

Microsoft Works - Works 8.0 - Compatibility with Word Documents

Microsoft Works - Works 8.0 - Compatibility with Word Documents

Works 8.0 - Compatibility with Word Documents

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 07:00 PM PST

I am not sure of the process, but MS offers a 30 day warranty, I believe. So
if you just bought it, then take it back and get the Works Suite, which
includes Word. It really is not that much more and then you won't have the
problem you describe. If you are going to use Excel files a lot, then you
are not going to be happy with the Works spreadsheet. If you need full
Office function, then buy Office.


"first_time_works_user" <>
wrote in message news:com... 

memory problems in mail merge

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 03:48 PM PST

Erik, thanks for your help, but neither worked. I deleted all files in
windows/temp and the program gave the same error message. Then I downloaded
and instralled openoffice, but its database couldn't open mine.

Incidentally, I'm only trying to print out one label and I have even tried
dumping all records in the database except the one and that didn't work. So
I suspect the program may be generating a huge print file, but I don't know

"Erik Jan" wrote:

"Replace All" Not Working in Word Processor 8.0

Posted: 30 Oct 2005 09:36 PM PST

"Homer J Simpson" wrote: 

That didn't work.

The problem isn't that ^p isn't finding anything. It says that replacements
have been made, but when I look at the document, it's the same as it was
before. And it's only the Replace All that's doing this. If I replace the
paragraph marks one at a time, it works fine.

Streets & Trips Essentials 2006 (Suite 2006) vs Streets & Trips 20

Posted: 29 Oct 2005 12:40 PM PDT

What I should say is: Does Streets and Trips Essentials 2006 in Works Suite
2006 have a function called, Drive Time Zone, (where you place a point on the
map and give it a travel time and the speed, then Streets and Trips
Essentials 2006 makes a zone perimeter around your point of origin. Therefore
showing how much ground in a given amount of time the traveler can cover.

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:

Cannot Export Works 7 Calendar

Posted: 29 Oct 2005 12:34 PM PDT

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:
I am also relatively new to computer functions. Thanks for any of your help.
Glad people like you are there for me.... Tangotango50

Table Widths

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 02:31 AM PDT

Hi Kevin,

I am using OEM 8.0 - It only allows 0.28 width (in the word processor) but the
tables in LABELS for example are set to 3mm (with Templates from the Task



Security Update for Works 8.0 and Works Suite 2005.

Posted: 27 Oct 2005 01:53 PM PDT

Maybe Word 2003 style intergrated drawing canvas/wordart or a
draw/paint module (based on Expression maybe) would be good in v 9

Place In Spreadsheet

Posted: 27 Oct 2005 07:11 AM PDT

What's fixed? The fact that the place is not kept if you
have tiles frozen?
If so, maybe I need to get Works 8 :-).

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in
message news:%phx.gbl... 

Works Database file duplication

Posted: 27 Oct 2005 07:04 AM PDT

From Help....

Create a backup copy of a database

Why make a backup copy?

Make a backup copy of a database to safeguard its contents. For example, if
you made changes to fields (a column in List view that shows a category of
information, such as a serial number or purchase date) in the working copy
of a database, saved those changes, and later discovered that you wanted an
earlier version, you could use the backup copy instead of rewriting the
database or trying to re-create the original version from memory.

To create a backup copy of a database, you need to be able to see your
database's file extension (a period and letters added to the end of a file
name, such as .doc, that indicates the type of file).

1 Turn on file extensions.


1 On the taskbar (a bar on the Windows desktop that has the Start button to
start programs and shows which programs are currently running), click the
Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

2 On the View menu, click Folder Options.

3 If it is not already selected, click the View tab.

4 In the Advanced settings box, in Files and Folders, clear the Hide file
extensions for known file types check box.
Be aware that the command names and check box names vary depending on the
operating system on your computer. For example, instead of Folder Options on
the View menu, the command may be called Options. Or, the check box may be
called Hide MS-DOS file extensions for file types that are registered.

5 Click OK.

2 Open the database for which you want to make a backup copy.

3 On the File menu, click Save As.

4 In the Save in box, select where you want to save the database.

The default location for Works databases is My Documents.

5 If you are creating a new database, type a name for the database in the
File name box.
- or -

If this is an existing database, skip this step.

6 Select the Create Backup Copy check box.

7 Click Save.

8 Click Yes to replace the existing file.
- or -

If this is a new database, skip this step.

9 On the toolbar (a row of buttons near the top of a window that you can
click to perform an action, such as to print or save a document), click Save

The backup copy will be saved with the same name as the original database,
except it will have an extension that begins with b. For example, the backup
copy for a database named Sales.wdb will be Sales.bdb.

The most recent backup copy always replaces the previous backup copy.

Note To stop making backup copies, on the File menu, click Save As, and
then clear the Create Backup Copy check box.

"Ken" <ne> wrote in message
| I am using Works version 6.0
| There is a "Create Duplicate Copy" check box on the Save as dialog popup.
| File >Save as.....
| Ken
| "ihateasp" <> wrote in message
| news:com...
| | Hi a client of mine uses a works database. Every time he saves it it
| creates
| | a copy on his machine. I have created an entireley new databse and it
| still
| | does it... anyone have any ideas ??

Custom Install of Works Suite 2000

Posted: 26 Oct 2005 10:13 AM PDT

Hi DavidF,

Yes, the TweakUI Powertool does this, outside of Works.

In particular

TweakUI >My Computer>Special Folders > there are many

You may also directly edit the regitry for same effect:

Go to: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
Locate ProgramFilesDir where the default is given as C:\Program Files
Change this to whatever directory you wish. e.g D:\MyPrograms

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works & Word) 1999-2006
Works Help & KB Links:

"DavidF" <com> wrote in message
| Kevin, Can you use TweakUI Powertoys to change the default drive from C?
| DavidF
| "Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message
| news:OZ#phx.gbl...
| > Hi Mikey,
| >
| > Unfortunately, that's the way Works is designed to operate.
| >
| > HTH,
| > --
| > Kevin James.
| > Tua'r Goleuni
| > Microsoft MVP (Works & Word) 1999-2006
| > Works Help & KB Links:
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > "Mikey" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| > | My windows is supposed to running all by itself on a separate partition.
| The
| > | guy who set it up determined that naming the windows partition c: was
| the
| > | simplest and least confusing option. Because he only reserved 5 Gb for
| c:
| > I'm
| > | getting disk full warnings and am having trouble keeping c:
| defragmented.
| > The
| > | largest and most fragmented files are clipart and font files in the
| > | 'Microsoft Shared' directory. I want to keep the application stuff to my
| > | application volume. In my latest attempt to solve this problem I noticed
| > that
| > | Works had been installed to the windows partition (c:) but after
| > | re-installing using the 'custom install' options I notice still (again)
| that
| > | Works is loading to c: drive.
| > |
| > | Did I miss something or does Works Suite 2000 load to c: by default? How
| can
| > | I redirect the storage of clipart and fonts to my application partition?
| > | --
| > | Trying to keep technology in its place,
| > |
| > | Mikey
| >
| >
| >

work suite 2002 won't install

Posted: 26 Oct 2005 09:52 AM PDT

yes that helped thanks

"Akhil hebbar MS Tech Sup" <>
wrote in message news:com... 

Works 2005

Posted: 26 Oct 2005 07:14 AM PDT

Judy zei het volgende op 1-11-2005 14:51: 

Dear Judy,

you should know that in Microsoft Works "upgrades" are made by removing
features. If you need to be able to rotate text frames, you should buy
works 6 (perhaps 7, I do not remember now, but certainly version 6)

Look at version 8: MS made a safety patch that "upgrades" version 8 to
8.5. When you do this, you loose Wordart and Draw. No replacement
whatsoever. This is typical for MSWorks. after version 4.

I am sorry,


My works 8 file won't open

Posted: 25 Oct 2005 04:17 PM PDT

"Ken" <ne> wrote in message

If you ever used SuperScripsit on a TRS-80 Model I, you would know that you
need a working copy, a backup working copy, a backup copy AND a backup
backup copy and even then you might not be safe.


Microsoft Office Word 2003

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 03:22 PM PDT

Hi SueCaliforniaGirl,

Perhaps this helps:

You receive an error in the End User License Agreement when
you start Money, Streets and Trips, MapPoint, or Works Suite 2002

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works & Word) 1999-2006
Works Help & KB Links:

"SueCaliforniaGirl" <> wrote in
message news:com...
| Kevin, waiting to hear back from you as to what else it might be...
| ~Sue
| "SueCaliforniaGirl" wrote:
| > The program is/was installed and functioning except for the Works
| >
| > "Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:
| >
| > > Hi SueCaliforniaGirl,
| > >
| > > Perhaps this helps:
| > >
| > > The I Agree and Next buttons do not appear on the EULA
| > > screen when you try to install Works Suite 2005
| > >
| > >
| > > Also given as the No.1 item in the 'Works Suite 2005 Top 5'
| > >
| > >
| > > HTH,
| > > --
| > > Kevin James.
| > > Tua'r Goleuni
| > > Microsoft MVP (Works & Word) 1999-2006
| > > Works Help & KB Links:
| > >
| > >
| > >
| > >
| > >
| > > "SueCaliforniaGirl" <> wrote
| > > message news:com...
| > > | I'm in Word, and when I went to click on the New Works Template, it is
| > > asking
| > > | me to accept (see below for quote) the end user agreement by
| > > I
| > > | tried to repair first and that didn't work and now I've reinstalled
and it
| > > | still does the same thing.
| > > |
| > > | I tried going to help and looking at the end agreement, no place to
| > > | there or acknowledge it.
| > > |
| > > | I believe on this computer I have Office Pro Edition 2003 and Works
| > > | 2005 and maybe there's a conflict somewhere that's causing this. I
| > > | one of the above programs has Word 2002 and one has Word 2003. I have
| > > | same programs on another computer and the New Work Templates work
| > > |
| > > | I am the administrator and it is not asking me to sign it. Just says
| > > | "cannot display End User Agreement which must be displayed and
| > > | before you can use the application. To display the agreement,
| > > | which I have done and it is still doing the same thing.
| > > |
| > > | Can someone please help me?
| > > |
| > > | ~Sue
| > >
| > >
| > >

Change colour palette?

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 05:50 AM PDT

Hi John,

Colours in a spreadsheet are limited to those in:

Format>Font>Seect Font Colour.

No, it is not possible to insert a graphic into a Works
spreadsheet cell.

The incorrectly operating text-wrapping function in Works has
long been complained about in this Newsgroup. Unfortunately,
a solution is not yet forthcoming.

Wrap>Absolute operated perfectly well in Works 4.5.


Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works & Word) 1999-2006
Works Help & KB Links:

"yoingco" <com> wrote in message
| Hi Kevin,
| > Format>Font>Colour>More colours> offers a gazillion colours.
| This does what I asked for, in Works word processor, but hopw do I do this
| the spreadsheet.
| Also, is it possible to insert a picture into a cell?
| Finally. With LABELS. How do I get a picture inserted (I know how) and then
| have
| the text go in the RIGHT-HAND-SIDE (Horizontally) + CENTER (Vertically) of
| it. In other words. A picture is inserted and then I want some text to go on
| the right-hand-side of it. If I choose the text-over tick box (or whatever
| is called - I'm not near my Laptop) the picture becomes a blank rectangle.
| When I click inside it, it
| disappears!!!
| Regards
| John

Works 7.0 Project

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 04:06 AM PDT

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for taking the time to answer my post.

We can link to a "word, excel, text document on the hard drive fine. It is
when we try to link to any actual web address like
"". We are compiling website research for some
training materials and would like to have the links to all the articles
available outside the document in this project file.

We do have Office XP and Works 7.0 installed on the troubled laptop with
Windows XP Home SP2. I have Office 2003 installed on my laptop with works 7.0
and Windows XP Home SP1 and experience no problems.

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:

Installation Error: File not Found - Microsoft Office forums

Installation Error: File not Found - Microsoft Office forums

Installation Error: File not Found

Posted: 24 Mar 2005 11:41 AM PST

I tried both of those options, and installing from the hard drive I get the
same error but with a different file now.

Is there anywhere to download these files, in the event that they may be
corrupted on my cd?

"Susan Ramlet" wrote:


Posted: 23 Mar 2005 09:35 PM PST

brandon wrote: 

Please lose the caps, it's considered yelling, is incredibly rude and makes
your posts very hard to read.

Buy it in English.

In memory of MS MVP Alex Nichol:

OFFICE 2000/2003 with MANDATORY profiles (W2k3Svr)

Posted: 23 Mar 2005 10:31 AM PST

Oh Yeah FYI,
Some other settings do not come over in the migration.
Default reminder times Flagged emails have to be
reflagged, reminder time for tasks, note option colors and
font, the work week hours can default.  

Installing Office 2003 questions

Posted: 23 Mar 2005 06:15 AM PST

Wow; great! Thanks for posting back.

Susan Ramlet
MVP - Office

Please reply to the newsgroups where others may benefit.

"shoe" <> wrote in message 

trial version of office , when trying to install, error is , off.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005 07:01 AM PST

Jill wrote: 

Corrupt download. And of course it won't run with either compatibility mode
as it's not compatible!

In memory of MS MVP Alex Nichol:

bypass cdkey

Posted: 22 Mar 2005 04:37 AM PST


you need to inform you conerning administrative setup procedures. Should
be in Microsoft assistance.
You can install tan over the network but you need to make an
answering/installation file which contains all the preferences and
answers during installation. You have the choice between attended or
unattende install. You need to do some reading. That is all I know about it.


Muneer Ahmed wrote:

how to remove office without CDs ?

Posted: 21 Mar 2005 04:35 PM PST

Tx. Will try.

"John Thomas Smith" wrote:

Graphics in MS Office small buisness 2003

Posted: 21 Mar 2005 06:03 AM PST

Bryan wrote: 

1) View > Pictures, check it's set to 'show pictures'
2) Update the driver for your graphics card.
3) If that doesn't work, then please repost in microsoft.public.publisher

In memory of MS MVP Alex Nichol:

visio pro 2003 install from feb technet cd

Posted: 20 Mar 2005 10:09 PM PST

Hello again - Tonight I tried to Install Frontpage 2003 from the Technet CD
(Feb) [to see if the problem was not just related to visio] and also get an
invalid product key after triple-checking the sheet that came with the CDs.
I then ran scf /scannow and it seems that no XP system files were modified.
Ideas about corrupt registry entries? I really don't want to reinstall the
OS. Thanks!

"Gyorgy Moldova [MCSE, MVP]" wrote:

Prompt for Office 2000 CD when launching Publisher

Posted: 20 Mar 2005 07:01 AM PST

Thanks but it's been done. Didn't help.


"kenlo" wrote:

Setup fails when trying to reinstall office

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 09:27 AM PST

Avalanche2500 wrote: 

So is Office not running properly, outside this update? 

Changing Japanese to English

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 02:01 PM PST


"Miss Perspicacia Tick" <com> wrote in message

Outlook V QuickBooks

Posted: 17 Mar 2005 11:47 PM PST

Gordon wrote: 

No, but I'm talking about QuickBooks. It has this capability - doesn't use
your default mail client (it's an internal process wherein QB initiates a
browser w/in itself). I use it
all the's very convenient.

Product key for office 2003 trial

Posted: 17 Mar 2005 02:20 PM PST

Joaquin wrote: 

If the computer was bundled already with the trial edition of Office 2003,
contact the hardware vendor for help.

Where can I get file "Windows Installer" 511974.MAINSP3ff.msp?

Posted: 17 Mar 2005 12:11 AM PST

Hi, Ol' Miner Pickax,

The procedure did not recommend creating a restore point; that was the
procedure to duplicate the problem. Can you re-install each patch, as the
article suggests?

If not, try this: run the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility:

290301 - Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility:;en-us;290301&Product=offxp

Use it to remove entries from Windows Installer for Office. The Windows
Installer is very confused right now, so let's start clean.

Then re-install Office from your original CD.

Then re-install the patches.

That may help matters.

Susan Ramlet
MVP - Office

Please reply to the newsgroups where others may benefit.

"Ol' Miner Pickax" <com> wrote in message



Repaired Xp installation, now can't use Office 2003

Posted: 16 Mar 2005 07:22 PM PST

Thanks Susan,

I will try that and see what happens.


"Susan Ramlet" <susan@mvps-dot-org> wrote in message

Tool disappeared from the toolbar

Posted: 16 Mar 2005 07:17 PM PST

On 2005-03-17 02:08:47 -0500, garfield-n-odie
<> said:

Thanks, the problem is Acrobat 7.
I didn't know that.

Repeat Table Header Row Word 2003

Posted: 16 Mar 2005 10:12 AM PST

Very strange! I cannot find a way to duplicate this.

Would you rename your file on your system, re-launch Word and see
if the problem persists?

Susan Ramlet
MVP - Office

Please reply to the newsgroups where others may benefit.

"THESPAUGH" <> wrote in message 

Edit picture from Office Picture manager 2003 doesn't work

Posted: 16 Mar 2005 07:49 AM PST

Yes. Thanks Bob. You saved me. I've logged with a different user and now is

Best Regards,

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:phx.gbl... 

relocate Office folders to another drive?

Posted: 16 Mar 2005 04:32 AM PST

Timo wrote: 

You can't move a software installation to another location and expect it to
Reinstall it on the other partition/drive.

MSOffice 2003 repair and setup errors

Posted: 15 Mar 2005 07:37 AM PST

Hi and thanks.

I tried the /qr switch, but it didn't work. Still asking for this unknown
file in the update folder:

Anyway, I sat down yesterday and used a few "cleaning" program and removed
any reference to Office. Then I was able to make a clean install for the CD'


"Ryan Asdourian [MSFT]" <> wrote in message


Duplicate "Personal Folders" in Outlook 2003

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 01:05 PM PST

Simply configure the new mail profile to reuse your current .pst file - a
profile is only a method to access your mail and has nothing to do with the

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, Benjamin Dover asked:

| Thanks Milly --
| Follow up question -- if I create a new a new mail profile is there
| any way to copy in the contents of my old mail profile (less the
| corruption)? I have years of saved emails sorted through out 100+
| separate folders based on clients, vendors ... etc. This would be no
| small feat.
| Thanks
| ~BD
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
| <org> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
|| Your mail profile is corrupt - create a new one under Control
|| Panel->Mail Icon->Show Profiles->New. Do not copy the old one.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
|| the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Benjamin Dover asked:
||| I am using Outlook 2003 for email. In Outlook I have a folder at
||| the root called "Personal Folders" inside of which is my Inbox,
||| Deleted Items ... etc. I have another folder off the root just
||| below this called "Personal Folders" (exact same name), which is an
||| absolute exact duplication of my primary Personal Folders.
||| Everything that is in my Personal Folder is repeated in this second
||| version. It's almost like a window into the first PF folder. If I
||| receive a new email to my inbox -- it appears in both Inboxes
||| within both Personal Folders. If I change the name of a sub-folder
||| in my main PF -- it is immediately changed in this second one.
||| Here's how this looks:
||| [-] Personal Folders (<-- the first one in the list)
||| Deleted Items
||| Drafts
||| Inbox
||| ... etc.
||| [-] Personal Folders (<-- the second one in the list)
||| Deleted Items
||| Drafts
||| Inbox
||| ... etc.
||| I checked the properties on both and they are indeed idendical --
||| obviously they both point to my main Outlook.pst file on my hard
||| drive.
||| I am afraid that if I delete this second copy of the PF folder that
||| it will delete all of my emails and mail boxes from the first PF
||| folder. Does anyone know why the PF folder has been duplicated in
||| Outlook? Is there a safe way to get rid of it?
||| Thanks!
||| Kevin M.

Office 2000 Keycodes?

Posted: 14 Mar 2005 12:39 AM PST

That often happens with pirated software :).

"Cla§§ified" <com> wrote in message
done a 

Office 2003 on Win98??

Posted: 13 Mar 2005 10:29 AM PST

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] wrote: 

Thus spaketh Milly the Robot ;o)

In memory of MS MVP Alex Nichol:

qualifying product

Posted: 12 Mar 2005 02:43 PM PST

Miss Perspicacia Tick wrote: 

Works for me!!!

Suse 9,2 Linux is a real dog. - Forums Linux

Suse 9,2 Linux is a real dog. - Forums Linux

Suse 9,2 Linux is a real dog.

Posted: 11 Dec 2004 03:43 PM PST

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 16:41:58 -0800, Joe Cipale wrote:

Perception is everything.



launching a program through SSH

Posted: 11 Dec 2004 07:48 AM PST

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 08:48:50 -0700, Michael McGarry wrote: 

Make sure you have screen installed on the remote computer.

a) ssh to the computer in question.
b) type "screen"
c) start the program
d) Ctrl+a d

Voila, you have a detached screen. To reattach it, just type
"screen -r" on a later occation.

Rolf Arne Schulze
Trans-atlantic weightloss challenge:
Personal weblog:

knoppix & belkin pcmcia wifi

Posted: 10 Dec 2004 07:56 AM PST

didds wrote:

I believe it does - but you might get better results with the
kanotix variant of knoppix which seems to have WiFi sorted out better.

can you delete src after compile?

Posted: 10 Dec 2004 07:19 AM PST

Michael Heiming <> writes:

Lack of imagination on your part Peter. sure the source could be important.
The writer might use files within the source to control the program.
That most writers do not do this is something you learn, it is not a self
evident proposition.
And telling the user to try it-- only to have him discover that it breaks
what he just spent 5 hours setting up is as stupid as a source code writer
making the program dependant on the source files.


As always experience can be an expensive teacher. How many have not wasted
days of work "trying stuff out". Part of these newsnet things is exactly
gaining from the experience of others so not everyone has to learn by
their own experience.

WEre I Peter I would have suggested that the user make the file
chmod a-rx
so that the program could not use anything in the source files. If that
worked reliably for a while then I would erase the source. Ie, do not
engage in irrevocable behaviour without testing is a lesson Peter has
apparently never learned.


localhost / KDE error

Posted: 10 Dec 2004 04:17 AM PST

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 07:17:16 -0500, Rob <com> wrote: 

Some browsers may think that localhost is an incomplete name and will
automatically search for an FQDN for it, possibly attempting to go to (which may exist, but would not have your URL path).
Sometimes it is hard to figure out how to disable that (sometimes called
"Smart Brousing") So try

Note that you do not really need a route for loopback
(, since Linux is smart enough to know about routes to
its own interfaces (including lo).

How to switch back to other Desktop Environment..?

Posted: 09 Dec 2004 09:30 PM PST

com wrote: 
I use separate screens for this type of operation.
Start a new screen using
xinit ./xinitrc.[gnome|kde] -- [:1|:2]
from your home directory the .xintrc files above can be duplicates of
your original with the exception that they launch gnome or kde (your
choice) rather than fvwm. You can then access all three window managers
via the ^ALT F[7|8|9] feature of X.

FC3 on Dell laptop

Posted: 09 Dec 2004 04:12 PM PST

I tried to follow the instruction in the INSTALL file, but still have
trouble. (firmware_class not found. I did copy all the *.fw to the
/lib/firmware directory.) Then I saw links at the bottom for FC3 rpms,
installed the 3 required rpms, and now it recognized the wireless card.

Now I need to talk to our sysadmin to solve the "determining IP
information for eth1... failed." message.

Thanks for the pointer.


Gumby wrote: 

suitable merge key Microsoft Project

suitable merge key Microsoft Project

suitable merge key

Posted: 07 Nov 2004 08:51 PM PST

i have 3 sheet in excel file. the first sheet contains task information and
the merge key is task id . the second one contains resource information and
the merge key is resource id . the last one contains assignment has task name field, resource name field ,resource id field ,
task id field ,and work field. what is the suitable merge key for assignment.
i want to import the data at the same time.

"Rob Schneider" wrote:

2 questions - Project 2000 - Work scheduled is half of duration an

Posted: 07 Nov 2004 10:28 AM PST

You're welcome, Monica. Let us know if you get it fixed - good luck! :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Monica wrote: 

analyze time scaled data in excel

Posted: 07 Nov 2004 01:44 AM PST

Hi Parastoo ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

There are three palces where you can change the date format and when you go
between software programs they must be the same. So:

1. Control Panel - find the Regional and Language Options, which is
probably set up for your country and note the Date format set up for your

2. Excel - select all the columns containing dates and go to
Format/Cells/Date and select the same format.

3. Project - Tools/Options.../ View tab and select the same Date format.
However, it is possible that the date format for your country is not
available in Project. If this is so, then you will have to accept an
alternative in Project and then reset Excel to match. If that still doesn't
work, you may have to select a different setting for your Region.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

mousavi wrote: 

Project 98 - Installing?

Posted: 06 Nov 2004 03:01 PM PST

You're welcome, Sapper, and thanks for the feedback :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Sapper wrote: 

Can I do this in project?

Posted: 06 Nov 2004 09:01 AM PST

You can do it in Project but it seems like hunting flies with an elephant
gun to me. I have a task that will take 20 man-hours of work. I want to
complete it by Christmas, 7 weeks from now. I work on average 40 hours per
week, 8 hours per day. There are 35 working days, 280 working hours
between now and Christmas. Therefore I need to spend 20/35 hours per day or
something between 30 and 45 minutes a day working on it. That's exactly the
same calculation Project does but at this scale of complexity I don't need
hundreds of dollars worth of software to do it. At this level all you need
is a calendar, pencil, and scratch paper; a middle-tech solution would be
the Outlook calendar and Windows calculator; or you can go really high-tech
and use Excel.

If you do want to use Project anyway, perhaps so you get the pretty Gantt
chart pictures, you'd list yourself as a resource (the only resource?) in
the resource sheet and input the tasks and the durations within which you'd
like to complete them. Split the screen and mark the tasks fixed duration.
Assign yourself to the tasks as the resource working them. Enter the work
estimate for the task and Project will calculate the percentage of your
working time you'll need to devote to accomplish that much work within the
duration specified. To play with the date, switch the task type to fixed
work and when you edit duration Project will recalculate the effort, the
percentage of your time, accordingly. If you look at the resource sheet and
see your name listed in red, it means you've scheduled yourself for more
total work in a day than your calendar says you want to do overall.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Keith Henderson" <keithatdvsolutions.teevee> wrote in message

How do I limit Outline Number to exclude level 1?

Posted: 05 Nov 2004 12:02 PM PST

Didn't quite say you couldn't input your own numbers - that's what the WBS
code in the Project, WBS is for. You can name level 1 task AAA, or 100, or
antythhing you choose. But what you can't do is display the WBS for some of
the tasks in a view without displaying it for others. The display of a
given field, ie, column in a table, is either on for all of the tasks in a
view or for none of them. That means no matter what code you use, all the
tasks in the view will show their codes if any of them do. You still can't
have some of them at outline level 1 displaying your custom WBS code and
others at level 1 not showing it.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"MOE Ken" <> wrote in message

Display Predecessor and Successor Task Names

Posted: 05 Nov 2004 10:56 AM PST

one method i use when the blue lines just get all too confusing is to format
the gantt bar chart to show the predecessor numbers on the left and the
successor numbers on the right (format / bar styles - text tab) and then i
turn off the arrows (format / layout). It's a bit of a pain having to hunt
for the predecessors / successors by number but it's a lot easier than
trying to follow the lines!


"tdbcalif" <> wrote in message

Is Project worth it?

Posted: 05 Nov 2004 09:58 AM PST

Excellent discussion! As I put it to my classes - you don't need to
understand all the tricks and techniques of a professional writer to know
all there is to know about using MS Word but to use Project effectively you
also need to understand the discipline of professional project management.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"JLB" <> wrote in message

Using effort-driven work, want durations and dates calculated....with no slacking!

Posted: 05 Nov 2004 08:36 AM PST

Hi Julie,

The full link is in the Links and Downloads page: .

I think I'll add the full link to the Tiny one as it seems the Tiny one is

Thanks for your input


JulieD wrote: 


Posted: 04 Nov 2004 01:15 PM PST


if you assign to meetings to the same resource, whether it be a room or a
person, then it will show in red in the resource sheet (known as
"overallocated") to see why a resource is overallocated you can use the
resource allocation view.

However, Project won't WARN you that you're trying to overallocate a
resource in the assignment stage.

Hope this helps

"Iconoclast" <> wrote in message

Multiple Work Calendars and Duration

Posted: 03 Nov 2004 02:04 PM PST

The base unit of duration is the minute. "Days" are allowed in user input
and display for convenience but are converted to and from hours, thus
minutes, according to the conversion factor on the Tools Options Calendar
page. If it helps, start thinking of "day" as meaning "workday," a single
normal 8-hour work shift, rather than a calendar day and when estimating
durations think in terms of the number of shifts the tasks will require.
Thus a one calendar day task lasting 24 hours start-to-finish, starting
Monday at 8am and finishing Tuesday at 8am, takes 3 8-hour shifts or 3
consecutive workdays to complete. If entering and keeping track of the
tasks is becoming too complicated, start estimating work efforts in hours to
begin with.

You say you are hoping for duration to be equal to the physical number of
calendar days. Sorry, you just can't have that. Project time is measured
in either elapsed time or duration time. Elapsed time is the sort of time
watches and conventional calendars measure. The month of November has 30
days, 720 hours. But duration is specifically defined as the number of
working time units between two points (see PMBOK definitions) and any
non-working time is explicitly excluded from the measure. In the US and
assuming a normal 8 hour workday, the month of November has 20, 21, or 22
work days (22 weekdays minus 1 or 2 day Thanksgiving holiday) giving it a
duration of 160, 168 hours, or 174 hours depending on where you are.

I'd suggest examining your 24 hour calendar resources to see if that's
really accurate. The 24 hour calendar means that once the resource starts
work, that specific individual worker doesn't take a break until the work is
done, regardless of whether the task takes hours, days, weeks, or even
months to complete. People just don't do that.

I'll bet what you're thinking here is that you have, say, a group of 10
welders, some on days, some of swing, some on graveyard with a base calendar
of the 24 hour calendar assigned to the group. You have a welding task that
will take one person 24 hours to do so you're putting 1 day shift, 1 swing
shift, and 1 graveyard guy on it, each one relieving the guy before him and
working until the task is done. There are all kinds of problems with that -
calendar problems are one but also resource allocation and tracking max
allocations as well. I'd suggest a possible better way is to have 3
separate resource listings - Day Shift Welders, max 400%, base calendar
8am-5pm; Swing Shift Welders, max 300%, base calendar 3pm-12mid; Night Shift
Welders, max 300%, base calendar 11pm-8am. You have a task that will take
24 man-hours work and you need to get it done in one continuous stretch of
work going on steadily from start to finish so it gets done ASAP. Enter the
task with 3 days duration. Use the split screen to assign the resources.
Enter all three resources -- Day, Swing, & Grave -- with an assignment of
100% meaning one guy from each of the 3 shifts and give them 8 hours work
each. Duration will still be 3 days, ie, 3 shifts, but the task will go
24/7 until done and take 1 calendar day in the schedule.

Hope this helps

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Jens" <> wrote in message

primavera format

Posted: 02 Nov 2004 11:09 AM PST

P3 will read .mpx, but not .mpp. The newer programs that have replaced P3
will read both .mpx and .mpp. And also with the ability to tailor the data
when importing. (Data can even be stored inside the Primavera database and
be part of a value-added bigger environment, whil being used as "normal" by
MS-P.) Which doesn't help if it has to be P3, I know.

If you can convert it to .mpx, the client may accept it, although there's a
lot more potentially to even P3 data so that depends on their detailed

"Ed" <> wrote in message

Interim tasks: tasks that span a flexible gap

Posted: 02 Nov 2004 10:44 AM PST

Thanks! This was just the information I was looking for.

Out of curiosity, what is the internal updating approach for links? I
noticed that changes aren't always immediately reflected after moving
controlling tasks, but may be postponed until several tasks have been

JulieS wrote: 

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