoest
IT Network & System Manager
Gateway Communications sa

"David Chadwick" wrote:

More on the Windows Installer

Posted: 10 Nov 2006 06:17 PM PST

Hi Bill,

In current versions of Windows the default location for temp folders seem to be tied to Username profile locations, but, yes you can
create a temp folder as you described and then 'tell' Windows what location you want to use as a temp file by

1. Clicking 'Start' then

2. Right clicking on 'My Computer'

3. Select 'Properties' then

4. In the next dialog choose
Advanced=>[nvironment Variables]
and there

5. Set the location for the
TEMP and TMP variables
(note that there are both User and System settings).
<<"Bill" <net> wrote in message news:fFe5h.5016$
Hummmm? Maybe I "shot a hole in my foot"?
I might have deleted a Temp directory on the
system hard-drive during some manual clean up
back a few days. How does one fix that problem?
Does a simple creation of a Temp directory in
the root of c: do the trick?

Bill >>

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2007 Outlook, cannot preview attachments

Posted: 09 Nov 2006 08:19 PM PST

Thanks Patrick sounds great............

"Patrick Schmid [MVP]" <> wrote in message

"installing messages"

Posted: 09 Nov 2006 04:16 PM PST

Situation worse!! Ran the utility and lost launch to any of
the Office components. Attempted to re-install Office 2003
and got diagnostic stating that there's not enough room on
drive E to E is the CD drive!! Restored
system to last Monday successfully, which leaves me once
again with "Preparing to Install", etc. when launching any of
the Office components.

Starting to look at an entire system re-build on the horizon.


"Mark or Libbie McCutcheon" <> wrote in message

"quiet" install of Word 2003

Posted: 09 Nov 2006 02:45 PM PST

Word Viewer didn't solve the issue. I installed Word Viewer and it correctly
opens Word documents. But, it does not open them if you attempt to open the
Word document that is stored within Application X. However, if Word Viewer
is already open then the Word document opens when clicked via Application X.
So it appears there is nothing wrong with the file type association on the
server - rather the problem must be something funky in the way Application X
handles the association. Do you have any other ideas? Thanks.

"neo [mvp outlook]" wrote:

Uninstall Office 2003 to get rid of Exchange Server 2003

Posted: 09 Nov 2006 02:42 PM PST

Thanks. I deleted the two programs but will not install Outlook until I
return from vacation next week. You've been helpful.

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

How to disable SSL/TLS on SMTP? - Microsoft Exchange

How to disable SSL/TLS on SMTP? - Microsoft Exchange

How to disable SSL/TLS on SMTP?

Posted: 28 Sep 2006 11:01 AM PDT

Thank you for your reply, but I had already done that and it didn't work.

I also posted on the orginal thread and received the answer. I deleted the
associated Certificate. I had unchecked require secure channel, but until I
deleted the Cert. it didn't work.
Thanks - Steph

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" wrote:

Multiple Sessions to same Mailbox

Posted: 28 Sep 2006 10:26 AM PDT

You have absolutley no problem. Let it carry on as-is.

Exchange throwing away messages

Posted: 28 Sep 2006 07:48 AM PDT

It is sending to correct address.

95%+ of these type messages do go through.

The message DID end up being processed to her, as I said in my openning
post. I looked it up in history under her name.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

MSX 5.5 Server

Posted: 27 Sep 2006 04:28 PM PDT

Thanks for the information. However, when I executed isinteg -patch. The
software halted with a message unknown error.

Any thoughts?

"Andy David - MVP" wrote:

Getting mail to trigger script

Posted: 27 Sep 2006 09:13 AM PDT


How to implement event sink to forward a message coming from a specific

Shows example of using the messagestatus to abort the message.

Incorporate both of these to write the sink.

James Chong

O's fan wrote: 

Diagnostic selection

Posted: 27 Sep 2006 05:36 AM PDT

Thank you very much!!

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" wrote:

Windows server 2003 SP1 on Exchange 2003 server

Posted: 27 Sep 2006 04:56 AM PDT

In news:com,
kesexpress <> typed: 

No, but you really ought to be running it anyway. It's been out for quite
some time. Make sure you manually uninstall the IMF 1.1 first, if you had
previously installed it, in add/remove programs.

You might download & install the Exchange Best Practices Analyzer tool (ver

and the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

To help you identify misconfigurations, missing patches, etc.


Well, the basics would be -

Download the updates you need
Back up your server
Install an SP
Test, and then back up your server again
Install the other SP



Posted: 26 Sep 2006 03:15 PM PDT


Thank you for you update.

Please let us know if we can be of assistance in the future. Also I suggest
you contact CSS directly for further help,they may know more detailed info
on this question. To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology
request please take a
look at the web site listed below.;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS

If you are outside the US please see for
regional support phone numbers.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,

Chace Zhang (MSFT)

Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support

Get Secure! -

================================================== ===
This newsgroup only focuses on Exchange technical issues. If you have
issues regarding other Microsoft products, you'd better post in the
corresponding newsgroups so that they can be resolved in an efficient and
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When opening a new thread via the web interface, we recommend you check the
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any updates in your thread. When responding to posts via your newsreader,
please "Reply to Group" so that others may learn and benefit from your

Microsoft engineers can only focus on one issue per thread. Although we
provide other information for your reference, we recommend you post
different incidents in different threads to keep the thread clean. In doing
so, it will ensure your issues are resolved in a timely manner.

For urgent issues, you may want to contact Microsoft CSS directly. Please
check for regional support phone numbers.

Any input or comments in this thread are highly appreciated.

================================================== ===

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

| Thread-Topic: ISCSI for IS
| thread-index: AcbiUnXUl7I2upAhTQeMTmtA+DtNPw==
| X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
| From: =?Utf-8?B?Qm9iVw==?= <postalias>
| References: <com>
| Subject: Re: ISCSI for IS
| Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:32:01 -0700
| Lines: 22
| Message-ID: <com>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain;
| charset="Utf-8"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
| X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000
| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| Importance: normal
| Priority: normal
| X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.1830
| Newsgroups:
| Path: TK2MSFTNGXA01.phx.gbl
| Xref: TK2MSFTNGXA01.phx.gbl
| NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA01.phx.gbl
| X-Tomcat-NG:
| Yes, I am hoping to move my Exchange 2003 Information Store to an AX150i
| ISCSI device.
| From what I gather this will work with the software intiator and willl be
| supported by PSS. Being a one person IT dept. I was kind of loooking
for a
| confirmation I am on the right track.
| It appears that I am!
| Thanks,
| Bob
| "chace zhang" wrote:
| > Hi,
| >
| > Thank you fro posting here.
| >
| > According to your description, I understand that you want to deploy
| > 2003 server with exchange enterprise using an supported SCSI device, if
| > off base, please fee l free to let me know

moving mailboxes from win2k to win2k3 (sbs) in same org

Posted: 26 Sep 2006 09:21 AM PDT

Good luck.
The SBS folk will tell you it's a wonderful idea because it increases
their seat count but anyone else will suggest you do a double take
because you are A) used to doing things without wizards and if you do
a lot of stuff outside the wizard in SBS you will break SBS, and B)
the whole "eggs in one basket where previously you didn't"

Defrag: File system vs. database

Posted: 26 Sep 2006 08:25 AM PDT

That would be Absolut.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Andy David - MVP" <com> wrote in message

cannot delete address from corporate list

Posted: 26 Sep 2006 07:00 AM PDT

I actually know the answer to this - the GAL, if in Cached mode, can take up
to 3 days to update it's information from Exchange. It's just the way it is.
However, if you uncheck cached mode for your Outlook, for example, then
check the GAL again, you'll see it's updated right away. There doesn't seem
to be anyway around this time delay for now if using cached mode.


"Peter McCaul" wrote:

Winmail.dat within exchange

Posted: 25 Sep 2006 03:24 AM PDT

I can't tell you why it is happening, sorry.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Luke Chalmers" <> wrote in message

The Find function in Outlook is not working for inbox & public fol

Posted: 25 Sep 2006 02:09 AM PDT

Thanks for your help

I have turned off Full text indexing and now the search is working fine.

As you said it was turned on but it was not populated.

Thanks for your help


"John Fullbright [MVP]" wrote:

Invalid or unknown virtual user

Posted: 23 Sep 2006 09:14 AM PDT

That message clearly is coming from the recipient's e-mail system. Ask that
domain's administrator.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Brian" <> wrote in message

Can't sync with Versamail

Posted: 22 Sep 2006 12:35 PM PDT

Glad to hear problem solved, thanks for the feedback.

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2006
Microsoft Certified Partner

"Rebecca" <> wrote in message

OMA and Exchange 2003

Posted: 22 Sep 2006 10:22 AM PDT


Thanks for the link. I'll take a look at it. Is it normally recommended
that the SSL cert be applied differently? My Exchange 2003 Server only have
the Default Web/FTP sites on them. OWA has worked great since day one.


"Lee Derbyshire [MVP]" wrote:

MS Intelligent Filtering and Exchange 2003

Posted: 22 Sep 2006 10:10 AM PDT

Yeah, I hear you. 5am pages suck. However, I guess I hoping to figure out a
fix to this as opposed to having my Exchange server vulnerable to a zero-day
attack. I'll be sure to post any successes that I have. I'm going to try
the IIS reset the next time it happens. I don't really want to script my
server to reboot automatically everytime my SMTP service stops.


"Croco Stimpy" wrote:

Microsoft Exchange Setup Wizard Appears in Internet Explorer

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 10:43 PM PDT
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Mystery Girl" <> wrote in message

License (?) Question

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 04:15 PM PDT

In article <com>,
com says... 

Well, as this is the United States, three people in most companies have
full access to any users email box, for security reasons.

Yes, the mail boxes are in the DMZ. While you may not like it, it's very
secure, and since there are no accounts anywhere that match the accounts
in the LAN network.

Once a user has a password the information is deleted from the setup
files we maintain - so, the passwords are not on file anywhere. If a
user forgets their password we issue them a new one.

I understand you idea, but this works with two layers, they have to
logon to the domain in the LAN to access (with a second logon) the email
system in the DMZ, and the DMZ can not reach their LAN node without
being contacted first, and then it only allows the server to respond to
the node that contacted it.

I might also point out that we have 3 DMZ networks, one for email, one
for websites, and another for development - these are separate networks,
so it's not like we're also hosting websites in the same network as the
email server.


remove 999 in order to email me

Help Forwarding

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 01:20 PM PDT

You do it via Outlook.

<com> wrote in message 

E-mail account

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 10:31 AM PDT

Thank you, Jim! That is exactly what I was looking for!!


"Jim Schwartz" wrote:

clients in hotels cannot connect to OWA

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 09:24 AM PDT

No. OWA is accessed either thru ports 80 or 443.

Make sure that your clients do not have a hadrcoded DNS address that may
conflict with the hotel's.

=?Utf-8?B?RGFuVw==?= <> wrote in

Microsoft Active Directory - Exchange Extension ID no: 800004005

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 09:20 AM PDT

That will be a problem. Exchange wants to use a GC that's in the same
domain, so it's looking to the other location. You need to install a domain
controller for the domain the Exchange server belongs to.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"JJM" <> wrote in message

Exchange blocking email addresses which include an apostrophe

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 03:08 AM PDT

Hi Ben,

No recipient filters are enabled. I do have a third party anti-spam
filtering company to whom our inbound/outbound mail is routed through. I have
checked with them and the mail is being refused by the exchange.

"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Accidentally deleted Adobe Active XI, Now can't convert word docs to PDF. Tried to reload office, get errors. Any suggestions?

Microsoft Word - Accidentally deleted Adobe Active XI, Now can't convert word docs to PDF. Tried to reload office, get errors. Any suggestions?

Accidentally deleted Adobe Active XI, Now can't convert word docs to PDF. Tried to reload office, get errors. Any suggestions?

Posted: 11 May 2014 02:34 PM PDT


I accidentally deleted Adobe Active XI...   So now when I create a WORD doc and try to convert it to a PDF, the operating file (ADOBE ACTIVE XI, is missing), so I can't convert docs.

I thought I could just download and reinstall Microsoft Office 2013 again and it would bring it with it with the reinstall.  When I go to reinstall Microsoft Office, it asks me to save the setup file, but it won't save.  There is no option just to run the set up file, only save it.

Maybe I am going about this the wrong way, any suggestions.  I went to Adobe's website, thinking I could just download Active XI from there, but you they will only give you a 30 day free trial.  THen you pay.   Why should I do that, if I get it free with Micrsoft Office, except I am having trouble getting it back!

After receiving an email MSWord attachment and working on it, it is now missing. Is it recoverable?

Posted: 11 May 2014 12:31 PM PDT

I have MS Office 10 and Windows 7 64 bit. I received an email with a MS word 97-2003 attachment which needed additional work.

Today I opened Word to finish some work on the file before returning it. It is not shown in any of the obvious places in Word although 3 other similar documents are there. I have followed through the standard MS procedure for finding missing Word files but without any success.

I am having to contemplate whether (very stupidly), I clicked this particular file, Enabled Editing and continued to make substantial changes while clicking on the save button but without saving it specifically to my PC with the Save As command. The file name shown at the top of the page would have been identical either way.

To see what would happen, I replicated the problem today by clicking on the attachment, Enabled Editing, and then clicked the save button. I then clicked on File

and then Info. It showed me the full path as follows:

C:\Users\ivor\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\3RYXXZZV\File Name.doc

My heart sunk when I saw Temporary Internet Files but checked my PC anyway and spotted a .DB file of the right size and with the correct time and date in a Caches sub-directory


I have been unable to open the .DB file as yet and it may turn out to be something else.


Could one of the experts tell me if I am wasting my time and that the file has disappeared forever


Where is the Help in office 365

Posted: 11 May 2014 10:53 AM PDT


I am used to have in any sofyware the existence of the Help menu, as it is in office 2011 (office for mac) as it shown here:

But, in my Office 365 I can't locate this Help menu see my word 365 interface:

So, how can I locate the Help menu in my Word 365?


Need for document specific dictionaries (or company specific, etc)

Posted: 11 May 2014 08:48 AM PDT

I believe that Microsoft is missing something by only having one set of dictionaries (used by Spell and Grammar Check). 

It would be really useful if a Word user was able to pick and choose dictionaries depending on the client or company the document is for. This particularly applies with technical documents, where some words may need to be in a dictionary for one company, but not others.

This may also apply to Excel and to a lesser extent, Outloook.

Another example may be for companies that have international offices and where they need to switch between different flavours of English, or even different languages. Choosing the document language covers this to a certain extent, but there will always be words which come up that may be correct for one situation, but not appropriate for another. Just having one custom dictionary is rather restrictive.

I envisage an option from the Spell Checker to Manage Dictionaries, where a user can choose, for the particular document they are working on, which custom dictionaries they want to use. I would also like to see the option to choose which dictionary to save a word into when adding to the dictionary. OpenOffice and LibreOffice offer this and it is a very nice feature.

I know dictionaries can be changed in the Proofing section, but this is long winded, and doesn't allow for different versions of custom.dic, except by manually renaming a another language custom.dic before opening Word. However, this is clumsy and I'm sure can be a better way.

How to highlight the same word that was present multiple times in a particular file?

Posted: 11 May 2014 07:28 AM PDT

How do I perform a particular activity on a few "selected words" in the Word 2010? 
For Example consider the following paragraph. 

"luminary:a person who is an expert or a great influence in a special area or activity. 

Eg: Various leading luminaries of the arts were invited.

Eg: The President, who has chosen not to cast his vote to ensure "neutrality", has the mandate to call the party with numbers or alliance partners to form the govt. Mr. Mukherjee never known to deviate from the rule book, has begun consultations with legal luminaries& constitutional experts"

In the above example, I highlighted the word "luminaries" thrice individually.

But what I want to know is, can we highlight all the 3 words at the same time? 

error code 30029-4

Posted: 11 May 2014 07:25 AM PDT

I have just installed Office 365, but when I go to use it I get error code 30029-4. I have followed all the prompts and repair suggestions, but it persists. I have re loaded but the same think. Any ideas anyone?



Microsoft word

Posted: 11 May 2014 05:34 AM PDT

whenever i open microsoft word it opens up in the corner of my screen (right hand) and i can only see a bit of the document, it wont let  me move it and it stays in the corner of my screen?

Where can I insert the sequencing Latin numbers in MS Word 2010?

Posted: 11 May 2014 04:44 AM PDT


I want to insert such numbers.


 I couldn't find any of those numbers above when I clicked on  insert 'symbol' on the toolbar.

Should I only use the letters on Keyboard, such as 'I', V, X' and so on.  I don't think so since sequencing Latin numbers are different?

Right to left text input. Keyboard commands back to front.

Posted: 11 May 2014 01:34 AM PDT

Whilst typing within a table cell in Word 2013, (PC running 8.1) I must have inadvertently hit a shortcut key which then changed the text entry into right to left and the keyboard commands back to front, so delete, backspace, right and left arrows are all opposite to what they should be.  

I've been through everything to do with language settings and suchlike, including deleting the cell completely and starting again, and also copying and pasting the text in a clean document, but this formatting is fixed and I can't remove the problem.  All the other cells in the table are fine.  Any help gratefully received as this is driving me completely mad!

Goal: The Ultimate College Notes Template

Posted: 10 May 2014 11:07 PM PDT

Starting notes from scratch every day is too much work! I'm working towards making the Ultimate College Notes Template that I can simply open and start typing in. So far the progress has been great! 

First, the title should be separated from the main work both in style and placement, and it should have a format that allows the user to easily distinguish it from their notes from other classes. The following is the format I use (without commas): "Class, Class #, for xx.xx.xxxx, for Ch #, - Description". Even if a student saved all their notes from all their classes in one folder, this title format would still make it possible to locate anything they may be looking for. This title should be displayed at the top of the document, and saved as the document's title.  

Now for the meat of the document. Because MLA is so widely used and adaptable, I decided to use its Multilevel list format - I. A. 1. a. i. (1). (a). (i).- instead of a different style. The great thing about using a multilevel list format is it will allow the user to quickly narrow down the sections of the notes they are looking for during a review. Alone, this works well (especially when printed), but if the user will be studying directly from the computer there is an even more organized option. 

The items in the previous two paragraphs have already been saved into a template, but I'd like to go even deeper. The following items would provide even more organization to the document, and potentially give users a new way to study directly from their notes. These features are: collapsible bullet points, bold level 1 listing (I.), and large spacing before level 1 listing. The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to apply these features to a template, which is where I need your help

Word 2013 allows users to collapse individual levels of a list while editing the document. By using this option, users could study from a much cleaner document and they may even be given the option to self study by revealing answers in a collapsed level. I need help to apply "outline levels" to the Multilevel list. I think this my be possible by assigning each level a different Style, but I'm not very familiar with styling. On a similar note, I'd also like to apply boldface to outline level 1 to separate the main headings from the smaller subsections. Lastly, I'd like to separate the main from each other. I've been able to do this is the past by using paragraph spacing 3.0 on the last level of the list before a main point, but this is time consuming and I'd like for it to be done automatically.


  • Designated Title section: Boldface, set format (Class, Class #, for xx.xx.xxxx, for Ch #, - Description)
  • MLA Format List (I. A. 1. a. i. (1). (a). (i).)
  • Collapsible bullet points per level
  • Bold outline level 1
  • Large spacing before outline level 1 to separate main sections. 

If anyone could help me figure out how to make this Ultimate College Notes Template a reality, I'd be happy to share it with the world! Together, we can save students hundreds of hours of fiddling with their notes so that they may procrastinate their studies in some other way! :)

Why did you make the quick access toolbar faint instead of vivid?

Posted: 10 May 2014 07:59 PM PDT

In Word 2007, the Quick Access Toolbar was bright and easy to see.  Why did you change it to make it faint and difficult to see? 

Cannot get Office to Work

Posted: 10 May 2014 06:08 PM PDT


  I purchased Office 2013, installed and could open office but would keep kicking me out. I followed some of the Troubleshooting step mention in some of the articles. I uninstalled with fix it and then reinstalled office 2013. This time around I cannot even get office to Start error 24. I've tried to repair offline and online through Uninstall Programs to no avail I got and get error " Something went wrong " " Sorry we ran into a problem " " Error Code 30029-4 " .

I've gone onto my account and cannot see the product linked to my Microsoft account, not sure if that is the issue. Any help would be appreciated.

I am missing archive on file list Outlook 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

I am missing archive on file list Outlook 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

I am missing archive on file list Outlook 2003

Posted: 08 Nov 2006 06:19 PM PST

Maybe there is no Archive to open?

"Willem Geurtsen" <Willem> wrote in
message news:com... 

Just updated MS Office 2003 - now docs will not display

Posted: 08 Nov 2006 01:07 PM PST

You have to upgrade Windows update to Microsoft Update, usually done
manually by accessing windows update from eg IE and following usual update
procedure or left hand column

"LadyBonita" <> wrote in message

register key

Posted: 08 Nov 2006 02:57 AM PST

Do you mean the 25 digit product key?


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"ana" <com> wrote in message

How to link 2 PC via Peer-to-Peer

Posted: 07 Nov 2006 06:35 AM PST

Bonzai wrote:

Yahoo Intellisync will enable you to sync calendar, contacts and Tasks
between two or more locations across the web. It's NOT a Calendar sharing
tool in the same sense as Exchange is.

Outlook 2003 on two different computers?

Posted: 06 Nov 2006 02:59 PM PST

"Mark or Libbie McCutcheon" <> wrote in message

have a look here:

Removing SR-1 deleted my Office apps!

Posted: 06 Nov 2006 02:04 PM PST

PS Beside which, the data is important, so you have backups?

<com> wrote in message 

I can not change the icon of IE 7 Shortcuts?

Posted: 06 Nov 2006 10:17 AM PST

"Sam S." <> wrote in message

Works here.......

Windows is preparing to install

Posted: 05 Nov 2006 04:29 PM PST

I'm not going to do much of anything to that laptop. It's not mine and my
company has an IT department. I'm not going to get them involved either. If
I can find a bit of time to try a few little tweaks, I will. If not, "ain't
no big thang". ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"Mark or Libbie McCutcheon" <> wrote in message

2007 beta key !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 04 Nov 2006 12:37 PM PST

Sue? You want to lose more money?
The download page clearly stated that beta versions should never be used
in a production environment and if you read the End User License
Agreement (EULA) that you had to accept when you installed Beta 2,
you'll see that there is an explicit clause prohibiting use of it in a
production environment:
.. You may install and use one copy of the software on your premises to
test how it runs with your programs.
.. You may not test the software in a live operating environment unless
Microsoft permits you to do so under another agreement."
If you are losing thousands of dollars, then go and buy Office 2003 and
install that. That is a lot cheaper than sitting around till December 1
when you can download a trial version of Office 2007.
To open your 2007-format documents, Microsoft released (for download)
the RTM version of the Office 2007 file format converter:
Download it, install it and you can open your 2007 documents with it in
Office 2003 or XP.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

"susank" <> wrote in message

uninstall office 2000-- 'error 1706'

Posted: 01 Nov 2006 05:05 AM PST

Hi Glenn,

The Data1pro.msi file would be from a Corporate 'Select' subscription CD for MS Office, rather than a MS retail product CD.

If the installation has become damaged you may need to use the MS Installer cleanup utility (backup your files first) from
to remove the Office 2000 entries from the registry, then restart the PC and install Office 2000 back to the same location. If you
want to then remove it, you should be able to do so after that in a controlled manner.

<<orcadianborn" <> wrote in message
I have tried to uninstal office 2000 prof. My operating system is win 2000.
It starts the uninstall then says it needs a CD to continue. The original
CD-1 is loaded and is not recognised. It keeps askinf for the CD. It will
not repair or install but keeps providing the erroe message 1706 file
DATA1PRO.MSI cannot be found. Any suggestions as to how to resolve this
would be very much appreciated.

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*