

Digital photo size reduction for emailing - Forums Linux

Digital photo size reduction for emailing - Forums Linux

Digital photo size reduction for emailing

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 12:10 PM PST

Jørn Dahl-Stamnes wrote: 
BOY! is that ever a powerful command. I was always using gimp. gonna try convert

Leo in Canada:
They said "everyone uses microsoft" and so like the lemmings they marched into
the sea.
< running Linux >

Linux Monitor Setup

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 08:00 AM PST

As root edit your:

In the Monitor Section make sure the
HorizSync 30-70
VertRefresh 50-160
are correct for your monitor.

Walt R.

Problems installing Oracle 9i ( Client on Linux Fedora Core 3

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 06:19 AM PST

In comp.os.linux.misc es: 

If there are those various compat-*.rpm (compat-glibc*.rpm/etc)
packages available for Fedora, as they come with rh, it shouldn't
be a problem, once you have installed those.

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 325: Your processor does not develop enough heat.

x windows

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 11:11 PM PST

my distro is debian

thank you

"Erik T." <universe> escribió en el mensaje

Upgraded RH7.2 to FC1, but lost sendmail and lpr

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 12:16 AM PST

In article <com>, "Nico Kadel-Garcia"
<net> wrote:

I tend to disagree, I've ran rh since 4.2 and dont use fedora at all. I
like senmail myself. Rh said they we're removing it in the list of
changes in the fedora passover news they past us. Also the page said they
were eventually removing lile, wich I like. They also removed all mp3
support, wich is bs in my opinion like xmms. Since rh has gotten the pay
up every year or switch distro attitude, like most others, I'm switching.
The thing that made rh great in the old days was it came with a ton of
3rd party software when high speed internet was out of most ppl's reach
wich of course made them popular. Well in a world of DSL and cable , that
software isn't a pain to get anymore. Having the chioce of software is
what linux is all about. In reading on fedora core , well FD1 is only a
year old and not supported, I personallly dont want to tell my users to
backup stuff 3 times a year so I can do a distro version update. By the
time ya'll dial in FD3 , FD4 will be here and time to start over. As far
as mp3 support, I only want xmms, not the music files. As far as grub,
wtf was wrong with lilo, never had a problem with it and it aint broke so
I don't intend to fix it. Of course tho I like my BitchX but what do ya
no, it wont compile on FD3. In my reading on rh's site and fedora's , I
noticed they are trying to alot like debian with all the apt package
management so I considered going to debian , then on debians site I read
they are making a linux distro with a BSD kernel. I got to thinking about
all this, decided when I learned apfwadm , ipchains come around, when I
got ipchains down , iptables come around , so piss on the whole bunch , I
went bsd , comes with a ton of 3rd party sofware the rh used to and then
some and I only have to learn ipfw for the firewall and can use it
without a full system upgrade for years


Differences of Debian Distro's?

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 04:07 PM PST

In message <com>, J
<j@j.a.b.c.d.?.invalid> writes 

Look on the bright side Jason. You could be lured into Gentoo !

Then again there's an argument that is you want to learn about servers
or Linux in general from the ground up, you _want_ geeky. It's not as
if you are a total newbie. You can probably handle the flexibility of
config files without needing windowing config tools etc ?

I started with RH6.2, then moved to Mandrake 8.1, RH7.2 then various
Debians and have more or less stuck with that.

I did have foray to Gentoo, but couldn't get it to boot properly. In
retrospect that was probably down to hardware problems, but I probably
learned more from Gentoo per unit time than the other OSs. If you don't
want all the hassle of Gentoo, the bootstrap it yourself OS, Debian
might be the right compromise ?

Cheers, J/.
John Beardmore


Posted: 22 Feb 2005 03:24 PM PST

S.Brown wrote: 
Thanks for the advice. As a matter of fact, I do have a book on FC2 even
though I'm running FC3 (downloaded it from the internet). It has helped.
I admit that I'm not very good at the internal operations of Linux even
though I find Linux far superior than Widows. I'm not even running
Windows any more. Again. I really appreciate the help. Thank again.

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1024 cyl problem

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 04:02 AM PST

"Clive Dove" <com> wrote in message

Umm. I almost always use the secondary master for a new hard drive, it lets
me do things like drive imaging more easily to create an alternative
bootable hard drive for other uses. I also like hot-swap drive bays.....

Where can I buy Suse 9.2 Cds on the cheap

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 12:45 AM PST

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 03:45:27 -0500
zalzon <com> wrote:

Mandrake 10.1 (community) is, what, 3 CDs for download version and 5
CDs for 'buying on the cheap'? SUSE DVD (FTP ISO version) is equivalent
to about 4 CDs and is free. The full boxed version is *not* free, but
can be had for 60-90USD (with one or two *very* good books included).

If you can't afford to buy SUSE and refuse to download the free version,
use some other distro. You're sounding like a troll, asking this
question multiple times and then never responding to anyone who answers
you . . .


YES! Read some of the (many) answers you've been getting.


Yes, *definitely* a troll . . .


Not anymore. Just say 'no' to asking it again.

Kevin Nathan (Arizona, USA)
Linux Potpourri and a.o.l.s. FAQ --

Open standards. Open source. Open minds.
The command line is the front line.
Linux 2.6.8-24.11-default
9:46pm up 17 days 9:42, 8 users, load average: 0.22, 0.40, 0.45

switching from kernal to gnome in mdk 10

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 11:16 PM PST

On 2005-02-22, Laurenz Albe <com> wrote: 

He probably means console

type startx at a console prompt

Alex / AB2RC
Linux is user friendly, however it is not idiot friendly

upgrading from fc2 to fc3 using yum

Posted: 20 Feb 2005 10:29 AM PST

<com> wrote in message 

Doing an update from CD or DVD or from a network install setup is not bad.