

Microsoft Word - Inserted pictures not showing up

Microsoft Word - Inserted pictures not showing up

Inserted pictures not showing up

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 10:17 AM PDT

I am having the problem of an image inserted in-line from a file not showing up when I click the paragraph mark to not show formatting.  Using Word 2007 on XP pro.  I have applied ALL of the Word Options seen in various posts (under display and advanced), but still no success.  Show pic placeholders is unchecked.  I cannot see the pics in print preview, only when showing hidden marks.  This is forcing me to stay with Office 2003, which I have been trying to upgrade from.

Thank you.

Gray boxes in Microsoft Office Word 2007

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 09:32 AM PDT

Microsoft Office Word 2007.

I have a document with little gray boxes in it. The file allows me to type only in the gray boxes but there is text before and after the box. Think fill in the blank formatting.

While I want to be able to tab only between the gray boxes (which I can do right now) I also want to "unlock " the rest of the text so at times when I chose I can also edit the format the qustions I have set up to be answered. Or I can copy and paste the text surrounding the Gray boxes. How can I do that in 2007? There was a tool in previous versions of office that I had on my toolbar that locked and unlocked the gray boxes for editing but with the new office format I can no longer find that tool.

If needed I can provide an actual copy of what I am describing so you can see what I mean.


Word 2013: How do I convert a .*doc to *.docx without affecting the layout of the WordArt objects?

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 05:03 AM PDT

Hi there

I am programmatically converting a Word *.doc to *.docx.  The problem is the WordArt objects in the document are repositioned and/or resized when I use the Document.Convert method.

I would like to know why the layout changes occur, and whether I can change the WordArt's properties to prevent them happening when converting to the latest Word format.  However, if the repositioning/resizing is unavoidable, I would like to know if it is possible for me to store the object's affected properties, perform the Convert, then restore the properties to their original values.

I'm using Word 2013 (15.0.4454.1504) 64-bit.

Does anyone know how?

To visually see how layout is affected, perform the following steps:
  1. In Word, create a new blank document
  2. Save the document as "Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)"
  3. Insert a WordArt (you don't have to change anything)
  4. Convert the document to the latest format (FILE > Convert)
  5. You may be prompted regarding the conversion causing minor layout changes, just click OK
  6. The WordArt's text is resized/repositioned.
Thanks in advance,

Multiple tracking options

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 07:47 PM PDT

When selecting tracking options, is it possible to select more than one option for tracking changes?


for example for deletion: line through and italic and red

Word 2010 addressing one envelope

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 06:29 PM PDT

I can use the multi envelopes and address several envelopes, but one envelope at a time, there is no small icons to click too show the names and address; from outlook as my book Outlook for Dummies said there should be.

uploading to skydrive

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 04:53 PM PDT

I am using Microsoft 2010.  When I try to upload a file into skydrive  I get the following error "could not open "".  I can open the files from skydrive and edit but cannot save from Microsoft 2010.  It is only happening on this computer.  I have installed all updates and have tried to repair Microsoft and nothing works Can you help me?


Error message: C:\...\14\~$ilt-In.Building Blocks.dotx

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 01:54 PM PDT

I get the above error message when I open a document and try to insert a text box or watermark. I also get another message: C:\users\...14\~$.lding.Blocks.dotx   If I click ok on both messages then the text box selection menu opens.

How do i display the total number of pages of two sections?

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 08:35 AM PDT

I have two sections of a document that I want to have the same page numbering:

Section 2 has 2 pages and is portrait

Section 3 has 1 page which is landscape


Both sections are part of the same appendices the only reason they are two sections is because I needed one page to be landscape so i had to create a new section just for that page so it wouldnt effect the rest of the document.  I need the page numbering in the footer to display  Page x of y

How do I get the second number (y) to total both sections 2 and 3 e.g on the footer for section 3 it should say Page 3 of 3?


I've tried using the continue from previous but it doesnt carry on adding to the page numbering it just starts the section from Page 1 of 1 and when i use the SectionPages field it only totals one of the sections.

Word jump list malfunction

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 06:49 AM PDT

This morning I installed a number of updates, mostly to Windows 7 and Office 2010. Perhaps it's just coincidence, but when I click on any of the documents (either Pinned or Recent) on the Taskbar jump list for Word 2003, a new instance of Word opens without any document, much less the one I clicked on. Luckily my Work menu is still working, but the two lists don't entirely overlap. When I click the X to close the empty Word window, I get the "Changes have been made to the Normal template..." prompt (entirely without cause). I decline to save it, and the Word window closes, leaving the original instance of Word still open. I've come to depend on the jump list, so this is very distressing.


The problem seems to be confined to Word: jump lists for Excel 2003, Publisher 2003, Word 2007, Word 2010, and IE 9 still work as expected.

Include a Variable Formatted Table in Mail Merge, Word 2010

Posted: 12 Mar 2013 11:09 PM PDT

I need to insert formatted information (table) into a mail merged document based on a condition.

For example, if MERGEFIELD City equals Seattle, I need to have a saved table inserted in my document. If the MERGEFIELD City equals Spokane, I need a different table inserted in my document.

I thought that I could do it with a QuickPart but cannot find any reference.

Any guidance is appreciated.

Thank you – Neal

macro language support message pops up whenever I try to open Word Document in Office 365

Posted: 12 Mar 2013 01:27 PM PDT

Just installed Office 365 on my desktop but now I am getting the following error message when I try to open all Word documents:  "The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires macro language support. When this software was installed, you (or your administrator) chose not to install support for macros or controls." Can't seem to fix it.


I installed Office 365 and uninstalled Office 2010. Now I'm plagued with these messages everytime I try to open a Word document. I can click on it 3 times and it goes away, but it's very annoying. How can I fix this?  I also get a user account control message asking if I want to let it make changes to my computer.... happens when trying to open every Word document, but didn't do this before loading Office 365.

office.bin-system error

Posted: 12 Mar 2013 11:17 AM PDT

Keep getting the following error message "The program can't start because sa13.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem".

I have uninstalled Open Office, then reinstalled but it hasn't got rid of the error message! Any advice please

References tab / Captions group / Cross-reference / Include above/below setting

Posted: 12 Mar 2013 02:54 AM PDT


1. References tab


Captions group


Click on:-








 - window opens.


2. In the:-




 - window there is a field towards the top right hand corner called:-


Include above/below


What is this setting supposed to do please?


Thanks in advance for any replies.