

Entourage (Office's) settings saved when purchasing Full Version? Microsoft Office for Mac

Entourage (Office's) settings saved when purchasing Full Version? Microsoft Office for Mac

Entourage (Office's) settings saved when purchasing Full Version?

Posted: 07 May 2007 09:11 PM PDT

Diane Ross wrote: 
Word 2004 did move the Normal Template to live in the Microsoft User
Data folder by default--as a safer place to keep customizations--but the
My Templates folder is still in Applications/Microsoft Office, and needs
to be saved specially as Diane says: 

Possible issue when migrating Office to a new system?

Posted: 05 May 2007 01:31 AM PDT

Hi Bill:

Sadly, Yes :-)

I used to be a radio announcer. By the time I finished that gig, I had a
freebee of everything the record companies had put out since YOU were young
( :-) ).

And it was all on vinyl. Sadly, the kinds of people you work with in the
broadcasting industry tend to "party hard" and they associate with a lot of
people who are not necessarily "model citizens".

Sadly, one of these low-lifes backed up a truck one night whilst I was
otherwise distracted in the pursuit of the honour of some nubile young lady
(remember those days??).

And after a few years of having to pretend I liked the most woeful rubbish
on air, my music taste was entirely ruined. I just haven't really bothered
with music since... Sad, isn't it...

So yeah, 20 or 30 CDs just about DOES describe my music collection these

I had thought of advising the customer to rip a few DVDs just to warm the
thing up a bit, but I was not sure he had the software to do that :-)



Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

"William Smith" <> wrote in message 

Trouble opening Office 2004 documents

Posted: 04 May 2007 10:07 AM PDT

Are you sure you have applied all of the Apple and Microsoft updates to the

Sorry: We'd love to help but you're just creating a guessing game if you do
not supply the version and level numbers of your software, both Word and the
Operating System.



Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

<edu> wrote in message 

Fact Balloons and Comments HELP!

Posted: 04 May 2007 10:05 AM PDT

One thing I forgot to mention: a great advantage is that you can easily hide
the comments when necessary by re-defining the style as hidden text, in that
document only. This takes only 15 seconds. However, if I want to run off a
PDF or hard copy for someone who doesn¹t need to see them I¹m more likely to
delete the comments altogether by a search-and-replace command (replacing
text in that style with nothing) -- because I usually have my printer set to
print hidden text. This is also quick to do. I immediately follow that with
a Command-z "Undo" command to restore them. If the document is important and
there are many comments, I do it on a Saved As copy.

Clive Huggan

On 5/5/07 9:18 AM, in article, "Clive Huggan"
<> wrote:

Find & Replace formating

Posted: 04 May 2007 08:37 AM PDT

.... You need the Match Case box to be checked. It isn't a matter of
_formatting_, it's a matter of case structure.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

"Daiya Mitchell" <org.INVALID> wrote in message

Office 2004 fonts are corrupt...

Posted: 03 May 2007 12:00 PM PDT

On 5/3/07 12:00 PM, in article,
"" <> wrote:

Yes, but it would probably be easier to use "Remove Office" then install
Office from the CD.

The fonts in /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Fonts/ were put
there by the CD Installer to act as a source, backup and repair. They're not
used directly by Office. At the first launch of an Office application they
are copied to ~/Library/Fonts/, replacing any older versions put there by
earlier versions of Office. These are the fonts used by Office and other

The general method of OS X is to look first in your user folder, here
~/Library/Fonts/ . If there happens to be a particular font there, it
overrides any version that may be in /Library/Fonts/ or
/System/Library/Fonts/ - it doesn't even look there for those. In most
cases, once it's done with the user Library, it then looks in
/Library/Fonts/ for any fonts not already found in ~/. Only these fonts from
/Library will appear in the fonts lists. On OS X, most well-behaved
applications installing fonts will do so in ~/Library, since OS X is a
multi-user environment. You or your administrator might choose /Library, but
it will simply get overruled by any user installation of the same fonts.
However, if a user should trash his own fonts, the /Library version will
then come into play. (And it may be that the admin won't let individual
users have permission to remove those.) Finally, if no version of a font
exists in either user or local location the default version in
/System/Library/Fonts will take over. And those can't (i.e. shouldn't - and
don't try) be removed. The system can access these versions as it wishes,
and won't be overruled by other versions of those fonts you might have in
the other Fonts folders which take precedence in other circumstances.

"Remove Office"


See these pages for more info.


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

Upgrade v.X to 2004

Posted: 03 May 2007 08:15 AM PDT

Thanks loads ... you've all been very helpful as usual.


Bar code on bulk mail labels

Posted: 02 May 2007 01:05 PM PDT

Well that is interesting news. I, too, am curious as to how Office 2008
will handle these bar codes. It would seem to be something that could and
ought to be done.


Quoting from "StevStam" <com>, in article, on [DATE:

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Microsoft Office (Mac) Re-install after re-format with same product key

Posted: 02 May 2007 12:10 PM PDT

In article <>,
com wrote:

There's no limit on how many times you can install Office - your CD key
doesn't get "used up". There's a license requirement that you use it on
only one machine at a time.

Registration means nothing - it's a marketing opportunity for MS.

And unlike WinOffice, MacOffice doesn't require Mother Microsoft's

Office 2004 Partial Circular Arcs

Posted: 29 Apr 2007 02:34 PM PDT

On 30/4/07 8:13 AM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:
For a discussion of some of the differences between Word on the Mac and PC,
you're welcome to refer to some notes on the way I use Word for the Mac,
titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available as a free download from
the Word MVPs' website
( Just Do a "Find"
command for "PC" and you'll see them. On page 151 there is an article "PCs
and Macs, main differences in Word interfaces" that includes a table of
commonly used keyboard shortcuts.

[Note: "Bend Word to your will" is designed to be used electronically and
most subjects are self-contained dictionary-style entries. If you decide to
read more widely than the item I've referred to, it's important to read the
front end of the document -- especially pages 3 and 5 -- so you can select
some Word settings that will allow you to use the document effectively.]


Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from North America and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
================================================== ==========

cannot download updates for office mac 2004 student/teacher edition

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 10:37 AM PDT

Actually: Ping "". I think it will resolve to a
different server than the one I am seeing in Australia. I deduce this from
the fact that I am seeing an 8 millisecond ping time here, and that's not
enough time for the packets to get from one side of the Pacific to the
other, so I suspect they have some very interesting re-directing technology
happening in the middle...



Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

"John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]" <name> wrote in message

Outlook Web access from Mac

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 05:48 PM PDT

In article <>,
<com> wrote:

I use Firefox, but with no problems.

Product Key on reinstall

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 07:00 AM PDT

For anyone who has recently switched from Windows: it is very rare that you
need to re-install Office on the Mac; sometimes it only adds to your
problems. See other posts in this discussion group.

Clive Huggan

On 28/4/07 12:22 AM, in article phx.gbl,
"Bernard W Joseph" <net> wrote:

word keeps crashing

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 03:54 AM PDT

com wrote: 
I would also try re-applying the Combo Updater from Apple, before going
to the Word Troubleshooting pages. There have been a number of reports
recently when people ran software update, and problems resulted, but
downloading the 10.4.9 combo updater directly from Apple and applying
that fixed them. 

Office 2004 - Lost Serial Number

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 05:14 PM PDT

You can start here:
See here to find out how to get a new CD Key, assuming you have a
legitimate copy:

How to Replace Lost, Broken, or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware

John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac] wrote: 

I can't get my stuff to fill the screen

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 05:12 PM PDT

On 4/26/07 3:53 AM, in article, "PhilD"
<> wrote:

To get the Finder to remember the setting. Close window after you set as
desired then reopen.
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

"mark unread" in OWA running in Safari or Firefox?

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 11:56 PM PDT

In article <>,
com wrote:

I don't see a way either. OWA is very limited with non-IE-for-Windows

William M. Smith
(Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows)

PC - MAC compatibility

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 08:22 AM PDT

Hi Deena:

I am afraid you have had some very bad advise if someone told you to wipe
your Mac Book drive :-) Well, you will get plenty of sound advice in here

The shop should have told you that you need 2 GB of RAM to run Parallels --
preferrably 3GB. That's because parallels runs a guest operating system
alongside your Mac OS X operating system. Now, if you think about a house
guest, they don't eat any less food, sleep in a smaller bed, or fit in a
smaller bathroom just because they're guests :-) Operating systems are just
the same. Windows XP needs 512 MB of RAM to run properly, Windows Vista
needs 1 GB. Parallels adds another 100 MB on top of that (that can be
confusing: Parallels requires a minimum of 512 MB of RAM free before it will
agree to start, but it will settle 100 MB higher than whatever the Guest OS
is using.)

Mac OS 10.4 needs at least 1GB of RAM to run properly. If you add these
together: 1GB for OS X, 512 MB for Windows XP, and 100 MB for Parallels, you
need 1,600 MB of memory, before you run any other applications. They will
need more!

If you don't have that much RAM, the system attempts to substitute hard disk
space for RAM. As you have discovered, that makes the system
treacle-in-winter slow :-)

What the shop might not be quite so ready to tell you is that your Macbook
was supplied with all its memory slots full, so you will have to take some
out to put some in. If you want to take your Macbook from 1GB of memory to
2 GB of memory, you will have to discard BOTH the existing 512 MB sticks of
memory and snap in TWO 1 GB sticks. Fortunately, this is easy to do (you
will even find pictures showing you how on the Apple website) and you will
find a ready market on eBay for your discarded sticks of RAM :-).

Now, I use both Entourage and Outlook, depending on whether I am on a PC or
a Mac. You could, of course, use a Hosted Exchange Server. If you did,
your Outlook, Entourage and Blackberry would just connect to it. I used to
work for these people, who offer that service:
However, a moment's thought will show you that their charges are absurd!
And that's because an Exchange Server is such a beast to manage: Microsoft
has a lot of work to do there... There are several providers who offer
Hosted Exchange Servers all over the world. The benefit of that is that you
get to share anything that Outlook and Entourage can do with all of your
devices. At a substantial cost!

However, I believe the best alternative, as others have suggested, is to use
IMAP for your email server. This means that you do not have to synchronise
your mail ANYWHERE. All of your mail remains on the mail server: Entourage
and Outlook only have to display it to you. Entourage is one of the finest
IMAP clients on the planet: Outlook 2007 is not quite as good, but it's
improving :-)

I just log in to which ever computer I am using at the time and I can see my
mail account. Not synchronised copies of it: I see the real Inbox. I am in
Sydney, my inbox is somewhere in the Rocky Mountains of the USA. Who cares:
I can instantly see what's in it :-) The provider I use is
There are a variety of services out there that offer the same thing: and
women are generally a bit more skilled at shopping than men (so they keep
telling me...) so hit the web and go shopping :-)

The first place to look would be the provider that supplies your email now.
They often offer IMAP service for a small extra fee. If they do, you will
only have to change a parameter in your setup: your email addresses will all
remain the same. ISPs hate offering IMAP, because it makes them responsible
for storing the email. But you did not get into business for yourself by
being a door mat: make them an offer they can't refuse and they will soon
see things your way...

The key parameters when buying a mail service are "reliability, reliability,
reliability". I work for myself also: I can't afford an email provider that
suffers fainting fits: the one I use has not inflicted an unscheduled outage
on me in the past five years.

Amongst the reliable providers, you then go shopping for "Storage" and
"Bandwidth". Bandwidth is rarely a large concern: email doesn't use much (I
never use anywhere near 1,000 MB a month ...). But storage can be. My
current provider offers 2GB as standard, and I had a clean-up last week so I
am actually using only 70 MB (which is very light for me: my Archive mail
store, where I put the old and boring junk is 400 MB).

Once you move your email to an IMAP provider, you will find that your
Blackberry will happily connect to IMAP server and show you your email just
like Entourage and Outlook. You can also configure the Blackberry server to
poll your IMAP server and alert you if anything comes in.

OK, that's email: What about your Calendar and your Contacts? These are
things you ARE likely to want to synchronise, so you can use them at times
when your connection is not available. My IMAP provider offers a Contacts
list: nowhere near as good as Outlook or Entourage, but handy to have.

You can publish your Outlook or Entourage calendars to a web server, from
which you can view them on anything. See OBh9YUx0&respos=3&rt=2&ns=OUTLOOK&lcid=3081&pid=CH 100776881033

You can find other solutions here:

Notice the one thing I have not mentioned is "Synchronisation"? That's
because it is inherently complex and unreliable. PC <-> Mac <->
Blackberry?? That's not just "brave", that's thrill-seeking :-) I have
never known anyone who synchronises a hand-held device who has not blown
away ALL their contacts and appointments SEVERAL times. I simply won't do
it. My business data is too valuable. Your mileage may vary :-)

Hope this helps


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

<com> wrote in message 

Microsoft Word - HOW CAN I ACCESS a simply learning module for Microsoft Word ?

Microsoft Word - HOW CAN I ACCESS a simply learning module for Microsoft Word ?

HOW CAN I ACCESS a simply learning module for Microsoft Word ?

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 10:44 PM PST


I have been given this computer  which has some idiosyncrasies(perhaps because it was made in Ireland) and am struggling with learning how to utilize Microsoft Word to the fullest.

PS I am a senior citizen with no interest in a training program to become certified etc.  But that's all I see on the screen.   Thanks  

When I open Word 2010 the page orientation is landscape and does not respond to instruction to change to portrait

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 06:31 PM PST

I am attempting to create a word document in Word 2010.  When I open Word that is a blank document displayed in landscape form.  When I go to Page Layout and give the instruction to change to portrait the change is not made.  When I attempt to create a new page in portriat the page shows in landscape and won't change.  When I exit Word and wait a minute and re-enter Word the blank page in landscape still shows.  When I give the close command the computer asks the save don't save cancel question and I click don't save the blank page closes.  When exit Word, logoff and shutdown and stay shutdown for about a minute then restart the computer, go to Word 2010 that blank horizontal white page is back and won't change to portriat.

Word 2010 header and footer formatting problem.

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 06:26 PM PST

When I am working on a document, the page numbers show up as {Page} instead of the actual page number.  The page numbers appear normal when I print them.  How can I remedy this?

Change styles shown in template document

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 03:10 PM PST

I am trying to create a custom template which shows only the styles I use in the styles window in the ribbon.  When I eliminate the ones I don't want, and the ones I do want are showing, I then save the template.  BUT - when I open the template again as a template, or create a new document from it, the style window automatically resets to the normal template default.
I do a lot of my work using a speech recognition program. If the styles I want are showing in that window, I can use a speech recognition program to apply them. Otherwise,I have to rearrange the styles again each time I use the template. Is there any way to fix the styles window so it shows only the styles I want? I do not wish to create a custom style; just have the ones visible that I use the most.

Hide options in word

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 12:05 PM PST

I have a friend who uses Office 2003 - Word 2003.


His son has changed by accident some option and now his Word shows some things in all four sides of the page. See the screenshot:


I tried to remove it, I searched the Net, I searched the Word options, but I couldn't find how to fix this.

Additionally, I reinstalled his Office 2003 (uninstalling,manually removing files/folders leftovers, manually removing some Office reg keys) but still nothing.


Can you help me get rid of these lines ?

Typing gibberish

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 11:27 AM PST

When I am typing text, occasionally I find myself typing gibberish. That is, the keys print letters abnd numbers not on the keyboard. Thi is some type of virys, but I have been unable to track it dowm. Any suggestions?

Extra space between some heading level 4's and normal text of previous heading level 4's

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 05:46 AM PST

Word 2010 is producing extra space between some heading level 4's and normal text under the preceding heading level 4's (up to about five or six inches), even though the paragraph and heading styles are identical where this problem exists and where it does not, and it doesn't seem to matter how I set the paragraph and heading styles. Also, there are no page or section breaks where this is happening, even though the result looks very similar to a page break.

Local Template vs Global Template

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 04:22 AM PST

What is a Local Template?


All I am looking for at this point, please, is a simple and accurate defintion of what it is and nothing more.


Thanks and advance for any replies.



Typing in Word 2007

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 01:52 PM PST

In MS Word 2007, I have a list of names going down the page. One name has a blank between it and the next name in the list. When I click that blank space to type in a name, the previous name gets highlighted. Why?

Word 2010 Crashes When Opening Documents From File - Open - Desktop

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST

I have a Windows 7 32 bit machine, running Office 2010.  Whenever I try to open a document, from within Word, which is located on the desktop, Word will crash.  This doesn't happen if I start in safe mode, or if I start Word by going to the run line and typing in winword.exe /a (which enables all add-ins.) When I manually disable all add-ins, Word still crashes.  It's highly frustrating to say the least.  I've tried recreating, running office repair and removing all items from the startup folder.  Any suggestions are appreciated!

Formatting Numbers in a Merge Field

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 08:54 PM PST

Hi All,

I have mail merged document.

In my access query , num1 column has 0.30 value.

But when i open mail merged document, it shows, 0 3

its not showing the point. instead of point(.) its showing space.

even i tried toggle field codes.

if i do this,

{MERGEFIELD num1\##.00}

it shows me 3.00 value.

If there is 0.35 value in num1 then, its showing .35 which is correct.

only issue is if num1 has value like 0.30 or 0.40 or 0.50.....

it will show like 0 3 or 0 4 or 0 5.... respectively.

(num1 column's datatype is currency.)

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue?

Mail Merge questions - Data Sources and checkboxes

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 03:21 PM PST

I have a Word Doc I'm using with Excel to put out variable data into a letter as a Mail Merge (MM).  We will reuse this again and again.  Everything works pretty well but...


1)  I complete the Excel sheet with the fill-ins.  Save it and close. Open the Word doc and it prompts to allow the SQL.  Answer Yes.  I then have to navigate or "point" Word to the Data Source (Excel sheet) location which is a network folder/share which also happens to be the same place/folder that the Word doc launches from.  That completes.  I then quickly just commit the doc with those settings and close.  Come back in; it doesn't go to where I just pointed it, instead it reverts to "My Data Sources" on the local drive.  And I have to do this every single time I open the Word document.  Isn't there a way to "permanently" tell the Document where its data source is instead of me having to navigate/drill up/drill down to it every time?


2)  When I come to Edit Recipients, Word always checks every box in all rows in the data window including rows that are blank.  I have to uncheck all and then recheck the boxes/rows at the top which are my desired fill-ins.  If you don't un-check and re-check, then Word prints out the merge including all the blank letters with no fill-ins - wastes a lot of paper!  I don't know why it checks all boxes and not just the ones with data in them.  I'd even take having Word NOT check any boxes and let me select them.  As it is now, the default mode selects all boxes.  Where is there a setting to instruct Word to not check every box, every time I do a mail merge?


Thank you for any input.



Microsoft Works - 7.0 Uninstall/Reinstall failure AGAIN!!

Microsoft Works - 7.0 Uninstall/Reinstall failure AGAIN!!

7.0 Uninstall/Reinstall failure AGAIN!!

Posted: 15 Aug 2004 09:48 AM PDT

Since word processing seems to be the dominant area of
concern at the moment. why not try a custom install of
only Word and see how that goes? If successful, perhaps
you could later install the other components of the suite
that you want. This approach might require that the
installer install Works, but that's OK. The complete
Works Suite will not be installed, if you uncheck Money,
PictureIt!, Encarta and Streets & Trips (or whatever is
included with Works Suite 2003. I am looking at Works
Suite 2001.) Or is that what you have done already,
since you have not mentioned the other applications



Clean Uninstall?

Posted: 15 Aug 2004 04:04 AM PDT


I assume you would like an honest answer, so, no, I did
not mean Office Student/Teacher.

I purchased my laptop at Best Buy so I had no choice as
to the software installed. I have Win XP Small Business
Office 2002 on my home desktop (I am retired) and use
only Word, Excel and Outlook. That's what I would like on
my laptop, but MS makes it too damn complicated and
expensive. I can't determine how much purchasing Office
2003 out of the trial will cost but it's sure to be much
more than Office Basic 2003 (99.00 on a new computer).

Works 7.0 only complicates the issue as I have no desire
to have to convert Works documents to Office documents
and vice versa. Besides, the last time I used Works there
was a real issue with the Task Launcher which Dell
finally had me delete!

I'm planning on using my son's copies of Word, Excel and
Outlook 2003 and see no reason to use up hard disk space
with Works and the trial Office.

OK, I've got my Nomex suit on if a flame is headed my
way! ;-)


programs) and you will get 
not matter. Note that 
Office - it will upgrade 
computers only, not at retail. Did you mean Office

remove winXp & leave win2000

Posted: 15 Aug 2004 01:37 AM PDT

Take your new WinXP disc and insert it in the drive. Follow the steps in the
setup program - it will ask you what partition you want to install on - just
pick C:

Make sure that you do a reformat and clean install and not just a repair.


"mahmoud osama" <> wrote in message

Clip Gallery vs Clip Organizer and Lost Access to ClipArt

Posted: 15 Aug 2004 12:16 AM PDT

Thanks, Kevin,
Things are much better now.
I appreciate your help and prompt answer.

Re-install of 7.0 Problems

Posted: 14 Aug 2004 05:49 PM PDT

Hi Linda,

Often, even after using Add/Remove Programs there are remnants
of a program in the Windows registry.

There are two utilities provided to help clear the way for a successful
reinstall, they are the Works Clean-Up Utility and Windows installer
clean up utility.

These two Microsoft Knowledge Base articles help explain the process
that usually allows Works to be successfully reinstalled.

Works: Utilities to Help with Troubleshooting Works

"... When You Try to Install Works 7.0 or Works Suite 2003;en-us;816273

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Linda" <> wrote in message

Works sheet and data base

Posted: 14 Aug 2004 01:21 PM PDT

You mentioned that you had Office 2003, which includes Excel, so I presumed that you
already have Excel installed.

See Kevin's response regarding installing Works.


Mike -

"Dave Neve" <fr> wrote in message

Would someone please help restore my sanity??

Posted: 14 Aug 2004 10:22 AM PDT

Hi Bill,

Since Works 4.5 is not installed you may proceed to install
Works 4.5 as normal, and use Works 4.5 with WinXp almost
as you did with Win98SE. Works 4.5 may be unaware of
technologies that have come after it.

Works 8 database is similar to Works 7 database and mail merge
proceeds as shown in these videos.

How to perform a mail merge in Works 7.0

How to perform a mail merge in Works Suite 2004 by using Word 2002

Neither Works 6 nor Works 7, uses Word as the word processor for
mail merge but Works Suite versions do use Word.

The works word processor program file is named WksWp.exe and is
available in all versions of Works, Suite does not display it in the Task
Launcher nor are the templates provided for it. Suite uses Word and
offers templates for that instead.

Works: How to Create a Shortcut to the Works Word Processor

Recent versions of Works does not carry formatting of numerics across
in a mail merge and this is a major deficiency of Works for many users.

Works: Mail Merge Fields Printed Without Numeric Formatting

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Bill Edgeworth" <> wrote in message

Screen Saver And Spell Check

Posted: 13 Aug 2004 07:41 AM PDT

The Microsoft Internet Mail and News and Outlook Express programs do not come with a spell
checker. They will use the spell checker from any of several Microsoft 32-bit
(Win95/98/NT4 specific) programs. If using Works 4.0, a registry change is required. The
Works 7 spell checker is not compatible with Outlook Express. There are also some
freeware/shareware spell checkers that may work (see the URL in my signature).

Spell Checker or Custom Dictionary Errors

Spelling Checker Does Not Run on Message in Outlook Express 5 & 6

Spelling and Grammar Options Not Available in Outlook Express 5


Mike -

"Sid" <> wrote in message

Works 6.0 Data Base Report

Posted: 12 Aug 2004 08:03 PM PDT

Thanks Kevin. I followed your instructions and did get the report. One
problem I have is that I must use Portrait mode rather than landscape to
keep report formatting.
Someone emailed me to try CutePDFWriter. Once I created the report in Works
and used smaller fonts because I changed to Portrait, when I went to print
it I got printer panel and I selected CutePDFWriter. It created a PDF file.
I'm going to go that route since most people have adobe and I can email as
an attachment.
Thanks again.

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message
it to 

upgrade or purchase?

Posted: 12 Aug 2004 03:35 PM PDT

Jerry wrote:
|| There is no upgrade - you will have to buy Excel at a computer store.

Sorry to contradict you Jerry, but according to this Microsoft Page
d1961's Works Suite 2001 does qualify for an Excel upgrade.
(see below)
Upgrade Eligibility
Determine whether your current version of Excel qualifies you for the $109
US upgrade price. The following products apply:

.. Microsoft Excel
Excel version 2002, Excel 2000, Excel 97

.. Microsoft Office XP
Office XP Developer, Office XP Professional Special Edition, Office XP
Professional, Office XP Small Business Edition, Office XP Standard

.. Microsoft Office 2000
Office 2000 Developer, Office 2000 Premium, Office 2000 Professional, Office
2000 Small Business Edition, Office 2000 Standard

.. Microsoft Office 97
Office 97 Professional, Office 97 Small Business Edition (version 2), Office
97 Small Business Edition (version 1), Office 97 Standard

.. Microsoft Works
Works Suite 20061, Works Suite 2004, Works Suite 2003, Works Suite 2002,
Works Suite 2001, Works 2000, Works 8.0, Works 7.0, Works 6.0

1 Planned versions of Microsoft Works (up to version 8.0) and Microsoft
Works Suite (up to version 2006) will qualify you for the upgrade versions
of Microsoft Office 2003 Editions.

|| "d1961" <> wrote in message
|| news:508f01c480bc$b7335c60$gbl...
||| I would like to have Excel on my home computer, currently
||| running Works Suite 2001. Can't find any answer in
||| support for this simple, non-technical question. Can I
||| purchase an upgrade or do I dish out big bucks for a
||| separate program?

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.737 / Virus Database: 491 - Release Date: 11/08/2004

Font cache error in Works 6.0

Posted: 12 Aug 2004 04:28 AM PDT

Hi Colin,

The number of fonts that need removing varies with your computer
configuration though most systems are stable with fewer than 500
fonts installed.

It is know for this issue to arise with as few as 300 fonts installed.
Font file size can vary considerably.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

In news:597501c48143$300a4d70$gbl, <> wrote: 

Upgrading from Works 4.5a to Works 7.0

Posted: 12 Aug 2004 02:27 AM PDT

"Jim" <grizzlyAIN'com> wrote in message

Thanks to both Kevin and Jim for the advice. I need to take stock.


IME and works on XP

Posted: 12 Aug 2004 01:43 AM PDT

Hi Kevin

Problem solved. It was possible from control panel/
regional settings to install Japanese language support
which includes the IME. It was then possible to input
Japanese into works word processor and other apps also.

thanks for your help

it a 

Works v8.0 History

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 05:56 PM PDT

Kevin James - MSMVP Works wrote:
|| Hi TSMDM,
|| Define properly functioning ;-)

Hello Kevin

I was using the OP's definition "Can not individually delete an item from
the history. It is ALL or nothing". Frank was referring to the fact that in
v7.0 individual items could be deleted from the History. This is a feature
that is no longer available in v8.0.

|| History stores a list of all recently opened files - the History.
|| The entire list is safeguarded, and individual deletions are not
|| allowed, you can't change History :-)
|| If a file has been deleted/moved from its previous known position,
|| then the option is offered to remove the entry from the History list.
|| I believe that what we require here is a customised approach, yet
|| customisation appears to be a diminishing functionality of Works.
|| HTH,
|| --
|| Kevin James.
|| Tua'r Goleuni
|| Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
|| Website & FAQ for Works:
|||||| -----Original Message-----
|||||| Can not individually delete an item from the history. It
|||||| is ALL or nothing.
|||||| Time to figure out where in the registry the History is
|||||| maintained.
|||||| Back to the drawing board.
|||||| Frank Mahala
|||||| com
|||||| <erase works to reply>
|||||| .
||| Now that I just purchased my own copy of v8.0 I see what Frank
||| Mahala is talking about. This isn't a bother for me, because I
||| don't open files from within the History files anyway, but I can
||| see how it is going to be minor peeve for those who do. It seems
||| that Microsoft fixed some things, and broke some othersin this new
||| version. I wonder if a properly functioning History file will be a
||| new product feature in v9.0? <grin>
||| ---
||| Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
||| Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
||| Version: 6.0.737 / Virus Database: 491 - Release Date: 11/08/2004

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.737 / Virus Database: 491 - Release Date: 11/08/2004

Open Office - [discuss] Network Discovery

Open Office - [discuss] Network Discovery

[discuss] Network Discovery

Posted: 04 Jul 2006 08:09 PM PDT

Adrian Try wrote: 

Thanks but I am very aware of dia and it's capability. Kivio is
something new and I'll certainly look into that.

But my main focal question is the ability to perform network discovery
so that a diagram
of a given network be created on a fly.

I be interested to see if anyone on the developement team of openoffice
has given any thoughts to developing
something to that effect. If so where are they now with that development.


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[discuss] OpenOffice - Project tool

Posted: 26 Jun 2006 12:33 AM PDT

Dzmitry --
This was just posted by Adrian:
There are several open source project management tools in Linux.

One of these, Imemdio Planner, seems to have a Windows version called
WinPlanner. Have a look at these sites:

I haven't used the Windows version, and I'm not sure how it compares
with MS Project, or whether it meets your needs, but it might be worth
looking at. 
Dzmitry Yurtsevich wrote: 

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[discuss] Software for minutes of meeting

Posted: 24 Jun 2006 07:22 PM PDT

On Sat June 24 2006 21:54, + Clive de Salis wrote: 

Hi Clive,
It is really not clear from the above (for those of us who do not do meeting
minutes) what you problem is exactly.

If you use a table with two columns ( "Minute no", and ""Details" ), and in
the details column you enter some general text about the minute. Then insert
in that cell a new table with 2 columns ( "Action Id", and "Action person").

Please reply to org only.

Normally org is the best list to ask questions about using

CPH : contributor

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[discuss] Project?

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 07:03 PM PDT

On Sat June 24 2006 02:02, + Steve Duddy wrote: 

Hi Steve,
As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
On Sat June 24 2006 19:53, Adrian Try wrote: 

Please reply to org only.

Normally org is the best list to ask questions about using

CPH : contributor

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[discuss] Thunderbird Question...

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 10:40 AM PDT

John --

Okay, it seems like it doesn't work at times. Does it have to be the
last thing in the e-mail or can it be in the middle.

Peter Kupfer -- Using OOo since 'OO4 --
Want to help?
For OOo tips:
To order OOo:

John W. Kennedy wrote: 

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[discuss] OpenOffice website and Internet Explorer 7

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 01:57 AM PDT

Jan Bassez wrote: 
There is an issue with either an error in the java script or css call
that is affecting the selection of the download package. This may be
related to the Italian language version or a more general error.

I submitted a bug report to OOo yesterday before I left work. I didn't
get the problem in Firefox but I ran the Java console and I received
three different errors when I selected the mirror site.

Robin Laing

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[discuss] Creative Commons add-in

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 01:57 AM PDT

Hash: SHA1

Daniel Kasak wrote: 

According to the description on Microsofts site the plugin simply seems
to add some autotext options that download the according licence text
from the Creative Commons site and inserts it to the text.

So it basically automates the opening of the site, browsing to the
license and doing copy&paste.

Can probably be implemented as a simple macro.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)

iD8DBQFEn0yQEOp8fsnyxsQRAg5cAKDejVhTyUIGL0EZNtab7x 6cFtnxJwCgvaMe

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[discuss] please .... discuss it

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 01:56 AM PDT

Ari --

I don't know too much, but I believe OOo and SO are essentially the same
expect you usually pay for SO, but you get some clip art and a database
program out of it. At the heart though, they have the same code.

Comparing OOo 2.0 and MSO 2003 is probably good. You may want to search
the net first because I believe there are several comparisons done already.


ari nani wrote: 

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[discuss] Headers

Posted: 16 Jun 2006 04:34 PM PDT

Yes, saving to Excel format. So I will claim operator malfunction.
Thanks for the tip.

Niklas Nebel wrote: 

Paul Douglas Franklin
Computer Manager, Union Gospel Mission of Yakima, Washington
Husband of Danette
Father of Laurene, Miriam, Tycko, Timothy, Sarabeth, Marie, Dawnita, Anna Leah, Alexander, Caleb, and Loven

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[discuss] OpenOffice ads in New York newspaper

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 08:26 AM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline


On 6/14/06, Benjamin Horst <com> wrote: 

This story is on For those of you who have digg accounts, if you
want a simple way to support Ben's fundraising project, you can go to digg
and vote for the story by "Digging" it.

Full disclosure: I interviewed Ben Horst for Mad Penguin magazine. I am a
volunteer writer for Mad Penguin, and make no money doing it. I'm just
posting this comment here because I think that Ben is doing a good thing,
and would like to see it supported.

Here is the Digg story: w_York_City

And here is a direct link to Ben's interview on Mad Penguin:

Thanks either way!

Christian Einfeldt


[discuss] tips for enhancements

Posted: 13 Jun 2006 03:43 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

On 6/13/06, cz <cz> wrote: 

The reason is simple, OOo doenst use the Windows native GUI, meaning that i=
has to start the enviroment before starting the software. But once on is
faster than MSO. Try starting Writer, then start calc and you will see that
is considerably faster than starting word adn then starting excel.

2. open office has zero support for fitting experimental data with 

We have a featurelist link on the site. You can see what OOo can do. We
didn=B4t list that OOo can serve you coffee and pick up the newspaper for a
very simple reason. It doesn=B4t do that.

3. asking for enhancements and reporting bugs should be possible directly 

We used to have a bug report when OOo crash, however this really annoyed
some users saying that OOo 'called home' so we havent really push more in
that direction. I guess you can=B4t please everyone.

Dear hardcore developers, 

Alexandro Colorado


2004 Mac Microsoft Excel: Lost corner! Can NOT shrink the window!! Microsoft Office for Mac

2004 Mac Microsoft Excel: Lost corner! Can NOT shrink the window!! Microsoft Office for Mac

2004 Mac Microsoft Excel: Lost corner! Can NOT shrink the window!!

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 06:28 PM PDT

Somehow your message posted 4 times - 3 here & once in another thread. Have
a look & if necessary continue on in that one :)
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

<com> wrote in message 

Office 2007 viewers for Mac - anyone know when they will beavailable?

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 12:06 PM PDT

Hi Daiya -

I've tried a couple of the other options with "mixed" results at best. And
as far as the web site deal... Well, I'm not crazy about spraying my scent
on a strange site & leaving copies of my docs behind to boot :-) I think I'd
rather spend $400 on a cheap PeeCee ;)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 4/23/07 6:09 PM, in article phx.gbl, "Daiya
Mitchell" <org.INVALID> wrote:

how to use product key

Posted: 21 Apr 2007 07:37 AM PDT

Congratulations, but I'm afraid you cannot "activate" the Test Drive for
ongoing use. If you intend to use your prior purchased version you need to
install *it*, using the key that applies to it, on the new system. The Test
Drive is just _that_ - a limited free trial that expires in 30 days, period.

Make sure that *before/while* you install the purchased version (X or 2004 -
you didn't mention which) you uninstall the Test Drive using the Remove
Office utility application. DO NOT just drag the TD to the Trash if any of
the TD programs have ever been launched.

I should also mention that unless you have the Student & Teacher package
(which provides 3 licenses) that you might be obligated to remove Office
from the previous system before installing it on the new one - review the
EULA for whatever package you have.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 4/21/07 10:37 AM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:

Slow load times for Office 2004

Posted: 20 Apr 2007 12:58 PM PDT

Chris <com> wrote:

Is there anything displayed in the splash screen as the application
launches then?? Usually, you can follow the progress of the launch


--- Mac:MS MVP (Francophone) --- -
MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP ne travaillent pas pour MS
Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam" pour m'écrire

Outlook rule + Bcc

Posted: 19 Apr 2007 10:43 AM PDT

No. Your name never WILL be in the BCC field when the email arrives :-)

The content of the BCC field is hidden by the mail server. Your name will
appear only in the "To" field.



Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

<com> wrote in message 

Help! Office won't open

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 09:33 PM PDT

Thanks for your help. Office was working ok until a few days. Now
after reinstalling the actual OS office works.

On Apr 17, 11:52 pm, little_creature
<> wrote: 

Powerpoint: no sound

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 07:59 AM PDT

In article <C24DA339.19445%com>,
Jim Gordon MVP <com> wrote:
Flip4 mac is installed and it does not solve the problem.


Office 2008 Betas?

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 06:12 AM PDT

A good point, thanks for the ideas guys!


On Apr 18, 11:50 am, "John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]"
<name> wrote: 

Where are floating menu preferences stored for Word OSX?

Posted: 16 Apr 2007 05:50 PM PDT

in article, Clive
Huggan at wrote on 07.4.17 5:43

The answer was there, but not explicitly.
Yes, Normal stores user-defined toolbars, but not default toolbars. If you
customize a standard toolbar, your customization is NOT stored in Normal.

As far as problems with the book itself... To be honest, I have no time to
read it unless there's a problem I need to solve. Like this one, which it
solved in about 120 s.

Edward Lipsett
Fukuoka, Japan

MS framework unexpected error message

Posted: 16 Apr 2007 04:20 PM PDT

On Apr 18, 8:29 pm, "John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]"
<name> wrote: 

OK I did just move it to the desktop and restarted and the same
dialogue is there when I open up Word, PP, Excel.

Office Communicator suddenly closes when I switch to an incoming m

Posted: 14 Apr 2007 10:44 PM PDT

Thanks so much for letting me know that I was in the wrong forum and
providing the correct link.

"CyberTaz" wrote: