

actual completion date versus task calendar date Microsoft Project

actual completion date versus task calendar date Microsoft Project

actual completion date versus task calendar date

Posted: 30 Dec 2004 12:25 PM PST

One hour per day is the equivalent of a 12.5% resource assignment level if
the resource's calendar says he works an 8 hour workday. Your task begins
Jan 1st?? New Years Day isn't a holiday and your resource works weekends?
For discussion lets say your resource works 8-5 M-F, 5 days @ 8 hours/day
for a 40-hour workweek. Task X which requires 24 man-hours of work begins
the first workday in Jan, Mon 03 Jan. If your resource worked full-time on
it, it would finish Wed at 5 pm, 24 working hours later or 3 workdays. But
your resource is only working 1 hour per day - that means the task duration
will require 24 days to accumulate 24 man-hours of work. Enter the task
with a duration of 24 days, assign the resource at 12.5% and when you
display the work column, split the screen for instance, you'll see that it
shows 24 man-hours of work being performed. Alternately, enter the task as
3 days duration, assign the resource 100% and then EDIT the resource
assignment to reduce it to 12.5% and Project will calculate a new duration
of 24 days. In either case, the result is a task that starts Mon 03 Jan and
ends Thur 03 Feb with the task following it ln the link starting Fri 04 Feb
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Lina" <> wrote in message

Change font color of 'custom field' value

Posted: 30 Dec 2004 08:45 AM PST

Thanks. Just a few minutes a go I figured out how to do it using a
'Customized Field'. Within this field I used the 'Value List' indicating
possible values (low/med/high), then I used 'Graphical Indicators' setting
'low' = green button, and so on. Works great! Now it's easy to pickup trouble
spots on 100+ task plans. In addition, I set 'summary rows' = white button so
as not to confuse the real status of a summary task.

"John" wrote:

Missing contour option

Posted: 30 Dec 2004 01:21 AM PST


No, the contour is not available in the resource usage or task usage view.
All I see (when I diuble-click a task in teh resource usage view), is the
label. In Dutch, it is called "werklastbeschrijving:". There is no
possibility to select one of the predefined options: there is simply no

May be, it has something to do with the Dutch version? Or is it some option
with the professional version. I use it as a stand-alone version (therefore,
I 'd better shoudl use the Standaard version, but this is the one I got from
work). I don't use Microsoft Server 2003.

Thanks for your time.

"Rod Gill" <rodg AT project HYPHEN systems DOT co DOT nz> schreef in bericht

How do I 'start date' = current date & 'finish date' = fixed date

Posted: 29 Dec 2004 01:13 PM PST

Agreed. I will back track and adjust.

"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

Security Profiles

Posted: 29 Dec 2004 01:07 PM PST

Nancy --

The books you have already purchased deal specifically with Microsoft
Project and not with Project Server. Our books deal specifically with
Project Server. Please feel free to download the table of contents for the
administrator's book to confirm the content you seek, but I do believe our
book will provide the knowledge you need to create the document. In our
book, we detail the exact permissions for every Group and Category, and
explain in detail how the use of the RBS field controls security in Project
Server. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Nancy Wood" <> wrote in message

Project Server 2003 Add-On

Posted: 28 Dec 2004 12:29 PM PST

Hi Lia,

Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Lia wrote: 

Errors in Outlook generated from PWA

Posted: 28 Dec 2004 09:41 AM PST

Thanks Mike. I posted it there as well and within the Outlook sections.

"Mike Glen" wrote:

skills versus talents

Posted: 27 Dec 2004 06:43 PM PST

I would parse it this way:

Talent: Innate ability
Skill: Acquired ability

On 12/28/04 3:49 PM, in article phx.gbl, "Bill
Swihart" <com> wrote:

Ken Gorelick

Text Fields between Gantt and Resource View

Posted: 27 Dec 2004 06:31 PM PST

deluth wrote:

Does the macro you have put Task Text field values into the Assignment
Text fields so they can be seen in the Usage View? If so that macro can
be easily redone to put resource text fields in as well. But they
cannot be used at the same time since one puts resource fields in and
one puts task fields in. The only way both can work is if One set puts
the (for example) Task Text 1 field into the Assignment Text1 field and
then the other puts the Resource Text 1 field into Assignment Text2.
Then you could have both working together.

Here are macros that will do what you want (I think). One for tasks and
one for resources. you will need to edit the "Text1" parts to get them
right for your situation.

Sub RestoAssn()
Dim R As Resource
Dim A As Assignment

For Each R In ActiveProject.Resources
If Not (R Is Nothing) Then
For Each A In R.Assignments
A.Text1 = R.Text1
Next A
End If
Next R
End Sub

Sub TasktoAssn()
Dim T As Task
Dim A As Assignment

For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not (T Is Nothing) Then
For Each A In T.Assignments
A.Text2 = T.Text1
Next A
End If
Next T
End Sub

Brian K
Project MVP

Project Server Consultant

Team Leads rejecting task updates

Posted: 27 Dec 2004 04:23 PM PST

Andy --

They won't see the updates on the Updates page. They will see each
delegated task on their timesheet in PWA, and will see the actuals entered
by the team members there. The team lead must then select the task and
click the Update All or Update Selected Task button to submit the actuals to
the project manager. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Andy" <> wrote in message

durations and resources

Posted: 27 Dec 2004 12:27 PM PST

Unlike work resources you can't change the materials and have the duration
change as a result. Changing duration, though, can change the total
materials consumed, depending on how you enter it in the resource assignment
to begin with.

Let's say your resource is fuel for a generator. The generator itself is a
work resource but the fuel is a material resource and the resource list will
have both entries along with the people working in your project. You would
enter the fuel in the resource sheet with the name would be "fuel," the type
"material," the material label might be "gallons" and the standard rate
would be the cost per unit in the material label, for instance entering
$2.00 in the standard rate would mean it costs $2.00/gallon. Now let's say
your generator uses 5 gallons per hour. When you assign resources to the
task that uses the generator you would include in the list "Fuel" along with
the people, etc, and in the assignment units column for the fuel you would
enter "5/hr" without the quotes. Now Project will multiply the task
duration in hours by 5 to determine the total gallons used and that in turn
by $2 to determine the cost of fuel for that one task. If the duration
changes later, it will automatically recompute the number of gallons for the
new duration. You can see that calculation in action if you split the
screen and in the bottom window right mouse and select the "resource cost"

OTOH, the other way to account for materials is to enter the actual expected
total consumption of the material by the task using it. If you're doing a
100 metre long wall 1 metre high it will take the same number of bricks for
the wall regardless of how long it takes to do it. For that one, the
resource sheet would have "Bricks," the label would be perhaps "each" and
the standard rate would be "$1.50"" the cost per brick. When you assign
resources to the "Build The Wall" task the resource list would be "Joe
Bricklayer, 100%" and "Bricks, 5000" meaning it will require 5000 bricks for
the wall. Notice that the "/hr" is missing in this case, indicating it will
take 5000 bricks regardless of whether it takes 1 day or 1 week to build the

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Steph" <> wrote in message

How to you track multiple resource time associated with multiple .

Posted: 23 Dec 2004 08:29 AM PST

Hi Firstlady,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #18 – Multiple Project Management, at this
site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

firstlady wrote: 

Microsoft Word - windows 8

Microsoft Word - windows 8

windows 8

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 01:43 PM PST



Don't want to sound stupid but I have new computer and it has windows 8.

What programme do I need to install for word and excel.





Oh and any idea how much we are talking. I am in the uk not sure if this site is for uk.



Office Starter

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 01:14 PM PST

I have Office Starter installed in my computer. When I try to open  a word document, I get a message that office needs to be installed. Can you help?

New 2013 Word table style doesn't retain banding colors

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 12:59 PM PST

I'm working in Word 2013 and created a new table style based on Grid Table 2 - Accent 5 and named it CLVS Colorful. I changed the header row to blue, changed even banded rows to tan, and the odd banded rows to no color. The new style displayed in the Table style gallery and tables assigned the style looked just as I wanted. However, as I continue to work in the document, the odd banded rows change to blue as in the original Grid Table 2 - Accent 5. All other attributes I assigned the new style are retained. What am I doing or not doing?




Problem With Return Address Margin When Printing Envelopes

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 12:46 PM PST

I recently got a new computer at work that is running Windows 8.1 and Office 2013. When I print an envelope (size 10), my return address is cut off. The margins are set to "auto", and when it prints there is a 1/2 inch margin, but the first few characters of every line are missing. Yes, I can change the margins to 1 inch and all the characters are there, but it looks stupid because the address is so far to the right. Anyone have any ideas...before I bang my head against the wall? ;)

Why Filepath automatically displays in footer? I did not insert it.....

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 12:24 PM PST



I have inserted the document property [Comments] in the footer so I can display office branch address based on user selection from my Visual Studio C# app using MS Office Runtime.


It was working fine until I print preview and the FilePath is auto inserted next to the [Comments] field and this only happens on the 1st page of the entire document.  Would appreciate any hints as to how to turn it off or how I "made" it appear in the 1st place?  I did not insert any QuickParts in design mode or programmatically.  Thanks in advance......


I have pasted a picture of this below


Word 2013 on Surface Pro- Inking with Pen and not finger?

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 11:49 AM PST

I would like to use my Surface Pro and the included Pen to fill out information on a form and only have the pen write information on the document, so I can use my finger to do things like swipe up to scroll, pinch to zoom in and out, etc.  But when I touch the screen with my finger, it is recognized the same as the pen and puts a black line across the page.

OneNote does this without any problems, how can I set Word to act the same way?

Display of Unusual Unicode Characters

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 11:27 AM PST

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I use Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 8. I have just downloaded a font called "Junicode", which has a number of unusual characters in the "Private Use" area of the character chart. However, in Microsoft Word, a lot of these characters display as white question marks inside black rectangles. Can anybody suggest what the problem might be?

Many Thanks,

Marcus Tullius Cicero

In Word 2013, track changes not showing individual editors--all are now "author"

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 11:17 AM PST

I don't know what happened, and I can't seem to find any setting to fix this. When I make edits, my name shows up with the changes I make. But after I save it, my name disappears. This happens for anyone else who is editing the doc as well. I checked the advanced track changes settings and they are set to distinguish different authors' edits by color. What went wrong?

Word 2013 Mailing function

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 10:47 AM PST

I'm running Windows 8 on a new Lenovo Ultrabook.  The Mailings function in my Word 2013 has trouble with envelope and label addresses.  In each address line, the first letter registers and appears but the rest of the letters in the line don't appear for up to 2 minutes.  It takes a very long time to address an envelope or label!  Is this a settings problem or something more serious?  Thanks.

Word macros

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 08:39 AM PST

I am trying to record macros within a Word 2007 document.  I can edit the document with no problems, but

as soon as I press "Record a Macro", a "cassette" icon appears, and I cannot do anything within the document.

Does Word 2007 actually allow recording macros (MS-Excel 2007 has deficiencies in macro recording), and

if so, is there a parameter I need to set to allow the document to be edited?

Office Word 2013 Tables

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:56 AM PST

The table resize handles in Office Word 2013 DO NOT show up when my cursor is in a table, or I hover the pointer over the table. I can do the same thing on my desktop (Windows 8.1 Word 2010) and the handles show up, but not on Windows 8.1 Office 2013 on my Surface Pro 2. How do I enable them?

I am in print layout view. The online help says, "In print layout view, rest the pointer on the table until the table resize handle appears on the lower-right corner of the table." Well, does NOT show up.

Cant print from word

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:17 AM PST

When I send my documents to the printer they cancel themselves before they print. Cant print from anywhere like excel or internet. Little printer pops up in start  menu and says 1 document pending, then it deletes itself.

How do I change my files from WinRAR to Documents?

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 06:47 AM PST

I have Windows 7, Open Office 4.0.  Somehow my saved documents  are now WinRAR and I can't open them.  How do I get them back to Documents when I save?

Split Microsoft Word (Office 2010 and Windows 7)

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 05:12 AM PST

How can I split a MS-Word File into multiple documents, based on a "Title" rather than specific number of pages.  We receive documents than contain multiple documents within the file that must be "split" apart.  The pages of the files vary, but each have a unique heading in them.  The workstations use Windows 7 and we use MS-Office 2010, but will also be migrating to Office 365 within the year.



How do I 'Print to Fit Page' in Word 2010?

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 04:07 AM PST

In the past I always had the 'print to fit page' option in the print set up. Which I use when I need to print an A4 document in A3 size. In word 2010 I can't find it! Please help I use it all the time

Can't save as from Word Windows 8.1 RT

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 03:22 AM PST

Hi all,

I can't save as from word any more. I select the option from the menu. Any location I select does not open - it highlights for a short time then nothing happens. It's the same when I try to browse too. Nothing happens. Any help appreciated.

underline or border styles

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 03:06 AM PST



is it possible to create a text style, or by using borders, to create a double underline, with two different colours applied to the underline?  I want to create a heading style that uses two different colours, without using a jpeg that I would need to position everytime......


thanks :-)

Is there a way to iterate through and examine links in a Document?

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 02:02 AM PST


If I have an MS Word file linked to several Excel spreadsheets, is there a way that I can step through each link in the Word file, and then see to which source file (and/or cell) the link refers?

Many thanks!

Unable to use proofing

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 01:11 AM PST

I am unable to use any proofing.  I get a tick at the bottom.  I do not get red or green underlining for incorrect spellings or styles.  This problem started suddenly just a couple of days ago.


I read some solutions online, and accordingly uninstalled Microsoft Office 2007, rebooted my PC, and reinstalled Microsoft Office 2007.


This did not help.  The same problem continues.  I am begging for a solution.

incompatibility problem between documents in microsoft word version 7 and word for mac 2011 version 14

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 12:18 AM PST

I am hoping that someone will be able to help me with a problem. I am not brilliant with technology so please allow for that!
I have sent some documents to a client. I have used microsoft word version 7 whilst my client uses a mac - word for mac 2011 version 14.
When my client tries to update the table of contents on her mac they become jumbled and out of line.
The really strange thing is that when she emails a copy of jumbled text back to me it displays perfectly on my pc screen.
She has even uploaded a copy to dropbox but again when I display it on my pc it is perfect.
Any advice or guidance would be very much appreciated.
Kind regards
[Edited to update "Applies to" data]

Recent docs list for Excel and Word

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 09:27 PM PST

Before I installed Office 2013 yesterday I had a long-time issue (I had Office 2010) where the recent documents would not show up in the task bar or start menu for Excel and Word. By task bar I mean the little pop up you get when you click on an Office application and drag up.

I thought installing Office 2013 would fix the issue, as it'll be brand new software, but the recent documents STILL won't appear. What's even more annoying is how it works for Powerpoint but not the other two, Word and Excel

I've tried to follow this solution, but it didn't work...

Any other suggestions on how to fix this issue?

No Synonym menu on right click

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 09:10 PM PST

Running Office 365 Home/Small Business on Surface Pro, Windows 8.1. When I highlight a word and right click I get a menu that shows font size, etc but no menu that permits selection a synonym or ability to add a word to my dictionary.  I can do this on one of my desktops which is also running Office 365 as part of the shared package of 5 installs. The right click menu feature does not work on my wife's Surface Pro or on her desktop system.  Anyone have a thought or similar experience

Hidden Text Pages printing blank

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 06:14 PM PST

Certain pages within my document are completely made up of hidden text. Each page commences with Heading 2 style and starts on a new page.
The Table of Contents updates and removes each hidden page, however, the page itself is still printing - as a blank page.
How can I stop these pages from printing?

Microsoft Word 2013 -not able to open files

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 05:49 PM PST


I recently bought Word 2013 and have been saving documents created on it on both my laptop and Skydrive. It creates docx files, which I then can´t open again in Skydrive as it can´t recognise the file -even though I´m using the same laptop I saved it on only a few minutes previously-, or anywhere else it seems.
Is there a way around this to make the files standard Word files? I also have problems opening Word documents sent to me via email with older Word formats, which is making life pretty difficult considering I need to use this every day.

I´ve never had this problem before, Word is Word is Word, is it not?!

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Content Control Check Box

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 04:43 PM PST

Am I able to set up a Check Box Content Control so that when it is checked a piece of text is inserted at a specific point elsewhere in the document?

Can PDF files be merged/combined using Office 2013/365?

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 04:16 PM PST

Can PDF files be merged/combined using Office 2013/365?

changing the default in a word doc final review

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 03:22 PM PST

I would like to know how to get my word documents to open (as a default) in a final view rather than in a final mark up status. I have unchecked all options in the 'show markup' dropdown, but it does not save them. This does not happen on all word documents, just some.


If I forget to go into reveiw and choose FINAL, then i print documents that have all the edit marks.

Need help reading IDE drive data that is imaged from a SCSI drive - Forums Linux

Need help reading IDE drive data that is imaged from a SCSI drive - Forums Linux

Need help reading IDE drive data that is imaged from a SCSI drive

Posted: 08 Mar 2005 07:22 AM PST

I tried "mount -o loop,blocksize=620 -t ext3 /dev/hdb5 /mnt" and some
other fstypes, I got the following error message:
================================================== ============
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
or too many mounted file systems
(could this be the IDE device where you in fact use
ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?)
================================================== ============

I know it's an IDE device, but how do I use sr0 or sda?


Using TV set as a monitor

Posted: 08 Mar 2005 06:25 AM PST

Davide Bianchi wrote:
Thanks Davide. I will look into it. The talk is a free service to the
retirement village where we live, so I don't want to spend too much. There
is an associated video, so a VCR will be available. This makes prg's
suggestion worth looking at. (Actually, the pictures are supplementary.)
I am told that transparencies for overhead projectors, as we call them,
(the things with a glass screen and a lens and 45 degree mirror or prism)
can be made from the prints. They can go into the kit. I wouldn't look
for better definition than with the VCR, if I can get everything to appear
on the one screen.

What is a "beamer"? I am not in the industry, and it may have a different
name here in Oz. I know that there is a projector that can show a
presentation on a screen. I really need to see what is available here at
the village (the manager is on holidays and there is no equipment visible)
and run through the complete talk with my wife. I was just "brainstorming"
at the moment.

ICQ Number 178748389. Registered Linux User No. 277548.
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
- Thomas Edison.

Suse 9.0 & Windows XP dual boot

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 08:39 PM PST

mercedes909 wrote:

windows is not able to boot from a slave drive. You either have to switch
the disks or make M$ think it is booting from a master drive. You can do
this with grub in the menu.lst.


Updating BIOS with thumb drives or from Linux

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 08:20 PM PST

"mjt" <ru> wrote in message

That page describes, in detail using a CD drive. These things don't *have*
CD drives. They do have USB, and they do have network, but using a floppy or
CD would invilve taking them out of the rack, opening them up, installing CD
drives, etc., etc. Not a good idea in a production environment.


This page describes PXE, but never actually tried it. I've done PXE boots
and tried it, but attempting to run the BIOS flashing tools from a PXE
loaded floppy image simply crashes the machine, even with a floppy image
that works on the one machine that actually is out of the rack and has a
floppy and CD drive (I've tried both).

I need an example of someone actually *doing* it. Network installation would
be good, but USB drive would work, too. A tool that could install the BIOS
on various modern motherboards from the Linux operating system would be
ideal, but I'm afraid that's not working except with LinuxBIOS enableed
motherboards or their ilk, and I don't have such a BIOS for these systems.

Currently dual-booting, want to get rid of Windows

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 10:22 AM PST

ido50 <com> wrote: 

Instead of moving around and merging partitions, you could also use LVM.
You can leave the partition table as it is, backup the data in your sda5
file system, mark both partitions as 'Linux LVM', create a volume group
that contains sda5 and the Windows partition, create one big logical
volume out of that, create a file system on it and mount it in the place
where your sda5 used to be.
Then restore the data onto that file system.

Laurenz Albe

How do I install SuSE Linux on a Maschine with SCSI Raid 2120S if I have only this controller working

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 08:15 AM PST

"Jan Wielemaker" <> wrote in message 

Agreed. I'd also jump to SuSE 9.2 given any opportunity.

[Newbie]GRUB issue

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 03:30 AM PST

In article <d0he0e$8c4$>, DJP wrote: 

<cross-posts trimmed>

After you did "linux rescue" with the boot CD, did you let the installer
mount the root filesystem (which then shows up on /mnt/sysimage)?
If not, mount it.
If your /boot isn't a separate partition, you can now:
chroot /mnt/sysimage
Now, you will see /boot/grub/grub.conf. At that point, you should be able
grub-install /dev/hda
(if I recall correctly).

(If your /boot is on a seperate partition, you'd have to mount in on
/mnt/sysimage/boot before you 'chroot'.)

Dave Brown Austin, TX

how to deploy an iso image ??

Posted: 06 Mar 2005 01:49 PM PST

Alternately, install it over NFS, if you have another machine.

a) Us the other m/c as an NFS server. Mount the iso image on a loopback

mkdir /mnt/iso
mount -t iso9660 image.iso /mnt/iso/ -o loop

b) Create a linux boot floppy or cd

c) Stick the floppy in the m/c to be installed, reboot. Select NFS
install option

Newbie-VMWare 4.5c. - ISO files do not install on reboot.

Posted: 05 Mar 2005 09:32 PM PST

com wrote:

I will confine myself to my point. I use Mandrake, and the rest is beyond

What burner program did you use? As I said, I have Nero, and the fourth
menu selection is the one you want. Go to the "Disc image" menu item on
the opening screen, then browse to the image you want to burn, (Nero
defaults to looking for the extension for its "saved projects" and you need
to change this in the "file type" box. Tell us what you used, and someone
who uses it will be able to help you. For future reference, have a look at If you follow the guidelines
there, you will find it easier to get answers. I have been caught out
because I gave only the info that i thought was needed, and omitted some
vital detail.

ICQ Number 178748389. Registered Linux User No. 277548.
Love doesn't make the world go 'round, love is what makes the ride
- Franklin P. Adams (1881-1960).

Adding users in Fedora Core 3

Posted: 05 Mar 2005 09:01 AM PST

"-pbh-" <com> wrote in message

Pshaw. You're not "opening up" anything, they were already there. Keeping
the admin level tools in /sbin and /usr/sbin is to distinguish them from day
to day operational tools, but hardly makes them unavailable to non-admin

udev eating parallel printer

Posted: 05 Mar 2005 08:06 AM PST


On 05 Mar 05, Luka Vuletic wrote to All:
LV> Udev tends to do such things... You may edit
LV> /etc/udev/scripts/
LV> and add a line or lines somewhere in that file to add your printer link
LV> everytime system boots...

That did the trick, thank you!

LV> I had similar porblem, beacues udev insisted in creating /dev/cdrom
LV> -> /dev/hdd instad of /dev/cdrw -> /dev/hdd.

I just noticed that I have neither /dev/cdrom nor /dev/cdrw. But that is
less important at the moment :)



jdh dot beekhuizen at duinheks dot xs4all dot nl

wget --mirror is not downloading the contents of a directory?

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 09:04 PM PST

"moma" <net> wrote in message

It's cool. I've re-written the tools in question to use lftp, which is a
sweet little tool for doing mirroring once you get past the extremely poor

Remote control after install

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 02:24 PM PST

In comp.os.linux.setup Markus <com>: 

My condolences.

Should be no problem if you had installed with autoyast, started
VNC server with the install or did a (text) install and you have
serial/LAN connection to the system through some kind of service
board common to modern x86 server.

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 261: The Usenet news is out of date

Importing\Exporting MS Exchange 2003 Custom Recipients - Microsoft Exchange

Importing\Exporting MS Exchange 2003 Custom Recipients - Microsoft Exchange

Importing\Exporting MS Exchange 2003 Custom Recipients

Posted: 10 Aug 2005 11:49 AM PDT

Thank you for your suggestion. I was able to figure out why the contacts
were not importing as lastname, firstname in the title and the e-mail address
was not displayed in the e-mail address field when I imported them. For some
reason when I exported to .csv the lastname was in a row entitled name, the
firstname was in a row entitled e-mail address and the e-mail address was in
a row entitled display name. When I imported the .csv into my Outlook
contacts I needed to select Map Custom Fields and manually tell it where each
part of the contact should go. Then I was fine.


"Todd Hawkins" wrote:

Posts in Public Folders, rather than emails?

Posted: 10 Aug 2005 02:31 AM PDT


This KB should help you out:

Mark Fugatt
Microsoft Limited

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"hinarei" <> wrote in message

Exchange SPAM filter

Posted: 09 Aug 2005 10:22 PM PDT

We use NetIQ's product, "Mail Marshal". It sits in as your public SMTP
gateway, and filters your spam before it ever touches your exchange server.
It's very configurable to your specific needs. One of the places I've seen it
helps us immensely is filtering "bad addresses"... ie: addresses that don't
exist in your org. It's amazing to look at the log and see message to
com, com com, com, etc.... it's amazing
how much of this junk your server has to face if you don't filter it early on.

Great product!

"Matty" wrote:

Redundant DNS MX record

Posted: 09 Aug 2005 09:33 PM PDT

There are two ways of load-balancing mail between two mail servers. The
first way is the one you have in mind...two MX records with the same
priority. While researching this recently, I found info that said some mail
servers (such as sendmail) as part of their code will split mail traffic
between two MX records of equal priority when sending mail. For the record,
I don't know what a sending Exchange server does with MX records of equal
The other way is to have one MX record but two A records for the same FQDN
that point to different IPs. I'd personally go with the two MX records.
As for your last question, the only thing a sending mail server knows is the
MX record for a particular domain. It doesn't know "which mailbox server
the message is going to". If you have mail for the same domain name split
across two different mail servers, sending mail servers have no way of
knowing which addresses are on one or the other. The mail will go to one or
the other based on the MX record lookup and Exchange will have to route it
to the correct server.


"Jon Doe" <net> wrote in message

Block spam bouncing

Posted: 09 Aug 2005 07:26 PM PDT

Thanks, I'll pass this on to our firewall guy.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Backing up MSS.Log in Exchange

Posted: 09 Aug 2005 07:16 AM PDT

Cheers Mark.

What does the file actually contain if it is constantly locked or is this
not a normal state?

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Update Rollup for Exchange 5.5 (KB841765

Posted: 09 Aug 2005 06:13 AM PDT

Remove online. from my Microsoft address.

Mark Fugatt
Microsoft Limited

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Paul Digby" <> wrote in message

"Rule can't be saved message" in OWA

Posted: 09 Aug 2005 04:48 AM PDT

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote: 

Well, I've done some more testing since my initial posting, and found
that this is only affecting rules when I try to use the "forward" option
(which is what I was trying to do when I found the problem).

If I set up a rule in OWA and and choose "Forward it to", I get the "Rule
can't be saved" when trying to save it. If I choose to Move/Copy to a folder
or Delete it, it saves just fine.

This happens to everyone, including myself, who is a Domain Admin and has full
access to Exchange. It doesn't matter if you have a few existing rules or if
you have NO rules, you can't save if you choose "Forward to" as the action.

But, I can save a "Forward to" rule just fine using Outlook 2003.

Thanks for the reply.

Moving SBS Exchange 2003 Databases and Logs

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 03:52 PM PDT

OK got it thanks
Cass Shelver
Truth Chemical

"Andy David - Exchange MVP" wrote:

GAL Phones/Notes "Toll Free" field.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 02:15 PM PDT

OK - just in case anyone else has a similar issue:;en-us;285887

the GAL will only show single-value LDAP attributes by default - the latest
exchange service pack has to be installed, and you have to use the /forestprep
switch on the service pack to fix the GAL, and then choose the templates
that you want to revert to - which will blow away any customizations that
you have done, and then redo the customizations. This *should* make things
work - but this seems to be the answer.


Email Archive Software

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 02:08 PM PDT

Anyone using GFIMailArchiver for Exchange?


"Fred Yarbrough" <com> wrote in message

Cannot deliver email to one to domain

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 07:02 AM PDT

Just to confirm that port 587 has nothing to do with "normal" mail
delivery. The only thing required is SMTP on port 25.

If they do receive an email from time to time - then it is most likely
that they have some spam filter like IMF and for one reson or another
it is triggering the false positives.
It could be something in your user's signature that IMF at the remote
site does not like.

There is actually little you can do to fix tis except get back in
contact with the IT guy there and try to figure it out.
If it wasn't working at all - you would expect either an NDR or you
could think that you somehow got onto some of the infamous IP blacklist
servers. Since it is intermittent - it is most likelt the spam filter
on the other side.

Hope this gives you a starting point,

Nebojsa Djogo,
VP, Software Development,
Digiportal Software
Spam now accounts for 75% of all emails.
Protect your server and your users with ChoiceMail

Exchange 2003 storage limit issue

Posted: 05 Aug 2005 03:23 PM PDT

student <com> typed: 

True, dat. 

Try it...

Yes, it is indeed supposed to do that. Are the users even seeing their
warnings, etc?