

Microsoft CRM - Times and Dates

Microsoft CRM - Times and Dates

Times and Dates

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 04:15 PM PST

I'm needing the time displayed on a form so it can be edited.

"Gary" <com> wrote in message

Developer Components for MS CRM

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 01:34 PM PST

But Gary, he obviously works for the company that's why
he's posted 2 different posts about this. In the other
he claimed it was very easy to use. In this one he asks
if anyone's tried it.
that......besides, most of 
introduced "Components" for MS CRM. 
components for 
ons. ASP.NET 
and VB.NET 

Workflow Email Template

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 11:30 AM PST

It also has to be a manual step or it will execut automatically...

Pierre Hulsebus |

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

CRM Not finding local server in the deployment app

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 08:35 AM PST

The steps are outlined in the implementation guide. This is
definately a product where you need to follow the steps very

Basically, you go into the web interface, go into settings, business
units, users, select you admin user and then assign a license via the
License tab.


On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 09:17:54 -0800,
<> wrote:

I guess i missed the web license. where is it located and
what steps need to be performed. Appreciate the responce.. 
the web 

Emailing all contacts in selected accounts

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 08:16 AM PST

ooooh....I see, well.....I guess Advanced find isn't that
advanced........well, if you knew which accounts, you could filter contacts
that were associated with said account, but thats not what you want, but it
is closer....

I think you might just have to write an app via the SDK, which shouldn't be
that difficult,...what you want isn't very complex


"Derek Peeling" <> wrote in message
The thing is, I want to find the people using information only found in the
account record. 
those Accounts. 
E-Mail, it sends the message only to the email address in the account but
not to the contacts associated with that account. If I'm not mistaken... 

Importing into CRM

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 07:51 AM PST

or use the DMF for free and important all said formats and then some!


"Pierre Hulsebus" <com> wrote in message

on_change() event for text fields

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 07:47 AM PST

Hi Steve, you can absolutley do this, but it's not officially supported. It
works at the schema/form level, but there is no UI tool that helps you do

1) Export your schema from deployment manager
2) Manually add events to the desired for fields (using existing field
events as examples). Be carefull not to break your schema!
3) Re-import your schema.

I'd do it on a test system first.


"Steve" <com> wrote in message

Recover licences

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 07:33 AM PST

You have to do this through the SQL Server Query Analyzer. If you are
not comfortable doing this DON'T DO IT. Also, back up your database
before running any scripts. Here's the directions for removing the
1) Load Query Analyzer
2) Copy the table SystemUserLicenses to SystemUserLicensesB
-> Select * into SystemUserLicensesB from SystemUserLicenses
3) List the contents of SystemUserBase, ordered by Full Name
-> Select * from SystemUserBase order by FullName
4) Locate the user you want to delete
5) Copy the SystemUserID of the user to memory
6) Delete the License entry in SystemUserLicenses
-> Delete SystemUserLicenses where SystemUserID = '{insert
SystemUserID here}'
NOTE: the ' and {} are required as part of the string.

Again, if anything is not clear or you do not feel comfortable doing
this, STOP.

What is the technical reason for native mode requirement of the domain?

Posted: 19 Feb 2004 12:58 AM PST


Sorry but OU's are available in AD in every mode i.e you
don't need to be in native mode to use OU's.



MS CRM Email Error

Posted: 18 Feb 2004 07:16 PM PST


I cannot navigate to teh URL from any browser. As for
SSL, I'm not sure. Do you know a quick way for me to

Thanks for your help.

the CRM Server? 




Reusing the MSCRM grid controll .....

Posted: 18 Feb 2004 10:24 AM PST

Customer Effective ( developed
"Components" for CRM
A collection of more than 12 development components for extending
Microsoft CRM for custom application add-ons. ASP.NET components are
provided for user interface development and VB.NET components are
provided for data access and synchronization.

very easy to use and rather inexpensive

"Gary" <com> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>...