

Microsoft Word - How to create custom Office templates

Microsoft Word - How to create custom Office templates

How to create custom Office templates

Posted: 20 Mar 2013 08:37 AM PDT

Greetings Microsoft Community,

Newbie here. I'm currently a project lead for the Office 2013 rollout at my credit union, and our CIO has requested that we post guides on how to create custom Office templates.

Now I've done my fair share of Google searches, and all I've been able to glean so far is where to store the custom templates in 2013 -- I can find nothing about how they're created in the first place.

Could someone please point me toward any tutorials that might be out there? Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Word 2010 Table of Contents question

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 09:46 PM PDT

Hi, my document is made up of a number of different heading styles, which I have saved in the quick styles, eg HR heading1, HR heading 2 etc. However, when I try to do a TOC showing four levels, it will not show the items in HR heading1. It will show the next three levels. However, what it does show is Microsoft's default Heading1 instead of my own HR Heading1. Is there a way I can do a TOC using just my own four levels of headings?  Many thanks.

Word 2013 Adding Envelopes to an Existing Document

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 08:29 PM PDT

I currently am trying to make a document that will make an envelope using mail merge. The problem is, I HAVE to have it be in the same document as the letter I have typed up. Currently when I'm trying to make an envelope and use current document, it deletes my letter and starts over. That is the only option.

If you're confused, let me clarify.

Page 1 is the letter, I'm using Mail Merge for it and I have a Greeting Line with my addresses attached to it. I want Page 2 to then be an envelope that contains the Mail Merge data including an Address Block using Mail Merge. 

How do you do this? I'm lost!

Word 2010 applying watermarks across sections

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 08:25 PM PDT

Hi, I have a document with many sections. I am trying to insert the Draft watermark but as I add it to one section, it gets removed from a previous section. I have tried selecting the whole document before inserting the watermark, but it still only puts Draft into the first section. Urgent please!  Many thanks.

How can I flatten text boxes to get rid of the separate text boxes in a docx document?

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 06:05 PM PDT

I scanned 24 pages into a pdf document. I then converted the pdf to a docx.  I  now have a lot of separate text boxes in the docx document.
 How can I flatten text boxes to get rid of the separate text boxes in a docx document so I can change fount and size and edit?
I am using Word 2007.

Word program has to be configured each time it is opened Takes over 2 minutes. It started about a month ago.

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 04:54 PM PDT

Windows XP SP2

Microsoft Office Home & Student 2007

The icons of my office (2007) shortcuts are not showing up correctly, also i cannot find the original applications (only the shortcuts).

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 03:46 PM PDT

I have office 2007 including word, publisher, excel, and access. I cannot find the original applications, and the icons for the shortcuts on my desktop are not showing the regular icons. The entire office works, but the icons are very annoying, i would like to see the regular office icons again.

Unwanted white space below footer in Word

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 03:18 PM PDT

I have a long picture (a logo) as a footer in a Word document. On the screen it looks perfectly aligned, but when I print it out there's a large white space underneath it which does not exist on the print preview. It prints as though the picture is positioned above the footer, rather than in it (but it definitely is in it - I've triple-checked).


A question about 'letterheads'

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:53 PM PDT

I want to convert my letterhead from having Name, Address, et al, at the top of the page to having it running up the side of the page.


Using a text box is not the answer - but you likely have already learned this!


How do I set Word so that it gives me a 'header' along the left side of a page ... or is this even the correct way to go?







Finish and Merge to multiple documents

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 12:08 PM PDT

I have been working in an Access DB and successfully created a document (letter) in word 2007 with the combined data from that source. When i hit the button "Finish and Merge" i have the option to "Edit Individual Documents", but all i get is a single document with all the letters in it (one page per record), and i was looking for a way to generate 1 letter (file) for each record avaliable in my Access Database.

How can i accomplish this?

Data source won't stay alphabetized

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 11:52 AM PDT

I alphabetize the data source when editing, but when I go to merge the source and document, it scrambles some of the data so there's a chunk of names randomly listed at the end of the document.  I've tried refreshing, saving and reopening, and nothing seems to help.  It's the same names scrambled.  VERY FRUSTRATING!

Create a set of custom Heading styles without deriving them from built-in styles

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 06:05 AM PDT


I have created some Custom Heading styles in a new document that I would also like to apply to another existing document and possibly multiple others. I am trying to produce some styles that need to be used in old documents, which have been written by different authors, with different tastes and MS Word competence levels, and the new styles need to be indentical in each document.

My Custom Heading 1,2,3,X styles are all derived from (based on) the built-in Heading 1,2,3,X styles. This is because I have to use both in the documents and they need to be included at the same level in the Navigation Pane and in the Contents table.

The problem that I am having is that the built-in Heading 1,2,3,X styles are styled differently from document to document, with different fonts, sizes and so on. This means that when I copy some text with the Custom Headings over to an existing document, the Custom Headings' appearance is not consistent accross both documents.

For example (and you can try this):

Document 1

  • Heading 1 - Cambria, 14, Bold, 'Blue, Accent 1 Darker 25%'
  • Custom Heading 1 - Cambria, 14, Not Bold, 'Blue, Accent 1 Darker 25%'

Document 2

  • Heading 1 - Verdana, 24, Bold, Underlined, Black

If I copy some text styled with Custom Heading 1 over to Document 2, it produces the following for Custom Heading 1:

  • Custom Heading 1 - Cambria, 14, Not Bold, Underlined, Black

So the 'Cambria', '14', and 'not bold' are carried over from Document 1 whereas 'underlined' and 'black' is inherited from Document 2's Heading 1 style.

Given that I want to apply the style without having to modify it, and I can't modify the existing styles, is there a way of creating a Heading style, that will appear in the Navigation Pane and in the Contents that does not inherit from existing built-in Heading styles? What makes a Heading style, a Heading style?



When I try to save a document in Word 2007, it gives me the following error message, "Microsoft Office Word has stopped working"

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 05:29 AM PDT

When I try to save a document in Word 2007, it gives me the following error message, "Microsoft Office Word has stopped working" and it will not allow me to save the file.  If I hit the "save as" button quickly, it will let me save a copy, but if I wait a couple of seconds, it gives me the error message.  I have deleted and reinstalled the MicroSoft Office software, checked my add ins and fonts and still no solution.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks


[Moved from feedback]

Word pastes plain text as a bitmap

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 04:55 AM PDT

MS Word 2010 in Office 2010 Professional


When pasting text within and between documents, the text is sometimes pasted normally but sometimes appears as a black rectangle.


Investigating further using paste special, when the black rectangle appears the copied text can only be pasted as bitmap or device independent bitmap, whereas when pasting works normally there are further options (unformatted text, formatted text, HTML etc)


The fault is nothing to do with the source text. If the same block of text is copied and pasted, the fault sometimes occurs and sometimes does not.


If the fault occurs when pasting with the mouse, immediately using Control+V pastes normally. Similarly, if the fault occurs with Control+V then clicking paste with the mouse results in normal pasting activity.


So it seems the source text is copied into memory properly, then there is a random decision to treat it as text or as a bitmap, and if it is treated as a bitmap then pasting again immediately afterwards allows it to be pasted as text.


The paste default options have been tinkered with to no avail, the Adobe Acrobat plug-in has been disabled to no avail.


Any ideas?

what is the problem and why does this keep happen?

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 04:19 AM PDT

We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly.  Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now? And when I click repair now it does not repair anything  so therefor I am still having the problem.
Thank you
Cora Bailey