

Microsoft Word - Where's my Themes

Microsoft Word - Where's my Themes

Where's my Themes

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 02:47 PM PST

I am trying to apply a Theme to a Word 2010 document. I click on the Themes button in the ribbon and choose a Theme but nothing is displayed to show that the Theme was applied. It still looks the same; none of the graphics  show up.

Can not print Word 2007 docs following 34 updates on Dec 10 2014

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 01:54 PM PST

Can not print Microsoft Office Professional Word 2007 docs following 35 updates on Dec 10 2014.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?  Any suggestions?

Page numbers not updating from page to page

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 12:30 PM PST

I have a document with 65 pages. I inserted a page number field in the header using the F9 key, { PAGE }, but the number is the same on all pages. Shouldn't it be changing automatically on each page?

Can't insert a PDF into a Word 2013 document

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 11:09 AM PST

When I try to insert a PDF into a Word 2013 document, I get either an icon that states there is a PDF there or a text box with the title of the PDF. This never happened in any other version of Word I have used.

Can anyone explain how to overcome this?



Auto-populating Content Control (Document Property Quick Part - not document properties) Data in Word 2013

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 10:51 AM PST

i have a Office 2013 question which right now i am going to limit to Word.  i am looking to build some document templates.  i want to create a template document that i can fill in data one time and have it auto-populate throughout the document anywhere that data may be.  this has 2 elements that i am not sure how to do in concert together:

  1. create custom fields with tags that can be placed throughout the document and when i edit anyone of those tags, all other tagged text auto updates.  there is functionality for this already with the content controls under quick parts | document property.  if i add and reuse any of those, updating one will update all areas where that 'document property' is used.  however, when i create custom content controls (let's say for customer), that seems to break the behavior where the data in that 'document property' exists.  so basically, first i am looking for a way to add to the 'document property' items that can be found under Insert | Quick Parts.  if i could only do this one of the three, that would be a huge step forward.
  2. i would like to have all of these 'document property' list items show in a navigation pane in Word.  that way i don't have to go through the document but could rather just update that list in the navigation pane. 

i am not a developer though i have gone as far as downloading visual studio and trying to follow an msdn article.  but my development and tool ignorance is a limiting factor for that being successful.

if the answer is, 'you need custom coding' then i'm okay with that.  if we can do it native Word then that'd be awesome.  i do want to avoid using macros because at times i use these on locked down systems which prevent the use of macros.

very grateful for the help!

also, if anyone has any recommendations for a really thorough Word training class i'd love to know more.

Microsoft Word Printing in different shades of black

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 09:49 AM PST

In a document header I have a single line with black shaded background and abutting it in the document I have a black shaded header with text with an effect on it (glow).

Although they are set to be the same colour, the bar in the header is printing a different shade of grey than the background of the header.

Where the effect of the text appears to be overlapping the bar in the header, that is the same (darker) shade as the header background.

I have had this issue with different versions of Microsoft Office, (currently using both 2010 and 2013), and also with different printers (a Xerox Document Centre and a Canon ImageRunner).

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

I have a document where all of my headers disappeared.

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 08:17 AM PST

What could have caused this, besides my error? I can't see where I could have accidentally hid them or turned them off.

Word for iPad table merge cells?

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 07:31 AM PST

I inserted a table in Word for iPad, but I can't find a way to merge the cells. I need this function desperately. Is there a way to do it? If it is not supported, is there any workaround?

Hyperlinks in Word

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 06:59 AM PST

I have a word document that was sent to me and if you hover over an area in the table of contents it shows 'ctrl click to follow link' and I would like to remove these but if I right click on the line hyperlink does not come up in the drop down list.  Can you tell me how to find the hyperlink to delete.  If this was copied from another document would it show the hyperlink like that but not actually be there.  If I ctrl click they all take me to the top of the page and no matter where I click all of the table of contents is selected. 

First Item of Numbered list Indents Itself

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

When I select "Restart at 1", for a numbered list, the first item of the renumbered list jumps to an indent of 1.5 cm. How can this be rectified?



Track Changes in Word 2013

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 04:11 AM PST

I am trying to work on an edited manuscript (my work, downloaded with editor's changes tracked) but Word stops responding every time I try to accept or reject a change. Does anyone have any ideas how I can address this? Home PC, Windows 8. 

Microsoft Word Conversion

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 04:00 AM PST


Your solution is highly appreciate.

I have the Web Based Document Management System, the System has the three roles 

Here's the User Roles

1. Administrator ( Has the full control on the application )

2. Author : Person who develop the process document and upload in the Web Based Document System for Review

3. Reviewer : Who review the document and approve the document to publish

Once the Author upload the word document in to the Web Portal, The review will receive the document link in grid, Clicking on the link the document should open in PDF viewed in browser.

The word to PDF conversion is working in my local development machine, when i tried to deploy the Office PIA (Primary Interop Assemblies) in staging or production server the Word to PDF conversion is get failed and throw the com exception

Please check us know your comments 



MS Office Upload Ctr

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 01:56 AM PST

I noticed that out of the blue this orange icon appears.  Is this a safe sign?  The cursor also keeps moving and says the USB has stopped working when the only USB attached is the mouse and the printer and both of them are working fine.  Please help as I do not know if this is a manner in which hackers get in?  Also the Send to  OneNote Tool appears in the Task Bar, too.

unexpected error 32809

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 01:14 AM PST

I have a FORM .dotm - works fine on my computer and several others.

when run on another computer I get 'unexpected error 32809' - have no idea why????

Actually shows: Application-defined or Object-defined error - run-time error 32809

the macros on the form are these:

(the funny characters are HEBREW but all works ok)

Private Sub CommandButton11_Click()

With ActiveDocument
     .Shapes(1).Visible = msoFalse
     .Shapes(2).Visible = msoFalse
End With
Call FileSave

End Sub
Sub FileSave()

  If ActiveDocument.Path = "" Then
        Call FileSaveAs
   End If
End Sub
Sub FileSaveAs()
    Dim strTag As String
    Dim strñåâ As String
    Dim strùí_äãéøä As String
    Dim strùí_äîá÷ø As String
    Dim strúàøéê_áé÷åø As String
    Dim strùòú_äáé÷åø As String
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim strFilename As String
    strPath = "\\filesrv\Diur\management\îðäìé úçåîéí\áé÷åøéí áãéøåú\" ' <== change as needed

    strTag = "ñåâ"
    strñåâ = GetCCcontentbyTag(strTag)
    If strñåâ = "**EmptyCC**" Then
        MsgNotReady strTag
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf strñåâ = "**MissingCC**" Then
        MsgMissing strTag
        Exit Sub
    End If
   strTag = "ùí_äãéøä"
    strùí_äãéøä = GetCCcontentbyTag(strTag)
    If strùí_äãéøä = "**EmptyCC**" Then
        MsgNotReady strTag
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf strùí_äãéøä = "**MissingCC**" Then
        MsgMissing strTag
        Exit Sub
    End If
    strTag = "ùí_äîá÷ø"
    strùí_äîá÷ø = GetCCcontentbyTag(strTag)
    If strùí_äîá÷ø = "**EmptyCC**" Then
        MsgNotReady strTag
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf strùí_äîá÷ø = "**MissingCC**" Then
        MsgMissing strTag
        Exit Sub
    End If
    strTag = "úàøéê_áé÷åø"
    strúàøéê_áé÷åø = GetCCcontentbyTag(strTag)
    If strúàøéê_áé÷åø = "**EmptyCC**" Then
        MsgNotReady strTag
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf strúàøéê_áé÷åø = "**MissingCC**" Then
        MsgMissing strTag
        Exit Sub
    End If
    strTag = "ùòú_äáé÷åø"
    strùòú_äáé÷åø = GetCCcontentbyTag(strTag)
    If strùòú_äáé÷åø = "**EmptyCC**" Then
        MsgNotReady strTag
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf strùòú_äáé÷åø = "**MissingCC**" Then
        MsgMissing strTag
        Exit Sub
    End If
    strPath = strPath & strñåâ & "\"
     ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:=strPath & strùí_äãéøä & " " & _
        strùí_äîá÷ø & " " & strúàøéê_áé÷åø & " " & ".pdf", FileFormat:=wdFormatPDF
    Call SendEmail(strPath, strñåâ, strùí_äãéøä, strùí_äîá÷ø, strúàøéê_áé÷åø, strùòú_äáé÷åø)
End Sub
Function GetCCcontentbyTag(theTag As String) As String
    Dim CCs As ContentControls
    Dim CCcontent As String
    Set CCs = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag(theTag)
    If CCs.Count = 0 Then
        ' Should not get here if CCs are marked "cannot be deleted"
        CCcontent = "**MissingCC**"
        If CCs(1).ShowingPlaceholderText Then
            CCcontent = "**EmptyCC**"
            CCcontent = CCs(1).Range.Text
        End If
    End If
    GetCCcontentbyTag = CCcontent
End Function
Sub MsgNotReady(theTag As String)
    Dim strTitle As String
    Dim strMsg As String
    Select Case theTag
        Case "ñåâ"
            strTitle = "ñåâ"
        Case "ùí_äãéøä"
            strTitle = "ùí_äãéøä"
        Case "ùí_äîá÷ø"
            strTitle = "ùí_äîá÷ø"
        Case "úàøéê_áé÷åø"
            strTitle = "úàøéê_áé÷åø"
        Case "ùòú_äáé÷åø"
            strTitle = "ùòú_äáé÷åø"
        Case Else
            ' can't get here except by error
            strTitle = "ìà éãåò"
    End Select
    strMsg = "äúéáä " & strTitle & " öøéëä ëðéñä." & vbCr & _
        "àðà îìà àåúå åìðñåú ùåá ëãé ìùîåø."
    MsgBox strMsg
End Sub
Sub MsgMissing(theTag As String)
    Dim strTitle As String
    Dim strMsg As String
    Select Case theTag
        Case "ñåâ"
            strTitle = "ñåâ"
        Case "ùí_äãéøä"
            strTitle = "ùí_äãéøä"
        Case "ùí_äîá÷ø"
            strTitle = "ùí_äîá÷ø"
        Case "úàøéê_áé÷åø"
            strTitle = "úàøéê_áé÷åø"
        Case "ùòú_äáé÷åø"
            strTitle = "ùòú_äáé÷åø"
        Case Else
            ' can't get here except by error
            strTitle = "ìà éãåò"
    End Select
    strMsg = "äúéáä " & strTitle & " öøéëä ëðéñä." & vbCr & _
        "àðà îìà àåúå åìðñåú ùåá ëãé ìùîåø."
    MsgBox strMsg

End Sub

Sub SendEmail(strPath As String, strñåâ As String, strùí_äãéøä As String, strùí_äîá÷ø As String, strúàøéê_áé÷åø As String, strùòú_äáé÷åø As String)
'Send Email to Offer that file has been created

    strFilename = strPath & strùí_äãéøä & " " & _
        strùí_äîá÷ø & " " & strúàøéê_áé÷åø

    Dim OutApp As Object
    Dim OutMail As Object
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
        With OutMail
            .To = "*** Email address is removed for privacy ***"
            .BCC = "*** Email address is removed for privacy ***"
            .Subject = "ãåç áé÷åø ùì ãéøä " & strùí_äãéøä
            .Body = strFilename
        End With

    Set OutMail = Nothing
    Set OutApp = Nothing

'   Close active document

    Application.Quit SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton111_Click()

End Sub

Problem with specific word form

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 12:37 AM PST


Hi ,

we have problem with invoice form (word file),we can enter all the data except one filed (numeric), the file is secured, but it supposed that the user is able to enter the data, note that the rest of the users have no problem with the file, we tried to reinstall microsoft office 2010, then installing office 2007, and installing office 2013 with same result , on any computer we have no problem except this computer its maybe security settings on the office package, i tried to install hotfixes to remove the registry data , and also tried generate new windows profile with no result,

Please advise.

Can I use my Microsoft account for word on another computer?

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 09:37 PM PST

I recently got a new computer and I want to be able to use the Office programs with out having to repurchase anything. Is there a way I can have my Office account on both of my computers at once?

Compile error in Hidden Module: AZ Wizard Modul in Word 2013

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 08:43 PM PST

I just installed Word 2013 and I'm getting Compile error in hidden module: AZWizardModul every time I open a Word document. I can see the add in by going to File>Options>Add Ins but I can't disable it.

How can I disable the add in or delete it? I am running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1.

Instructions for using Excel Data in a Word document/letter

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 07:35 PM PST

Hi. Very new here.

I do work for several organizations and have been using an old program - Lotus Approach - to store names, addresses, amount the member is to be billed, payment dates, etc. (Approach is a database program.) But while it still runs under Windows 8.1 (which I am running on an iMac), I am always afraid that it won't on the next version of Windows.

I also have MS Office Home installed, so I have MS Word and Excel. I can export the data from Approach easily into an Excel spreadsheet, but that won't give me access to my billing formats (basically in letter form) and various report formats and the ability to print mailing labels.

I believe that I remember that you can export Excel data into Word to print labels and - more importantly - print form letters. Can anyone direct me to somewhere that there are instructions on how to do this?



kindly look in to the discussion:- Weird bug in MS Project 2003 Microsoft Project

kindly look in to the discussion:- Weird bug in MS Project 2003 Microsoft Project

kindly look in to the discussion:- Weird bug in MS Project 2003

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 10:21 PM PST

It is.
What is your point?

"kant" <> wrote in message

How do I set a milestone at the end of a task duration?

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 02:20 PM PST

Bar Styles
Look for the Milestone line
In teh From and To columns replace Start by Finish

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"db8791" <> schreef in bericht

Creating standard report in Project

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 01:16 PM PST

Hi Summer,

Below are two potential approaches you might consider. Play around with
them and discover some of the filtering options so you can set them up the
way you are comfortable. -Bill

My preference for generating these 'reports' is to use the Excel output
feature. Here is an example:

1) Go to File->Save As...->Excel Workbook. Enter a filename, then click
next and choose "Selected Data".
2) Choose "New Map" (once this process is complete, you can choose 'Use
Existing Map')
a) Choose "tasks" (you can play around with resources and assignments
once you get the hang of this). Also, choose "Export includes Headers".
Click Next.
b) In the Destination Worksheet name, type "All Tasks Forecasted to
c) For the filter, choose "Date Range".
d) Add some fields (i.e. Name, Start and Finish)
e) Click Next.
f) Click "Save Map" and type a name like "All Tasks To Begin After..."
g) Click "Save".
h) Click "Finish".
i) Find the Excel file you selected earlier and you will find the
fields output the way you want.

The next time you run the report, use "Selected Map" so you don't have to go
thru all the steps listed above again. Also, during this process, you can
modify the map and save over it (maybe you wish to add more fields, adjust
date filters, etc.)

Another example of this would be to use the out-of-box reports in Project
Server. Modify or create a view in Project Professional and create a filter
to display certain information. This example will step you through
modifying the "Gantt Chart" view to create your reports. I will use the
Sample #1 again.

1) From the View menu, first select "Gantt Chart". Then, also from the View
menu, choose Table->Entry.
2) Add or remove any columns until the data for your report is displayed.
3) Go to View->Reports.
a) You could select a report that already requests a date range, like
Current Activities...->Tasks Starting Soon.
b) You could also continue with the rest of these steps...
4) Choose "Custom"
5) Click "New..." and name the new report "All Tasks To Begin After...".
(next time, your report will show up so you don't need to create a new one
6) Make sure the Table area is set to "Entry" and set the Filter to "Date
Range...". Click OK.
7) Now you can Preview or Run your report.

As you will notice, using out-of-box reports is not quite as flexible as
using Excel. This is because the reports sometimes are difficult to fit on
one page or you want to edit the data or make other modifications that are
difficult unless you are using Excel.

Hope this helps,


William Raymond

"Summer" <> wrote in message

MSProj : Resource Usage View : why is "Text3" column is <empty>

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 10:54 AM PST

Thank you Glen -- the answer is PERFECT.
My PM thanks you a million, too.

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Project 2003 Resource loading

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 10:51 AM PST


Do files in sharepoint have a "normal" address? If yes, you can link them to
a pool on any server they can "see" and that can "see" them.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Woody" <> schreef in bericht
seen at 

high level resource reports

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 10:50 AM PST

Thanks for the fast response. Let's see, any task might have all 4
categories or it might only have 3 or 2 categories. Also, the L (Labor)
category is the only resource group that is broken out by people that needs
to be summed. P, T, and C are already lumped together. To the other question,
Department 2 wants to see all the labor lumped together but since C, P, and T
are already one big "lump" per tasks it does not need to be broken down.
Currently, P, C, and T are resources that were created along with all the
employee names. So in my small example I wrote before our resource sheet

So I think MSP cannot see that the last 3 resource entries are not people
but are unique categories unto themselves. Does that help? Thank you so much
for your continued help!

"John" wrote:

Error Updating Embedded Data Objects

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 10:38 AM PST

I had intended it to be in the powerpoint area right above Project. Mouse
slipped. My appologies.
Fred Garvin
San Antonio, TX

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Financial Week Number Shift Start

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 07:42 AM PST

Thanks John

Shifting the production week won't work in this isnatance as I'm running a
pooled network with multiple projects, which will be ongoing across year
ends. So come September/October next year I'd be back in the same position.

Writing specialist VBA code is beyond my ability at this time and I can ill
afford the time.

So, exporting to Excel and converting the week numbers there was pretty much
where I had got to. Clumsy, but effective!


"John" wrote:

multiple standard working time

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 07:40 AM PST


Concretely you can do it this way:

Through Tools, Change Working time, New, create the number of base calendars
you need to reflect standard times in each geography (you could call them
"Western Europe", "Middle East" etc.)
Then in the resource sheet view, for each reaource, in the "Calendar"
column, select the desired "standard".

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
<com> schreef in bericht 

Updating a Project schedule through an import

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 07:24 AM PST


On top of John's precious advice: if it is really about updating (like
adding figures to work field f.i.) you will definitely need VBA. IMHO that
is the route to take from the start.


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Laura Guffey" <> schreef in bericht

Simple Problem

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 04:48 AM PST

hi jan... thanks for your note. The calculation was set to manual... once i
changed to augomatic everything worked fine!. thanks for help! Lloyd

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

No WBS in Resource Usage view ??

Posted: 03 Jan 2006 01:39 AM PST

There are THREE kinds of text fields, they are not linked to a VIEW but to
Tasks have text fields, Resources have text fields and ASSIGNMENTS have text
Task usage shows Taks and assignments
Resource usage shows resources and assignments
(so task usage DOES NOT show resources and resource usage DOES NOT show
Assignment text fields thus are visible in both views.
Fill a text field (f.i. by coopying from a task field) in the task usage
view and it will be visible in Resource Usage and vce versa.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"kant" <com> schreef in bericht

Get Report to show project name in "Who Does What & When" report

Posted: 02 Jan 2006 01:02 PM PST

Hi John,
Thanks I will use that for now


"John" wrote:

Daily "to do" report

Posted: 02 Jan 2006 10:36 AM PST

Hi Doschmo,

Also, you might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly # 17 & 18 on Multiple Projects, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the articles before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

Automatic date change after a value has exceeded a certain point

Posted: 02 Jan 2006 03:28 AM PST

SO it'll have to be with vba.

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

How do I prevent task numbering of additional rows of same task?

Posted: 02 Jan 2006 01:45 AM PST

Hi M-Squared,

Why not continue the description in the Name field and widen the row to show

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

Task needs simultaneous resources

Posted: 01 Jan 2006 11:39 PM PST


You must have assigned the machine a a material resource instead of a work

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"WillBuochs" <> schreef in bericht
then I 

Project saved as database vs a XML file

Posted: 01 Jan 2006 07:40 AM PST

Sorry once again. It seems that I have found the answer on my own.

To associate a task with a custom cost through an Access database you need to
associate the TASK_UID in the MSP_TASKS table with the NUMBER_REF_UID in the

thanks anyway

"glenn" wrote:

Cost Field vs. Customized Cost Fields

Posted: 31 Dec 2005 09:52 AM PST


First off, thanks to you folks for responding to my sketchy question on how
to handle costs in Project.

I guess I forgot to mention that I am not using resources with any given pay
rate and instead I am just applying a cost for material and labor and
sub-totaling a cost for each task in my own custom field called 'Total Cost'.
It sounds like I will need to transfer these figures into Project's 'Cost'
field with a macro. In so doing, it would be my understanding that I would
be able to have Project's other cost related fields such as 'BCWP', 'BCWS',
'ACWP', 'EAC', 'VAC' and other earned value fields to receive their
respective values as a project's schedule moves forward.

Thanks for the link to the MVP site.

and Thanks for your help...

"Rod Gill" wrote:

Project workaround for Effort-Driven Resourcing Re-Calc Issue

Posted: 30 Dec 2005 01:50 PM PST

Hi extremetray ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #10 Multiple Resource Assignments, at this
site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

extremetray wrote: 

Adminstrative Tasks

Posted: 30 Dec 2005 07:59 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Jeff Cecil" <> wrote:

SJ Digriz,
You're welcome. Just for reference, at our company each program had
their own WBS that defined a structure for our Project files. An actual
charge number (as used by employees on their timecards) was the next
level below the WBS structure used for the program Project files. In
some cases a particular task in a project file might in fact be
represented by a specific charge number, but generally, the charge
numbers were too low a level for tracking in Project - that's what our
financial system did - and it was much better at it. In the case of
support/administrative effort from functional organizations, their
effort would show up in the actuals for the program but there was no
specific task in a program Project file that tracked their support. That
worked because their effort was generally minimal - after all, it was
just support. However any significant effort on the program, including
program management, program business personnel, etc. was represented by
tasks in a Project file. If the effort was not readily measurable, it
was shown and tracked as level-of-effort (LOE).

The above approach allowed us to keep Project files at a manageable
level yet had a full accounting trail for all program costs.

Project MVP 

Earned Value Analysis: 50/50 Technique

Posted: 30 Dec 2005 05:35 AM PST

I agree with Trevor.
And I agree with John. It can balance out, it you have enough
overlapping tasks. Let's take an extreme example of what can happen

Let's say you have one long duration (3 mo.) task that starts 1 month
into the project. While AV is acruing each month, we see no EV acrual
on this task until month 3 (2 months after it started and the first
month after it passed 50% completion). Such a task would work better if
it's a 40/60 or 25/75. Other lower cost tasks will somewhat dilute this
effect. But it could easity obscure some other problem EVA would
normally illuminate. On a 6 mo project, that one month of inaccurate
data could very easily be crucial to overall project success. This is
why granularity is so important in EVA. To some extent, this problem
can be minimized by doing EVA on weekly or bi-weekly basis on short
projects like this. But the issue should be addressed to make sure
you're getting what you need from doing your Earned Value.

Regarding IIS FTP Server

Posted: 30 Dec 2005 04:05 AM PST

Hi Latha,

You could try microsoft.public.vstudio.general.
Good Luck and a Happy New Year:)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Latha wrote: 

create a view like task usage

Posted: 29 Dec 2005 04:19 PM PST

In article <com>,
familyman <nospam> wrote:

For your reference a dynamically consolidated master, (i.e. subprojects
linked to the master, which is the default), does not actually contain
the subproject tasks. The master simply contains a summary line
representing each subproject and a pointer to the actual independent
subproject file. That's why a simple export of the master will only
export data that is resident in the master itself.

There are a couple of ways around this limitation. One is to separately
export each subproject as you mentioned. Another is to use VBA to export
all the data (master and subproject) to another application (e.g. Excel,
Access, etc.). I use that method a lot. You could also use SQL directly
on the Project database, although I've never done that but for
reference, a description of the Project database structure can be found
on your hard drive - look for projdb.htm.

Yet another possibility is to create a static master. With a static
master, the subproject data IS inserted directly into the master and it
becomes one large independent file. However, a static master is a
snapshot in time because the subprojects are no longer linked and to
update, a whole new master needs to be created. External links between
files, if any, are not preserved in a static master unless a special
macro is used to convert them.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP 

Project Professional 2003 Authentication

Posted: 29 Dec 2005 01:56 PM PST

Hi S,

Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

SGibbs wrote: 

Microsoft CRM - Adding New Values to Picklist

Microsoft CRM - Adding New Values to Picklist

Adding New Values to Picklist

Posted: 12 Aug 2005 12:50 PM PDT

trust least everyone on this group has been caught out by this at
least once ;-)

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Rick" <com> wrote in message

Dev environment setup

Posted: 12 Aug 2005 11:16 AM PDT

Thanks for the helpful link.


"MattNC" wrote:

Upgrade from Business Contact Manager

Posted: 12 Aug 2005 05:41 AM PDT

This seamless migration path will come with the next release of Microsoft
CRM ie V3.0. I am not aware off any migration path from BCM to Microsoft CRM

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"James H. Morris" <James H.> wrote in
message news:com... 

Crystal reports 9.2.2 upgrade

Posted: 12 Aug 2005 03:27 AM PDT

not any more. I had a discussion with businessobjects and they would be very
unhappy if mbs were sending out crystal 9.2.2 to everyone who asked. The
correct approach is to go to businessobjects and they will get the crystal
9.2.2 release for you

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"MattNC" <> wrote in message
" " 

Search Results View

Posted: 12 Aug 2005 02:38 AM PDT

Or, you can use the built in functionality:

Home | Settings | System Customization | Accounts | Edit Advanced Find


David L. Carr, President
Visionary Software Consulting, Inc.
Main #: 971-327-6944

To download a fully functional trial version of VAST, (Visionary Audit
System Tools for Microsoft CRM), that tracks all changes made to the
Adventure Works Cycle database, visit

Unable to display the folder - SFO

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 11:13 PM PDT

Hi Kim,

take a look at
Here is the Rollup 1 of MS CRM which include this KB Entry.

The other option which we use if this happend is, under
Help > About Microsoft Office Outlook > Disabled Items
You should find the crmaddin.dll, just enable it, then the toolbar and the
folder will work. Maybe it takes some minutes to reenable and Outlook is not


"Rob Bakkers" wrote:

User form

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 11:12 AM PDT

I think you can use it for importing, I can't recall it being used
internally. I found it strange in the first place that is wasn't in the forms.
Rob Bakkers,
Avanade Netherlands

"com" wrote:

Lead Views - Make the Company's "Name" column resizable??!

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 09:45 AM PDT

No exclamation mark shows in the bottom corner of the screen when I save and
close. The edited company name, as I said will not show in the main leads
view. What now?

Can you answer the first part of my last post?

"Rob Bakkers" wrote:

Deleted Contact Record along with Notes

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 09:36 AM PDT

KMD napsal(a): 

you can restore database with another name. In SQL EM right click on
Databases/All Task/Resotre database, change the name of restored
database and choose right device with MSCRM database backup.

Erik Caha

Changing Workflow from Create to Manual

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 09:26 AM PDT

Thanks I will try that today!! I appreciate the help.

"Craig Todd" wrote:

Contact Methods

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 09:25 AM PDT


FYI: This is what I used and it works perfect:

Dim customization As Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRMCustomization = New
customization.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
customization.Url = strCRMDir + "CRMCustomization.srf"
Dim userAuth As Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CUserAuth = bizUser.WhoAmI()

Dim strResultsXml As String = customization.RetrievePicklist(userAuth,
Microsoft.Crm.Flags.ObjectType.otContact, "preferredcontactmethodcode")

"Rob Bakkers" <> wrote in message

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' 80040e4d

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 08:27 AM PDT

seems it only exists in version 6 and you can't install that on a server 2000.

for now i can add the users in CRM application itself. so i'm not stuck.

thx a lot for the help Rob,
if you find out some more, please let me know. I will check with MS myself
and post the result here.

"Rob Bakkers" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Word won't scroll when I get to the bottom of the page

Microsoft Word - Word won't scroll when I get to the bottom of the page

Word won't scroll when I get to the bottom of the page

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 02:40 PM PST

As I'm typing and I get to the bottom of the page Word normally scrolls up so I can continue to see what I'm typing.  Somehow things switched up and I can't see as I continue to type.  I have to stop typing and either scroll using the mouse or use the arrow keys on the keyboard.  Where can I change this so that it slowly scrolls down as I type?  Does this make sense?  Hope so!

Thank you!

No office icons for Microsoft on Windows 8; no Start menu

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 12:26 PM PST

I downloaded Microsoft Office but without any icons on the desktop nor a start menu, I am feeling a bit lost as to how to use them.  One user on here suggested typing in 'word' on the screen with all the apps, so I can do that and then open a new doc, but it seems a bit circuitous.  Is there a better/easier/more straightforward way to do this?

The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag.

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 11:43 AM PST

I'd be very grateful if someone can help me with a docm file I cannot open due to what seems like the never-ending end tag issue. And should the file have been a docx file in the first place?

And how do I stop this happening again? It's totally frustrating a to lose a whole day's work trying to figure this out. How come MS haven't found a way to prevent it or put an easy fix online? 

Thanks so much.


Posted: 29 Dec 2014 08:38 AM PST

I'm using Office 2010 and Win 7Pro.  When I want to print one envelope, I select Mailings, click on Envelope and the Envelopes and Labels window appears. After I enter the address and print the envelope, I'm getting !!Mergefield FirstName ¶Ri on the envelope above the recipients address. I have printed multiple envelopes from Excel, Word or Access files and this does not appear. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


Corrupted file

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 08:15 AM PST

What does it mean when Word (2003) tells you that a file is corrupted?  I get that warning whenever I try to save the document.  What is the fix for it?

Compare Documents

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 07:46 AM PST

I am using the compare documents feature in Word. I am comparing 2 versions of a Lease and making my additional changes to the combined document. The problem that I have is that the Lease is over 60 pages long and when I save the changes and take a break I cannot reopen to continue making the edits. I have to start a new combined document. Is there a way to reopen the original compare documents session so that I can just continue to make my edits?

Thank you for any help you can give!!

Automatically Insert Delivery Address in Word 2013

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 06:57 AM PST

In Word 2007, I could highlight an address and then run the envelope macro and Word would automatically add the highlighted address into the Delivery Address field in the envelope macro for printing. I have lost this functionality in Word 2013 and now I have to manually cut and paste the address into the Delivery Address field. 

Can this be fixed in Word 2013 to insert the address automatically or is it lost forever like so many other things that could be accomplished in the older version of the program?

2003 MS Word Add-in problem

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 06:04 AM PST

When I open any MS Word document I get a File Conversion Box saying "select on coding that makes document readable. I then get a box saying this add-in template is not valid. ~$ is the problem add-in. I do not know how I got into this problem.

How can I eliminate this problem?


Booklet printing mixed portrait and landscape

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 04:26 AM PST

I have a 20 page word document set up on A4 using Office 2010 on Win7. 18 pages are portrait and the other two are landscape. If I duplex print them on A4 they come out OK but if I try and print a booklet then things don't work out quite as well.

I've tried the set up on two different HP printers as an A4 booklet on a HP4000 and as a A4 and A3 booklet on a HP9500hdn.

I've got headers and footers on all pages and the portrait ones come out ok. The landscape ones contain paste and copy items, one a Excel chart and the other a CAD drawing from Draftsight each having figure numbers added using the "insert caption" tool. They print with the correct orientation, the copied items are placed near the bottom of the long edge, the captions disappear as do the headers and footers disappear.

Any help would be appreciated.

Word tables keep breaking up weirdly

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 04:15 AM PST

I like to write profiles for fictional characters and setting elements that I use in my fanfiction stories. Writing such profiles involves using tables to create "infoboxes" that form a quick list of important information, like the character's birth/legal name (and how it's natively written, if it's not normally written with Roman letter for example), aliases, date and place of birth, height and weight, nationality, likes and dislikes, etc. You can get a good idea of what I'm doing if you look at Wikipedia's infobox templates, like this one.

However, I've come across a strange problem as my table format grew in size. I typically write my profiles in Web Layout, with the table aligned at the right of the page and with the text-wrapping option turned on. At some point in the process of adding new rows to accomodate new fields of information, the table apparently becomes "too big" for Word to handle, and it sort of breaks such that there's a strange gap between the cells along the break, as well as the text that's supposed to be on the same vertical level as the beginning of the table being pushed down until it's below the table. Here is a sample screenshot; the red line indicates the break, and you can clearly an empty gap above the "Introduction" heading. Said heading is supposed to be level with the the top of the table.

As far as I can tell by comparing with Print Layout, the break and the attendant text-pushing seems to happen once the table becomes extended over three pages, even if it's only one row into the third page. If anyone has any idea how to fix this, I would deeply appreciate this; I've been plagued with this problem for a few years now.

documents coming from Readdle documents synced folders open as read only.

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 03:31 AM PST

Hi there,

I am a mac user, using microsoft word for Ipad (free version) along with Readdle documents. I have within Readle documents some synced folders with dropbox. I can open those documents in Microsoft for Ipad but they appear as read only! Word for Ipad asks me to duplicate but then i have two documents in my dropbox folder. Can that "read only" status be avoided? Please help.

Activate markup in word 2013

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 02:29 AM PST


I have been using a application in word 2010 with VBA,which used to create multiple pages of a document.

"ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = True" command is used to activate markup in Word2010 and later these markup will be replaced with 

text from building block organiser.

I am trying to upgrade from word2010 to word2013.

problem:  After execution of "ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = True" command in word 2013 , the markups not generated.

can somebody help me to fix this issue.

Thanks in advance


Paragraph spacing in Office 2010 & 2013

Posted: 28 Dec 2014 10:55 PM PST

Hi all. I'm trying to figure out why MS Word want's to put spaces where I don't want them. The way I want my paper formatted is 1.5 pt spacing after with single line spacing for my paragraph, and 0 pt after with 1.5 line spacing after a paragraph. For some reason at like the middle of my page it's deciding to put 1.5 lines after my sentences, which makes the gap between paragraphs look like double. I've tried checking and unchecking don't add space between paragraphs of the same style, with no luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Pasting using enhanced meta file-Word 2010

Posted: 28 Dec 2014 10:06 PM PST

Whenever I try to paste a Word table on another Word document using enhanced metafile, the image is missing many lines and details.i also used a Macro for pasting as a metafile ( not enhanced) with the same results.

The only way for me to paste a table and be able to resize it is to use the enhanced metafile options. All other paste options do not allow for resizing. The functions within the table tab do not really work for decreasing the size of a table overalI. I have same problem of not being able to resize the table inserting it as an object.

Does anybody know how I could improve the paste using the enhanced metafile ?  

Thanks in advance


Downloading Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word

Posted: 28 Dec 2014 08:48 PM PST

I am unable to run Microsoft Word or even the Microsoft Office without activating it. I have an account in Microsoft. So when i try to activate it, it always comes back to the activate page or says that my account is not associated with Office. To activate install, please sign in with the account associated with your product. How can I activate it completely so it is on my computer?

Too Many citations

Posted: 28 Dec 2014 05:57 PM PST

I am writing a book with multiple volumes.   Unfortunately, sometimes when I go for the works cited in a volume, it gives me those works plus others cited in other volumes.  How do I limit to only those cited?