

CD player problem - Forums Linux

CD player problem - Forums Linux

CD player problem

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 12:12 AM PDT

John Smith wrote: 

I suggest that you try the "digital audio extraction" method of playing
a disc--just to see if that works. I know you can do it in XMMS. You
have to set up the CD playback module in the preferences.


PING: Paul Lutus <nospam@nosite.zzz> URGENT

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 07:28 PM PDT

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 07:52:53 +1000, Gregory Toomey wrote:
You did it for him.
Delete delete to email

grub setup for dual-boot with linux on hda and XP on sda

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 04:39 PM PDT

imotgm <com> wrote: 

Yes, that did it, it works now. I had tried the map command already,
but I think I had a different drive order. Well..

Thank you for the quick and helpful response!
Greetings from .at

Michael J a r o s
e-mail: e0225848 at


Posted: 09 Sep 2004 01:41 PM PDT

raf <net> wrote: 

False. I like the sarcasm, tho!


ftp localhost

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 09:16 AM PDT

fewgoodpeople wrote:

You do not want to "set it up," you want to enter it.

It wants a valid user and password, just like it told you. "USER" is not a
user on your system, so the entire transaction failed.

Until you understand why there are user permissions, do not try to
circumvent them.

Paul Lutus

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 12:41 AM PDT

Robert W. <de> wrote: 

Sorry, I didn't look at your kernel version.

A wild guess (after looking at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt):
What if you add the following to your /etc/modprobe.conf:

alias char-major-180-48 ohci-hcd

Laurenz Albe

Hardware Modem: Your *personal* choice. The one you are using,

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 08:37 PM PDT

In article <com>, great-
net (Dickie) writes:

I've always used external modems (since the 300-baud days)
and probably always will. I know this is bucking the current
these days, since internal modems have two things that make
them attractive to users to the exclusion of all else: they're
convenient (i.e. in the box) and they're cheap. Unfortunately,
"cheap" now usually means one of those controllerless modems
("Winmodems") which leaves out half of its electronics by getting
your CPU to waste cycles doing the modem's work for it. It also
makes such modems more difficult to use on a non-Windows system
because you need special drivers for them (although Microsoft,
of course, considers this an advantage).

The other downside to an internal modem is that it lacks readily
accessible lights and power control. In my work I use modems
for many things other than dialing into an ISP. Setting up such
installations can be pretty tricky, and those indicator lights
are very useful in diagnosing problems. The modem's power switch
provides a quick and easy last resort when you want to drop a
connection without crawling around behind the box; or it lets
you easily reset the modem without rebooting the entire machine.

Currently I have a U.S. Robotics 56K faxmodem. It works pretty
well, although it has been temperamental at times. If I were to
buy another modem I'd probably try another brand, but the USR was
readily available and generally works well enough.

My modem is on a four-port switch; I share it among the Amiga with
which I'm posting this message, two laptops running Linux, and a
Windows 98 box. One of the Linux laptops has an internal Winmodem,
but I found it much easier to just string a cable from its serial
port to my modem switch (it doesn't leave the office all that often).

As for the Win98 box, my policy is to never give Windows unsupervised
access to the Internet. I admit that my situation is different from
many people's, in that what 'Net access I need can be handled by
other machines running other OSes. I cannot justify the ongoing
investment in time and money that's needed to install and maintain
firewalls and anti-virus software for an OS that's so ridden with
security holes, yet I need a modem on this machine for non-Internet
applications which I develop. Here, too, an external modem proves
its worth. There's no way that any spyware or malware (and, being
the paranoid sort, I consider this to include Windows itself) can
get out and start doing damage if the modem is either physically
disconnected or switched off.

/~\ invalid (Charlie Gibbs)
\ / I'm really at ac.dekanfrus if you read it the right way.
X Top-posted messages will probably be ignored. See RFC1855.
/ \ HTML will DEFINITELY be ignored. Join the ASCII ribbon campaign!

Internet Sharing and Disconnection.

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 06:47 PM PDT

On 2004-09-09, The Flyer <com> wrote: missed alt.malfunctioning.brain... why are you posting it on linux related groups?


.... If forced to travel on an airplane, try and get in the cabin with
the Captain, so you can keep an eye on him and nudge him if he falls
asleep or point out any mountains looming up ahead ...
-- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"

How to start KDE in Debian (Woody)?

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 02:55 PM PDT

Andreas Janssen wrote: 

I did try xf86cfg first: it gave me a 'grey' (finely chequered) typical
X background and the X mouse cursor (which didn't move with the mouse)
but no more (though I think it flashed up some window as it was
starting, but that disappeared).

thanks for your help anyway

Setting the timezone? (Fedora / RH9)

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 11:18 AM PDT

"Baho Utot" <org> wrote in message news:<org>... 

These are RH distros -- RH copies the files.

BTW, it's one of the reasons for those "useless" utilities -- they
also copy the files/settings to the right locations.

email above disabled

How to restore Red Hat 7.2 to its original healthy condition

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 04:26 AM PDT

Paul Lutus <zzz> wrote: 

Hmm .. I agree. Couldn't have summed it up better. There is something
wrong with such people. Putting the finger on a neurotic condition
really does get to the nub of it, I think. These people have some sort
of deep-seated fear that they can't do things unless they are root, and
so they need to be root to make themselves feel capable. Maybe it's
fear of loss of control ...

Well, he could. But I don't think he will.


Internal modem issues... (Redhat vs Suse)

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 02:22 PM PDT

Vinh wrote:

after the setserial command, I would link /dev/ttyS1 to /dev/modem,
by ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem.
Also I woud try to use wvdial as it gives more information.

Hope it helps

Specifying ethernet device assignments

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 12:13 PM PDT

On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 20:32:28 +0000, Michael K. Heney wrote:

I didn't notice it.

nameif should be run before the interface is up, otherwise it'll fail.

I.E., IIUC nameif must be executed before the ethernet modules are even

Personally, when Linux displayed its inability to consistently probe the
PCI bus on a multi-homed host I just installed Solaris x86 or OpenBSD. I
won't put up with that kind of juvenile behavior in my OS.

Oops at 32K(?) pid increments

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 10:00 AM PDT

Mike L writes: 

Why are you trying to compile a kernel on the server? It shouldn't have a
compiler. Compile the kernel locally.
John Hasler (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Microsoft Word - MS Word -- Corrupted Heading Numbers

Microsoft Word - MS Word -- Corrupted Heading Numbers

MS Word -- Corrupted Heading Numbers

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 06:04 AM PDT



I've run into the "corrupted heading numbers" problem again.


I was going to tell you the problem, but logging in to my work computer fresh this morning, for some reason the problem went away! (Did the reboot somehow fix it?)


Anyway, I will tell the story anyway, and perhaps one (or several) of you can weigh in and provide insight/add'l info.



Word 2007, Windows 7. Large (160-page) file, heading values from 1-4. Many diagrams (Figures and Tables).


After a long editing session yesterday (where text and Visio pictures were copied in from outside documents), all of a sudden I noticed that my Heading2 numbering values went from 3.7 to 4.1 (the next value should've been 3.8). I tried toggling it to Heading 1, 3, 4, 5 and back to 2 again, to no avail. I checked the style for Heading2 and unfortunately the box was set to "automatically update", which I know fromn previous dealings w/ the MS Word community is not what you want! So I unchecked it for Heading2, 3, 4, etc. so they were all fixed. This didn't make the problem go away, however. So I saved it to another version and went home, frustrated.


I came back in today, brought up the file, and magically the problem went away!  How did it "fix itself"?




Mark H.

Can't run 2 different documents in Word 2003 simultaneiously.

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 05:05 AM PDT

I'm pretty sure I used to be able to view different documents with Word 2003 at the same time.  Now I can't.  If I open a second one it opens on top of the first one and I can't view the first one.  I must have changed some setting but I have no idea which.  I looked at Options but didn't see anything relevant.  Running on XP SP3.

Microsoft word

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 09:31 PM PDT

I was using microsoft word now I have word pad.  How did that happen?

Wait for a task to complete the installation of word

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 04:15 PM PDT

how many time I need to wait for this task to install in my P.C office word .

unchecked washout not works in watermark word 2010

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:13 PM PDT


I am trying to add a picture as a watermark.

Uncheck Washout box doesn't have any effect when applying. It stays washed out.

What to do?


Can Word 2010 be retrofitted with Word 2013's collapsible paragraph styles?

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 05:52 AM PDT

Our company is still updating from Word 2007 to Word 2010.  It will be years before we upgrade all 2,000 users to Word 2013.  But we need the expand/collapse paragraph style functionality of Word 2013, NOW, as described here:


Could it be possible to retrofit Word 2010 with those 2013 styles and get that function to work for Word 2010 users?

Group - Ungroup

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 02:23 PM PDT

I want to prevent unwanted format changes in my tables. I am trying to do this with Developer > Group. Group works so far as I can tell (although some strange things happen) but Ungroup is grayed out. It should be simple to undo something that's so easy to do, but how?

Microsoft Works - Works Spreadsheet Question (Help!)

Microsoft Works - Works Spreadsheet Question (Help!)

Works Spreadsheet Question (Help!)

Posted: 07 Jan 2005 02:31 PM PST

a test from my spreadsheet Australian Embassy Auto Copy to Save Beatles Beatles Beatles Beyer On Speed Cache Monitor Canon Printer Drivers Canon Printer Drivers Canon Printer Drivers CD ROM philips CNet Software Downloads

| | I'm trying to figure out how to extract the data in the fields of a
| | spreadsheet and convert it to text that I could then enter into an email (it
| | is a spreadsheet with cells consisting of email addresses that I want to send
| | information to) and cant copy/paste unless I do it one at a time. Thanks for
| | your help!
| | --
| | Janice

voice command

Posted: 06 Jan 2005 11:27 AM PST

Hi Jon,

Works Suite 2002 has Word 2002 (as in Office XP), this provides
Microsoft's speech recognition engine , and more, beyond the scope
of Works own word processor, also provided but 'hidden'.

Also, Works Suite 2000 upgrade-qualifies for Office 2003 if required

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"jon" <> wrote in message
|I am running windows 98-second addition and have works 2000. I'm looking for
| some sort of voice command that will type what I say.
| When I do a search all I seem to find is products that relate to Microsoft
| office.
| Dos anyone know of anything that will work in Microsoft works
| Cheers Jon

Works Suite 2005 Install over Works 7.0

Posted: 04 Jan 2005 09:22 PM PST

Thanks for the info on Works Suite 2005 installation. That will save the
extra Works 7.0 uninstall step.

Works 6.0 Summary Reports

Posted: 03 Jan 2005 10:23 AM PST

Thanks Kevin. With your info I was able to cleanup report.

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

How to get from OEM Works 6.0 to current MS supported version?

Posted: 03 Jan 2005 07:43 AM PST

Hi Dannie,

There should be no problem replacing Works 6 with Works 8 in
the situation you describe, with Word and OE.

OE will be updated if older than that provided with Works 8 but
remains unchanged if newer and you retain the use of Word.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Dannie" <> wrote in message
| Hi Kevin. I am in same situation with Dell having installed Works 6.0. What
| is your experience if I buy the original Works 8.0 and I would imagine
| uninstall the Dell Works 6.0 then install the 8.0 version. Wondering about
| existing OE and Word should there be problem there?
| Dannie

Double records in works 7.0 database

Posted: 03 Jan 2005 05:55 AM PST

Hi Hans:

The attached database (created with 4.5a) includes a filter,
"Duplicate" that will select them for you. While both databases use a
2-element "text stack", the "IF" function does not work reliably under
recursion. (E.G, in a formula that references the field name containing
it. The CHOOSE function handles it better). Also By padding out stack
elements to exactly 20 chars with whitespace, one can simplify the
formula and significantly shorten the processing in a large database.
After pasting in your data column, you must sort the data before
applying the filter. Alternatively you may add the "TSD|" field with
its formula to an existing database and create a formula filter.


Ken wrote:


Posted: 02 Jan 2005 02:16 PM PST

Thanks David,
and the same cheers to you, and your kin.

Seems some Newsgroup Servers get all the junk.
fortunately mine seems hunky dory

| I think that is one thing that MS does a pretty good job of...screening out
| the porn, junk, etc.
| Happy New Year...and G'day to you Rodney.
| DavidF
| "Rodney" <> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
| > That's strange David,
| > I have someone I know, saying he is finding a lot of Porn
| > on another Newsgroup I visit.
| > I see none here (or junk), neither, in the other Group.
| > How can that be?
| >
| >
| > | You mean like your post?
| >
| >
| >

Works 8 and the loss of spell checking in Outlook Express.

Posted: 02 Jan 2005 01:57 PM PST

Hi Tompat,

A great solution to the spell check problem, which makes me wonder, perhaps
the proofing tools offered for down load on the web is simply the same
program you installed from your MS Works4.5 disk.

Thanks for your reply,

"tompat" <> wrote in message

Hello Ken:

Your advice was the best solution! After installing Work 8, I then
installed MS Works 4.5 in a separate directory last. However, I went one
step better, I did a custom install of MS Works4.5 , installing only the
proofing tools. The setup interface complained about my choice, but
it anyway.

Voila! My spell check in Outlook Express has been restored and I have Works
8 installed too.

Thanks Ken!



"Ken" wrote:

Can't open History documents, Works 7.0

Posted: 01 Jan 2005 11:01 AM PST

Hi KSGood,

Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel should be a straightforward
operation to remove and subsequently reinstall Works to your computer,
with the installation discs provided. The installation process issues the
necessary instructions as it progresses.

I believe that Adaware can adversely affect a Works installation; possibly
due to it running in the background during an install, cf. Norton

There should be no need to uninstall and reinstall Money 2004, at this

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"KSGood" <> wrote in message
| Hi Kevin,
| Thanks for responding! No, I didn't recently install Works, it came
| preloaded on my computer (HP Pavilion a520n). I did try clearing the
| list and creating a "test file", and that didn't work. I don't know how
| complicated it would be to be to delete Works (using Add/Remove Programs)
| reinstall using the "Works & Money 2004 CD" that came with my computer. Can
| you advise on that?
| Also, I'm wondering if running Lavasoft Ad-Aware could have "targeted" one
| of the Works files and subsequently got deleted. Does that seem possible?
| Thanks for your help!
| "Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:
| > Hi KSGood,
| >
| > Have you recently installed Works ?
| >
| > It may be that the History list is corrupt, in which case you may
| > clear all entries and re-establish the History list by opening and
| > saving the 'Works' files again.
| >
| > Alternatively, if you have the Works discs to reinstall, then perhaps:
| >
| > "Setup Is Unable to Remove Earlier Version" Error Message
| > When You Try to Install Works 7.0 or Works Suite 2003
| >
| >
| > HTH,
| > --
| > Kevin James.
| > Tua'r Goleuni
| > Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
| > Works KB Links:
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > "KSGood" <> wrote in message
| > news:com...
| > | Help! I am running XP (Home Version) with Works 7.0 and I can't open
ANY of
| > | the documents in the History even though they were all created within
| > | Not only do I get the error "Works cannot open the file . . . the file
| > | have been deleted or moved. . .", but when I click the OK button on the
| > error
| > | message itself, Works opens a series (usually 3) of blank documents that
| > EACH
| > | have to be closed in order to get out of the situation.
| > |
| > | Any help you can give would be appreciated!
| >
| >
| >

F4 toggle for relative/absolute reference

Posted: 31 Dec 2004 02:39 PM PST

Thank you, Mr. James..

I was treating WORKS like EXCEL, expecting the F4b toggle to work any time!!


"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:

Works 4.5a on Windows XP (cross-posted)

Posted: 31 Dec 2004 11:38 AM PST

And why in the world would he want to downgrade to Works 2000? Long live


"Kevin R" <com> wrote in message

Sound when starting Word 2002

Posted: 30 Dec 2004 08:32 PM PST

Kevin I should like to thank you again for you help and directions on where
to look.

Got out my computer install notebook and started to read the most recent
entries. You guess it !

Recently I updated or should I say upgraded from Paper Port 9 to Paper Port
10. Version 10 has changed the way one keeps and scans files - for the
better I think - and has opened up new ways to use files. Along with Paper
Port 10 a program named ScanSoft PDF Create is included which allows one to
convert Word files to image-only PDF files. Along with that Marco ability
in WORD you can call the same procedure when using Paper Port to display
one's files.

I am sure that the Technical Writers would hammer the above explanation ...

Thanks again!

Bill Quinn

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

Open_Office - Microsoft Office forums

Open_Office - Microsoft Office forums


Posted: 14 Sep 2004 02:41 PM PDT

Thanks! I didn't mean that "java"!. Also thanks for being
so helpful.

Can't uninstall update nor detect and repair after a system restore

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 07:59 AM PDT

thank you very worked like a charme 
Message: This Patch 

Office 2000 lost product ID

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 02:15 PM PDT

Hey thanks for your info... But I was not clear enough..

My old computer was in bad shape, so I did a reformat and
now I am trying to get it all reloaded. On my new computer
I have Office 2003, and do not have Office 200 currently
on any computer. It was on this machine prior to me
reformatting, but sadly I goofed in not writing down the
product ID. It would seem that since I previously
registered this osftware, someone should be able to tell
me the ID.

Also, since this is my software and I paid for it, I would
have no problem in "hacking" the system if that will get
me bck up and running. Only problem is.. I don't know how.

a product serial number to install. If you don't have the
serial number then you can do one of three things: 
in which you have Office 2000 still installed.
Magicaljelly can be downloaded from: 
Notepad so that you can bypass product serial number
insertion. Effectively, you make your Cd as if it is a
volume Licensed one so no need for the serial number.
this only applies to Office2k (not XP nor 2003). 
will need access to your existing system on which you can
read out PID from Help/About box! This I find
unacceptable to be interrogated by a MS idiot! 
install Office 2k in his/her PC so that you can share life
as well as files! 
requires no activation. 
everything I need for my work. 
believe in enriching rich jerks! 

Office 2000: "This Package Could Not Be Opened."

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 02:04 PM PDT


I'd already tried that.

Actually, reinstalling all the Windows 2K patches fixed it.

Thanks anyway.

your previous 
Before you do anything 

How to type fractions in Word?

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 10:32 AM PDT

In article <#phx.gbl>, Timothy L <lightguar
com> writes 
They can be made more convincing. Fiddly but OK if seldom needed :
17/32, say, looks better if done 17(superscript),/,32(subscript) 

Roger Hunt

How to fax w/ scanner

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 10:23 AM PDT

This, to my knowledge is the only book out there that
tells you exactly how to do it. pages 118 and 119.

Removing old shortcuts after Office 2003 installation

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 07:22 AM PDT

Hi Bob,
Thanks for the quick response! The shortcuts are the
original XP shortcuts that are put into start\programs.
In my images I consolidated the Office suite into one
folder. "start\programs\MS Office XP Suite" In add\remove
programs Office XP is still there because we need to keep
it for Access 2002. The other programs are listed as
unavailable. The problem is if I click on one of those XP
shortcuts it will reinstall the program. This is a
company wide rollout and I need to somehow get those
shortcuts removed during custom installation. Please
in message news:124701c4999d$1257b6b0$gbl... 

Security question when Hotsyncing after installing Office SP3

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 06:45 AM PDT

It would be best to chck with Palm on their products. MS rollded out SP2
with more then enough notice it was going to happen. It is up to the third
party vendors to update the products to allow compability with the OS.
"Lars-Erik Østerud" <.@.> wrote in message 

Can I uninstall Word in Office only

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 02:59 AM PDT

Hi Olim,

As Clippy points out, yes you can choose to set to 'Not Available'
the Word features from the MS Office install in Add/Remove Programs
in the Windows control panel, however, from the symptoms you listed
that may not change things when you then reinstate them.

When you say a rogue font, where are you seeing this. Keep in mind
that Word only uses fonts it doesn't actually 'have' them as far as
the list of available fonts in a Word document go, but if you open
a document that used a font not on your PC Word will still list that
font as the one used when you look at the toolbars. It's to allow
you to return a document after editing to another user and keep the
called out formatting intact. You may want to check, with a document
or template open where you're seeing the font listed in
Tools=>Options=>Compatability=>[Font Substitution] to see if Word
has recognized that a font called for in the document is not present.

You may also want to check in the Font dropdown list on the toolbar
to see if that font is listed both above and below the 'recently used'
font list.

On the menu additions, Add-Ins sometimes do that, you may want to
close Word, use Start=>Search/Find and locate, rename it
Normal.old and restart Word to see if that clears it up. Menu
customizations tied to that template would be one possibility.

<<"OLIM" <> wrote in message news:11cd01c49978$6614c920$gbl...
Can I un-install Microsoft'Word' only from Office XP
Prof, or do I have to Un-install all the Office suite,
to re-install again, as I am having problems with Word
only, a rogue font has installed itself! But cannot
delete it, as word is using it! Also Texbridge has
installed itself in 'File' 3 times! Its just annoying!
Anyone able to advices me?
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 explained

Can I install Office 2000 on Windows XP SP2?

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 09:32 PM PDT

In article <phx.gbl>,
Clippy <com> wrote: 

Thanks much! I actually just moved my home system from Windows 2000 Pro
to XP Pro, so the disk was wiped, no previous versions of office on there.
I'm contemplating buying Office 2003 for it, but don't like spending $500
on something I use often, but not necessarily $500 worth. :-)

I also completely forgot about saving my Outlook data, although I should
be able to get it, as I backed everything up beforehand on a large backup

- Tim


Keyboard problem

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 03:50 PM PDT

Thank you for your help. I have now cured the problem by going to
'keyboard' under the control panel and under the settings which were already
default 'English (United Kingdom)', I removed the other two choices in my
list of installed services which were available to the system, namely 'US'
and 'US International'. Left with no other choices, it had to give up the
ghost and revert back to UK English! Rebooting was not necessary.


"Edward W. Thompson" <com> wrote in message

Upgrade to Office 2003 on Windows Me

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 04:33 AM PDT

This may also be of some help:

Office 2003 Editions System Requirements

Click the Edition of Office 2003 that you have (or wanting to buy) to see
it's requirements. All Office 2003 Editions (for the most part) have the
same system requirements.

If you are not quite sure which Edition of Office 2003 to click on, see:
What's in the Office 2003 Editions?

"Clippy" <com> wrote in message

Microsoft Office picture manager

Posted: 11 Sep 2004 06:34 AM PDT

It sounds like your 4th user has a corrupted windows user profile. Would you
be running Norton's Antivirus on this system as well?
"Peter" <> wrote in message

Office 2000 to Office 2003 upgrade value

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 02:47 PM PDT

Milly - could you point to a resource which describes/defines this,
please? We have been running Outlook 2003 with Office 2000
Professional SR1 for a month or better and I have not heard any
wailing or gnashing of teeth over lost functionality. Of course,
maybe said functionality has not been stressed tested in our
environment yet.



"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org> wrote in message news:<O$phx.gbl>... 


Documents created using pre-2003 templates are extremely slow to open

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 02:14 PM PDT

Hi Blaine,

Thanks for your update!

If the OS is Windows XP, I would suggest you apply the hotfix in KB
article: 823372 Your Word Documents Take a Long Time to Open When They Have

Also, there are several feasible workaround which may help us to resolve
the issue. Please refer tot the KB article: 830561 Documents that have
attached templates take a long time to open in Word

We look forward to your progress. Have a nice day!


Arnold Gao

Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! -

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Egad people! Why can't you put the office bar back in???

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 08:57 PM PDT

LtAurora it was removed due to the fact it tended not be be very stable. How
ever you could goto the task tray and creat a custom tool bar by right
clicking on it and then going to toolbars and pick new tool bar. Browse to
the office folder in c:\program files\microsoft office and create one.
"LtAurora" <> wrote in message

I need a product key

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 07:28 AM PDT

Hey Jessica,

Are you as good looking as Jennifer? If so then I can help you out.

Jessica Lopez wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!

gcc and glibc - Forums Linux

gcc and glibc - Forums Linux

gcc and glibc

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 09:11 PM PDT

Thanks guys! I found the rest of the rpm files on the
Fedora Core Disk 2. Now everything is working as it

Much appreciated!

"Tony" <> wrote in message

create several partitions between hda1 and hda3

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 09:06 PM PDT

[Non-existant col.redhat removed - don't blindly trust Google]
[FollowUp-To: header set to col.misc]

ca (TCMA) writes:

You don't.

And that's as far as you can get. You could create exactly one more
primary partition - /dev/hda2 in this scenario. The partition table
simply doesn't allow for more than 4 primary partitions, where one of
these can be of the type "extended". Since you already _have_ an
extended partition (/dev/hda4), that slot is taken, and you can't
create more than that.

Either live with just one more partition, or change the whole layout.
Warning: Changes to the partition table may render your data
unreachable - _always_ make a backup of all valuable data of all
partitions of that disk prior to playing around with the partition
table. At the very least, printout the present partion table
(fdisk -l /dev/hda | lpr) for to have a detailed layout at hand.

Suggestion: Backup, then delete the logical volumes and the
extended partition completely. Reboot, then start Linux from
the installation medium (CDROM or DVD) of your choice, and
create a better partitioning scheme from scratch.


mounting fat32 IDE hard disk error: "does not contain valid partition table"

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 07:13 PM PDT

On 6 Sep 2004 19:13:05 -0700,
bokluk <com> wrote:

# mkdir -p /mnt/windows
# mount /dev/hdc1 # Will use the options specified in /etc/fstab.

# fdisk -l /dev/hdc

Generally speaking partitions don't have partition tables, disks do.

A common mistake, and hardly limited to beginners.


Michael C.

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to
be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity. - G.B. Shaw

keyboard and mouse does not work while configuration after installion suse 9.1

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 12:46 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1
NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message

In comp.os.linux.setup mjt <ru> suggested: 

Perhaps the search-able hw db ( has more info/hints
about the mentioned notebook? In addition an external keyboard
might help to fix things.

Wouldn't suggest this "manufacturer", among the worst I've ever
seen IIRC sold by Aldi and alike.

Michael Heiming (GPG-Key ID: 0xEDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


makeisofs question

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 05:24 AM PDT

Tim Wunder wrote:

Thanks for suggestion - no luck yet I'm afraid.


Posted: 06 Sep 2004 01:21 AM PDT

Gernot Frisch <net> did eloquently scribble: 

Not quite. Xwindows is a full windowing environment including such wonders
as network transparency, so you can start an X program in london and control
is/see it on your home machine in san fransisco (albeit, slowly))
X will open windows if things are started in it. But there's no way to move
them, change their size, minimise, shade, etc. That's where the window
manager comes in.

Something that controls and manages the windows created in X. (along with
varying degrees of other functionality)


and yes, although, a file manager doesn't always need X...
mc (midnight commander) is a text-mode file manager.

As I said, I've never tried changing KDE's default window manager... not
even sure how. IceWM however is gnome compliant, (meaning it'll integrate
tightly with gnome).
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
| | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?" |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| |
| in | "I think so brain, but this time, you control |
| Computer Science | the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..." |

Modem dials only as root.

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 12:34 AM PDT

On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 09:34:23 -0400, Jack Frillman <net> wrote: 


I like Jack Frillman's ("moo") idea: Try pppd and chat. A lot more
of us use this than wvdial.....

If we can get it running with pppd, then the problem is wvdial, not
something systemic.


Grub with multiple hard disks

Posted: 05 Sep 2004 06:40 AM PDT

7 <> wrote in message news:<ob__c.157197$>... 

That was the point of my first two items -- the MBR code of hd0 is the
only one read, so with MBR on both disks loaded with grub ...

requires root priviledges -- see below ...

By this time Linux is already up and running so unless OP wants a
particular version of the kernel to run this is moot.

The issue at this point is whether /etc/fstab has run and successfully
mounted all partitions -- a reboot should not be necessary _if_ fstab
can be configured correctly. If it can't be configured to run all
_needed_ partitions by this stage (which would require duplicate
partitions on the hdds to be "foolproof") then the OP is left to
decide _which_ partitions to leave mounted/unmounted based on which
hdd the OS booted from (which is normally going to be hda in any case
-- how to figure out if hda is an "old" hdd or a "new" one).

If the disks could be treated independently (ie., run from one, forget
the other) then simply having grub in MBR of both disks would suffice.
Fear that is no what OP has in mind.

Running scripts at this stage would also require suid scripts --
something to be avoided on servers at all costs! It might be made to
work, but personally I would prefer to take my medicine up front
rather than a phone call/ass chewing at 3 a.m. ;-)

It would be nice if some things like this were possible _and_ secure,
but that is what ssh or serial terminal connections are for. Gather
from what the OP did not say that serial terminal boards are not in
place, so ...

Still, it's a good sign that you were thinking through the problem.
When you get more familiar with Linux you'll catch your thought
glitches yourself -- I do it 5-10 times a day ;-)

email above disabled

Firewall, PortSentry, and ports

Posted: 04 Sep 2004 03:00 PM PDT

com (Jonathan Hayward) wrote in message news:<>... 

"and making a hole in the firewall" -- does that answer your question
about how good an idea this is, ie., to detect _if_ the bad guys are
scanning us, gee, let's open the firewall ...

the traffic is already in before portsentry detects it (if it detects
it) -- "quick, doris, lock the door, burglars just got into the

"should I poke holes in the firewall" -- do you leave your doors
unlocked at night then sit up guarding them so you can catch thieves
after they enter your abode?

Firewall rules should always follow the simple rules:
-- policy -> drop
-- don't offer any services, and if you must only the ones that you
-- only let in traffic that you must
-- block outgoing traffic that is not needed
-- use connection tracking to monitor stream state, ie., monitor which
packets are related to who/what

O.G. offered up some very good advice re: auto-blocking of ports,
spoofing, etc.

If you're really interested in IDS, check into snort:

Get a copy of nmap (you already have one most likely, but get the new
version) and scan yourself and learn "how it's done".

Play with ethereal and get familiar with packet structure -- a little
bit of familiarity here will go a long way to interpreting what you
see in logs/alerts.

Psionic was bought by Cisco and despite claims of releasing v2.0 of
portsentry, nothing has come of it -- not sure that Cisco even plans
to do anything with portsentry. Seems dead, afaict (no tears here,

The "typical" ports are mostly MS related -- you can log them if you
wish _without_ letting them in. This is considered a more secure
means of detecting some things -- but you have to monitor your logs or
use software that analyses it for you. Look at your own /etc/services
file to get your bearings and try logging some of the more common
ports like ftp, smtp, ssh, telnet, dns, and netbios with iptables.

Most people (at home) play with logging for a while then turn it off.
The "dangerous" activity (scans and other things) can take many shapes
-- thus the suggestion that you look at snort.

So long as you remember KISS, don't confuse yourself with too many
automated toys meant for larger (much larger) networks, and keep an
eye on your system with a few logs, you should be OK. Most crackers
don't actually "break in", usually somone has overcomplicated things
and in the confusion, left a door wide open.

email above disabled

Ddebian: gcc5 HOW2

Posted: 04 Sep 2004 05:52 AM PDT

On 2004-09-06, Miro <com> wrote: 

On Debian, start by installing the following packages:

$ apt-cache show altgcc libc5-altdev
Package: altgcc
Priority: extra
Section: oldlibs
Installed-Size: 3248
Maintainer: Debian GCC maintainers <>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1:
Provides: c-compiler
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.2-2), binutils (>= 2.7-1)
Recommends: libc5-altdev
Suggests: gcc272-docs
Filename: pool/main/a/altgcc/altgcc_2.7.2.3-2_i386.deb
Size: 1399660
MD5sum: 26e7d1fef351335dd7223f004f7d2219
Description: Alternate gcc package for the libc5 environment.
This special gcc package works with the libc5-altdev package to build
binaries for the old libc5/ environment. It can coexist with
the standard libc6 development packages.

Package: libc5-altdev
Priority: extra
Section: oldlibs
Installed-Size: 4748
Maintainer: Francesco Paolo Lovergine <org>
Architecture: i386
Source: libc
Version: 5.4.46-15
Depends: libc5 (= 5.4.46-15)
Filename: pool/main/libc/libc/libc5-altdev_5.4.46-15_i386.deb
Size: 890880
MD5sum: ecd1ce0340ee02fccab0e77760a7acf5
Description: The Linux C library version 5 (alternative dev files).
Includes libc headers, kernel headers (v2.0.29) and static
libraries. This package can be used to build libc5-base binaries
even when the libc6-dev package is installed.

GRUB does not boot windows XP

Posted: 03 Sep 2004 02:47 AM PDT

es (amanita) wrote in message news:<>... 

Assume you mean there are no error messages and that you don't see a
quickly flashing grub> prompt ...

I've read the other threads, but this one provides the essentials.
Did not see anything obviously out of place, except ...

Did notice that you have a gross duplication of Linux stanzas in
grub.conf -- assume this is from multiple attempts to get things
working and that you've tried grub-install several times. You don't
need the extras so plan to get rid of them later.

Unless you've inadvertantly tried "grub-install /dev/hda1" (instead of
"grub-install /dev/hda"), the reason you're being "returned" to the
grub menu is because of an unfound bug with NTLDR code -- ie., no code
is executing from the _partition_ boot sector of hda1. Even MS has
not been able to run this down though they are aware of it. This
affects all dual-boot loaders, afaik.

The only other possibility is that you're chainloading to a copy of
grub that has been placed in hda1 -- most, very most, unlikely.

If you were getting error messages from NTLDR it would most likely be
another/related bug in NTLDR code that is meant to protect against a
"corrupted/virus infected" MBR. I believe you have to "stumble"
across the right sequence of "correcting" the MBR for this one to crop
up -- relates to the registry values anf file timestamps concerning
NTLDR and the MBR.

Opinions vary, but I always try (very hard) to get people to use NTLDR
instead of grub -- mainly because you're much more likely to
re-install Win and overwrite the MBR than you are with Linux (which
allows you to leave the MBR untouched). Sounds like weird advise
after the bugs I listed, but they are pretty rare and cannot be
reproduced faithfully -- seem to be random gremlins (of which there
are quite a few in Win OSes). Besides, XP and utilities are just too
ignorant/buggy around other OSes.

At the moment, you're just interested in getting XP back. Rescue
disk? Can you get to the recovery console? Are you comfortable with
restoring NTLDR to MBR? Thought of making a Linux boot floppy? Fact
is there are a number of ways to go -- none of them all that pleasant

With backups of course, you might try items below.

You may be able to fix the boot sector code like this (fixboot):;EN-US;314058
or recover just the ntldr MBR code with fixmbr.

Try here to recover ntldr (only if you have a good means of gettin
into Linux):

If this works OK and everything seems "normal" you now have a choice
-- boot with ntldr in the MBR or use grub in the MBR.

To stay with ntldr, try these instructions:
This will give you an ntldr menu from which you will go to a grub menu
(which will placed in the _partition_ boot sector rather than the
MBR). This and the extra setup steps is why most people just use grub
-- but if you reload XP ...

If you want to try grub in the MBR, use the "native" install
instructions at the grub> prompt instead of running grub-install from
Linux. See info grub for the details -- they are pretty simple ;-) I
would clean up grub.conf before doing this -- you only need 3 entries.

email above disabled