

Microsoft Word - Word 2010 Template - Double Click Opens new Template, not a Document

Microsoft Word - Word 2010 Template - Double Click Opens new Template, not a Document

Word 2010 Template - Double Click Opens new Template, not a Document

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 03:22 PM PST

When I double click on a Word template, the document that opens as a .dotx file, not a .docx file.  This happens on canned templates as well as templates that I have saved.   I have tried running a "Repair" on Microsoft office with no success.


Any ideas?

How do I print "2 pages per sheet" properly? It comes out a mess!! (Pics inside)

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 01:46 PM PST

Please review my settings at the top, I swear they SHOULD BE CORRECT. I've done this before, but I remember it being a HUGE hassle...and didn't seem like it needed to be :(

Can anyone assist? I'm trying to make it look like HOW IT IS in the HP Printer Options preview....two 5.5" x 8" docs side-by-side...TWO PER SHEET.


draw pump curves

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 12:46 PM PST

can you tell me if i can draw pump curves in word 2010   i cannot illustrate it, but one curve would be say starting from the extreme left, and then slope down gradually and smoothly towards the bottom right corner of the page

if we can do this i think i will be able to do other curves in other directions using the same principle

thank you

Change indent in the first line of every paragraph?

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 12:38 PM PST

Does anyone know if you can change the indent of the first line of every paragraph in a Word document already indented by default?  I have tried MS help but it has been futile.

Thank you.


Watermark visibility on paper

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 12:00 PM PST

I've encountered a small problem wit my watermarking of documents.
In the background of every document I make, there is a faint Weierstrass p () in the background based on the template I use.
However, I've discovered that its visibility varies when I print the document. I use the text color named "White, Background 1, 5% darker" (r/g/b 242), which is quite weak, but not too weak, as I want it to be somewhat faint and thereby not dominating. I've also hooked it up to be partially transparent.

Here is the deal: Whenever i print a blank page with little on no text the watermark is fine. If I use the automatic color setting on the printer, it is slightly lighter, but still tolerable. Unfortunately, if the page is covered with text, then a black-and-white print will have it considerably weaker. The same document printed with color will make the entire watermark disappear.

Is there someway to change this behavior, so the watermark stays non-dominating but still slightly visible on both a black-and-white and a print with color?

Word 2010, tables getting cut off and can't change "keep with next" paragraph option

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:34 AM PST

I am exported a document from a database to Word.  The table is getting cut off the page and does not wrap to the next page.  When I go to the Outline view I can see all the text, but in the print view it just disappears from the page.  I have tried going the following with no success

  1. The file is saved as a .docx
  2. Table properties/table/wrap
  3. Row properties is marked to break across pages
  4. Paragraph...all the options are dark blue, not checked or unchecked.  I think if I could uncheck "Keep lines together" the table may display properly.  So when I click twice to make it unchecked, then select OK or I have even tried it as default, when I return to the option it just shows dark blue again.  By the way, anyone know what the dark blue box means?
  5. This is a personal computer so I should have the admin rights necessary to change this.  For Word 2010, I have given Everyone full permission, yet I still can't change these settings.
Any ideas how I can get the table to fully display across pages and/or how I can change the paragraph options.


Word is Gone

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:16 AM PST

I got a new laptop with windows 8.1, I'm new to the whole windows tile experience and felt overwhelmed by it, so in cleaning up all the tiles I felt I'd never use I think I've uninstalled the word program. I still want to view and edit documents, and it came with my computer, so is there a way to get it back without paying for it?

Tables mixing up in word

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 10:01 AM PST

I've had a recurring issue where i'm creating a specification document which contains several basic tables. A table may be on a number of pages.

For instance if table A is on pages 1 and 2 and table B is on pages 3 and 4. When i add table C it sometimes puts a blank page (page 5) and starts table C on page 6.  When i try and remove page 5 the first part of table C sites in the middle of table B whilst the rest sits correctly on the new page 5.


I've tried various page break set ups but never seem to able to stop this happening and end up starting the document from new.


Any advice????? Cheers  

"Do you also want to save changes to the document template?"

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 09:32 AM PST

I am working on a document that was created as a new document in Word 2013.  After starting the document, I went to the Design tab and applied a style that I had previously inserted into the QuickStyles folder from previous Word versions, and applied the Style Set to the new document.  

Whenever I change the document, though, it prompts me with the question: "Do you also want to save changes to the document template?"

I always choose "no," and I would like to disable that question in some way.  Any ideas?

Document formatted differently on Win7 O2010 than Win7 O2007, XP O2010 and XP O2007

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 09:04 AM PST

User sent us a Word document to post to our web site.  She believes she edited it last in Office 2007.  It does not render properly in the combination of Windows 7 and Office 2010.

We've tried the document on

Windows 7, Office 2010 = 3 pages

Windows XP, Office 2010 = 2 pages

Windows XP, Office 2007 = 2 pages

The attempts were not done on the user's computer so whatever template it may be referencing is inconsequential since it doesn't exist on any of our test computers but renders correctly on two.

TOC to normal

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 08:56 AM PST

after updating the TOC, i then want to remove the links so that it is regular normal text with no relation to the original document. How can i do that? THX

Turn off Font Change Display

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 08:54 AM PST

When I highlight a word the below display box appears giving me the options to change the font, font size, bold, italics, underline, etc.


How do I turn this option off?




Create Multiline plain text content control in Word 2007 Template

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 08:01 AM PST

I have created a simple Word form.  It contains a plain text content control that will contain various lengths of information.  How do I set the format for the control box so that the text for the second line begins right under the first line.

Font and windows on Office Word changes very unstable

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 06:59 AM PST

I have Windows 8 and Student Office 2007. My font continually changes while I am working on the document. I don't do anything to make this change. Sometimes it goes from small to large and vice versa. Sometimes when I set the size to 12 or 14 it still comes out  really small. When I print it out though it comes our large, sometimes too large since I increased the size to accommodate the document while it's still on the computer. I can't help but think it is an issue with Windows 8. I can't go to 8.1 because it causes my Internet Explorer to stop working and it won't work with Family Tree Maker. I have had to do a full recovery twice. 

Directory name is invalid on word following windows 8.1 update

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 05:30 AM PST

I have been working on a document for the past few weeks on Microsoft word, yesterday I received a message telling me to update my computer to windows 8.1, I did this and restarted my computer. When I came back to my computer and went onto Skydrive to find my document it and at least one other were not there (not on skydrive on my computer or online)  the only place I can find the document is when going onto Word and trying to open recent documents at which I get the following message: 
 The Directory name is not valid:
 (C:/Users/Lucy/.../draft 1 essay 1.doc) 

This document is very very important and any help would be really appreciated! 

Word 2007 hour glass comes on and off constantly.

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 04:32 AM PST

Word 2007 hour glass comes on and off constantly so that I cannot use the program, perhaps indexing? How do I fix this problem?

Word 2010 stopped showing .eps files

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 03:13 AM PST

Hello people of the internet,

I work in IT support and have a customer who suddenly can't view her .eps files in Word 2010 and the entire office pack.
It's a thing that suddenly just stopped working. Until a couple of weeks ago, there was no problem at all.

She is accessing Word through Citrix which connects to our terminal server. The problem is on the server itself and trough Citrix.
Iv'e been seaching trough almost the intire google, and none of the answers seems to help. I've tryed reinstall the filter, reinstall Office, checking the file block settings in Word, making it a .doc document. But nothing seems to be working.
If i download the files to my own pc, Word opens it without any problem, both 2010 and 2013.
If i convert the .eps files into .png etc. (wihch is not an acceptable solution), Word opens it without problems too,.

Office and the server is fully updated etc.

Do mind that all this is running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard terminal server.

You would save my day if you could come up with the soloution!

Thank you,
Rasmus Gyldenvang

Word 2013 : Changing which thesaurus is used in word

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 06:56 PM PST

I opened the thesaurus for the first time today and it asked me to select bing, dictionary or something else. I chose bing, but I don't like its results. I want to change to use another provider but I can't figure out how. I am using English(Australia) as my language but the thesaurus is using English(United Kingom) because Australia wasn't available.

Any help would be appreciated,



Old title: Changing which thesaurus is used in word

Microsoft Word 2013 randomly stops and goes into "Not Responding" Mode.

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 05:33 PM PST


I have been struggling with an issue with my 2013 office. Whenever I use 2013 Word and use it for around 5-10 minutes, or hit save after making multiple edits to any documents after 5-10 minutes, typically around the same period of time. Word freezes and goes into not responding mode. It doesn't save any progress I made. I haven't attempted to work with any of the other programs, I have the professional suite. I've dealt with support twice on this issue and even had them take control of my machine and look into it themselves. We ended up force uninstalling word 2013 as it would not allow me to simply uninstall it via control panel programs and features. We were able to successfully install it without any issues and it was working fine for the first couple days. And after not using it for about a week, now the same issue is reoccurring and I can reproduce the error with ease. 

I cannot find any similar issues specifically related with this details for any other customers. If I do not receive any resolutions shortly, I will have to bring my machine to the Microsoft store for them to investigate my machine and see what the occurrence is. If anything, the file being downloaded is corrupted as I do not have any issues with any other files whatsoever on my machine. 

Word 2013 gives File Conversion Dialog on Word 97-2003 .doc files

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 05:04 PM PST

Word 97.2003 opens fine on Windows 7/Word 2007 machine. But when I try to open in Windows 8/Word 2013 it displays a dialog 
Title: File Conversion   filename  
Select encoding that makes the document readable  Windows  MSDOS  Others. ....Preview says SafeGuard File encryption:  
Encrypted file is Garbage.

MS Office 2013 Products (Word, Powerpoint) cannot insert cli"online pictures".

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 04:37 PM PST

What can I do to fix this problem.  MS Publisher has no problem searching online but MS Word and Powerpoint both give me a response that the server is down. 

Thank you,


Mail Merge Template with Auto Numbering

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 04:14 PM PST


I created a mail merge template that has auto numbering.  My problem is, when I save the merged documents and reopen it, the numbering changes. 

Instead of seeing:


I see:


Is there a way I can prevent this from happening?

How Do You Set Details View When Opening/Viewing Templates in MS Word 2010?

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 03:26 PM PST

I would like to be able to see the Details View of files when I choose to create a new/view choices for MS Word Template documents, in the Explorer view that comes up when saving or opening a Word document file. See screenshots below. In other words, when I try to view or open previous or existing Word templates, I am only shown the large icon layout view, and I have no other choices as I normally do when opening/viewing/saving Word documents. How can the inner "Word Explorer" view be changed to Details view?

This is the problematic view I'm trying to change:

And this is the kind of view I want:


Microsoft Works - do I need vista to complement works?

Microsoft Works - do I need vista to complement works?

do I need vista to complement works?

Posted: 09 Jun 2007 10:21 PM PDT

Re: Could I save the resume with a .doc extension, or must I use .rtf?

Yes..... you can save with .doc extension.

As you notice there is many selections you can use. I suggested .rtf as
most if not all word processors can open this type of file.

Guido offered the best solution. Using PDF is a guarantee the reader will
view your resume exactly the same as you created it.

Effectively, PDF takes a picture of the document. When somebody opens the
PDF document they will see the same thing you see.


"Wil" <> wrote in message
| Could I save the resume with a .doc extension, or must I use .rtf?
| Thanks,
| Wil

| "Ken" wrote:
| > Hello nomind,
| >
| > Works word processor by default saves it's documents with .wps
| >
| > This is fine for sending to someone who also has Works and can open
| > documents with .wps extension.
| >
| > However in your case you do not know what kind of word processor is
going to
| > be used to open your document.
| >
| > Believe it or not, but your Works word processor has the ability to send
| > documents in a format that most if not all word processors can open.
| >
| > Try saving your document with .rtf (Rich Text Format) extension.
| >
| > Open your resume, then on the File menu choose Save As, in the Save As
| > dialog window click the down arrow for Save as Type: (notice there is a
| > selection of various formats the document can be saved in) select Rich
| > Format (*.rtf), save the document in a location of your choice.
| >
| > Open your email program, explain you have attached your resume, attach
| > above saved, send email.
| >
| > Hope this helps.
| >
| > By the way all files on the computer have extensions, this is how the
| > computer knows which program to use when opening them. If you want to
| > display these extensions go to Folder Options and on the view tab
| > [Hide file extensions for known file types].
| >
| > Folder Options can be found in the Control panel or just open My
| > then on it's Tools menu choose Folder Options.
| >
| > Ken
| >
| > "nomind" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| >
| > | Seems I cannot send Works documents---like a resume---and have
| > open
| > | it---had to have ot tramslated to Word at Kinko's. Is Microsoft's
| > the
| > | cheezy version installed on computers intended to get you to buy the
| > | Vista??? I've been told Vista installs and allows Word, Powerpoint
| > | Excel.
| > | --
| > | nomind
| >
| >

Works 9.0?

Posted: 09 Jun 2007 01:53 PM PDT

On Jun 10, 8:35 am, "Paul Ballou" <com> wrote: 

Uses the same package type as Vista.

word reader

Posted: 05 Jun 2007 05:35 PM PDT

"dodaCoruba" <> wrote in message

You might want to download and install this:
It is much more than a viewer, and it is able to convert and open files
produced by a variety of word processing programs. In addition, if you so
choose, you can edit the document. BTW, it's free. I still prefer to use
my old Works 4.5, old habits die hard. I also have a Word viewer installed.
By default it will try and open attachments such as you describe. I really
need to change that association to Open Office because I think it works
better, just too lazy I guess.

Autorun Wks Calendar?

Posted: 05 Jun 2007 05:32 AM PDT

To create a shortcut to works calendar....

On the desktop, choose Start, then select Programs, on it's expanded menu
select Microsoft Works, on it's expanding menu right click Microsoft Works
Calendar, in the popup dialog select Send To, on it's menu choose Desktop
(create shortcut).

Confirm calendar opens when double clicking the now new Works Calendar icon
on your desktop.

Now lets find the Startup folder....

On the desktop, choose Start, then select Programs, on it's expanded menu
right click Startup, on it's popup dialog choose Properties, you should now
be able to find the path for the location of the Startup folder.

Now lets put the calendar shortcut icon into the Startup folder.

Navigate to the Startup folder, size the screen so you can see both the
folder and the desktop, while holding down the Right mouse button drag the
Works Calendar icon into the startup folder.

Hope this helps,

"Ken" <Thanks> wrote in message

| Re: Is there any way to have Works 8.0 Calendar autostart when you boot
| computer?
| Yes....
| Put a shortcut for it in the startup folder.
| Ken
| "DAVERAE" <> wrote in message
| news:com...

| | Is there any way to have Works 8.0 Calendar autostart when you boot your
| | computer? Windows XP Home
| | Thanks
| | --
| | rs

Adding Excel to Works?

Posted: 02 Jun 2007 05:45 PM PDT

Hello Pat,

Perhaps you might be interested in a compatible office suite

It is the lowest-cost way I know of.


"Pat Coghlan" <ca> wrote in message

| My daughter has Works on her new laptop. It has Word, but not Excel.
| What's the lowest-cost way to put Excel on her PC?

running Microsoft Greetings 99 in Windows XP

Posted: 27 May 2007 09:09 PM PDT

Hi ElysiaDuke,

Probably the most important piece of the KB article applicable to your
circumstances and to which I directed you may be:

"If the compatibility settings do not resolve the issue, please
consider upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft Greetings,
or Microsoft Picture It! Publishing, or Microsoft Picture It! Photo."

Kevin James
Tuar Goleuni

<com> wrote in message
|I have used that page along with the Program Compabilitly Wizard and
| it doesn't work. Thanks very much.

converting wks files

Posted: 26 May 2007 04:20 AM PDT

Re: yes, when I save into text and commas, it opens up like this, no bold print as in original tho.

As I said before, a text file with commas can be imported into googles spreadsheet if it is renamed to a .csv (comma separated value) file.

Your past response indicated you could not?


"bill" <com> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...

yes, when I save into text and commas, it opens up like this, no bold print as in original tho.

"Ken" <Thanks> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...
Hi Bill,

Example Database
First Name
Last Name









When saved as text+commas does it looks like this...
"First Name","Last Name","Phone"

Or does it look like this..........
First Name,Last Name,Phone

Both of these have comma seperated values, and either will import into Googles spreadsheet.

I have attached the above example, it should open with your version of wks spreadsheet.


"bill" <com> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...
| tried with no luck, tks tho.
| bw
| "Ken" <Thanks> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
| > Hi Bill,
| >
| > text+commas is probably the same as a .csv (comma seperated values) file.
| >
| > Look at the file, are the values seperated by a comma?
| >
| > If so, rename the file from *.txt to *.csv.
| >
| > Ken
| >
| > "bill" <com> wrote in message
| > news:phx.gbl...
| > | I have Works ss/works for windows 2.0/text+commas/text +tabs/text +tabs
| > | (DOS)excel 4.0/5.0 ss/lotus 1-2-3
| > |
| > | I saved a ss in .txt but wouldn't import to Google.
| > |
| > | I have tried copying and pasting, works OK, can only do1/2 the file at a
| > | time tho.
| > |
| > | tks Ken.
| > |
| > | bill
| > | "Ken" <ne> wrote in message
| > | news:O6nd88%phx.gbl...
| > | > Hi Bill
| > | >
| > | > What options do you have available for saving spreadsheet?
| > | >
| > | > Ken
| > | >
| > | > "bill" <com> wrote in message
| > | > news:%232ycat%phx.gbl...
| > | > |I tried saving it to .xls with no luck. There is no .csv function in
| > my
| > | > | MSWorks 3.0 spreadsheet program, guess it is too old.
| > | > |
| > | > | tks tho.
| > | > |
| > | > | bill
| > | > | "Kevin James" <com> wrote in message
| > | > | news:phx.gbl...
| > | > | > Hi Bill
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Google will Import a xls and csv file formats
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Perhaps, File>Save As to these formats, in Works, and Import into
| > | > Google.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > HTH,
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > Kevin James
| > | > | > Tuar Goleuni
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > | > "bill" <com> wrote in message
| > | > | > news:%phx.gbl...
| > | > | > | How do I convert a MSWorks 3.0 spreadsheet file to a Google
| > online
| > | > | > | spreadsheet format. Can't seem to find it on their website?
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | tks all.
| > | > | > | I use WIN XP Home Edit and MSWorks 3.0
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | bill
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >

EULA clarification

Posted: 24 May 2007 11:15 AM PDT

Okay, thanks! Just wanted to make sure.

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

HELP video clip to A TEXT DOCUMENT

Posted: 20 May 2007 06:31 PM PDT

Thank you!

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

REgestry and memory

Posted: 19 May 2007 01:48 PM PDT


Ron said that his problem occurs with Works 4.5.
The patch is not for him.
Trying to find a newer printer driver or a compatible one sounds promising.



"Kevin James" <com> a écrit dans le message de news:

Works 8.5 - another question.

Posted: 19 May 2007 11:51 AM PDT

Tony Vella,
You might also may need to go to:
C:\Program Files folder and delete the MS Works folder, especially if you
plan to install and earlier version of MS Works Suite or MS Office Suite.

Have A Good Day

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"Pen" <com> wrote in message
Tony Vella wrote: 
\start\settings\control panel\programs and features\ gets you to the
old add/remove.

Work 8.5 question

Posted: 19 May 2007 11:49 AM PDT

i think u can remove it from your start up folder, right click on start ,
click open or explore or go to the start up file and look for it, click
delete, it only removes it from start up, that it, i think

"Tony Vella" wrote:

How do I add watermark DRAFT across the pages Microsoft Project

How do I add watermark DRAFT across the pages Microsoft Project

How do I add watermark DRAFT across the pages

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 05:47 AM PST

Hi Raymond,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

I assume you talking about Project? You could pre-print the pages with a
watermark using Word. Then Over-print your project pages. (Or vice versa.)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Raymond Beliveau wrote: 

I need to save MS Project plan as a gif. HOW?

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 03:33 AM PST

Glad to have helped Ian, and thanks for the feedback.


"Ian Leonard" wrote:

New Menu in PWA

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 02:23 AM PST



"MARVS" wrote:

For pity's sake ...

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 01:21 AM PST

It's not Project's fault - all applications pick up their available paper
size information from the printer driver. Go to the printer settings in the
Windows Start menu, select your installed printer and view its properties.
You'll find the list of paper sizes it understands in its properties.
Anything not listed will not show up as a paper size in Project (or other
applications either).

A3 paper is approximately 11.75 x 16.5 inches. If it's missing from your
driver settings there are a couple of possibilities - either your printer
can't accomodate paper that size (maybe it's too wide for the printer), you
have the wrong printer driver installed, or it was accidently omitted and
you need to see if there's an update available.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Vaughan" <> wrote in message

department capacities over various tasks...using Project 2000

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 01:07 AM PST

Hi Lloyd,

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.
The timephased values for groups were only added since 2002.
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Lloyd Williams" <de> schreef in bericht 

Duration based on total resource quantity and rate of use

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 06:03 PM PST

That's the way material resources are tracked. Create a resource "Coal" as
a material resource, material label "pounds." Create a task X. In the
Window menu choose "split" to split the screen With task X selected, assign
the resource coal, set the units to "50/day" and the work to "600" and
you'll find it calculates the duration to be 12 days. Be very very careful
with this, though, because if you assign a work resource as well, the work
resources will over-ride the duration calculated by the usage of the
material resource - in my example if you add resource Bill at 100%
everything with be fine at first BUT if you then try to change the total
coal to be used to 1000 pounds you'll find the duration number doesn't
change but the elasped time shown by the Gantt bar does! It's as if Bill's
work governs the duration numbers but the usage of coal governs the elapsed
time! I'd strongly suggest manually estimating the duration rather than
asking Project to do it for you to avoid those sorts of problems.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Steve NCC" <com.(remove)> wrote in message

No ending task

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 05:38 PM PST

while i fully agree with Steve & John ... you might be after a "hammock
task" - check out
to see if it meets your needs


"Thor W Hammer" <com> wrote in message

How to remove task split

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 04:47 PM PST

In article <com>,
"Haixiang" <com> wrote:

You're welcome.

How does "it" know? You told it when you dragged the Gantt bar. If a
task has no resources assigned, manually creating a split on the Gantt
causes a Duration split, meaning the task has a forced period of "down
time". Any subsequent assignment of resources will follow that split and
work hours for those resources will show as "0h" during the split period
on the Usage views.

Project MVP

Formatting Summary Bars by Level

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 01:01 PM PST

OOOPS. I forgot the extra step noted by Jack for the Bar Styles.

So sorry,

The Real Start Date

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 12:59 PM PST

The very first task in the project would be whatever is the first thing that
happens that is associated with this project

1.0 Contract Signed - milestone
2.0 Develop Schedule - xx days - FS1
3.0 Identify Resources - xx days - FS2
4.0 Develop Budget - xx days - FS3
5.0 Kickoff - milestone - FS4
6.0 First Phase - summary (calculated)
6.1 first work activity - xx days - FS5
6.2 second work activity - yy days - FS 6.1

Filtering on sub tasks

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 11:03 AM PST

Hi Fred,

That does help somewhat. If all of your "Tender" tasks contain the word
"tender" you can create a custom filter to only show those tasks.

Jack Dahlgren (Project MVP) has a "Summary Name" macro on his site

that may assist you if the subtasks of the "Tender" summary task don't
contain the text "tender".

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Fred" wrote:

Filtering on a sub task

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 11:03 AM PST

i think you don't need to use resource,try to use custom fields such as text1.
but you still need to assign 3200 tasks.
see you task name to find if there are some key words for each stage,try to
use these key words to filter your tasks, if this works ,done.
if this works partially, at least it can minimize the task range,so you can
easily assign your custom field.

"ca" wrote:

Customize Gantt chart timeline range

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 09:35 AM PST

Hi Panos,

I think we have two separate issues - what you see and what you print.

The ability to control what *prints* from the Gantt chart is controlled in
the File>Print dialog box under the Timescale options.

What you view on the screen is controlled in the View>Zoom command. As far
as *seeing* only a specific time range, you may select the tasks between the
dates you want and select View>Zoom and the selected tasks option.

Sorry if the original answer was less than clear and please let me know if
this has helped.


"Panos" wrote:

Master project - cross project dependancies

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 07:40 AM PST

Hi Michael,

Glad to know it worked and thanks for the feedback. On a side note, you may
also use CTRL+F2 instead of the "Link Tasks" button if you prefer.


"com" wrote: 

Creating Report to show % complete

Posted: 28 Feb 2005 11:31 PM PST

After some playing about I've now managed to do what I wanted...

"Susie" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Office 365 University suddenly is unlicensed?!

Microsoft Word - Office 365 University suddenly is unlicensed?!

Office 365 University suddenly is unlicensed?!

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 02:40 PM PST

Today I tried to open microsoft Word and at the top of the screen is a red bar saying the product is unlicensed. I have Office 365 University that is active until 2017, so this should not be happening. I have ran fixit to uninstall and reinstall office on my computer, but this problem persists. I have called MS support, but after a 4 hour phone call, she was unable to solve the problem. Any ideas?

MS Word 2010 vs. MS Word 3013 - Stylesheet issues

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 01:57 PM PST

I would like to know if anyone has had any major issues with exchanging word files back and forth between Word 2010 and Word 2013 users.....specifically, style sheet compatibility issues?  I work with custom templates and when sharing with MS Word 2013 users, I am worried their built in sylesheet will clash with my custom style sheets in our standard office templates.

Thanks you.

Microsoft 2010 Home and Student - lags, crashes, doesn't recognize own documents, takes forever to open, etc.

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 01:56 PM PST


I raided as many questions as I possibly could to try and fix my program, but nothing seems to directly relate to it, and I'm too nervous to try something not directly related.

I've had this program for about 2-3 years, and the problem never left. I've gotten help at the very beginning (it started to take place a month or so after I installed it), and the problem seemed to have receded... but not for long. Unfortunately, I can't contact Support because my PID number has expired. Now I've just about lost my mind.

Basically, the entire program is faulty.

Whether I open Word, Excel, etc., it lags for approximately 3-5 minutes before I can start using it (takes a while to react to me signalling it to open, the 'processing/etc.' mini-screen goes through the motions for a few minutes, and then it takes a few more to actually settle so I can use it without freezing). 

At times, every few actions results in the program (whether I'm in Word, etc.) to freeze and unfreeze; sometimes it goes so far as to freeze my laptop (HP Windows 7), whereas an emergency shutout becomes necessary.

In addition, it doesn't recognize its own documents if I try to directly open them through their own links. Instead, the documents open in WordPad. Microsoft Word isn't even an option when I try to locate it through the right-click option menu.

These are just a few of the many issues, but there really are too many to count.

Also, the first time I contacted Support I was told to disable all contact between program and Internet. However, this keeps me from being able to perform system updates.

Please help!!


Remove a specified number of characters from the right or left side of text

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 01:19 PM PST

I know that in Excel you can remove a specified number of characters from the right or left side of text.  Can you do that in Word as well?  Basically, I'm editing a document that someone's manually numbered paragraphs.  Instead of manually going through them and deleting them, I'm wondering if there's a way of highlighting the paragraphs I'd like to edit and removing the first 4 characters (the two numbers, the period, and the tab) so I can then number them using the numbering tool. 


Is there a way? 




Word 2010 Macro runs very slow

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 01:05 PM PST

Hello from Steved

I only want the below to find a single occurrence, meaning it occurs once in a whole document. Please why does it run very slow. Thankyou

Sub FindTrack()
     TestTrack "AVONDALE"
     TestTrack "ELLERSLIE"
     TestTrack "HOKITIKA"
     TestTrack "PAEROA"
     TestTrack "PUKEKOHE"
     TestTrack "RUAKAKA"
     TestTrack "TAURANGA"
     TestTrack "TE AROH"
     TestTrack "TE AWAMUTU"
     TestTrack "TE TEKO"
     TestTrack "THAMES"
 End Sub
 Sub TestTrack(sText As String)
     Selection.Find.Font.Size = 20
     With Selection.Find
         .Text = sText
         .Replacement.Text = ""
         .Forward = True
         .Wrap = wdFindContinue
         .Format = True
         .MatchCase = True
         .MatchWholeWord = True
         .MatchWildcards = False
         .MatchSoundsLike = False
         .MatchAllWordForms = False
     End With
 End Sub

Chapter and Page Numbering in Word 2013

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 12:50 PM PST

I've got a strange issue that I believe is related to conflicting multilevel lists in a large word document. Basically I have multiple chapters broken into the appropriate sections. All of my sub headings are working correctly e.g. 1.1 or 2.1. The Navigation pane shows the correct Numbering for each section e.g. 1 Title, 2 Title. However, the first page of each chapter, after chapter 1, is showing the wrong chapter number in the page number only. Where it should say 2-1 it shows 1-1. After the first page the numbering is correct e.g. 2-2, 2-3. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! 

Word not responding

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 12:31 PM PST

I keep getting the message that "Word is not responding".  My ISP tells me this is a Internet Browser 11 problem.  How do I make the correction, so this does not continue.  I am using Office 365

Office 2010 restarts after clicking save

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 12:25 PM PST

All of my Office programs (Word, Publisher, & Excel) close when I try to save it. I have even uninstalled Office & reinstalled it. Any advice?


How do you rename custom controlled text boxes?

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 11:06 AM PST

Hi everyone,

I really like the format of fields in cover pages because the box contains an annotation to describe the content that should go inside it (in the picture attached below, I'm referring to the box above saying 'Title').
Does anyone know how to create custom fields such as these in which I can modify the annotation (such as changing Title to something like Client Name)?


envelope option in Office 2013 Word

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 10:44 AM PST

In Office 2013 Word, the envelope option offers only letterhead or other fancy, smancy options.  How I can I pull up a simple, unadorned envelop (as with the earlier version, which worked so well, but, alas, died)?

opening docs on memory stick in Office free for a month trial

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 10:31 AM PST

I cannot open any documents on my memory stick with the free month's trial version of Office.  It keeps prompting me to download it. Any ides

Problem with Bullets and Numbering

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 09:36 AM PST

I select Format -> Bullets and Numbering -> Outlined Numbered and I select the 2nd to last option
I see a 'I.' But my font automatically turns itself to Arial size 16 (default is times new roman size 12) And after I type something and press Enter it does not continue any numbering it just creates a new line instead of placing the 'A.' like it's supposed to.  I tried deleting and also starting word with winword /a but it did not help.  Any ideas?

how do I create a drop box list to change it's display value after a selection is made.

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 09:23 AM PST

I'm trying to create a menu that someone can use to select a catalog item by name but that will fill in with the catalog item's number once selected. is this possible? I'm really new at this and don't really know what I'm doing.

Need help creating a template

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 09:11 AM PST

I need help creating a template to print onto labels

It's for a 21 label sheet - this is what I need

How do I create a similar table that doesn't print?
How do I then adjust the margins precisely - without using the mouse?
Using a keyboard and inputting properties would be great



PS At last I found out how to post a question! Microsoft have moved the post a question button   : (

Distorted Flyer as Email Attachment

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 09:10 AM PST

I created a flyer on Word.
The Flyer has an illuminated page color with a faint watermark partially on top of it and text on top of that.
I sent it as an email attachment but when someone sent it back to me for text corrections, the flyer was distorted:
  • the watermark was dark
  • the illuminated page color was gone
  • the flyer was larger than the one I originally sent.
  1. How can I make sure that when I send the flyer via email attachment, it is received the way I designed it?
  2. How can I put the flyer in the body of the email?

Copy and paste from web page into word 2010 document loses all paragraph formatting

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 08:09 AM PST

In word 2003 when I used to copy and paste from web pages, all the paragraph formatting would be preserved.  I'm particularly thinking of quoted paragraphs which are indented, but also bold and italics.  In Word 2010, the quoted paragraphs are never indented, even when I choose "keep source formatting".  Hyperlinks are preserved, and spaces between paragraphs, but italics, bolds and underlines are hit and miss - sometimes they are preserved, sometimes not, even within the same document.  I'm wasting an enormous amount of tim re-indenting quotes into my documents... How do I preserve the original structure?

When I choose "merge formatting" it preserves italics and bold, but not indented paragraphs. 

for example if the original web page looks like this:


Dum de dum dum dum:

         Snipetysnappetysnippety snap

when I paste it into word 2010 (using "keep source formatting"), it looks like this:


Dum de dum dum dum:

Snipetysnappetysnippety snap

and if i choose "merge formatting" it gives me this:


Dum de dum dum dum:
Snipetysnappetysnippety snap

How do I fix this?  Why did it used to work properly in 2003 but not 2010?


The "old story" of WORD 2010 not displaying inserted JPEGs, PNGs, etc - I had little hair to start with and I will soon have none!

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 07:03 AM PST

I have tried virtually all the Options adjustments for WORD shown on the Microsoft site, as well as spending much time on the net looking for solutions. Also, I have also  used Regedit to amend the AllowListEnabled list of graphics filters in the Registry, and have removed the 64 bit version of OFFICE 2010 and replaced it by the 32 bit version - all to no avail because WORD will NOT display JPEGs/PNGs and so on, which it is supposed to do by default.

The same problem is happening with PowerPoint 2010 and Excel2010!


The machine is a Samsung NP355V5C-A03UK running WIN 7 Ultimate with SP1, and Office 2010 Professional Plus with all current MS updates installed - and I have updated the BIOS, Radeon Video drivers, and the MS s/w as recommended by the on-board Samsung support s/w.

On that subject, I also noted several Office Security Updates were identified on the net as being prime suspects for the problem, and that at least one of them should be removed - problem is that Control Panel/Programmes/MS updates is not listing them separately now, although I think they were shown somewhat earlier.


This has been going on for weeks and I am absolutely at my wits end with it, especially as two other ("lower spec") machines (Dell 1525 running 32 bit Win 7 Pro, and ASUS laptop running 64 bit Win 7 Home Premium) running Office Home and Business 2010 have no such problems :-(  and I can open the same files on those machines and see the graphics. In fact the OFFICE PRO PLUS suite was installed on the Dell before it was moved to the Samsung and it never threw this problem.

PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, someone give me something else to try on the Samsung as this is essentially my business machine, and I am severely hampered by effectively having a useless installation of Office on it.

Thanks in advance.


Word 2010 freezes

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 07:03 AM PST

Hello everyone

About a week ago, Word started freezing upon performing some actions:

- when I try to save a document as a pdf
- when I try to print a document
- when I try to change the font

Word just freezes and eventually I just have to close it.
My temporary solution is working on another computer, but I'd rather fix this problem.

Found a few suggestions on older threads, unfortunately these do not work. ( " winword /safe " : safe version doesn't help).

Hopefully someone can help me solve this annoying problem.

Unsupported Browser when trying to embed YouTube clip in Word Office 365 Premium

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 05:00 AM PST

Hi, I have a student subscription of Microsoft Office Home Premium 365, I have all the latest software updates for my PC, my system is more the what is required to run these services.

I get an error " Cannot run the video as your browser is unsupported" I can intercept the YouTube clip but it does not play and get the error message I have described.

When I am referred to the details page my system fulfills all the requirements, so why cant I play the video please?

I can view the clip directly from my browser but not in the Word document I have created

I can't find any details on the internet or Microsoft Support Forums.

Thanks in advance, Simon 

Student subscription, 
Chrome Browser Version 31.0.1650.63 m

OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name SI-PC
System Manufacturer Advent
System Model DT2111
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz, 3001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. B63D3H01, 06/12/2011
SMBIOS Version 2.7
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
User Name Si-PC\Si
Time Zone GMT Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.98 GB
Available Physical Memory 4.97 GB
Total Virtual Memory 16.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory 12.4 GB
Page File Space 7.98 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

How to use the search function for 'paragraph signs' in a text?

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 02:29 AM PST


Happy New Year to everyone!

I am finishing my thesis and I obviously have a lot of literature citations in the text.

Now I would like to check whether they all match and I tried writing the paragraph sign "8" like in i.e.  "...and Walzer et al. 1998.8"

in the search box but Word doesn't turn an "8" in a paragraph sign!

Hence I can't search for the paragraph signs but only for numbers in the text, which would be too time-consuming!

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance and

Best Regards


Sharepoint Save Microsoft Document Problem on Windows 7

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 01:16 AM PST

I am currently running Sharepoint 2010 on user machine with (Windows XP, Office 2003 and Internet Explorer 7) and the feature of SSO is fine. We can access Sharepoint and open Micorsoft document from Sharepoint without futher login.


Recently, we upgrade the user machine to (Windows 7, Office 2010 and Internet Explorer 9). I can open the Micorsoft document from Sharepoint without login but it will prompt the login dialog when I try to save the document.

Word 2013

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 12:43 AM PST

In Word 2013, the cursor jumps all over the place - back to previous line, back a word or two, almost anywhere - making it almost impossible to type a document or an email in Outlook.  It is pure "torture" attempt to type ANYTHING.  I purchased word 2013 on Nov. 6, 2013, from Amazon and downloaded product.

Is there a solution?  Desperately need help with this problem.  While typing this short message the cursor jumped all around numerous times.


Pine Bluff Arkansas

 *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Keyboard layout prevalence

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 12:37 AM PST

Hi y'all ! 

I've created a keyboard layout using KLC. I need the shorcuts of such layout to prevail over the shortcuts of other applications such as Microsoft Word and over the ones associated to browsers - typing in the notepad poses no problem at all, as every stroke combination works.
Can this be set in some direct way, or rather changing manually one by one ?
I am using W7, and the laptop is Acer.

Thanks in advance.

HELP,About Office Web Apps Server farm load balancing question.

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 09:47 PM PST

I deployed a server farm (2 servers Server A and Server B, the status is healthy), through F5 (HLB), pointing to the Intranet 2 server.


1.When the first request to the serverA,Web Apps Server from a remote fetching(download) files to serverA,completed preview request. Second the same request to the serverB,Then the file again to the server from a remote fetching to serverB ? 

2.Whether the file can be shared between servers A / B ?

3.If the primary server A crash, server2 can work?

Header on page one labeled as "Odd Page Header"

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 08:21 PM PST

I'm working on a book with a couple dozen chapters, each in their own files, each with pagination beginning with "1" (well, pagination is hyphenated, with chapter number, e.g., 8-1, 8-2, 8-3 for chapter 8).

In this chapter, I've been unable to suppress the header on the first page. yes, I've got "different first page" and "different odd & even pages" ticked in the File tab.

on the first page, at the top, the blue label at the header reads "Odd Page Header"

then, on pages 3 and 5, the blue header labels read: "First Page Header"
and the blue footer labels read: "First Page Footer"

on pages 7 et seq. and on all the even pages, the headers and footers appear appropriately.

Can someone tell me what I did to confuse MS Word to switch the first page and odd headers and footers on pages 1, 3, and 5?

