

Microsoft Works - microsoft key

Microsoft Works - microsoft key

microsoft key

Posted: 18 Sep 2004 06:20 AM PDT

Hi Kittie,

Perhaps this is more helpful than my earlier offering !

Works: Cannot Register Works Online;en-us;269992

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

How to convert MS-Works-MAC files to Windows-Version

Posted: 18 Sep 2004 06:19 AM PDT

Do the files that you got have any extension? On the Mac, file extensions are optional as
the Mac doesn't use them to determine file type. So your friend could have saved them
without any extension or with some other extension and they still would have worked on the
Mac. Having the expected file extension on Windows makes it easier to work with a file.

I'm not sure Works 7 still has the conversion filters to handle the Mac Works 3 files.
Apparently Works 4 does. Do you might need to get a copy of Works 4 and install that. I
understand it can coexist with Works 7. You can then open the Mac files in Works 4, and
then save them in a Windows version that Works 7 can use.


Mike -

"Axel Pötzinger" <net> wrote in message

File Location Path Default

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 04:58 PM PDT

Oh, I see.
I have wind explorer in the quick launch bar
and always use that for launching <any> works file
I never work within the Works Launcher mode.
Possibly got into that habit when saving OE posts to
word proc, and needing to save to varied folders/HDD's.
at will.

| G'day Confused...just call me confusing ;-),
| If I have worked on a file, decide to Open a new file while Works is already
| open, then it defaults to where ever I last saved to. The same is true when
| working from the Task Launcher and choosing Open a Document Not Listed Here.
| I was assuming he was talking about one of the two.
| As to using Windows Explorer, I actually prefer to use PowerDesk Pro these
| days. There used to be a free version, but according to the following link,
| that free version is no longer available. However it also says that the free
| trial version has no time limits. I especially like the built-in viewer.
| I am using version 5, but here is a link to version 6:
| DavidF
| "Rodney" <> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
| > G'day David,
| > I am confused, I do not understand what Michael means by
| > "pressing open" ?
| > I always use Windows explorer to launch odd files that are
| > not on my quick launch bar.
| >
| > To save in a new location I always use "save as"
| >
| > I have not used the MSWorks task launcher for 3 years or so
| > perhaps Michael means when he gets to
| > "find a file not listed here"
| > If so, he should scrap that and use Windows explorer <every time>
| > It's a more organised way to be "HDD housekeeping aware"
| >
| > Cheers
| >
| >
| >
| > | I believe that Open will always default to where you last Saved a file.
| I am
| > | not sure that you can change that. Perhaps Rodney, Kevin or someone else
| > | will correct me if I am wrong.
| > |
| >
| > | > I am running an old version of WORKS 4.0 and have moved
| > | > the documents from C to D and need to change the default
| > | > path that WORKS will use to locate them when I press OPEN.
| > | >
| > | > I have followed the instructions below but it did not work
| > | > entirely. It changed the default path for SAVING
| > | > documents but not the default path on the OPEN. Can
| > | > anyone help?
| > | >
| > | > Here is what I followed:
| > | >
| > | > 1. Q. How do I get Works to default to a different
| > | > directory?
| > | >
| > | > A. The steps for making Works point to a different default
| > | > directory or folder are different for Windows 95 and
| > | > Windows 3.x. Use the instructions below for your version
| > | > of Windows.
| > | >
| > | > Windows 95
| > | > 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and
| > | > then click Taskbar.
| > | > 2. On the Start Menu Programs tab, click Advanced.
| > | > 3. Double-click the Programs folder.
| > | > 4. Click the folder containing the Microsoft Works
| > | > icon.
| > | > 5. On the right side of the screen, with your right
| > | > mouse button, click the shortcut for Microsoft Works.
| > | > 6. Click Properties.
| > | > 7. Click the Shortcut tab.
| > | > 8. In the Start In section, type the new path to the
| > | > default folder. For example, if you want Works to default
| > | > to a folder on your C: drive named "Personal", you would
| > | > type the following:
| > | > c:\personal
| > | > 9. Click OK.
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >


Posted: 16 Sep 2004 01:18 PM PDT

(inc P&P ) here: 

of 4.5 online. The 
able to print 
have many benefits 
in message 
4.0 any 
of the 

when I 
address's I 
method to 
know I 
into WORD 
print one 
correspondence. What 
help me 
you need 
of Works after 
the wordprocessor. In 
option "mail merge" under 
marked records only 
labels on another 
many empty records as 
of labels peeling 
again for a few 
It's just as you said it was, in the wordprocessor. Who
would have thunk it. I couldn't find anything in the HELP
file. Still.......I'm going to search eBay again for a
copy of Works 4.5. Didn't find one last time. Then I'm
going to inc P&P DavidF. I belly aced about this for
about a year. This messaged post realy works!


Win95 Excel

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 08:34 PM PDT

Kevin, I have Works 7 & Thxs it worked!

sheet ). 

Works 7.0 - Move Entire Text On A Page

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 04:36 PM PDT

Hi Jim,

Depending on your specific requirements;

Press Enter a few times at the head of the text.

Change the margin and header settings.

Change the alignment for all text .

Insert your text into a text box and move the whole as one.

Insert your text into a number of text boxes and move these around.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Jim" <> wrote in message

installation question

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 03:03 PM PDT

Hi Sadie,

You may have Autoplay set to Take no Action (deactivated).

or perhaps,

The AutoPlay Function Does Not Work and the Current Media Does
Not Appear in My Computer When You Insert a CD or DVD

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Sadie Odelle" <> wrote in message

Works 4.0 saves only in HTML

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 08:32 AM PDT


Thanks so much. I downloaded and installed the exe patch
you referenced and it solved my Works problem. It's
working fine now. I appreciate it very much.

have been retired ! 