

Microsoft Word - Word Tables

Microsoft Word - Word Tables

Word Tables

Posted: 24 May 2013 09:03 AM PDT

If I have a table with 78 (+/-) rows containing text and want to insert a blank row between each text row, how can I accomplish this in the least time and most efficient way possible?

StyleRef Heading 1 Not Populated in Header Unless H1 is on Page

Posted: 23 May 2013 05:43 PM PDT

I have a Word 2010 document that has odd/even pages with right/left headers populated with the value of Heading 1 (using StyleRef). Two "even" pages out of an 18 page document do not populate the StyleRef for Heading 1 unless there is an actual Heading 1 on that page. Normally, Word just carries forward the last H1 into the header StyleRef when there is no Heading 1 on a page.

All the other even numbered pages display the Heading 1 StyleRef--even when there is no Heading 1 on a particular page.

These two troublesome "even" pages will display the Heading 1 StyleRef if I manually insert an H1 on the problem pages.

These pages are all in the same section with other normal "even" pages.

Any ideas?

Keep text together in rows

Posted: 23 May 2013 02:05 PM PDT

I had this figured out at one time...but made no notes.  My table splits text in a row between the last row on one page and the top row on the subsequent page.  I need to move the information in the last row on the one page into the information on the first row of the next easy in Word Perfect.  Is there such a thing as Block Protect in Word?

How to not have header & footer shadings dim when I close out of word 2010. XP didn't do it.

Posted: 22 May 2013 03:58 PM PDT

Question is sufficient

How to reuse parts of a document in a separate document (like Mastering)

Posted: 21 May 2013 08:08 PM PDT

I have a document which specifies numerous tests.  I have a new document which offers a selection of these tests to a customer.  I want to be able to link parts of the speicifcation document into the offer document (where I offer some and not all of the tests in the specification).  Additionally, I want the content of the offer document to update as the linked document is updated.  Is this possible (like with Mastering where a whole sub document is inserted into another document) where only sections of the linked document are included in the offer document?

page numbers by heading level

Posted: 20 May 2013 12:42 PM PDT

I have a document with multiple sections according to heading level 1, e.g., 1. 2. 3., etc.  I want to add a page number in the footer that corresponds with the section and page, e.g., 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, etc.  I also want the page numbers in the TOC to show the same section and page numbers.  However, I have not been able to get this to work for me.  Also, because I have a cover page, TOC, and a page with abbreviations/acronyms, the sections do not match up with my heading levels.  For example, 1. Introduction starts at Section 4.  PLease help!

How do I back up the autocorrect entries in office 2013?

Posted: 20 May 2013 09:56 AM PDT

Hi, How do i back up the autocorrect entries in office 2013? I want to uninstall it and then install office 2010 again.

Also I don't want to copy and paste them, that would take hours as I have thousands of them!! 

ipop3d and FC2 - Forums Linux

ipop3d and FC2 - Forums Linux

ipop3d and FC2

Posted: 21 Jul 2004 06:49 AM PDT

On 7/21/2004 2:38 PM, I believe that FEEB wrote:

Are you looking for dovecot?
FC2 uses dovecot to handle imap, & pop3. I'm using it for pop3s:
$ ps ax|grep pop
7785 ? S 0:00 pop3-login

$ locate pop3-login

$ rpm -qf /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login

See the FC2 release notes:
dovecot replaced imap
also check


Microsoft Word - Button to insert date

Microsoft Word - Button to insert date

Button to insert date

Posted: 23 May 2013 09:20 AM PDT

Context: I have created a tab with various commands groups, mostly from macros. My objective are to achieve standardization of the content input and that novice users can fill a word document matrix with little or no knowledge of Word and tables. The date must be that of the day of the input of a row, not that of the document creation.

The predefined formats (Insert tab, text group, date and time) are not suitable so I used the field Date when I recorded the macro. I tried to do Ctrl+Shift+F9 but the macro did not record that command.

What code do i need to add to my VBA to insure that the date is "unfielded" once created?  I tried the following but it does not work...

Sub InsérerDate()
' InsérerDate Macro
    Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:= _
        "DATE  \@ ""dd/MM"" ", PreserveFormatting:=True
End Sub

Thank you!

What?? Documents can be stored only on phone,not on SDCard?!

Posted: 23 May 2013 08:12 AM PDT

What?? Documents can be stored only on phone,not on SDCard?!

Someone of really low intelligence works there in Redmond on this part of Microsoft planetary system to make such unintelligent decisions.

Keeping Change Line

Posted: 23 May 2013 07:22 AM PDT

I have a Word 2007 Document that I am reviewing with Tracking Changes turned on and a line on the right side indicating the changed line or graphic.  When the document is finished I want to be able to accept all changes but keep the right side line visible to the reader.  How do I do this?

Office Home & Student 2013 word, Excel PWP impossible to modify the colour of text with word, text and background in excel and pwp.

Posted: 22 May 2013 10:21 PM PDT

Office Home & Student 2013 word, Excel PWP impossible to modify the colour of text with word, text and background in excel and pwp.

When I try to change the font to print an envelope in Word, it will change for the delivery address, but won't for the return address. Why not?

Posted: 22 May 2013 05:47 PM PDT

I have Office 365 and I am trying to change the font to print an envelope, but it will do it for the delivery address, but the font won't change for the return address.

If I stop typing before the end of a page I can't scroll down to next blank page

Posted: 22 May 2013 05:07 PM PDT

I am on page 201 of my book.  Usually I can go right on to the next chapter by just scrolling to the next blank page.  Just like I do in the middle of a chapter.  Now, I finished a chapter and it won't let me just continue.  How does it know I finished
a chapter?  I scroll to the bottom of the page and it won't move from there.  Any ideas? 

Internal links in Word2010, just like in Excel. How to?

Posted: 22 May 2013 02:19 PM PDT

I work with Word templates where the same informationen is repeated various places in the document. I wanted to be enter the information only in one place, and have the entry automatically displayed throughout the document. 
Just like the referencing in Excel. 
How to do it in Word? Any good ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Trouble getting rid of upside down T character - AutoFit related

Posted: 22 May 2013 01:43 PM PDT

I notice an odd character (an upside down T) appears in the table cells I've formatted. I found out that these marks are because of the enabled AutoFit setting. The marks disappear when AutoFit is turned off but I need AutoFit for my table. The character cannot be deleted as it is attached to the text. Any suggestions on how to get rid of this character?




Changing case of merged information in Word 2007.

Posted: 22 May 2013 09:02 AM PDT

I am trying to format names and addresses in Word 2007 that were mail merged from MS Access.  I have tried adding \* FirstCap at end of merged field, but does not seem to work.  Any suggestions?

Is There a Way to Reduce the Vertical Spacing between Checkboxes?

Posted: 22 May 2013 09:00 AM PDT

I'm trying to replace ActiveX checkboxes with Form Checkboxes in an existing template for speed and compatibility.

The checkboxes are stacked vertically with a cell of a Table and pretty closely align with lines of text in the adjacent cell.


The problem is that when I stack the Form Checkboxes they seem to take about 50% more vertical space than the ActiveX, even thought the checkbox symbol itself is the same size.


Is there any way to stack these closer together?

(Through search I found some techniques using symbols and macros; however I'd prefer a solution that doesn't require macros).


We are using Office 2010 and the file is .docx format.


Thanks in advance!

- Jerry

Add bing to research options

Posted: 22 May 2013 01:22 AM PDT

Hi there everyone.

I currently have MS Office 2010 installed and at the school computers at school they have under the research/look up options Bing. Currently on my MS Office 2010 programs there is no such option or way to add this. I have tried the add service screen and have typed in "" but at has showed up that their is no such service. Can somebody please show me how to add bing to the research options!

Save As HTML, now all .docx files open with messed up formatting

Posted: 21 May 2013 01:02 PM PDT

Word 2013.

I used Save As to create an HTML version of document. When I opened the .htm file, the formatting was messed up, which I expected (the file used columns). But, when I open the original .docx file, the formatting is messed up in the same way as the .htm file-- yet Windows Explorer says that the original .docx file has not been modified since several days ago. My original file is not actually changed. But Word is not displaying it correctly.


It doesn't matter how I open: double-click in File Explorer, or File>Open in Word.

I've made sure not to save any files.

Also, if I use File>New to create a new .doxc file using the template on which my original .docx file is based, the file looks right initially -- before I save it.

But if I save it, close it, and reopen the brand new .docx file-- the formatting is messed up, just like the .htm file.



Macro Word: Highlight text then add following "QUOTE" Field

Posted: 21 May 2013 10:51 AM PDT

I am a total newbie at VBA, and hitting a snag, so be gentle!

I am working on the following scenario for Word 2010:

I am trying to highlight selected text within the active document then insert a QUOTE field code with data based on input from a userform.

Invoking the userform, highlighting, and inserting of field work, but I cannot figure out how to turn off the highlighting before inserting the field code.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


The relevant code (partly from recording macros, partly from research, and partly trial and error) is:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    Dim abbrType As String
    Dim abbrMark As String
    Dim expan As String
    Dim entered As String
    Dim insertMe As String
    Dim oRng As Range
    Dim oInsertAft As Range
    Set oRng = Selection.Range 'range of selection
    <snip ...>
    'output to document
    'highlight abbreviation itself
    oRng.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
    Set oInsertAft = oRng
    oInsertAft.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
    oInsertAft.HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen 'stuck this in just to see if it altered the formatting

    'Put other data in field: concatenates strings from userform
    insertMe = expan & "[" & abbrType & "&" & abbrMark & "]"

    Selection.Fields.Add Range:=oInsertAft, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:= _
        "QUOTE "" " & insertMe & " "" ", PreserveFormatting:=False    'shouldn't this not continue the earlier highlighting?

<snip ...>

End Sub

Adding Paragraph numbers in headers

Posted: 21 May 2013 09:34 AM PDT

I am creating a new document that contains Rules that are numbered.   I need to reference the first Rule  number in the header.  For example, page 1 has Rules 1, 2 and 3, and so I need to have " Rule 1" in the header on page 1.   Page 2 starts with Rule 4 and so that would appear in the header.

I don't even know how to begin.   

Also, I need to tag the Rule No for inclusion in the Table of Contents. 


Microsoft Word - Making 16 forms on a single page where some fields in the forms will be duplicated to the other forms, and other fields are not.

Microsoft Word - Making 16 forms on a single page where some fields in the forms will be duplicated to the other forms, and other fields are not.

Making 16 forms on a single page where some fields in the forms will be duplicated to the other forms, and other fields are not.

Posted: 22 May 2013 09:00 AM PDT

Hi, I take apart electronic devices and catalog their parts.
I currently use forms where I fill in the first four fields via microsoft office, and leave the rest of the fields blank. These first four fields are for information about the device, and therefore need to be on every form.  I then print the forms and simply write the information for each part in by hand, then attach the form to the device.

I want to switch to a different kind of document where I can have 16 forms on a single page, and where I can fill in the fields about the device and have it fill in all 16 forms, but fill in the rest of the fields about each part individually.

Is what I'm asking posssible?

I have the entire 2010 Office suit, so I am not limited to using Word.


Updating a brochure, going from 2 columns to 3 on one side only

Posted: 22 May 2013 08:03 AM PDT

The brochure/program is laid out as 2 columns in landscapre orientation. The left side is the back cover and the right side is the front cover.  I now have to add a third colum on the left side only.  So it is originally a 2 column program with 3 columns on the left sdie.


The columns are students names for each class- there are now three classes.  The right side is a school logo and title, date, etc


Thank you

How do I use the mousepad in microsoft professional 2010 word to copy and paste

Posted: 21 May 2013 08:43 PM PDT

ok so I bought a laptop acer apire one to finish the editing process in writing a book and I can't seem to get the non-button mouse pad to bring up the correct menu when I use the commads to bring up the right click menu.  You must hit control and touch the pad on the right to get the menu to come up but when I do it while in microsoft word 2010, nothing happens, it says something about a selection not being valid. But when I go out onto my desk top and want to do something such as minimize or close a document it allows me to do so with the same command.  I need the copy and paste menu to come up when I highlight a word or phrase and its not working.  I only get the edit menu, such as font style and color.  Help Please!!!??!?!? 

Selecting and Using Text in VBA

Posted: 21 May 2013 06:17 PM PDT

I want to determine (and then manipulate the text string between an open bracket ("[}) and a close bracket ("]").  Since I want to replace the bracket and the text, I also need to be able to delete that, hopefully in a single selecting process.

The bracketed material (text) is within a paragraph and not within a bookmark or anything so this has to be specific.  I assume that I will have to put the cursor inside the text, search backwards for the open bracket and then somehow do an extended selection/search to the close bracket.

How is that done?


Headers / Footers

Posted: 21 May 2013 11:16 AM PDT

I have a header / footer question - How do you have one footer for entire document; while having two different headers?


For example: header1 on page1; header2 on rest of document; and one footer type on entire document.

Why is my macro Delete button gray?

Posted: 21 May 2013 10:59 AM PDT


In Word 2010, when I click Macro and get to the macro window, I cannot delete certain macros that show up there, because the Delete button is grayed out. How come?

The macro seems to be in "Toolbar - (global template)". It must be a relic from going from Word 2000 to Word 2010 (my toolbar is in Add-in).

By opening Toolbar – Hans.doc, I could see the Delete button not grayed, and I clicked it for the macro I wanted to delete, and said Yes, but then, a box (Project Locked) told me that "Project is unviewable".

So, I'm between a rock and a hard place. Any help would be appreciated.

Regards/Hans L

Copy/pasting certain cells in a table (Word 2010)

Posted: 16 May 2013 10:46 PM PDT

Hi experts!

I have a bit of an odd question: Is it possible to restrict a user from copying the text from particular cells in a table? While still allowing them to copy the text in other cells?

I'm setting up a simple online form using a table and the form tools in the Developer Tab. We are sending the form out to collect information. The completed form will be processed at a very basic level by someone taking the data via copy and paste. I thought it would make it easier for the processing person if I could "lock" the table headings (Name, Telephone etc) which are not required. 

Alternative solutions to collating form-data with Word would be welcome. I am a bit stuck for solutions here as we have to preserve the completed forms for records management reasons. (I really wanted to set up a web form for users but this was denied). 

Cheers for the help guys!

"something went wrong"

Posted: 16 May 2013 07:49 PM PDT

i was on word and i accidentially closed out my word document and every time i try to reopen word it says something is wrong!

 PLEASE HELP SOON! this paper is due in class tomorrow!!!

how do i turn off the mini translator in the word program in office 2010?

Posted: 16 May 2013 04:08 PM PDT

I certainly would appreciate having an answer to my question.  Every time I go over a document, this translator pops up.  And I have not been able to find the proper options in the word in the Translate language icon.

Thank you for your help in advance!


Microsoft word 2013 log in windows 8

Posted: 16 May 2013 03:44 PM PDT

I have just made a new password so I can use microsoft word and log in but it's not letting me log in doesn't accept the password I have done this about 6 times and I'm really getting angry

SMTP Crazyness - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP Crazyness - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP Crazyness

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 07:27 AM PDT

In article <414180fd$>, "PES" <NO*SPAMpestewartREMOVE*netSPAM*SUCKS> wrote: 

This is true. But of course they can ALSO probe for valid addresses if they
know you return NDRs by having the return address be an actual, valid
mailbox. They can then compare the NDRs it does and does not receive from
your domain against a record of addresses they sent to your domain.

So to me, this is not a compelling argument for NDRs over 550 rejects.

Making the case for using 550 rejects instead of NDRs, if the spammer forges
their domain (likely, as we all know), then it ends up being your site that
ends up sending tons of mail to that poor domain. But if your server simply
returned a 550 for invalid recipients, one of two things will occur.

First and best, if it's a specialized spam program, usually it'll just drop
the message right then and there. Or, if they've managed to use someone
else's SMTP relay, that relay will probably generate an NDR itself. But, the
NDR will *NOT* be from your server.

There are folks who WILL end up blocking ANY email from you if they end up
receiving tons of NDRs from you due using NDRs instead of 550 rejects.

IMO, going the 550 route is better for both your site and the Internet at

Exchange 5.5 and Windows 2003

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 08:57 AM PDT

Do I need to install the AD Connector to allow Ex. to
function in Active Dir?

Exchange Services not starting

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 06:22 AM PDT

Please post KB or hotfix number


"Melissa Travers [MSFT]" <> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

W2k + Exchange 5.5 --> W2k3 + E2k3 Recommended Upgrade Path?

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 12:34 PM PDT

No I'm not talking about ADAM. In Windows 2000, Exchange was
installed in a domain partition of the AD and therefore there are
trust considerations when crossing domain boundaries. From what I've
heard, in 2003 it is installed in an application partition (like DNS
is) with a forest wide scope.


"Glen Trafford" <com.No.Spam> wrote in message news:<413e55bf$1@info-mid>... 

Accented Characters Split Lines and Paragraphs in Entourage Microsoft Office for Mac

Accented Characters Split Lines and Paragraphs in Entourage Microsoft Office for Mac

Accented Characters Split Lines and Paragraphs in Entourage

Posted: 22 Nov 2007 08:08 AM PST

Okay, thank you. I will focus on that group.

On 11/23/07 11:41, in article,
"CyberTaz" <> wrote:

Cannot Update Office 2004-- help?

Posted: 22 Nov 2007 12:06 AM PST

Hi Little Creature and Diane,

Thanks for your ideas. A few responses:
1) I don't even know what Test Drive is, so I wasn't using that... 2)
I have been repairing disk permissions before and after each attempted
install, with no results... 3) Now there seems to be a bigger problem,
because I tried to install the Mac OSX update (from 10.4.9 to 10.4.10)
but cannot even update that-- it runs and then just says "update

So I don't know what the problem is. Any more ideas?
Thanks so much,

calibri font

Posted: 21 Nov 2007 06:21 PM PST

Yeah: I think it's a self-expanding .CAB.

Stuffit should be able to get it open.

And no, nobody can "legally" email anyone those fonts. Otherwise I would
have :-)

On 22/11/07 10:13 PM, in article C36B2A04.22FF70%invalid,
"Richard H" <invalid> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

Removing Office 2004 Test Drive

Posted: 21 Nov 2007 06:48 AM PST

In article <>, Diane Ross
<> wrote:

Ooh er! That is not the one I remembered, but it *is* good.

To de-mung my e-mail address:- fsnospam$elliott$$
PGP Fingerprint: 1A96 3CF7 637F 896B C810 E199 7E5C A9E4 8E59 E248

Changing the name on registration

Posted: 19 Nov 2007 12:49 PM PST

On November20Tuesday11/20/07 1:08 PM, in article
C368FD38.84E1%org.INVALID, "Barry Wainwright"
<org.INVALID> wrote:

To change the computer name, try this:

System Preferences, and then click Sharing.

To change your computer¹s name, type a new name in the Computer Name field.

To change your computer¹s Local Hostname, click Edit and type a new name.

Registration for each application will have to be done for each application.

Diane, Microsoft Mac MVP (MVPs are not Microsoft Employees)
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

tabs and bullets

Posted: 19 Nov 2007 11:14 AM PST

Try this:
Word | Preferences | Edit--make sure "tabs and backspace set left
indent" is checked.

com wrote: 

Where can I download an open-document format add-in for Office 2004for Mac?

Posted: 19 Nov 2007 10:40 AM PST

Hi Michel:

I Think he was.

There's an ODF converter for PC Word, but not Mac Word (not yet).

The Microsoft format is known as OOXML.

There is a lot of "political" and "religious" argument about the two

The bottom line is that ODF is not powerful enough to describe Microsoft
Office files. You "can" down-grade a Microsoft document to ODF, but when
you do, you will strip out various components of the content.


On 20/11/07 3:03 PM, in article C368302E.4382%org,
"Michel Bintener" <org> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

Remove Office Registration doesn't work!

Posted: 18 Nov 2007 05:35 PM PST

On Nov 20, 4:44 am, Daiya Mitchell <org.INVALID>

Thanks for all the info. I'm not using Leopard, still using 10.4.11.
I've now deleted all the extraneous Office apps and now only have
Office 2004 on my hard drive. The nessage I get when I try to remove
just the Licence Info is a small box that reads " Before you can re-
enter your Microsoft Office licensing information, certain files that
you no longer need must be removed from your computer. To remove these
files, click Remove."

When I do that, the beachball spins for a while and them I'm brought
back to the Welcome to Remove Office box, and so the merry-go-round
begins again. I do regular back-ups to an external hard drive using
Super Duper, so I'm not worried about losing any files, and I don't
use Entourage. However, I don't really want to uninstall and then
reinstall Word as I would then have to go through and do all the

I'll see what happens on my daughter's computer and then let you know.
Gosh it's tempting to just use iWork!


Using Office 2004 student teacher edition on multiple computers on alocal network

Posted: 18 Nov 2007 02:24 PM PST

com wrote: 

Side note--every installation will have a different Product ID in the
About menu. However, if the Product IDs differ *only* in the last block
of numbers, then it means the same license key was used to install all
of them. When a key is used multiple times, it creates a different
Product ID every time, but the first three blocks will always be identical.

How to paste a list of hyperlinks (e.g. list of external blog links)into Excel and keep the titles and the links?

Posted: 17 Nov 2007 01:25 PM PST

Thanks Daiya:

I wasn't going to take a guess that it works in Safari 2...

I must install that... :-)


On 18/11/07 10:39 PM, in article phx.gbl,
"Daiya Mitchell" <org.INVALID> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

OS 10.5 and Entourage 2004 Email: crash if click font colorbutton

Posted: 16 Nov 2007 06:59 PM PST

On 11/17/07 8:55 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

During the font-color-button crash period, I had no problems with other font

Font selection in Entourage email seems (emphasize "seems"--because I'm not
sure it is--slower with Leopard than it used to be under Tiger.

For anybody tuning into this thread late: MY font-color button problems were
solved by trashing the font cache. Up 'til then, Entourage crashed each
time I used that button. And as I mentioned earlier in the thread, I have
used no haxies at all with Leopard. I also did an erase-and-clean-install
installation of Leopard. Somehow, along the way, the font cache became
corrupted and nothing short of trashing it had worked.

The only fonts I added since installing Leopard were for Intuit's TurboTax
application but I vaguely recall that I already was having font-color-button
problems in Entourage earlier.

Incidentally, I had no problems with Word, Excel or other applications'
font-color selections.

Respectfully, Norm

Microsoft Word - How to I remove formatting created by the Auto Formatting feature.

Microsoft Word - How to I remove formatting created by the Auto Formatting feature.

How to I remove formatting created by the Auto Formatting feature.

Posted: 21 May 2013 07:00 AM PDT

I am revising a document which was created using some of the auto formatting features.  Sometimes it will automatically create a border line if several underlines were used and then the tab key hit.  When revising a document where this has happened, how can I remove the lines?  I tried to turn off the auto format feature for creating the line but can not remove some of the lines that are already there.  Thanks

Word 2010 Web Layout View zoom display issue

Posted: 21 May 2013 03:13 AM PDT

I have a bit of a display issue in Word 2010 in a few specific documents (not all). I have tried copying the file to a new blank doc, no help.

I am assuming there is a setting specific to this document. Page size, margins, orientation are all the same.

In this example document below I have screen captures where you can see that the horizontal ruler is showing only 3" at 90% zoom, with a blank unused area to the right (this is my issue). Part of a picture is displaying outside of the "page" area.

All macros disappeared

Posted: 21 May 2013 12:22 AM PDT


Word 2007 
All my macros are missing.
When I open the Developer --->Macros the list is empty.
No matter which one I choose in "Macros in".
I checked the normal.dotm and noticed that there is one called normal.old with yesterday date. and a normal.dotm with today date.
I replaced the old with the dotm file thinkning that some how the file was replaced and the normal.old contains the macros I had.

Any idea how to save my Macros?

thanks in advance.


I would like to create a template using word. But margins keep shifting. What software can I covert to so this does not except for pdf

Posted: 20 May 2013 02:02 PM PDT

I created a letterhead template But I am unable to keep the text on the letterhead stable without moving i.e., especially when apply the return button.  I remember years ago I was able to create a template and was able to tpe on and save my document.  What can I do to keep the text fix and enable to type Word text.

Error 3343: Unrecognized database format 'C:\Temp\Northwind.accdb"

Posted: 20 May 2013 07:58 AM PDT

I am tasked with connecting to an Access DB from a Word 2010 Macro.  I downloaded the Microsoft sample database and the sample verification code but that does not work either.  I can open the Access database so it does not appear to be corrupted.  Using the following VBA code it appears that I am able to find the database but not open it.

When I execute the following code I receive the Error 3343: Unrecognized database format 'C:\Temp\Northwind.accdb" on the line

                                                 Set dbNorthwind = OpenDatabase(Name:="C:\Temp\Northwind.accdb")

Since I am using Microsoft's sample Access DB and Sample code what am I doing wrong and how do I correct this issue. 




Sub UsingDAOWithWord()
 Dim docNew As Document
 Dim dbNorthwind As DAO.Database
 Dim rdShippers As Recordset
 Dim intRecords As Integer
 'Set docNew = Documents.Add
 Set dbNorthwind = OpenDatabase(Name:="C:\Temp\Northwind.accdb")
 Set rdShippers = dbNorthwind.OpenRecordset(Name:="Shippers")
 For intRecords = 0 To rdShippers.RecordCount - 1
 docNew.Content.InsertAfter Text:=rdShippers.Fields(1).Value
 Next intRecords
End Sub

How do I get Word 2013 to recognize Normal.dotm in Dropbox?

Posted: 20 May 2013 12:34 AM PDT

I have Normal.dotm in Dropbox.  As a result, different computers can use the same defaults.  Works on my macs.  How do I get the PC version of word to do the same.  I tried copying a shortcut called Normal.dotm to the Templates folder but Word was not fooled and made another file called Normal.dotm.  Word was not running when I did the switch.  


Word 2010 normal style formatting

Posted: 19 May 2013 04:32 AM PDT

Can anyone help me with this query please?


The main body of my 11 page document has Normal Style applied throughout.   However, I would like there to be a line space between each paragraph but at the moment it is appearing as one massive paragraph in between other Heading Styles.   How can I adapt this Normal style to this particular document so that paragraphs have a blank line between them?



i am trying to use the Combine Documents feature in Word 2007 but without success.

Posted: 18 May 2013 08:05 PM PDT

the "original document" is:


wan too tree


there are 3 misspellings. The author of the document sends it to three reviewers. Reviewer1 observes only one of the errors and writes:


one too tree


and sends it to the author, titled "doc1". Reviewer2 also receives the original document, see only one error and writes:


wan two tree


and sends it to the author, titled "doc2". Reviewer3 also receives the original document, see only one error and writes:


wan too three


and sends it to the author, titled "doc3".


The author receives all three revisions. She opens the Combine Documents dialog box, enters "original document"  in the left box and "doc1" in the right box, clicks OK and what she sees is:


one too three


and saves this file as "doc1". So far, so good. Now the author enters "doc1" in the left box of the dialog box, and "doc2" in the right box, and what she sees is:


wan one two tree


In others words, the deleted "wan" has REAPPEARED!! The author saves the file as "doc2".  She enters this file in the left box and "doc3" in the right box of the dialog box, clicks OK and what she sees is:


wan one too two three


In others words, the deleted "too" has REAPPEARED!!


Obviously, this is not what we want to see. As an additional comment, when working in Word 2003 with its different boxes, etc., the above problems did not appear.


I hope you can help

Corrupted word doc: Details: Equal expected. Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line 2, Column 12595

Posted: 17 May 2013 10:42 AM PDT

Was writing a research paper and this is what popped up as the error. I believe if I can remove the offending code I can recover most of it. Have tried the recovery tool. DOCx salvager. Word repair tool. Opening in OpenOffice. Opening in Text. Pretty much everything under the sun, but I don't have in depth knowledge on how to remove that code. Thanks so much for any help. 

Attached is the link to the file:

how do i stop underline, bold and center in whole document using word 2010

Posted: 16 May 2013 08:37 AM PDT

I use word 2010 and recently when I open a new document and want to underline, bold and center a title, it does it to the whole document.  how do I turn this off?

Office Home & Student 2013 stopped working

Posted: 16 May 2013 08:19 AM PDT

I have a new HP all in one computer with Windows 8 and Office Home & Student 2013 installed.  All were installed in Feb'13 by Staples.  Everything has been working fine.  This morning, I tried to open Word, and a message comes up:"Office is busy.  Winword.exe can't be used right now because Office is busy..Come back later.."  That was 4 hours ago. I also tried accessing Excel and Powerpoint, and the same message came up.  Any suggestions?

Word 2013 mail merge

Posted: 16 May 2013 08:15 AM PDT

This is the first time I've done a mail merge with the new version. Figured everything out except for one thing, and I can't find anything about it anywhere.

My problem is this: In previous versions, I had the ability to add-in text for every label in the merge, within the address block. For example, everyone I send to is in Ohio, so instead of having a separate column in my Excel sheet with just a bunch of OH's in it, I would add "OH" in between the <<city>> and <<zip>> parts of the address block. I can't seem to be able to do that anymore.

Am I missing something??

Thanks in advance!

T. Martin
Wilson Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Akron, OH

Alignment on Resume Maker

Posted: 16 May 2013 07:24 AM PDT

I'm using one of the Microsoft resume makers.  I need to undo the automatic format so I can add and align some items that are not called for on the template but I don't want to change the alignment on anything that I've already typed.

How to open XLSX file

Posted: 16 May 2013 06:36 AM PDT

I have Word version 2000, and someone sent me a XLSX which it won't open.  How can I open this file ?  Thank you