

Microsoft CRM - Adding Customized field to a CRM Contact form

Microsoft CRM - Adding Customized field to a CRM Contact form

Adding Customized field to a CRM Contact form

Posted: 02 Mar 2004 08:35 AM PST

It involves disabling replication, making manual metabase/table/schema mods,
and then re-enabling replication. We have a fairly involved process that
lets us do it without breaking CRM.

Unfortunately it's far too complex for us to recommend people trying
themselves. You need to have extensive experience with the MSCRM and
METABASE architectures to do it without breaking the web or outlook client.
If you send me an email, I can have our support services get in touch with
you regarding what would be involved, and what the associated costs would


greaterthantwo media
Printable Quotes, Orders and Invoices, with line-item details, now available
for MSCRM.

<> wrote in message

Sharepoint co-existence

Posted: 02 Mar 2004 03:36 AM PST

Thanks Michael,

This is not a scenario that the Microsft CRM support team have recommended for performance reasons, as well as the one that you have stated.



Cannot add custom fields

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 11:15 PM PST

Hi Marina, have you published your new fields? They won't show up on the
MSCRM database tables until after you publish. CRM 1.2 has been released,
so you might want to think about switching off the beta.


greaterthantwo media
Printable Quotes, Orders and Invoices, with line-item details, now
availablefor MSCRM.

"Milanina Marina" <ru> wrote in message

MS Partner - CRM License Key

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 05:02 PM PST

We had two sets - one from Partnersource and one from our
Action Pack - ta-da - right on the back of the Action Pack
one was our code.. I've been toting around the other

Thanks Anders!


multips errors when emailing from CRM 1.2

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 02:40 PM PST

This part is now fixed. I had some issues with the IUSR anonymous account
and now that is fixed.

Any ideas on the other problems?


"Michael Schumacher (MS)" <> wrote in message


Too Slow to Sync records between ERP and MSCRM

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 12:34 PM PST

In addition to Mike's suggestions, I'd also say to reevaluate how much
data you're forcing to sync every night. It sounds like you're trying
to synch every record. Is there any way you can only send the record
that have changed? How about trying to use Biztalk to process the
synch psuedo-real time through out the day?


On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 12:44:04 -0800, "GreaterThanTwo Media"
<com> wrote:

Hi Jonathan, the SOAP proxy API is incredibly slow (especially on CRM
You might want to look into using the unsupported COM proxy API. It's
faster, and the object interface is basically identical (but you don't
to specify credentials or url properties). It's quite easy to switch
between the two. The only consideration is that it's unsupported, and
be changed/dropped in a future version.

Also, what is your server setup? You may want to consider beefing up
SQL server box in order to get the throughput you need.


greaterthantwo media
Printable Quotes, Orders and Invoices, with line-item details, now
for MSCRM.

"Jonathan Jiang" <com> wrote in message

CRM SFO setup

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 12:09 PM PST

Well, in an offline scenario as you describe it, you might run into several

You use two different Windows profiles and hence two different Outlook

- the Outlook Offline File (.ost) is bound to an Outlook Profile, you might
be able to bind it to your other account by at least synchronizing once
with your "offline" Windows account against your Exchange Server, but that
might lead quite unpleasant side effects.

- the offline features of CRM are bound to your Windows AND Outlook profile,
the permissions to the local SQL replica will be one point, attaching it to
the other Outlook profile another one.

To follow the previous poster, the best way is to use one profile, and
that's the way SFO is designed to work, one Windows and one Outlook
profile. You should be able to logon with your domain account whether
online or offline.

Hope thet helps.

CRM licenses order

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 10:59 AM PST

You can go to and login with a MS
Passport. From there, you can add agreeements to the
system and then get your codes.

If you'd prefer, you can contact our company and we can
assist you with that. We are a couple hours off the coast,
but the advantage is that we work long after you've gone
home to get you information before you wake up in the

I'm sorry you had such difficulty. When we place an order
for MS Licenses, we get a response from our distributor
within 24 hours. At which point we forward the e-mail to
you with your codes. Your reseller should have the same
repsonse time from their channel.


Michael James
Solutions Architect
GeminiTech, LLC
94-1057 Mele Street
Waipahu, HI 96797

808-843-1000 x103

system, and our 
process. The last thing 
Confirmationi", and 
that I would shortly 
CRM keys......... 
do any MS Partners 

MS Post Call-Out Sample

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 08:34 AM PST


As Rob mentioned, make sure that you interface has the EXACT GUI from
the example. But you still register the GUID from your coponent in
the table.


On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 13:44:49 +0100, "Andre Grumbach"
<> wrote:

Hi Rob,
I also try it with this F4233E5B-17DC-4661-9ABC-6707A9F99215 GUID, but
have the same result and didn't work.
i tell you know my approach:
1.. I'm Programming (copy) the HowTo from this page
(on my local Computer)
2.. I make a strong key for this project and add it to the
3.. I'm built the Code
4.. I copy the code to the VPC Server with the MSCRM (on this VPC
any kind of VS-Net installed, only the :Net Framework)
5.. I registry the release Dll to the Gac (like Gacutil -i path to
6.. I register with regsvcs path to dll
7.. I registry the Callout Object in the SQL Statement (I am using
GUID like I'm using for my CRM Calss)
After I do this, I try to check my Sample and create an Account in the

But it didn't work, there is no text file.

So what did I wrong?

Here is my C# code and my SQL Statemant (again):


using System;

using System.EnterpriseServices;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.IO;

[assembly: ApplicationName("Callout Example")]

[assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)]

ApplicationAccessControl(false,AccessChecksLevel=A ccessChecksLevelOption.App

namespace CRMCallout.dll



public interface ICRMCallout


void PostCreate(int ObjectType, string ObjectId, string

void PostUpdate(int ObjectType, string ObjectId, string

void PostDelete(int ObjectType, string ObjectId);




public class CRMCaller : ServicedComponent, ICRMCallout


public void PostCreate(int ObjectType, string ObjectId,


FileInfo fi = new

StreamWriter s = fi.AppendText();

s.WriteLine("CRM Create Event Occurred...\n");

s.WriteLine("Object Type: " +

s.WriteLine("Object ID: " + ObjectId.ToString());

s.WriteLine("Object XML String: ");





public void PostUpdate(int ObjectType, string ObjectId,


FileInfo fi = new

StreamWriter s = fi.AppendText();

s.WriteLine("CRM Update Event Occurred...\n");

s.WriteLine("Object Type: " +

s.WriteLine("Object ID: " + ObjectId.ToString());

s.WriteLine("Object XML String: ");





public void PostDelete(int ObjectType, string ObjectId)


FileInfo fi = new

StreamWriter s = fi.AppendText();

s.WriteLine("CRM Delete Event Occurred...\n");

s.WriteLine("Object Type: " +

s.WriteLine("Object ID: " + ObjectId.ToString());







declare @subscriberid uniqueidentifier

set @subscriberid = newid()

-- Insert Subscriber (Sample Module)

insert into Subscriber(SubscriberId, CLSIDorProgId, Name, Description)


(@subscriberid, N'{F4233E5B-17DC-4661-9ABC-6707A9F99215}', N'My Sample

Callout Module', N'')

--Insert into EntityEventSubscribers

declare @entityid uniqueidentifier

--Account(post-create, post-update, post-delete)

select @entityid = EntityId from Entity where ObjectTypeCode = 1

update Entity set EventMask = EventMask | 1 where ObjectTypeCode = 1

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(2, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(8, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(32, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

--Contact(post-create, post-update, post-delete)

select @entityid = EntityId from Entity where ObjectTypeCode = 2

update Entity set EventMask = 1 where ObjectTypeCode = 2

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(2, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(8, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(32, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

--Customer Address(post-create, post-update, post-delete)

select @entityid = EntityId from Entity where ObjectTypeCode = 1071

update Entity set EventMask = 1 where ObjectTypeCode = 1071

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(2, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(8, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,

CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values

(32, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)

I hope somebody can help me

Thx Andre Grumbach

Read only fields based on picklist values

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 07:43 AM PST

Hi Jakob, the only event supported for the picklist is the onchange event,
so you would only be able to enable/disable fields when a user picks a value
(not when the form is opened or saved). You need to set the field to
disabled, as well as changing the style.

There are ways to add other javascript events to form fields, but it's not
currently supported or documented.


greaterthantwo media
Printable Quotes, Orders and Invoices, with line-item details,
nowavailablefor MSCRM.

"" <dk> wrote in message

Is it poosible to custmize the form printouts?

Posted: 01 Mar 2004 12:36 AM PST

Hi Alper, the SDK allows you to create custom web pages that can pretty much
do anything you want to program them to do. So if you want to build your
own web page to print case out in a different format (i.e. including the
address), then you could use the SDK to learn how do this. There is nothing
specific about printing, you just need to create a web page that contains
the case data formatted in the way you want. The SDK gives you the
programming API to be able to access CRM data, and integrate your web page
into CRM by adding custom toolbar or menu options. You need expereince with
web development to do this.

Another option, as Gary mentioned, is to create or edit a crystal report to
print the information you need. You can also make the crystal report open
from a toolbar button or menu option.


greaterthantwo media
Printable Quotes, Orders and Invoices, with line-item details, now
availablefor MSCRM.

"Alper Can" <> wrote in message

Populating fields from Custom form to an Original form

Posted: 29 Feb 2004 08:04 PM PST

Dirty solution
In your onload-event add something like
MyForm.Mycontrol.value =

A (host) records - Microsoft Exchange

A (host) records - Microsoft Exchange

A (host) records

Posted: 27 Jul 2004 11:02 AM PDT

Well, I'll be honest. I've set up lots of Exchange servers and have yet to
enter a DNS server in the Advanced Delivery window. Without an entry there,
Exchange will use the DNS that is already configured server-wide, which has
always worked fine for me. I don't know if zoneedit dot com is correct or
not. It's not necessarily the servers that provide DNS resolution for your
network. It's the servers that are defined as the Start of Authority if you
were to do an NSLOOKUP. If you go here and plug in your domain name, the servers
listed as "nameserver" are the ones that must have proper A and MX records.


"Cos" <> wrote in message
that are pointing to our Xchng server'. Where are you trying to enter
that?" . Where it says: "The
?Configure? dialogue box is displayed. Here you will need to click on the
?Add? button and enter the IP address of a Public DNS Server that you can
use to resolve names. Again this information maybe provided by the company
who supplied your Internet connection or the company hosting your DNS." I
use "zoneedit dot com" to provide dns to our server. Is that where the MX
records and A records have to be setup on? Do I have to add a C-name on the
Xchnge server for the authoritative servers to resolve dns? 

Recipient Update Service not stamping new users with email addresses

Posted: 27 Jul 2004 07:26 AM PDT

Yes I have. The DC is correct as well.

a valid Exchange 

Inherited permissions

Posted: 26 Jul 2004 07:30 AM PDT

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the response. Just a couple questions about it though. That
article says that it pertains to Exchange 2000, does it also work in
Exchange 2003? Do you know if it requires a reboot or can I make that
change during the day?



"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Moving Distribution lists

Posted: 25 Jul 2004 09:07 AM PDT

Thanks Mulnick, that was helpful.

"Al Mulnick" <com> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 SP1 won't install on Drive E

Posted: 24 Jul 2004 01:53 PM PDT



Missing Sound Driver?

Posted: 24 Jul 2004 01:19 PM PDT

Very frankly Sara,if you do not have the backup of
yoursound driver and you do not persue a driver cd then
there is only one thign you can do that is download the
driver from teh websites of hp or some other sites, its
normal that some companies do not give after sell support
like HP coz they have other big problem to tackel with.

check out some of teh sites for sound drivers:

and if you dont find your driver on this then search with
driver specs on :

i m sure you will find somthin ther.

Hope this helps



OL2003: Slow Attachment Opening

Posted: 24 Jul 2004 12:11 PM PDT

No, nothing was installed in AddIns, but today Outlook and Attachments work
I don't know.
Maybe things form las mail helped but after few restarts. I restarted my PC
after finishing tasks mentioned down there but there was no success.....

OK, now it works . . . . thanks anyway . . .

"Mo Yousef [MSFT]" <Mo Yousef [MSFT]> wrote in
message news:com... 
have any third-party antivirus scanning tools with a check mark. You should
only see the default five items that come with Outlook. 
antivirus scanners scanning local attachments when opening it in Outllook. 
showing on 

Wrong time stamp for Internet mail

Posted: 23 Jul 2004 08:05 AM PDT

Peter - thanks for the reply... The time zone is set correctly on the server
with the IMC installed. I noticed when I set the system clock back 7 hours
then the time stamp on SMTP mail is correct but the Outlook clients are
seven hours behind.
"Peter Johnson" <> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 IM Server Groups

Posted: 22 Jul 2004 04:51 PM PDT

thanks i will
about Live 
your question to the 

IM2000 and LCS2003

Posted: 22 Jul 2004 06:28 AM PDT

I need the users from each domain (using Messenger 5)
could be autenticated on their own domain and, at the
same time, they could talk with somebody outside, with
users in domain B and C (IM homed domains), or with
someone from other companies via .NET passport.

Thank you.
Any suggestion is appreciated

Exchange slow to update Address Book

Posted: 22 Jul 2004 06:26 AM PDT

Jaye wrote: 

See if these help at all - and 2003.htm 

make calendar public

Posted: 21 Jul 2004 08:39 AM PDT

so once I use the mailbox as a resource, I can see all of the meetings and
it is working great. how do I make it public now so everyone can see it?


"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

Search in public folders

Posted: 21 Jul 2004 03:31 AM PDT

"MK" <> wrote:

It's a drag, but you can't search more than one level at a time.

Mark Arnold MCSA MCSE+M MVP, org
FAQ: &

Changing Display Name in Outlook 2000

Posted: 20 Jul 2004 11:30 AM PDT

Miranda, you can chang the display name from the following
menu steps:

Tools - Options - Mail Setup - Email Settings - Change -
More Settings - and then in the box specify the name you
wan to get displayed for name.

Hope this helps


Posted: 19 Jul 2004 08:49 AM PDT

=?Utf-8?B?UGF1bG0wNDE5?= <> wrote in

This sometimes happens if the Exchange server forwards the directory
connection from the client to a Windows 2000 server. In your case it may
be possible that the Exchange server hasn't picked up the change of GCs

You can check this by opening Exchange System Manager, getting properties
on the server and viewing the "Directory Access" tab. Your Windows 2003 GC
should be the only one in the list.


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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Microsoft Word - Just installed Word 2003 on a new computer. Now the single spacing and double spacing are wider than before. How do we fix this?

Microsoft Word - Just installed Word 2003 on a new computer. Now the single spacing and double spacing are wider than before. How do we fix this?

Just installed Word 2003 on a new computer. Now the single spacing and double spacing are wider than before. How do we fix this?

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 08:49 AM PST

Spacing is too wide between lines in single spacing and double spacing.

Word 2007: Table of Contents dialogue box does not appear

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 07:10 AM PST

According to the Microsoft Office 2007 training and locations elsewhere on this forum, if a user selects References->Table of Contents ->Insert Table of Contents then the Table of Contents dialogue box should appear, allowing for specification of included headings and other configurations. I found this to be true a few days ago when I was working on documents. However, currently when I follow these steps the dialogue does not appear.  Is there a way to figure out what may be causing this issue, and/or correct it? I was experimenting with writing macros earlier, so I do not know if somehow I altered the default template or building blocks in some way, but I do not beleive I did anything that should have that affect.


Thank you for your assistance

Landspace pages print in portrait with right edge text cut off - looks fine on screen

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 12:15 AM PST

After many years of using WORD in its various incarnations, I've run into a problem I cannot resolve. 

I have a WORD doc with landscape pages interspersed among Portrait pages.  On the screen all page orientations looks fine. But when I print it, the landscape pages print in Portrait format with text on right side cut off.  I have deleted and reinserted the Section Breaks to no avail. 

This happens for all landscape pages except one section which prints  perfectly.

Appreciate any help you can offer.

Mail Merge- Maximum Number of Fields 2013

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 02:09 PM PST

What is the maximum number of fields that can be used in a mailmerge using Office 2013?

What happened to my Alt-j ability (shortcut) for Design

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 06:38 AM PST

Don't know what u got `til it's gone.   I lost my shortcut.


My alt | pulldown menu items used to have a Design (something) on the extreme right end; e.g.


             Home    Insert    Page Layout    References  .... Developer    Mathematics    Designer


I can't remember if was Design, Designer, or Design Mode; it was design something!


I'd press:  Alt (and JH would appear the Designer symbol), press J (and get another suite of selections), press Q (and i'd get Quick Parts)


Anyways, all that is gone:  No Design anything across the row of menu items, no more JH options when i press the Alt key.


How can i get this back???


Designing styles for complex, inconsistently-formatted multilevel numbered list

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 07:02 AM PST

I hope to create template for a complex multilevel list.

I do not understand the best way to create and/or apply styles efficiently:

1 Heading Level-One (e.g. 16pt font; 12/3 paragraph spacing)
   Plain text, indented to match Level-One

2 Heading Level-One (16pt font; 12/3 paragraph spacing)
   2.1 Term Bold-Faced  Definition regular-face paragraph indented 0.5" more than heading level
               definition regular-face paragraph indented 0.5" more than heading level
   2.2 Term Bold-Faced  Definition regular-face paragraph indented 0.5" more than heading level
               definition regular-face paragraph indented 0.5" more than heading level
3 Heading Level-One (16pt font; 12/3 paragraph spacing)
   3.1 Heading Level-Two (14pt font)
      3.1.1 Plain text, 12pt, indented to Level-Three
      3.1.2 Plain text, 12pt, indented to Level-Three
   3.2 Heading Level-Two (14pt font)
      Plain text, indented to Level-Three
   3.3 Plain text, 12pt, intended to Level-Two

I need to find a way to efficiently apply continuous numbering to an inconsistently formatted set of headings and variously indented paragraphs of plain text and heading text.
I have little trouble doing this by applying direct formatting, but I do not understand how to do it with STYLES - so it can be applied consistently across many document files.

Insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

How do I sort in a table which has already been set up?

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 01:19 PM PST

Old computer computer updated with Word 2010.  How do I get my multi-page table to sort alphabetically.  It was NO problem before and I have tried everything...highlighting the column will not cover the whole table...only each page.  I can sort each page alphabetically.  Also, is there no more "reveal codes"?  I thought I might have a code in there that was stopping the sort.  Also, how can you keep multiple documents open?  I miss having the open documents listed at bottom...right now not too crazy about update.  Thanks for your help.

Microsoft Word Starter can't open

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 08:08 AM PST

I can't open my Word Starter program and I don't know when it happened.  What can I do to recover this program and not lose all of my files in it?

Microsoft Works - Ver. 8 Less Buggy than Ver. 7 ?

Microsoft Works - Ver. 8 Less Buggy than Ver. 7 ?

Ver. 8 Less Buggy than Ver. 7 ?

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 09:11 PM PDT

> I just recently upgraded from Works 7 to Works 8. What type of bugs were

Any bugs.

Ed Light

Smiley :-/
MS Smiley :-\

Send spam to the FTC at
Thanks, robots.

Removing Works Suite 2000

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 01:54 PM PDT

Hi Richard,

Perhaps this helps:

"Setup Is Unable to Remove Earlier Version" Error Message
When You Try to Install Works 7.0 or Works Suite 2003.

Ignore item No. 7 - the reinstall.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Richard" <> wrote in message

can a english version of microsoft works word processor

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 10:08 AM PDT

sghost schreef: 
You could download from This office
suite can heve spellcheckking in many languages, all to be downloadded


Can't Find Product Key

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 06:34 PM PDT

If there is a product key on the machine,
(which I doubt in your case)
All info can be mined by the free utility "Belarc Advisor"

I don't subscribe to putting a lot of junk on the HDD
but this little beauty offers an opportunity to finger print
your entire system.
Ideal when seeking advice on newsgroups where
the type of machine/cards are required.
it mined my Works number in about 50 seconds


(Remove gum to reply)

"john" <com> wrote in message news:876501c49611$74b00680$gbl...
| I had the same problem was anyone able to help??
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Recently my Dell 4400 computer drive crashed and I had
| to
| >reload my Works Suite 2002, which was originally shipped
| >with the computer, from the 5 back-up disks. All of the
| >applications came up okay except for the Word
| application
| >which asked for a 25 digit product key, which was
| >supposedly on the jewel case. Unfortunately, the works
| >suite disks were shipped in plastic liners with no jewel
| >case and no "certificate of authenticity". Microsoft
| >told me to contact Dell. I spent nearly 3 hours on the
| >phone with Dell, was transfered 9 different times and in
| >the end was told I had to get the product key from
| >Microsoft. I am about to lose my mind! Can anyone tell
| >me how to go about getting the product key so that I can
| >use Word?
| >
| >Thank You,
| >Sam
| >.
| >


Posted: 07 Sep 2004 02:32 PM PDT

Hi bsilverfox,

Perhaps this helps to convert your Works database.

Works: How to Import Data from a Works Database File
into the Windows Address Book

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Works 8.0 & Win XP Home" <> wrote in message

Need help please with Calendar in Works 4.5

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 01:13 PM PDT

Hi Maddy,

Create a Works database using your *.csv entries.

Import this database into the Address Book.

Works: How to Import Data from a Works Database File
into the Windows Address Book

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Maddy" <> wrote in message

Works 2002 Disk wont work

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 10:50 AM PDT

See duplicate post.

get word file from disks

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 06:27 AM PDT

You should also make sure your PC can handle these
programs by clicking the system requirements section
Microsoft's, Amazon or's web site.

Microsoft Works for windows

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 08:39 PM PDT

Sorry, I posted that message on the wrong post.

lost text

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 02:03 PM PDT

Sorry to bother you but does anyone know why my post hasnt shown
up yet! its been 1 day!

Works Suite 2005

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 10:39 AM PDT

No Word 2003 is why I'm sticking with Suite 2003.
OTOH Works suite's other components can run on W98 and up and word 2003
requires XP
But they could have offered a free or extremely subsidized (like pay for
shipping only) upgrade for XP users who get Works suite 2005 to get word
2003 upgrade
Wehn I had the prerelease version Word 2003 intergrated fine within Works

A widescreen edition of a movie presents the film frame as it was seen in
the movie theater. This is the version that best preserves the filmmaker's
original intent.

End of story!
<> wrote in message

overtype in Works 7

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 10:25 AM PDT

In the bottom, right hand corner of your word processing screen, you will
see "OVR" in a box. Double-click on it. It will turn off the over type
that is driving youi nuts. You proabably hit the keyboard command for it by


"Ian" <> wrote in message

FYI - A Video

Posted: 04 Sep 2004 06:15 AM PDT

Thanks for the link , I downloaded the file
"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

T Edition 2003 Trial - Microsoft Office forums

T Edition 2003 Trial - Microsoft Office forums

T Edition 2003 Trial

Posted: 22 Jun 2004 06:45 AM PDT

Jen wrote: 

Jennifer! I'm surprised at you! Billy has another cavity wall to insulate
and he needs your dollars! ;o)

Does MS Office 2003 run under Win2000 or only under XP (and more questions)?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004 03:53 AM PDT

>Does MS Office 2003 run under Win2000 or only under XP?
yes it runs on 2k.

only if you have an app that requires it... Think of the ".net framework" as the
".net RUNTIME" -- exe's written in .dot will need the framework (aka: runtimes)
supposed to all be backward compatible.

2003 is newer.
I don't see why not.

Remove x's to send.

Updated word11.adm or opa from Office 2003 ORK

Posted: 21 Jun 2004 11:16 AM PDT

Hi Bob,
Thanks for your answer, do you know "why" this file is being updated?
Is there an unofficial version somewhere?

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

can I install Office Pro with XP home

Posted: 21 Jun 2004 07:34 AM PDT

Yes you can - or I have running them for a few months with
no problems at all. I wouldn't bother up=grading unless
you need XP Pro features.


Office 97 on Windows XP PC

Posted: 21 Jun 2004 05:33 AM PDT

"Don" wrote:

icon cache

Posted: 20 Jun 2004 07:02 PM PDT

Hi Tia,

You've posted this before. Did you change your color dept settings already?
This should rebuild the icon cache.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-Backup and Restore
-Create an Office XP CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 3

"Tia" <com(donotspam)> wrote in message

Office XP - OL folder titles truncated

Posted: 20 Jun 2004 12:35 PM PDT

So the /resetnavbar switch wouldn't work (error message said "Cannot start
Microsoft Office Outlook. The command line argument is not valid. Verify
the switch you are using.") I was using:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE" /resetnavbar

And making a new profile worked ... at first. After I closed the program
and re-opened it later, I found the same truncated letters on some folders.


"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

Office 2003 / Office XP Shortcut Bar

Posted: 19 Jun 2004 03:39 PM PDT


I almost missed your reply to my message...luckily I scrolled down in your
reply to Peebs. Anyway, I agree that MS should definitely take a bunch of
these "solutions" and post them somewhere, as it seems that many many people
are unhappy with the absence of the OSB in Office 2003. Oh well....that's
Microsoft I guess ;)

Anyway, I hope people find my solution somewhat useful!

- marc

"Chad Harris" <com> wrote in message
asked C790000701033&QueryID=8ec5SXwQU0&Query=visual+keyb oard&Scope=TC%2cHP%2cHA%2cRC%2cFX%2cES%2cEP%2cDC%2 cXT C790000701033&QueryID=8ec5SXwQU0&Query=visual+keyb oard&Scope=TC%2cHP%2cHA%2cRC%2cFX%2cES%2cEP%2cDC%2 cXT C790000701033&QueryID=3ec5wdG4g&Query=office+visua l+keyboard&Scope=TC%2cHP%2cHA%2cRC%2cFX%2cES%2cEP% 2cDC%2cXT 
__________________________________________________ __________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________
Bar\Office10\OSA.EXE" -b -l 

Office XP sounds stopped working

Posted: 19 Jun 2004 06:49 AM PDT

Thank you for your reply Milly.

I checked through the options in each of the office applications and found
the 'provide feedback with sound options' (haven't noticed them before). In
Outlook, Powerpoint and Word the option was ticked so I unticked and
re-ticked and the sounds came back. In Excel, it was unticked so I ticked it
and that is now working too.
I'm happy it's working again, but am puzzled as to why it stopped. Can using
Office Update somehow change your settings? I put SP3 onto Office XP a few
months back, though this sound problem only developed at the start of last
Anyway, thank you again.


"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

Office 03 icons not showing

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 03:01 PM PDT

Hi Tia,

1) Did you change your color dept settings as well? Worked like a charm when
I tested it.

2) What files do you mean?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-Backup and Restore
-Create an Office XP CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 3

"Tia" <com(donotspam)> wrote in message