

Can't run X on remote monitor - Forums Linux

Can't run X on remote monitor - Forums Linux

Can't run X on remote monitor

Posted: 21 May 2004 06:22 AM PDT

["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.misc.]
On Fri, 21 May 2004 10:12:47 -0400, Mike Oliver staggered into the Black
Sun and said: 

Look at your /etc/X11/XF86Config file. Make sure you're using the
radeon X server, not the VESA one. Try putting the line
Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS, CRT"
in ("man radeon" for info on what that does), restarting X, and trying
again. Many laptops have a switch somewhere on the keyboard for
selecting whether the LCD, the VGA-out, or both are active--push that
switch a couple of times so that both are active. Look in
/var/log/XFree86.0.log for anything weird, or if you can't find anything
weird, post that file on your webspace and follow up to this message
with a URL.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin / mail: TRAP + SPAN don't belong / Hire me!

How to determine Linux real CPUs vs hyperthreaded (ht) virtual CPUs?

Posted: 20 May 2004 10:47 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1
NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message

[ Followup-To: comp.os.linux.setup ]

In comp.os.linux.setup Jean-David Beyer <com> suggested: 

Hi Jean-David!

Yep, that was a joke.;)


How does this work out with 8GB? There are three options for
high-memory support on x86:

( ) off
(X) 4GB
( ) 64GB

None of them with 8GB?

I'd simply run a self compiled kernel, if this isn't a production
system, where you need the support. That should speed up things.


Interesting, I saw some benchmarks stating that raw devices are
(under Linux) slower then using some fs which should be preferred.
But I haven't done any tests concerning raw devices. Reiserfs and
xfs are among the few fs you can online resize, due to some
problems with reiser, I'd use xfs.


Sounds like you would need some AC cooling soon...

Michael Heiming (GPG-Key ID: 0xEDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


debian boot problems

Posted: 20 May 2004 10:34 PM PDT

"Andreas Janssen" <com> wrote in message

I would do that but the computers CD drive is busted. I installed debian on
it by slipping the drive into a working computer. I believe i did create a
boot partition during installation and mounted it but im not sure if the
kernal installed there or not. Also, just to clarify the problem more, it
seems like if i hold down shift during the boot up i do get the different
options. In my case, pushing "a" gives me 1234F. When i press 1, i get the
repeating 01 01 01. Partition 2 should be my swap file and 3 should be my
root directory. I've tried pressing 3 at this time but nothing happens.

Failed dependencies? how come?

Posted: 20 May 2004 10:30 PM PDT

On 5/21/2004 2:26 AM, I believe that Gaétan Martineau wrote:

Verify that the squirrelmail package you're trying to install is for RHL
7.2. The RPM you're installing seems to want apache to be installed as

Or just try it with --nodeps and hope it works...


Dual booting from xp's NTFS partition using LILO?

Posted: 20 May 2004 02:02 PM PDT

On Fri, 21 May 2004 01:45:29 -0400, "Brian Lockwood" <>

The windows boot loader is still on the NTFS partition. If this partition is
marked active:

lilo -A /dev/hda 1

and a Master Boot loader is installed on sector 0,

lilo -M /dev/hda

then windows boots with no intervention from grub or lilo.


Dual-Boot of WinXP/Fedora-Core 2 - can't boot WinXP after install

Posted: 20 May 2004 06:07 AM PDT

Hi mjt:

Thank you for responding.

I'm not sure if that change would have any effect or not but I did find a

There is a 'bug' in the FC2 (from what I have read now it seems that FC1 had
this too, but I don't recall any issue(s) when I did this with RH9)
installation process that changes the number of 'virtual' heads (hard-drive
configuration) reported to the operating system (WinXP can't deal with it).
I found a solution after a bit of searching and a few iterations of playing
with the settings using sfdisk. The information I used is located at and
replies to that message. The bottom line is that you have to boot from a CD
(I used the fedora rescue disk) and then I 'chroot /mnt/sysimage'. I saved
the boot image as indicated in the message above (I would highly recommend
that anyone attempting this does that). Once you get to that point you need
to type: 'sfdisk -d /dev/hda | sfdisk --no-reread --force -H255 /dev/hda'
(no ' ', of course). This works if you need to tell the opsys that you have
255 heads. The number after -H may have to be something else for other
configurations (the message says that on some laptops it needs to be 240,
but I'm clueless how one figures out that number) and I'm not sure exactly
what this does besides changing the reported head number (if anything). The
final result was that WinXP once again booted and all worked fine.

After doing all of this I made another partition to share between Linux and
WinXP using 'parted'. This created the same problem again and I had to use
the fix above to get access to WinXP again. This would lead me to believe
that 'parted' is making this modification (which is not all that
surprising), as it is the same utility that the install program uses to
setup the partitions.


"mjt" <ru> wrote in message

NFS help requested please

Posted: 19 May 2004 07:04 PM PDT

On Thu, 20 May 2004 02:04:53 +0000, jDeGraw wrote:

I found it!
I got the problem licked!

This was stupid. I changed the permissions on the directory
/home/coffee/public to 755 and owner root. As soon as I did this the whole
nfs filesystem was r/w available to the normal user coffee.

I do believe its the execute bit that has to be set on all the files.

chmod -R 755 /home/coffee/public

I can now export with no problems.


Auto-starting fetchmail on startup

Posted: 19 May 2004 05:40 PM PDT

And I think I can also use:

cron < textfile

where textfile is a file contains the line '@reboot /usr/bin/fetchmail
-d 1800'. Am I right?


Tim Van Wassenhove <be> wrote in message news:<de>... 

New Redhat 9.0 install, No internet

Posted: 19 May 2004 04:55 PM PDT

"tim wunder" <net> wrote in message

Can't ping the google ip address, gives me a destination unreachable. I
don't remember if i said this or not but my internet does work in Windows
just in case there is any confusion. So im pretty sure there is nothing
physically wrong with the cables or the card itself. It could still be a
support issue. How would i go about downloading and installing new drivers
for the card?

Brian Lockwood
Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Tech

create 4GB tmpfs on RHEL 3

Posted: 19 May 2004 12:37 PM PDT

On Thu, 20 May 2004 09:37:10 -0400, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
No - he means how does he create a 4gb tmpfs filesystem (memory/swap
resident). Must have a lot of memory on the box....

mount -t tmpfs -o size=4G .........

Making NTFS writeable without recompiling kernel

Posted: 18 May 2004 09:19 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup, Markus uttered these immortal words:

I doubt that you'll be able to add NTFS write support without re-compiling
the kernel. It's almost trivial with Debian though.

BTW I found this in the help for kernel 2.6.6:

NTFS write support (NTFS_RW)

This enables the partial, but safe, write support in the NTFS driver.

The only supported operation is overwriting existing files, without
changing the file length. No file or directory creation, deletion or
renaming is possible. Note only non-resident files can be written to
so you may find that some very small files (<500 bytes or so) cannot
be written to.

While we cannot guarantee that it will not damage any data, we have
so far not received a single report where the driver would have
damaged someones data so we assume it is perfectly safe to use.

Note: While write support is safe in this version (a rewrite from
scratch of the NTFS support), it should be noted that the old NTFS
write support, included in Linux 2.5.10 and before (since 1997),
is not safe.

This is currently useful with TopologiLinux. TopologiLinux is run
on top of any DOS/Microsoft Windows system without partitioning your
hard disk. Unlike other Linux distributions TopologiLinux does not
need its own partition. For more information see

It is perfectly safe to say N here.

I believe there are other NTFS drivers available. Try Google.


Reusing mozilla instance on Fedora

Posted: 18 May 2004 01:41 AM PDT

> ## mozilla -remote "openURL($1, new-tab)" <-- Didn`t work. Why ?

For me it works (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5)

Digging around I found that there's also a 'ping' command that tests
for the presence of mozilla.

However, I'd like the KDE icon to open a new, empty mozilla; iow I
have no URL to give it. I can think of two ways of doing that: pass a
special URL (but which one? I tried 'blank:' wu=ithout success); or
send the event for File!New!Navigator Window, according to (but I can't find the
resource name for that action)...
Jean-Louis Leroy
Sound Object Logic

Conditional Task Length Microsoft Project

Conditional Task Length Microsoft Project

Conditional Task Length

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 11:41 AM PDT

It is possible, but it is a bit kludgy.
Do this.
Insert one of the number fields (number1, number2 ...)
Insert one of the duration fields
Let's imagine you are using Number1 and Duration1 for this example
right click on the header of the duration1 column
select customize.
click on the formula button
click ok.

Now set the value in Number1 to be .2

Now copy the value in the duration1 cell
Go to the duration cell for the other task
From the edit menu select "Paste Special"
Make sure that the "Paste Link" radio button is selected.
Click OK.

Now when the first task changes in duration, the second task will change as


"Erik L" <> wrote in message

n/a error

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 10:02 AM PDT

I have an example of how to work around this on my website:


"Gérard Ducouret" <fr> wrote in message

PERT Chart Problems

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 08:01 AM PDT

Have you tried Format/Layout Now?

It would seem that you can best avoid corruption and bloat by using
File/Save As... rather than a simple Save, as that process is supposed to
tidy up the bits left over from editing etc.

And keep saving backups :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Ron T wrote: 

#error to be removed

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 07:28 AM PDT

Mike is correct. There is no way to have a number field be blank. It is
always 0 or some other value.
If you want a blank field then you must use a text field.


"Mike Glen" <> wrote in message

How can...

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 04:40 AM PDT

Thank you very much Gérard Ducouret.

It really helped me.

Have a nice day

Scheduling - %Completes and Actuals

Posted: 10 Jun 2004 03:30 PM PDT


Click View>Task Usage (or Resource Usage) and you'll get a timescaled
view on the right side with the tasks and resources on the left. It
looks and functions just like a timesheet. You can enter the Actual
Work in the appropriate spaces (on a daily or weekly basis) in the
timescaled part on the right. (You may have to right-click in this
section and select Actual Work if it's not visible.) This will
automatically enter the correct Actual Start date. After you enter the
timescaled Actual Work, adjust the Remaining Work as needed in the
left side.


Deleted projects in shared resource pool

Posted: 10 Jun 2004 09:02 AM PDT

Thanks for the advise. I ended up creating a new resource
pool and am changing the sharer files individually. Works

projects from it 
future, make sure you 
Failure to do so 
and Project VBA 

Unhide Column

Posted: 10 Jun 2004 01:33 AM PDT

Hi ea,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

You might like to see FAQ Item: 11. Hidden Column.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

ea wrote: 

how to undo the manipulation several time

Posted: 09 Jun 2004 11:00 PM PDT

No, it can't. Unfortunately, you only get one shot.


Adjust_Date micro

Posted: 09 Jun 2004 11:34 AM PDT

Sorry, you must have a start date in the template, or any project for that

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Majid wrote: 

Linking two schedules in Project

Posted: 09 Jun 2004 07:53 AM PDT

"Peggy" <> wrote in message
change I make to one schedule is also made to the other schedule?

Master Projects and Cross-Project Linking
Using master projects to provide rolled-up reports across multiple projects
and create external dependencies between tasks in different projects is
valuable when using Microsoft Project Professional as stand-alone
applications, but does not work as well when all projects are integrated
into a common repository like the Project Server database.

Note . Master projects are not recommended to be used in Project Server,
especially if you want to use them to provide cross-project reporting or if
you plan on publishing assignments from the master project. Not allowing
master projects to be published to Project Server is recommended.

Because of the way projects are stored in the Project Server database and
the way that this affects project-to-project interaction, project managers
should avoid saving projects to the Project Server database that would
normally be considered to be master projects in Microsoft Project
Professional. Saving master projects and their sub-projects may cause
double-counting of resource assignments and ultimately produce inaccurate
Project Web Access views.

Project Server provides several useful alternatives to the traditional
master project:

· Administrative projects - allows users to simulate traditional
master projects in Microsoft Project Professional using projects saved and
published to the Project Server database.

An Administrative project is a project without any tasks or resources that
have been saved or published to the Project Server database from Microsoft
Project Professional. To create external dependencies or retain familiar
reports, you should create local master projects on your client computer in
Microsoft Project Professional by inserting projects checked out from the
Project Server database. Users can then save the sub-projects (inserted
projects) back to the Project Server database while saving the master
project to their local computers. Using this method will allow users to work
with master projects in a familiar way and will help maintain accurate
enterprise project and resource data in the Project Server database

· Enterprise Outline Codes - allows organization to add custom
elements into cross-project reporting that traditional master projects
cannot do as well. Using the Enterprise Global Template to define custom
Enterprise Outline Codes can help provide better reporting results for
project data.

· Portfolio Analyzer - provides users with better reporting and
data results across projects than the traditional use of master projects

Microsoft Office Project 2003 has two administrative options that affect
what project managers can take relative to master projects.

· To allow master projects to be saved to Project Server.

· To allow master projects to be published to Project Server

1.1.1 Cross-Project Links
Cross-project linking enables project managers to link tasks in one project
to tasks in another project.

Microsoft Project Professional supports true cross-project linking. The user
can include a path and filename in the Predecessor and Successor fields,
followed by a slash and the usual relationship syntax.

For example, if <>\1 Exabyte Desktop Drive.Published\24FS+3d is entered in
the Predecessor field, then the predecessor has ID 24 in the project server
stored project plan 1 Exabyte Desktop Drive.Published and the relationship
is Finish-to-Start with 3 days of lag.

1.1.2 Cross-Project Linking Terminology
The term internal is used to describe those tasks that exist in a project.
External relates to those tasks outside of a project. Use of either of these
terms depends on the specific project in question. To avoid confusion, this
discussion assumes the active project is the internal project unless stated

When an external link is created in the active project, replicated tasks are
created in both the external and active projects.

The term ghost task is used to refer to an external (replicated) task,
however, an external task is not displayed with the ghost task formatting in
the active project if the parent of the external task has been inserted into
the active project.

One project gets an external successor task and the other gets an external
predecessor task. When either project is displayed alone (for example, does
not contain the other as an inserted project), the external task is
displayed with special light gray ghost formatting so it can be easily
distinguished from other tasks.

If an external task is displayed as a ghost task in the active project, it
gets its own ID in the active project (not necessarily the same ID it has in
its parent project). A predecessor ghost task is inserted just before the
corresponding internal successor task, and a successor ghost task is
inserted just after the corresponding internal predecessor task. However, if
a ghost task representing the external task already exists, then that ghost
task is used to represent the external task in all the relationships it may
have with tasks in the active project. In other words, if two tasks in the
active project both have the same external predecessor, there is only one
ghost task representing that external task in the active project.

Figure 183 illustrates the relative use of the terms internal and external,
in relation to cross-project linking.

Figure 183. Internal- External task links

From the perspective of 1 Exabyte Desktop Drive.Published task 55 is the
external link.

The task in each individual project that represents an external task is also
called a ghost task.

1.1.3 Linking Between Projects
There are two ways to link information between Microsoft Project
Professional files: by using dependency links between project files, or by
using object linking and embedding via Copy/Paste Special.

When a project relies on a task that is in another project, cross-project
links can be used to create a dependency between them. When a dependency
between tasks in different projects is created in this way, any changes to
the start or finish dates of the external task are automatically reflected
in the successor task of the other project.

When links between only certain fields of information need to be created,
links between fields in two project files can be pasted by using the Paste
Special command instead. For example, where the same job descriptions and
pay rates exist in two projects, but the tasks occur in both projects, the
Paste Special command enables the user to connect the selected fields in the
two plans so that the information stays synchronized. To Create a Dependency Between Tasks in Different
1. Open both projects - the file containing the task you want to link to
and the file containing the task you want to link from. (If necessary, you
can search for your file.)

2. In the Window menu, click Arrange All.

3. Use the mouse to drag a link between two tasks.


4. In the Task Name field, click the task for which you want to create a
task dependency to an external predecessor.

5. Click Task Information and then click the Predecessors tab.

Figure 184. Creating cross project task dependency

1. In the ID field, type the full path of the project location, the
project name, and ID number of the external predecessor, separated by a
backslash, for example: <>\Project1.published\1 for Task ID 1 in a project
plan stored as Project 1 (Figure 184).

2. To change the dependency to a type other than finish-to-start, select a
different dependency type in the Type field.

3. To enter lag time for the dependency, enter a value in the Lag field.

4. To enter lead time, enter a negative value in the Lag field, such as -2
for two days of lead time. Task Dependency Dialog Box
The Task Dependency dialog box is displayed by double-clicking a link line
in a consolidated or stand-alone project.

There are two versions of the Task Dependency dialog box, one version if the
link does not involve a ghost task (but may involve inserted external
tasks), and a different version for a link between an internal task and a
ghost task.

To display a Task Dependency dialog box, double-click a link line between
two tasks that are not ghosted (Figure 185).

Figure 185. Link between two internal tasks

For a link between an internal task and a ghost task, the full path and
filename of the ghost task are appended in parentheses after the ghost task
name (Figure 186).

Figure 186. Link from a ghost task to an internal task

1.1.4 Editing Ghost Tasks
If a cell of a ghost task is double-clicked, Microsoft Project Professional
opens the external project, if it is not already open, and places the cursor
at the top of the file. If the file is already open, double clicking the
ghost task will activate that file and place the cursor at the proper task.

The cross project link can be edited in either project.

The ghost task can be deleted from the internal task's project. This removes
the link and removes the ghost task from the internal project. This action
has no affect on the external task in the external project except to remove
the cross-project link (and the appropriate ghost task) when that project is
updated. For example, deleting a ghost task breaks the link, but does not
delete the task record from the parent project. Synchronized and Editable Ghost Fields
Some information in a ghost task is synchronized with the information in the
external project, and some information is editable in the internal project.
In general most fields are synchronized except for custom fields, notes, and
baseline fields (so that the user can set a baseline in the internal
project) and some fields are only used to show assignment fields.

Cost and work fields are synchronized, but they are not included in rollup
calculations because they are not counted against the internal project.
Also, fields that are synchronized are not editable because the
synchronization would wipe out any edits.

The following split table shows what information is synchronized with the
information in the external project. It also shows what information can be
edited in the internal project. The X at the end of some of the field names
in the table is a placeholder for numbered fields. For example, TextX means
Text1, Text2, and so on.



Actual Cost


Actual Duration


Actual Finish


Actual Overtime Cost


Actual Overtime Work


Actual Start


Actual Work

Outline Level

Baseline Cost


Baseline Duration

Overtime Cost

Baseline Finish

Overtime Work

Baseline Start

% Complete

Baseline Work

% Work Complete




Preleveled Finish


Preleveled Start

Constraint Date


Constraint Type





Regular Work

Cost Rate Table

Remaining Cost

Cost Variance

Remaining Duration


Remaining Overtime Cost


Remaining Overtime Work


Remaining Work


Resource Group


Resource Initials

Assignment Delay

Resource Names


Resource Phonetics



Early Finish


Early Start


Effort Driven

Start Variance

External Project Name




Finish Variance

Subproject File


Subproject Read-Only

Fixed Cost


Fixed Cost Accrual




Free Slack

TeamStatus Pending

Hide Bar



Total Slack

Hyperlink Address


Hyperlink Href

Unique ID

Hyperlink SubAddress

Predecessors Unique ID


Unique ID Successors


Assignment Units

Late Finish

Update Needed

Late Start


Level Assignments


Leveling Can Split

Work Contour

Leveling Delay

Work Variance

Linked Fields
No Formatting Ghost Tasks
To allow formatting of the ghost tasks, the following items are included in
the following dialog boxes:

Dialog box
Default formatting

Text Styles
external task
Color: Gray

Bar Styles
external task
Color: GrayBar Type: BarPattern: Hollow

Text Styles
external task
Color: Gray

Bar Styles
External (Show For)
Color: GrayBar: Light Dither

Network Diagram
Text Styles
external task
Color: Gray

Network Diagram
Box Styles
external task
Color: GrayBox: Dotted Box

Task Sheet
Text Styles
external task
Color: Gray

Task Usage
Text Styles
external task
Color: Gray

Task Report
external task
Color: Gray

Crosstab Report
external task
Color: Gray Gantt Chart Wizard
The Gantt Chart Wizard - see The Gantt Chart Wizard page 431 - preserves
ghost task formatting, but provides no options to change it. Formatting for
ghost task bars must be carried out using the Format Bar or Format Bar
Styles menu commands.

1.1.5 Baseline Information for Ghost Tasks
Unlike all other information about the ghost task, the baseline information
comes from the internal project rather than the external project.

An external task has two independent sets of baseline field values. One set
is in its parent project, and the other set is in the internal project. This
allows the user to see how much the ghost task has moved or changed from the
last time the internal project baseline was set.

1.1.6 Cross Project Linking Options
The View tab of the Options dialog box available in the Tools menu contains
options to control how links are updated when files are opened, as well as
whether or not ghost tasks are displayed .(Figure 187).

Figure 187. Cross-Project Linking Options in Tools Options View tab

The first two settings, Show external successors and Show external
predecessors, determine if the ghost predecessors or successors are
displayed as tasks or hidden in the current project. This setting does not
impact the predecessor or successor fields of the linked internal task that
show the external links as text.

If the parent project of an external task is inserted into the active
project, then the external task is not displayed as a ghost task, but is
instead displayed as any other task in an inserted project.

If the Show Links Between Projects dialog box on open option is ON
(selected) then the Automatically accept new external data option is
disabled and unchecked. If Show Links Between Projects dialog box on open is
OFF (not selected), then the Automatically accept new external data option
is enabled and this option can be turned ON or OFF.

If the Show Links Between Projects dialog box on open setting is ON, then
Microsoft Project Professional displays the Links between Projects dialog
box whenever the file is opened, but only if there has been a change to an
external task or link. If this setting is OFF, then Microsoft Project
Professional does not display the dialog box on file open even if there have
been changes to the external tasks or links. In that case, choose the Links
between Projects command from the Tools menu to display the dialog box.

If Automatically accept new external data is ON, then Microsoft Project
Professional automatically accepts any new external link information without
prompting the user. Because it automatically synchronizes the data, if
Microsoft Project Professional cannot find the external link (because the
link was removed or the project file was moved), then the external task is

By default, the first three checkboxes are ON.

These options are saved per project and cannot be saved globally. Behavior on Open
Suppose there is a link between a task in project Test1 and a task in
project Test2, and project Test2 is opened. Various scenarios are discussed
as follows.

· If project Test1 is already open in memory, then the linked
task in project Test2 reflects the current information from project Test1,
and Test2's ghost in project Test1 reflects the current task data of that
task in project Test2.

Provided calculation is ON, any open project reflects the current data of
the external tasks and links.

· If project Test1 is not currently open, then Microsoft Project
Professional looks for the external data in the external project (which
would cause the project to be loaded in the background). If this external
data is different than the current data stored in the first project being
opened (project Test2) then Microsoft Project Professional displays the
Cross-Project Links dialog box that shows all external links. Those links
that have changed can be easily found by looking in the Differences column.

When opening the project, it looks for the external data in the external
project. Any changed data automatically is updated in the current project
without prompting from the user.

When opening the project, it does not look for the external data. If the
Links Between Projects dialog box is displayed, at that point it looks for
the external data.

The Tools menu, Links Between Projects command is used to see the
cross-project links.

Figure 188. Links Between Projects dialog box

The Links Between Projects dialog box (Figure 188) displays all the
cross-project predecessors and successors for the current project with
information about what changed in the current project. This dialog box also
shows links whose source project cannot be found, or whose source task
cannot be found.

From this dialog box it is possible to repair broken links, choose to accept
or refuse new data concerning a cross project link, and edit or delete a
cross-project link (and thus the ghost task as well).

When the dialog box is displayed, if it hasn't already retrieved the
external information, it opens up all the external projects in order to
obtain this external information.

The dialog box has one tab that shows the External Predecessor tasks and
another that shows the External Successor tasks.

If an internal task has a predecessor and successor external link, then that
task appears on both tabs.

· Task. Shows the internal and ghost task pair that constitutes a
cross-project link. The internal tasks are aligned to the left and have an
ID number. The ghost task is indented under it. On the same line as the
ghost task is Type, Date, % Complete and Difference information. The name,
type, date and % Complete fields reflect the old information for example,
the information stored in the current project. The differences field is used
to inform the user what data has changed in the external project and its new
value. The current project's internal data on the external task and
cross-project link changes to this new value when the user accepts the

· Type. Shows the link type and any lag or lead information about
the external link.

· Date. Either the start date or the finish date of the external
task. If the link is connected to the start date of the external task, then
the date is start date. If the link is connected to the finish date of the
external task then the date is the finish date of the external task. It uses
the date format selected in the Internal project.

· %Comp. Shows the % Complete value for the external task.

· Differences. Provides information about what has changed in the
external task from the external project since it was last updated in the
internal project, or it lets the user know that the external task or project
file could not be found. If more than one piece of information changed, then
the changes are listed on separate lines.

Kinds of information displayed in the Differences column:

o Name to <new name> is displayed when the task name changed.

o Finish to <new finish> is displayed when the finish date changed
and the link depends on the finish date.

o Start to <new start> is displayed when the start date changed to
a new date X and the link depends on the start date.

o Type to <new type> is displayed when the link type changed.

o Link Deleted is displayed when Microsoft Project Professional
detects that the link is deleted from the other project.

o Task Not Found is displayed when Microsoft Project Professional
cannot find the external task within the external project.

o Project Not Found is displayed when Microsoft Project
Professional can find the project file or DSN but not the project name
specified. The user can use the Browse dialog box to find a renamed or moved

o File Not Found is displayed when it cannot find the project file
or DSN. The user can use the Browse dialog box to find a moved or renamed
external project file.

o File Located is displayed when a File Not Found or Project Not
Found condition has been manually corrected. Note that if there are any
changes in the file that it finds, it automatically accepts them.

o None is displayed to indicate that no changes have been made to
the external task or link.

The Accept button accepts all the changed information for the selected task.

The All button accepts the changed information for all links in the dialog

The Browse button lets the user repair the path for an external project file
that may have been moved or renamed.

The Delete Link button deletes the selected cross-project link and removes
the external task from the current project. Deleting External Links
In Microsoft Project Professional, it is possible to delete external
predecessor links to files that cannot be found. The dialog box shown in
Figure 188 will appear enabling the user to delete the external link or
relocate the file. Project Calculations
No project is recalculated unless it is opened.

Suppose that project A has links to project B and B has links back into A,
and only project B is opened. Microsoft Project Professional reads in dates
from project A (provided the user says it's ok to update links). Microsoft
Project Professional does not recalculate tasks in project A, even though
their predecessors in project B may have changed.

All the appropriate projects must be reopened before everything can be
recalculated. Circular Loop Detection
The definition of a circular loop or circular task relationship in Microsoft
Project Professional is when a series of task links, link back to the first
task in the series. Circular links are not allowed in Microsoft Project
Professional as they will cause Microsoft Project Professional to stop
calculating field values and therefore must be avoided.

If the user tries to create a circular link loop in a single project,
Microsoft Project Professional can detect this condition and does not allow
the link to be created. This is more difficult to detect and solve when the
links are spread among a number of different projects.

It is possible to create such loops by creating links while not having all
the projects open. For example, assume that x, y and z represent single
tasks in projects A, B and C. If x is linked to y and y is linked to z, and
then B is closed, and link z is linked to x, a circular link is created.

x -> y -> z -> x

Microsoft Project Professional only detects such loops among currently
opened projects.

Baseline date

Posted: 09 Jun 2004 07:32 AM PDT

I don't have Project 2003 server but I doubt it will give the
information you want particularly if you are updating the same baseline.
Since Project 2003 has multiple baselines, I suggest you save each
update as a separate baseline, then you will have each date saved.

If you need more than 10 baselines, I suggest you either set up a custom
field to track baseline dates either manually or automated with a macro,
or perhaps use an Excel spreadsheet to track the baseline date data.

Hope this helps.

Percent Work Complete

Posted: 08 Jun 2004 09:13 AM PDT

Hi Julie,

Notwithstanding Gerard's answer. % Complete refers to the DURATION of a task. % Work Complete refers to the WORK (hours assigned via resources). Example: A task of 5 days DURATION might contain 40 hours of WORK. For most practical purposes, those hours would be approtioned equally across all 5 days (ie, 8 hrs/day). If at the end of day 1, the resource has only done 4 hrs WORK, then your % Complete is 1/5 days = 20%, and your % Work Complete is 4/40 = 10%. If on day 2, your resource still only does 6 hrs work (lazy git!!), then your % Complete is 2/5 days = 40%, and your % Work Complete is (4+6)/40 = 25%. At the end of day 2, your analysis would read: 40% of the DURATION has elapsed, but only 25% of the WORK has been done. Someone has few long days ahead of them if they want to finish the task on time!!

You do have to be a bit wary, though, owing to the fact that your % Complete does change as you extend or shorten the duraton of the task, and it is also dependent upon your Task Type. Moreover, when amending the task duration, the WORK that you have assigned to that task might also change, depending upon HOW you amend the task duration, in conjunction with the Task Type.

Hope this helps.


"Julie" wrote:

Microsoft Word - 5 page document, need three different types of header/footers., I can only seem to create two different headers

Microsoft Word - 5 page document, need three different types of header/footers., I can only seem to create two different headers

5 page document, need three different types of header/footers., I can only seem to create two different headers

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 01:40 PM PDT

I am using Word 2003 at work   and 2010 at home.  I have an existing document (company product literature that uses "Different first page" as the option for header and footer. The company is changing artwork and wants a different unique header/footer on page 1, a different h/f on pages 2-4 and the same header on 5 but a 3rd unique footer on the last page (page 5).  I've added section breaks at Pages 1 (bottom) and page 4 (bottom) as it instructs, but when I go to add the header and footers on page 1, they repeat on page 5. If I change the setting on page 5 to remove "different" first page, then I get the header/footers repeating from pages 2-4 on page 5....  Neither version seems to have any clear ability to do anything other than different first page or alternate even/odd pages.   Thanks in advance

Programa Programas Compatibilidade Aplica��o Aplica��es

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 04:22 AM PDT

comprei um pc novo que vem com o Windows office 2010 mas para entrar o pc pede que seja ativada uma chave para o produto, tem um problema, eu não vejo essa chave em nenhuma parte

como eu faço para ativar o office?

The page number in my document commes immediately after the last line of the text, which looks untidy. How do I create a two line space between text and page number?

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 04:07 AM PDT

The page number in my lengthy document commes immediately after the last line of the text, which looks untidy. How do I create a two line space between text and page number?

create lines numbered inside table

Posted: 09 Mar 2013 04:21 PM PST

How can i create the lines numbered for a text inside the table? When i try it does so for text outside the table only.





Suddenly document shows paragraph symbols, dots between words, little arrows all over. How do I get rid of these?

Posted: 09 Mar 2013 11:52 AM PST

I don't know what's suddenly happened, and I want to get rid of the marks.

Cannot open protected Word document. Error message 'The password is incorrect' althoughpassword cracking software confirms the password is the one I put in place.

Posted: 09 Mar 2013 01:11 AM PST

I have a Word document which is password protected and which I cannot now open. I bought a password cracker which identified the password ( the one I put in place) but that password does not open the document. I get the error message 'The password is incorrect'. Any help would be appreciated. This is an important document. I suspect it may have something to do with using different versions of Office on the home network. I have Office 2003 and Office 2010. I does not open on either. I am using Windows 7 64 bit.

how do I change Word from UK English to American English

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 08:50 PM PST

In other than American English the @key produces " annd vice versa. how do I correct that on my UK English keyboard?

Hotmail bounces invites from Gmailers - Microsoft Office forums

Hotmail bounces invites from Gmailers - Microsoft Office forums

Hotmail bounces invites from Gmailers

Posted: 03 Jul 2004 02:30 PM PDT

I'm sure someone has a good reason for sending this to every newsgroup they
can think of, but I'm frankly not the least interested.

"Vic Baron" <com> wrote in message

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.712 / Virus Database: 468 - Release Date: 6/27/2004

Cannot get around prompt for CD (Office 2000)

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 08:56 PM PDT

Hi Julie,

Windows in place upgrades can be such 'fun'. :(

There are no entries for 2000 series products in Add/Remove Programs?

What is the exact error message you're getting?

Are you using the current version of the Cleanup Utility;en-us;290301&FR=1
and the current version of MSI?

This article may help in removing Office 2000 manually;en-us;219423&FR=1

<<"Julie" <com> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...
Client upgraded the operating system on their computer which has
Office 2000 Small Business Edition from Win98 to Windows 2000.
As usually happens, they now get bombarded with prompts for the
Office installation CD whenever they try to use any Office program.
And, as is usually the case, they no longer have that CD. However
they do have the installation CD for Office 2000 Premium that was
used for a machine that has since been junked, so it seemed like a
likely candidate to install in place of the SBE.

In the past, I've been able to resolve this dilemma by using the MSI
cleanup utility from Microsoft. But when I run it on this machine,
there are no entries shown at all for Office. And Eraser2k doesn't
solve the problem either.

So what can I do? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. >>
Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2000 install prompt when 2003 is already installed.

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 04:39 PM PDT

Thanks for your help. I believe that I have resolved the
in message news:22c4d01c45d69$1760b6e0$gbl... 

new product key

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 06:00 PM PDT

Hello Diane,

Thanks for your help, I will try it that way.

Best Regads,


Office 2003 & Office 97, Specifically Access 97

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 03:18 PM PDT

Linda Daniels,
Not sure if it will help the situation, but you may have a look at this:;en-us;290301&Product=ofw2k

I have never used it to remove configuration information for trial versions of Office 2003, but it may be worth a look.
It does not list Office 97, only 2000 and up so if you use it, it would have to be for the trial version related files.

Chris Schatte
use the Office Online web based newsreader here:
In Office System 2003 applications:
Help/Assistance Pane/open Communities

"Linda Daniels" wrote:


Posted: 27 Jun 2004 02:53 AM PDT

1. Click on "Start" and click on "Run".

2. Found out that the CD drive was the D drive.

3. Created a verbose log file using "d:\setup.exe /l*v!
c:\setuplog.txt." The
installation wizard pops up and installation begins.

Installation progresses and completes successfully.

Office 97 & Office 2003

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 09:34 PM PDT

I downloaded the MSVBVM50.EXE file and ran it. But, I
still have a problem with Office 97. When I try to run
setup from the CD, still get the error message. "Set up
cannot access the required initialization file E (E is the
CD) OS/System/OLEAUT32.DLL. It sounds like the OS can not
read the OLEAUT32.DLL file on the Office 97 CD. Any more
ideas. Really need to reinstall Access 97. When I ran
the CD (Office 97), after uninstalling Sample Office 2003,
Office 97 installed all fiels except Access 97 program.
If you try to open the database created in Access 97 they
will not open and get error message " No license found on
this computer, guess because Access 97 will not load from
the CD setup wizard?? Help. 
scid=kb;en-us;175459 if 

Office Professional Ed 2003 problem

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 03:37 PM PDT

Here is the end user license agreement:
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Microsoft grants you the following rights provided that you comply with all terms and
conditions of this EULA:
1.1 Installation and use. You may:
(a) install and use a copy of the Software on one personal computer or other device; and
(b) install an additional copy of the Software on a second, portable device for the exclusive use of the primary
user of the first copy of the Software.
The above is the part concerning installation.
You can view the entire eula on your system, in any Program go to:
Help/About Microsoft Outlook (or any)/click on "View the End User License Agreement"
or on Microsoft Office Online view here:
choose your version.

Chris Schatte

use the Office Online web based newsreader here:
In Office System 2003 applications:
Help/Assistance Pane/open Communities

"Andrew" wrote:

Error Installing Office2000...HELP!!!

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 01:55 PM PDT

Method #1:
1. Clean the cd with warm water and soft cloth

Method #2:
1. Create a flat on another system on the network
2. Map a network drive path over to the shared flat folder
3. Install from the shared flat

Method #3:
1. Have customer burn a copy of the original media
2. Install from the burned media

NOTE: Burned media is typically not supported except
in a corporate
environment. However, the method of creating a burned cd
will allow the files to
decompress and copy across the disk, thereby allowing the
reading of the disk to
proceed more freely. This has been witnessed in several
cases where the burned
media the customer created would install without error
when the original Microsoft
media errors out to the compression of the cab files.

Lost CD-key

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 10:09 AM PDT

"Sam Tigger" <com> wrote in message
positive results instantly. 
is relatively old 

Hmm, not much help, bunkie: Vague reference to contact,
lie about MS interest, false "instantly" claim, nothing to
verify and zero contacts. If the OP was able to lose the
key, how would the OP know anything about what you -claim-
to know all about! So, uhhh, where's the value in your
post:? Other than your success at trying to -look- like you
know something you don't.

Or are you farting into the wind? That one gets my vote.

<> wrote in 


Posted: 26 Jun 2004 09:12 AM PDT

because everyone love just ya, sam!


Gyorgy Moldova [DracosBro]

MCSE+I, MVP [Office Systems]

E-mail: org

"Just an average Slytherin student..."
"Sam Tigger" <com> wrote in message
this NG 

Office does not recognize it's own docs

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 05:49 PM PDT


I tried disabling the antivirus and it made no
difference. Is there anything else I can try?

now open the files, 
macro virus. 

Windows XP Service pack 1 cd WHAT???

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 08:32 AM PDT

download office xp1 from microsoft website 

Some Screen Tips Are Missing

Posted: 21 Jun 2004 09:27 PM PDT

<<Thanks, Bob. It's not quite as convenient as the old screen tips were,
but I suppose I'll have to manage with it. (Why would Microsoft get rid of
a nice feature like screen tips for dialogs, especially after all of us have
gotten used to it??)>>

It turned out that only a tiny fraction of our customers were using them and
they were surprisingly hard to program and keep accurate. (However, most of
us techies were in the fraction that loved them. :-( )

We're investigating better alternatives for this for our next version.


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

<> wrote in message 
Office 2003 Pro. In all applications (Word, Powerpoint, 
menus (where there have always been Screen Tips in the past). 
leave the cursor over) "Screen Tips", there's no screen tip. 
Options "Show Screen Tips on Toolbars" and "Show Shortcut Keys 
Options > View and checked "Show Pop-up Description for 
online help files and all the books on the shelves of two large