

Office 2003 cab error - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 cab error - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 cab error

Posted: 29 Sep 2008 10:29 AM PDT

Yep. Call the OEM that supplied the disk for further info


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"FunInPA" <> wrote in message news:com... 

Office pro 2003 Front page install

Posted: 27 Sep 2008 12:33 AM PDT

Oh sorry, that is the way that I have been using the programs. I have been
using frontpage 2002, and then have all other programs installed from office
2003. Thank you all for your help.

"Alias" wrote:

Office Deployment via GPMC

Posted: 23 Sep 2008 05:11 PM PDT

I am deploying office 2007 via Group Policy. I have created a network share
on the root of C drive on that server which contains all of the Office 2007
files. So I am looking for the msi file that I put in the group policy via
assign method.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Where do I copy my clipart?

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 03:53 PM PDT

This article is for the 2002 Organizer, but it hasn't changed much

How to redirect Clip Organizer file paths in Clip Organizer 2002

Mary Sauer

"RBCC" <> wrote in message

Office 2007 not recognizing any files after setup

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 02:36 PM PDT

If you have Office 2007 installed and you then insert the cd you will be
prompted to either repair or ammend
If you elected to install it would appear you may have installed a parrellel
installation, as per renaming reg entries.
All of which was unneccessary if you had chosen to repair, so I'm left
guessing as to what you actually did.

"TS" <> wrote in message

enterprise trial 2007 install failure

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 07:14 AM PDT

That Trial download was dated 12\14\06. It is not valid now.

Now you know why I asked and now you know the reason why it will not install

Also it states the following

This Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 software evaluation program is appropriate for Developers and IT Professionals. In order to take advantage of this Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 evaluation program, you will need to first register to obtain a trial product key.

To obtain a product key visit the following sites:
a.. Developers
b.. IT Professionals


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"giwatcher" <> wrote in message news:com... 

Using storebought Office disc instead of what's on the new compute

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 04:14 AM PDT

Uninstall all versions of Office correctly, then reinstall from the disk
using that product key.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"lauren.teacher" <> wrote in message

Can't get update to work

Posted: 18 Sep 2008 04:47 PM PDT


"ohnonotnow!" <> wrote in message

How can I move Office products from c: drive to e: drive?

Posted: 17 Sep 2008 02:08 PM PDT

Besides which there are other things that can be done to free up space, as
moving some programs is but a temporary fix
eg search for how to move the Doents folder

"mmullin" <> wrote in message

Startup bar

Posted: 17 Sep 2008 07:29 AM PDT

If you are on a laptop click and drag it back to the bottom

"Diamond" wrote:

How to force my PC to link to Office 2003 instead of 2007

Posted: 16 Sep 2008 11:29 AM PDT

In order to read a 2007 format file you would need to install the
compatibility pack - at least I think thats what its called - ie a pack that
enables 2003 to view 2007 formated files

"Office 2003 lover" <> wrote in
message news:com... 

EULA keeps displaying

Posted: 16 Sep 2008 12:43 AM PDT

Go to Control Panel --> User Accounts and turn-off User Account Control.
Restart your computer, start an Office program, accept the EULA, restart an
Office program to make sure EULA doesn't pop-up, go back to User Accounts
and turn User Account Control on, then restart your computer once again.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Desktop Experience -
Windows Vista Enthusiast


"Donald Campbell" <> wrote in message

New Laptop that had the 2007 trial on. Youngster did not like it, so it
was removed, Office 2003 SBE purchased and installed.

Problem is that it always displays the EULA when ever you run an Office

Any ideas?

Microsoft Office Professional 2007

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 02:46 PM PDT

Go out and buy it


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"ankita" <com> wrote in message news:com... 

How can I re-activate without my code?

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:52 AM PDT

No help now, but just goes to show how important backups of data & software
downloads & keys are

"sparkie1969" <> wrote in message

Forms do not retain data entered

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:11 AM PDT


You have multiposted this and on top of that you did by hijacking other peoples post in each and every instance.

Please start your own post and do not multipost by hijacking someone else's thread


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"cassie" <> wrote in message news:com... 

transfer to desktop

Posted: 15 Sep 2008 05:22 AM PDT

Note to LISAC, the EULA is the license agreement, You know that box you
clicked on when installing that had 20 pages of legal sounding stuff that no
one ever reads.

"Alias" <com> wrote in message

Joseph Meehan

Dia 's Muire duit

Office 2007 Home and Student Installation

Posted: 14 Sep 2008 04:16 PM PDT

Can you open Word at all?


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"cassie" <> wrote in message

can I download office on 2 computers at home

Posted: 14 Sep 2008 02:28 PM PDT

Download or install. ?? Is this a Trial version that you want to install on the 2 systems ??


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"inquiring mind" <inquiring> wrote in message news:com... 

Installing sm bus office

Posted: 14 Sep 2008 12:51 AM PDT

Office sm bus, is a specifice version of Office, if you have Office sm bus,
depending on version it may comprise of two cd's

"FLOWERMOM" <> wrote in message

incorrect product key HELP!!!!!!!

Posted: 13 Sep 2008 11:41 AM PDT

I also have the same problem and I despertly need this program for college
any advice

"genius" wrote:

Trying to setup via network share

Posted: 12 Sep 2008 11:49 AM PDT

Thanks LV; I will try to copy each disk to a folder and share. I do not know
the version of the floppies, but I do know I have done this at least twice on
other computers in the past, including my PC and the floppies have allowed me
to upgrade using the 2003 upgrade CD.

"LVTravel" wrote:

SP3 install cancelled - now Office won't run

Posted: 12 Sep 2008 06:58 AM PDT

well on the advice of others for a different application, it worked for me.

and it beats ransacking the house for discs, too.


"Peter Foldes" wrote:

Office 2007 keeps reinstalling at each startup of program

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 07:49 AM PDT

Thanks, Peter, for the link. I've downloaded the cleanup utility, but found
nothing to remove (Office specifically) after uninstalling Version 2007 -
After reinstalling Office again, the same problem is still present.

I'm open to aother options...


"Peter Foldes" wrote:

Overriding trial version of Word 2007

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 07:29 AM PDT

You have to uninstall the trial

"Veronica" <> wrote in message
news:com... missing - upgrading from 2003 Pro to 2007 Std

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 12:58 AM PDT

Thank you! Not only did your solution work for Excel, but with a slight
modification it worked on my Outlook which was also demonstrating the same
error message.

"Peter Foldes" wrote:

Microsoft CRM - Installing Crystal Reports for MSCRM

Microsoft CRM - Installing Crystal Reports for MSCRM

Installing Crystal Reports for MSCRM

Posted: 05 Oct 2005 06:49 AM PDT

Yes, the CD lets Crystal see the Microsoft CRM database in a usable way.
Otherwise you would need to create a connection directly to SQL and try to
make sense of the lowest level tables in CRM. (CRM uses a meta-layer to
present the data, and this is what you will be connecting to with the Crystal

By the way, the next version of CRM, while still supporting Crystal, will be
using SQL Reporting Services - much more powerful and, of course, a Microsoft
Matt Wittemann

"Ben" wrote:

CRM Security Service not starting on reboot

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 01:03 PM PDT

Thanks for your reply Jani. That's interesting that changing the account
solved the problem. However, I'd rather not create an account for this
service or use the administrator account.

Yesterday, as a work around, I decided to set up a scheduled task to start
the service for me 20 minutes after the scheduled reboot. That seems to have
done, because the server rebooted last nigth and all was well this morning,
but I'd still like to get to the bottom of the issue.

Thanks again for your post.


"Jani Ervast" wrote:

CRM 1.2 & SQL Reporting Services

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 12:43 PM PDT

I know I also had some problems installing rs and crm on the same box. But I
have managed to get rs to create a new iis website. If I recall correctly
all I did was rename the default website, and set a hostheader.

"Jefffff" <> wrote in message

delete permission

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 10:25 AM PDT

Sad, but true. However, since the Quote was "activated", then it became
read only, except for marking it as won, etc. From a historical
perspective, it should be revised prior to flagging as won.


Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

"Bobby" <> wrote in message
replying to my own post...if a user s up the pricing on a Quote and
"Won" is this product seriously not allowing me to go back in to that won
quote and revise it? It was an honest mistake by the sales rep!

"Bobby" wrote:

Column limit

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 09:56 AM PDT

could you please post the event viewer message?

Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands

"GDaxon" wrote:

converting leads to opportunities

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 09:48 AM PDT

You could remove the map from the Lead to Opportunity on the Owner field.
Haven't tried this myself, but it might do the trick.


Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

"Bobby" <> wrote in message
That does make sense, but I have a house full of upset Sales Execs who want
to go with another system because of the number of steps involved to do
anything in this product. I'm trying to automate everything I can to gain
user acceptance.

Thank you for your help though.

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Can't send direct email after moving user to another business unit

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 07:53 AM PDT

If you meant by descriptors the security roles for that user, he has a
business unit access level to append for the activities and append to for the
object he is trying to send to. and he is the owner of that object anyways.
Does he need any more permissions??

Thanks for your reply

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Upgrading CDF Database's from 1.0 to 1.2

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 06:20 AM PDT

Hi Matt,

Glad to here from you again.
I donwloaded a patch 831202 which corrects the database version problems for
the DMT, but had to change the Version numbers in the registry for the
Database from 1.2.3297.101 to 1.2.3297.0 to apply it.
All is working fine. I just need to review the doentation on the DMT
before i use it.
Matt, do you know of any way besides a addon utility that i can import
Contacts into the CRM without creating duplicates?


"Matt Parks" wrote:

duplicates contacts on Import

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 01:37 AM PDT


I need to upgrade the CDF database from ver 1.0 to ver 1.2 in the Microsoft
I don't suppose you have an active link to this?

"CRM Expert" wrote:

customizing CRM pages

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 03:42 PM PDT

Hi Jack,

For MS CRM 3.0 Beta , you have to asked privately from microsoft. As
currently only allowed for the special partners. mail me com

Microsoft CRM Expert - MVP - CRM & .Net

"????" wrote:

Hide a Field

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 02:37 PM PDT

You can add some javascript tot he bottom of the .asx page that sets the
control to hidden. This is not supported though.


Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

"Cayla" <> wrote in message
I know how you can remove fields from the forms in System Customization.
is there a way to leave the field on the form but hide it from the user?


"Matt Parks" wrote:

Generate emails automatically

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 01:16 PM PDT

The workflow component is something we hadn't used. I figured out my problem
using workflow yesterday. Thanks for the response though.

"MattNC" wrote:

You have reached the maximum amount of tabs for this form.

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 08:55 AM PDT


Still same.. but might be in final release microsoft people will work on it
and give more .. Still 8 tabes allowed on the form.

Microsoft CRM Expert - MVP - CRM & .Net

All about Microsoft CRM 3.0- read

"GDaxon" wrote:

Web Login Problem

Posted: 02 Oct 2005 03:11 PM PDT

Hi Mike,

Did applying the rollup make any difference at all? If not, could you
please attach a screen shot of the error message, along with the event logs
from the CRM server and I will review them to see what I can find.

Thank you!

Users Can't Log-in

Posted: 01 Oct 2005 11:40 AM PDT

Internet Explorer has a build in pop-up blocker as you might know.
Try adding the URL of the CRM site to the pop-up blocker in the list of
allowed sites.
You can also try to add the URL of the CRM site to the Trusted Sites, or
Local Intranet security groups in Internet Explorer.



"mt4bass" <com> wrote in message

Problem publishing changes

Posted: 30 Sep 2005 01:05 PM PDT


Thanks for the responds, but as i posted in my previous post we already
checked this.
We only have one website, which is named Microsoft CRM Version 1.2, on port
80. The host header of that website is blank.

I also do not see what any of these settings would make the generated XSL
templates corrupt.



"Cayla" <> wrote in message

Sales for Outlook, CRM Appointment lost one tab

Posted: 30 Sep 2005 12:28 AM PDT

Thank you from quick reply.

I might have little problem here, custom forms is completely empty.

Perhaps it is best that I re-install outlook client at this point.

Also something wrong with SQL part as CRM is pointing directly at
<ourserver> not <ourserver>\CRM

I did have lot of problems when installing, I think that I have installed
CRM around 20 times, everytime I got different result, now it works via web
browser so I don't like touching CRM installation again ;)

One odd thing is that when installing I did choose http://<ourserver>/crm
but still it is accessible only from http://companyweb

Maybe because of these oddities our Outlook client won't work properly,
funny thing is that it did work one day and after clearing cache it worked
another day, until it finally lost all forms.

CRM is kind of magical piece of software :)

"Leo Merikallio" <com> wrote in message 

Failed to add new String attribute ??

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 06:54 PM PDT


The next version does solve this issue. They have decided to separate the
attribute tables into a systemgenerated and an usergenerated table.
Furthermore does the user get the possibility to delete attribute fields from
crm. Yes, in theory it is still possible to get to that limit, but that
wouldn't be a regular system anymore.

With kind regards,

Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands

"Wan" wrote:

CRM 1.2 Post Event COM+ Handler

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 11:18 AM PDT

Got it working now! Our post-event handler is capturing the Create,
Modify, Delete events.

At first I thought it had something to do with the COM+ object, GUID,
permissions, or some combination. But the confusion for me (and the
reason our COM+ object wasn't getting called) came down to the SQL
script...the following is an excerpt which updates the EventMask for
the specific ObjectType code (in this case 3=Opportunity, 4=Lead, ...
see the CRM 1.2 SDK for the full listing):

-- ... OTHER SCRIPT...

--Opportunity (post-create, post-update, post-delete)
select @entityid = EntityId from Entity where ObjectTypeCode = 3
update Entity set EventMask = 1 where ObjectTypeCode = 3

insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,
CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values
(2, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)
insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,
CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values
(8, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)
insert into EntityEventSubscribers(EventId, EntityId, SubscriberId,
CalloutOrder, IsEnable, IsAsyncHandler) values
(32, @entityid, @subscriberid, 0, 1, 0)


birdwellmusic wrote: 

Security: Assign To Queue But Not Users

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 10:46 AM PDT

Will give that a try! Thanks.

Permission Error in CRM Web based Application

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 07:04 AM PDT

This is part of patch for Microsoft CRM. Rollup-1 it is called. I
just installed yesterday.

currency maximum value goes beyond limit 100 billion ?

Posted: 28 Sep 2005 11:03 PM PDT

UNcleb, Thanks for your suggestion... Well, that tolerant with the CRM
limitation if customer allow. But in finance, each number is important and
futhermore there will be alot of multiplication and division calculations
involved in those fields which need high precision. Any say from Microsoft ?

Apart from that, i wonder why the float data type has the same max value as
integer. I thuoght it should be much higher ?? Any data type has high max
value ?

"UncleB" wrote:

Customer Service Reps and Quotes

Posted: 28 Sep 2005 05:28 PM PDT

In our organization we have sales reps and customer service reps. Our
CS reps upsell clients and assist in value added services.

Sales reps have only the "salesperson" role(under the Roles tab) and a
sales license(under the License tab) of the user settings.

Our CS reps have 2 roles "CSR" and "salesperson". They have a Sales
and CS license. For us this is combined in the Professional Suite
License (which is Sales + Support). Hope that helps.

copy setting between 2 instalations

Posted: 28 Sep 2005 01:34 PM PDT

Thanks Ronald

"Ronald Lemmen" wrote:

Error Adding Users to CRM

Posted: 28 Sep 2005 01:05 PM PDT

There is one user added to the CRM System now and I have tried getting that
user to access CRM via and IP number. However, the user
receives a message stating that an error has occurred. Please contact your
system administrator.

I was going to see if she could access the system and add a user, but no luck.

I don't know if something is wrong with the install as a whole and it should
be reinstalled or if this is just something minor that can be resolved??

Please advise.

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Word for IPAD not syncing my dropbox files

Microsoft Word - Word for IPAD not syncing my dropbox files

Word for IPAD not syncing my dropbox files

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 02:50 PM PST

I just setup Word for IPAD and linked my Dropbox account to it, but none of the files show up from DropBox in Open on Word for IPad.  Any ideas what may be wrong?  If I go into my DropBox account on the IPAD they all appear there.  Have I missed some security item on the IPAD or Word that needs to be set?

Brian H.

If two autotexts are named the same (in two different templates), which one will get used?

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 02:15 PM PST

Hi all,

I inherited a lot of templates set up by another IT admin.   For autotexts, there is a bit of a "poor design" built in to some of them (might have been okay under Word 2003 but this company has now switched to 2010 mostly).

- Global template has an autotext named "Sun" which gets expanded to "Sun Life..." and it's address along with a general Attention: name

- Specific template has an autotext also named "Sun" which gets expanded to "Sun Life" but this time with a specific department related to the specific template

Users sometimes seem to have problems and before I make changes, I wondered if there is a hierarchy as to which autotext Word will use if there is more than one loaded for the same name.  If Word always takes the one from the specific template, all would be good as it is only used in a few (out of 150) templates.  So if the specific template does not have the autotext, the user can still use the "generic" name and address it would get from the global template.

But if Word does something "random", then I have got to get them to come up with another naming scheme that works for them.


Albert Gostick

Template no longer there

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 01:09 PM PST

Every term, when I teach Word 2010, I have always shown my favorite template by doing the following:

File, New, Letters, Cover Letters - and then selected Resume Cover Letter for Entry Level Position

This term, when I went to File, New, Letters, the Cover Letter folder is no longer there and neither is that template I mentioned above.  I thought that, perhaps, the folder got trashed when I was having other problems with my PC but our school help desk person doesn't have it either.

Can Microsoft delete stuff like this during an upgrade done in the background? By the way, the template had a 1998 McGraw Hill copyright at the end of it so I'm wondering if that had something to do with it.

It seems that all the Cover Letter templates are now online rather than on the PC.  (they are not as good as the one I mentioned above)

Word Tables -Displaying the content of one table cell in a cell in another table.

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 12:55 PM PST

I have designed a document change management template using a table at the top of the page to capture the document details policy/document name, author, approval and revision date.  Because most documents created in this template will be more than one page long, I needed to add a footer at the bottom that references the subsequent pages to the first page for document integrity (appeasing our auditors).  So for that footer, i've created another table using a field to reflect the file name and path, the page number and the revision date.  I'd like to have the revision date in the table at the top of page one automatically populated in the revision date cell of the footer table.  That way the footer data would be totally need for our users to touch it.

This kind of cell data sharing is easily accomplished in Excel with a simple "+C3' formula where C3 is the cell address of the source data.  Is there any way to do the same operation in a Word table?  Closest thing I could find in the topics so far suggested User Form functions, which is really convoluted and would undoubtedly get messed up by the many people using the form.


Is it possible to view/edit as HTML?

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 12:13 PM PST

It's possible to save a word doc as web page but

Is it possible to view/edit as HTML?

Office License Validation

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 09:56 AM PST

Should an Office Professional Plus 2013 license ever be validated by the Software Protection service or should it always be validated by the Office Software Protection Platform service.

The reason I ask is that I have a legacy application that embeds a Microsoft Word instance via OLE that is experiencing some problems on certain machines (but not others) in Windows 7/Office 2013 environment.  For computers that experience problems, I've noticed that Event Viewer shows The Software Protection service launches when we host the document.  It starts up correctly but then it fails with "Unable to get detailed error information during license consumption.  Last error 0xC004F015".  The Word instance then appears to crash or the process ends.  In some instances afterwards, Word will prompt the user to repair the installation afterwards.

On computers that work correctly instead of the Software Protection Service, I see the Office Protection service launch and correctly validate the license. 

Word and the other Office products are able to launch standalone and work fine both on computers that experience the problem and those that don't.

How to use a MultiLevel list for a Survey

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 09:07 AM PST


I need create a survey and although Level 1 remains constant (1,2,3, etc.) Level 2 can change from question to question ( Circle for a single response and a Square for a Multi Response).  Appreciate your response.

Thank you

Word from Office 365 Crashing

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 08:54 AM PST

I have office 365.  When ever I try and open a document from my email - I get the error "We are Sorry but word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to close'   and I have 3 buttons "repair now' Help & close.  I keep hitting repair now.. but it doesn't seem to be doing any repair.  I try and open the document again, and I get the same error. over and over and over

I'm getting cranky... How can I avoid.. well both :)

Microsoft Office Professional 2013 Not Working with Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview Build 9926

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 08:05 AM PST

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview Build 9926 through the Windows Updater in Windows 8.1. After previously downgrading from Technical Preview, I installed Office 2013 and then upgraded to Technical Preview again. Whenever I try to start any Office program, I get the Welcome screen, click Blank Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, etc., and then I get the messages (the following apply to Word):

Microsoft Word has stopped working. Windows is looking for a solution to the program...

Microsoft Word has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

I have had the same problem with Word 2010 when I previously used Technical Preview. Is there any way I could get Office to work again?

Thank you!


Pictures inserted into Word are printing but not showing up on my screen

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 07:18 AM PST

I am working on a property brochure for work. My document has images, tables, text, etc. I have copied and pasted QR codes (images) from a website into my document. Well, two of those codes are randomly printing out on page 11, no matter what I do, I can't get them to show up on my screen so I can delete them.  I have moved all of my work into a new document but, alas the codes print in the exact same spot. I did copy and paste only the text/info that was on page 11 in a new document then printed it and the QR code images did not print on that page. What can I do? I'm at a complete and utter loss!

copy/pasting from WORD put extraneous characters in another application

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 06:12 AM PST


I used to copy/paste parts of text in WORD to an application (Reference Manager V12).  Since I'm using WORD 2013, the paste results in copying not only the text but also additional information that my application does not understand.

As an example, I write in WORD "123123" and make a copy.  Then I paste it in the application and here is what I get:

PrFont34Bin0BinSub0Frac0Def1Margin0Margin0Jc1Indent1440Lim0Lim1123123 ...

How do I copy without these extraneous characters ?

This only occurs with WORD, not if I copy/paste from Excel or PowerPoint, or if I copy first in NotePad and then make a copy/paste from there. 

Word 1.6 for iOS still loses my data

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 06:06 AM PST

As discussed here...

the iOS Word apps on my devices lose anything that's typed with QuickType.  It gives the illusion of working, but text is missing when I load the document again--even on the same device. 

I'm guessing this only affects me, since no one else has commented on the thread. Any ideas for how I can fix it? Do I just have a setting wrong somewhere?

Flow chart will not show text in inserted shape, unless a text box is also inserted.

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 05:05 AM PST

In Word 2010, when I set up a flow chart and insert a shape, and click in the shape, a cursor appears, but when I enter text no text appears.

If the text is spelled wrong, a curly red underline appears to indicate misspelling.  Thus it is apparent that the program recognizes that text is being entered.

Clicking on "no fill" does not cause the text to be displayed.  Nor does altering the alignment of the text.

OF COURSE, inserting a text box will provisionally solve the problem.  However, the purpose of the present question is to determine whether inserting a text box is necessary.

When using Format Painter, it adds at the beginning of each paragraph formatted [E-x.x-xx]. How can I make it stop?

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 01:48 AM PST

So i've been trying to change the font (from Arial to Times New Roman) and style of a big document using the wonnderful tool that never failed me before, the magical Format Painter. Until today, when I guess he decided to take a break.

At the beginning of each paragraph it adds this [E-x.x-xx], where x are numbers related to someting, maybe a numbering list? The content formated is not a part of a numbering list.

An example:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit

transforms to

[E-x.x-xx] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit

Anyhow, how can I make it stop? It never happend to me before, and I have no idea how to solve this.


Move Drawing Objects Onto Canvas

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 12:46 AM PST

How do I move a bunch of shapes created in Word 2013 onto a Drawing Canvas? I have a bunch of shapes and don't want to have to created them again so I can put them on a canvas so connectors will work.



Office for iPad and iOS 8 Document picker functionality

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 12:46 AM PST

Hi all,

we want to integrate iPad application with our Office for iPad but with no success yet. Can you please advise if Office for iPad is currently supporting iOS 8 Document picker functionality? If not, then when it will support the integration between Office for iPad and iOS 8 document picker..?

Thank you in advance.

How Do I Center Text Vertically in a Shape

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 12:17 AM PST

I have a rounded rectangle and insert text. How do I get the text to display centred vertically? I tried selecting the text and going to Drawing Tools/Format/Text/Align text, but the centred option doesn't centre the text. It's always a bit above the middle of the box.

Can anyone tell me how to get it to centre correctly?



How do I put a border around two pictures?

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:32 PM PST

I have two separate images that I am using in a document. I am using microsoft word 2010. I have the images sitting next to each other right now, but how can i put a border around the two images?

Serious lag when entering text in form in Microsoft 2010

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:34 PM PST

I have several plain text text controls inserted using the controls toolbox on the Developers tab on a document. After protecting the document to only allow filling in forms, upon saving and repopening the file, there is a serious and random lag in when the user clicks on the text control and when the control responds with entered text appearing on the screen.  When the editing restrictions are lifted, there is no lag. The only other type of control I have in the document are radio buttons.

Background information:

  • Disabled all add ins (Word and COM)
  • No other VBA macros are running in the background
  • OS is Windows 7 Professional
  • Thin client configuration
  • Operating over network in office at work

I am looking for the theme called metropolitan in word 2013 need help asap please

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:15 PM PST

I just bought 2013 only half word 2007 before have an assignment due tomorrow in the morning and shsee to use normal with the theme of metropolitan I have searched and searched for 2 hours for an answer. Please help thanks 

Word 2013 - Featured Templates display Chinese templates

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 06:47 PM PST

I have a user that has somehow mangled the default 'Featured' Templates view.  WIndows 7 Professional OS / Word 2013 (Office Professional 2013).  Clicking on 'New', she gets a list of templates in Chinese (other than the default 'Blank Document' template.  I checked her language setting.  The 'editing' language is set to English, and the 'Display and Help Languages' are both set to 'Match Microsoft Windows (default)' and 'Match Display Language (default)'. 

Excel/PowerPoint template options display in English.

I did a full 'Online Repair' to see if it would correct the problem - and it didn't.

Any ideas?

Word 2013 not displaying all pages in edit mode

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 06:26 PM PST

We have a document with 600+ pages. When viewed online we can see all pages. Once opened in Word 2013 for editing however, we can't. If I use a different view I can but not in print view. This is a major problem as most people cannot work in this document now.

If I convert the file to Word 97 - 2003 then it works. Or if I open the file on my Mac (as it has a different version of Word - Word 2011 Mac) it works. But this is not what we want. We would like all files to work regardless.

Hanging indent on Word for iOS?

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 03:40 PM PST

I haven't been able to figure out how to create a hanging. Indent on the iPad version of Word. Even tryed customer support but they sent me here. Does anyone know how to do it?

Font looks funny in MS Works 9.0 word processor.

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 03:26 PM PST

The font on my Microsoft Works 9.0 word processor looks almost like it's italicized, "o''s aren't completely closed and when I type the "=" it comes out as a long dash. I tried to copy & paste what the = comes out as but, of course it comes out as an equal sign on here:) I tried Alt+V+A but it just shows the paragraph signs. I'm running Windows Vista on a Dell Inspiron 531S.

Thank you,


Recover file

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:21 AM PST

 Firts sorry my english is not tooo good, i was working for few days in a file but I know very dummy i didn't save it, today i was working on it an suddenly word closed, I don't know if by mistake i touch something, all morning i was training different things to recover the document but nothing happen, finally i recovered but the file was notepad and with any word on it, and say the file was crated today, please I need help with that, looks like a did something when i was working on it and I deleted, please is very important, thank you in advance