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Posted: 09 Nov 2008 04:11 AM PST

PS, you are going to be seriously bummed out the moment someone launches a
dictionary attack on your server.
The good news is that will probably happen the first day, so you wont have
to wait long! :)

"Martin Blackstone [MVP]" <com> wrote in message

Setup ip block list providers

Posted: 07 Nov 2008 02:01 AM PST

There are other cmdlets you might try as well. Here are some of the others
you might research.

Remove-IPBlockListEntry (which may solve your first question)

And there are others. Hope this helps.

J. Peter Bruzzese

"herman" <com> wrote in message

Please dear people, HOW do I forward AND autoreply a user???!

Posted: 06 Nov 2008 04:18 AM PST

Job Andersson <> wrote: 

Sorry, don't know what to tell you. Postfix may be a better fit for you.
Exchange is more than a mail server, so it isn't a real apples-to-apples
comparison. I personally dislike autoreply and don't use it (and I don't use
many Outlook rules), so I haven't run into the same issues you have.

Monitor Contacts

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:11 AM PST

What the boss needs to know though, is that this 'forward' to a contact then
moves the rest of the thread out of the business.

I'm with the others; if it's company business - then use company resources
only, i.e. Outlook Anywhere or OWA.

Les Connor [SBS-MVP]

"SuperGumby [SBS MVP]" <nellie> wrote in message

Receiving e-mails late and calendar reminder is incorrect.

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 09:52 AM PST

On Nov 4, 1:29pm, "Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote: 


Running Windows XP SP3 with Office 2007. Symantec Endpoint 11, this
is a standard build for our desktops.

Regarding Exchange Server mailbox

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 09:50 AM PST

Resource mailboxes don't have an associated user account either.

You won't be able to use a resource mailbox with OE at all.

Tony Brown MCSE +M +S

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

cc problem, do not receive mail sometimes

Posted: 03 Nov 2008 08:09 PM PST

Bruce <> wrote: 

If tracking says it was delivered, it was delivered. Make sure she has
Outlook closed, and test this using OWA, with her watching. It doesn't sound
like you've actually seen this happen yourself yet, anyway....relying on
user reporting is not always a good idea if you want an accurate picture of
what's happening. 

You're very welcome. It's most handy. 

Migrating 2003 Public Folder system to 2007 CCR

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 11:15 AM PST

"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

Of course, that comes back to the issue of minimizing tion with
public folders on a CCR cluster....

In a related note, what exactly is the reason everyone is saying no public
folders on a CCR cluster? I can see the issues if you have the tion
going on, and during the migration (like we're at), but once you get down to
a single PF database, it seems like taking advantage of the CCR and not
having to mess with PF tion would be a much cleaner approach. The
various articles I've seen on Technet (and elsewhere) all seem to indicate
that PF on CCR is a perfectly fine configuration, as long as you're not
doing tion.

Currently, we've too short on usable hardware to do a non-CCR public folder
system. However, if there's a technical reason that's going to come up to
bite us later if we go with CCR for the PF database, I can at least start
trying to find a hardware solution. I'm just not seeing any negatives to a
PF/CCR solution in any of the official doentation, as long as the
tion isn't being done.

Mike O.

Identified SPAM when sending via Windows Mobile NOT owa or outlook

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 05:49 AM PST

Are you sure the path is Exchange > Internet and not Exchange > Something
Else > Internet?
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"Vern" <> wrote in message

Automatically copy ALL mail to specific Public Folders

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 02:31 AM PDT

I too have the similar requirement. In our case we are planning to upgrade
current Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007.

Is there anyway to the same requirement in Exchange 2007?

Please advice


"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

managing user's calendar via power shell..?

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 01:03 AM PDT

thanks.. B)

in the meantime I've found this handy tool.. :)

solved my issue.. fully..

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Performance Issue

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 04:27 PM PDT

There a stong correlation between RPC latency and disk latency. You've
mentioned some user habits, some anecdotes, processor utilization number,
and a vauge reference to RPC latency. I'd start by gathering some hard
objective evidence to define the problem.

1. Look at disk. Specifically look at your IO load and disk latency for
log and database drives. In perfmon these are the physical disk counters
sec/read, sec/write. reads/sec, and writes/sec. How much load are you
placing on your storage subsytem? Are you seeing average latency above 20ms
and/or spikes in latency lasting more than a few seconds above 50ms? How
many free system page table entries do you have?

2. Look at Exchange memory usage. What is the working set size of the
store.exe process? how does exchange virual meory look? How big is your
page file? What does your paging activity look like?

3. On the network side, what does your utilization look like? Can you
define the RPC latency you are seeing?

4. Have you run the Exbpa tool? Did you follow any of the recommendations
it gave? Did it give any recommendations?

5. Examine your system and application logs. Are there any warnings or
errors? If so what are they?

6. How is your server configured? Memory? Contents of boot.ini?
Processors, how many and what type? How many spindles do you have for disk
and how are those spindles configured? RAID types? How is exchange
configured? Which components reside where? What components are you using?
hoiw busy are they? When are online maintenance and backups scheduled? Are
they both completing successfully?

Your quest for the answers to these questions will go a long way toward
defining the problem in an objective way and ultimately the resolution of
your issue. Be as complete as you can and let us know what you turn up...

"Stup88" <> wrote in message

TLS on Exchange 2003

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 12:53 PM PDT

I'm not an expert on this subject - but I'm pretty sure they still
communicate on port 25.

Port 465 is secure SMTP - TLS is SSL v3.0's successor..

an even better guide...



"Andrew" wrote:

Error 0x80070005

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 10:46 AM PDT

Thanks for you answer. I resolved the issue and in my opinion the problem was
Outlook pointed to .ost file to a different user profile. (I copied profile
from one user to another).

"Tony Brown" wrote:

Recovering from Server Crash Mailboxes/Storage Group

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 05:52 PM PDT

You will need to reinstall Exchange 2007 with the /RecoverServer switch.
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"Larry Bird" <> wrote in message

Email getting stripped when using digital signature

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 02:26 PM PDT

I'm not doing any encryption yet. I'm just signing each email.

"Tony Brown" <> wrote in message

dead exchange server

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 11:40 AM PDT

I have another error.
This is for public folder error code 'c1030af7'
I followed
I still get same result.


"Newbie" wrote:

Port Conflicts

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 06:11 AM PDT

MaxUserPort registry key?



transaction log buffer size?

Posted: 28 Oct 2008 04:12 PM PDT

Because the high water mark is 95% and the low water mark is 5%. During a
forced commit you start flushing at the high water mark and stop at the low
water mark or a total of 90% of your log buffers. 9000*.9 = 8100.

"Chris" <> wrote in message

Can't login to Webmail

Posted: 28 Oct 2008 08:31 AM PDT


"Ed Crowley [MVP]" <net> wrote in message

One recipient not recieving from one user in house

Posted: 28 Oct 2008 05:28 AM PDT

Andy David {MVP} <com> wrote: 

Thank you, Norm. 

Need Help With Server-Side Rule

Posted: 27 Oct 2008 03:40 PM PDT


Thanks for the response. I got it working. However, I thought that I would
post a few more details for the benefit of others who may have a similar

The rule that I created is pretty simple. It just looks for the word
"Critical" in the Subject line and moves any messages matching the criteria
to the Critical folder within the same mailbox.

I was having a problem getting the rule to fire server-side until it
occurred to me that I used a different account to create the rule. At the
time I created the rule I was logged on to Active Directory with my personal
user account. I had the other Inbox--named SSOCNotifications--open in
Outlook, and I selected that Inbox and then created the rule. During the
creation of the rule I saw a line in the rule that read, "and on this
machine only." After creating the rule I edited it to remove that line.
The rule ends up as follows:

Apply this rule after the message arrives
with Critical in the subject
move it to the Critical folder
and stop processing more rules

That should work, but it wasn't, until I realized that I need to login to
the SSOCNotifications account and create the rule while logged in under that
account. Once I did that, it worked perfectly.


"Ed Crowley [MVP]" <net> wrote in message

0xC007003A When trying to install Exchange

Posted: 27 Oct 2008 07:14 AM PDT

Appears to be a permission issue. You must be a member of the Enterprise
Admins group in the Root domain to install the very first Exchange 2003
server. Also, make sure the account you are using is also the same account
you ran /ForestPrep with.

You can use ADSIEdit to view the permissions of the Exchange ORG if you are
uncertain of the account used to run /ForestPrep.


"com" wrote:

Restore Public Folders

Posted: 23 Oct 2008 02:26 PM PDT

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange] wrote: 

Wasn't the answer I was hoping for but thanks... <g>

Kevin W Miller