

Microsoft Word - How do I know the width/height of a table column?

Microsoft Word - How do I know the width/height of a table column?

How do I know the width/height of a table column?

Posted: 22 Dec 2012 01:16 PM PST


I can't find it, but when you are in a table column, and you click on Table Properties, isn't there any place where it says "This column is x inches high and y inches wide?


Hans L

Automatically Updating Tooltip Text

Posted: 19 Dec 2012 06:25 AM PST

Hello everyone,

I have a document with defined terms in a definition section.  When those terms are used later in the document, I would like to hyperlink back to the definition, and have a tooltip with the text of the definition pop-up as well.

The problem is, the definitions are likely to change, and I'd like to avoid updating a dozen+ tooltips each time I need to tweak a definition.  Is there any way to set things up so that the tooltip text automatically updates?  Alternatively, is there any work arounds (such as a small pop-up window or frame) that I could use to refer back to the definition without having to constantly navigate around the document.


In microsoft word I did custom margins for a quote. When I go to print, it prints only one letter per line.

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 08:07 AM PST

Every time I do a 3 inch margin it won't print, it prints only one letter at a time, I have tried copying and pasting it to other documents and nothing will help fix it.

The operating system is not presently configured to run this application

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 09:13 AM PST

Original Title: "HELP!"

I presently have Windows 7 on my desktop computer.  My external hard drive documents were created in Windows XP.  When trying to read my documents on word I get the error message:  The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.  What do I do?

Jak zwiększyć liczbę w "Niedawno używane pliki"

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 05:20 AM PST

Mam pytanie odnośnie Worda. Jak mogę zwiększyć ilość otwartych ostatnio otwartych plików w oknie "Niedawno używane pliki:"? Domyślnie ta liczba może być od 0 do 9. Natomiast ja chciałbym ich mieć więcej, np. 20. Używam Word 2003.