

Microsoft CRM - open a specific customer account via url

Microsoft CRM - open a specific customer account via url

open a specific customer account via url

Posted: 16 Feb 2004 08:12 AM PST

thank you!

"Tony Nguyen" <> wrote in message

MSCRM API failing with User defined fields.Help !

Posted: 16 Feb 2004 03:32 AM PST


The fieldname has to match excactly what is in the DB schema. The
prefix that is auto-added in actually in UPPER case, so at a minimum,
your field should be CFStestfield. Hoewever, if you capitalized
anything in the name, it would need to match as well.

If you look in the accountbase table, you can verify the correct
fieldname to use.


On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 17:03:10 +0530, "Anand Sagar"
<com> wrote:

Iam programming in ASP.NET for my company's MSCRM. I use MSAPI to
and update field values in MSCRM. Iam able to do it with ease by
in VB.NET with the MSCRM object library.


strUpdateXml = "<account><name>Steve

CRMAccount.Update(UserAuth, RECID, strUpdateXml)

It works fine for the normal MSCRM fields

LATER, I created USERDEFINED fields in MSCRM. ( with the Deployment
and published). The new field created can been seen in the MSCRM
Customization is correct.

When I try to program with the USERDEFINED fields, the program fails
the message.

"80041103The specified attribute does not exist on this entity.The
'cfstestfield' is not an attribute of the entity
'Account'd:\mscrm\build\3017\src\platform\include\ omcore\CrmPropertyBagUtil.

The code is:
strUpdateXml = "<account><cfstestfield>hello

CRMAccount.Update(UserAuth, RECID, strUpdateXml)

Why is the code failing. Please help me with ideas.

Anand Sagar.

Splitting leads to multiple users.......

Posted: 16 Feb 2004 01:01 AM PST


You can multi-select (<CTLR>-click) the leads from the list view and
the use Action..Assign to assign them to another rep.


On 16 Feb 2004 01:01:10 -0800, com (Richard I.P)


I have sales person who has 50 leads. and i have 5 users now i want
all these leads to distribute among all the users of 10 each. with
proper contact info of each lead... how can i achiev this with
MSCRM1.2 without any integration...


removing dependancies -> Opportuntiy entity

Posted: 15 Feb 2004 04:07 PM PST

You can't remove them. Best you can do is create a tab
called 'Do Not Use' and stick these suckers in there, and
relable them so there is less confusion when users try to
query. (Yes, this is not good news, I know.) the reason
is that the recalculate button on this form auto-
calculates the revenue from the opportunity products
attached to it. (Unless you check the manually
calculated radio button, which I guess is why that field
is "system required" too.

I really hope in 2.0 that NOTHING is system required, and
ALL functionality is REALLY exposed...



-----Original Message----- 
however, I wish to 
isrevenuesystemcalculated) and 
the form as it 
for the 
either the 

Activities View

Posted: 14 Feb 2004 04:06 PM PST


If you search this group, you can find some who have posted a way to
do this. It basically involves determing the GUID for the view you
want to modify and then setting up a URL to go into the editor on the

BTW, this is an unsupported method and I haven't tried it, but it
should work fine from what I've read from others.


On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 16:06:12 -0800, "Bob Ferraro"
<> wrote:

How do you add columns to the activities view?

Product Catalogue

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 05:46 PM PST


Did your adminstrator have a license assigned to it? For some reason,
the product maintenance only appears for users that have a license,
even if they are assined the rights to maintain the catalog.


On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 01:40:35 +0100, "Paul" <ch>

I figured it out. I was logged in as administrator.
When I logged in as a user everything was revealed.


"Dave Carr" <> wrote in message

CRM 1.2 error

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 12:51 PM PST


Did you add the CRM server to the pre-w2k access group? This is
needed to allow the local system to acces SQL.

Also, check the event log on both the SQL server and the domain
controller. I ran into a weird problem once where there was a problem
with how SQL got registered with AD and it was causing authnetication
problems when trying to connect with local system.


On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 12:51:01 -0800, "Joseph"
<> wrote:


I have been having a rough time getting CRM to install. I
finally have it installed (sort of). But now, I can't sign
on with the administrator account.

I recieve an error. The event log shows the following:

MSCRM Platform Error Report:
Error: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS

Error Message: Login failed for user 'NT

Error Details: Details on this error have not been
provided by the platform.

Source File: Not available

Line Number: Not available

Stack Trace Info: at System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError
(Exception e)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain()
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.Htt pApplicat
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep
(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

I've also noticed an error code in the address of the
browser. It is 800404ed. This looks like a security
setting problem with SQL server. But I'm not sure where
else to look. ( per another post, I have checked to make
sure that BOTH SQL and Windows authentication are being

Can someone give me a clue on where this one might lie. It
looks like a security issue, But, I'm not sure exactly
where it lies.



Audit Using Picklist OnChange Event Javascript?

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 11:16 AM PST


The call-out you are thinking of would be pretty straight forward.
I'd recommend first getting a basic callout to work (something like
the sample provided online that just puts a msg in the event viewer or
something like that). That way, you know you've got the plumbing
working properly. While they are easy to write, the callouts are
pretty sentisitve when setting them up and can sometimes be a real

Once you've got the framework working, your looking at just issuing a
retrieve to get the XML details of the case and then writing that info
to a table.


On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 11:09:36 -0800, "Dave Carr"
<> wrote:

Thanks for the input Mike. I'm now wondering if perhaps
a post-callout script to take the just-saved record's XML
and load that into a custom table is the best solution.
(I know I coudl then add a custom tab on the case to show
the contents of this table for this CASE#).

I know you have a great deal of experience with post-
callouts. Would you be willing to give me a quick
example of how a post-callout to do this might work?
(That offer to buy rounds in Orlando still stands! ;-)


id of the current 
variable). For an example 
multiaction.js (it calls an aspx 
form to do this. 
you can add them 
existing fields with js 
it does work well. 
many form fields are 
use a post-callout. 
in message 

Crystal Reports 9.2.2? Where to find

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 09:02 AM PST

John O'Donnell wrote:
|| got it
|| its a big download and you still need a crystal 9 License Key of
|| course

Does someone knows where to find the french version of it ?
Because CR needs to be the same linguage as CRM.


Microsoft vulnerabilities

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 08:26 AM PST

Start here:

SBS03 Rocks !!!

"E" <> wrote in message
ms04-007 vulnerability?

Callout problems (not working at all)!

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 06:31 AM PST

Hi ronald,

I guess the problem is with the GUID that u r using for the ICRMCallout
interface. Please note that you will have to use the same GUID as in the
CRM SDK documentation.

you are using the following

instead try using


"Ronald Lemmen" <com> wrote in message

Import Contacts

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 04:44 AM PST

You can't. The leading solution seems to be Scribe
Migrate ( About $995 last time I
creating Accounts (Company 

Sales for Outlook v1.2 - can't go offline, render detail forms.

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 07:31 AM PST

I have installed the Sales For Outlook client on the
machine being a member of the CRM domain (mscrm in with the same results (clicking the
detail form brings up the error form).


I Can't operate workflow rules

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 07:21 AM PST

I am talking about the manual workflow.
after I add the workflow rule it didn't apear in the CRM system and also I can't see this rule from the workflow monitor.

Microsoft Word - Move versus Delete in Track Changes

Microsoft Word - Move versus Delete in Track Changes

Move versus Delete in Track Changes

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 10:04 AM PST

I'm trying to determine the rules governing moving text as opposed to deleting and inserting text when using Track Changes in Word 2010 or 2007.


It appears that you have to select a complete sentence or paragraph to "move" text. You can select a complete sentence plus part of another sentence and still "move" but you cannot "move" just part of a sentence.

Is this true? Are there other conditions?



second licence for ms word

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 08:48 AM PST

how to make m/s word work with win 8??   mine worked great with win 7?????

Is there an option to update a vast amount of existing documents with a new corporate template (includes headers/footers etc)

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 06:09 AM PST


I've been tasked with updating over a thousand documents with a corporate template that includes headers, footers and a revision history table. Any documents going forward will be using the new template, but what about options for updating legacy documents?

Is there a way to do this instead of updating each file manually?

I am using Word 2013 preview and I have found a bug in the footers

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 03:59 PM PST

Hi guys

I am using Word 2013 preview

When I make a open a .doc in 2013 with a footer style with a top border on it, the border goes all the way across the page to the right outside the margins

Updating the style does not work

I have to save as a .docx then open in Word 2010, then resave then open in 2013 and it's all good again

Does anyone know if there is a fix for this and if not, where can I report a bug to Micrsoft

combining pages

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:59 PM PST

Is there a way to take two 81/2 x 11 pages of material with columns and put them both onto a single11 x 17 page in two 81/2 columns?  I am currently using word 2003 and am trying to create 11 x 17 pages to print on a copier that will print from computer on this size of paper.  When I copy one page with columns made with the approprate breaks I lose the column format.  Telling it to use 2 columns makes word do not what I want but thinks i am wanting 2 columns on the big page not the smaller page.  I have tried various break combos but still not what I am looking for.  Help

update index button grayed out

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 01:15 PM PST


I am working on a Word 2010 document and would like to update only the index, but the Update index button is grayed out.

I can update the index by selecting the entire doc and pressing F9, but this updates everything - TOC and cross-references, fig numbers, etc. - which I don't want

Any insight as to what I need to change to make the button active is much appreciated!


How to set tabs precisely in Word 2010?

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 12:59 PM PST

In Word 2002, you could just click Format | Tabs to precisely (by numerical value) set tabs, rather than do it imprecisely by clicking on an

approximate desired spot on the ruler.  Can anyone tell me how to do this in Word 2010?  Thanks.

Email program

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 10:28 AM PST



I was trying to send a Word doc as an email attachment. I am using Word 2013 on my Surface RT. I went File>Share>Email>Send as Attachment. When I clicked it, this error message came up:

'There is no email program associated to perform the requested action.  Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.'


What do I do? I tried to to go to Control Panel, and Default Programs but couldn't get this fixed. I never changed my default email program (well, I cant, the only email program on my Surface is the Mail App).

Your help is appreciated, Thanks.

Print page keeps defaulting to 15, back to back long side

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 06:58 AM PST

My # of pages printed keeps defaulting to 15 rather than 1.  I must have changed it in the wrong place.  Ichecked printer options & properties, but it won't change back.  How do I fix that?

Garbage characters in Work and Excel (old) files

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 05:24 AM PST

Since a couple of weeks, almost all my old Word and Excell documents are unreadable: when I open them, I see only funny characters, and Word  suggests me to convert the file to another language.  

This is with Office 2003,  but I have installed Office 2010, same behaviour.

If I create a new document, no problem.  The timestamp on the old documents has not changed.  And there is no problem  with other file types (txt, pdf, images, etc).  

Any idea on why this happened (virus?), and, more importantly, on how I can try to recover these files ?


Win2k Active Directory - Microsoft Exchange

Win2k Active Directory - Microsoft Exchange

Win2k Active Directory

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 02:31 PM PDT


Yes, you do. Oh, and I forgot to mention, you also need the Windows
Administration Tools (adminpak.msi) installed.

Scott Schnoll
Microsoft MVP
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled - ISBN 032124592X
Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference - ISBN 0072127392
TNT Software -
Microsoft Cluster Server Center -
Internet Explorer Security Center -

"LA Tech Guy" <> wrote in message
this on the Win2k box? I am assuming but wasn't sure. Thanks again.. 

Problem with Recovery Storage Group on E2K3

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 02:22 PM PDT

So you get this error right after you select the 'Add Database to Recover'
menu option?

Does a Find dialog appear at all? If so, does clicking the Find Now button
do anything? If not, what happens after you clear the error messages?

Have you by chance hard-coded the Directory Access entries in ESM? Also,
how was this lab created? Was it cloned or imaged? Has anything been
renamed? If so, was that before or after Exchange was installed? If you
use ADSI Edit or some other directory editor, do you see Mailbox Stores that
are from Exchange 2000 SP3 or later systems?

Scott Schnoll
Microsoft MVP
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled - ISBN 032124592X
Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference - ISBN 0072127392
TNT Software -
Microsoft Cluster Server Center -
Internet Explorer Security Center -

"Jeff" <com> wrote in message

Recover Exchange mailboxes

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 11:52 AM PDT

"Matthew Byrd [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

That's exactly what I was going to say ;-).


Enable/Disable Relaying

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 08:24 AM PDT

Yeah but how <b> do </b> you disable it? 
(and I recommend 
What are you 

ISP is bugging us about people bouncing off our server.

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 07:56 AM PDT

I guess I was under the assumption that if I choose the
Do not Reroute incoming SMTP mail option that I will be
unable to receive any pop3 mail. We use the server for
internal mail and external mail. What else must I set to
have external mail work properly if I disable this
function. I have turned it off in the past and we can't
receive any mail then.....thanks for your help. Tom 
SMTP server for 
too. Even if you 
enabled & haven't set up 
have enabled Guest, 

RPC over HTTP in domain vs. not in a domain.

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 01:52 AM PDT

That would have been my next suggestion, but thanks for chiming back in that
you found it. :)

"AdminKen" <com> wrote in message

Netbios to Active Directory Name Resolution Question

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 09:44 PM PDT

"Midnight Java Junkie" <com> wrote:

Did you configure the DNS to forward requests to the other DNS? Can
the "business" DNS resolve names in domains other than it's own? Are
the "Exchange" domain DNS Resource Records resolvable from the

If you don't want to use a forwarder, you can make the "Business" DNS
a secondary DNS for the "Exchange" network. That should work as well.

Why not have a common WINS for the whole enterprise? Then no static
entries would be necessary.

Sure. Get DNS to resolve the names.

See above suggestions on DNS.

Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
MS Exchange FAQ at


Posted: 25 Jun 2004 04:33 PM PDT

Thanks Matt!

It turned out to be a coincidence that I had been running Symantec 9.1 for the first time that day.

A virus wrote bogus info into the E00.log file and fooled Symantec into quarentining it. That shutdown the ability to mount the stores!

I recongifgured Symantec not to scan the log files and put the E00.log file back in. It works perfect now!

Thanks again!


"Matthew Byrd [MSFT]" wrote:

NDR when sending to large number of recipients

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 05:56 PM PDT

but this is the same issue I got and this was how it was fixed

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 20:21:45 -0400, "Al Mulnick"
<com> wrote:

My Hero:
(remove vroomfondle to email me)

exchange2003 individual mailbox restore?

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 04:28 PM PDT


No need to do this nightly exmerge backup. Use the recovery storage group to
restore and then if your exchange 2003 has SP1 installed use the task wizard
to copy or merge the mailbox back.


"Steven van Houttum" <> skrev i en meddelelse

exch2003 deployment tool

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 11:32 AM PDT

Are you following the exchdeploy.chm tools? You'd think there'd be clearer
instructions for that :)

DCDIag won't run on a regular server unless you configure to point to a dc.
In that case, you may as well run it on the dc if the two machines are

"JA" <com> wrote in message

Which AntiVirus Works Best With Exchange 2K3

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 08:01 AM PDT


I don't believe there is actually "one product of choice." Many folks are
happy with other products, too, such as Trend Micro's ScanMail for Exchange
and others. Generally, the solution that works best is the one that best
meets YOUR needs.

Have a look at;en-us;328841 for more
information about Exchange and antivirus software.

Hope this helps.

Scott Schnoll
Microsoft MVP
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled - ISBN 032124592X
Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference - ISBN 0072127392
TNT Software -
Microsoft Cluster Server Center -
Internet Explorer Security Center -

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message
on en-US 

What happens if I rename my Exchange server?

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 09:35 PM PDT


Note that this will only work if there is only one Microsoft Exchange Server
in the Site, and it only applies to Exchange 5.5.

Scott Schnoll
Microsoft MVP
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled - ISBN 032124592X
Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference - ISBN 0072127392
TNT Software -
Microsoft Cluster Server Center -
Internet Explorer Security Center -

"Roxolana" <> wrote in message

The page cannot be found in OWA

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 06:53 PM PDT

But there wasn't any URLScan tool installed. It only
happened to email that have special characters.
this could be 

Outgonig mail stuck in queue for hours before sent

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 10:30 AM PDT

Internal emails work fine, only external seem to take a
long time.


exchange calendar showing wrong times (2k3)

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 06:13 AM PDT

I know how it goes!
p wrote: 

How to I Stop Recall Message From A User

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 02:19 AM PDT

I can't seems to find the 'ghost' message in the queue and it is appearing
all the time.... have treid to delete user's mailbox and recreate it but
the notification still appear after new mailbox is created. How long does it
take to become NDR? Beside waiting what else can we do?


"Peter D" <> wrote in message
retry schedule ends and you finally get an NDR. 

Exchange 5.5 SLOWWWWWW!!!!

Posted: 22 Jun 2004 10:36 AM PDT

Found the problem:

Personal folders were corrupt on one user system. Had everyone log off of
Outlook and Exchange. Ran SCANPST on every system's personal folders and
finally found the one that was hogging resources.

"ABC" <com> wrote in message 

Public Folder Delayed Delivery

Posted: 21 Jun 2004 11:39 AM PDT

Many thanks for your reply...

This seems to have rectified itself after the mailbox management process ran

What Benefit fixes does SP1 give me.

Many thanks again for your reply.


"Doug Blanchard [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Works - Holidays Not Displaying On Calendar

Microsoft Works - Holidays Not Displaying On Calendar

Holidays Not Displaying On Calendar

Posted: 11 Aug 2004 10:41 AM PDT

Hi Chris,

Perhaps this helps:

Works 6: Calendar Holidays Do Not Appear Beyond the Year 2002

Works Calendar: Holidays Do Not Appear Beyond the Year 2002

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Chris" <ca> wrote in message

Dual Applications - Works 7.0 & MS Office

Posted: 08 Aug 2004 05:20 AM PDT

Hi Krishnaan,

No problem with installing both Works 7 and Office XP.
(or Office Suite 2003 ).

Incompatibility issues can appear if you install Works Suite
and Office, both software packages use Word.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"krishaan" <com> wrote in message

Need help with Works 7 error messages

Posted: 06 Aug 2004 09:32 PM PDT

On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 12:48:15 +0100, "Kevin James - MSMVP Works"
<org> wrote:

Thank you for all the homework. I didn't know about that Windows
Installer CleanUp Utility. Hopefully I have it somewhere or it is
available from those links you gave me. I don't have the original
Windows discs. I just have the program the computer manufacturer gives
you when they install windows on your system.

But, thank you again for all your help.


Win Install. ClnUp. Utility

Posted: 06 Aug 2004 01:56 PM PDT

You are most welcome Wayne.

Good luck,
Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Wayne R. Russ" <com> wrote in message 

Works 4.0 Database Dates

Posted: 06 Aug 2004 09:53 AM PDT

Found solution. Had to install worksy2k.exe patch. Tried
wp2krtf.exe, but that one did not work. 

Microsoft Word - Word 2010

Microsoft Word - Word 2010

Word 2010

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 09:43 AM PST

The styles I created on my normal template for Word 2010 is not showing up on earlier Word 2003 files.  I saved the file as a docx, however the template customized is not showing on the file.


How do I add a hyperlink in a Word 2010 table that will link to a PDF document? Thanks!

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 09:03 AM PST

I have an existing Word 2010 document that has hyperlinks entered into a table.  How do I add a hyperlink in a Word 2010 table that will link to a PDF document?


Thank you.

Running Word 2002 macros and using Word 2002 toolbars in Word 2010

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 08:39 AM PST

We are supposed to be upgrading from MS Word 2002 to Word 2010 - Please let us know how to get our Word 2002 macros to run in Word 2010?  Also, please let us know how to use our old templates and styles.  It seems quite different, so please also let us know if you can suggest any training to learn Word 2010.


Thanks for the help!!


Ken K. - 2191  

Help extracting images from Word

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 06:59 AM PST

I want to extract an image from a word file and save it as a jpeg. When I copy it, I can only paste it into another word doc but I want to save it as a separate image. Any ideas?

Can I group a frame with an object in Word 2007?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 11:42 PM PST

Hello - I was wondering if it's possible to group a frame (with text inside it) to a small png image within a word document. I need to include the text in a frame because I need the Automark file to pick it up for my index. It won't pick it up when it's in a standard textbox.


My plan is then to build a macro that inserts said frame and image into the margin of the document when needed. It's like a reference point. Then I want to be able to create an index of all of these reference points.


The only other way I've investigated is to create separate macros (one for the frame and one for the image), but when I run the macros this way, it inserts the frame right on top of the image, or if I move the cursor, it inserts the frame at random positions according to my cursor. Because I need other authors (who aren't very good at Word) to perform this task, I need the frame and the image to be inserted a standard distance and alignment to each other.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Cross-referencing - created style not working

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 10:19 PM PST

I have created two different templates with the same Appendix style, however, the cross-referencing is not working in one of these templates.


The template that the style is in that is not working sits in a table (and cannot be moved), could this be the reason?

Word 2007: Mail Merge to Adobe PDF > to personalized email (using Outlook)

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 06:33 PM PST

I'm using an older PC with Windows 7, Office 2007 and Adobe Acrobat Professional 8. I am successfully doing a mail merge similar to this video, however, I'm hoping to find a way to personalize the content of the email message... namely a "Dear Peter".... Is this possible?

For clarification, I'm referring to the Message box within the "Acrobat PDFMaker - Mail Merge" dialog box (@ 4:21 in the video). I tried to use field codes, but no joy on that experiment.

Like the video, I'm using an Excel spreadsheet to merge contacts. I'm puzzled as to why you can't add a personalized greeting, within the email message, using the merge fields available. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also looking for a Mac version of this entire process. But I'd be super happy if a solution is available for the above.

Printing Odd Pages - not working correctly

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 05:22 PM PST

The first sections of a newly created template has roman numeral page numbering then an Odd Page Break.

The next section starts at Page 1 but will not print on a right-hand page if there are an odd number of pages before Page 1.

Can anyone assist please?

When typing in Word special characters show up, something about task pane to find or hide them?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 03:36 PM PST

 I dont know what i did, but now when I typr in Word, the Paragraph symbol is there after all lines!!!

read something about a task pane, when do i find it and how do i get rid of these charachters, ??

Error code 80070641

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 02:05 PM PST

I have vista home premium 32bit with word 2007 a nd nowhave several failed updates - KB2596615, 2596672, 2596856, 2596660 and now 2637499.

I have tried numerous suggestions from numerous forums, I have tried FixIt Center several times - I still have the same problem

This seems to be a long standing issue - has anyone got a simple answer or solution to this that works. Surely MS must know about this, so cant they do another update to correct this or am I expecting too much?


Incomplete mail merge too

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 12:24 PM PST

I also have problems with Word 2010 doing a label merge and having incomplete data.  My data source is an excel file with first name, last name.  Set up the label with first name, last name plus NEXT RECORD.   Very easy.  However, when I performed the merge, several labels did not get merged. Verified in the data source file that each name was selected and remerged with the same results.  To determine which labels were not merged printed data source file and maually went through all labels and add them at the end.

"The account ********* is not associated with this office product

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 11:43 AM PST

my email is the email I have signed up with but I don't know why it is saying i cannot activate office professional plus 2013

how to delete extra inserted pages

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST


I am working on a manual revision and I need to delete extra pages that were inserted. I tried to use the backspace and delete button, but it doesn't seem to be working. Help!

Third party add-in to add title and column headings to MSWord 10

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 10:46 AM PST

I have a 6 page Bible Study roster and I want to have a title and column headings for each page.  In the "old" days I had a 3rd party app for Quatro-Pro that made my spreadsheets and tables magnificent!  Are there any freebies out on the web?  Am the same igit that inadvertently posted a similar question to the Access crowd!
Many thanks - Chas in Dallas
ps: I have tried to find help thru MS help and with no success.  Heck . . . I am still trying to delete an empty page on this project!!

Headings in the Navigation pane are not displayed

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 08:27 AM PST

Dear All,

I am creating a corporate MS Word template and I have the following problem:

I added my own styles to the Styles (for example, Corporate_Heading 1). Table of Contents creation works fine, however, no headings are displayed in the Navigation pane. What is wrong? What should I do? What did I do wrong?

I need an urgent help... :/

Thanks a lot for any kind of help.

Is it possible to have a continous page numbering in different documents

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 03:57 AM PST

I want to be able to have contious page numbering in many documents. Is it possible?

Word 2010 Tables how to lock all column widths?

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 08:19 PM PST

How to lock all column widths in a Table in Word 2010?

When I type in a column it slides about.

Even when I move the vertical line to required width. Then when I insert a photo in next column, it changes again.

I'm trying to make a card on A5 to be folded.