

Microsoft Word - HOW CAN I ACCESS a simply learning module for Microsoft Word ?

Microsoft Word - HOW CAN I ACCESS a simply learning module for Microsoft Word ?

HOW CAN I ACCESS a simply learning module for Microsoft Word ?

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 10:44 PM PST


I have been given this computer  which has some idiosyncrasies(perhaps because it was made in Ireland) and am struggling with learning how to utilize Microsoft Word to the fullest.

PS I am a senior citizen with no interest in a training program to become certified etc.  But that's all I see on the screen.   Thanks  

When I open Word 2010 the page orientation is landscape and does not respond to instruction to change to portrait

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 06:31 PM PST

I am attempting to create a word document in Word 2010.  When I open Word that is a blank document displayed in landscape form.  When I go to Page Layout and give the instruction to change to portrait the change is not made.  When I attempt to create a new page in portriat the page shows in landscape and won't change.  When I exit Word and wait a minute and re-enter Word the blank page in landscape still shows.  When I give the close command the computer asks the save don't save cancel question and I click don't save the blank page closes.  When exit Word, logoff and shutdown and stay shutdown for about a minute then restart the computer, go to Word 2010 that blank horizontal white page is back and won't change to portriat.

Word 2010 header and footer formatting problem.

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 06:26 PM PST

When I am working on a document, the page numbers show up as {Page} instead of the actual page number.  The page numbers appear normal when I print them.  How can I remedy this?

Change styles shown in template document

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 03:10 PM PST

I am trying to create a custom template which shows only the styles I use in the styles window in the ribbon.  When I eliminate the ones I don't want, and the ones I do want are showing, I then save the template.  BUT - when I open the template again as a template, or create a new document from it, the style window automatically resets to the normal template default.
I do a lot of my work using a speech recognition program. If the styles I want are showing in that window, I can use a speech recognition program to apply them. Otherwise,I have to rearrange the styles again each time I use the template. Is there any way to fix the styles window so it shows only the styles I want? I do not wish to create a custom style; just have the ones visible that I use the most.

Hide options in word

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 12:05 PM PST

I have a friend who uses Office 2003 - Word 2003.


His son has changed by accident some option and now his Word shows some things in all four sides of the page. See the screenshot:


I tried to remove it, I searched the Net, I searched the Word options, but I couldn't find how to fix this.

Additionally, I reinstalled his Office 2003 (uninstalling,manually removing files/folders leftovers, manually removing some Office reg keys) but still nothing.


Can you help me get rid of these lines ?

Typing gibberish

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 11:27 AM PST

When I am typing text, occasionally I find myself typing gibberish. That is, the keys print letters abnd numbers not on the keyboard. Thi is some type of virys, but I have been unable to track it dowm. Any suggestions?

Extra space between some heading level 4's and normal text of previous heading level 4's

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 05:46 AM PST

Word 2010 is producing extra space between some heading level 4's and normal text under the preceding heading level 4's (up to about five or six inches), even though the paragraph and heading styles are identical where this problem exists and where it does not, and it doesn't seem to matter how I set the paragraph and heading styles. Also, there are no page or section breaks where this is happening, even though the result looks very similar to a page break.

Local Template vs Global Template

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 04:22 AM PST

What is a Local Template?


All I am looking for at this point, please, is a simple and accurate defintion of what it is and nothing more.


Thanks and advance for any replies.



Typing in Word 2007

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 01:52 PM PST

In MS Word 2007, I have a list of names going down the page. One name has a blank between it and the next name in the list. When I click that blank space to type in a name, the previous name gets highlighted. Why?

Word 2010 Crashes When Opening Documents From File - Open - Desktop

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST

I have a Windows 7 32 bit machine, running Office 2010.  Whenever I try to open a document, from within Word, which is located on the desktop, Word will crash.  This doesn't happen if I start in safe mode, or if I start Word by going to the run line and typing in winword.exe /a (which enables all add-ins.) When I manually disable all add-ins, Word still crashes.  It's highly frustrating to say the least.  I've tried recreating, running office repair and removing all items from the startup folder.  Any suggestions are appreciated!

Formatting Numbers in a Merge Field

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 08:54 PM PST

Hi All,

I have mail merged document.

In my access query , num1 column has 0.30 value.

But when i open mail merged document, it shows, 0 3

its not showing the point. instead of point(.) its showing space.

even i tried toggle field codes.

if i do this,

{MERGEFIELD num1\##.00}

it shows me 3.00 value.

If there is 0.35 value in num1 then, its showing .35 which is correct.

only issue is if num1 has value like 0.30 or 0.40 or 0.50.....

it will show like 0 3 or 0 4 or 0 5.... respectively.

(num1 column's datatype is currency.)

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue?

Mail Merge questions - Data Sources and checkboxes

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 03:21 PM PST

I have a Word Doc I'm using with Excel to put out variable data into a letter as a Mail Merge (MM).  We will reuse this again and again.  Everything works pretty well but...


1)  I complete the Excel sheet with the fill-ins.  Save it and close. Open the Word doc and it prompts to allow the SQL.  Answer Yes.  I then have to navigate or "point" Word to the Data Source (Excel sheet) location which is a network folder/share which also happens to be the same place/folder that the Word doc launches from.  That completes.  I then quickly just commit the doc with those settings and close.  Come back in; it doesn't go to where I just pointed it, instead it reverts to "My Data Sources" on the local drive.  And I have to do this every single time I open the Word document.  Isn't there a way to "permanently" tell the Document where its data source is instead of me having to navigate/drill up/drill down to it every time?


2)  When I come to Edit Recipients, Word always checks every box in all rows in the data window including rows that are blank.  I have to uncheck all and then recheck the boxes/rows at the top which are my desired fill-ins.  If you don't un-check and re-check, then Word prints out the merge including all the blank letters with no fill-ins - wastes a lot of paper!  I don't know why it checks all boxes and not just the ones with data in them.  I'd even take having Word NOT check any boxes and let me select them.  As it is now, the default mode selects all boxes.  Where is there a setting to instruct Word to not check every box, every time I do a mail merge?


Thank you for any input.