

Microsoft Word - Word 2003: Make table gridlines lighter

Microsoft Word - Word 2003: Make table gridlines lighter

Word 2003: Make table gridlines lighter

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 02:21 PM PST

In word 2003, I would like to make the table gridlines lighter.  I don't the table to have actual borders (nor do I want to change any borders already set, including edges that have no visible borders).  I just want the gridlines to be lighter when their visibility is activated.  Is this possible in Word 2003?

when typing in Word 2007, only lower half of letter appears????

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 07:36 AM PST

When typing in Word 2007, only the lower half of each letter appears. What is causing this? I have seemingly tried everything. Thanks for a reply.

my laptop works with windows 8 and l have installed a microsoft office student 2007, so l tried to open a file and they asked me to buy an office 2010. what l have to do?

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 02:34 AM PST

I have installed a Microsoft office student 2007 on my system operative windows 8. When l tried to open a file, the system ask me to buy an office 2010.What l have to do? l need to open a file urgently. Please ,find out to sort this question.

Unremovable Black Lines in Word 2007, Windows 7- Not paragraph borders or autocorrect lines

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 04:05 PM PST

These lines are driving me crazy. I had to bring a pdf into Word, and it was ugly. Really ugly. Even online converters didn't work well. At any rate, what I have in Word has these terrible ugly lines that I can't delete. They aren't the auto dash, or auto = lines that get get created. They also aren't page or paragraph borders.

Take a look at pages 20, 21, and 23.!163&authkey=!ALESzHPEWXgNnqU

The workaround I had to do was copy to Wordpad, and recopy to Word but it lost a lot and was a headache.

Thoughts on what this is?


I have office 2007 SMB. It has started to crash whenever I 'save as'.

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 11:00 AM PST

I have office 2007 SMB. It has started to crash whenever I 'save as'. I have tried reinstalling without success.


It affects Word Excel and Powerpoint 

how do I restart/re-install Autoformat in MS Word 2007?

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 09:31 AM PST

when an ms service agent installed Windows 7 one of the things that happened is that my icon in MS Word 2007 went missing.

can someone please tell me how to start it again, or re-install it?



Page Numbering when inserting additional pages

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 02:42 AM PST

I have a 10 page document, page numbers 1-10. I need to insert 3 pages after page 3. These pages are to be numbered 3a,3b,3c. The page numbering would then continue 4-10.
Any ideas how to insert a field to achieve this would be appreciated?

The original page  numbers must remain.


Does anyone know how to include the IMB barcode in a mailmerge document?

Posted: 04 Jan 2013 01:26 PM PST

I have downloaded the font from the USPS needed to print the IMB barcode.  I have been unsuccessful in merging the barcode into the Word 2010 document. 


How could I inform the appropriate persons about a grammar error in MS Word 2010?

Posted: 04 Jan 2013 12:45 PM PST

I wrote a sentence which read, as follows: Naomi and Adam live in the Valley with their four children, the oldest of whom is 16.  

The word, whom, was underlined with the little squiggly green line. I was curious to see why, so I right clicked and saw the suggestion that I change the word to who. Still curious, I clicked on "grammar" to see why, and I got the same suggestion. Undaunted, I clicked on "explain" to see why, and I got the following:

"Who" or "Whom"

Use "who" or "whoever" as a subject in a sentence. Use "whom" or "whomever" as an object or after a preposition.

  • Instead of: Whom reads the magazine?
  • Consider: Who reads the magazine?
  • Instead of: Tell it to whomever lost the book.
  • Consider: Tell it to whoever lost the book.

 Ok! Now I am confused. is the word, whom, in my original sentence not the object of the preposition, of? Am I wrong, or is MSN wrong? Please explain.


Thank you for your time.

i can't open the blank word document

Posted: 03 Jan 2013 03:37 PM PST

Hi, I recently I upgraded to W8, immediately after this upgrade I realised that the blank new word document never open when the edited one is also open. What actually happens here is I can open the edited document without any problem, and if I close the edited doc and start word it will open with no problem. But the **** here comes when the edited doc is open, the new blank word doc after starting word will never open instead the edited one will pop up. It's like the edited one swallows the new blank word. The same happen when the new blank word is open and you open an edited word file, this edited will open by swallowing the blank one. Please am real distracted and I need a help, if there is one out there with a solution plz help me to get rid of this. I posted the problem on MS Office forum but it seems the problem is connected to W8 OS. That's why am posting it here. Thanks, Mataba,G.

problems with microsoft word

Posted: 02 Jan 2013 02:50 PM PST

I have installed office Home and Student 2010 on a windows 7 but I can't open Microsoft Word, I have reinstalled and it still doen't work.

Cannot create files with Office 2010 after trying Office 2013

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 03:04 PM PST

Original Title: "Trial Version"


I tried out Office 2013 and found that I had to use my Office 2010 Teacher and Student software. Apparently Microsoft didn't agree with that and stopped my use of my paid for version of 2010. Now I can't create files, etc. and have to go the "Trust Center" or some other sadly misnamed Microsoft creation which does NOT allow me to create my own files.


Thanks for nothing.

"find" in Microsoft Word Web App

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 09:09 AM PST

Using the Microsoft Word webapp.   Need to search through the document for a particular word.  Cannot locate the "word find" feature.  Guidance sought.