

Microsoft Works - Updates to Works 7.10

Microsoft Works - Updates to Works 7.10

Updates to Works 7.10

Posted: 30 Dec 2004 08:29 PM PST

Hi Paul,

Current Works updates are shown here on the Works website:

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Paul-in-KS" <> wrote in message
| Are there any updates to Works version 7.10 OTHER than those concerning MS
| WORD???

Invoices and labels containing numbers

Posted: 28 Dec 2004 02:13 PM PST

Aldus sprak Ryno op 28-12-2004 23:13:

Dear Ryno,

no, you are not the only idiiot to use this stuff. There are many like
you who struggle to get mail merge with numbers and formulas working.
the sad fact is that MS crippled all versions since Works 4.5a.

The workaround is simple: make your own intermediate file between the
Works database and your word processor. Put field names in your first
record and save the database twice: once for use and once as an
intermediate file, in csv format. Use the latter one for your merge. You
can use Word or Works' wordprocessor. In the latter click on the rule
and you will get a left tab. Click twice on it and you can make it a
decimal tab.


send to missing

Posted: 26 Dec 2004 10:17 PM PST

What mail program are you using as you default?

If Outlook Express, see:
OLEXP: "Send To" and E-mail Links Do Not Work with Outlook Express


Mike -

"Ted Archbold" <net> wrote in message

How do I keep Works from loading at startup?

Posted: 25 Dec 2004 07:05 AM PST

Hi ggull,

Re: MoneyAgent

When Money Express is activated, MoneyAgent appears in the msconfig 'startup
items' tab.

To deactivate and remove from msconfig 'startup items' tab. Right click "M"
(Money Express) on the task bar, should be near the clock on the task bar.
In the popup click Exit Money Express, the next popup offers yes/no if you
want Money Express to run the next time you start Windows , click No.

Another way to turn off Money Express is to open Microsoft Money. click
Tools on its menu bar, click Options, select Bills and Deposits tab, uncheck
"Use Money Express", click OK.

Re: Microsoft Works Update Detection

The following is a previous post on the subject. Remember to back up the
registry before making any changes.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: Can't delete WkDetect.exe or WkDetect.dll

Hi bearsowner,

Perhaps delete the registry entry for WkDetect found here.


Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"bearsowner" <> wrote in message
| I do not want WkDetect in my start-up menu. I uncheck it in
| msconfig, but it keeps coming back whenever I launch works
| and at start-up. What do I have to do to delete this
| application from keep coming back?
| Thank you.

"ggull" <com> wrote in message
Nice site, but no specific answers there that I found.
To be honest, I can't recall now if I turned those off in msconfig because
there was some task left lurking, or just to save time at startup.
But by coincidence, I ran across the following site on another newsgroup:

which had the four items I listed. All were deemed "not necessary", and for
one there was a hint on how to get rid of it.

Microsoft Works Portfolio -- open Portfolio from the Task Launcher /
Programs. Click the "Tasks" bar in Portfolio, then "Options". There is a
box to uncheck, "Load Portfolio every time you start the computer".

But for the following, no mention of how to get them out of the startup item

Microsoft Works Update Detection
WorksFUD -- "A marketing program for MS Works"

Any ideas on these? especially FUD?
(and where does it lie in the progression from FU to FUBAR?)

"Ken" <ne> wrote ... 

Updating Suite 2004

Posted: 23 Dec 2004 07:57 PM PST

Thanks. Will probably wait till next year.....

"Paul Ballou" <com> wrote in message


Posted: 23 Dec 2004 09:41 AM PST

I can do better than that Chuck:

Works 4.5 can be purchased here for $9.95 + $5 shipping

Then go here to download the free Y2K patch which will bring it up to 4.5a:
(if it's split, you may need to cut and paste)


"Gualtier Malde (Chuck)" <com> wrote in message


Error 1935

Posted: 21 Dec 2004 11:11 PM PST

Hi Ana & Taps,

Perhaps the following items help?
(whole of article - see lower message on same page);en-us;839547

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Ana" <com> wrote in message
| Does any one knows how to by pass this message : instaliingg Works 8 ??????
| An error occured during the installation of assembly compenent
| {303994BA-6487-47AE-AF1d-7AF6088EEBDB} Hresult :-2147024894.
| --
| I have the same problem. did you get your money back ?? or how you were
| download the cd.

Opening a *.WDB file without MS Works?

Posted: 21 Dec 2004 10:43 AM PST

David I had that exact same problem with my daughter who does not have Works
and this is how I handled it.

Go to and d/l the free program CutePDF.

Execute program. It will in short be a "printer" program. In Works when you
create report and then go to print it, you will be given option as to the
printer you want. Choose the CutePDF printer and follow prompts. In short it
creates a PDF file of the report. You will be able to print out report and
in your case you can send it to who you want. When the recipient gets PDF
attachment they should be able to read it and also print it.

Good Luck

"David Probett" <com> wrote in message

Microsoft Works problem

Posted: 21 Dec 2004 10:13 AM PST

Ran the virus removal tool and nothing was found but still keeps coming up
with the error and closing down

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

From Works 6 to Works 8

Posted: 20 Dec 2004 01:11 PM PST

Thanks for the help. That what I was hoping.

Works 4.5a Database function

Posted: 18 Dec 2004 07:48 PM PST

Thanks Ken,
You are the man!
Cheers, John

Go to today facility

Posted: 18 Dec 2004 10:00 AM PST

Thanks for your help. The problem is I do have the Toolbar all right. This
facility was an extra.
The sites you mentioned just results in the tool bar being reinstated so
back to square one!

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

CRACKED CD, now what???

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 10:01 PM PST

That should help me!
Thank you soo... much for answering my question.

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

Powerpoint 2003 Upgrade

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 08:23 PM PST

Check out the price of Student/Teachers Office. You qualify if you are
breathing. It will give quite a bit of the whole "Office" products.
I was lucky enough to find it on sale for 98 bucks, and I had a 25 dollar
coupon which made the package cheap. As I checked out, I found out they
were GIVING away a HP Printer and HP digital camera package free with it.
Worked for me!
Good Luck, and shop around.

"Grumpy" <> wrote in message

Database Backup Copy (.BDB)

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 11:07 AM PST

Thanks, Thomas. Not only is the database the only Works component
that hasn't been upgraded in the last 4 versions, but now they are
removing features.

I agree that the database backup copy does not work well as a backup
(especially since I regularly hit Save during an editing session and
overwrite the backup copy), but it does excel as an "undo" copy.
Since Works database only has one level of undo, I occasionally refer
to it to correct editing errors.

FWIW, I try to backup all important documents as well as the registry
and other settings once a week to DVD+RW with Backup MyPC (formerly
Backup Exec by Veritas).

Brent Neville

Feedback On Works Templates?

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 12:15 AM PST

Hi Ron,

Thanks for your feedback on the templates.

I have created three types of labels for download from my website:

Adapt and adopt as you see fit. :-)

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"ron" <noone com> wrote in message
| these are good. Most I've seen are for MS word which I don't have.
| maybe gift tags that are printable on label stock?

Database Won't Open

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 03:27 PM PST

A file ending with ".wdb" is a Database file, needs to be opened with Works
Database Program. Microsoft Works Database Program is part of Works and
should be on your computer.

Open your Works Database Program then click File on it's menu bar, click
Open. In the Open dialog popup screen find your saved file and click Open.

If the file opens okay, post back, we need to talk about file association.


"pgmccart" <> wrote in message
When I try to open a Works Database that I've set up and saved (in My
Documents), it asks me to "Choose a program", and offers 2 recommended ones:
MS Word and MS Works Spreadsheet. MS Word is highlited, but when I select it
by doubleclicking, it comes up with a window called "File Conversion", with
"Windows Default" already checked. (The other choices are MS DOS and Other
Encoding). I go with Windows Default, and all I get is gibberish. It also
won't open if I go with MS Works Spreadsheet. I seem to have a database
that's in Word, but is incompatible with something. The file name I want to
open ends with ".wdb". Can anyone please help me? Thanks.

Microsoft Works - Works Suite 2004 Databases

Microsoft Works - Works Suite 2004 Databases

Works Suite 2004 Databases

Posted: 15 Dec 2004 01:25 PM PST

Thanks I ll try it out and let you know. Not sure what version but started
off with 3.0 and had updated ever since. Bought latest version before Suite.
Never had this problem before. First time working with Word.doc though.

"Ken" wrote:

Lost Installation CD and Serial Number

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 11:25 AM PST

adding to my post

I taking about the restore cd

Greg R


temporary files

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 10:17 AM PST

Thanks for the help, Kevin - I will check the URL you supplied.

And I apologize for posting in the wrong NG - I thought I was posting to a
Windows NG!

Again, Thanks!


"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

disk utilitys locked

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 05:15 PM PST

Might this be the error message that you are getting?

Error Message "Windows Cannot Defragment This Drive now Because It Has Been Locked by a
Disk Utility" When Using Disk Defragmenter


Mike -

"ROB" <> wrote in message

Word Processor Background

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 10:58 AM PST

Hi Jerry,

If I were upgrading from Works 6, then I would not hesitate to go
directly to version 8.

Unfortunately, the upgrade is not free but a good deal is available.

I believe that Works Suite 2005 is also worth a look.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Jerry Bransford" <> wrote in message
| Thanks to each of you that have responded to my query. For the time being I
| think that I will just "limp along" without dressing up my document - as of
| now, it is the only document that I am concerned about.
| Meanwhile, however, is it worthwhile to upgrade to Works v7.0 or v8.0? And
| is it a free upgrade or would I have to buy an entirely new application?
| In general, I have been satisfied with v6.0 except for one very large file
| (lots of photos) where I encountered difficulty in saving it in other
| formats than ".wps" in spite of having 512Mb installed memory.
| Thanks again for your help!

Strikethrough Effect Corrupts Works 7.0 Word Processor Files?

Posted: 11 Dec 2004 08:11 PM PST

To Kevin, and All:

It's an understatement to say this is ** embarrassing **, but so it is. I
wondered why Kevin was "disclosing" his address here in a news group, where
it could be "harvested" by "mail-gathering bots," but I was too preoccupied
(or, more likely, STOOPIT) to consider that the characters "ExtraWords" had
been inserted into his correct address to "foil" such "bots." I also was
too stupid to notice his "old" address, from two years ago, in my records of
our correspondence about an earlier problem, was identical to his "new"
address, once "ExtraWords" were removed. I just "assumed" he'd found a new
ISP after two years, as most of us have done, and that his address had

Extra... Words... hmmm...

I finally caught on, and my mail, ** without ** the "extra words," left for
Wales a few minutes ago.

Kevin, now you know you're leading at least one IMBECILE "towards the
light." I hope you find encouragement in the evidence that even I can
"catch on." (This certainly does explain how I could find it so difficult
to operate a simple word processor, doesn't it? "Extra Words"... Hmmm...)

Jeff Hook

formula help

Posted: 10 Dec 2004 06:11 AM PST

Hi Dave,

Perhaps this helps:


Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Dave" <net> wrote in message
| NG,
| I'm trying to combine 2 formulas in my DB, is it possible using the "&"
| sign, like this::
| =IF('Apt '>=1&Last="","Resident","")
| Apt is a number field & Last is a text field.
| Thanks, Dave

works 4.5 worth anything?

Posted: 09 Dec 2004 01:52 PM PST

Best version ever released. I still use mine weekly, under Win XP. I bought
a backup copy from eBay a while back in case something happened to my cd.


"Tricia" <> wrote in message

Formula help.

Posted: 09 Dec 2004 12:42 PM PST

Hi Dave,

Similar to the other solution provided by Michael:


If an unoccupied Apartment is denoted using an Apt value of 0
then perhaps this abridged formula is useful:


Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Dave" <net> wrote in message
| NG,
| I'm trying to insert this formula in my DB report. So far I'm told that the
| formula has errors. 'Apt' is a number field & the field that I'm trying to
| insert it to is text. Any body help? Thanks, Dave.
| =IF('Apt'>="1","Resident","")

Works & Word

Posted: 09 Dec 2004 07:37 AM PST

oh you have to let it now what type of file to lok for ie....word.

"Stephen Lawrence" <> wrote in message

Inserting Graphic Into Document

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 03:50 PM PST

Hi Dennis,
With Works 4.5a, aftering inserting your image, right-click and use "format,
absolute position" and move to where you want the image.

"Dennis M. Marks" <com> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - bold background for a line of text

Microsoft Word - bold background for a line of text

bold background for a line of text

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 11:24 AM PDT

How do I get a black background with white text and the black background display from the right margin to the left margin even if the the text is just a few words.


Watermarking a Word 2010 Document, only the cover sheet or the remaining pages can be watermarked, but not both?

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 10:13 AM PDT

I am able to watermark either the cover sheet, or the remaining pages of the document. When I try to watermark the other part of the document the initial watermark disappears

Can't wrap text in footer

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 09:41 AM PDT

I have a logo I need to insert into a footer and I need to have text wrap around it. I've tried setting the text wrap properties of the graphic but nothing is working, the text goes in front of the graphic and doesn't wrap no matter what setting I choose. I also tried putting the graphic (a simple .png) in a table and set the table properties to wrap text around the table, but that doesn't work either.

Text wrapping will work in the body of the document, just not in the footer for some reason.

I finally did a clumsy workaround where I inserted both the text and graphic in a table into the footer, and that worked to some extent, but why wouldn't things wrap normally in the first place? Is a puzzlement.

I don't have a printer.Working on wireless laptop,What can I store my document on to take to local library and print out document?

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 05:32 AM PDT

Question self-explanatory..Can I buy a zip drive to store my work to..

How to call a Sub with parameters

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 01:28 AM PDT

Hello, I am working ni Word 2013 and now try to go passed the spagetti programing. I would like to call a Sub and also send in some parameters.


I call the Sub like this:


WriteTextToBookmark ActiveDocument, "Company6"


And the Sub looks like this, I have moved the dimensions to under Option Explicit in the beginning:


Sub WriteTextToBookmark(doc As Word.Document, bkmName As String, newText As String)
  ' Dim rng As Word.Range
   ' Dim doc As Document
    Set doc = ActiveDocument

If UserForm2.TextBox1.Text = "" Then
    Set rng = doc.Bookmarks(bkmName).Range
    rng.Text = ""
    doc.Bookmarks.Add bkmName, rng

   If UserForm2.TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
     Set rng = doc.Bookmarks(bkmName).Range
     rng.Text = UserForm2.TextBox1.Value
     doc.Bookmarks.Add bkmName, rng
   End If
End If
 End Sub


I have copied this from some other support answer and modified it with for example UserForm2.TextBos1.Value.



I get an error message when calling the Sub. Do I put the parameters wrongly? I have tried without "" around my bookmark name.


Grateful for an answer on this problem.

"Word is experiencing a problem opening the file... "when I try to open a few documents I have posted on Blackboard thru VCU. I can open some items but not others and I can not detect a common thread!

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 05:42 PM PDT

This has never happened before so I am puzzled. It also happens exactly the same way on my wife's laptop so I do not think it is a problem with the computers themselves. The documents I am trying to open are basically Word items related to the classes I am teaching.  Thanks for any advice you can offer!


*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Word Cross Refs suddenly show as {pageref bookmark}

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 04:33 PM PDT

I've used Word cross refs for years, insert page numbers from my bookmarks. Suddenly today, all of my cross refs in a very long doc appear not as page numbers but as {pageref} with the name of the bookmark inside the curly braces. Can someone tell me how to get just the numbers back? Thanks VERY much. James Morrison

Table of Contents MS Word 2010

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 04:33 PM PDT

Hi Microsoft Community,

I wanted to share a problem that I currently have with MS word 2010 regarding table of contents.

The issue I'm facing is that when I update my table of contents using References > update table, it adds the picture on a particular page to the table of contents.

It also adds the table of contents page to the contents table index.

Also note that I've completed at least 12 other word documents using the table of contents update method mentioned and it didn't have a problem.

How can this problem be solved?


Why does Word create empty pages on my document?

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 12:42 PM PDT

I'm typing a document that has two columns of bulleted information. The problem is even though all the information only takes up a page there are two more empty pages after the end of my work. At first I though it was empty space and I tried to delete it and every time I pressed delete it would take away a character from the end of the first page. That is so weird! How can I have two pages that I did NOT put there and I can't get rid of them? I thought, "Ok, I'll just copy the information onto a new document"-same thing. Then I tried to save it as a PDF and even the PDF file has the two extra pages.

Microsoft preloaded wordstarter

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 12:27 PM PDT

1.  Why am I unable to bring up microsoft word starter that was initially loaded on my p.c.  I have used it previously but now I get a window, "do you want this program to make changes to your computer."  I click "yes" and I still get nothing.

Build a Word document based on user selection

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 11:48 AM PDT

I need to create a word template, so that a user can open the template, select which sections are required, and then be able to save it as a docx. That document, once open, should not show or print any sections not selected, not have any controls visible or able to have sections be unhidden.


I'm not that great with VBA, so any help, or suggestion of a 3rd party product is aooreciated. Heck, I'd do it in Excel if it was easier.



My computer crashed, I lost everything, don't have the product key to reinstall Microsoft word. It came on the computer.

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 11:42 AM PDT

Someone hacked into my computer. They said they were from Microsoft, and that my computer was getting ready to crash. I believed them at first and gave them remote access to my computer. When I became suspicious and wouldn't buy what they were selling, my computer did crash. I lost everything, and had to start all over as if my computer was a new computer. Microsoft Word(can't remember which one) was installed on my computer, but the crash wiped out everything that was previously on my computer.  I am not a computer whiz, so I am at a loss as to what I should do to regain my Microsoft Word without having to install a new one that I have to pay for again. Please help!!!!


Windows 8 is not intuitive

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 08:50 AM PDT

How do I open a new word doc and/or excel spreadsheet using windows 8? I have never had so much trouble with this in any other Windows version.



"Background installation ran into a problem" again on WORD as well

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 04:59 AM PDT

I am finding this problem while I try to save documents... Kindly guide urgently..

Microsoft word just wont work

Posted: 14 Jun 2013 11:34 PM PDT

I have installed office 2013 onto my computer which is running windows 7 but every time I try to use word if just freezes and I get the message 'Microsoft word has stopped working' and it then shuts down.

I don't seem to have the AaBbYy fine reader installed and have tried using the fix it program but nothing seems to work.

Can anybody offer any help??

Paragraph that flows with an automatic indentation on the next page

Posted: 14 Jun 2013 07:44 PM PDT

I have Windows 7 and am using Word 2010.  I am working on a document that contains footnotes.  One of my long paragraphs that flows to the next page, automatically indents the first line on that next page.  My document is about 13 pages long and this does not happen with the other long paragraphs that flows to the next page.  Only this one paragraph.  I have check my formatting, tabs, indentations, and used backspace.  Now it looks right on the screen, but not when I print the first line is still indented. 

The actual Word document opens in the corner in a small window

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 10:55 PM PDT

When I open a new Word Document, the actual document in white, opens in a small window at the top left corner. Attached is a snapshot to explain the issue better. How do I resole this and get the documents to open in normal mode. (This happens only with MS Word).


Outlook 2003 Desktop Icon - Microsoft Office forums

Outlook 2003 Desktop Icon - Microsoft Office forums

Outlook 2003 Desktop Icon

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 08:40 AM PDT

And I just found a slew of these type posts in microsoft.public.outlook
(makes since) going back to early last year: x.gbl&output=gplain gbl&output=gplain

Odd, though you were around then. :-) Maybe you just started using Office
2003. Anyway yes to your question of a custom transform and yes it is set to
install the desktop icon. It created it on the 150 test Windows 2000 PC, but
not the 125 test XP PCs due to logo compliance they say. 80 of those 125
users emailed me asking for the "real" (brings up mail setup when you right
click and select properties) old Outlook icon back and not some chessy
shortcut. Despite the fact we sent out an advanced notic that it would not
be there and how they could grab the one from the start menu (if using
XP-style theme). They never read such emails. Anyway for the 8000 we will be
copy the one that gets pinned to the start menu.

"Shocca" <com> wrote in message
news:%phx.gbl... =&ie=UTF-8&safe=off& F-8&safe=off&selm=7c5e1d92.0310121022.c543d08%40post 

Can I manage Outlook profiles via GPO?

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 08:13 AM PDT

Absolutely. Check out the ORK information I suggested.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

"Bryan L" <> wrote in message

Outlook cannot open

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 09:24 PM PDT

Slight correction, Outlook 2003 uses the unicode format, not uuencode.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, outlook_rox asked:

| Hi Roni,
| Outlook 2003 changed the default format for Outlook pst's. It is
| using an uuencode format. Previous versions of Outlook use the Ansii
| format.
| Unfortunately you are going to have to find someone with Outlook 2003
| to import that pst into a 97-2002 pst format for you.
| Best of luck
| "Roni" <> wrote in message
| news:049d01c497b7$319fc4a0$gbl...
|| I wonder if anybody can assist me: I purchased a machine
|| ( HP) witch came with a office standard edition 2003
|| trial version installed. Upon the expiry of the trial, I
|| installed a older version of office and now I canno open
|| my defauld e-mail folders...!!!
|| Can anyone help on this? I'm getting desperate because
|| I'm unable to open my calendar, folders, notes, etc...
|| Thanks,
|| Roni

MS Office programs locked.

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 02:54 PM PDT

Ok I went and did that today - I bought a retail copy, uninstalled the trial
version, installed the retail copy...and there was no change at all! I
wasn't prompted to activate the product during the setup process, and the
editing and activation issues still remain. Hmmmph. I suspect there is
something in the registry which wasn't deleted in the uninstall process, and
it still thinks it is a trial version. I have submitted a query to the
Microsoft Assisted Support site, so hopefully they will find a solution.

"garfield-n-odie" <> wrote in message


Posted: 09 Sep 2004 08:13 PM PDT

Maybe your answer to this question will help.
- tried to reinstall OFf2K3 .
- Installs OK, but when you start Outlook, you get a 'migration screen. and
fails with missing msspc.ecf, pmail.txt, etc.
- does not allow me to reconfigure Outlook.
not much hair left.
completely unistalled and tried again. No lucjk


"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

Office 03 Install over XP

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 09:28 AM PDT

I did the same thing-upgraded to office 2003 from xp. You
can just install 03, no need to uninstall xp. All your
info from outlook will be transferred to the 03 version.


need to remove menu bar add-in

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 06:37 PM PDT

I could not find a way to remove it following your advice but you did put me
on the right track. I use Word to edit my email messages and realized that
the toolbar addition was there also. I went into Tools > Customize > Command
and had the option to reset my file. When I did that the extra
menu item disappeared.

"Timothy L" <com> wrote in message

Normal template

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 01:48 PM PDT

Also search out for the normal.doc and rename it to normal.old
"garfield-n-odie" <> wrote in message

get replacement disk 97

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 08:10 AM PDT

Correction Milly office 97 is no longer a product support by calling in. How
ever they are directed to other resources such as the public news groups,
google, the web etc.
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

No init found (after reset) - Forums Linux

No init found (after reset) - Forums Linux

No init found (after reset)

Posted: 03 Sep 2004 10:28 AM PDT

Jose Maria Lopez Hernandez wrote:

Uh ... I'd say that if that was something that could happen from the
fsck, then the data was probably already lost ...


Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of
Congress. But I repeat myself. -- Mark Twain

Grub Configuration

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 10:55 PM PDT

es (amanita) writes:

Or if you run a Redhat/Fedora system, but CD 1 in the CD drive, and type 'linux
rescue' at the lilo prompt, and then do the chroot, and grub-install.

Michael Meissner
email: org

X setup on Debian?

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 09:48 PM PDT


(Follow-Up to alt.os.linux.debian ignored, because it is not yet
available for me)

Madhusudan Singh (<invalid>) wrote: 

If the virtual consoles are broken as well, this /could/ be some
conflict between X and the console framebuffer driver. Did you try to
turn off the framebuffer driver, e.g. by passing


or something like that to the kernel?

Also, what kind of graphic card does the laptop use? And what version of
Debian do you use? XFree 4.1 in Woody does not support some older
cards, for which you would have to use XFree 3.3.6, or XFree 4.3.

By default, runlevels 2,3,4 and 5 on Debian systems are identical. You
could remove the xdm/kdm/gdm symlink for some runlevel, and boot into
that one. You can also boot into single user mode without the CDROM,
simply press <TAB> at the lilo prompt (if you use lilo), and append

init 1
init s

to the prompt.

If the card is not too old, you should rather try the VESA driver, which
should work with all VESA 2 compliant cards.

That depends on how X was started. If you use some login manager, this
is true. You would have to shut it down, e.g. using

/etc/init.d/xdm stop

But of course, this is difficult without working consoles.

best regards
Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <com>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674 ICQ #17079270
Registered Linux User #267976

Fedora and SATA drives

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 02:57 PM PDT

In message <BmZZc.42648$>, Wacha
<nospam> writes 


Waiting for disks to arrive!



Saving and Viewing MP4 files

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 03:36 AM PDT

Zach Nation wrote:

You can also try VideoLAN's VLC: I actually
got a MPEG that would not play on any other player to play on VLC. Go me.

Keith Gable
Lead Programmer of the Ignition Project
ICBM: 35.540383, -94.988756
*Joshua 1:9 :: The Message:* Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage!
Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. GOD, your God, is with you every
step you take.
*Take back the web!*

Xterm font size

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 10:19 AM PDT

Bit Twister wrote:


umount fails, fuser silent

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 01:07 AM PDT

Jean-Paul Le Fevre wrote: 
As another poster suggested, what happens if you comment out the line
concerning this "/ker" from /etc/fstab? What does this "ker" contains?
Kernel stuff ??

nvidia driver install on debian

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 12:48 AM PDT

Gernot Frisch wrote:

You need to install kernel sources, usually under /usr/src/linux. Of course
that kernel will need to be the one that you run the X server under.

Nvidia video driver question?

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 06:50 PM PDT

In article news:<>,
Charles Sullivan wrote: 

I agree ... and would add that there is another difficulty in that
some news /servers/ reject postings to groups they don't handle,
while others silently drop those groups and effect the posting to
those that they are able.

If anything this argues against the use of follow-ups, because if a
posting is sent only to a group that is silently dropped by a
server it will disappear into the void.

I dislike cross-posting, but I firmly believe that once something
has been cross-posted it should stay that way. Experience suggests
that follow-ups actually increase the noise that they are intended
to reduce. A decent newsreader won't show you a cross-posted
message more than once, anyway.

It doesn't seem off-topic for either group, but as it's not a
RedHat-specific question a general group like cols is probably a
better place to ask than colr. Asking in both is only a good idea
if you think there's a good reason to suppose that there will be
people with the answer in colr who con't also follow cols. I don't
follow colr, so I can only guess, but I'd have thought asking in
cols alone would have been the best choice in this case.

I certainly agree that cross-posting is preferable to multi-posting
... but I wouldn't blame you for asking the same question in a
second group once it was clear that you weren't going to get an
answer in the first. Even the most experienced posters don't always
get it right first time.


MD 10: lilo troubles (volume, raid nonsense)

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 08:26 AM PDT

"Ron Gibson" <net> wrote in message

RedHat dumped it, so are other distributions. LILO has serious user
interaction issues and is far more difficult to recover from problems with,
and its fifteen or sixteen character limit in the apparent name of the boot
configurations is painful to cope with when you have multiple configurations
for testing or other purposes. As someone who's installed a series of a
dozen different kernels on the same machines and hopped among them to do
performance testing, I found that limitation painful. Mind you, I still miss
the LILO feature of doing "lilo -d [oldkernel]; lilo -R [newkernel]; reboot"
to reboot the first time only with a new kernel, and only set it as the
default if it was successful. It helped keep my hands off the hardware for
testing in remote locations and could be recovered from by a simple reboot
instead of having to bring up a console at boot time. But it's overwhelmed
by the overall flexibility and ease of configuration of the grub tools.

Whoops, I'm sorry, I thought you said I couldn't be bothered to learn LILO.

fedora core 1, system standby

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 06:01 PM PDT

com (com) wrote in message news:<>... 

Very well could be -- hard to tell from lack of message outputs, etc.
See below ...

Checking the "usual" suspects is always a good idea -- no sense in
overlooking the obvious ;-)

But working mostly from your own "diagnosis" you may have a WOL
(wake-on-lan) nic that has been awakened by some recent change in your
setup -- most drivers turn it off as the default.

Sounds like you don't really need this "feature" if it is the source
of your problem. Each nic/driver is a bit different though so google:
linux nic wake-on-lan wol
and perhaps add your nic's brand/model# to the search.

You'll find a bunch of hits -- see this for _very_ quick primer:

Of course, this could be a sign of a WOL nic gone bad or a heartbeat
daemon screwing up -- these can be hard to track down. Took us
several months to figure out why stations were dropping from NetWare
net at school. Onboard WOL nics can be especially trying if there is
not extensive BIOS setup support.

email above disabled