

Microsoft Works - Works always double spaces

Microsoft Works - Works always double spaces

Works always double spaces

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 12:27 PM PST

Sometimes I am copying from webpages and sometimes from my "Online Bible," a
free computer program that you can download from the internet. Sometimes I am
copying from emails. No matter what I am copying from I get the same results.
In His Service,
Debra A. Snipes

"Homer J Simpson" wrote:

Works dead soon?

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 09:27 AM PST

Hi Marek,

There is speculation that Works may become a web-based

As for support, here are the lifecycles for the current products.

Works Suite 2006 -

Works 8 -

Of course, they will continue to operate on machines after this date.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni

"Marek Kalisz" <net> wrote in message
| Is this true that MS will soon abandon Works (no further upgrades or
| support)? Especially when Vista is coming...
| Marek Kalisz

total Pages in footer in works 8

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 10:12 PM PDT

Hi Bob,

Unfortunately, this feature is no longer available in Works.

Perhaps this manual workaround helps.

The total number of pages (and the current page number)
is listed on the status line, at the bottom of the window.

Type this total number of pages into the footer,

The value will have to be checked each time a change is made to
the document and especially before printing.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni

"Bob" <> wrote in message
|I used to be able to add Page x of y, where y is the total pages in the
| footer in works 4.5
| I believe it was as Page &r&p of &P
| I can not get the total pages to display in the footer of works 8.0
| Thanks,
| Bob

Issues reading word docs in Works ?

Posted: 25 Oct 2006 01:25 PM PDT

Be sure to get WORKS SUITE, it includes WORD.

"tutlinghorn" <> wrote
in message
| Thanks Kevin, ordering works 2006
| John
| "Kevin James" wrote:
| > Hi tutlinghorn,
| >
| > Works saves to RTF (or *.doc) format, though there
| > some features and functions that don't transfer
| >
| >
| > For full compatibility acquire Works Suite 2006,
with Word 2002
| >
| >
| > or Office Student & Teacher Edition 2003:
| >
| >
| > HTH,
| > --
| > Kevin James.
| > Tua'r Goleuni
| >
| >
| > "tutlinghorn" <>
wrote in message
| >
| > | Hi, I'm in the process of ordering a laptop and it
comes with the works
| > suite
| > | 8.5, I will need to be able to open word docs and send
docs to word users
| > | using both PCs and MACs. Does anyone reckon I will
have any issues with this
| > ?
| > | Thanks
| >
| >
| >

transfering my works registration

Posted: 25 Oct 2006 11:55 AM PDT

Activation is completed either directly via the Internet or by a telephone
call to a customer service representative.

See the middle link I provided earlier, repeated here for convenience:

Activate by using the telephone

"In step 2 of the Activation Wizard, use the number provided to call
the Microsoft Activation Center."

"What happens if I don't activate?
Before you activate, you can run the software up to 50 times. After that,
the software will go into Reduced Functionality mode. You will not be able
to save modifications to documents or create a new document, and
additional functionality might be reduced. Full functionality returns when
you activate the software."

Before anything else you should confirm the following, earlier you mentioned
the word "registration";

When you start Word and click Help>Activate Product

Does it say "The product has already been activated."

If so, you may continue to use the product unhindered, elsewise see the
activate by telephone advice given above.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni

"Eddie" <> wrote in message
| OK, then how can I activate my works suite on my new computer. Since I
| activated it on my old one.
| "Kevin James" wrote:
| > Hi Eddie,
| >
| > Registration is separate from Activation and not necessary to gain
| > access to the software. Whilst registration is similar to a marketing
| > mechanism Activation is necessary to ensure the software continues
| > to operate outside of the grace period.
| >
| > Perhaps these help explain?
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > HTH,
| > --
| > Kevin James.
| > Tua'r Goleuni
| >
| >
| > "Eddie" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| > |
| > | I have works 2004 on a computer that recently blew up. I have a new
| > | and want to get my Microsoft works on it. once loaded it says the
product is
| > | already registered. Is there a way to get it on my new computer? It did
| > | come preinstalled on my computer. I bought the works suite off ebay.
| > |
| >
| >
| >
| >

MS Works Calendar (Backup)

Posted: 25 Oct 2006 11:30 AM PDT

| Great !!! I guess I just copy "mswkscal.wcd" to a safe place and
| with this copy when I invariable c**k up, easy now I know what file holds
| data.
| Thanks I am much obliged.

As a caution, instead of overwriting I rename mswkscal.wcd to mswkscal.old
then copy the backup mswkscal.wcd into the folder. Open the Calendar, if all
is okay, close Calendar then delete mswkscal.old.


"JC" <> wrote in message
| "Ken" <Thanks> wrote in message
| news:OEeAhbG%phx.gbl...
| >
| > The file I backup is.. mswkscal.wcd
| >
| > Ken
| >
| > "JC" <> wrote in message
| > news:453fad2f$
| >
| > | Sorry could be well OT, - - but I am new here!
| > | So could anyone please tell how I could back up my MS works
| > | files, i;e "where are they kept" every time I have to do a system
| > restore,
| > | generally after I do a programme update that don't work, Grrrr, I
| > my
| > | recent calendar entries.
| > |
| > | TIA JC
| Great !!! I guess I just copy "mswkscal.wcd" to a safe place and
| with this copy when I invariable c**k up, easy now I know what file holds
| data.
| Thanks I am much obliged.

Compatibility of MS Publisher with older versions

Posted: 24 Oct 2006 09:53 AM PDT

Hi Frustrated,

Works 4.0A can be upgraded to Works 4.5A here:
This runs on modern systems.

Works 8.0 can be upgraded to Works 8.5 here:
Note that this entails the loss of some features.

Works 8 and Works 4.5 can coexist on the same computer, albeit
that there are minor configuration considerations.

Works file compatibility is given here:

Generally, Works files can be Saved As for exchange with Office users
though the journey from Office back to Works may be unsatisfactory.

Works: Sharing Works files with other programs

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni

"Frustrated" <moc> wrote in message
| oops. What I meant to say is that they Have MS Works 4.0A for Windows
| 95 and want to upgrade their new computer to MS Works 8.0 if possible.
| Are the file formats compatible between these two versions? Can Works
| files be imported into other office products or is the file format
| proprietary?

mail merge for labels

Posted: 23 Oct 2006 07:46 AM PDT

Hi DG,

Perhaps these help:

Works: Error Message When You Use Works Database File as
Mail-Merge Data Source

Works: Database Does Not Merge into Works Word Processor

Put your address book to Works

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni

"DG" <> wrote in message
|I posted with Kevin James yesterday. He helped me but I'm still stuck. I
| watched the mail merge video and then I tried it. When I try to open my
| database after selecting it the computer tells me it can't be opened because
| there are blank fields and/or they contain characters you can't use in a
| merge list. I removed all punctuation except for "& and ," but I'm not sure
| how to remove the blank fields.
| DG

Math query in spreadsheet?

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 05:51 PM PDT

It is not Global Warming, the whole Solar System is getting
warmer. Not sure people and cars have anything to do with a
heat wave on Pluto or the other places in the solar system
getting warmer or the Mars Rovers getting far more power
from their solar panels than had been calculated.

"Rod" <> wrote in message
| Thanks Kevin,
| with global warming, we should indeed consider Tua'r
| "Kevin James" <com> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
| > Hi Rod,
| >
| > In Works ^3 gives the cube, as Jim rightly says.
| >
| > In your case therefore, for -( -0.5^3) Works
gives the
| > answer of (+) 0.125.
| >
| > Cube root, while we are discussing powers is given
by ^(1/3)
| > Squared root with ^(1/2) etc
| >
| > HTH,
| > --
| > Kevin James.
| > Tua'r Goleuni
| >
| >
| > "Rod" <> wrote in message
| > news:phx.gbl...
| > |
| > | Assisting my son in math.
| > | Is there a way to show -(y cubed) when y= -.5
| > | (the answer is +.125)
| > |
| > | Can MSWorks handle powers?, will I have to got to
| > | any advice welcomed.
| > |
| > | Thanks
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

Windows95 Works database

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 11:06 AM PDT

Hi Kevin James,
I watched your video on mail merge and I'm having trouble with my database.
When I try to open it a message comes on saying "it cannot be opened because
there are blank fields and/or contains character you can't use in a mail
merge list". I'm not sure how to filter this database so I can open it for
the labels.
Also, the address portion of the insert fields is too long to put the city,
state & zip code on one line. Is there a way to correct the program? eg: the
program shows the insert field as "home address, street" "home address,
city". How can I remove the "home address" and just show "street", "city",

"DG" wrote:

3 digit format for numbers

Posted: 21 Oct 2006 09:09 PM PDT

...because that is a "faux reading"
in another field, join that fields contents with anything,
say "N" or perhaps another fields contents,
the formatting is then lost.
The only way your solution is viable is when the operator
used CTRL C, CTRL V to cement the 3 format string.
Not wanted in my circumstance.

"ANONYMOUS" <COM> wrote in message

lost files

Posted: 21 Oct 2006 12:53 PM PDT

Hi Bodbar,

At times, a Works reinstall is not enough, and a cleanup is required.

See directions from step 3 and beyond in this Microsoft KB article.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni

"Bobdar" <> wrote in message
| Something new has popped up and I can't figure it out. All of a sudden, I
| have no templates. The program tells me it is missing a file that opens the
| templates and I have to reinstall Works. I have tried to install the
| program but nothing will take. For example when I go to the MSN file
| nothing will open under the file i.e., driving directions, maps, flight
| reservations, etc. Also when I try to open templates nothing will open. I
| have been using them before.
| Any help will be appreciated.

Microsoft Works Suite 2001 $19.99 with Free Ground Shipping!

Posted: 20 Oct 2006 10:28 AM PDT

"ThomasA" <com> wrote in message

No doubt, but I just bought Works 4.5 so . . . . .

Universal report generator.

Posted: 19 Oct 2006 07:08 PM PDT

Ta Kevin,
I'll have a look at those clipboard links,
the one I had, I found kept having MSWorks have critical errors
and aborting.
One cannot (or rather "does not want to") insert field entry
into the report. It requires selection from a drop down list of 253 (Ugh!)
each time, which defeats the purpose.
No matter, we shall endure this minor irritation.

"Kevin James" <com> wrote in message

Serial console access: need help - Forums Linux

Serial console access: need help - Forums Linux

Serial console access: need help

Posted: 31 May 2005 03:41 PM PDT

Thank you for the reply. I do have SAFE=Yes in /etc/sysconfig/kudzu but
not the same for the inittab.
Menno Duursma wrote: 

Help: Web Server with a Cable Modem

Posted: 31 May 2005 01:41 PM PDT

"Michael" <edu> wrote in news:xZ3ne.5008$lI2.3299

You could put the linux server behind the cable modem and wireless router
and then setup the wireless router to forward traffic port 80 or whatever
to the IP address of the linux server. My ISP aliases port 80 for me so
I can run a webserver here. It sits behind a linksys wrt54g and traffic
on http/https goes to it.

I've had that setup for a long time and it works very well :)

Michael Perry | do or do not. There is no try. -Master Yoda
org |

Passive means what during FTP?

Posted: 30 May 2005 11:30 PM PDT

On Tue, 31 May 2005 15:36:13 +0000, Robert Nichols wrote: 

[ ... ]

Misconfigured firewalling.

Yes. Passive mode is more secure(able) though.

Which means the server needs to (re)claim root privilege :-( ...
Vsftpd drops root after bind()ing to port 21 entirely, if setup to
passive-mode only.

Ofcource this beaks "ftps" (SSL/TLS encripting atleast the control channel.)
Since the (otherwise) statefull firewalling code, cannot look inside the
packets. You'd have no choise but to allow any connection from port 20 to
your 1024-65535 range.

Yes. And the port in in the range: >1024

Nope. The client connects from port >1024 , so the connection looks like:

Request PASV:

Client port >1024 ==> Server port 21

Server opens a local port >1024 listener, and tells the client about it,
client connects to that port for data transfer:

Client port >1024 ==> Server port >1024

No it does not. It only needs to allow outgoing connections from ports
above 1023 (or, and tighter: whatever the ip_local_port_range is set to)
to the server ports 21 and 1024-65535 ...

And since it's only outbound connections (initiated from the client) there
isn't any problem in encripting the control connection, i.e.: ftps

Well, you could do that. But it doesn't buy anything since the ports are
in closed state already, untill the server starts a listener for some data
connection which in turn triggers the "firewall" to poke a hole. So you'd
be "protecting" closed ports only - which seems kind of silly to me ...

Now again what this _does_ do is break SSL/TLS encripting of the control
channel (which, when configured correctly, provides some _actual_ security.)

Simply setup the server to use a passive port-range, and allow that
through the firewall. If the Netfilter is host-based (i.e.: local) one can
even configure it to allow outbound (reply) packets, in that range, from
the account the server runs as only ( man iptables <-- look for "owner" .)

Any Masq/NAT machine on the _client_ network isn't a problem (even with
SSL/TLS), provided: passive-mode is used ...

No they don't. Only if either active-mode needs to be supported, or the
NAT machine is in front of the _server_ network (in which case you'll need
to port-forward 21 and the passive-data range.)


Mounting a Remote CD-RW Drive using SMBFS

Posted: 30 May 2005 11:13 PM PDT

Yes, you were correct. Thanks.

Funny thing though is that I don't remember doing a 'mkdir' when I first
mounted the hard drive from the same
machine (/mnt/maxtor).


"Ross MacGillivray" <net> wrote in message

Help needed for RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0 with Marvell Yukon GIgabit

Posted: 30 May 2005 11:15 AM PDT

Thanks a million...

New to linux, 2 hard drives, dual boot

Posted: 30 May 2005 10:02 AM PDT

Oh, and originally, I meant a partition to which both Windows and Linux
could read/write. FAT32 can take care of that in future days.

please help: cannot access external network from Linux (using DSL router + internal network)

Posted: 30 May 2005 02:24 AM PDT

"Neil Zanella" <> wrote in message 

Go to a working Windows computer and get the assigned gateway and dns
addresses and set up the Linux box the same way.


Linux + 2 S-ATA drives

Posted: 30 May 2005 01:39 AM PDT

"***** charles" <com> wrote in message

Never do this. Always, always, always make the Windows hard drive the first
drive. That's what it thinks it is when you installed it, since it was the
"first" and only drive on the controller.

Your work with the Linux installation is easily salvaged by using the Linux
installation media to munt the Linux hard drive, edit /etc/fstab and
/etc/mtab to match the swapped drives, edit /etc/boot/* files to match the
new layout, and re-run grub-install as desired.

This would make the Windows drive "hd0" and the Linux drive "hd1". It's just
a lot easier to manage this way, believe me. If you want to do otherwise,
you'll need to manipulate the mounting of hard drives in your grub or other
optiions so that your Linux drive is forced to show up as hd0 and your
Windows drive forced to show up as hd1. The Wiindows OS isn't necessarily as
smart about it, it's easier to get the Linux OS to trick things than it is
to reset what your bootable drive is in Windows.

Dual head on PCI express platform

Posted: 28 May 2005 09:55 AM PDT

Hello Rod,

I have been using ATI RADION X300 SERIES adapter on ASUS MB with Intel
915P chip set for 4 months. So far, there has not been any problem with

I dualboot windowsxp and RHEL4.0, KNL 2.6.
The card comes with dual integrated display controllers and is an entry
level card with 128MB & 4 pipe rendering architecture. It provides
full support for Microsoft DirectX 9, and ATI's SmartShader and

This card is not for serious gaming, but supports today's game
titles and modeling software I use on the windows shine as well.

The detailed features are at:

Regarding DOs and DONTs, the RHEL4.0 & FC3 supports the X300 graphic
card. But I do not know for Scientific Linux.

The problem I encounter with the 915P is the onboard Intel ICH6R raid
controller. Up to RHEL4.0 & FC3, it is not supported at installation

The worst thing is that if the SATAs are configured in RAID mode, the
installation does not detects them. Which leaves on board raid feature
unusable, even if you have extra SATAs not in raid, combined with
others SATAs on RAID.

I read on the net that Mendriva 10.1 supports it, but I haven't tested
yet. And further more, it is tailored towards Desktop use rather than
server use.

Hope this helps you in someway.

New multi-partition SuSE installation -- problem

Posted: 28 May 2005 05:52 AM PDT

On Sun, 29 May 2005 13:33:28 UTC, "elanore" <com> opined: 

This appears to be true if the two OSes share a HD. I have said the same
thing on a SuSE forum, and took a lot of static for it.

Thank you...

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

Fedora 3 on PC with unbootable CD

Posted: 28 May 2005 01:53 AM PDT

With no fuss at all ... the machine is now up and running with NetBSD :-)

On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 21:04:22 +0100, Ewan <com> wrote:

Email: registration1 (followed by at) island (followed by hyphen) design
(followed by

Extract single file from SRPM?

Posted: 26 May 2005 04:12 PM PDT

On 2005-05-26, com <com> wrote: 

"Midnight Commander" (mc) can open rpm files, allow you to browse the
contents, and copy specific files from the package using a nice ncurses


John (

Installing qmail on Redhat Enterprise Edition AS

Posted: 26 May 2005 08:30 AM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup Jean-David Beyer <com>: 

Yep, they somewhere between managed to upgrade jfs in the kernel
unsupported package. It's now working stable.;)

After all it remains mysterious to me why they don't add an
online at least grow-able fs to the supported kernel, not even in


Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 201: RPC_PMAP_FAILURE

how do you save doc to Power Point Microsoft Project

how do you save doc to Power Point Microsoft Project

how do you save doc to Power Point

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 02:03 PM PST

i can e-mail the MS Project but the recepiant can not open it. They have MS
outlook, power point, access and front page so i was trying to send the
MSProject in a formatt they can open even though they do not have it

"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

How can I print a report to a file in Project?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 12:03 PM PST

What sort of file?

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"geffed" <> wrote in message

Valid object checks...

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 11:09 AM PST

In article <com>,
Ken <> wrote:
Something sounds a little off base. If the user selected a task, how can
it be blank? Yes, I guess they could inadvertently select a blank line
but then why would they go ahead and run the macro?

Depending on what the macro is designed to do, I can envision the user
selecting a task from a task type view (e.g. Gantt Chart) or an
assignment in the Resource Usage view or perhaps a task in the Task
Usage view. These are all valid task selections and can be handled in
the code. The user will never select a task in a pure resource type of
view, such as the Resource Sheet, because there are no tasks in a pure
resource view?

Although I understand that users can sometimes do some "unconventional"
things and therefore a good set of controlled error traps in code is
well advised, but from what you have explained, the need for error traps
isn't all that apparent.

Project MVP

2 Questions

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 09:51 AM PST

Hi Rolands67,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

I suggest you insert a Number column. Then, in Excel, create a column and
put 1 in the first cell, 2 in the second, highlight them both and click and
drag the fill handle to produce a column of sequential numbers. Then
copy/paste into the project number column.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Roland67 wrote: 

how long will take me to complete Project self-learning?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 09:31 AM PST

I've been using Project for about 10 years and training for about 18 years.
I figure it's only within the last 5 years I began to truly understand the
way Project is best used to manage projects but then my BS degree includes
an economics minor to help relate the theory to the software.

If your goal is to become a trainer in MS Project, unlike other Office
applications like Word for example, learning the software inside and out is
only the starting point. You simply must understand WHY it acts the way it
does as well as understanding what it does and how it does it. As I like to
put it, you don't need to be a professional writer to understand everything
there is to know about Word but you do need to understand the discipline of
formal project manager to go beyond the bare basics with Project.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"a_tobe" <> wrote in message

What the difference between the hexagon and octogon boxes in an M.

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 08:13 AM PST

I just looked. The "rounded" corner one is actually an octagon, but the
angled sides are fairly small.
There is no inherent significance to any of the shapes. You can set the
style however you want.
You will have to ask the author of the file what the meaning is.

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"tdragone" <> wrote in message
know the significance of the octagons - they are not milestones. Tell me
how I can send you the file... Tom 

Repair a damaged or corrupt MS Project 2002 file?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 06:29 AM PST

Hi Susan,

You may wish to remove the link between the corrupted project file and your
new file. Double click on the Inserted Project summary task and on the
Advanced tab remove the check from the Link to project checkbox. This will
give you a copy of the tasks from the corrupted project but will break the
link eliminating the need for both copies.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

"Susan" wrote:

How to display start time project 2000

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 05:49 AM PST

You are very welcome Andrew. Thanks for the feedback. Let us know if we can
assist you again.


"Andrew" wrote:

Can I up date from windows 98 to XP?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 04:35 AM PST

Depends on how old your hardware is....

Steve House [MVP]

"sap" <> wrote in message

Project Resources \ Splitting Resources

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 04:33 AM PST

One thing you need to double check right away is the way you are
interpretting the resource assignment percentage. If I have a resource
assigned 40%, that means he's producing the equivalent of 40% of the total
duration in man-hours, NOT that he's doing 40% of the total work required on
the task. In your example it happens to work out the same but it is by no
means universal that it will.

Essentially you are asking Project to exhibit a mixture of non-effort driven
and effort driven behaviors. AFAIK, that'll either have to be done by hand
or though VB.

Steve House [MVP]

"KRL" <> wrote in message

How do I set up 7 days a week in Project?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 04:17 AM PST

Additionally, if you are assigning resources to the tasks (not sure exactly
what you mean when you say that you 'don't care about resource loading'),
you will need to go into the resource sheet and change all of the resources'
base calendars and these do not automatically change when you choose a
calendar other than standard under project / project info.


"JulieS" <> wrote in message

Start date in "task usage"

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 12:05 AM PST


go to project / project information and check the "current date" setting.


"Jan, SAT Consulting" <Jan, SAT> wrote
in message news:com... 

unknown cab file required

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 04:37 PM PST

Cab files are loaded on your computer when you update your software. It is
not on any disks. It is how the computer determines what updates you've had
and what you need. You need to clean up the windows installer. Go to and look for Windows Installer Cleanup. The actual program is
msicuu.exe. Most likely you removed a program but didn't completely clean it
up and when trying to reinstall, the new program is looking for the cab
file. Load the cleanup program and remove the offending file. I just went
through this when I was having trouble removing Office and then removed it
in a roundabout way and couldn't get it to work after reinstalling.
Mike Sellers
"Mark Stinson" <com> wrote in message

Who does what When Report - export to excel?

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 07:28 AM PST

Hi Mark,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Please see FAQ Item: 16. Project Viewer.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

com wrote: 

when you have xp professional, how do you get microsoft office pr.

Posted: 22 Jan 2005 04:05 PM PST

quanitasmith412 wrote:

First off, my condolences for downgrading to WinXP. You should really
rethink this as it will be nothing but a big headache.

However, depending on the OS you came from your registry is fscked up. (Not
that is isn't to begin with.)

WinXP will have no idea about what apps you have running. You'll need to
reinstall Office or upgrade to OpenOffice.

Since this is a Project group, you'll need to reinstall that, too.


"i believe in what i'm doing, but what is it i'm doing here"

Alias Email To External Contacts? - Microsoft Exchange

Alias Email To External Contacts? - Microsoft Exchange

Alias Email To External Contacts?

Posted: 05 Oct 2005 04:11 AM PDT

Ah great, thanks for that, worked perfectly!

"Bharat Suneja" <> wrote in message

HELP! Mail forwarding for a user - Exch. 5.5 - did research, still problem

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 11:56 AM PDT

I was thinking format, but if you can send to the CR by picking from the
GAL, then the issue is something else.
Interested to hear what you find out in the logs and from a trace. Like I
said, it appears to be between the IMS and the next hop, but... Be sure to
check anti-virus software logs as well as the next hop if a smart host (I
believe you said it was a smart host).

"Grace" <com> wrote in message

POP3 & IMAP4 services

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 09:53 AM PDT

Thank you very much. The main reason is that my firewall is too strict. I
release some ports and everything is fine now.


"William Lefkovics [MVP]" <> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

RPC over HTTP on Single Exchange Server

Posted: 04 Oct 2005 08:11 AM PDT

Thanks for the reply.

As I have multiple IPs configured on my server, I have configured Sharepoint
and Exchange on two different IPs.

If we have configured both on the same IP then we may have to exclude RPC

Any other view on my issue?

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Proper way - contacts to public folder

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 07:40 AM PDT

It was the import that failed. It said something to the effect of "can't
import to public root folder." I tried dragging and dropping - it worked
beautifully! Thanks!

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

unknown email problem

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 02:36 AM PDT

Its definately something on the client side that is causing this corruption
either the ISP or their mail server is somehow corrupting the attachments.
Now as far as I know the only thing past the ISP that could touch the
attachments is the anti-virus scanning the attachments.

Sorry I cant be of much further assistance, I can only say ask them to stop
their virus scanning while you do a quick test and then switch it back on.
or send a mail to their ISP and see if they can open and ask them to see if
they are doing anything strange.

"man" wrote:

Password Expiration (PEWA) Help

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 02:24 AM PDT

You can make the script run against a particular OU if you want. Not sure
how it would interact with Outlook.

All you need to do is:
- lookup AD for password age limit on the domain
- query each user's pwdLastSet attrib (it's an integer, will require
- do the math and figure out if their password will expire in X days
(whatever you wanted X to be)
- If expires in X days or less, lookup user's email address, send email to
user, insert details like when pw was last changed, the organization's
password policy, and how many days they have to change it before it expires.
Bharat Suneja

"Dean Harrison" <> wrote in message

How do I find the account information for our ISP in Exchange Server 2003?

Posted: 02 Oct 2005 11:12 PM PDT

Thanks Jim. In my previous job I used Exchange 5.5 which would take its mail
from the ISP-provided email account (where all our employee's emails were
sent to via the MX records in our domain name's DNS settings). Exchange 5.5
would use a connector which had the setup information of the ISP-related
email account and would poll the account for new messages on a periodic run.
Exchange 5.5 would then take all the msgs and distribute them to the
relevant mailboxes.

We run MS Windows Server 2003 Standard with Exchange 2003. I've never used
Ex2003 b4 so I was confused when I couldn't find the settings where it polls
to pickup its mail. Thanks for the info.

+-- Julian @ JDMils . com

"Jim McBee (MVP)" <> wrote in message

POP3 connector for exchange server 2003

Posted: 01 Oct 2005 04:47 PM PDT

Thanks, David. Much appreciated.
Endurance is more important then truth.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

How to search for alias email addresses?

Posted: 30 Sep 2005 08:10 AM PDT

Thank you Ben!

That worked. I was not searching for the "smtp:" part.


"Ben Hoffman" <> wrote in message

missing email

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 02:40 PM PDT

no, it's an external sender

"Jim McBee (MVP)" <> wrote in message

Lost attachments

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 02:10 PM PDT

That's a good thought, but it doesn't appear to apply to my case. My
Kapersky A/V software is set to move the entire e-mail into a quarantine if
it finds a virus. It doesn't strip out attachments.

Anybody have any other ideas?



"Kulwinder" wrote:

Outboung SMTP routing with multiple virtual SMTP servers

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 12:32 PM PDT

Made the suggested change and now I can see the security groups! I am still
sending messages through the wrong virtual SMTP server even after
restricting access by security group. Any ideas on what I am missing?
Also, thank you very much for the help!

"Bharat Suneja" <> wrote in message

Outgoing message filtering - Exchange 5.5???

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 12:00 PM PDT

what do you use as your SMTP gateway ?, doesnt that have an option to block
processing mails sent from a particular email address

"HaTeTeP" wrote:

How to check the total size of information store ?

Posted: 29 Sep 2005 02:58 AM PDT

Its the white space that you can recover when you defrag the database, as you
say "inside the edb"

"man" wrote:

How to manage address lists when you host virtual organizations

Posted: 28 Sep 2005 09:39 AM PDT

Sorry, but I have some problems with OAB.
When the option "Cached Exchange mode" in outlook 2003 is enable, all
customer hosting in my Exchange 2003 organization view all objects in default
GAL, not only customer OAB created. I have just septate the attribute
msExchUseOAB for all members of customer OU.

"Simone" wrote:

Move subfolders to .PST file

Posted: 28 Sep 2005 08:46 AM PDT

Actually I found the answe, Thanks for the info. The problem was with my
antivirus, it had a setting of scanning all messages so by users to move
they're files it cause it to limit them of the number of moves to a .pst file.


"Bharat Suneja" wrote:

Foward to external address (how to..?)

Posted: 28 Sep 2005 06:50 AM PDT

Ok .. Sorry for my bad english :-)

Exchange server is on a provate LAN not accessible from internet.

So I've created a new mailbox com (this mailbox is'nt
managed by exchange, but is managed by a pubblic internet provider).

The phone download the emails from this mailserver (here no problem)...

Now I need to foward from exchange server alla the emails to this pubblic
mail server (where there is the com mailbox) other the

My problem is that if I create a new contact in AD ith the address
com exchange "keep inside" all the email that I foward
to com and not delivery this messagges outside...

I hope you may understand me :-)

thanks a lot...

Exchange 2003 Mailbox Synchronization Problem

Posted: 27 Sep 2005 09:36 PM PDT

Thanks but how does that explain 'tasks' not being synchronized?

Deleted log files now getting 0xfffff8ed upon trying to start IS

Posted: 27 Sep 2005 08:07 PM PDT

Ed..thank you for your help. server is a 5.5 beast :-)

I tried the /r /is but still got the same errors.

What about doing a /p then /d on both Priv and Pub?

At this point I can live without whatever was not committed from the trx logs.



"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote: