

Open Office - [discuss] How to make OO the standard

Open Office - [discuss] How to make OO the standard

[discuss] How to make OO the standard

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 05:53 AM PDT

On 10/16/2010 8:56 PM, Bianca Gibson wrote: 
I mentioned free software back when there wasn't much of it
out there. My office mate, who is an ultimate pessimist,
sarcastically suggested that you get what you pay for. My
experience since is that this is false. The ratio of
functionality to cost, where cost includes learning and
maintenance, is much higher with free software than with
commercial software. I moved to OO.o with 1.1 and have not
looked back.

David Teague

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[discuss] Oracle [NOT!] dropping

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 04:09 PM PDT

On 10/15/2010 05:14 AM, Marius Popa wrote: 

All of Oracle's R&D will be going into Oracle Cloud Office, and Oracle
OpenOffice. Some of the results of that R&D will be migrated into OOo.

In time, OOo will be like SQL-Ledger --- ostensibly open source, but
source code will not be available for the current version, if at all.

No human will see non-list, non-bulk, non-junk email sent to this address.
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[discuss] Oracle [NOT!] dropping

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 10:26 PM PDT

Will be developed to future final version or will the future
final versions replace the future versions of

On 15 October 2010 08:28, RA Brown <net> wrote:

Marius Popa

[discuss] Oracle [NOT!] dropping

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:10 AM PDT

On 10/14/2010 12:39 PM, Cor Nouws wrote: 

In an ideal world, wouldn't Oracle become a member of The Document Foundation and assign the name over to them, then contribute its developers' work to them as it became available?

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[discuss] more than 127 columns?

Posted: 12 Oct 2010 06:28 AM PDT

On 10/12/2010 8:28 AM, Simone Krais wrote: 

Simone, is the problem that you are having an issue with the number of fields that can be defined
for a specific table in Base? I've never needed as many as you're indicating, but I'd recommend that
you organize your data into multiple tables of related data, perhaps using the same primary key for
all of them if they don't naturally have their own. In many cases, there is a great deal of
duplication of data when tables (or spreadsheets, for that matter) get very wide, making it much
harder to update everything in sync.

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[discuss] Oracle dropping and joining the community...

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 09:24 AM PDT

Hi Ariel,

Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote (13-10-10 02:33)

I think following the lists more careful, would not have given you much
more signs about what was going on.
But OK, I hope you do fine with the Internship - I even trust it :-)
It was quite some work to get it started etc, so happy to see you there!

Ah :-) Pls learn German and read their dev-list. Quite some individuals
with strong opinions and feelings that produce tons of CO2 with sending
around loooong mail-discussions. I glad it is relatively quit here.


- giving its foundation :: The Document Foundation -
- ideas/remarks for the community council? See

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Posted: 07 Oct 2010 05:19 PM PDT

On 10/7/2010 8:19 PM, HORACE WILLIAMS wrote: 
First, please turn off caps lock. Someone here has already
suggested this is taken as the email equivalent of shouting.

Second: You should evaluate several distributions then
answer the question for yourself. Someone already suggested
"DistroWatch" as a place to start.

Third, you don't give enough information for us to begin to
guess what might be a reasonable answer to your question.

For starters:

1. What computer system(s) are you using? (At the least
tell us what processor, speed, memory size you have.
If more than one, is are they networked?)
2. What do you use your computer(s) for? (I use mine
primarily for email and web browsing, with some music
playing, CD burning for the car, and a music notation
program from time to time to further my music
performing habit. I get away with some pretty old
3. What level of expertise do your users have? (I was an
expert when I retired in 2004, but as I age, I get
further and further behind the technology curve. I can
make no claim to any expertise now.)

Here is a subjective answer that may well not fit your needs
at all:
Ubuntu or Kubuntu, or other Ubuntu based distribution seems
to work fairly well here on hardware that is not
particularly new.

Thia machine runs XP SP3. I have an old machine (AMD Athlon
1 GHz, 700 MB RAM) with Ubuntu on it. It's slow but usable.

With Warmest Regards
David Teague

[discuss] LibreOffice

Posted: 30 Sep 2010 08:37 AM PDT

On Thu Sep 30 2010 09:23:36 GMT-0700 (PDT) Marius Popa wrote: 

LibreOffice has some of the more stable code from Go-oo back ported.
The Icons or not the "official" colorless ones seen in 3.2.1 or 3.3.0 beta.


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[discuss] LibreOffice - What's in a Name?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 03:20 AM PDT

On Sep 29, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Harold Fuchs wrote: 

Actually, it means a good deal more; Lewis devotes an entire chapter of "Studies in Words" to it.

John W Kennedy
"Information is light. Information, in itself, about anything, is light."
-- Tom Stoppard. "Night and Day"

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[discuss] Idea for Open Office template

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 10:15 AM PDT

** Please reply to org only **

Rebekah Sutherland wrote: 

Do none listed at meet
your need?

Note: you have been cc'd on this reply as you have posted to an open (OOo) mailng list. For further information regarding OOo,
please see:
Please reply *only* to the list at org

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[discuss] Impress - start macro on 'new slide'

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 08:20 AM PDT

On 11/09/10 16:44, Alexandro Colorado wrote: 

I know. But this is a presentation - and the wireless remote doesn't
allow such. Not that this would be a good idea anyway, given the 'target
presenter'. KISS applies as ever: 'forward' is pretty bombproof for the
unskilled presenter; 'forward and then remember to click on the green
thingy to show the video' isn't.

Not that it works. Does anyone know exactly what run macro 'on graphics
load successful' might mean? It's clearly not what I thought/hoped, ie
'when image appears'.

Mike Scott

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[discuss] OpenOffice update problem

Posted: 09 Sep 2010 12:50 PM PDT

This thing is so Cock-a-mamy......Never mind! I don't know why! BUT I imagine it did exactly what it was intended! It check for the failure & said OK.Thank it veddy much! If I'm wrong, let me know!
HRH....not THAT one!

Office 2004: Upgrade on OSX from OS9 Microsoft Office for Mac

Office 2004: Upgrade on OSX from OS9 Microsoft Office for Mac

Office 2004: Upgrade on OSX from OS9

Posted: 03 Sep 2008 09:35 AM PDT

"com" wrote:
If you don't have any data to move over, you just install and update. If you
don't have classic you can't install Office 98. Why would you want the older
version if you have Office 2004?

Sorry but this is really confusing.


Envelopes will not print.

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 12:18 PM PDT

Then the most likely cause is that Word> Preferences> Print has no check in
the box for Drawing Objects. Both the Delivery & Return addresses are
contained in Text Boxes which are Drawing Objects.

Restore the check by way of the route mentioned above & you should be OK.
Alternatively you can get there through File> Print> Copies & Pages>
Microsoft Word> Word Options.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/2/08 3:55 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Not able to open word at the library

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 07:14 AM PDT



Hi Marika,

to open word documents at the > reading rooms in the library. A message
comes up saying that someone > else already has it in use. The information
on this site says that only > one product key can be used to run this
application. I don't understand > how someone else at the library could
have the same product key as me. > Perhaps I need to re-install word?
I bought this computer second-hand (i > book G4) but I think it came with
the installation CDs.

Office does license checking on the local network. If another computer
is using the same serial number you are, you get this warning. Obviously,
someone on the local library network is using your serial number. Did
anyone ever borrow your install CD? Any chance someone ever had a chance
to take a look at it and copied the serial number?? I've never ever seen
this problem arise unless someone was indeed using the same SN.


Well you need to tell us at least what application, and in what context??
Is it checking your e-mails for instance?

it > seems like there is no way of doing this. Please let me know if this
is > possible.

Apple Menu > System Preferences > Universal Access.


-- --- Mac:MS MVP <> --- <>
- <> MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP
ne travaillent pas pour MS Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam"
pour m'�crire

Hi Corentin,

Thanks for replying so promptly.

1. Unfortunately I am still having trouble accessing word at the library - the message has stated the names of two others using it, on two separate occasions. I have never given my licence number to anyone. Is it possible that these other people purchased their computers from the same second-hand dealer who has used the same serial number? From what you said that seems to be the case but if you later find out any other solution for me that would be great.

2. As for the message asking for key chain prompt - it comes up in different circumstances, including while I've been using email. I have noticed that it tends to come up when I'm on the internet and I change websites.

3. Got the Voiceover off, thank you!

Office 2008 working directory

Posted: 01 Sep 2008 10:25 AM PDT

Noted and done. Also submitted gripes to M$ via feedback and to Apple via website feedback form.


Posted: 30 Aug 2008 08:32 PM PDT

com wrote: 


The interface will always be slightly different, as the Mac version is
slightly different. Most notably, the Mac has menus and palettes
compared with the windows ribbon.

The Mac interface is highly customizable. You can move tools and
commands around to your liking. On the View menu choose Customize
Toolbars and Menus. Also investigate each applications preferences. When
that dialog box is open everything is fair game. Add, remove, move
around all the toolbars and menu items. You can make your own toolbars
from scratch if you don't want to mess with the built-in ones.

I'm willing to bet if you do your own customizations that you will find
that you can create a working environment that is better for you than
the default interface for either Mac or Windows Office.

Jim Gordon

MVPs are independent experts who are not affiliated with Microsoft.

Visit my blog

Auto Update Problem

Posted: 30 Aug 2008 05:33 PM PDT

"Denis Viau " wrote:

If you have tried all the other solutions, then I would look to borrow the
install CD. Since you have added onto this thread, I have no clue what you
have actually tried. It's always best to start your own thread with details
of your problem.


Installing update to Office 2008

Posted: 30 Aug 2008 09:46 AM PDT

"Corentin Cras-Méneur" wrote:

When the AutoUpdate shows up in the Dock, select to "keep in Dock" while you
do the updates.


Deleated important files.

Posted: 29 Aug 2008 02:22 PM PDT

Thanks for the advice. Ill guess i'll take it to the shop and have them restore the files.

Customized Signatures in Entourage

Posted: 28 Aug 2008 09:05 AM PDT

On 29/08/2008 13:51, in article caR9absDaxw,
"Christina Meredith " <> wrote:
Thanks for the info Diane. Didn't know you could do that.

Welsh Gas
Remove usual to reply direct.

unable to reinstall office 2004

Posted: 27 Aug 2008 11:56 AM PDT

"Mickey Stevens" wrote:

Low level errors like -15 indicate disk problems. Be sure you run Disk First
Aid in the Disk Utility and if you have Disk Warrior I would run that too.


Sharing documents

Posted: 27 Aug 2008 11:04 AM PDT

Although Mickey's point is valid I'd humbly suggest a different approach :-)

Any version of Win Office 2000 or later should have no problem opening OXML
files if the users have properly maintained their software via updates. The
OXML Converters can also be downloaded separately. IMHO, it's unfair to
expect you to sacrifice many of the features of 2008 by saving in the prior
format in order to "dumb down" your documents to their level.

If email recipients are having problems of the type you describe it's more
likely the result of one or more of several other causes... The most
probable of which is that the email system on their end is hacking your
attachments to bits because that email system hasn't been configured
properly - something over which neither you nor they have any control.

In order to [help] avoid the problem make sure you have the check in place
to Append File Extensions in the Save As dialog and always zip the files
before attaching. Also, based on your prior successes it isn't likely to be
wrong, but check your email software's settings for encoding attachments -
it should be MIME/Base64 or Windows Friendly or something similar.

You should also be conscientious about what fonts you use. Not all on either
platform translate well to the other side.

Finally, suggest to your WinTel pals - gently but firmly - that they stop
double-clicking (opening) *attachments*, but instead Save the file to their
HD then open the actual *file* that's created there. [Zipping helps force
them to do exactly that :-)]

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 8/27/08 6:07 PM, in article C4DB3A40.683A4%org,
"Mickey Stevens" <org> wrote:

Can I use a german product key on an English CD?

Posted: 27 Aug 2008 09:11 AM PDT

Great, thanks for the info!
Now I shall have to find a friend who has the CD :)

Microsoft CRM - cannot share items

Microsoft CRM - cannot share items

cannot share items

Posted: 08 Jul 2004 01:16 AM PDT

Yes, I am a system administration and cannot share. Every person we are trying this with has some permission to share in their security roles

"Dantheman" wrote:

Administrative Install

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 05:09 PM PDT

I/we would be very interested to know if your publishing with group policy
works once those pre-requisites are put in place. Please lets us know how
you get on

<> wrote in message

Could not load sample data

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 12:41 PM PDT

Thank you Paul for the response.
Could you elaberate a bit more. I am new to CRM.
I already created the users in user manager under
deployment manager. Server manager under deployment
manager doesn't seem to have the option for user creation.
data. Use Server 

HUGE CRM problem - need help ASAP

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 08:50 AM PDT

Thanks a ton for the information, Peter.

The problem we have now is that we can't get the
[machine] account in machine.config to work with the CRM -
we get the (null) SQL connection error saying there's no
trusted connection.

While I understand why the services didn't work, why the
default ASP account info doesn't work anymore is
completely beyond me. Makes no sense at all.

I've opened a ticket with Microsoft on this.

Wish me luck...



member of Domain Admins 
operating system" 
etc services to run 
section of 
seems to 

Deployment Manager: Snap-in failed to initialize on 2k3

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 08:42 AM PDT

I encountered the same problem. What i did was, make sure all the services
are started. (For some reason i need to manually start the MSCRM Security
Service although i've already comfigured it to start automatically)

Log on using the same account you use to install MSCRM. Create CRM user and
then assign a license to the user. From there you can log on as the user and
continue your deployment from there.


"jcwaite" <> wrote in message
find are started. MS CRM Bulk Email, Deletion, Security, and Workflow
services are all up and running and are set to automatically start. 
get the following User Access Error: 
Microsoft CRM user, your user record has been disabled in the system, you
have not been assigned any security roles, or you have not been assigned a
license. For more information, contact your system administrator." So it
looks like its up and running, but I can't get in to setup the users. 

Font Color codes

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 07:42 AM PDT

WOW, exactly what I need.



CRMActivity.Route doesn't work

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 07:03 AM PDT

I use the Activity.Route method with no problem, but I had a couple of days to put it to work...
The problem was, for me, that I was not using the source queue ID... are you using this? You must look at table QueueBase. The activity, when created is located in the user's (the one that created it) in progress queue.

Good luck

"VinÃ*cius Pitta Lima de Araújo" wrote:

Migrating tool from GoldMine to CRM

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 07:01 AM PDT

I tried to use Data Migration Framework, but..
It has mappings from GoldMine in Excel format, so I've to
put that mappings in SQL Server manually. And I shouldn't
forget about type conversing (for example between IDs) and
so on.
Too much time as I can see should be wasted while I create
useful DTS package in SQL Server. Are there any tool for
that Migrating Framework, that could speed the migrating

Email from CMS

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 02:30 AM PDT

Hi Nicholas,

Is it possible if you also send me a copy of the tool you mentioned. I have
Exchange installed but it simply just doesn't work and we have yet to figure
out why.



"Nicolas Führs" <com> wrote in message

Promote email error

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 01:02 AM PDT

Strange but true

"SiEBEN Innovative Solutions" <gr> wrote in message

Activity Type

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 11:45 PM PDT

Hi Jaison,
CRM 1.2 does not allow customisations to the Activity
Entity. It may appear in version 2, we all hope.
button to create a new 
fax etc) and then 
more Activity Type in 

Where are attachments stored?

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 08:44 PM PDT

Attachments are stored in AnnotationBase table of MSCRM SQL DB.

"Jeffrey" <> wrote in message

Account name not synchronising offline in SFO

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 11:36 AM PDT

Thanks for the thought Frank. We've tried but it makes no difference. The
security roles are okay and this problem also affects all our users. The
problem only occurs in the Outlook contacts, the offline CRM contacts are
fine. Does anyone know how the mapping is set up?


"Frank Lee" <> wrote in message

SQL - what's MSCRM_log.LDF?

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 10:59 AM PDT

1. Truncate the Log
2. Detach the Database and Delete the LDF and reattach

The last answer was a little over the top. You can do either with data loss
but should establish proper backup procedures if this is a production


"Gary" <> wrote in message

Record auditing

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 03:03 AM PDT

You could do Post-Callouts to acomplish this.

Sales license and Cases question

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 01:21 AM PDT

At first if the user has license of selling, and not of cs
should not be able to see the cases. I think that u need
the suite.
complete the 
work, given that the 
but actually he 

Modify Side Tabs

Posted: 05 Jul 2004 06:43 PM PDT

I follow the instructions who I send before and work.

Thank you.
Vinícius Pitta Lima de Araújo

"Mark" <> escreveu na mensagem
Lucky for us, MS Support was aable to give us the detailed
instructions on changing this.. Although they clearly said
iot was UNSUPPORTED, but at least the task was possible..
drop me a line at styx[at] if you want
the instructions..
to rename the main 
very often. 
is to modify the 
color:#ffff66">resource</B> only <B 
(a .NET assembly) that 
this is a <B 
color:#A0FFFF">DLL</B> that Microsoft 
this as a kind of 
for a 
involves a number of 
not require any 
machine with CRM 
may not remember 
You'll have 
one with Resources 
embedded <B 
color:#A0FFFF">DLL</B> into a form 
the assembly and 
embedded .<B 
the Save As option. 
Resourcer. This is 
the .Net 1.1 version, 
color:#ffff66">resource</B> file 
whole thing to a 
editor. The Resourcer 
file. I find 
would recommend 
entry. For example 
might also cause 
that this upsets the 
necessary to carefully 
various terms are 
modify the 
those along the 
whatever you want. 
file, you now need 
that is supplied 
path, but if not it 
file name> 
source assembly 
whatever it 
that is stored in 
such as the 
indicates that 
color:#A0FFFF">DLL</B> not supplied by 
arguments to find out 
and stop all the CRM 
correctly; I'm not sure it 
of them that needs 
Now create a backup 
assembly from 
one in the bin 
site and admire your 
wondering how it is 
supplied with Microsoft 
have the key file 
the <B 
standard .NET assembly 

Microsoft Word - Reopen all closed Word files at the exact pages

Microsoft Word - Reopen all closed Word files at the exact pages

Reopen all closed Word files at the exact pages

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 02:59 PM PDT

I am currently aware that on Office 2013 (on windows 7x64) has the ability to reopen a document and keep reading right where we left off ( However I was wondering whether via vba if it would be possible to save all the open files and the exact pages/view that they are and reopen them at a later stage (kind of like saving it as a session and reopen them on restarting a computer). I am aware of copying file location one by one but having to do so with dozens of document each and every time is a bit tedious. ( I have to restart my computer each time to connect to the internet wifi.)
Thanking you
Yours sincerely.

Keeping font consistent when filling in forms using controls

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 02:46 PM PDT



I have a document and I want to take out some text and replace it with a form control and turn it into a template so users can just fill in the form and the rest is protected.  I want them to always use a consistent font  when they fill it in.


However, when I inserted the control and formatted it to the font I want, then turned on protection and tried to fill in the form controls, I lost the font...I could not keep the fill in part with a consistent font.


How can I do that?


thank you for any assistance!



Index with hyperlinks

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 02:03 PM PDT

Using Word 2010.  How do I make an Index of Chapter Headings, with hyperlinks,  in a large document.  I already have a TOC with hyperlinks to the document. .

Thank you, eddie460

How can I format the line spacing within track changes comment balloons?

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 01:51 PM PDT

Is it possible to format the line spacing inside track changes comment balloons?  Some docs give me single spaced (please) while others give me double spaced, independent of the formatting of the host document.

Blue Screen while working in Word 2007/2010

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 12:06 PM PDT

I have a 60 user office where we just upgraded about 3/4th of the machines to either Latitude E5530 (10) and Optiplex 3010's (34).


Most users do not have a problem but there are a handful 2-3 Latitude users and another 3-4 Optiplex users who randomly get blue screens when working in Word (both 2007 and 2010).


We've tried a bunch of things - repairing office, removing and reinstalling, SP's, removing profiles and reattaching to network, updating drives for all hardware, etc. and cannot come up with a fix.


We've used a Blue Screen error viewer on the dump file and the issue seems to be associated with the file mrxsmb10.sys.


If anyone has any ideas or have dealt with this issue in the past I'd love to hear what you did to correct or any ideas to try.




DISABLE Auto Toolboxes for Text Boxes and Pictures in Word2007

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 11:11 AM PDT

Word2007 on Vista. 


 If I pause during adding/editing text in a Word doc that has a text box or picture, a toolbox tab suddenly appears (highlighted, among the other tool categories (Insert, Page Layout, etc.) at the top of the screen), and I am immediately taken to the text box or picture, where it is highlighted for editing. 


This is EXTREMELY annoying and wastes an extraordinary amount of time.  I have been all over Word and the internet for a solution.  How do I turn off/disable this ridiculous auto function?! 


Thank you!!

2013 Office home and student stopped working

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 11:02 AM PDT

Well my 2013 office home and student stopped working. When I try to open a word document I get a message that it ran into problem. I see that this a common problem in this forum. I am on a deadline for school. Of course, you can't actually talk to someone. There is no option to fix it. What do I do, besides not buy Microsoft. Where's the support? Seems to be a common problem with this product. I am not a tech nor should I be this quick. Ok, I'll step off my soapbox. How do I fix it? Remember I am not a tech.

Product Code

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 10:32 AM PDT

Why am I being asked for a product code even though I am using a trial version and how do I get the code?

Microsoft Word 2010 - Trying to create Avery Label 5195 merging Excel DB Information Automerge error plus...

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 09:46 AM PDT

Hello everyone,

I'm using Microsoft Word 2010 - Trying to create Avery Label 5195 merging Excel DB Information Automerge error plus...

Merging DB information seems so easy and yet it is not importing the DB information correctly.  (i.e. Creates an Automerge field and will not import dollar amounts with $ sign and decimal setup correctly.  It inputs the amount, such as 3.95, but then adds 00000000000002 to the end of it to show 3.9500000000000002.  Have tried it several times with the same outcome.

Does anyone know how to fix this, or is it a bug in the software?  The merge process seems pretty cut and dry, so I'm not sure what to do here.

Any help would be appreciated.

Gary Callahan

Unable to print in Word 2013

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 09:15 AM PDT

When I try to print with Word 2013 I get a pop up that asks Print to file, then an error message when I select the name of the document as the file


I have already saved the document but it seems to want to save it again and then sends another pop up asking if I want to replace it because I already have a doc with the same name.

when opening program multiple windows appear and keep opening

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 09:07 AM PDT

When opening windows a blank document does not appear. Rather, multiple documents I have worked on recently rapidly open, one after another and then the program crashes. I have restarted and tried updates. Nothing is fixing it. ????

Suggestion: Don't require multiple logins to use Word web app

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 09:02 AM PDT

Using the Word Web App is difficult because I have to log in more than once.


Here's a description of what I experienced today.


1) I went to and clicked "Sign In" in the upper righthand corner.


2) I typed my email address into the box that appeared. A brief notification told me: "Account Found," and I was redirected to another page.


3) I was then prompted to sign in again, with the cursor in the "email" box, even though my email address had been pre-filled. I had to click on the password field, then type my password.


4) I was then presented with the "My Office" page. I wanted to work on a recent Word document. I searched for it, found it, and clicked on that document in the "Recent documents" section of the page.


5) I was then presented with yet another log in prompt, this time for SkyDrive. I typed my username and password and logged in again.


6) Finally, I was able to see the document and make the edits I needed to make.


This process should be much simpler. In the competing Google Drive product, I am usually not prompted to log in at all, because Google remembers my sign in.

Where can I find ""Suppress extra line spacing at top of page." ?

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 07:20 AM PDT

where can I find ""Suppress extra line spacing at top of page."  ?? this is 2013 version

Word 2007 crashes when shape inserted

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 02:40 AM PDT

This is a relatively new problem therefore likely the result of an update.

Any document I open/use in which a shape has been inserted or when I try to insert a new shape in Word 2007 it crashes.  I have looked around for fixes but have not yet found anything that has worked.  Can anyone help please?

Heading 2 is not listing properly with other sections

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 09:43 PM PDT

I'm frustrated with a glitch in my Word Doc. I'm compiling a thesis and the Heading 2 is the only Heading that doesn't list in the desired order.

I'm going for the following

Heading 1 :  1
Heading 2 : 1.1
Heading 3 : 1.11
Heading 2 : 1.2
H1: 2
H2: 2.1
H3: 2.1.1.
H2: 2.1.
etc. etc.

What I'm getting is
H1: 1
H2: 1
H3: 1.1.1
H2: 2
H3: 1.1.2
H1: 2
H2: 3

I've tried highlighting all heading 2's and modifying to include numbering but it just doesn't seem to want to correlate with the rest of the headings. Please help.


Word will not accept that I don't want a List

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 08:37 PM PDT

I have a paragraph that goes like this:
"(1) The Beggar, (2) the Knave, (3) the Artisan, (4) the Merchant, (5) the Noble, (6) the Knight, (7) the Doge, (8) the King, (9) the Emperor, (10) the Pope. The second contains the Muses and their Divine Leader: (11) Calliope, (12) Urania, (13) Terpsichore, (14) Erato, (15) Polyhymnia, (16) Thalia, (17) Melpomene, (18) Euterpe, (19) Clio, (20) Apollo. The third combines part of the Liberal Arts and Sciences with other departments of human learning, as follows: (21) Grammar, (22) Logic, (23) Rhetoric, (24) Geometry, (25) Arithmetic, (26) Music, (27) Poetry,(28) Philosophy, (29) Astrology, (30) Theology. The fourth denary completes the Liberal Arts and enumerates the Virtues: (31) Astronomy, (32) Chronology, (33) Cosmology, (34) Temperance, (35) Prudence, (36) Strength, (37) Justice; (38) Charity, (39) Hope, (40) Faith. The fifth and last denary presents the System of the Heavens (41) Moon, (42) Mercury, (43) Venus, (44) Sun, (45) Mars, (46) Jupiter, (47) Saturn, (48) A Eighth Sphere, (49) Primum Mobile, (50) First Cause."

And MS Word keeps setting it as a list item with (1) being the first number as a list. So I set it to not be a list, and it completely removes the 1. When I add it back, it reformats it as a list in an endless cycle of ruining my paragraph. How do I make it not do this?

EDIT: I got it to stop, but I still have no idea which setting was responsible for this heinous crime.

Microsoft Word won't open

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 07:23 PM PDT

               Whenever I try to open Word 2013, it gives an error message saying "We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now?" The text is followed by 3 options; Repair now, Help, and Close. I've tried the quick/online repair and that didn't work. I've uninstalled Finereader, and it still hasn't helped me. I've even updated the third party file that's been causing people issues and it hasn't worked. I am not sure where to find the NVIDIA driver so I can rename it, and I don't have Acrobat or Fun tools/Tobishia Book reader. 
               I'm slightly frustrated because the technicians at the retail store where I bought the computer and the software are trying to get me to buy another copy of Office, when I already have the software installed. I've scanned through the posts on these forums and on the issues similar to mine I still seem to be having trouble. I would greatly appreciate if any of you could help me out.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post,
                                                                            Edward Jacobs 

"We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly."

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 06:53 PM PDT

Just purchased Office 2013. Installation went fine, except Word won't open. Excel, Powerpoint, everything other Office program works fine, but I can't get Word to work. 

I have Windows 8.
I have tried repairing Office from the Programs and Features menu (both quick and internet repair, both to no success).
I have tried uninstalling and re-installing. It might be worth noting that none of the office programs worked until I uninstalled and then re-installed. Now only Word does not work.
Have tried opening Word in safemode, no luck.

Help please?

Will attach an image of the error message


Equations in Word that are hyperlinks do not save italics or minus signs - how do I overcome/work around this?

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 06:43 PM PDT

An equation within a Word document that hyperlinks to a bookmark within the document does not save properly. When the document is re-opened, italics have vanished and minus signs appear as small hyphens.

This is extremely frustrating for teachers producing maths worksheets where questions hyperlink to answers. I can save to pdf to distribute to students, but any time I need to edit for a proof-reading change, I also have to comb through the whole document to re-italicize every pronumeral, and re-type every minus sign.

Anything you could do to speed up such a process in the presence of the problem would be most appreciated. If the problem itself can be fixed, even better. Thanks :)

can I transfer my MS word 2010 from desktop to a lap top?

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 06:41 PM PDT

IMy PC desk top came with MS word.2010

I now need it on my Laptop to take to school.

Is it possible to download to a flash drive and reload onto my laptop?


thank you

APA sixth edition, MLA seventh edition

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 06:13 PM PDT

I am looking to update Microsoft office to APA sixth edition, and MLA to seventh edition. They were originally on this version until I had problems with it.


Email: *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Can't Open New Word Docs!

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 05:14 PM PDT

Hello, I am annoyed.  I am able to create docs with my Word 2010 Starter program, but as of a couple months ago when somebody sends me a new Word Doc. (no idea what format, year etc.) I'm unable to view it - getting a message telling me there is no program to open it.  Also, the "icon" in my files for these new docs look completely different - theyre orange and state "DOC file", where word docs that I create state "DOCX and look more like a "page".    What do I need to do?  Is there no upgrade for the Word Starter to allow us to also view later versions in Word?  OR - do I have to buy the full product???  Hoping I dont have to go there!!   Thanks for any help you can give!


Funny Mandrake 10, wont recon USR h/w modem on ttyS4 - Forums Linux

Funny Mandrake 10, wont recon USR h/w modem on ttyS4 - Forums Linux

Funny Mandrake 10, wont recon USR h/w modem on ttyS4

Posted: 07 Feb 2005 01:23 AM PST

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

.... i've always chosen multi-tech modems:
and external, of course. even their home-use modems inherit the
quality and reliability of their commercial versions
<< >>
The first marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence,
and the second the triumph of hope over experience.

I gave up (was: Big-disk woes)

Posted: 07 Feb 2005 12:09 AM PST

Tom F. wrote: 

Was afraid you might need to do this and I'm glad BestBuy was good
about an exchange.

I suspect it had to do with the Promise controller on the mobo. WD
(and other disk makers) have had problems with them from time to time.
Seems it has to do the way the mobo maker incorporates the chips/cards
into the rest of the circiutry. I've never been able to decipher the
reported details of such glitches, so I don't really know if there is a
common thread of causation or just potluck.

As far as "brands" go, I don't pay _too_ much attention to them. I
agree with those that claim it's more luck of the draw re: which batch
or assembly line run the drive was from than the maker per se. They
all make good ones, they all put out turkeys from time to time. Then
again, good past experience can't be ignored and bad ones not soon

While the memories are fresh, you ought to take the time to note
symptoms and your efforts to make it work for future reference. You'll
forget the details in no time and with some notes you will at least
salvage some usefulness from the WD that refused to work. Google's
archiving seems to be unreliable as a means of note keeping these days.

Main thing though, glad you got one working :-)

And thanks for posting your solution.

email above disabled

Newbie question: Start linux (Debian 3.0r1) on runlevel 2

Posted: 06 Feb 2005 11:58 PM PST

["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.misc.]
On 6 Feb 2005 23:58:18 -0800, es
<es> wrote: 
This is one of the differences between Debian and other Linux distros:
By default, there is no difference between runlevels 2-5. If a display
manager is installed, it will run unless you boot in single user mode.

If you want to start in runlevel 2 without X, you can either uninstall
your display manager (xdm, kdm or gdm), or rename the S99?dm link in
/etc/rc2.d to K01(same last three letters). Of course, you can also
switch to a text console while X is running, by pressing
ctrl-alt-F[1-6], and alt-F7 to go back to X.

Suse installation fail from ISO imge on Cd...Help

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 05:13 PM PST

sherry wrote:

Sherry, did you try the advise I gave you a few days ago?

You need to type that in at the boot prompt. After you select "install,"
don't hit enter until you type that in. Then YaST should automatically go
to the site, automatically configuring your network.

I can tell by your post you didn't do it this way. Try it. If YaST still
can't configure your card (which I doubt), check the Suse site for the
correct driver for your card. The driver descriptions in YaST don't list
every card, just chipsets. There is a list somewhere that tells you which
driver works with which card. But if you try the above method, this
shouldn't be necessary.

Tom F.
There are no numerals or underscores in my address.

What to get

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 03:58 PM PST

In comp.os.linux.setup D. Scott <net>:

Debian is another great choice, it comes with a great package
manager (apt), there's even a sophisticated gui (synaptics) or so.

But if you are afraid of the command line, debian might not be
what you want.

Not that I could think of, just be aware that running KDE3 under
suse requires a power-full machine with enough RAM or you won't
get happy with it.

There are no problems, you might want to install additional

Good luck

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 276: U.S. Postal Service

Grub-question when performing Kernel-upgrade

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 02:44 PM PST

<com> wrote in message 

Ignore Peter. Despite his occasional valid technical point, he's so grumpy
and often so mistaken that it's faster to just killfile him.

SBC-Yahoo DSL connection using Suse - - HELP

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 11:32 AM PST

Leonard Evens writes: 

I think her problem is that SBC told her that she must use their software
to set up her DSL. This is, of course, not true.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI USA

Soundblaster live on FC3 AMD64

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 05:08 AM PST

"Bonj" <> writes: 

Have you tried the -c or -D options of alsamixer? You might also want
to disabkle the on-board sound in the BIOS.

- anton
M. Anton Ertl Some things have to be seen to be believed Most things have to be believed to be seen

building and configuring atmel driver

Posted: 04 Feb 2005 11:45 PM PST

Lenard wrote: 

ahh, i was thinking that it was indication that the driver didn't
install and so would indicate what went wrong. forgot about the path.

I am, I picked up two books on linux from the library on fri: linux for
dummies and redhat linux 7 for dummies. they're not very applicable,
though, since they largely assume the internet connection works, or
explain dial-up, etc. i'll have to get some different books.


Thufir Hawat

how do i begin!!

Posted: 04 Feb 2005 03:33 PM PST

Roger Marriott <> wrote: 

Not good...
First advice I'd give is, memtest, you can download it from
(However if it's doing this on two DIFFERENT machines, it may be a bad burn)