

Microsoft Word - Typing Lag Word Office 365

Microsoft Word - Typing Lag Word Office 365

Typing Lag Word Office 365

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 02:41 PM PST

I have a Surface Pro 2 128. I am using Office 365. I am having horrendous lag (4-5 seconds) in typing. Occasionally, and for no apparent reason, it will go away for a while. But it is always there when I turn the computer back on again. I have tried disabling graphics hardware acceleration as some have suggested. Did not help. Any ideas here?

Word 2013 Templates Changed Language

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 02:23 PM PST

I was writing a few papers today for school and decided to take a break. I shut my laptop for probably 40 minutes and came back. Clicked on Word 2013, which brought up the template options for me to choose from.

Where they were all once in English, now they are all in Chinese! I don't know what I did. I checked all of the inputs and language settings on my laptop and in the Windows program itself. I really don't know where to go from here. Can someone please help me?



F7 starts "Devices" instead of spellcheck

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 01:02 PM PST

Split from this thread.

Hi, i'm having a similar problem.
When I press f7 in word, it doesn't open spell check. It opens a menu saying "devices" on the right side of my screen.
I'm on a Surface Pro 3.

Please help me fix this. I use my surface for my school work, and I love it except for this one little thing.

MS word wont open

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 11:14 AM PST

Every time I open my word document it keep on asking my email add and password.. Now I cant totally open my documents. It has a message saying that it cant connect to my account.

Vertical Text Alignment of Continuous Section in Word 2013.

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 10:21 AM PST

I am trying to understand the Vertical Text Alignment in Word 2013.  If anyone has any advice, it would be much appreciated.  So far my primary source is this article, although it is outdated.

I would like to create two continuous sections with different vertical text alignment on one page.

In the first section, I would like the text vertically-aligned to the top of the page.

In the second continuous section, I would like the text vertically-aligned to the bottom of the page.

I am applying settings to "This Section" for each of the two, rather than the "Whole Document."

The second continuous section says it is aligned to the bottom of the page in the settings, but really the vertical text alignment of both sections is displayed in sync to whatever I set the first continuous section to, rather than what they are independently set to.

In the past, I would have used tables, but was hoping to figure out this particular feature.

Creating a form field to be filled out by a user and populate through out the document

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 10:08 AM PST

I know this is simple but I cannot figure it out.

Working in

|Office 2013
 |Microsoft Office Word
 |Office for Windows 8.1

Please don't reference Greg Massey, I can't understand anything there and his tutorials seem completely out of whack with Word 2013.

I am building a contract where field are repeated several times, (FirstName, LastName, Address, etc.)

I want to create a field in the contract that populated throughout the document with these variable from the first field I population:

I want to enter the information each time from a template directly on the template.  When a user would get to the template the first page might have something like this.  There they would fill in the variables in italics

This contract is for FirstName LastName at ThisAddress, ThisCity, ThisZipCode

Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here. 

Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here.  Static content continues here. 

Then one of the variable above is needed again.  If it was entered above, it would automatically populate the fields filled in above.

FirstName LastName promises to pay $1 for services.

All Service are performed in ZipCode

I know you can do this with bookmarks, but when I did that, and then wanted to CHANGE the variable to make a contract with another person, I had to recreate the bookmark and all referenced fields on the whole thing from an original bookmark again.  I want to make this once, and the use just enters the basic information one time and it autopopulates the rest of the doc.

Microsof Office 365 unlicensed product: 0x8004FC12

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 09:47 AM PST

Microsoft community,

13 September 2014 I purchased Microsoft Office 365 University and the license should expire 13 September 2018.

However very suddenly while I was using microsoft word, a window popped up. It was the license activation wizard of

Microsoft Office. That window should not pop up in the first place, because my product license is far from being expired.

But when I tried to follow the instructions of the wizard anyway, it gave me the following error: 0x8004FC12

So here I am supposed to be writing an essay, trying to make the deadline. But not without microsoft word.

I would really appreciate your help, since the problem is very obstructive and problematic.



Lost formatting When opening MS Word document

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 09:06 AM PST

Dear Readers and Gurus,

I opened up a word document and formatted it to my specific parameters, typed in text, set page breaks, set up a titles and headings and even a table of contents and a reference page for a non-fiction book I want to complete. I saved the document the regular way - by File-save as-. When I opened up the same document, all of the information is there still, all of the formatting in the settings is still set, but everything is completely out of place. Instead of a 9x6 page view, it has a full page view and is applied to the entire document. Is there a setting that changes between saving the document, closing the document and reopening the document that is causing these  - what appears to me as "zoom" features to occur? I would really like to get back to the 9x6 page view so that my words and setting stay the same.

How to make lines fill with text?

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 09:04 AM PST

I have a text document whose contents I want to copy into Word. But upon pasting, all the lines break off and continue on the next line, before using up their line's maximum available space. E.g.:

"First word second


third word fourth word fifth

word sixth word



Whereas I'd like them to run normally, to the full capacity of the line:

"First word second word third word fourth word fifth word sixth word seventh word"

How can I obtain that result, aside from tedious pressing of Backspace at each line?


How can I get the curser to go to the left margin when I hit a return?

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 07:48 AM PST

I am so frustrated, if I could find the moron who added the auto-indent into Word, I swear I would be inclined to punch him in the face for wasting so much of my time.

Here is the problem.  I draft documents with numbered paragraphs.  I tab once, type the number, then tab again, and start typing the paragraph.  When the text wraps down to the next line, it will not start at the left margin.  Instead, it automatically aligns with the typed number.  I have wasted ALOT of time trying to stop this automatic feature, to the point that I curse Microsoft on a regular basis.

Can anyone tell me how to turn off this moronic feature?  I have searched through the auto formating **** options, turned off all that I could find, but to no avail.  What as **** program Word has become.

Please help.

Thank You.

Signed, a former fan of Microsoft Word, who now hates it with a vengance because the morons at Microsoft have ruined it.

Word 1997 normal dot error

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 05:07 AM PST

Running WORD 1997 under Windows 8.1... Recently when exiting WORD I get an error message about updating the NORMAL.DOT file.  I've tried renaming and/or deleting the NORMAL file, but the error keeps coming back.  It does NOT affect my Word documents.  If I hit IGNORE, I exit Word successfully.

WORD 1997 under Windows 8.1 had been running without this problem until about 6 months ago.

How can I get rid of this error message.

Office 2013 Ribbon Bar Icons inverted in all Office Applications

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 05:05 AM PST


The icons in the Ribbon Bar are inverted black in all Office Applications. How can I change/repair this to default.

I repaired the Office installation multiple times and deinstalled/installed it.

I uploaded a screenshot from Word:



Whats the Code to Hide the Status Bar in Word 2014?

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 01:10 AM PST

Whats the VBA code to PERMANENTLY hide the status bar in Word 2014? Also, whats the procedure to hide it? I'm a noobie guys.


Posted: 28 Feb 2015 09:50 PM PST

good day fellas!!! what should I do with my ms word 2013 ruler? i can't adjust the margin even if i customize the margin settings at the page layout tab. i can't also adjust the ruler directly by dragging down the ruler (at the left side) of the screen. so how is it now?? thanks for the respondents!!!

Why does view split window go to start of document and not remain at current location Word 2013 Windows 8.1 Surface Pro

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 07:28 PM PST

When I select view split, the new window goes to the start of the document?  Why?  In 2010 version and all previous versions, the view would remain at the current location.  Is there any way of stopping this from happening?

Using Windows Mail with Word 2007

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 07:15 PM PST

I'm attempting to send a letter through email using the 2007 Word mail merge. I don't have Outlook and would like to use Windows Mail. I'm running 8.1. I understand that I need to associate Windows Mail with Word, but I'm pretty clueless as to what extension or protocol  or whatever I need in order to change the associated program from Outlook to Mail. I tried just making Mail the default program for any relevant protocols or extensions, but it's apparently not "relevant," because it's not working. Any ideas?

Office 365 Programs Unresponsive

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 06:15 PM PST

I've been having a problem lately. I'm running Microsoft Office 365 on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Whenever I open an Office program, everything seems to work fine. However, whenever I open any two Office programs together, one of them, usually Word, will go unresponsive. I've tried reinstalling the software, but to no success. Are there any suggestion on what my issue may be? Have any of you come across this same situation before?

What is this cancer line that gets created if I enter a few ===s starting from the left border?

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 05:47 PM PST

If I want a short line of ================= as a separator, and I forget to start the line with
a "." or some character, a double line gets generated and not only can it not be deleted, it flips
around as I try top out smart it.  Oft times I end up with several of them.

I end up using copy & paste for all my text from below that &*^% feature to the space above it
trying to push it to the last page where I have to remember to not print that page.

This has been happening as far back as I can remember, maybe even to Win 95.

What is the magic secret code to kill it?

Template, Formatting & Nested Tables

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 05:35 PM PST

I am trying to setup a template for users that includes a table. This document will be used as a hand filled out form. There will be 2 types of users those that use the template and those that use the printed out form. This is all within Word 2013. The table consists of 1 column and two rows. The first row is the header column (Titles). The second row contains a question then under that a spacing and then a bullet-ed list (done as a box symbol) for possible answers (which can be ticked off by the end user when printed). After the bullet-ed list I have placed a nested table of 2 rows and 12 columns (to write in numbers on the printed out form).

What I am trying to do is - for the initial users who are creating the questions and answers (template users) be able to type in the question and have a pre-formatted question style applied to it, then have them write a question in the bullet-ed list (have an answer style applied to it) hit enter and keep going for the amount of answers they wish to include. While they are doing this I would like the nested table to keep moving down as the answers are added and the table row expand to accommodate the nested table moving down as well.

At the moment as I add to the bullet-ed list it goes underneath the nested table and disappears past the table row border.

I am only new to word so forgive me if this is a simple question, I have only been playing around in word for a week, but have done a lot of reading and experimenting and can't seem to find an answer to how to solve this.

*Side question - Is it possible to lock a template down to just the style set (font colour etc.) that is used in this template so that the users cannot break it and it doesn't affect my normal documents - so remove all other formatting styles from the template, but still have them available for all of my documents. I am afraid to remove them in case it removes them completely from my own set.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

create pdf with beige background

Posted: 27 Feb 2015 03:50 PM PST

I have selected a baige background for my paper but when I hit save as pdf it turns the background to white.  how do i fix this?